

Attached: re4.jpg (1920x2552, 846K)

Wtf? Tell me what to think already

The fact that RE3 and RE4 are different genres of games?

if re4 was made by americans it would have gotten shat on by Yea Forums for pandering to casuals but since its japan its okay!

>if I ration them, I should be okay until I reach the next safe room
Just dodge the zombies you dumb bitch lmao

Both are good games

>end game RE4 inv while using early game RE3 inv
Kill yourself


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This just makes RE4 look better

>I don't understand what rationing could possibly mean in this context

lets not get full retarded now

And yet RE4 is better in every way

Resident Evil 3 lets you craft ammo from a box that store basically unlimited powder if you exploit the system. You leveled up in making ammo so you'd start making more ammo, and ammo that was stronger.

It's almost is exactly the same as Resident Evil 4 except the whole game is shorter.

i play games for FUN, OP

Attached: EIGHTY FUCKING MAGNUM BULLETS.jpg (809x939, 364K)

>60 slots

Yeah, after you buy several upgrades to your inventory, and most items still take up multiple slots, so you still have to play inventory tetris.


>f you exploit the system.

>not shitting out a stream of flame rounds for the grenade launcher via the gunpower system and dominating everything with it

If a single key takes up a whole inventory space every single bullet should do so too.

So your argument against infinite spawning ammunition is someone inexplicably having the knowledge of every ammo spawn in the game their first playthrough?

>So your argument against infinite spawning ammunition
Someone playing through RE4 for the first time won't know how ammo is dropped in that game.

I want to fuck Jill

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I want to fuck a Jill sandwich

Doesn't change the fact that even without said knowledge it's still abundant whereas without it in RE2 it's not.

I want porn of this Jill!

>Bitching about the inventory
I fucking GUARANTEE that a non-upgraded attache case run is harder than RE3. To put them on even playing fields.

I do believe the point was that using the gun is wholly unnecessary in the first place so the actual number of bullets you have is irrelevant.

this is how easy life is for women and for men
based capcom

>defending shit and outdated game design such as limited saves
just kys