I had insomnia but for some reason I could sleep so fast.
It was my biggest mistake.
I don’t know how much time passed since I had fell asleep.
I heard a lobotomy corporation thread from the distance.
I had insomnia but for some reason I could sleep so fast
Other urls found in this thread:
So yes or no, if I day 1 will my only option for execution bullets be suppressing 5 Waws? Because I'm not doing that
>Turns out piano lady was a Waw
>Let her out intentionally
>Beat her ass
>Doesn't count as suppressing a Waw for the mission
I fucking hate this
it's a non-escaped object, user :^)
Then what Waws can be easily released, don't instantly kill everyone like Yin does, and preferably don't teleport around the entire facility making the whole thing a massive chore?
For me, it's the Big Bird.
Post your strongest agent(s)
Yin isnt the easiest. Yang is. Get to end of day, get a killsquad and pick up yang. Head to exact opposite side of facility. Every yang kill counts and he respawns in 10 seconds. Kill yang 5 times in a row then end day. You lose 10 lob for yin but thats a non issue
Too late already day 1'd
what the fuck is giving you 40/40
What's wrong with my dog?
Considering that minus health, either Yins gift or crumbling armor
How does this game play like? Is it comparable to other games? Is it "winnable" or is just a rogue-lite you play until you inevitably get fucked?
I think he has autism
It has multiple endings, including a 100% completion ending.
Will you guys still be here when I come back in a month?
Very winnable. Unless you're shit. Roguelite in that your equipment, mission progress, and information on abnormalities carries over to all restarts. To get the true ending you need all mission completion and codex info.
Justitia +3/+3
Crimson Scar +3/+3
Magic Bullet +10/+10
MAX Crumbling Armor +20/+20
Currently in Central, going to move to Discipline for attack speed buff
God Laetitia is cute. I can't stay made at her even with her pranks.
>Finish a day with a DF work
>Normal result
>Fires a fucking bullet right through Security and Info
An absolute fucking monster.
Laetitia is deserving of all headpats because she's a really good training HE.
He can get from top of central to bottom in 20 seconds
Is it a bug i just found or the QoH normally stops trying to breach if you cheese her on meltdown enough times?
I know his first form is weak as shit but this still always stresses me out
holy shit you just now figured that out. Ppl have been talking about that since the first thread. Also turn your fucking trip off you faggot you get scarecrow duty
Anyone got that chart with all the gifts and works listed on it?
Are you going to go for White Night subjugation for his weapon.
Is QoH any good for insight grinding? My choices are either her or a TETH level insight ab. How is she maintenence wise?
You mean the bonuses they give?
Should I turn this off?
I'm kinda afraid that the backer stuff will be just dumb donut steel abnormalities
She's pretty good for Insight
>How is she maintenence wise?
One of the highest maintenance abnormalities
Majority of them are alright, with 2 or 3 great ones, and 1 or 2 meh ones.
Yes, there are a few that give good gear, and they're not that immersion breaking
Best tool in the game is a backer abnormality. rest are assholes though
Most of the backer ones are dissapointing, but theres one good one and one really really good one
Shh no talking till i had my coffee manager
yeah that, thanks.
fuck, I don't have bullet researched yet. She's definitely gonna breach but I'm on day 21 and planning on resetting after completing dusk mission. Should I try to get her gear in one day or just play it safe?
All the ones i've seen so far are okay
Melting Love and Ppodae are both backers abnormalities so they're good to me
her gear is fucking good, go for it.
should I just try to get everyone i have to get those work rate ego gifts and grind to max stats
You need to take him for a walk, user.
I did it! Surprisingly with only one death.
Your call, but it seems a bit early. Also you might replace those gifts with better ones down the line , something like +2 to a stat right now barely means anything
I forgot to mention that death was because I accidentally hit the space bar out of muscle memory
Here's a spoiler with some suggestions if you want. Recording Team has several missions about ending day with specific stats above 100, one of which is 10 units with justice 100+, which is the hardest to raise. If you plan to take this cycle to day 40+ I would recommend grinding repression especially. Of the units there, One Sin, Child of Galaxy and Old Lady are completely safe to use for repression grinding. Just don't fuck up child of galaxy's mechanic.
Almost done user, just one more to go
How are people managing 40+ employee facilities? I have just 2 guys per department and even then it feels like a hassle to track, train and gear them all properly
>just got butterfly guy
>have a grand total of 2 employs with higher than justice 1
>one of them is the control team captain
>the only one free seems to have a 40-60 chance of fucking up and letting him out and/or going insane.
what in the goddamn
Based High Justice CHADS
I mostly differentiate based on what EGO gifts I can make out when max zoom, usually shit like Void Dream's horns or Beauty's rose or One Sin's crown. I rotate dudes around a lot, mostly because I have White Night. so I've gotten practice at remembering who's where.
There's also that mod I haven't tried that lets you use the F keys or something to control your guys, but I haven't tried it. I think it also has some changes to the base game which might be considered cheating or something. Like I think it prevents your guys from wandering halls randomly. Correct me if I'm wrong.
he's easy to re-contain though
Why is Chesed so cute?
>wolf and red gift
a true human bean
I love you!
Manager, Manager!
its the going insane while letting him out that is the problem, because he one shots her. I suppose the correct thing is to have my highest sanity guy in the department go in, and then just have the gank squad wait outside for his inevitable release. it just seems like such an unnesscary risk though.
This games been getting a lot of threads. Is it good?
