What the fuck happened to video games?

What the fuck happened to video games?

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>"why don't SJWs make their own games reeee"
>they do
this pretty much

First two are correct though

aren't the second and third bullet in direct opposition to each other?

also who self-inserts into a book?

They're technically right.
When people say "I don't want politics in my video games" what they mean is "I don't want my video games to be hamfisted propaganda"

Taking an existing series and turning it into a pandering husk of it's former self and creating an entirely new IP are two entirely different things.


Amazing, I don't think I could imagine a more cancerous image even if I tried really hard. It's like every single bullshit pilpul excuse that lefties come up to shove their cancerous agenda condensed into a few lines. It's so cancerous it's almost a work of art representing everything vile that those parasites do.
You mean how they worm their way into existing companies through diversity hire and then run the games into the ground?

It looks like cancer straight up from /leftypol/.

wtf is a book?

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ive honestly never ever cared about a game's story, just give me some good competitive multiplayer, the kind I haven't played since halo2.

There's a difference between involving government in the plot of games, like say Metal Gear, and identity politics, like shoehorning minorities into 14th century Poland. So yes, you're 100% right.

>also who self-inserts into a book?


>the kind I haven't played since halo2.

No, there isn't a difference user. Both are hackneyed trash trying to subvert the medium of video games by turning them into movies. The only difference is your personal preference.

If you were truly unbiased, you would throw Metal Gear into the trash, right alongside Ass Creed and TLOU and The order 1886. You wouldn't try white knighting cinematic cancer. You would acknowledge it as objectively terrible no matter the game, no matter the context.

>what happend
Jews. Unironically. Learn what "Cultural Marxism" is. Protip: learn it from a non-jewish source, such as the book "The Culture of Critique" or this video: youtube.com/watch?v=vrt6msZmU7Y

Go away, Doug.

Go fuck off and play tetris, games having story is not a bad thing.

A difference in political subjects, sure. A difference in the presence of politics? No.

This, politics that works in the game world are fine. Blatant Trump analogies are shit and will age like milk. It's why New Vegas is loved and the new Wolfenstein is forgotten.

People who can't enjoy anything. Like Yea Forums but for different reasons

Assuming you mean Metal Gear Solid and not the first Metal Gear game, please go ahead and objectively explain how exactly it's bad. Then we can laugh at you.

I think you stick your dick in it

have sex

The assault on video games and all other facets of media and pop culture is just a symptom of the larger root illness. This shit will never stop unless the root cause is dealt with, permanently this time.

You do not play video games to watch cutscenes. You play them to ACTUALLY INTERACT. Defending the presence of hour after hour of cutscenes is just you admitting that you hate playing games, and you want an excuse to not play them. At that point you might as well advocate for a button to skip the gameplay.

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There is a complete difference between fictional politics and IRL politics

Nothing about this is wrong.

There is objectively zero point to any of your posts. You will never change anybodies mind and yours will clearly not change

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I agree OP but can't you post it in wordart with some Jojos or something

i mean fuck man I didn't come here to read

>he is projecting now
always a sure fire way to know when a fag doesn't have any idea what he is talking about.

metal gear is more fictional, conspiracy theories and how technology advancement affects the military industrial complex was well as the rest of the world

>It's not journalism, it's fiction!

I don't mind politics in a game's story. Politics is a fundamental part of life and your world would be very bland and basic without it.

What I do mind is when devs try to shoehorn their progressive agendas into the game and instead of creating a natural world where the player can determine who is right and wrong they show obvious bias.

the result ofmurican education being neo-marxist indoctrination
watch Bezmenov

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>the if you're not a commie you're a nazi meme is real
Leftists are so fucked in the head.

>a screenshot of some text against a pristine white background, not even suggesting the graphical profile of a blog engine

Now I get it. Nazi internet warriors are on a mission to slowly degrade the capability of zoomers to do any form of critical thinking about source origin and credibility at all. Cherrypicking the worst of SJW from twatter for agitprop is too much work now, wouldnt it be easier to just type some bullshit directly into photoshop and post it?

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Listen to me, and listen to me well. This is an issue that should be put to bed by now.

There isn't a problem with politics in video games. Politics in video games have always existed, and it's always GOING to exist for as long as video games have stories.

People are tired of the nigger politics. They're tired of this shallow and pathetic attempt at trying to pander to a demographic that doesn't even like video games. Girls don't play video games. Most ghetto hood rats don't play video games This is just a fact. No girl or black dude in the fucking world would ever touch SMT or Dwarf Fortress seriously. People hate it when a company that they once respected sticks a giant middle finger up their nose and tells them to blatantly not play the game. For fucks sake, do companies like Ubisoft and EA seriously think people WANT to be told not to play their game?

There's nothing wrong with politics in video games. People are just tired of ORANGE MAN BAD politics.

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You even admit it yourself. You hate it when politics that you dislike are portrayed in video games. So why am I not allowed the same preference? In this case, the politics I hate are "video games should have less gameplay". And that's what a game is preaching whenever it decides that I need a random 22 minute cutscene shoved right down my throat. What is the difference between your preference and mine? Why are you allowed to have a disdain for movie games, but I have to be silent?

It's also preachy as hell. I don't need to listen to Kojima talk about how WAR BAD, TECHNOLOGY BAD, AMERICA BAD for 50 hours. I just want to play a video game, and trying to bore me with talking and dialogue only makes me despise your game.

Where's the thousands of tons of ash?

fuck you man, everyone likes video games.

But I didn't tell them to make games, I told them to kill themselves because they told me to kill myself.

all I can honestly say is thank god for Todd and Emil

No they don't. No girl would ever fucking touch something that isn't AAA.

