Name one open world or adventure game with combat that isn't complete shit

Name one open world or adventure game with combat that isn't complete shit.

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Mount and Blade

that was the last time he did something impressive

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if they can get the elder scrolls 6 to have mordhau combat, then that, but it won't, so no game whatsoever. as for mount and blade, its open world like the old final fantasies which is fine but i doubt thats what OP is looking for.

that was the last time the writing wasn't outright fucking retarded, and even then it kind of was.

Horizon Zero Dawn has some really fun combat that lets you take down robots piece by piece
Too bad normal humans are so shit in comparison

doesn't exist. At least till fromsoft makes one.
I'd say witcher 3 but the gameplay is shit to alot of people so

dragon's dogma


easy peasy lemon SQUEEZY

>Why did the lord of fire bring back Jon?
>Who the fuck was the lord of fire?
>Who was the red woman?
>What happened to Daario back east of the narrow sea?
>All the Dothraki died fighting the undead for no reason, but magically returned later to sack King's Landing. Where the fuck did they go after Dany died?
>Literally nothing came out of Jon's heritage
>Literally nothing came out of the blacksmith boy's heritage. He just got some no-name castle.
>Arya took her faces to Winterhold with them but never used them. Ever. After months of training to use them.
>Tyrion developed down syndrome
>Varys developed down syndrome
>Jaime destroyed 10 years of char development in a single episode
>Dany went from killing traitors or enemies to killing children for no reason and some people are actually dumb enough to be ok with this
>Did the mad king really go mad for no reason? I was expecting a Hodor-style explanation
>Bran went from not wanting to have any meaningful position to wanting to be King in the same fucking season
>What the fuck was the point of Yara going back to the iron islands?
I'll never not be mad. RR is working on other shit so he'll likely die of old age before finishing the books.

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I really don't think The Witcher 3 is that bad. But I don't really play a lot of hack n slashes/action games that focus on melee combat. I thought it was completely serviceable and the detlaff fight was decent.

my game

this but too bad that everything else besides the combat is complete generic trash western rpg tier,really weird for a japanese rpg to play like this actually

I don't get the hate for Witcher 3's combat at all. It's pretty good. Feels more actiony than basically any other open world game.


meh, the world and monsters were pretty cool.

if mgr was open world i would say that, but sadly mgr2 never

DD was a better game when it wasn't open world though. The DLC and dungeons were the best part. If they do a sequel they need to actually make it a large open world with shit worth roaming the land for. The night time being a lot harder was very nice though.

I feel like they will fuck up a sequel, someone hold me.

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does dragon's dogma let you lock on/target enemies?

Fallout 3. Gunplay kino.

only when casting specific skills

combat feels to light to me, and artificial. i don't mind it too much

The Lord of Light is a god. The red woman was an agent of his will, same as the red priest and Jon. They were alive because he wanted shit done. Not all the dothraki died riding to meet the dead, but where they went after King's Landing is unaddressed. Whatever is left of the horde seems to be mingling with everyone else in the scene where Jon walks along the dock. Jon's heritage put a wedge between him and Dany, but it was poorly portrayed because D&D were trying to hurry through to other projects, so they cut off like seven episodes. Arya never using her faces was a waste for the same reason. Dany killed everyone because she was going mad like her father, but same reason as above. The mad king went mad because his family kept dying off in freak accidents and he was imprisoned and tortured after already becoming a paranoid psycho. Yara went back to reclaim her home and independence, since that was all the Greyjoys ever really wanted (aside from Euron). I liked Jamie's relapse. The Bran thing... was probably supposed to come off as mysterious, but it was just dumb. I'm disappointed in that too, since his arc was always interesting to me.

And if RR dies, his ghost writers will finish the series. They're already working on it anyway.

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Amazing designs.

Except it's completely unnecessary to actually do that once you get halfway through the game because it's faster just to bomb them to death. Yes, that includes hard modes. They spent 90% of their effort on combat mechanics that are irrelevant after the first time you get a 'cool' kill on a new enemy type and meanwhile the rest of the bread and butter combat is absolute shit.