everything about randy is just fucking weird
like even this picture,why does it exist and why was it posted by his wife
He's either honestly an autistic retard, or he's one of those pretentious assholes going on about "dude, I'm just so interested in human psychology and stuff." Probably the former.
He really needs to shut his fucking mouth, never seen marketing poison like him.
unironically reminds me of ralphie
i can't help but think that randy wants to become the toilet next to him whenever i see this photo
At this point Randy went full circle and from douchebag ceo to bumbling idiot you want to keep around to see what retarded shit he pulls next.
What happened now?
Hey people of color and otherkin folk, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!
Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come! YAAAAAAAAAAASSS!
Did we ever get an explanation for this? You're right, everything about this picture is fucking baffling. To what's in it, who's in it, who posted it, and why. It's almost art.
He said that he wanted to do a quirky Twitter/Instagram pic and thought this would get him likes but it backfired really badly.
Whatever happens, i'm glad that Yea Forums will always shit on randy pitchford. He's one of the constant.
Nah, I've literally seen people on Yea Forums defend his game and start trying to pretend the dislike of Randy was just "ironic". These historical revisionists crawled out of the woodwork when BL3 was announced.
Does anyone remember Randy's secret reddit account that he used to shill the Battleborn Rule34 subreddit?
His username was a reference to loli or something like that. I can barely remember.
Realistically, what does this piece of shit actually have to do ruin his career?
Not release BL3
Gotta assume they were fishing for you's.
To this day I still don't understand what this fucking means.
>stole from the yakuza(Sega) and lived
>carries a flash drive of barely legal porn on him at all times
>beats up employees and forces them to work for free
Randy seems pretty based if you ask me.
>Probably the former.
If you look at his output on twitter he's an asshole.
No wonder, he fucking even lost a usb storage full of real CP after all.
On the full pictures you even see pee stains everywhere around the toilet.
Asshole is digging a deeper grave for himself. Won't be surprised if his own company at one point will kick him out.
They can't kick him out, he owns it.
That's the only explanation I believe, I cannot believe that any of the directors would want him as a CEO.
>animal abuse
what happened?
He posted a video of a cat being fucked up by a crab
He retweeted a video of a cat fighting a crab.
people blowing something out of proportion because it's funny to pick on that faggot
Fucking kek, I'd forgotten about this
Didnt he also claim that it was a "social experiment" after people were baffled by him sharing it.
he loves getting pissed on, whats wrong with that?
Where can I find the video?
link to tweet?
i really think Randy might be on the spectrum. like just think about it.
almost makes me feeld bad for him, but not bad enough to buy his games
i feel the most for his son, im very sure he gets bullied because of his dads antics
He's, eh, pining for the fjords.
>i really think Randy might be on the spectrum
I'm pretty sure he straight up said he was in a tweet before
>epic Battleborn Heroes!!!!!
Does he have the mind of a fucking 5 yo kid?
He could have literally just apologized and moved on.
He just literally shot himself in the foot with that "social experiment" bullshit.
>reference to loli
Alright I'm gonna need source on this
you know he does, do you even have to ask?
Remember how he got angry when people asked him what "hobby grade" means?
I still cant get over the piss stains and the dirty sink. He was at Penn Jillette's house so you'd think he would clean up.
randy is a retard just like you it wasnt cp
He was bitten by DSP during E3 and was granted his powers. Randy will survive us all.
>the last panel
I always chuckle at the reaction of the feet guy.
Unironically this
Still my favorite tweet.
mine is still "how dare you speak to me"
my fuckin man howard the duck
I don't want to watch the video but what happened to the cat?
I really hope Randy never stops tweeting.
From what I gathered, a crab grabbed its leg/feet and the cat was screeching in pain.
Snibbedi snab :D
I'm not sure what to read. Can you highlight the relevant portions or something?
What does Randy exactly do anyway?
Cat batting at a crab curiously. Crab does what crab do and grabs its paw. Cat flips out and runs away. It's a funny little video that people are blowing out of proportion.
Make a complete ass out of himself. Thats what he does.
Yeah, but then randy went and fucked it up for himself anyway
Cat pats at crab and crab grabs its paw.
That video was hardly abuse.
Is he tied up or is he putting his hands in his pockets?