It's amazing.
nope we're just masochists
i saw a letsplay video that was dated last year, but only the threads recently. What happened? did it get put on steam recently, get an offical english version or both?
Good yes, but also painful at times (and all the more rewarding because of it). Plus the monster lore is pretty neat
It's been out for a while but had a sudden inexplicable surge in popularity which can't really be tied to anything in particular.
Reposting the Sticker mega.
>ywn get the physical version of the book
I just realized i was spamming this when i got it and a failure would mean losing my justitia forever as i dont have the bird of judgement on my second run.
Does all of your employees consist of long haired megane girls?
If so good taste.
never compliment him
You disappoint me user
Why is big bird so small?
He didn't fly so good
>Get those clown fucks
>One of them is picking the lock to scorched girls room
>Send all my guys there
>Picks it just when they get there
>She busts out and immediately explodes
All of them have glasses, yes, but not everyone is a long haired girl, just trying to make them cute and the glasses is the only eye gift i have besides the little helper's which are also glasses.
Forgot image.
>Send all my guys there
If you can choose spider bud, it gives you angular glasses.
Remember to use the source version!
>not stationing a few guys at all the dangerous abnos' hallways before triggering red dawn
Thank fuck, people keep posting the shit version.
>clown fuck goes to Red Shoes room
>send employees
>just 1/99 of its hp left
>guy immediately gets into the room and gets posessed
Fucking hell
Yeah i had them on my older run, they look way better.
I miss my endgame main, but my current main seems to be able to solo everything until now so im good.
Threadly reminder to read the manual.
There is a chance I fucked myself
>black swan
yeah just reset.
I heard your cry. Your heart reached me. user, Though have called me.
I'm gonna miss you guys when interest in this game dies in a month
I don't manage with 40, those extra were Hokuma time stop bait if I needed to pause and not risk my main dudes dying during something important
The folly of youth. Seeing people go through this (and purple noon) makes me smile
whyd the interest in this game even spike, didnt it come out a year ago or something
dont get me wrong im playing it now as well and love it but im curious
I'll miss you too user
Same. Currently trying to beat the game soon before these threads die out so I can be part of the ride
I don't think anyone actually knows why. There was no major event.
sequel was announced so some anons decided to try Lob Corp out, found it enjoyable, made a thread on Yea Forums, which in turn attracted more people to the game
Sequel looks somewhat different
A lot different, it's a sequel to the story more than anything
From what the gameplay showed of Ruina, it gave me the vibe that it was a race to see who would reach what looked like a core first.
I just fucking came holy shit my dick
I impulse bought LC like a year ago because I saw someone here post Burrowing Heaven.
Then this video got me to try the game again, when I checked here I recognized the OP image as being from the game.
Secret discord cabal spins a wheel every month to pick which game to hype up on Yea Forums. Now if only they would do Restricted RPS next
How do you even fight that thing?
Eh. Could always toss it into a spooky general or some snazz and keep a community via the conglomerate interest. I haven't even played the game. I just hang around because it looks interesting.
does this boy band actually breach
Don’t make me go back to /indie/ plz
Alright I figured out the stuff about skull bro because he swaped places with him, but i still had to retry as that is like 90% of my employees and he just broke out again 2 minutes later, now he just sits there menacingly until he breaks out again killing everyone, is there anything i can do to not be 100% fucked
should have suppressed him instead of taking the coward's way out
Do not fear, for I am with you. You cannot leave until I allow you to.
Looks like somebody is resetting soon (possibly at day 1). You have to periodically work him or he'll chimp out again. If possible, see if you can unlock his armor before doing so, it's the best in the game
>How do you even fight that thing?
justice is a damn placebo
it's the most important stat you dummy, why else would it be so expensive LOBwise?
i got 2 full aleph sets and i cant beat qoh without everyone dying
So how am i supposed to beat 12 alephs with 1 rank 4 in waw equipment
>i got 2 full aleph sets and i cant beat qoh without everyone dying
Manage your agents better, manager. You don't have to take lasers to the face.
I'm about to do crimson dusk for the mission, can someone confirm whether or not the clown does explosion damage to nearby employees when it dies? I need to keep clerk casualties to absolute minimum because I have a mountain working out on a treadmill right now.
enjoy your dead clerks
>went through the trouble of seeing what gifts I needed for the speediest and fastest swinging employee
Well now that I know, going to actually do this run until Hokma's suppression and maybe start some save scum abuse to get the abnormals I need. For no reason other than it'd be awesome.
>being a justicelet
So... what 3 alephs are the best to try and suppress in one day for the mission? Mountain, Orchestra, Melting?
As soon as you have three alephs you go with what you've got. If you're a man, that is.
Those seem good enough for an easy time. Personally, I went with the three birds in a dark forest because I couldn't find another ALEPH at the time.
Is this the real world event that the Shelter from the 27th of March references?
I wonder if it would be worth the effort, maybe use the Control team bonus for the +10 movement.
>defeated the apocalypse birb
>about to beat Gebura
>restarted the day anyways because too many casualties
So I am like in day 10, when I should not feel bad about employees dying? So far everything is good, lots of employees have random artifacts and some are already V chads that keep the building safe while the younglings train.
I mean unless you lost the entirety of your A-team, why the restart?
>when I should not feel bad about employees dying
When the days start getting long enough that you make somewhat significant progress each day, losing an under lv IV shitter isn't worth the time it would take to redo the day. Which is usually sometime after you fully unlock Central.
>safe inside while the rest of the outside world goes to hell
It's possible, sounds like inspiration for it at least.
