Should Quake get a single player reboot just like how Doom got one in 2016?

Should Quake get a single player reboot just like how Doom got one in 2016?

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Other urls found in this thread:"serious sam autist"/

Yes. God yes.

sure, half the appeal of Quake was the gothic atmosphere contrasting with the futuristic weapons, so putting Doom4’s designers in charge of that stuff again would turn out fine.

In one of the community streams, Syncerror said the reason they're adding so much lore to Quake Champions is in preparation for the eventual single player Quake title.

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Only if they can get NIN again


the expanded lore that Quake Champions is pushing should be expanded in a single-player story driven game, yes.
But Quake is all about the multiplayer, didn't you know?

Doom plays very differently from Quake, while Doom 16 is just DoomQuake. There’s nothing but redundancy with where they are with NuDoom and Quake Champs.

Anyone know and good single player Quake campaigns? I played Travail recently and it was pretty good.

That's the gayest thing I've read all day. The only people who care about lore are obese retards who don't value their time. Normal people don't give a shit about what planet the alien Pingpong is from.

3d realms is releasing a game in id tech 1 this summer. looks fuckign sick, its called wrath on steam

Cool, I'll check it out

meh. more jewery. quake is dead.

Rebbot of a multiplayer game as a singleplayer
Kek faggot


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First two quake games had full single player campaigns faggot

No. They'll absolutely fuck it up ten ways to Sunday and retroactively ruin Q1 while they're at it.

you fucking retarded zoomer, never post in this thread-- no, never post on this fucking board-- NO, NEVER POST ON THIS FUCKING WEBSITE EVER AGAIN, YOU LITTLE FAGGOT.

>futuristic weapons
Where? Aside from the Thunderbolt, Ranger's guns are basically the Home Depot clearance aisle. Even the nailguns have wooden furniture.

Please no. Fuck off with that shit.
Quake is fine the way it is, it still has an active modding scene if you want single player content.
Do all the Quake inspired games you want but leave those games alone.

what's going to happen to the original quake games if they make a new one

I don't wanna play shitty unfunded mods made by kids in their underground basement. I want quality games made by triple a developers. Releasing a new quake game doesn't affect the older ones in anyway kys.

And for that you go play Quake I and II.

Nothing. Which in no way implies the series needs to be revived for retards who refuse to play older games or pretend that a big budget equals quality. Those games came and went, no need to pollute anything with pointless trash.

Boy oh boy I can’t wait for my “tailored for gamepads” Quake reboot with poor ranger looking for his family and ‘monster spawn in’ padding; what a joke.

It should get a multiplayer reboot as well

(Quake Champions doesn't count it fucking sucks)

Quake 3 is still the peak of multiplayer FPS

And Doom 2016 sucks compared to the original games btw

I'd prefer if nu-Doom dropped the upgrade points and shit and a new Hexen had that system, keep it maze-like with some easier hints of where to go without relying on an objective marker.
Arcane Dimensions if you haven't played it. Machine Games the Wolfenstien devs made one but imo it wasn't that great.


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I want quake wars

Mick Gordon > Trent Reznor

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>bosses with healthbars is bad
>spider not being a hitscan niggers is bad
>unintuitive archaic armor mechanics is good

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This little niggers, these fucking stupid ass bullshit enemies can fuck right on off

>unintuitive archaic armor
>armor acting like armor is bad

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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
And I wouldn't be surprised if you really are this retarded.

yes as long as they get rid of the medieval shit

100% yes
and if they do, I hope they decide to go for the quake 1 aesthetic and ditch the dumb strogg shit

nobody liked quake 4, hes in champions just because it grabs characters from each game

Is this a /vr/ tranny?

I like nudoom. And I agree with a lot of this except
>robo guy radio shit like that even matters when you're probably ignoring the story anyway (unless it's a complaint about being forced to listen to it, which I'd agree with if there's no dialogue volume setting)
>not having a hitscan boss is bad
>HP bars are bad
>caring about the ending to the story in a fucking Doom game
That said, most of the stuff in that list ranges from trivial to a mild gripe with the main exceptions being the level design, enemy placement & count, lack of mod-ability, and emphasis on glorykills (which I liked but their borderline necessity was definitely dumb). It's basically some dude who went, "I want to hate on D44M to fit in with the oldfags, so I'll list every minor thing wrong with it to come up with a 15 bullet point list of why it's an absolutely terrible game" just to be a fucking contrarian and get sick e-cred, not that that mentality is in any way surprising.