Pretty based
what does duvalmagic mean
I'm still lost
It's his stage name. He is also a magician. That's why he did a card trick during the BL3 reveal.
Take it up with the god that made you that way.
>They can't kick him out, he owns it.
Tell that to a shitton of other companies that kicked their own bosses out via rolling them out on barrows.
>how to completely fuck it up when you could have escaped with your dignit-
Oh wait, Randy's dignity was gone years ago.
So, what does it fuckin meant?
Sounds like the kind of thing that would give randy a boner.
blocked out the irrelevant information should be easier to follow now
He's a submissive type. He's expressing that humans are bullies and that's why people own pets.
Randy is such a fascinating enigma. Its like a less autistic Chris Chan where when you think things can't get worse he manages to find a way.
Thanks, I need to fap to something new.
I get it, it just wasnt funny.
>I want to be the cat
He refused to answer, just made passive aggressive remarks.
Randy is so easy to push into a troll argument.
Would you be willing to be Randy Pitchford if it meant living the rest of your life as a millionare NEET?
>TFW no longer cute
What the fuck were they thinking?
He's so much of a fucking manchild, he can't even own up to his own fuck ups
the call usually isnt
She wasnt cute in BL2 either
la creatura...
la abominacion...
>there are people on Yea Forums that are going to buy borderlands 3 day 1
How dare you speak to me.
>there are people on Yea Forums that are going to buy borderlands 3
jesus christ
>Epic store exclusive
Why the fuck does Randy bother to reply to anything critical with a hostile tone?
Staying silent would be a better option.
he is a narcissist that doesn't have a realistic view of how other people see him and also isn't particularly intelligent so his toolset for navigating the world is becoming weaker and weaker. 20 years ago he acted in the exact same way he does now, but it was a lot less weird coming from a young kid, the industry was very different then compared to now, society had different expectations from corporate leadership, and the internet hadn't taken on a mind of its own with intent.
it's like a self-feedback loop where a lack of any self reflection just makes his behavior stranger and stranger in the face of the world around him. a 50 year old man starts posting quirky pictures of him wearing a t shirt and a suit jacket while squatting on the floor of his piss stained scrabble bathroom and legitimately has no clue why people would make fun of him for that
another aside is that people who are that aggressively 'quirky' are usually using it to cover some kind of issue they don't want you to notice. you won't notice the thing they are trying to hide if you see their loud projections. take from what what you will about randy pitchford, master of usb thumb drives full of porn
It should be this one
For our amusement.
Penn Jillette always struck me as pretty filthy, dogmatic atheists always are (see TheAmazingAtheist as another example)
I'm feeling nostalgic
>Almost killed Sega
>Set back the Aliens franchise by a decade
>Introduced internet memes to mainstream video games
>Tried to screw over Obsidian
>Tried to screw over 3DRealms
>Tried to screw over eduke32
>Screwed over several companies who worked with his company
>Almost ended his company multiple times with his retarded ideas
>Can never take criticism for anything, even things that are his fault
>Never takes responsibility for any of his screwups, all of them get pushed onto other people.
>Uses armies of lawyers to sue competition into oblivion even when he is wrong.
>Won't disclose agreements without lengthy court battles of which none of the people he signs contracts with can legally fight
>Removed all Duke Nukem games from GoG
>including the sidescrollers of which you cannot buy anymore, meaning piracy is the only way to play them
>Lied about winning the Gearbox name by beating Gabe Newell in a poker game
>Re-released a half-baked chocolate duke port to Steam ten dollars more expensive than the Atomic version that runs like ass because none of his developers have Build engine experience.
>Is probably a massive piss fetishist.
>Has an odd number of pictures of himself on toilets or bathroom floors
>Sung a song about how asshurt he was over a twitter argument to hundreds of investors of his company
>Dropped a USB stick with company files and totally not underaged at all squirting porn at a Medieval Times event
>Tries to defend the porn claiming that the act was like a "magic trick"
>Claimed that Borderlands 3 won't have microtransactions when it actually does
In all seriousness, pound for pound: Is there any one man who has been more damaging to video games than Randy Pitchford? fucking drop DNF 2001 already you cunt
you have to be literally fucking pathetic to shill a fucking rule 34 reddit board for your game as a CEO
>Blocks you for not liking his game
He deserves every bit of hate thrown his way.
desu lads I feel kinda bad for Tim Sweeney that he has Randy fucking Pitchford of all people batting for Epic.