Okay cool, I assume its gonna be easier to train agents later on.
On an unrelated now, how important are artifacts? Also I got happy machine kind of early on and I feel fucked since thats potential exp I am not getting where it could be a real abnormality. Also the machine sucks.
Do you mean You Must Be Happy or We Can Change Anything?
Because YMBH is one of the best tool abnormalities (which you are always guaranteed to get as the 4th abnormality in a department)
Each department gets 1 tool so you'll just have to accept the fact that the tool abnormality is just going to sit there and be useless.
You Must Be Happy is pretty useful, especially for a particular event later on. Hopefully you're doing all of your missions as they come, so you can start this particular event ASAP.
Most of my A Team were fine, but I don't want to lose 25-30 employees who's experienced and equipped with ego items
I have the clear the ordeal at dusk but I cant seem to trigger an ordeal at dusk.
You must be happy.
On the deployment screen before the day starts it will tell you what the hardest ordeal you can get that day is
If it says Dusk then just keep letting the day go on until a Dusk ordeal happens
You're not late enough to trigger a dusk, don't worry about it for now. Just get those agents trained up.
Is there any reason to end days early?
Is there a limit of how much stats for an employee I can grind in a single day?
Less chance for things to go catastrophic.
>reason to end days early
If you don't want to fight the hardest ordeal you have available. (or because you think you've been on the same day for too long and don't want to get mem leek'd)
>limit on grind
None, but depending on what level of abnormals you have you might want to advance forward and try to get HE/WAW for faster stat grinding.
So basically I should grind the first couple days when everything is in perfect control, right?
Yes. Especially Repression.
Favorite HE?
Der Shootman
You posted her
Schadenfreude and Tinman come close
Fuck that box and its gay gimmick. I guess it's easy to work with once you figure it out, but it took me forever.
easiest 5x HE suppression in the game though
Both of this bois
Does anyone know what the calm piano music that plays when you first meet Angela is called?
I hecked up the progression and it looks like I can do the suppressions for Hokma and Binah, but not both. Which gives the better reward so I'll have an easier time when I reset?
I can only speak for Binah, she's ridiculously hard. But the bonus she gives is insane. I just wish it applied earlier, I had to continue that run for another day to fight and defeat Apocalypse Bird on the 43rd day since my top agent died at the last second and lost both pieces of the Apocalypse.
>Mission is to finish a day with less than 3 people dead
>Randomly fails on the day right after
>"Oh, guess it includes clerks as well?"
>Try again the next day
>Mission is now automatically marked as failed on every new day
Binahs reward becomes superfluous later on. Hokmas reward is all around great.
How do you know it's failed? Shouldn't it show as "0/1" up until you actually finish the day?
>being unable to lose your ego
>especially in the late 40's
You rarely loose any employee and usually gave the abnormality you want to reproduce your EGO
Can't grab a screenshot since my save is on another computer, but it has a big ol' "failed" next to it at all times even on fresh days. It's this mission right here; am I just misunderstanding what "dispatch" means in this context or wot?
I actually did it, i was able to deal with wk long enough to get his suit. Pic of my wk wrangler. I'm gunna miss her.
No that shit is different, it means each dept can't have more than 3 employees in it at the start
only have a max of 3 employees per department
Oh that makes more sense, thanks manager
Dispatch here means to put in the department in the setup phase. Bench some of your employees for the day until there's no more than 3 to a department.
This means 3 or less Agents at the start of a day in each department. 4 or 5 means the mission fails for that day
>do day 47
>turns out it's all the upper meltdowns combined, including fucking Yesod's
I can't take it, my vision is bad enough already
Why do my guys keep dying to One Sin when they have the armor buff?
not my fault the scarecrow drained all my int
unless you're very prepared for the late days you will lose some
What do I do with the "Complete Ordeal of Dusk" mission on a Day 4?
Nothing, you need to be further to complete Dusk. Keep getting those boxes, manager.
>Why do my guys keep dying to One Sin when they have the armor buff
>they have the armor buff
>armor buff
Someone post the I consent picture
Most people don't finish that until Day 15-25, you have plenty of time
Just don't do something fucking idiotic like completing it on day 35 or later
Maybe the renewed interest will make the creators make a new and improved version? Or future DLC? Or a patch that renews the game?
Does Schadenfreude need to be completely out of frame, or is it okay if the side of the containment unit is in the shot?
Why dont you test it out user
Is this weeb armor even worth it? I've always skipped it since I hear stories about absent-minded managers getting their guys instakilled because of his restrictions
It gives good buffs, and you can still work on abnorms as long as you don't do attachment.
Take it, do instinct on it, get his data and then mem repo
>earlygame pale damage weapon
>good armor
>buff is great for super fast fucks
Yes very
>only pale damage weapon thats not aleph/end game boss drop
>hueg justice buffs
For the memes you could have one guy use his aura to be fast as fuck, but otherwise his gimmick is entirely avoidable. It just becomes detrimental as all fuck if you put it on too many people, which these managers that can't into reading seem to do.
>good armor
>0.6 red in teth
0.6 red resist for a teth? Yeah thats good
Is there ANY reason at all to not unlock the Managerial tips first on any abnormality?
You can just give it a designated "handler" who then turns into an absolute killing machine thanks to the Justice buffs.
If you're a cheater who already wiki'ed the gimmick? Unlocking the basic info/escape info is usually cheapest, and gives the bonuses right away
If they didn't want me to fuck shit up they shouldn't have made the trumpet BGMs my jam
How do I handle the meltdown of the mirror?
