Use Linux

Use Linux.

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How about no

when there's games i will, you retard

I already do.

I already installed gentoo

Tried to but my motherboard doesn't support linux.

Are you too stupid to use Proton?

What the actual fuck are you running?

not every game is on steam

But I like playing video games. Also I'm not a schizo

Use Unix instead.

>try installing Ubuntu
>get a bunch of errors
>turns out if you download the officially supported version from the official website it will likely fail to install

How the fuck is this even allowed?

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Have sex.

Like which ones? And isn't Proton open source or something like that?

Werks on my machine

Yes, Linux is obviously the best. I made the switch seven months ago. I love the freedom I have now, and I can never use an OS without a terminal now.

Linux til I die.

Let me know when anticheat software doesn't actively block Linux. Until then into the trash it goes.

who gives a shit? almost every PC comes with windows, and getting shit to work on linux is always a pain in the ass. when literally every game is on windows, why bother? just to be a hipster faggot?


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I am.

Linux is the single reason I still have hope for human kind as a whole.

I don't give a fuck about Linux and using non-open source games there it's harmful to their very foundation, but that reply had nothing to do with the topic.

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Why are trannies obsessed with Linux?

It's based on Wine, which is open source. Valve contributes to Wine with Proton.

>I only use what other people tell me to use, and I only think what other people tell me to think

I'm piratefag.

>I'm an individual. I chose to put the square peg in the round hole.

i use linux, i have dual boot you faggot. i figured this being v it was about video games

I do

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So you're a literal faggot?

Proton works worse than vanilla Wine. I dont know why steamfags shill for Proton so hard.

I have been for 5 years now.

I've been using Manjaro for over a month now, don't really plan on looking back. My only honest gripe is that I still feel the need to reboot every few days, but I suppose that's the downside of ROLLING RELEASE software.

>it's still called Win32


Windows works just fine. OS autism is for enthusiasts which I am not.

I dual boot windows and Ubuntu

i tried it but it is a pita for gaming. i want to switch to mac since apple actually respects their customers but nogaems so I'm stuck with windows for now.

You don't really need to reboot with Manjaro. I just hibernate my pc when not using it. Think the last time I turned it off was because I had a power outage.

literally every os has that even windows

just use wine

>just sacrifice half of your RAM bro

>downloading things from the website on Linux
You have a package manager for a REASON. Use the distro maintainer's version. Installing shit the windows way is a last resort and likely will have issues.

>spend more time getting it to work than playing

Already do

why use linux if i have nothing to hide

Do you less than 1gb of ram in your PC? How does Windows even work on it?

I dunno, I've had weird things happen sporadically. Left my PC on for a few days, and suddenly when I'd boot up Dota there would be a tiny black box in the top left corner of the screen until I closed the game. Updated all my packages and rebooted and it went away. It's not life-threatening or anything more than a mild annoyance, but it's still a tinge more than I had to do in Windows. I'll still take having to manually restart every once in a while over coming back to my PC having restarted itself because "we had an update for you :)" popped up.

I am

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What DE are you using with it? Could be something going on there.



I use XFCE so I can't help you there sorry. Maybe look and see if others have had it occur with KDE.

I already do run Linux and gaming on Linux is the best it has ever been. Proton makes pretty much every game on Steam just "install and play". I just played a good few hours of Rising Storm 2 Vietnam, a Windows only game, on Debian Testing without any issues.

Proton's capabilities are really impressive on how well it replicates the games from windows.
Last week I tried playing Fallout 3 and it was a buggy mess where the UI would randomly disappear and would crash every half an hour or so.

Fuck Linux gaming. In particular, fuck GPU driver support and losing 20%-50% FPS on wine.

Install the nonfree drivers then?

I am running proprietary Nvidia but the performance is still worse than on Windows. And the DE just lags on this whereas it's silky smooth on Nouveau.

If I remember right Nvidia shit the bed on Linux drivers in the last year or so.

I did

Now that I actually game on PC I use windows again and I've found that everything I want from linux I can do with Windows Subsystem for Linux (aka bash on windows)