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I hope not, Zoom 2016 sucked shit

Reminder to play QL and not QC

>p-please stop playing Quake Live

If ID works on it, sure.
If they outsource it to some retarded people like Saber, who somehow managed to fuck quake champions on the most fundamental level (which, in case of arena FPS is stable performance and netcode), then no, thank you.

Also I highly doubt modern developers would succeed in catching the uneasy, oniric atmospphere of Q1.

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>Should Quake get a single player reboot just like how Doom got one in 2016?

Given that Doom 2016 was fucking shit, fuck no.

We're getting Wrath: Aeon of Ruin anyway.

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I would love a proper singleplayer.
There would too much whining from the vocal minority of tryhard AFPS fans wanting proper multiplayer support for their dead genre though.

wishlisted it today, looks awesome.

Absofuckinglutely. I would love a quake 2 remake as well, but I'd settle for quake 1 for now.

>wanting Ron Zertnert on board two decades after the guy ran out of ideas
The 90s are over, user. Billy Corgan ditched the blonde bimbo and is running a wrestling business.

i remember liking quake 2 as a kid, but i tried it last month and got bored like 4 levels in. just something off about it, idk what though

It's old as shit and hasn't aged well? Plus there really isn't much depth to quake 2. It lacks a lot compared to, say, quake 4. It's got no real environment, just rooms with texture and enemies.

Doom 2016 sucked
QC sucks
Let old franchises rest in peace and try coming up with something new

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To be fair, you shouldn't be posting here either.

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The same thing that happened to the original Doom games, duh.

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>quality games made by triple a developers
>quality games made by triple a developers
>quality games made by triple a developers
>quality games made by triple a developers
I want you to repeat what you just said back to yourself very, very carefully.

Attached: 1505697228096.png (351x351, 191K)"serious sam autist"/
It's Serious Sam Autist.
So infamous in Doom threads that he has his very own ACfag-like moniker.

Back in the day it used to be a thing, zoomie

He's one the best score composers in Hollywood right now and he just put out one of the best albums of his career. I don't even listen to NIN anymore but that's flat out wrong.

No. Doom was fundamentally fun in its premise which is why D44M turned out fine. Quake however is a game that's flawless in execution with a mediocre premise. Recreating it is sure to miss the point.

>I want quality games made by triple a developers.
I want this too. Too bad that's such a massive oxymoron at this point.

are there any other cool mods for the early quakes (preferably graphic updates) that aren't the RTX ones? i have an AMD GPU so i don't think i can play them

>The amount of depth, fast paced tactics, and attention to balance in gameplay totally tower over every other shooter released in the past few years.
Lmao. Even disregarding that being massive hyperbole, pretending that literally anyone cares about the depth, tacitcs or balance of doom is retarded when Doom 2 is worse in all those aspects by far yet is the massively more popular game.

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Welcome to the present year, where the past ain't comin' pack anytime soon, see

With NiN on sound and Adrian as an art director sure. The athmosphere of Quake 1 was so unique i don't think you can just reproduce it in hd i think.

No one associates Quake with single player except for a niche of 30-somethings on /vr/. And it terms of content, it doesn't have anything to "reboot". Quake never made any sense in the first place. There's no iconic character to market and no interesting setting to revisit.

I fucking love Quake 1, but it has no potential for a reboot.

>There's no iconic character to market
The Quake MC's jump alone is iconic, though.

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I dunno, considering that 3d FPS gaming has come a long way I wouldn't mind to see Quake revisited just for the fact they can do crazy fucking level design to reflect the gothic lovecraftian aesthetic.

Like the technology is there to make twisted levels that mess with your mind.

Doom is Beth's fallback for all the wokeness they infect Wolfenstein and Dishonored with. Safe to say Quake could easily duplicate that role.

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The rocket launcher and grenade launcher don't strike me as something they expected anybody to believe could exist in modern day. I'd say they're futuristic, in a dystopian kind of way.

Something getting memed up by a tiny group of people does not make it iconic. The vast, vast majority of the gaming market wouldn't even recognize it.

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Yes, but only if none of the people that worked on Quake Champions are involved in any way whatsoever



yeah they're awful. sometimes i won't even bother playing e4 because i don't feel like dealing with them. wish there was a mod to replace them with some other enemy.