Last day I had a dedicated zombie employee.
I love when the music starts kicking in, makes the Apocalypse more fun to fight, though I find it odd that it spawning only causes a first trumpet.
>can't keep jeremy's EGO
fuck off
Managerial tips are generally the most sensible thing to unlock first, since you wouldn't have the boxes to unlock what the success rates are if you didn't luck out and pick a good work for the abnormality in the first place.
If you allow a tool to complete a meltdown, all that happens is you lose like 20 energy.
just let it melt down my dude, what's the worst that could happen?
>Old employees were South Park characters.
I'm really impressed at how far the game came along. If they had gotten more funds/dev time, it might've been great, with a perfect translation and a less-clunky UI
Working on a new abnormality mod to bring back Hammer of Light in a new format.
Got a story for you Yea Forums
Tried the 5 WOW suppression mission.
>common work on King causes it to eventually breach and I needed to buy its EGO anyways
>Alriune was even easier with my gear
>on the third breach, King triggers Red Hood
>Red's dedicated handler fights her in Discipline main, while the rest chip away at King
>after that massacre, my Black Swan's counter is at one
>I figure that rather than letting King or Alriune out again just to have Swan join in halfway through, I might as well let her out and have her be my 5th
>Swan appears directly under Alriune and immediately sets her free
>Something caused Red's counter to drop an extra point, so she decides to breach as well
>Red's handler is out of position and she's running the opposite way
>Red manages to escape to Central, I don't want to chase her there with slime heart
>Security tries to suppress Swan before she wrecks the place any further while all other departments proceed to get out of the way of Red's rampage while avoiding getting caught in Alriune's teleports
>After a few close calls, Black Swan goes down, all employees have been evacuated to Welfare and Red took down Alriune for me after getting bored of killing clerks
>very carefully Red's handler makes her way out of Discipline, avoiding the few remaining clerks and lures her into an out of the way arena
>Red goes down and I'm finally done with the mission, but I'm 30 energy short, one move away from Noon and close to triggering Black Swan again
>So I decide to try using We Can Change Anything which I've avoided this whole time
>maybe this is a good chance for me to max this stupid thing
>If I use the Painting on a rookie employee, I can have the tanking employee heal over time and support him with red shields and healing bullets and if things start looking bad I can always just end the day
I'm sure some of you already know how that went, but to those who don't, please don't try it at the end of a day that took you over an hour to get through.
>Oh my god! You killed Maxim, Firenze, Ramirez, Rose, Josh, Summer, Yuri, Isabel, Samuel, Scarlet, Johnson, River, Vincent, and Zach! You bastard!
I've seen most of the abnormalities, and figured I could handle anything else after dealing with most of the game so far. But this.. thing. I don't know what it can do. None of the managerial notes tell me anything about what this thing actually does. I'm both a mixture of absolutely horrified and extremely curious. I have no doubt that my time will come as the days pass.
>watched a legacy video
>available weapons were random, either a baton or gun upon hiring employee
>what they could do with abnorms was random too
>had to keep all abnorms in the facility happy/neutral for x-amount of time to finish the day
>no form of being able to micromanage
Imagine having to fight Nothing There without being able to avoid his snipe/scythe good thing he was there in Legacy, and good thing you couldn't easily move agents away either
what is lobotomy corporation?
is it fallout shelter? it looks like fallout shelter.
What the heck is that
>very fast agent girl about to remove clerk
This looks very promising and good user, keep us posted
it's s-purple fucking around
black swan. dont tell me what it does though, im guaranteed to find out at some point soon
What happens when the black swan wakes up from the dream of being a white swan?
Convince me not to deliberately give literally every employee snow queen's ego gift. 6hp/sp for free guaranteed is pretty cool
Shouldn't be working on your porn game instead?
that smiling fucker is up to something
user, 5 of them are smiling
she is a snowball effect abo, dont let her run
>breeding season collapsed because of drama between him and the developer
>he goes to make a game very similar to that
how did he get away with it
No worries, follow up pic is agent just passing by
I thought people didn't really know how to mod in new abnormalities?
Already clocked in my daily 8 hours.
Good just dont tank the threads like you did with Darkest Dungeon for a while. Best of lucks
I was going to wonder what the fastest movespeed is, but I already figured it out and plan to do it eventually. I hope it'll be as fun as I imagine it.
Blue Star, La Noche de Blanco and Silent Orchestra are the most aesthetic abnormalities.
You get to keep all the gear through restarts and one of the boss rewards is that fresh recruits start with III in every stat.
Never miss a chance to get a boss reward,. Them and mission rewards are QoL improvements.
I want to add a Pokemon Amie feature to reward my faithful employees!
Actually its possible, I've been talking with some very dedicated programmers on Lobotomy Corp Wiki discord, and there's entire framework that lets you decompile the game and add whatever modular change you want to it, it still requires some brain and new entries but its entirely possible.
Right now I'm working on the art assets for the mod, along with the weapon, armor and the ego gift for it and then see if it'll work as intended.
You can DL the modding framework here:
docs google.com/document/d/1-Rkj7rxfN1duvi29c7BwYenGs3XY_t_3CmLRvUJ8mTU/edit
Niche game that tickles anons SCP interest. They see a thread, get interest, get the game, post about it, other anons notice it, pick it up, post about it and so on. The natural cycle of small game with no advertisement budget.
Also /scp/ picked it up last month making the plague spread easier and faster.