Reminder he literally, unironically wrote a song about this.
he's a narcissist. his skin is so thin because it was over-inflated back in the 90's because he got the rockstar treatment for being one of the people who made duke nukem 3d
he doesn't understand that other people don't see randy pitchford - the hip fresh youngster with good ideas and funny taste who made the classic duke nukem 3d. they see randy pitchford - the perverted industry exec who ruined borderlands. he still thinks the OG clout from making hollywood holocaust in 1996 supercedes people's feelings about things that have happened in the decades afterward. because its been multiple decades
Had to read that shit like 5 times before I got it
Randy has twitter syndrome.
He's like Spoony at this rate.
quick summary
Never forget Randy faked a death threat towards his own employees.
Tim sweeney is a rat fuck in bed with the chinese.
They deserve each other.
the people who came here post-2012 more than likely have unironic nostalgia for BL2, I've actually seen 'people' defending it on this board
>duke nukem 3d
He wasn't even the lead programmer.
>wait for new duke annoucement
>get this + the shitty world tour version
Don't forget this too
well he's the guy that's making executive decisions on borderlands 3 so don't be surprised when it's hot garbage despite the bar for a sequel being lower than any other franchise in history
Seriously why the fuck would he do this?
we know the harassment narrative is bullshit
we know anita, zoe and brianna all faked their harassment/death threats
why would you fake a death threat?
why are you all in competition to be the biggest loser?
>gets his own private money embezzled by one of his former co-workers
>is on bad terms with multiple voice actors that work/ed on his games
>devs that have their game published by Gearbox had to write a FAQ on their Steam board to let people know that Randy isn't involved with them
>overwatch is better
like saying puke is better than shit
I can't think of any, even the entirety of nu-valve making cosmetics successful and almost killing team fortress with that terrible tourneyfag update cannot compete.
>announced that borderlands 3 was on sale in the 10% epic sale mere moments before it was removed due to publisher's disagreements with epic
He's such a scumbag
I wasn't going to be surprised anyway considering all Borderlands games were already trash.
To be fair, that video was NOT animal abuse, it was a cat fucking with a crab. The cat was unharmed.
His response to it was full on retard. I think his ego is just too big to admit when he fucked up.
Reminds me of another formerly big name in the industry.
>Seriously why the fuck would he do this?
He's a Narcissist/Psycho and worst of all: He will never be punished for his own fuckups because he is the de-facto leader of his company.
He could post pictures of his dick on Twitter tomorrow and no one could do anything about it.
I see this fucking has-been keeps trying to ride every wave that he possibly can to stay relevant
bl2 had one of the worst campaigns i've ever played and subjecting myself to it multiple times because its a diablo game just rubs in the bad writing and political mollycoddling
borderlands 1 was the weird downtown indie venue where the girls with mohawks hang out and it was kind of refreshing back in 2009 especially because it didn't take itself too seriously but then borderlands 2 went full on hot topic
I'd like to be part of his experiment, where is the video?
Dios mio.... la luz extinguido.
Cliffy is also a self riotous douche who virtue signals any chance he can.
Don't forget
>he stole the art style of borderland from a short movie called Codehunters
I think he's a sadomasochist. I think he intentionally makes an ass out himself and gets off on people roasting him
>lilith in 1 was enjoyable
>lilith in 2 and pre-sequel
There was a Twitter reply to Randy once that just said, “how dare you speak to me.” I feel this encapsulates the collective feeling about him nicely.
alright I'm gonna need source on this
I hope they helped the crab afterwards. poor thing landed upside down, that's not very nice
I feel so bad for this guy. put his soul into a pretty intriguing short film and now he's known as "the dude who made that cartoon that looks like borderlands" with no credit or remuneration
this is what makes his abject narcisism so funny. he hasn't even done anything.
with narcissists like uwe boll, you can look on at the train wreck and shake your head in embarassment but you know that uwe doesn't give a fuck about your opinion and he's going to keep doing what he's doing for his own reasons
with randy, he cares about your opinion because he needs it. he doesn't actually produce anything, so he relies on people's memory of a projection of competance from 1996 which has almost entirely crumbled by now
did we acutally get evidence Anita faked her threats?
Jesus H christ, bitch looks like a 60 year old.
