Why did HOTS die?
Why did HOTS die?
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It was an uninspired mess of a moba that had to compete with the already established leaders of the genre, league and dota 2.
people couldnt beat my probe and rage quit
Skill ceiling was too low and you're at the mercy of your teammates because you can't get super fed and 1v5 carry like Riki in Dota or Vayne in LoL
define 'die', I just played yesterday (ranked on EU, sub 1min queues and decent games around mid plat elo)
if you mean why it never got hugely popular (and subsequently had esports/devs pulled from it):
it was late to the scene, mobas are games people learn by playing a lot so sunk cost fallacy is inherent, league and dota2 were already too popular to compete with.
it had a bad launch, it was marketed as a casual 'hero brawler', it strayed too far away from the formula (last hitting + gold + items) to attract a considerable number of players in the genre.
quick match became the main game mode, ranked mode never took off cementing the casual stigma, this was a systems/design mistake.
Fucking hell, my poor cock
because WoW and warcraft 3 remaster will not succeed with the traditional chinese outsourcing that blizzard has had their mainline titles on
HoTs had the only remaining OG blizz devs on it and they were snatched because of the failures of their other shit games
haha yeah f-funny...
*unzips dick*
so f-funny I'm c-cumming...
You spelled sexy wrong.
They fucked up when they tried to make it an esport. Just stick with your original Hero Brawler idea.
Don't you hate it when you just laugh so hard that cum comes out
blizzard is shit at everything, thats why
>just alt-f4'd out of a QM 16 seconds into the game because it was obvious the enemy team was more organized than mine
Why aren't you playing Dota 2, the superior assfaggot game?
should you really be playing any competitive game with your current mental state?
I've been there before
I played it from 2013-2015 and I'm scared that they've changed too much.
I'm also still butthurt about what they did to Venomancer and Skeleton King.
I wouldn't say it was uninspired. It seems they had a genuine desire to pull away from certain aspects of other MOBAs at the time, but it was definitely their attempt to grasp at the heels of the success they let fly away before they realized it's profit potential.
what do you mean "die"? I still find games fast whenever I want to play. seems to still be going strong.
the "e-sports" scene for the game never really lived, so how could it have died?
I want to eat my healer's ass so bad...
but she poos from there. Like big brown boulder turds.
This is what made the game so much more fun in high ranked play, imo. The fact that it punished mediocre shitters and kept them out of high ranks was just icing on the cake.
I hated how all xp was shared teamwide. I would like it more if you could have solo XP but a part of it was given to your team, the higher you were compared to your team the more XP you would share. That way you could boost yourself up a levle, but not too much. This was too much
That’s kinda hot
HotS was anything but unispired, and it's not any less of a mess than other ASSFAGGOTS are.
*sniff sniff*
Not even tits and ass can make me want to play a moba.
what about the lack thereof
People actually like buying items and getting gold. Without that the game just became a mess of hero mechanics and map objectives. Effectively all stratedgy got removed and nothing was added. The game became all about reaction time and being able to do a characters mechanics.
Stratedgy is the thing most people find the most rewarding and it's also the thing that adds the most depth. Ones you master mechanics that's it you cannot improve anymore but stratedgy is infinite, you can allways improve it.
you say that but people buy the same shit 99% of the time
>make a very casual game
>pander to esports faggotry
>end up appealing to no one
In beta it was a really creative game that had crazy shit in it which got beyond the tired tropes of Dota and LoL, but by the end they released nothing but shit with some rare gems like Whitemane
Also Overwatch indirectly killed the game, Tracer, Genji and others were mega-cancer for the entire game
I dunno I'm still playing it
for our sins
God i wish I was a dragon mommy
When you take LoL and strip out even more mechanics you end up with an incredibly boring game. League already removed a bunch of mechanics from DotA but at least it tried to replace them with fast flashy teamfights. HotS tried to go even further in that direction but fell right off a cliff.
>casual game in a genre that inherently exists for the hardcore market
not sure what blizzard expected desu
It's about maximizing gold income which is very hard in every situation. Especially in Dota knowing how to aquire the maximum amount of gold possible safely is while also following your teams gameplan and adapting to the enemy fucking you over.
It's also a matter of screwing over the enemies income.
>make the most casual moba in existence
>instead of trying to make it casual friendly with short games, they decided to push the e-sport shit
>turns out trying to force it on a game not made with this in mind in an oversaturated market is a bad idea
how fucking retarded are they, all they had to do was to release countless skins and mini events to make it a mindless lootbox game
LoL is already a casualised DotA
There is still more than enough individual skill expression in LoL to differentiate players of every rank. HotS really doesn’t have that.
post more lewd
They literally said "Hey, thanks for playing and all but won't support this shit for too long now."
So everyone left before they got fucked.
no amount of hot girls will make me play ASSFAGGOTS
It removed way too much individual power.
Unlike Leeg or Dota, killing doesn't offer much rewards besides removing them from the map for some time. Not much exp is given and no items or gold gain means there's barely a power growth compared to the enemy team.
Other games reward both good individual players and teamplayers, but HotS focuses almost entirely in the team one. Since there's also not much gained from killing the enemy, that also usually means the first half of every match is irrelevant, since at any given point the enemy can easily make a comeback.
Makes it feel like your impact on the match is almost irrelevant.
imagine the smell bros.....
overwatch doesn't have it either
which is more concerning since blizzard is sinking hundreds of millions into overwatch's esports scene rather than pulling the plug on it like they did with hots
well user there's something for everyone
what if you got bullied by whitemane constantly?
did he have a c-section?
I've been playing a mix of brawl, quickplay, and ranked pretty much every day for the last 2 weeks with the longest queue being like 2 minutes
It was rather fun, but at the time, I wasn't burned out by overwatch yet so I kept playing OW. After that I ended up not feeling compelled to go back despite loving the game, because i lost faith in blizzard
That sounds fun and lewd...
You make it sound like OW is thrivving in success, when it's playerbase is also dwindling.
what do you mean when you say die?
i gues the esports is dead but thats for the better
its still the game of choice for me and 2-4 mates when we play something together
its not too long, but long enough, we have all been playing long enough off an on to have large rosters
its just fun and honestly for the most part, balanced
There's the esports meme. Gameplay is divisive; the lack of items and focus on simply doing the objectives is nice, but it was so snowbally and too team heavy. I also imagine the character choices were a factor. Fuck the fact it was mostly WoW characters and OCs for archetypes that could've been covered by an already established popular character, and also adding OW characters who were utterly cancer to fucking play against.
so tl;dr without "items" the game becomes even more about skill rather than looking up what items to build?
the flip side to this is that coordinating feels much better
now im not some tiptop dota player but im far from shit, however it was always kinda annoying when the enemy team had a shitter in another lane, absolutely fed someone on my team, then i just kinda had no choice to sit back and watch the win as the right hero fed is just unstoppable to most average players
times like that i felt like i had zero impact on the match was much more frustrating than being on the team that had the feeder, as at least on that team it was up to me to change things aronud
i dunno if i explained myself well but, i prefer the teamwork required in hots to the solocarry that tends to happen 75% of the games in dota
mobas/battle royales are the second most casualized games in existence behind mobileshit.
if you think HotS doesn't have that, it's because you're simply bad at HotS.
Or do you think it's a coincidence that the same people end up at the top of the ladder in HotS just as they would any other competitive game?
So you rage quit the game before even meeting in mid?
>I'm also still butthurt about what they did to Venomancer
What did they do to Veno?
Because it's a shit game by a shit company.
it's a scar from the harness section of the terran power armor. guess it sort of dug into his roidgut while he was in it for such a long time
compy didn't draw enough smut of it bros..................
Dota is casualized Warcraft 3, which is already pretty easy compared to RTS'
I swear, you DOTA and LoL fags are more up your own ass than Meleefags are.
Does anyone have the picture of one of the artists at his workstation surrounded by a bunch of lewd anime figures?