Grave of the Dead Butterflies says hi.
This is the OP incase you were wondering
>no fiery bird
oh shit thats fucking sick. any idea how this kind of modding will interact with already in progress saves? Are there already mods in the wild or is this in an experimental stage? Yea Forums collab mod when?
Funeral, La Luna and SO are the best I like Black Swan the most but is my opinion
It's called /scp/ Steam chat, /scp/ server chads. They dictate the SCPish FotMs
what is this? This is the first time I've heard of something like this
fuck off and stop shilling your shit discord. SCP is dead and should be forgetten.
I'll only tank them once I figure out how to get jiggle physics in this game.
What is the buff of the Snow Queen gift? In my game the text is bugged and I dont check the wiki
wiki says 6hp6sp
For small things like that, it's prob worth checking the wiki. hp/sp+6
Incorrect, we got new players last weekend thanks to Yea Forums threads. LC threads are perfect place for recruitment. The SCP Secret Lab is free and lotsa fun with anons.
How honestly do you deal with insomnia? Like the really bad kind that even hard shit like Trazodone can barely help? I've had it for a while now and it's really grating me.
The mods are linked in the framework file link, there's a few but they're barebones, japan and korea have made a few custom EGO mods reportedly but I haven't gotten any actual links to those, as far as them affecting the playthrough it seems like nothing really breaks, I use the detailed info mod and modified a few EGO items.
I've made a shitty hair edit mod that gives you a stylized L-Corp helmet you can find on steam artwork hub of Lobotomy Corp but thats about it from me for now while I work on the abnormality mod.
Korean not!SCP management with emphasis of learning and going in blind.
Putting your head on the pillow and granting yourself the rest. Let go of stress and mind's shackles.
is it normal to pay with rabbit protocol the energy you produced for the day just so Myo could visit the facility and maybe even go to the maangement office for a bit?
asking for a friend
>jiggle physics
Thanks, I really like Snow Queen, fun abo, good weapon and the gift is not that bad for how easy is to get. Plus she is a great Insight trainer
Poor little match girl doesn't get enough love.
What level of knowledge is required to actually implement an abnormality? I am extremely interested in this. Should I drop by the wiki discord?
Neither does Dimensional Refraction
Tinman, Smiling bodies and the Elf tree dont get too much love either
>they let the mountain hit phase 3
I don't get it
get a real sleep study done to get actual help with it, or kill yourself with ssri’s
You should drop by the wiki discord if you want the info on that yeah, the lead programmer of the modding framework is hanging out there all the time answering questions.
Should I hire more help or focus on upgrading someone into a SuperChad?
Holy shit based
>Finish a day after dispatching 5 or more level 5 employees
So do I just have 5 level 5s work on stuff?
Blue Star has the best looking armor.
You can't deny this.
I believe you can find it user
Not even that much, just deploy five level V employees. They can go get drinks from the bear vending machine.
aargh it's such a huge list and I can see spoilers in the thumbnails
What is the most Chad department
being in Control means being the best
what am I in for lads?
lmao fag
Just hit meltdown level ten, how hard can that be?
Recording team according to the department description.
Control according to Malkuth
Disciplinary judging by the storylet
Dont worry user I got you cover
>floats over your Lego bricks
>Accidentally sucks them up and hits its feet
This should be a thing desu
Is it the game or is it me. Literally ALL (5) my abnormalities are mostly Temperance-based.
I level other stats off Common success rates.
>We are two, but we are one. Do you know what this means?
what's this about
Together we are one.
holy fuck look at all those WAWs
Did they fug?
I have a similar problem with weapons, I got nothing but a big pile of Black Damage weapons
If it's temperance it is usually also prone to react positive to prudence
Tiphereth(girl) is literally cowgirl riding all the Tiphereth(boys) at the same time
So now that I'm stuck with the "Ordeal of Dusk" mission, will I be able to receive other missions?
Not from control team
>Playing as normal, just scrolling through the map
>Suddenly screen gets bloody and everyone dies
>mfw I realize that I accidentally clicked the mousewheel while my cursor was on top of Don't Touch Me
Kill me.
Yes, but don't worry, that one is the hardest.
I'm literally shaking right now they would never drink bear it's not allowed
Architecture, A was able to cheat the fundamentals of time, consciousness/reality and life all by himself and his team, and practically was on the brink of saving humanity. Also singlehandedly created a Wing and managed to escape one of the most powerful organisations for 10 years.
Been there, Done that. Wasted 20 minutes.
Isn't it great? Now you know to never pick it ever again.
I'll link what I know:
This is the link for some korean mods. Someone posted more links like this before but this is all I have. I think there's a mod or two that adds the removed abnos so it could be relevant? Hope this helps.
I keep thinking a fucking WAW is gonna walk into my room and stare at me. Movement in the corner of my eye. The nightmares don't scare me anymore.
>Carmen's brain is there
Was that Angela's real designation
Who is going to return for LoR? Did they say some of the characters and the abos are going to return?
Netzach shows up at the end of the trailer, and Hod's ahoge is visible in gameplay footage.
No. We only know bitch and Bear guy from the trailer.
Angela obviously
I did hear a bunch of people mention they saw Netzach in one of the videos or something.
Is taking Nothing There a good idea?
I already have Silent Orchestra and Mountain of Smiling Bodies.
Why dont you find out user
Hit me with a link for your porn game,if you're going to mod LC you deserve all attention you can get
Probably, and with nice redesigns for most of them most likely.
Because I don't want to restart the whole game after few days.
