How do I write stories, characters, and dialogue like him?
How do I write stories, characters, and dialogue like him?
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Start writing. Great works of writing don't exist in a vacuum, they require refinement over time.
The sooner you start writing shit, the quicker you start writing better.
Plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize, and joining a Tumblr cult. The nose tells all.
learn from the mistakes of others
You don't give a single fuck and just make a game for yourself that you would have liked to play.
Look at that smug face. Do you have any confidence of anything to smug?
this but unironically
make a game YOU want to play not a game other people want to play
Ok this is a good place to ask.
Im making a game and it might deal with weird thematic think stuff, like David Lynch type stuff. Anyway how do i stop people from finding out i directed it, specifically my co workers, because i really don't need my boss knowing i make weird ass david lynch inspired videogames.
I was thinking a pen name of sorts, but the thing is that if one of my games ever sells i would wanna make games full time, and it would be hard to have people associate my real name with a pen name after the pen name is the one directing famous games.
>caring about story in a video game
What makes David's Lunch so special?
What parts of Undertale or Deltarune plagiarized?
Seriously, I actually want to know. If you make a claim, you should be prepared to defend it.
First, you're not going to get famous you dumb fuck. Focus on improving until your not shit before you even start considering that nonsense.
Second, lots of people go by internet handles when they develop games, it's not even a minor road bump.
Practice writing, and practice reading. That old saying is true. The more ypu practice something, the better you are, but obviously practice smart.
by being a huge faggot. So just be yourself
Take your favorite game, make a fanfiction of it, keep rewriting it until it's good, then make it original.
>demanding spoonfeeding
>David's Lunch
...David Lynch. The director of Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, and Mulholland Drive. All of which are flawless masterpieces.
What makes him special? Well, for one his surreal style is very unique. Two, his work is heavily layered with metaphors and symbolism.
Maybe if you were old enough to watch Twin Peaks you would be able to appreciate his work.
You can't just lie and then call the lack of proof spoon-feeding.
Yeah, I am demanding spoonfeeding. The burden of proof is on you. Where did he plagiarize?
It was made with love by his mom. Don't be jealous because your mom's on welfare and you need an orange ticket to get a pizza made out of cardboard.
Once your games are famous, why would you care anymore?
based retard
have sex
Make obnoxious characters that are either gay or bi and throw in spaghetti because its funny
user he was giving you a hard time
Sounds like you're using the fear of being associated with your own work as a reason to never complete it, or as a reason why it's not good if you ever do complete it and it doesn't hit the notes you expect. You should instead work on being responsible and just own your shit.
I did that and I failed pretty miserably
How long was Toby writing before he developed Undertale
write homestuck fanfiction
what game
Fap over Earthbound and visit Reddit and homostuck discords every single day of your life.
his characters are more one note than anything. his music is better than his writing
Cock Sucker 8000: The Ultimate Gay Blowjob Simulator
Got ok, reviews but needed more marketing.
Bacon man
Besides the name you aren't wrong
gallon of onions milk a day
watch feminist comedians
open patreon
>undertale's writing
it's his music that sells moments, not the writing
Looks fun user, sucks it didn't do well.
no kidding?
if you arent, the game was probably unsuccessful because you wrote your fetishes into the game a little too hard
shit like the fat princess or whatever puts some peoplevoff
We need to lower the price too but just waiting on an update until then which might help
i hope you find success user
youve done what most of us only dream of
Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?
Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.
So he’s not super controversial? Then there’s no reason to worry
Make that fucking game user
Ok rude. When Kojima himself, personally hands me the Game Of The Year Award, guess who's not invited to the afterparty. You user, you are not invited.
I'm not the user who wanted to make the game. But FYI, David Lynch is kind of controversial. His work is pretty disturbing, even for adults.
He's pretty stylistically similar to Kubrick, so it should be no surprise that his films aren't for weak stomachs.
Still one of the best directors though.
i mean hes controversial yeah but in a really digestible way
theres a reason his films have always been successful
By controversial, I mean morally objectionable in some way.
Weird shit isn’t super contraversial. Unless it’s stuff like sexy stuff or something, you’re good
there's nothing wrong with controversial themes as long it's not edgy as fuck
Blue Velvet has some really twisted sex stuff, most notably Frank Booth's sexual abuse of Isabella Rosselini's character.
watch care bears or some shit dude
about 30 minutes
I absolutely agree with you there. That's why I use Yea Forums.
Hussie may be a shit writer but that doesn't excuse Toby
all work is based off of others.
Don't be so jealous of their success.
Ok, lets put it this way. If David Lynch had made Blue Velvet or Eraserhead while working an office job and his boss found out he directed it, he would be called a weirdo and very likely fired for making weird shit.
if you don't want to be associated with work you don't really care
enjoy your game dying at 60%
Be very fuckable
Worked for him and temmie-chang
fucking /thread
>Temmie Chang
You need to raise your standards bro.
He talked about his approach to this for UT. What he'd do is write metric fucktons of random conversations between each character. This would help him figure out both how they should talk to each other by testing what would and wouldn't make sense for them to say. Pretty fucking ingenious actually, it's probably how I'll build my characters for anything I make.
I approach Dialogue by just flashing out character personalities as much as possible. At that point, stuff like dynamics and jokes just kind of write themselves.
Toby’s way is a fun way to do it, I guess
That's not how it works.
Start wirting and reading but please, definitely don't use him as a role mode - actually if you read enough you will quickly find something better.
This kind of thing is done all the time by concept artists + writers in game. Take a look around you also find that they draw unrelated to game scribbles of characters interacting with each other to feel immersed.
Yeah, but your way is better because by fleshing out before, you prevent from being stuck with one dimensional characters like in undertale.
By having no talent.
Based as always, Toby-chan
As much as I liked the game I have no fear to recognize that toby's strength definitely only stays in music making.
The games aren't that well written, but they are still very entertaining to read through. He more or less has a decent sense of humor and nails character interaction/simple characters. Almost every character in UT/DR is very one note and has little development relative to the game events. They just all appeal to people who like the types of characters he includes and are simple to understand.
I don’t know if the main cast is one dimensional when I think about it
By plagiarizing other peoples work.
Do you have a skill that makes you interesting? He makes his own music.
Characters are very barely fleshed out if you spare them and only very few of them get two dimensions in characterization (not usefulness, sans and flowey are useful in plot but are one dimensional), the best in these terms (not outstanding but best in game) are asgore and alphys. if you kill them they stay as one dimensional cartoony characters.
By not being a complete f8ilure
Play Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden then poorly ape its writing style
play a bunch of vidya and watch a bunch of anime when you're young then copy of what you've learned
Copy tumblr style of autistic writing. Then sell it to the tumblr crowd to make it trend on social media.
I imagine confidence. Be so up yourself you could lick your own taint and sell the pictures.
Basically the opposite of Yea Forums.