I forgot, they also ruined Necrolyte's voice because some people complained he sounded too much like Warlock.
that would be even better
Yeah, I'd love to be Whitemane's dragon plaything.
A proper MOBA (or many teamgames for the matter) need a proper balance between team and individual play. HOTS focuses on the former while Dota on the later. There needs to be a middleground so your actions aren't the only defyning factor but they still feel relevant to the overall game.
Leeg kinda struck that and it helped become the king of the genre, had enough room for growth and individual expression. Not saying it's the better game, only that it's easy to see why it became much more popular than the other 2.
is HOTS blizzard's most abject failure to enter a genre's market?
every other time try to get into a genre, they dominate it. wow, hearthstone, starcraft and warcraft, diablo, all runaway successes and the leaders of their respective genres. but they just couldn't break into MOBAs. possibly the only other contender for this title is overwatch, but it was huge when it launched, something HOTS never was.
>dumbed down in all aspects
>characters just ripped from other blizzard games in a desperate attempt to get players
not enough sluts
>tfw no ojou-sama gf
I want her to shove her staff or her heel up my butt.
i wanna fug the smug
was nice until the tumblr nose and duck face
Because it was boring braindead garbage
I didn't think it was possible for LoL to get dumbed down even more but Blizzard never fails to impress
If you think itemization is random clicking/monkey see monkey do, you really lack the skill needed in RTS as a whole anyway.
>dumbed down
They cut out the grind to get to teamfighting and removed item purchases. Those don't seem particularly engaging or necessary.
>just blizz characters
As opposed to making a literal who cast, using characters that fans already knew would draw their attention more.
the only good thing to come out of hots is the porn
>greatm8 will never make a part 3 to her queen
>character building isn't necessary
candy crush might be more your speed
More like redditors want to think they're good because they memorized a buy comp minigame instead of actually needing to have any skill
it was MURDERED!
MOBAs are dying across the board. Online gaming is just not that popular anymore unless you count Fortnite.
Nothing in hots takes any skill, get over yourself blizzdrone
It's beyond me how anyone can think this braindead little tykes game is anything more than that
>implying it ever lived
lol @ the people ITT saying "i-it was good"
right that's why they redid it 3 times and no one ever played a game with characters from some of the most popular IPs in gaming
>2% boost to damage/asp/ms/ability damage per 500g from killing mooks for 10 minutes
Yes very complex and interesting. I'm sure you practically radiate intelligence whenever you play league in a coffee shop you nigger.
last hitting minions for 30 minutes is not a skill any sane person should want, sorry
Only a handful of people play modern Blizzard games hardcore enough to end up at the top of the ladder, that's why you always see the same names. They're casual games, it takes a special kind of autist to grind a brainless casual game like Hearthstone of HotS enough to make it to the top. Look at MtG pros who come over to HS, make it to Legend in one season, then quit forever because it's so fucking mindnumbing.
It's a different story with games like LoL and DotA where even the lowest MMR retards have aspirations of climbing to the top. A competitive game is, surprise, actually competitive.
Nobody's talking about last hitting but you and the presence of absence of it has nothing to do with how HotS is dumbed down and braindead
Try coming up with an actual argument instead of foaming at the mouth with autism and screaming HURRR B-BUT LAST HITTING DURRHHHF any time anyone criticizes your shit game
is HON still a thing?
if it is, how is HON still a thing?
>played a bit during release but stopped caring soon because it got stale
>come back ouyt of curiosity
>most new characters are fun as fuck
I don't care if it's dead, nobody can take Junkrat away from me.
It's been dead forever user. Like it died before DotA 2 even came out. No, I'm not talking about the reanimated corpse that a different developer is trotting around today, the original HoN.
A lot of people who really liked HotS liked it for the gimmick characters like chogal, abathur, murky, shit like that. They never released more heroes in their vein though, they stopped making fun specialists and just started churning out assassins. HotS really needed to embrace its gimmicky nature
it's failing, just because you can queue for a game doesn't mean it's not a failed game.
The devs are slowly being moved off the team onto other projects so as to free up salaries from what is currently their lowest earning game by a large margin.
>try coming up with an actual argument
Sounds like you could stand to follow your own advice instead of stating your opinion and offering nothing to support it. When you say "everything is dumbed down" people are going to assume you mean the most prominent differences from other mobas.
HoN is actually still a thing in SEA, it does pretty alright there.
Because they're usually very hard to balance. I still don't know how to play against a good Gazlowe.
It was for brainlets.
It didn't let you buy items, or farm your gold/exp individually.
So it's only a matter of 5-10 matches before you get bored, since there's so little variety in how they play out, and the skill ceiling is unbelievably low.
nigga are you implying other mobas are for intelligent people? lol dont kid yourself. the whole genre is a retard version of RTS made for brainlets
Gazlowe is really easy to counter, but if his counters aren't present he runs wild. There's a reason he's always a last pick like Hammer.
I can concede that specialists are hard to balance, but neat gimmick kits are far more interesting than watered down league of legends characters like Orphea
HoN is dead, Garena is milking its corpse. Don't try looking into google only to see the autopsy. The fucking skins are so bad and there's barely animations to them.
It has literally nothing to do with RTS at all beyond engine history but keep on being retarded
>low skill-ceiling
>made the game fun in 'high ranked play'
cute and funny xd
you're trying to make a point to someone who lives in SEA during the summer months and plays game and shit in lan cafes when bored. HoN isn't 'dead' there are plenty of people who play it in SEA, and only in SEA. it's effectively dead everywhere else, sure, but there are still people who prefer it over dota.
I wish I was any HotS girl
>hardcore market
>its war 3 but easier
Hey be Johanna and sit on my face please
You don't know what a skill ceiling is, but HOTS is hyper team dependent and it's nearly impossible to stand out on a team if you have retards. At least in Dota you can solo carry games as pos 1 or 2 , in hots your best chance at solo carry is Falstadt or Zeratul.
exactly what I meant. every moba player is a moron
It's pretty close to War3 in a lot of ways actually.
So you're admitting you were wrong?
God yes I love her hair
Sounds fine to me as long as I get fucked.
Because 40 minute games are for fucking faggots who don't value their time
>dude just play turbo xd
I'll play turbo when they implement region locking like they should have done 5+ years ago
Well it's safe to say all that shit was boring but it more or less looked like hots was about moving slow and locking people down to nuke and league was about teleporting around then locking someone down to nuke.
dude go be retarded with someone who finds it funny to argue. i'm outa here, you're wasting my time
more like THOTS
Concession accepted!
He's literally useless and a free kill
Good job admitting you have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about and completely invalidating all your arguments!
LoL heroes are on average more mechanically intensive then DotA heroes
>b-but muh invoker, muh illusion hero micro
Congrats that's like 8 champions out of over a hundred. For every one of them there's a Drow Ranger and Luna.
at 2:08 you can see how the power armor skeleton fits there, it's probably formed because of that
>every mechanic in the game is from an RTS
>gameplay is reduced to a single unit
>nothing to do with it
>being this fucking retarded
So Diablo is a dumbed down RTS?
Does is matter what moba it is? Clearly it's something considered more popular and follows traditions set by DOTA and league otherwise you wouldn't have bothered posting it. It doesn't change my evaluation of it or your complete lack of argument. The video memes hots and props up the other like it's the most amazing shit ever.
Quantity of individual hero mechanics is not what makes the game deep or difficult
I'm sorry but you're fucking blind if you can't see a significant difference between the two there
I really don't know what to tell you, they aren't even remotely similar
>when you butt gets ichy
it really is a prison
>being this reductive
>cant explain why mobas are hardcore at all
1. It didn't die, its just niche.
2. Actiblizz wanted it to be a massive e-sports franchise on par with league for no reason and kept pushing for it, judging the game to a different standard
3.Refusing to capitalize on its strengths, the original "hero brawler" was a great idea. Just goofy fun with heroes from famous franchises beating the shit out of eachother, like when you mixed all your lego sets together as a kid. They also had some really neat mechanics, maps and actually impressive total conversion skins, compared to other assfaggots.