The sprites looked so bad before
Thats one of the points of the game
Plus you wont have to unless youre a shitty manager
Idk, I like the clean slickness of the LC ones more. Only Angela has a similar visual charm from what I've seen.
angela pls.
>art design team leader
>that pickle in the background
I already sank 60 hours into it and I won't make it 120.
I asked if it's good idea to take it or it has some hard to foresee consequences down the line.
>useless Sephiras in the corporation continue being useless in the library.
What position do the rest have?
he looks even more depressed then he was in LC, did angela take away his bear machine like a damn monster?
Okay so netzach is actually a girl this time?
nah he just got fat from depression from losing his booze, being under angela is suffering, especially after the shit she pulls at the end of LC.
It could always be worse. The world could always crush you and the climate of hostility could break your spirit so heavily that the thought of horrors creeping in the darkness and skinless faces grinning from doorways is a comfort. Because no matter how terrible something may appear, it can never compare to the bastards around you.
He looks very cute
You know, A helped each sephiras on overcoming their problems(core suppressions). Imagine that all those things are now moot since Angela fucked all of them over and is using them for her own whims
So, does he stop being suicidal?
Are these people feared or pitied by the rest of the staff
It seems you'd be better off just watching someone else play it.
They're demigods that can stand up to most abnormalities, if anything theyre revered
20 pboxes on Sergey
You can find it by googling Cloud Meadow.
>Be me, new hire
>immediately fed LOB to raise my stats
>team captain is blindfolded with bandages and has a single wing covered in eyes
>He has extra eyes on his cheek
>Get handed a suit made out of pink jelly and told to talk to a weird night-sky kid until he gives me a glowing pebble to wear.
Guys I don't want to work here anymore, how do I quit?
If I was bound forever to serve Angela I would fuck her plans and her
You seem to think that people with jobs have time to.
If you enjoy wasting your time be my guest.
>doing suppression
>abnos suddenly decide that they want to handing out all the gifts
>be Binah
>finally freed from the basement
>next job is down in the archieve
I hope so this will happen.
Best department coming through
>get 7 gifts
>force to restar again thanks to fucking up Gebura Aleph mission
I dont get mad when I lost weapons or armor, but gifts makes me mad as fuck
the worst shit. I've lost mountain's, red's, and blue star's gifts because I got them while fucking about figuring out the best way to do surpression missions
If you want to flip them off, they wouldn't see it anyway.
For me it is Disciplinary
>implying her and Geburah won't make it up to each other and let things be in the past
>and then they form a group that may or may not be under Angela's control that acts like the Purifiers
>wasting time
If it has taken you 60h to get to that point and your feel of completion lies on that abnormal, just take it. You will learn what you need to learn and if it is too troubledome to contain, just memrep or Day 1. You should be reaching that point in fraction of the time of your current run because you can take picks on suitable or needed abs and you have all the mission and suppression rewards to improve your gameplay.
>the last thing you see when you missed the return date of your book.
If there's one thing I'd ever change about this game is that when you pray to this fucker to kill WN, he just grows a giant ass body and shambles over to White to beat his ass down personally.
>he doesn't know
user thar be monsters at your work, your on the training wheels before dealing with the sanity destroying shit.
>Onesin fucking grows a skelechrist body
>converts 12 employees into his own fucking apostles to fight alongside him.
>make too much noise
>get pillar'd
Am I going to make it lads?
You just need to reach 10. Blitz through 9 if you don't think clearing Violet Midnight is possible.
I had all my guys hanging around the outside of containment chambers,
I paused the game right after the ordeal started and sent them all in.
Instantly finished the day and it even overflowed past 10 a bit
I want to play this game, reading up on the lore is just really fun, I have not read into the more crazy beings other than the 3 birds and the dog
Left :)
Leave now and don't spoil yourself, you'll enjoy the game way more
Shhh... Good boy, good boy. Angela won't have you.
Tell me, is it wrong to have faith?
We are all sinners, and the Blue Star is the only place that accepts sinners. We will purify our sins there.
We all go back to that place someday. It's an instinct. You may think user, who threw himself into the Blue Star, is dead, but he only returned to his rightful place. He’s a martyr. He became an eternal star.
The rising of a star means a brand new start. Don’t you hear the sound the everlasting trumpet?
When you are close to the star you can hear the welcoming cheers and singing.
If we all return back to this place, only the Blue Star will remain.
We will meet again as stars.
Imagine an ending in Ruina where Roland grows hopeless by being forced to work his ass off for Angela, and the ever so vengeful Binah makes use of this situation by convincing him to betray the library.
Hod sleeps with the scarecrow worker!
Hod is the scarecrow worker*
Hod traded her virginity for a compliment
Extraction team captain, reporting for duty.
I think they might be a bad influence on each other
user you cant post porn here
Hod makes out with Netzach while they hotbox!
Who is the most kino abo and why is the birds?
Punishing Bird feels like it’s back in the forest it used to live when sitting on the perch.
I don't know anything about this but I saw OP's image in the catalog and had to post this.
you can lock in gifts during deployment
Just how much damage can KoG deal? I did some testing but all agents died to the first few damage ticks. Can she kill Binah or Geburah if you get lucky?
she does about id say 200 from what ive seen, a dude thats fast and tanky enough could run past her maby once
No to both
>Nothing there's both face is like 'oh shit'
Why is first trumpet so bangin'
>fighting like a bitch.
that's one of my previous tries gone wrong, thought it'd be fun to watch her get cheesed Already did her fight properly - with no deaths up til phase 4 (took hours to get this try)
On Gebura's last phase, do you think she just stands angrily inside as the elevator slowly goes down?