Burger girl is MUCH better written than any borderlands character.
>This is pathetic, Randy
Amusingly enough, Steam has a whole fucking essay on how you discount games, but Epic is too proud to learn from Steam's mistakes. You don't put a new game on heavy discount because you devalue your brand. You essentially train people NOT to buy your games.
A bunch of Japanese devs laughed at this and now they are suffering horribly on Steam (Falcom, Sega). They tried enticing people with a bunch of old $10 games before releasing brand new $40 games, and now all their "supposed" PC fans are boycotting them because "how come these brand new AAA games aren't $10"?. Steam even gives advice on how you should price your games and how your discount curve should look overtime, but some people are too vain to listen.
I wonder how far gone you need to be to seriously think gender neutral bathrooms are something new or LGBTQ-friendly.
the pre-sequel was blatantly re-written at the last minute to make jack the bad guy. it was really obvious the pre-sequel was originally going to be all about jack but they decided to shoehorn in a bunch of badly animated quests and plot beats to try and retool the ending to make jack in the prequel seem extra evil. but you can still see the original plot through the story structure and it makes the ending just... weird. the game is sympathetic to a woman who is literally trying to commit genocide, because she's a strong independent woman who is just following orders. and jack is evil because he's trying to stop her with leadership skill.
I get that he needs to be the bad guy but how is he the bad guy why is he the one trying to save everyone from another character's explicit choices
Fire clap traps voice actor
Fires rhys voice actor
still buying the game
USB full of allegedly
time to preorder the game bois
this guy has the self awareness of a rock
>A bunch of Japanese devs laughed at this and now they are suffering horribly on Steam (Falcom, Sega)
I want to see a game made by Phil Fish, Cliff Bazinga, Randy Pitchfork and Anthony Burch
Guest star : Yanderedev
Claptrap got fired in the end?
Rhys too? Why?
twitter might be a shithole but at least you get to see these kind of types in broad daylight
in Sega's case
>sell Valkyria Chronicles 1 for almost free
>everyone cheering
>sell Valkyria Chronicles 4 for standard price
>everyone riot
Same thing for Falcom.
>sell Trails in the Sky FC for a pittance
>everyone cheering
>sell Trails in the Sky SC for more
>sales drop like 90%
>sell Trails in Cold Steel for standard price
>sales incredibly low
This retard thinks the only reason people didn't buy Sonic Forces was price.
the whole pink and bunny rabbits thing worked in borderlands 2 because tina was like eight years old. translating that to an older character just means that they don't see tina as a character, just a pastiche of her most marketable traits
i fucking hate tina dont get me wrong but it really betrays their mindset about the future of this franchise and im glad its so obvious its going to be garbage before we've even seen gameplay footage
Also an Epic exclusive.
Sega was already suffering before Steam, in fact, Sega as a whole is just suffering
Molyneux in charge of marketing
Randy as PR
Yanderedev lead programmer
Bethesda for concept proofing/testing
Voicework by Burch
Management by the Barkley 2 team
fucking RIP
From the Steam leak,
>Sky FC - 254,152
>Sky SC - 37,625
Gearbox got cheap and didn’t want to pay them. Rhy’s VA was pissed that he was never asked to reprise the role and Randy said he declined the offer which he was never given.
A cursory police investigation on Gearbox's books will end him.
the voice actor for claptrap was a programmer who did the voice work for the first 2 games without getting paid extra. when he asked for more money, because he's the face of the franchise, and he was doing two jobs, they fired him
no i am not kidding
Cliff Treblinka as gameplay designer
She was already a fucking goblin in BL2
Quit confusing the porn of her you jerked off to with her actual in-game model
What the fuck did he do now?
Featuring Chucklefish as technical consultants
And Telltale as diversity advisors
gimme the screencap
>sell Valkyria Chronicles 1 for almost free
>everyone cheering
>sell Valkyria Chronicles 4 for standard price
>everyone riot
The game bombed hard in every platform it was released. SEGA managed badly the series, and when they tried to fix it, it was too late... unfortunately.
>sell Trails in the Sky FC for a pittance
>everyone cheering
>sell Trails in the Sky SC for more
>sales drop like 90%
>sell Trails in Cold Steel for standard price
>sales incredibly low
c'mon m8, SC was a direct sequel, and only a small part of people who bought the first one completed it.
