Is there a game where you are abandoned on an alien planet and have to survive?

is there a game where you are abandoned on an alien planet and have to survive?
like you start with very few supplies and materials and have to find a way to grow stuff
gather minerals to turn into materials
craft equipment
bonus if it has aliens attacking your base at regular intervals and you need to plan and build defenses

Attached: The-Martian.jpg (1920x1080, 684K)

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There's Planet Nomads.
Anyone tried it?

>autism simulator

If you weren't autistic, you wouldn't have made this thread.

Attached: c5c.png (600x811, 126K)

I dont want bullshit where the only purpose of the game is autism conveyor belts and autismal engineering shit
I want a game thats fun not a game that is worse than having a second job

Starbound kino. Planet Centauri too.


sounds like Exile but it's way too boomer for your sorry ass.

I hate how this movie's premise relies on lack of realism. Mars has no magnetic field. It's bathed in radiation. It's not possible to maintain permanent residence on the surface. Any habitat would have been dug underground, and thus it would have been impossible for a sandstorm to trigger an evacuation. So if the one part about this movie that isn't realistic was realistic, the movie wouldn't exist.

No Man's Sky

Aven Colony
Surviving Mars

Lifeless Planet (though it's a story game rather)

Solus Project - go for it

You got any for third person?

No man’s sky on survival gets this feel, but only for a few hours before you get bored hiding in caves.


No Man's Sky

How is Astroneer? It looks really promising.
I'm kind of looking for a game similar to what OP said, but instead I'd like to be able to build a ship and use it to fly to other planets and continue the cycle.
I've played No Man's Sky and I just fucking hate it. The grind and tedium just aren't fun and even the controls are kind of clunky and annoying oddly enough.

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Rain World in a sense

Astroneer. No ayys attacking though.

try out Sky Break

(their FarSky is also not half bad, if purchased at a discount)


astroshit doesnt even have survival mechanics
why do you talk shit out of your fucking ass