As far as I've seen, she jumps through portals until she lands in a department. When she lands she does some giant AoE attack before standing for like 30 secs recharging. Then marks a certain agent and rushes towards them before attacking.
I only saw her phase 4 once and it was during the cheese, so I had no experience with actually fighting it
If you've got some tips, I'm all ears.
I haven't encountered a backer abnormality that feels too out of place, and some of them give pretty good gear, or are great for training and/or beating down when you need to suppress abnormalities for missions.
I'd keep it on.
>I heart N
What did he mean by this?
pausing is your best friend for this, when an employee is marked, ISOLATE HIM ASAP
For phases 1, keep getting behind her whenever she turns around. For phases 2-3, just wait for her to be standing right at the doorway. Whenever she's about to strike (see words popping up above her) get your people out of there. When she has about 1% or 5% health left, reposition everyone in an elevator and call the rabbits on her to get her to 4th stage. When she is belonging for one of your dudes. Just keep going up and down the elevator so she misses you and tries out. Then slaughter your prey.
Happy hunting
>guy on the right, lying on the floor looks like he covers his erection.
I shouldn't have read that spoiler.
Now I want to die. I just suppressed Hod, and that was a fucking nightmare. I can't imagine doing that plus random work plus vision fuckery.
Scarecrow is the Hod worker*
How does QoH's friendship with agents work? Does she just forget them every time? That would be pretty sad.
uh this seems off
Does Queen Bee's rifle shoot through everything, allies included, just like Freischütz's rifle?
Main causes for when I had insomnia was due to thinking too much. I'd start to think or worry about things, be it either some future event, planning for what to do tomorrow, etc. and my mind would be too active to sleep.
Drugs are just stupid, they'll help fall asleep but your sleeping cycles won't be the same as from normal sleep and you'll get less restful sleep from it. This includes sleeping drugs, alcohol and marijuana.
The most effective thing would be to distract yourself with something, let the body focus its attention into something else. What worked for me was an shakti/accupressure mat I had. I'd just lie down on it naked and the feedback via sensory perception would overwhelm any thoughts I had. It's not surprising if I fall asleep at this point. After 20-30 min I'd wake up again with my body feeling numb, I remove the mat and lie down in bed again - upon contact with the soft surface of the bed my entire side of body which previously was pressed against the mat would sting and feel like as if it's on fire. The sensation gradually eases and I found it extremely easy to drift into sleep during this moment.
Thanks. For Phase 1 I had my ranged attacker equipped with BlueStar's weapon and had him run past her whenever she got close, since she seems to ignore everyone else and aim straight for ranged attackers. I also fired slow bullets while doing this since it seems to help.
I always waited for her to get near doorways so dodging becomes easier. Central Command first floor was excellent since the bottom Info dept room lets you pop in and out of Central floor 1 and not risk getting Burrow'd, so I can take cheeky shots with low risk of getting hit, sending rabbits in on 3rd phase - preferably when she's in Central
In hindsight, I should've either moved my department fodder away so I have more time to react to Gebura's rushdown (I did pause, but the game lagged for a couple seconds when I did) or just sent everyone in and try and kill her in one go. Sadly I got careless and they got killed. Not a big deal since I gotta memrepo for the other cores anyways but still sucks that I botched my no death run so far in. Oh well.
Gigest Chad
no, it's a single target ranged weapon like most others
>suppress WAV abnormality 5 times
I have only one that can breach. I have to go out of my way to do it and then creates a chain effect that destroys my facility.
What's an excuse for this again?
mem repo or shouldve picked other abnos
You dont have to clear the mission on the day it's given. You can get more Waws and then do it.
In my personal opinion, it's better to do it this way as opposed to doing it the cheese way (depending on which Abnormalities you have and where they're at). If you try cheesing it takes a lot longer, slow the game to a crawl due to lag from all of the escaped abnormalities. The worst thing being that the game can crash if you try cheesing if it takes too long.
Imagine knowing this quest exists. Another dead end I'm having so much fun doing another 30 days of a mindless grind.
Nothing There's a good boy, as long as you have a fortitude CHAD working on him.
One of the easiest ALEPHs to deal with.
Just when I thought this suppression couldn't get any worse
Nothing There is the easiest Aleph to farm
>Netzach suppression
>SO in security
>still breaches
You have no one else to blame but your own dumb ass. Unless it was the clowns. Those fucking clowns.
Gotta farm for that gear somehow bro
>playing a game that's all about restarting, retrying, and getting permanent buffs that make it easier to reach and surpass your previous progress
>whines about memory repo and starting over
A perfect specimen for scarecrow duty.
Wait for the end if the day dingus
>end of the day
Rather lose all my boxes when I don't have many yet then lose them on VI
>it's was designed to be bad
Nice argument there.
>it's bad because I don't like it
Nice argument there.
>complete Ordeal of Midnight
I guess this means to fuck one up and not to just hit end day when it starts, right? How fucked am I?
Part of the gameplay is that you have to mem repo when needed to get more abnormality data
What WAW abnormality do you have
It's a valid complain. But user will blindly protect his precious game because it has some cute robots in it. Duh.
Depends on the Midnight Ordeal
Green is best
So how much time has passed from LQ to LoR? and do you think that some abnormalities have changed from all the time that has passed and the effects of the seeds of ligth?
