I just got this on Switch 50% off the other day

I just got this on Switch 50% off the other day
How do I git gud? Does it come down to getting lucky with the items like Binding of Issac? So far my best run is with the Marine, got to the 5th chamber and died from falling into a pit.
From what I can gather you want to beat the bosses without getting hit for the special item that increases health, but I've only been able to do it with the first bosses so far.

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Luck isn't as important as in Binding of Isaac. Try walking between bullets more than rolling. Fuck Ammoconda.

Try to flawless the bosses to get more hp. Synergy’s can be OP. More levels = more chance for loot so take the sewer /old king area if you can.

I've played for over 30 hours and just got my first Dragun kill last night.

Find a character you like and get good with them.
Convict is the worst imo, and the other 3 have their own strengths.
Unlockable characters are the best though.

Hutts is a good one to watch

Sometimes it helps to focus on your character and not try to look at the entire screen l

Bullet FTW
Hes sword is op

You just have to learn how to deal with bosses without dodging constantly. Learn to weave through bullets.

Right learned that in galaga

>dont bother with tables, being mobile is superior
>extinguish the fireplace on the first floor to unlock a secret level
>shoot at the walls of chest rooms with non-starting weapons to uncover secret rooms
>these appear in shops too, but shooting the main shopkeeper pisses him off
>dont open brown chests
>always shoot your chests once

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>dont open brown chests
Terrible advice

>always shoot your chests once
Ah is that how you find Mimics?

I got lucky and my health glitched with a few item combos and killed the final boss
>>still kickin my self that the last ingredient is destroying the dragons skull for the bullet

You can see them breath and the dog barks at them

play rainbow mode

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The chest rarity order is brown blue green red black. Generally you don't want to open brown or blue unless you have lots of keys or you're desperate
Aside from that, play solid and don't get hit. You get more money if you don't get hit, and health is rare enough that it's really easy to get worn down if you're playing like shit. So as you learn the floors you'll start to make more progress

the only problem with this game is that shit takes way too long

>How do I git gud?
literally retarded trial and error, but it gets fun when you understand the enemy patterns but shortly after it gets boring for the same reason
>Does it come down to getting lucky with the items like Binding of Issac?
not as much but if you don't get good items its twice as long and boring
>From what I can gather you want to beat the bosses without getting hit for the special item that increases health, but I've only been able to do it with the first bosses so far.
it'll take a bit of time until you can get most chambers consistently

Some shit no one told me that you deserve to know if you want to git REALLY gud

>Every floor will give you ay least two chests; one with a gun, and one with an item. Unless you’re using the Huntress, whose crossbow is the best starting weapon, you cannot afford to not get the gun. A lot of your survivability will be dependent on how well you dodge, but killing a boss faster means you don’t have to dodge as much, and in practice that helps a lot.
>Try to reserve your best ammo for the bosses, but self preservation is paramount. If you need to switch guns to avoid a hit or clear a room faster, don’t pull punches
>Chest drops have hierarchy; from most common drops to best drops, it goes Brown, Blue, Green, Red, Black, and Rainbow. Rainbow Chests drop multiple things at once, but they’re extremely rare.
>Upgrade chests are blue and have an arrow on them. Whatever’s in there has a huge chance to cause a synergy with one of your items. It’s definitely worth getting more so than any other chest, aside from Rainbow.
>Good synergies can literally make or break a run. They’re always worth it.
>if you have any item that makes enemies not notice you (Decoys, smoke bombs, etc.) You can use them to steal from shops! Any item you want is free, but it will add curse, and you can only steal one before the shopkeeper notices
>If you see a purple skull above you, you just built curse. The consequence for it is that enemies will have a random chance of having their souls Jamned, turning them red and having them deal double damage. Having it climb too high will summon a reaper who follows you and can’t be killed.
>The Pilot’s lockpicks have a 50/50 chance exactly of working, but failing means that you can’t open that chest, even if you find a key for it later. Only use them as a last resort, and don’t be afraid to toss em if you don’t need em.
>Any upgrade that makes bullets pierce will cause explosives to not explode on contact with an enemy.
Igot moreif youwant

The starting gun with the 00 ammo cannot uncover secert rooms
>>you will see cracks in the wall
Also the gun "the bomber" can open such rooms with out using a blank

>Igot moreif youwant
Lay it on me

I never considered a lot of these, thanks a ton. If you have more I'll take anything I can get.

He’s wrong, shooting chests all the time isn’t a good practice
You’ll know if it’s a mimic if it has no lock and you can see it breathing
Also, Brown Chests have a chance of spawning Keys and hearts, so they’re worth opening sometimes.

>Playing pilot
>find brown chest
>lockpick isn't up
>have to use key
>key and a heart is inside
Thanks I guess.

Is it better to go for a boss room as soon as you find it or explore the floor fully first?

