I will post this everyday until E3

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that this will be the E3 that is videogames


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I will post this everyday until Prime 4
I will cling to hope in possibility that the new Prime game will be good

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I hope hopoo won't ruin risk of rain 2.

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Nobody cares about E3 anymore.

The hype associated with it has no longer held up. There is no reason to care anymore.

Final Fantasy VII Remake 2019!

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E3 2019

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>What happened in UC doesn’t change much in UC universe
>Other than creating countless unicorn reskin and turning them into money bandai’s pocket

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stay strong user

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I want to believe

at least it's one of the few og xbox BC games

It just wont be as fun as last year, i can already feel it.

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I need a sequel

why are people saying its not going to be as fun? explain yourselves

Your dreams won't come true

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Will Konami ever return?

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Post your dream game that alone would make this year's e3 god-tier for you

For me its Pikmin 4

Imagine modern konami doing a show
It would be chockfull of scummy shit, I bet it'd be hilarious

Anything metroid related.
Additionally anything Salmon Run related

Pikmin 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but I can't really get hype for Pikmin 4 knowing it'll probably be as bad as 3. My dream game that would make my jaw drop would be Quake 5 with a proper arena shooter mode. No champions. Just classic Quake 3 style gameplay. And going back to the gothic architecture of classic quake games instead of Champions' shitty "futuristic" artstyle.

A return to form for Paper Mario. I’d be even more disappointed if we got Sticker Star 3 than getting nothing at all.

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Unicorn is the monkey paw that destroyed Gundam by putting a hack like Fukui in charge. The only possibility Unicorn brings is fucking disappointment.

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>knowing it'll probably be as bad as 3.

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Wasn't it 5 days a couple days ago?

It was 5 days 368 days ago

then the thread maker was wrong

Serious Sam 4 release date and showcase for god tier. Outside of that it'll be great tier if we get more information on Hollow Knight: Silksong, Ori 2, Doom Eternal, and maybe Planet Zoo.

Behelit Tier for a Bannerlord release date.

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The game babies you way more than the old ones. It feels like monsters are trying not to kill your pikmin. In 1/2, even a regular old wollywog could kill 50 of your pikmin in one shot if you weren't careful. In Pikmin 3 even bosses can only kill like 5-10 in one attack. You actually have to be trying to lose in Pikmin 3. Plus, the worlds were very small, barely above Pikmin 1 tier, but they had fucking LOADING screens in the middle of the level. And no caves either, except that fuckawful last level where you get chased by the blob of goo. And no direct control of Pikmin. Only lock on. Lock on should have never been a thing in Pikmin. It's like putting lock on in a shooter. It just takes a the skill out of it.


I'm hoping for more Cyberpunk 2077 stuff.
Creative Assembly announcing Total War: Warhammer III and their new non-Total War game.
XCOM 2's expansion pack (or possibly XCOM3)
Amazon's MMO gameplay footage
New MMO's in general


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Please tell me you are the same user posting this, I know I've been absent but here I am.. .metroid stronk!

You bet
It's been a long time buddy, glad to see you again

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Animal Crossing having great writing, good worldbuilding, every missing feature returning, tons of new features, a 3rd-person camera, and a map as big as the mk8 track. It’ll probably be this or Pocket Camp HD.

I will post this everyday until Animal Crossing Switch
I will cling to hope in possibility that the soul, dialogue and atmosphere will NOT be JUSTed by nu-fans' demands

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aight you all take care

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