4.Not letting the devs run wild and trying to overbalance things. Part of the e-sport obsession, but people wanted more wildly differing concepts like Abathur rather than the boring, archetype-conforming slop we got later.
5.Taking off the devs as punishment and reassigning them to trying to stem WoW bleeding to death and Diablo Immortal being a debacle. Honestly, the HotS devs were the only ones with a bit of the old spark left, you could really tell from time to time they had a good time designing their stuff and had a bit of that nerdy "wouldnt it be cool to have THIS" fun left over the dry, corporate standardization.
TL:DR= actiblizz got greedy and overreached
No idea desu. I genuinely think HotS is better game than LoL.
>realizing your argument makes no sense and moving the goal posts
woah weird
>the only draenei girl in the game STILL doesn't have any slutty skins
If you're going to complain about last-hitting, you must complain about having to watch/manage little retards going back and forth from money piles in RTS and turns in TBS aren't worthwile skills as well. You're just bitching about random nonsense when the issue comes from how items/builds are developed to begin with.
>defending rts for dummies this hard
Then walk me through the differences because this is what I'm seeing:
>tight areas with choke points and teams scrambling for favorable positions
>someone gets singled out, teamates rush to block enemies/gank
>if a team is wiped or forced to retreat it was the entire opposing team's effort
>Individuals chase if the situation is to their advantage
>announcers both sound like fags
>notable differences were previously mentioned and were related to movement
>receive arguments
>ignore them and keep shitposting
Concession accepted!
You're damn right I'm going to defend Diablo. That fucking soundtrack and everything was kino as fuck.
HotS is a tickle fight between two balls of HP playing tug of war on top of a forced map objective, dota has actual mobility ad cc and nukes and the fights actually have action and depth to them
Like I said, you're either baiting or legitimately blind
>Concession accepted!
Have sex lmao
They ruined Alex's delicious milf face in-game.
That's the biggest minus I can give to the, otherwise very based, HOTS design team.
based, and lightpilled
come on user what is wrong with my face? You can tell Mommy
From the perspective of a dotard: it's a fun game to mess around in but it didn't have any lasting appeal to me.
Blizzard's way of balancing things didn't help either: instead of giving better counters to strong shit and thus provide more flexibility and opportunities to counter play/pick they tend to just nerf stuff.
Didn't give to shits about the HOTS pro scene since I'd rather just watch pro Dota instead.
HON died when Icefrog left for Dota 2.
too far along in the timeline for blizzdrones to actually play it as much as they would WoW/OW.
its actually fun and great if you burned out on DotA2 years ago, but only in moderation.
Lo and behold when they shove e-sports into it, it quickly tanks.
Your cinematic face looked much better than your in-game one. And by extension your porn one.
Sorry mommy Alexstrasza, I just want the best for you.
A small price for the rest of her thicc dragon mommy body.
Not like they could remodel her at a later date.
They at least have the balls to make good feminine models like Tyrande or Valeera while the WoW team dags behind for the sake of MORALLY GREY. I mean we see Valeera in BfA and she just has a regular BElf body with a shitty tier 2(?) rogue set.
Only relatively good character model the WoW Team made recently is Azshara's.
When I think about it, it feels like the HotS team makes models voluptuous and sexy on purpose...
I mean, even lewd animators prefer to use the HotS models than the ones from their original game (especially in Wow's case).
>tfw got the fuck away from dota because games would be decided 15mins in but the enemy carry wanted to finish his item build so the game would drag onto 40 minutes while your allies don't wholly commit to trying to take it back
>still play WC3 if I need tryhard shit in my life
the game is balanced better now they cut the e-sport shite out, but the OW cast were awful additions. Mal'ganis was a disappointment and still no Vashj.
>People are actually turned on by this man-jaw abomination
A bunch of closet homos in here
hots devs are based
oh wow
no hair dye
thats a sight these days
>I mean, even lewd animators prefer to use the HotS models than the ones from their original game
user...it's like...they are the only, at least, good models they can work with. WoW's in-game models are atrocious bland and outdated as you pointed out yourself.
>makes waifus
>makes beefcake
>makes anime skins
>makes literally everything they think is cool
>completely without shame
they are absolutely based
except all of the alexstrasza sfms use that weird disturbing model with the groove along her entire torso
Man I wish it wasn't, I was perfectly content with the game until they pulled the plug. Now we go 3 months at a time without any content and I'm really starting to feel it
because blizzard is garbage and simply can't into multiplayer gameplay
the only interesting part of hots and the only reason I even played it was for the specialist class, that actually played differently from the other mobas, any other class is just 'why am I not playing X in league/dota instead of this shitty game'
You’re the blizzard target audience. If you weren’t a keyboard drooling retard you’d know the skill in mobas comes down to everything surroundig teamfights, the conditions you set up, how you play the map and timings based around items etc etc. Hots is literally a moba with everything that makes mobas good stripped away. You might aswell be battlerite or smash or something
>heh I control only one unit but it doesn't matter because my 200iq pre-emptive plays ensure victory
>oh also I have 4 other allies to do the bulk of the work..
just play wc3 1v1 and cope
>the skill in mobas comes down to
>timings based around items
>everything that makes mobas good
ye gods, please defend denying for a while, will ya?
Ex-Pro (HGC) player here. Because I spent close time in the scene I have some info.
The game has been a fuckup since the early days. Basically, HoTS team kind of became a "prison" inside Blizzard where they send all the unwanted people / new people to, and development has been overall garbage because everyone in the team had 0 motivation.
Along with company politics + frequently changing development/director, the game was going all over the place in terms of development.
Basically everytime a new director came in, they had 0 idea about the game and tried to 'fix' the game by implementing a huge 2.0 3.0 update.
Because of this, everything that wasn't caught by the new director's radar kept remaining garbage even after the "big update" and because the "big update" took all their resources, problems like the HL matching problem / Esports never got fixed.
As a side note, pro players got the ultimate fucking backstab imagineable and they hate the game.
Blizzard told us that HGC will not be terminated, but reduced in size, and promised the organizations things will be alright.
Orgs obviously spent money recruiting new players/extending their lease, but suddenly 1 week later they announce to the public (BEFORE TELLING THE PROS) that they will be terminating HGC. Pros didn't even get a warning beforehand, they just came out to the public they are shutting down HGC without even telling the pros.
Yeah you're right. What's the deal with that?
>Implying items don't add extra mechanics and timings.
You're also retarded for not understanding that learning how to aquire gold is a skill in it self.
>Basically, HoTS team kind of became a "prison" inside Blizzard where they send all the unwanted people / new people to
That might why they are based and actually gave a fuck about models.
I remember some user referring to the HotS department as the Blizzard Retirement Community
so basically, they never gave a fuck?
Everyone wanted to push their own projects and be seen by the "higher ups" to be picked up by other projects.
This is why all the new directors don't really fix the game but lead these major "reworks" because it will look good on the portfolio and the company (And you can see they are now working on the new titles for Blizzard)
Basically modelling department was actually pretty hard working, because most of them were new employees that got stuck in HoTS, and they wanted to escape the department.
Half of them gave 0 fuck, half of them were just creating projects that would help them escape the department, so there was little to no cooperation and team environment was really shitty.
It was especially bad for their morale because every "good" employee got picked up by other departments immediately and only the shitty ones got left, which further worsens the problem.
Nah, it's pretty blissful.
It joined too late to a genre that was on its way out and was too different from the established norms of said genre.
That said it's my favorite MOBA because it's the least like other MOBAs.
And its better then both.
not either of them but why the fuck does anyone act like it's a bad thing that the game requires less skill than dota, the games are completely different and neither game takes away from the other. Why can't people just accept that a game is easier without being a faggot. I like HotS a lot because I don't have to worry about last hitting and items, I can just lane for a bit then fight dudes.