>30 days
If you did all the upper suppressions, then you'll get there very fucking quickly
>WhiteNight moved next to Fetus
>in a department not immune to meltdowns yet
The fact that you have fetus is a mistake
it was fun to watch for a little while, but got boring since the only ALEPH doing actual work was Blue Star (and Nothing There stealing his kill)
Melty died like a bitch to black smile twice, SO did jackshit, and Mountain pussies out after getting smacked a couple of times.
Only on that can breach is wolf. Who will with one shout probably trigger some ALEPH.
Will the rabbits be of any help?
There are 3 possible midnights. One is difficult, one is tedious but easy, and one is piss easy.
Just go for it. You're gonna need to get accustomed to them sooner or later so it's probably best to get familiar with them as soon as possible.
Mem repo isn't even that fucking bad, you still keep your ego and it's before midtier suppression if you said it was 30 days
oh fuck my brain whent for a q becouse the game logo looks like one kinda how Josuke is not spelled like that but most people think it does
Get something like king of greed or big bird
>It's a valid complain
Nah, it really isn't.
It's like complaining that your dudes die in darkest dungeon, or that you lose your items if you die in binding of isaac, or whining about missing a sidequest in an RPG.
Not every game is supposed to be a linear path without missable content that you can 100% by just rushing through it. If you don't like retrying and improving then fuck off back to your cinematic games.
but yeah, I agree. Doing it legit feels much better
Melting Love and Nothing There always began finding each other to fug, let it be known that ML can last longer than NT. Smiling bodies would occasionally bite Gebura once before pussying out. Silent Orchestra began giving me tinnitus from all the ringing and it putting my game speed back to slow as fuck.
The game play itself is weak and doesn't carry this game.
Doing anything that doesn't progress the game is tedious.
There is no real progression. It's me being forced to get to the same point avoiding another dead end.
It is a bad design.
>MoSB just NOPE's the fuck outta there
>literally every management game
Memory repo isn't even that fucking bad
What quests have you not completely
I love my wife!
>need to force neutral outcome on orchestra so it doesnt sperg
>send an employee with "common" chance
>they get a good outcome anyway
I fucking HATE this
SO is a fucking asshole.
His gift isn't even worth it.
We know, Binah.
Seems I'm getting Amber. Is that good?
It is time.
bros, how do i put a fuck ton of lob points?
>user plays all the management games
Doesn't make it any better.
I have to 20 days back not 3. I can only start over.
Prepare for a lot of juking.
hope you know what amber dusk does
>Hey! That doesn't sound threating.
You get to a point you're just spamming attachment just to get the PE boxes for gear and power. Then having your pale dudes waiting on standby to get that Mozart fuck. If they dont immediatly kill him by the end of the 2nd movement, you have the black weapon dudes one layer above ready
Amber is easiest, all you have to do to beat it is kill the two big worms, can take a while though. Make sure your main rooms don't get CHOMPED, elevators are your friend.
Mem repo is only 5 days to the a multiple of 5, what day are you even in
Spoken like a man that has given up. I for one enjoy the absolute 0 fucking damage meme that is the white resistance from the gift
>Amber is easiest
From waht I've seen of them my plan is to gather every single employee in an elevator or hallway then attack one worm with them, and call the rabbits on the other.
Green midnight was so God damn piss east that I did it with fucking Hokuma
God, I wish.
34 so the last one was on 31
>both worms end up in central
To rabbit or not to rabbit.
Well that was a fucking disaster and a wasted hour, the worms move about, so rabbits aren't fast enough, and they sure seem to do damage as my scrubs all got wiped. Not that it matters, I intend to memory repo after this day anyway, but I really need to find a way to make up the fucking rabbit money now, keep Whitenight contained, and kill the damn worms.
You still have time to take the mem repo and get the WAW you need
Literally the fucking worst place
>fell for the "go in blind" meme
>for Midnight
>when he had WhiteNight
Don't do this, ever. Unless you like wasting an entire hour of micromanagement due to bullshit you couldn't know about. Read up on exactly everything that is going to happen and plan accordingly, unless you want to end up grinding 30 useless days 3 times due to retrying.
is it possible to increase the size of, well, everything?
I'd like to play this on my second monitor, which is smaller (1650 x 1080), while waiting in queue/doing something on main monitor but all the text/icons are fucking tiny
Or I can just wait for something to come my way but trying to salvage this is a waste of time.
You literally have to know what you are doing and you can't without redoing it.
Just b yourself
Are dialog options only for flavor?
I guess its safe to say that LC blew up because of pic related and the sequel announcement. Even more so when the upcoming Sseth review ever releases
>You literally have to know what you are doing and you can't without redoing it.
The whole point of the game is that you're supposed to figure out what the abnormality does by trial-and error.
It even has a fucking retry option for when you mess-up so that you can try again.
Getting back to 30 days after restarting is easy as shit if you completed the fucking upper tier suppressions that give you bonuses and prevent meltdowns, even better is that you keep your weapons and armor.
Memory repo isn't even that fucking bad because you still save your own ego
>waaw i cant beat the game in one go the game is bad not me I swear!!!!!
We will meet again as stars
>Even more so when the upcoming Sseth review ever releases
Literally who?
>We will meet again
no thx angela
There is also the one video that had the rabbits with the starcraft marine voice overs.
But is it fun? Exploration is. Not being forced back to apply information that you need to even make an attempt.
I'm having more fun complain about it right now than going trough it again.
I guess it's because of my shortcoming and not having to grind for hours.