Five days... You will be crawling back to be...
Five days... You will be crawling back to be
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uh i don't think so toddboy
Now where's my FUCKING Fallout sequel made by Chris Avellone and J Sawyer and my Elder Scrolls sequel written by Michael Kirkbride?
I learned the hard way with your kind
You failled me with Elder Scrolls online
You failed me with blades
You failed me with fallout 76
You put me in the ground, laughed at my face
I will not ask you this time, you will ask ME for the games... And just maybe i will say yes
But skyrim 2 won't be out until 2022 at the earliest.
Whoa Todd, relax man!
Toddposting will be 4 years old in a week
I-I was just kidding Todd, o-of course I'll buy your game!
Oh I will be coming back for the games, just not in the way you're thinking of
>Chris Avellone and J Sawyer
Two sjw cucks nowadays, they are dead faggot
>4 yrs
That doesn't concern me. What does is if they have enough artistic integrity to keep their personal beliefs directly out of their work
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the E3 conference june 9
name 1 (one) thing promised for Skyrim that wasn't in the game.
Redpill me, what was so great with Bethesda? I never played anything from besides Skyrim (gave up because it was boring) and nu-doom.
>j sawyer
wannabe fag that had nothing to do with 1/2
>no TES6 or Starfield at E3
What else is there to even look forward to from Bethesda, Todd? I bet you won't even be there. It'll just be other developers hamming it up about Dishonored or some shit.
Morrowind 10/10 GOAT
A city
there are several
>friend hyped up oblivion with the radiant AI bullshit
>ai ended up like
>never believe his lies again
Once a liar, always a liar, eh Todd?
radiant ai was in the game though
A good game
it was better than new vegas
In name, sure
Holy fuck, i forgot this was a thing.
If they put so much faith in mobile why they never advertise shit?
It's sad what happened to his son. Good thing he overcame it.
Never played New Vegas, so I don't care
those aren't cities they're more like really small villages.
Better than walking in circles around the same town 8 hous a day
>If they put so much faith in mobile why they never advertise shit?
Todd watched the blizzcon stream
>What else is there to even look forward to from Bethesda
My new game
You have a point, i never see advertsiment for mobile games outside of the mobile store, and it's aways the shovelware shit or mobile apps.
Every big gaming company launched at least three mobile games in the last year, includding Nintnedo, EA, Square Enix, Capcom and Sega. And they advertised anything about it
The closest thing of it i can remenber was the emoji movie shilling Just Dance
Poor Todd. He hasn't been the same since FO76
Are you ok Todd? You look taller
What happened to him? I never kept up with all that stuff after Jim passed?
Hah! I don't play mobileshit and I waited until this week AND bought my Fallout 76 key from a cdkey website, so chances are the purchase isn't even considered a new sale. Announce Fallout New Orleans, Fallout 5, or a remake for FO3/NV and *maybe* I'll preorder.
What's happening in five days?
His mother who after being widowed got in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend who hit him so bad he became blind. He later regained vision in his left eye, luckily.
E3, which as far as we know will have fuck all for Bethesda to show, as TES6 and Starfield are years away, and Fallout 5 won't be out for a fucking decade. I'll never understand how such a massive company releases broken and buggy titles always built on top of previous games by the decade while others shit out massive open-world games with sprawling stories, varied animations, and cinematic stories once a year or so.
The Toddening, a anual ceremony to please the gods of chaos
>Bragging about buying 76 in any shape or fashion
The beta crashed and burned so hard they decided to sweep the whole thing under the rug maybe.
I am a bethesda fanboy i Will always buy tods games.
I just wanted to fuck around. It's incredibly boring solo.
Todd won't even be at E3 this year, it'll be a repeat of Bethesda's show at 2017 where they just showed their published titles.
I haven't played any the shit heaps you call games since Fallout 3, and that's not going to change from the look of things.
that what todd wants you to believe
Sorry kiddo, nov 2020 release for Starfield at the earliest.
>No Elder Scrolls 6
>No Fallout
>No Starfield
Hard pass this E3, let me know when Todd gets back to making games again.
Oh wow. Glad he made it out of all that.
Todd I'm digging the fuck outta eso tho, spare me