For me at least it was the shit business model and pricing of the characters.
there isn't enough fucking alexstraazxazassaza porn
League got succesful by making dota for dummies and kids.
HOTS tried to the same forumula, by making league for dummies.
It didn't work, there's only so much casualisation you can do in a genre before it's just unfun.
That's just sad. I know it's free market and all, survival of the fittest, but this kind of treatment is not a good thing to have in a working environment that deals with both creativity and entertainment as its final product.
I have worked in offices for big companies and have seen the ruining toxicity than can be created first-hand (mostly between women). These things shouldn't happen, especially in the video game industry.
As an-ex pro player in two games (Dota and HoTS) you can only blame Blizzard on not helping players reach the 'teamplay' level.
HoTS becomes completely different when playing at a higher level with a 5 man crew. I'd even go as far as to say HoTS requires more macrogame knowledge than League of Legends (Equal to Dota2).
The amount of rotation knowledge and exp denial needed is extremely steep, but HoTS does a horrible job at helping players transition from the "casual partygame" to the "intense macrogame" gameplay.
It's especially worse because Blizzard during HoTS's development/service period had a major company politics war (Basically the oldboys vs newboys) and the newboys won, so a lot of people left the company/got demoted/exiled to HoTS & other minor games.
>get a cute loli out of it
>game dies before she gets much in the way of content
This tbqh
I am Master in LoL but transitioned to hots for the Heroes of the Dorm tournament.
I reached Master in hots in just a month so I thought the game was braindead but the amount of macrogame required in the higher grandmaster + competitive matches is insanely high. It's mostly cuz the amount you can individually carry is so low in hots so you need perfect team coordination
>I can make a difference here, if you'll let me.
This. The problem with HotS was that weird skill jump that no one really told you about,
Sure, a braindead moron could pick it up and play it, even play it decently, that was the point, but the jump to high-level play was insane, constant non-trivial decisions, perfect coordination required to pull off stuff etc. The break was just jarring and badly implemented. They should've had different maps for different ranks with more and deeper map mechanics for each. Have the flashy fights and big robutts for the beginner ones and let the rankedfags feel good as they unlock the better balanced big boy maps.
This shit was the final straw that made me uninstall. I dont want to play a fucking tumblr OC or want to see the writers "get creative". I want to see all the fucking Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo characters fighting, especially with so many famous characters not yet implemented.
HotS is doing SO BAD that they haven't forced political correctness into it yet.
>some people complained he sounded too much like Warlock.
you're right, that's incorrect, he actually sounded literally the same
>Also Overwatch indirectly killed the game, Tracer, Genji and others were mega-cancer for the entire game
If they couldn't get Genji's deflect to actually deflect things they should have just not added him at all. Fuck it making him completely invincible.
>I want to see all the fucking Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo characters fighting
This was the literal selling point of the game I don't understand how they thought people wanted their OC characters.
Oh my god get over it, it's not like putting a high-pitched amplitude modulation filter on it was any decent way to go about it. And they didn't make it optional clientside.
i groan every time i end up playing against tracer or genji, the others are mostly bearable but those two are the lords of "fun is not permitted"
People like to feel powerful, Moba's appeal to this desire, except HotS. HotS rubber bands your level advantage, it ties your level to the weakest member of your team, so even if you are destroying your lane you can't get a significant lead over the enemy.
Also they ruined Alexstraza by turning her into a ++ sized model. I know people fell for the THICC meme around here, but she'd look way better if she wasn't a hambeast.
might be right now, but pretty sure they deflected attempts back then
>playing against tracer or genji,
Hypermobile DPS characters that can delete any squishy and both have literal get out of jail free cards. Its almost like they were designed to be as annoying as possible to fight. If you are on some immobile squishy character like Kael you might as well just AFK.
Christ alive that reporter is fucking smarmy. Clickbait is a goddamn cancer.
it's a one-of, it was always meant to be a one-of
it could've been a warcraft character you don't give a shit about
I want these guys in charge of the visual design of everything in gaming. Just keep them away from the gameplay teams.
I guess their early snes stuff was kinda eh, but since warcraft 1 I think hots has been their only real genre failure.
>go to brothel
>pick juicy negro shaman
>cant get it up
>open up Yea Forums
>she peeks at my phone, laughs and calls me a newfag
BTW, what are the best ways to kill myself?
Fucking based Bowder.
>Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
well played
It could. But it wasn't. It was a tumblr OC. I don't want to play a game that is about characters from Blizzard IPs fighting with shitty OCs in it.
It's good that they don't give any fucks about people thinking their sexy ladies are gross, but I think Samwises design focus come warcraft 3 and WoW did harm the franchise.
You can say keep them away from gameplay teams, but the way Blizzard function was that guys like SD drew a thing he thought was cool, with no regard to how it would fit, and then some of those designs they'd use, some they wouldn't.
>loli with tentacle monster
>tumblr oc
Ways to fix hots
>realize that the game is fine, and despite starting way behind, was the only assfaggot still growing, and throwing away a couple million dollars every year is perfectly acceptable as a loss, and I doubt it was even that
>revamp talent system to wow style. Add talent points when you get a killing blow on amhero. And of course a few other ways. Optionally make a few changes like removing mounts. Bam, suddenly highest skill cap assfaggot with the smoothest gameplay and quality hero design.
>add a battle royale mode
Instead they did the absolutely retarded move or killing it. Last game made at least with some passion, and it was the only fun assfaggot past a couple hundred hours.
based browder
It's amazing to me that Blizzards huge crossover game died with Warcraft having the fewest maps in the game. Fucking overwatch got two maps but Blizzard's biggest IP got one map released at the very end of the game's life.
Eyy, id probably recognize your tag. The issue with the skill jump wasn’t helped by the fact of how easy it was to place into master. I know a silver that did.
Grandmaster really was something special. It’s one of the only games that didn’t encourage degenerative gameplay. There was no way to optimize the fun out of it, when you got better, you could do more, unlike league, where the better you got, the less you could do, because it’s entirely about realizing what doesn’t work.
Just go to africa and try to get AIDS.
>fairly gross situations
>coming from an adult "reporter"
What the fuck anons? These people are fucking stupid, no joke. So how could they have gained so much power and influence that can affect an entire multimillion industry?
>no one posted the picture of alexstrasza getting fucked yet
You know how ASSFAGOTS are dumbed down RTS'? Try dumbing down it further, make it PEGI 6 and add wacky humour.
That's HOTS. Cancer in purest form.
Yeah it created an EXTREMELY toxic environment that kept players out of the game
>High rank players hate on low ranked players because they have 0 idea how to play the game (competitively) and ruin games for them
>Low rank players get attacked by high ranked players and circlejerked out of the games without a real place to learn the macrogame
I fuckiing hated this divide.
Yfw they based new Alex on her
>gayming """"""journalism""""""
I found the community far more friendly than most games, that’s a battle net community for you, but I agree there was definitely a perception to it. Most of my higher skilled friends were sick of league anyway and ready to quit, so they jumped in and played some hots and were happy with it. I think one of them still plays hots aram even after the rest of us have quit.
Any lower skilled players were constantly whining about how they didn’t understand anything, and confused on what to do. Which is really surprising, because it seems like something so simple to get into, but it’s just the perception of the really high skill ceiling.
The other anons suggestion of simple maps for beginners was a good one. Remember that two lane tutorial level map? There we go, throw some players on that.
based herzog
That's bullshit though. I only saw one guy from the pro scene get to the top rank in Dota, the rest of them got stuck in diamond 3 in league.
>revamp talent system to wow style
You are fucking retarded. That fixes absolutely 0 faults in hots gameplay while bringing up shitloads of unnecessary rigidity to talent builds.
