Replaying this again it's surprisingly in depth. I dig the tank controls with the rpg elements even if it is a bit dated. I got to thinking, are there any others like this? All I can think of is Vagrant Story.
Parasite Eve 2
Ever play the first one OP?
Yes. I don't think it's as unique as this one but I still enjoyed it.
I really like how much the difficulty modes change up the game in PE2. Combined with how distinct and viable most of the weapons and abilities are, it makes the game highly replayable.
Right? I looked through a guide after beating it (last boss was hard as shit for me cuz bad ending) and I missed a bunch of cool stuff.
Aside from the obvious RE clones I guess Megaman Legends? Gamefaqs listed it as a arpg for whatever reason and there's spooky dungeons and terrible controls if that's your thing.
Only the first though. Second game ditches the spooky dungeons.
what does it mean when someone says x has tank controls
Fear Effect
PE2 is more action oriented and less RPG focused than PE1.
Hilarious considering PE2 has more interesting and useful spells.
Over head view, move player individually each direction, fixed camera angles. Think old Resident Evil.
Movement is oriented by the character rather than the camera.
True but RPG elements in PE2 are equivalent to pausing the game to look at your inventory, whereas RPG elements in PE1 are equivalent to your typical JRPG with active time battle.
Vagrant Story is a special game on its own really, but conceptually not that different than playing your typical ARPG hack'n'slash (ie Diablo) or an MMO.
I like 1 better because of all the weapons and customization.
Not quite as uniq...bitch it's a Resident Evil game in all but name!
Tank controls = no diagonal movement. Only forward, turn, and back. Like an actual tank moves.
Second-person camera is a separate entity from tank controls. Its typically used in survival horror games to simulate the feeling of being watched by someone else (ie through a hidden camera).
That just results in all the weapons being identical.
Fear Effect, Koudelka, Galerians
I tried playing 1 recently. It was fucking shit. 2 blows it away.
Res doesn't have aoe attacks. Once you go into battle you have only whats equipped on your armor, similar to a rpg.
Why is that a problem? If the player is given the choice to make or use a weapon that works in all situations they'll do it "on average", even if it isn't the best weapon for the specific situation.
Like arguing everyone uses the same kind of bat in a baseball game because its either the best or the safest choice.
People migrate towards averages naturally.
Forced variety is stupid. If the choice isn't interesting on its own merit, don't blame people for not choosing it.
I'm gonna go on a limb and say you've never played the original Alone in the Dark.
Japan is notorious for ripping off peoples work, but at least doing well enough job to make that ripoff interesting.
Capcom and Squaresoft ripoff each other all the time a one-up attempt. Final Fantasy vs Breath of Fire, etc.
eves game is better
Im the opposite OP. Loved the first one so much. Not so much the second one. I dont hate it just loved the first one more. Also im happy theres people playing it. I miss Aya and the gang.
Technically the knife in RE games can cleave, but they're generally pathetic.
PE at least has melee attacks that are risk-reward, whereas RE is all risk and no reward. Even RE4 knife is just pathetic and only used to trigger QTEs.
>RE4 Knife pathetic
At the very least try to play or watch a play through of the game.
>unique premise
>amazing soundtrack that continues to be completely unique among the composer's entire career
>unique combat system only one other game uses
>literal Resident Evil plot and setting
>literal Resident Evil gameplay with magic gimmick
PEII is a fuckin' joke and an insult to its predecessor
That's not it. Tank controls are when you press up, the character moves forward, regardless of which direction they're facing. Pressing left or right makes them turn in place, instead of strafing left or right.
It has nothing to do with the perspective.
If you're gonna argue in bad faith by cherrypicking a single word don't bother.
Knife in RE4 is specifically designed to activate QTEs and only works without using QTEs because enemy AI is terribly broken in RE4.
Its the same flaccid garbage as every previous RE because they want to emphasis the survival horror elements.
In REmake2 they fixed knives being fucking garbage into risk-reward by making them limited-use items to maintain the survival horror aspects.
Lets be fair PE2 is still better than RE, even as a joke.
Silent Hill is also better than RE.
RE series is the bar really. Your only goal is to not do worse than them.
Shit even House of the Dead is better than RE series.
I want Aya to sit on my face.
IDK man I should play the first one again it's been a while. I just remember liking the second one a lot more right after beating it. Remember it being piss easy too
The fact there's no Liberate in PEII is a travesty. Awesome looking ability and we never saw it again after the first game.
pretty close I'd say
>Parasite Eve 2 is literally directed by the guy who wrote and planned the first Resident Evil
>people screech it's a RE clone
For those not aware, PE2 is the RE1 sequel that Keinichi Iwao had written as drafts for the eventual RE1 sequel game, but he quit Capcom during RE1.5's development, so his drafts were just used as root for ideas.
The GOLEMs at the end of PE2 are basically Tyrants, they were repurposed as basic supersoldiers for PE2 of course, but in the drafts he left "Militarized Tyrants" in the descriptions. For RE2 it became the T-103s, for PE2's script they became GOLEMs.
I love doing critical hits with the Mongoose
Each element had it's own super-power, which if you got it to max level was a different kind of liberate-
*Inferno- Everything fucking dies or is dying.
*Lifedrain- Deals heavy damage and drains it as HP.
*Apobiosis- stops everything.
*Energyball- Swirling balls of death surround you.
I love Aya Brea!
>tfw scrooge mode nightmare run
also some autist jap did the entire game with no damage and 100% expulsion rate with other restrictive modifiers(no flashlights is one) on nightmare doing the same thing, too
>didn't get it when you maxed everything out
literally missed opportunity
also apobiosis god tier
It was never meant to be PEII in the first place. The main character was supposed to be Kyle, only later on did they attach Aya and the mitochondrian plot to it.
They were clearly unconfident enough not to make it a new IP.
Did you even play a tank control game ever in your life you absolute shitter, of course there is diagonal movement.
Is it good though?
Figures. The author hated it so much he pulled rights and we wound up with 3rd Birthday.
Which was kinda okay as itself, I guess?
And those were cool, but I still miss the theme behind Liberate, that is letting the mitochondria run the show and shedding the human dressing for a short burst of tremendous power
Thanks for the wholesome post. I'm going to replay the first one once i'm done.
Of all the things I miss about the first game in the series was the buddy cop movie feel it had. You can imagine my disappointment once the intro area to the second game ended and you got stranded in that shitty boring desert.
Whole game should've been like the beginning section.
>Is it good though?
PE1? fuck yea it is. Played it for the first time last year and loved it. PE2 however left me empty and mixed on how i feel about it. third birthday is fucking trash
>1 hour and not a single (you)
Come on you niggers bite my b8
but your post was correct
PE2 is fantastic. Fuck the shitposters.
Dude, just let the thread die. The franchise is dead. Move on.
I don't think anyone hates the game itself, they just hate the fact it's called PE2 and has Aya crammed in it at the last moment.
If it had been the PE spin-off it was meant to be I don't think it'd have such a lukewarm rep.
>has Aya crammed in it at the last moment.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Aya's character actually gets fleshed out in 2.
I want to be crammed in Aya