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>more projecting along with some weird victim complex
Jesus dude.

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>In this case, the politics I hate are "video games should have less gameplay".
that's not politics. that's just your rigid opinion that games don't have gameplay unless they're autism simulators like terraria.

>Why are you allowed to have a disdain for movie games, but I have to be silent?
Because there is literally no point to any of your posts other than being a massive attention whore autist.

>They're tired of this shallow and pathetic attempt at trying to pander to a demographic that doesn't even like video games
>he says while defending movies like Metal Gear, that don't have any gameplay and are just giant hallways inbetween exposition dumps

A bit ironic if you ask me.

You're right, people shit on Todd but we are lucky to have him at least being a level-headed individual when it comes to this topic.

Fighting games and sports games arent actually video games.
This board would be so much better if we banned you trogs.

Literally all of these are bullshit. The second one is "alright", but it feeds the thought process of people judging creative work based on who made it, which is bullshit.

I don't understand your point.

Mixed with lead in your polish carrots

Fuck you and fuck your politics. There are no politics in my mind.

>shallow and pathetic attempt at trying to pander to a demographic that doesn't even like video games
If you told me 15 years ago that normalfags would be able to name 5+ Avengers off the top of their head I'd call you a lying nigger since comics was a niche thing, and yet hear we are. Market demographics are capable of changing. Also never would've expected Persona 5 to be this popular, SMT is like partway there to becoming mainstream

lol dude, fuck off

>no rebuttal of the arguments

>ad hominem, also implying that all games without heavy story are bad

>also ad hom, but with a double standard

My point stands. Your freedom to hate games that push politics that you don't like comes with the freedom for me to criticize pretentious movies like Metal Gear. You can't have one without the other, otherwise you're imposing your own biased opinion as if it was law.

This is not about SJWs making games, the OPs pic is about SJW sperging out that others don't make games xhe wants them to.

Disagree, all the girls I know like indie games like Darkest Dungeon and Stardew Valley.

You don't just get to say what people are like, man, i don't care who you are, you don't know everyone.

Honestly I don't understand how you never get banned for obviously trolling with the hyperbole you use. You should ban yourself from life.

>SJWs make games
>They sell terribly
>Mocked forever online
>I know
>They're all racists
>I still win
>Even if I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars making my shitty boring game

Look, I'm gonna level with you. If you genuinely care about your favorite franchise, it is your job to gatekeep it from normies. Do you WANT something like Dwarf Fortress to be "accessible" to normies?

So...normie casual shit? How does that disprove my point?

don't really care about "their" games, just leave the series we loved alone. how fucking hard is that to grasp?

>I don't understand your point.
My point is thisIt's not wrong to hate a story heavy game. It should never be wrong to hate a story heavy game. Any argument you try and make contrary to this could also be used against you, should you choose to hate games like Ass Creed or any of those politically charged games. You are advocating that your games are above reproach, which is not a sound viewpoint.

You wish, europe is just as bad, in the UK while the government pushes orwellian laws that make ANYTHING that MIGHT be offensive to ANYONE including the GOVERNMENT ITSELF, people need to put massive effort to even get out of the modern babel tower that is the EU. All the while the young people know ZERO of politics in general and don't want to know, basically assuring that the future will belong to the vermin that leech of and destroy countries.

Can't help lack of taste, fighting games are great.

What do you play, Uncharted?

>metal gear, that don't have any gameplay
I was halfway onboard but you pulled the bait too soon my main man

>Do you WANT something like Dwarf Fortress to be "accessible" to normies

Too late, it's coming to Steam with graphical interface. Enjoy your nu-DF community!

>eye witnesses

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>stardew valley
The worst game in its genre. Nothing but legbutt garbage with a town full of uninteresting, awful 'modern' 'people's

>darkest dungeon
'Game' that literally plays itself

It’s the way it trickles down into everything else. When you don’t care about this shit it’s frustrating to keep seeing it all the time. Plus it’s always on here where it’s posted to incite you.

At least Nintendo/Japanese developers rarely pander to their shit


>my point stands
you literally don't have one m8. You have just been projecting and acting like you are a victim.
>You are advocating that your games are above reproach, which is not a sound viewpoint.
What the actual fuck dude.

Lets be real here, Metal Gear Solid 1 has better gameplay than Terraria.

...Okay? What's with your obsession with Metal Gear?

I don't like Metal Gear either bud, but let's not pretend that it's as gross and embarrassing as the Jax ending in MK11.

There's nothing wrong with a story heavy game.

Also the last guy I responded to said fighting games aren't games as a way of shitting on black people, so what are you on.

Pretty much /thread.

>Do you WANT something like Dwarf Fortress to be "accessible" to normies?
It's a lot more accessible now than it was years ago (graphics packs prob had something to do with it). Why should I care if more people get to enjoy something I think is fun and interesting?

Sales don't matter as much as being politically right. History is on our side.

he's like that guy who was obsessed with john wick that one thread

I was actually very liberal before all this shit happened, how did they make me completely flip?

>muh white race is superior
>they're the bitch of ZOG

What do you play, Uncharted?

>Paid online
>DLC instead of the good old EXPANSIONS
>Day one DLC
>Loot boxes
>Barely mods
>Identity politics
>Companies behaving like jerks (Like Nintendo taking down gameplays or fangames)
>Games being release in a completely broken state
>Focus on muh graphics instead of gameplay, player interactivity with the environment/physics
>Less amount of games being produced by the old classic game companies and more boring/safe/same remakes
>Games are not made by nerds for nerds, I am not the target audience for them anymore, it's a product made by corporate suits for a safe bland souless public
>More shit I just forgot to mention

I want to go back

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