What this game needs to be a "complex e-spawts game" is removing 60% of all healing and replacing it all with utility support skills
But as far as I know hots has more or less abandoned the e-sport meme so whatever
Imagine wanting to get a bite of the moba market (a market which you could have had a monopoly) but instead of doing something interesting you literally wait 10 fucking years to release anything (literally waited until people couldnt even bear to hear the word "moba") and when you do you release fucking HotS
I wish Blizzard and everyone working for them would suffer more
how get dev gf bros
calling ASSFAGGOTS dumbed down RTSs is like calling Dark Souls a Metroidvania: wrong
I was unclear. I meant: add a lot of options in the talent tree, and make it so there’s a bunch of ways to gain points, most significantly points to whoever gets hero killing blows.
I mean, they could add an item system as well, it doesn’t really matter, but the fixed the problem with cancerous laning and builds, but they removed power difference at the same time. This is mainly a fix for low level gameplay, high level it doesn’t matter at much. Basically, decisions are temporary, if you’re playing long enough, and doin well enough, you could fill out your talent tree, and get everything, instead of just one of three. Also instantly fixes problems with situational talents and weaker talents.
Your solution doesn’t fix much. Either you have to turn down damage, or the utility prevents damage as much as the healing would heal. I agree it would be good to take down sustain a bit, but in terms of overall changes, your suggestion wouldn’t change much.
Propably because the market is already saturated.
Also rate my hots harem
>Better then both
>Only one not to survive
Sure user, keep coping.
>calling ASSFAGGOTS dumbed down RTSs is wrong
t. zoomer
16 seconds is just enough to meet in the mid and see one of your assfaggot teammates facecheck a bush and get assploded. I confess I was tempted to alt-f4 many many times in similar situations.
>Would cum non-stop/10
>not Kael
Why do you exclude best girl?
In short, three ways to fix hots
>blizzard not being afraid to take a write off
>add some solo player power progression
>add battle royale
Top one is self explanatory. It was pulling half of dota2 numbers at least, that’s plenty reasonable.
Next two are to hit the casual population, which is ironically the one they failed at capturing. Turns out, casuals don’t want a balanced game, they just want some crazy shit to happen, they want to gamble and win
>t. I like leaning for 30 minutes
>Interviewer lecturing interviewee
Incredible scenes.
>had to reply an hour later to defend his shitty games
You know everything people say against hots? It’s all true, and it’s still better than either of those two. Sunk cost fallacy all you want, they’re boring shit games.
In my defense it's Dreadlord Jaina.
>had to reply an hour later to defend his shitty games
Nigga are you a retard? I literally just came to the thread. You know how this site works right?
>tfw flamestrike chainbomb instagibs never ever again
Utterly based
This is my new response to this shit.
>30 minutes
Bitch please, I've only played the three vikings JUST so the game would be harder and require slightly more skill to make it interesting
Funny because those two are the most fun heroes and most original along with like max 10 others, everything else is garbo copy paste from LoL with shitty low range low cd simple spammy spells that deal meh to crazy dmg
Yes, and if you were aware, too, you would know that that user is long gone by now.
Lana does weird things to my dick.
really hot opinion you got there fampay, I bet you call Metroid Prime a FPS too
>Genji and Tracer are the most original
>>>>>directly copy pasting characters from another game is original
user please
Yrel alone makes it 10/10
But you don't know that.
I spent a good deal of time learning kel'thuzad, but i disliked it, because I could never talk shit to the enemy team about ow they got boned.
he's really fun though, I will miss him
What am i looking at here
They are the least copy paste characters in HotS.
No all chat makes sense in WoW. It’s a fucking crime not having it in HS or HotS.
just spray and spam your voiceline every time you 1EWRQ23 someone
That would be Cho'Gall.
the butt+crotch getting smushed into a face
it was done because the guy getting his face smushed lost a game
The Lost Vikings have an original design, also Cho'gall
>tfw dick isn't big enough to please her in this position
How exactly does she put on the chest piece?
Forced Esports bullshit doesn't work. Let a pro scene grow naturally or don't have it at all. Not all games are meant to be played at a pro level and this was one of them.
Now i see it. The creases on the eye made me think it was a peaking asshole
how small is your dick
The only skill required is decision making and map awareness. Once you figured it out the game it always plays out exactly the same and becomes stale.
Don't get me wrong, all ASSFAGGOT games are trash with very low skill ceiling, but games like LoL and Dota force you to keep mindful of your last hits, accumulated gold, experience gain, and item purchases, adding more layers of complexity and strategy, whereas HotS is so simplistic and basic that literally only brainlets can stand playing it for elongated periods of time.
around 6~ inch
stupid fucking frog poster, that's plenty
the show is gaki no tsukai ya arahende
it is a comedy show. for a number of years they've done new years "do not laugh or get punished" games and that pic is from one of the recent ones. They have a theme like hospital nurses, teachers, etc. That one is the prison one
There's barely even any of that
that's not normal
t. dogtor
See, this is the problem with casuals. They think items purchases is something difficult to do. The only thing difficult on your list is last hitting, and that’s fucking boring.
I've never seen anyone with such well-rounded tastes on this site before.
This is like, "essential food groups" kinds of taste.
Thanks user. gakiarchives.com
It's not dead though, they scaled back the development team but they still have monthly updates and frequent hero releases. Game is still fun as fuck and has something like 15 maps now all with unique objectives and locations. Unlike Dota and LoL the community isn't toxic as fuck, smurfs harassing new players isn't a thing. It's pretty comfy.
its 6~ if i lost a bit of fat other than that its smaller (its 6~ inch when im flexing the area around and below the abdomen)
>Permanent abathur hat - the character
Spread the knowledge.
I myself am comfortably and proudly sitting in B, borderlining A. While I have the length, according to this chart and study, I need a bit more girth. That's what women like more anyway.
because of the amount of items with active effects, dota is actually more difficult mechanically
>Point and click effects of instant cast time
very not so difficult.
Its actually one of the easiest games going with a based as fuck art team
Sadly the higher ups are full retards that keep adding dogshit ugly champs no one wants and keep buffing asshole class while nerfing tank/support
Literally all people have wanted for a fucking year is blackthorne, a blizzard classic. So they add imperiwho? and get out of gank free boy.
It's not about difficulty, but the option to buy various items with activatable effects, or stats that strengthen various aspect of the players' characters is just a way to keep things fresh, as it allows to play around with different item builds.
Any thriving mobas where you don't have to last-hit minions?
This is probably the main reason I enjoy HotS.
yeah just clicks them all at once at the start of a fight without consideration for timing, this will work for sure
who gives a shit about manta dodging, activating linken on an ally at the last moment, doing clutch plays with force staff or surviving 1v3 with armlet toggling
Thats incorrect
The Blizzard way is to nerf everyone else then nerf the OP shit 6 months later, then revert it to the way it was over the next year.
i was asking for imperius since i started playing around 2.0
yes that Lich is truly Magical
You see the talents were supposed to add something exactly like this too the game, but for a lot of the heroes you just pick the same ones everygame. Almost all of them have some talents that are just never worth picking too.
I dont play dota, denying is fucking stupid. League of legends is was superior to every other moba until they diluted it with 10000x champions and a bunch of shitty reworks. Now it's unplayable and the genre is dead.
I want to smell Whitemane's ass. I want to grasp, lick and kiss her asscheeks. I want to kiss and lick her divine legs from top to bottom and then suck on her beautiful toes.
/pol/ pls go...
what if i barely have 5
God i love draenei
5 dicks?
Me too. Probably the hottest female race in vidya.
Don't mind me. Just want to appreciate my favourite character here.
Its not only waifus.
pretty cool taste, there. my favorite is probably ragnaros. something about becoming a raid boss in a moba fucking owns
because its fucking trash, im trying to farm 10k gold for the anniversary horse but i really cant stand playing this shit
>Gazlowe is really easy to counter, but if his counters aren't present he runs wild.
It also depends how dumb the enemy team is. ARK reactor means successful stuns give me turret stacks. Which in turn gives me scrap, which in turn gives me cooldown reduction. That means more bombs, more turrets and the cycle repeats.