Don't forget that they hired him early in the dev cycle to help them get the art style down and fired him immediately after so they wouldn't have to keep paying him or give him any credit.
wrong thred lmao
That sounds like a wagecuck pasta from /r9k/ holy shit
Blizzard in charge of balance and post-launch content
This is the same series that has the bonerfarts scene and it’s original writer was so bad that he became a meme and handsome jack’s VA had to improv everything to save the script. It’s not like they know what they’re doing.
And then he said Randy shoved him during GDC 2017 over a bid to buy Gearbox, and a co-founder of Gearbox confirmed it.
This was after Randy went unprofessional on him.
I see Randy took the cunnypill
Does he just forget that the very next thing that happens in the skit he's referencing is the old guy getting killed?
Has Randy ever posted in Yea Forums before?
there's nothing i won't believe about randy at this point
>faps to loli's and has a user name flatchest in engrish nipponese speak
>shills porn of his characters and games
>links to videos of animal abuse
>posts images of him squatting by a toilet looking up, presumably before getting a golden shower
It's starting to read like a daiz summary.
I always assumed that the people defending him on these types of threads are him or some intern he’s forced to do it
Published by Electronic Arts.
That is the thing that to this day confuses me the most
those companies wasn't totally owned by their CEO's. Randy basically got full shares of his company.
Yes, Borderlands was pretty infamous in 09 for being blatantly shilled here.
Let's be honest here. He probably has.
The only thing surprising about it is that he didn't use a trip.
are you really that new
You can't be a true magician if you can't squirt.
Just ask randy about it
I've been here since 2012, but I can't be here every goddamn day to know every single image or gif
it's a redit screencap anyway so he's a faggot but you're one too, it's been posted already
>that harmless video
>animal abuse
You guys are babies, he should post a cartel execution next time to show you what's up
Rights partially held by Sergei Grigorovich, who hates everyone listed
>since 2012
so, yes, you are
she just turned 18 and looks underage! GOSH!
laziness is my only crime
7 years is not new bruh
I may not be the oldguard but I can at least appreciate the history
Haven't seen a person or image shilled so hard so obviously in a long time, reminds me of Witcher 3 threads.
Guess it's the way to keep something relevant these days, surprised at the power of this shitty site for that kind of thing
wow, its fucking nothing! i thought the crab cut off its tail or stuck its clews inside the cats ass.
I can watch ISIS executions, but cartel executions are way too hardcore for me, these guys are fucked up on a whole other level
>pretending to be randy
can't you just go get actual randy? would make for a much better lolcow
That's not animal abuse, it was a cat investigating the crab and the crab pinched the cats claw, the entire thing was over in literally three seconds.
Randy is weirdo cuckold but animal abuse? For fucks sake.
wait, he made a new account and came over the statue?
How did people even find out?
He's asking about the catgirl
he's an embezzler
>You guys are babies, he should post a cartel execution next time to show you what's up
We're not babies, we're just not disgusting muslim-tier libtards like you
Yeah, people took it way too seriously.
But then Randy had to go "I posted this on purpose to see how you would react to an animal being harm."
Its much tamer than fat dumbfuck sterling exaggerated it to be.
He obviously meant that the game was next to casual, but not too hard, tho, that's for nerds. Just hard enough to avoid the casual tag.
Post the tweet at least
Hamburger hepler as lead writer
God I love Saten.
Reselling old games is gay as fuck and whoever did this deserves all the shit they get
Aaaah ... he's being a hippo!
Imagine Jeff tweeting something like:
>So me and my wife were browsing rule 34 when we saw the first peace of overwatch porn, it was mercy with a huge penis pounding widowmaker from behind, very cool, thanks guys!
Anyone have a comprehensive screenshot of meltdown when Gameinformer called him out on BL3 microtransactions?
>Why would you fuck me on this?
is probably my favorite Randyism.
I would absolutely hate to have scrabble floor tile
>I tend to favor curiosity and disfavor setting up a feeling of empathetic creature for discomfort
I'm still not really sure what the fuck this sentence means, I don't know if there are too many words or not enough but something went terribly wrong with his entire post.
I understood it as
>I prefer curiosity
>I dont prefer to arrange it so that a empathetic creature is harmed
The best part is he's totally overselling it, he goes out and attacks ALL the bideo gam journalists.