Some people just can't help eating my stuns. I don't know why. Butchers are especially bad, they never learn.
>Lucking out into a mostly melee team as Gazbro
Bomb grav bomb into the talented laser never gets old
they think "lol gaz deals no damage" and just tank everything you throw at them
that is until you start killing them in 5 hits.
>gravbomb catches the whole enemy team
>Scarlet Aegis
think you meant
>soup dash salak
Its a compound of two mindsets at blizzard
>Extreme casual and lol Im the greatest esports retards
Beta had a lot of promise but the character design stagnated a lot in nexus 1.0, while it was growing steadily it didn't have any fanfare and was way to real money intensive which cause people that might have spent a dollar or five to clam up. With no money coming in and people not flocking to it in droves like hearthstone they decided to change a shit ton.
Nexus 2.0 was a blatant pander casuals braught in from overwatch. They took away the skill of being able to jungle camps without taking damage which enabled a lot of early game pressure as well as reducing xp from kills, this meant games that where maxing out at 20 minutes were going 20-30 easily and also punished anyone with decent knowledge of mechanics by dragging the game to a point where even absolute retards could be a threat by shear numbers. Also made the new heroes extremely power creeped past early ones with much better kits. But this turned off esports even more so they need to fix that.
Nexus 3.0, actualy go back to some interesting chacter concepts and gimiks but the meta from 2.0 still infected matches, add propper jungling back in but reduced most heroes ability to jungle, force shitty match making in quick matches to try to patch how shit their mmr system was but just made it worse because designers didn't know how busted a match up was with some of the heroes covering multiple roles the match making didnt account for. Esports is okay but its been so long few people care and "pros" know they aren't committed to making the game skill intensive sense its been redone 3 times.
>Game is pronounced dead only skeleton crew to do fixes
Nexus 4.0, throw out laners as a role, everything must be team fight oriented now, remake all roles and match making, still complete shit, character design back to the stale meta of 2.0
It was a slow decline based off acti-bliz not getting esports=/=actual player count
Absolutely based user
Have sex
have more draenei my friend
>no playable Raven Lord
Come on blizzard
>no Hammer
>no Morales
>no Johanna
>no Ming
Turns out the people who are addicted to MOBAS don't want to share XP with their shitter teammates.
They want to 1v9 solo carry.
fuck you
i hate item building and shit, i just want to fucking fight the enemy and not have to worry about builds and shit.
just team comp, faggot
I had to make alot of hard choices user.
Li Ming, Valeera, Maiev, Nova and Valla all didn't make the cut.
But trust me, I have my reasons for the choices I made even though it wasn't easy.
I liked League until their philosophy on items changed and kept changing to the garbage of today.
Because male draenei will also need to exist and we can't have that.
Interesting how these fucks only get press releases at best now.
Interviewer is a tranny, yes
Yeah the real difficulty comes from the need to learn read and write russia.
as long as i get a draenei gf i don't fucking care
The new League mindset on items is that there is an optimal build on each character for 90% of scenarios. In the other 10% only one or two items change.
The game may as well auto buy items for you at this point, there's no variability in item builds anymore. The new items synergize together too well to allow niche items to shine, unless said niche item is ridiculously OP.
What the fuck is riot doing?
> implying a draenei girl would ever pick your short, limp dick ass over a towering draenei male stud with a horse cock
>Most fun I've had in any assfaggots is playing aburthar in this game
I would murder somebody to have him get moved to dota or something.
There isn't a problem if the ratio is 1 male :10 female or something.
Or just have them be like monstergirls and make them dependent on human males.
There are still women that hook up with white dudes. Your argument is invalid.
>he thinks the males have the horse cock
>Farming up gold for a mount in a game you don't enjoy playing
Humans have always been physically inferior to the beasts that surround us. We compensate through human ingenuity and persistence. I guarantee we would think of things those tentacle faced fuckboys would never imagine. Their women will belong to us, just as all things in the world.
>These things that look and act human and are just as smart as us are not special enough!
God I hate HFY faggots.
I saw what you wrote user.
There was no easy way to get access to heroes without spending a ton of dosh as you said. It's still the same case now where there's much more heroes and the loot boxes of 2.0 are filled with filler trash like Carbot 2-frame animations taking epic/rare slots.
2.0 was SUPPOSE to fix the weaknesses but they backpeddled on quite a few things, like Alex getting RM-only skins and setting the prescdent for more things like that.
Overwatch heroes just totally destroyed the slow-but-fruitful progress that the game was making with character designs. People were leaving in droves during this time when so many of the character could dish out extreme damage while ignoring the mechanics everyone else had to deal with, and they let this last for little under a year. Hell, they knowingly tried to cash in on this by releasing Maive to "counter" these heroes.
Things were improving again until the official life-support announcement. Hell, even the match-ups finally balanced out and were worth the 1-3 minutes wait depending on your character. After people left in droves again after the announcement, they thought it was a good idea to take away all the tweaking so the matchmaking turned into a horrid mess again.
Also doesn't help that the last Christmas event with the "boy" voice actor wasn't consistent with the character. It was suppose to be some excitable kid but for some reason was using out-of-place high end vocabulary or was talking like an adult. I'm guessing the writing for the event was barely thrown together and/or they relied on the voice actress to just do something Protip: Many actors can't come up with shit on their own, give more credit to writers.
>10/10 girl
>WoW playing retards would rather draw and animate generic dark elf ad infinitum
yeah, some of the best times I've ever had in a moba were in master hots.
Spent all my fucking placement matches in master then it put me with shitters in plat. Ree.
>no panda
could use improvement desu
her model is so fucking bad
Don't worry, next Tails Of Azeroth is Alexstrasza focused.
Bu in general no one wants to bother with this hots model.
Why not? It's perfect.
face is garbage you chubby chasers, I bet you jerk off to eastern european horsefaces with hanging tits too.
Discouraging solo players. Destroying any slight concept of carry. 30 min queue time on ranked anywhere non-us,while qm is full of griefers who don’t give a fuck “it’s just qm bro”
Have they buffed Abathur yet?
What? Her face is fine. Go wank to plastic aliens.
why would you ever play qm when unranked exists
It’s even more dead than ranked in at least two region I tried.
>So they add imperiwho? and get out of gank free boy.
people wanted imperius and anduin in the game though, they belong there.
orphea is the one who shouldn't be in the game.
In-game face is fine.
Its too bad that whoever is the main/splash artist for hots can't draw women's faces for shit. The closest he comes to is the generic, looking-at-viewer-with-sultry-expression he did intially with Valla, Jaina, and Tyrande. Every other attempt he did, Nova, Alex, and Li Ming especially just made them look like boys or oogly witches. Due to his artstyle, he did Sonya's splash art perfectly (murderous rage woman barbarian).
When did they switch out the artist(s) for the female characters? It was definitely before Whitemane and not-loli.
>watching a former pro playing bronze
Better than their old pro league.
Orphea is fine you faggot. The maps and events were already building up enough lore to have a character or two. The overwatch heroes weren't fine because it was obvious they were inserted for the sole-purpose of marketing the game they came from and almost destroyed the game during that time. They weren't balanced nor played by any rules everyone else did.
>It's not even about a message
>here's the message:
ewww looks like a bogged out bitch
>Orphea is fine you faggot
i didn't even read the rest of you retarded post.
i don't give a shit about her kit, her as a character don't belong in a game about blizzard characters coming together from all their franchises.
When they gutted the staff and ended the pro league
Yet you've been playing a game where (most) of the maps are OG shit with OG announcers and units.
Hate her for other legit reasons. She came out OP and was very powerful for her maneuverability. She came out during the time the game was put on life support. Other reasons. But your reason is shit/petty.
>this is a genre about empowerment
what the fuck does that even mean?
Haha replace that arrow withmy dick
It means he is high on Riot virtue signalling.
Maybe becuase its the most watered down tame shit with no substance and soulles as fucking hell.
It Dota 2 and LoL but with everything fun removed from it to make it safe and "fun" for the kiddies.
Quite literally, its the Weenie Hut Jr. of Videogames. Anything blizzard really.
I blame the "team experience bar", the fun from mobas was always steam rolling an funneling your resources into one guy who can murderfuck reality.
Ironically, by trying to make it more accessible, they really just made it harder to pug and multiplayer games (even team based ones) are driven by solo queues.
niggas sleeping on HON info, game had its last and final big update months ago, devs packed up their bags.
>the fun from mobas was always steam rolling an funneling your resources into one guy who can murderfuck reality.
that sound really boring but I guess that's why I don't like mobas.
Haha don't be silly user what a crazy idea haha
I've been here for far too long since I understood that reference
it literally just smells like shit and sweat.
yet I can't seem to stop wanting to smell. Or taste.
just click on the minion when its about to die nigga rofl
It is not easy to make good decisions all the time. God help you if you've got a newb tank, can single handedly ruin your whole game. DPS isn't much better, since they'll never soak or teamfight at the right times. Support is probably the most harmless, but even then they won't ult at the right times because they can't tell when it's needed and when it's a waste. Positioning is a whole thing for every role, target priority, tracking enemy cooldown use. I've watched a friend of mine struggle with all of these and more, he just doesn't know right from wrong to actually make good decisions. The game isn't amazingly complicated compared to others, but that just makes the remaining decisions even more impactful.
How the fuck do I stop getting tunnel vision and the crave for the blood of my enemies.
>playing Jaina
>poke someone they have low health
Level 560 and I still do this shit too much, only have this problem when playing assfaggots
>your support cant time jungle camp bribes with pushes and map goals
>theirs can
>you now have about 20% to lose the game no matter how good you are, just because their lanes will de facto autopush and you will be in a lose-lose situation every time you go for map goals
>your support literally wont understand whats wrong
Its amazing how they managed to gave insane depth at higher tiers of play yet make it so hard to get into.
Mommy, can I kiss your feet?
individual skillcap is garbage.
Yes user, you may worship Mommys feet
I wish they would get around adding Ysera and Onyxia, I want a complete collection of dragon sluts.
Mmm...your toes are delicious mommy, can you take off those leggings so I can worship the rest of you beautiful sexy legs?
What was your childhood like?
There's a difference between having fun for what something is vs something being the way it was due to the wc3 engine and people getting use to it. I had fun playing og DotA when it was a hero only custom map but don't enjoy it in it's current form.
Positioning and map awareness ABC
You can see only that low HP hero on the map when all enemies are alive? Probably a bad idea to commit.
holy shit, unironically based dev
>panties inside the garterbelt
When will artists learn?
just for you my little user, just for you
MOBAs suck
too bad the art style was great
I wonder what he's working on, he left hots in 2016 but he's still with blizzard
Mommyfags are the worst. Such a turnoff
Released too late to the moba party, the devs are chill af tho, hopefully they can help salvage the other Blizzard games, but im not hopeful.
The actual answer is that it launched with basically the worst monetization and progression systems of the genre.
I also think a big part of the factor is that hots is incredibly fun to play as teams but in solo queue you simply cant have the coordination and cooperation to capitalize on the game's more fun, team based strategies, so it feels Like youre tardwrangling
You're a turnoff.
just trying to kill the "daddy" cancer
These thighs are so beautiful and so tasty! Mommy, I can't hold it anymore, can I fuck your thighs? Pretty please? They're so big and firm. Ugh, they feel so good when I touch them.
it was too pure for this world
>people are still spreading my silly edit
Just having a hero brawler you pick up and have some casual fun on wildly differing maps would have been okay. Having a high-end team based game based on constant, fluid teamfights would have been great. Having the mashup of the two and having it reworked from the ground up three times wasn't.
It is a shit trope, but also get fucked
Game is clunky as fuck. It feels like every ability in the game has a delay and the ones that don't are just poke with very little impact.
HotS is pretty much for the people who like both Blizzard games and MOBA. If you don't like both at the same time, your are in for a boring time.
Yes my little user you where so obedience, good pets deserve a reward
Nnnng, feels so good...mommy is gonna make me cum!
The carbot animations are pretty fun though
back to discord you two
I don't like either of them but I like frogposters even less
Not enough LiLi
I wish I could see the face of anyone who posts gifs like this for no reason thinking it doesn't make them look like a colossal faggot
That is probably the shittiest excuse for journalism I have ever seen.
I liked this games visuals...and how big it made my peepee...shame modern Blizzard is ran by retards
Fell asleep playing this game multiple times. Why couldn't they have just made it like Dota or LoL and have it be player skill based not some dumb team based shit.
Because it's dumbed down LoL trash which is dumbed down Dota.
>"dude why is there a team focus in a team-based game"
>LoL heroes are on average more mechanically intensive then DotA heroes
No turn rate.
That alone makes them inferior in every fucking possible way.
>I dont play dota, denying is fucking stupid
Spotted a fucking shitter.
>Dota is casualized Warcraft 3
Yeah, that's why WC3 / SCBW pros succeeded in Dota.
Oh wait, they never did.
They sucked ass.
Exactly. Enjoy the niche. Be nice to streamers, but have no intention of fostering a forced meme pro scene.
Imagine Alex trying to take a big stubborn shit.
Reading everyone's shit and it was never dead from the start. It was good at one point.
>Release Medivh
>Difficult niche character, rocks a 35 percent winrate because he's hard
>Git gud with him
>Play Medivh at a 60 percent winrate in GM tier
>Only people I couldn't outdamage were Cho'Galls and Tychuses shooting Cho'Galls
>Thanks to the lower player pool at high ranks I actually got target bans when going against recent players
>Medivh god, feels good
>Blizzard reworks him because the baddies don't play him
>Make Master's Touch baseline but also shitty
>Removed all his good talent synergies
>The reason I played Medivh is gone
>Stop playing Medivh
>They did this to Nazeebo, Muradin, Alarak, Valeera
>HOTS fanbase fucking cheers it on, just like they cheered the HOTS 2.0 Lootbox update
I will always be fucking mad over what they took from me
>hots died because it's not like my favorite moba
It's a niche that stood to be filled. Sometimes you want to relax with friends.
What did you edit? That exact chart is on the original site.
Why didn't you include HotS?
And who the fuck cares about Smite other than whatever porn it's generated?
not sure who you played or under what conditions but the game is pretty smooth here
That webm conveniently misses out the charge up time for Fenix's ult and Alarak's movement block is one of the only responsive, instant, smooth abilities in the game.
Some skills have a small build-up before they're activate. Not sure why he'd complai about that, it's certainly not all of them, and it adds a layer of skill to the game, since you can interrupt enemy skills after the CD starts but before they have an effect.
don't think most of the devs are good enough to understand how easy it is to just group up effectively. people feel like they can climb on tank or support but simply not getting caught out and covering up for randoms being stupid is like half the battle.
always wonder if retards like you played any other game before in your life. there's a huge difference between team execution of something like football or basketball and the safe grind of this game. it takes very good players to get past the point of babysitting in this game. many others you have the game in your hands more or the team aspect has much better dynamic across skills.
Getting new characters started being a pain when they reworked the system, and then Blizz just started pulling the plug, probably moving resources to Diablo mobile and WoW classic because they're so out of touch with their players.
Also everyone shitting on hots for not being a """"hardcore"""" moba like LoL or Dota 2 didn't help build the playerbase.
I play with friends everday, best moba out there right now
Started with HoN, everything since then including dota and lol feel like a game on training wheels, hots at least adds new and interesting mechanics
Because they took away Lightning Bond from Rehgar.
>doesn't even know why muradan was changed
>alarak lol nobody drafts around him
>actually complains about valeera needing damage
>caring about naz in any year when he had 2 years of top win rate
>60% wr medivh gm
>would be running away at top ladder and/or pro playing easier impact meta characters
>high medivh damage is hard in double frontline meta
okay retard. don't ever post anything this fucking stupid again.
Oversimplified it. They did that to OW but being an FPS but there's still enough room there to have fun, especially with workshop and the upcoming map editor OW will be 100% fixed and no longer have any flaws.
Hots can't be saved. They oversimplified it with no way to correct it on the player side. So people get bored with the lack of engaging things to do and go play something else.
>Why isn't he metafagging?
I play what's fun, mongoloid. I don't give a fuck that Nazeebo is good, I give a fuck that he became significantly less fun after they reworked him. Valeera's damage doesn't matter, she just became less fun after her rework.
How are you so fucking illiterate that you don't understand I'm talking about fun, not viability?
>Would be a pro player playing other characters
I'm not as good with them as I was with Medivh, considering I didn't play them, moron.
I honestly can't believe that someone as dim-witted as you has the capability of typing on a computer. Did your handler read this out to you and transcribe your worthless response? Nice redditspacing, too. Complete moba player package.
>because his winrate went down because he couldn't snowball easily anymore over other supports bad drafts
god forbid you have to work for anything.
Not that guy but what about it screams tumblr to you?
If anything, the HotS devs are based because they make characters they want to make and not ones that pander to the tumblr crowd. They're also the last bastion of devs in Blizzard that don't frown upon fanservice.
The game came out on a market that was already oversaturated with shitty mobas
And the game itself wasn't even good
I like everything about it except the gameplay.
sure fun. they really changed those mechanics massively you dumb nigger. clicking different spots on the screen 5 times a game really ruined those characters i'm sure. what fucking lie about valeera. every shitter abandoned her after he burst got nerf. fuck you. and you couldn't play guldan or jaina or li ming at gm level. absolute delusional retard afraid to do anything else because then he wouldn't be memedivh special anymore. fucking waste of oxygen.
>Removed buff stuff Amazonians for Landwhale bullshit
I fucking despise every part of """""Blizzard"""""" that isn't the HotS team at this point
Why is she wearing clown face makeup?
It didn't die, it was murdered by blizzard.
The fate of all Blizzard games since WotLK
>that ballerina Orphea
pls be a skin later omg
It lacks both skill cap and creativity potential.
Skill cap is low because you always have a shit ton of resources (mana), but you are very limited to what you can achieve with it in absolute most cases. You can play very good, yet your impact will be limited, meaning that it's hard to carry even one retard. This is where league beats this game, while not losing in creativity potential (which is quite bad here too).
Creativity potential is low because there are no different item/skill orders, and even though there are talents, most of the time there's no real choice. Then interactions between allied heroes are extremely limited. This is where dota beats this game, while also having higher skill cap.
Also, FUCK EA for dumpstering dawngate.
It's not exactly some underground comic strip, m8
It's like getting a "This is fine" reference
Connection issues killed the game for me. The game would randomly disconnect and I'd get trapped on the disconnect screen even when I reconnect. I could hear and see everything going on in the match, but couldn't play because it says I am reconnecting.
Every single match I would see one or two people disconnecting. The game was completely unplayable.
No need to go that far. Just go to your local gay bar
>pulled away from the resource and build layers
Not sure if this was the way to go in a genre fueled by autism.
Nice hyperbole. Usually you don't even have 10 minutes before mid and gankers are lining up to rape you raw.
Are you literally 12
>FUCK EA for dumpstering dawngate
Amen to that.
Mobas are boring as fuuuuuck cause there are 4 buttons and thats it. But this was the best because you didnt have to momirze a laundry list of items. It was just how good were you at pressing those 4 buttons, instead of someone bought magical shoes so their 4 buttons are better than your 4 buttons.
Last hitting certainly made DotA and lol more active in gameplay, but after a decade of it I'm over it.
It came out in the worst time possible.
>lets make an assfaggot when everyone is already jumping the ship for battle royale, and those who stay in the genre do because they don't want to leave their game, I wonder what can go wrong.
Its not really that the game is bad, its actually good, hell even the most fun you can sqeeze out from the genre, but it should been out around 2010-11 when the moba craze was one, and while WoW was in decline the situation at blizz was not as bad as it is now too. Also the heavy e-sport pushing was a fatal mistake.
So basically you don't know shit.
I will never not be mad.
Yeah, it's shit.
They did the same thing with other fairly unique games like Battle Forge, too.
The alex model was made pre her addition to HotS. It was based off the concept art of her model iirc.
Dont pretend it's not true, fatboy. If 2 people on opposing teams had the same hero. And one bought his magical set of faggotry, and the other didn't. His 4 buttons are better than your 4 buttons. It's lame as fuck. HOTS may be baby mode but it was more about straight up fighting skill than stats.
>If 2 people on opposing teams had the same hero. And one bought his magical set of faggotry, and the other didn't.
... That's because the first one knew how to farm gold, how to deny gold, and that he needs to buy items.
>hey, he beat the shit out of me, why should he get any advantage?
You are actually retarded if you can't optimize or adapt purchases to counter characters.
I'd be retarded if I cared enough to optimize a laundry list of magical items.
it's a video game, you are on a board talking about fucking video games
why did it even live
someone needs to pay for that abomination's existance
Why did nobody ever changed it to what we now have in a span of 1.5 - 2 years then?
This is a thread where 90% of people are shitting on HOTS. Infact user got mad at me for not shitting on HOTS
You underestimate how much bullshit factors go into every encounter but just stats. It's what makes these games so inaccessible but also what makes people come back for more.
Also I know spell scaling is a big on in LoL but in Dota there isn't a huge difference between spell's damage outside of higher levels.
Nigger, most videogames are just optimizing your ingame stats and playstyle.
>in before i fucking hate videogames
Maybe baby videogames, but manly hair on your chest fps games or big brain rts games dont have any megical shoes.
SFM animators are notoriously lazy user. Rigging a new model or even adding features to it takes genuine creative talent that they just straight up don't have. A majority of SFM animators just use pre-rigged models and just pose them.
>my laundry list of buildings and unit upgrades is better than your laundry list of shoes
Yes, way better. Im glad we came to this understanding.
Except you have to autistically memorise pickup locations and timings if you want to play hairy chest FPS games optimally. Here's your magical shoes bro.
Quake isnt hairy chest anymore, quake is balding cancer patient hooked up to a breathing machine in a wheelchair.
What is hairy chest at this point then?
splatoon obviously
It was a shitty moba.
I liked playing as my boy lucio tho.
Squad, Rising Storm 2, Insurgency, Mordhau, Rainbow 6 Siege, Battlefields, Quake Champions. You can't play Squad for instance without having a cigar in your mouth and drinking whisky, physically impossible.
There is so little to "memorize". Each quake map has about as much information as a traditional WoW dungeon. Just playing the game makes you better.
>It was an uninspired mess of a moba
Like every other MOBA.
It’s from one of the Ace Attorney games. Her tits are actually balloons haha
>Just playing the game makes you better.
Same can be said for Dota 2. I know most of the items but I never sat down and studied them or whatever.
>Check back in on HOTS after a long hiatus
>Oh god no what did they do to my sweet boy
>Read the patch notes
>All they did was nerf the shitty hat spam build
>Everything else was just a buff to the build I ran which already had a 70% WR
feels good man
Can you still do the build where you just hide out in a lane, spawn a bunch of shit and transform into a big monster thing? That was my favorite thing to do in the game.
There was a Murky build I also liked doing. Where you just bubble to heal yourself and you do the ult to slap someone around with a big fish to kill them. Was pretty fun.
Fun fact: That slut sucks my cum out of my penis with her vagina
You talking about locust build, where you take all the traits that buff your babies and just shit out bugs to push the fuck out of a lane? I don't think so, it sounded like it got royally gutted when the rework happened.
>You talking about locust build, where you take all the traits that buff your babies and just shit out bugs to push the fuck out of a lane?
Yeah, that's the only build I liked to play