Otherwise agree, but Old King is so fucking hard that it’s not recommended to go to Abbey unless you’re really good or deliberately want to face Old King. He’s one of the hardest bosses in the game in relation on how early he comes, and the rewards aren’t really that good besides those 2 extra chests you get from accessing a bonus level.

Old King now drops a synergy chest in addition to the standard floor rewards. Still not even close to worth it, but it's something

Unlike in Isaac, I recommend clearing the floor first. The most important thing about bosses is that you need to kill them without getting hit to get master rounds, and it is easier if you can find any good upgrades on the level you’re in. Even if you get hit on the floor by normal enemies, it’s no big deal considering that you can just save your blanks for the boss.

I personally do floors this way:
>clear floor and collect treasure
>kill boss
>if I have leftover blanks, I start checking for secret rooms by first shooting at the most obvious walls (eg. treasure rooms in the edge of level), and if I can’t find cracks, I just to to shop to pop a blank to see if the secret room is there
>enter next floor

new user here, the one and only time I've fought Old King so far I thankfully had the minigun and ticket and shredded him. Still took a hot minute so now I'm terrified to fight him normally.

there's only like 5% items what will make your run almost unplayable, this is the best part of this game, you just have to learn the patterns of every enemy and learn how to manage keys, chests etc.

He has way too much health
You can actually insta-kill him by smashing the chancellor into him with casey, though I've never done it myself


>Bullet upgrades are perhaps the most useful as they’ll usually contribute directly to your dps due to applying to literally every gun. If your bullet causes a status effect, switch to a multi-hit weapon or a gun that fires multiple weapons to boost the time it takes to trigger that effect.
>Shock rounds work best with guns with large billet spread or shotguns. They do literally nothing for single shot weapons since you can’t fire more than one bullet
>Cursed bullets are only ever worth the risk if you’ve already got a little curse, because any enemy can be turned Jammed. You don’t want to fight a Jammed lead maiden or gun nut even on a good run, trust me
>Only dodge if it’s the only way you can get out the way of a bullet, and won’t put you in the path of another! It’s better to weave whenever possible. The lone exception is if you’re only dodging a single volley of bullets. If you’re having trouble with weaving, here’s a good way to imagine where to move when weaving; look at the open spaces in the bullet pattern and try to connect them with straight lines. Now, walk the path you’ve made. Stuff like that pretty much trivializes fighting most bosses, especially the gorgun.
>The Ammoconda fights by shooting out its sections; take them out and you won’t have to dodge as much. However, attacking the head does a lot more damage. So if you’ve got weapons that pierce, you’re pretty much set. Also, don’t worry too much about fighting the bits he eats! Focus all fire on the Conda.
>While fighting the beholster, make sure you take care of the minis ASAP. They will destroy openings and possibly force you to use a blank.
>The missiles the Beholster fires can be taken out instantly with any beam weapon, even the water gun!
>The beholster likes to close in on you; this gives you less space to weave. Don’t be afraid to circle around to the other side when this happens.

I got more still

yes old king is very hard, my advice is if you're very new to the game is to ignire oubliette alttogether and just open first floor chests and focus on getting as far as possible

also STEALING is game changing and some items don't look like they will allow you to steal

another advice is that if a gun looks like a reskin of another gun then it 99% has a special effect so read about it on the wiki, for example check directional pad wiki and tell me if you knew about all of it's effects, or if you're new check SAA gun wiki

another advice is: don't be scared of curse, buy shit from Cursula

The most important thing about stealing is that you can steal from the specialist shops like Trog or Goop. The stuff they sell tends to be really fucking good, and being able to save 100 shells to snag morning star or any other good S rank is well worth hanging onto a stealth item

>I got more still
Give me all the protips senpai

Just work on unlocking guns and items. The starting guns selection is quite bad on average.

Protip: when you're finally sick of Gungeon, play Nuclear Throne

400 hours and counting although I could use a break

and when youre finally done with how boring nuclear throne is, play a cave shooter

best girl

Attached: 1535158168.itswolven_synergence_ca_filter_small.png (735x1422, 514K)

and when you get carpal tunnel from cave shmups, play Power Pete

>Remote bullets are hard to control on gamepad. If you prefer to use a controller, toss them.
>Explosions actually clear bullets, so if you time them right, you can actually make more openings for yourself.
>Secret walls are hard to find at first, but if you shoot a wall and see cracks in it? That means one is there.
>Casey’s hitbox actually goes a good bit further than the tip of the bat. Don’t be afraid to get close!
>The Bullet Statues cannot handle piercing weapons. Their greatest strength is that they can’t usually all be hit at once, and if you take that away, you can focus on dodging more.
>The cannonbalrog loves to disappear on you. Fuck him for that, because he can survive being set to 0 hp when he does. Don’t hesitate with him!
>Weapons that spawn black holes will eat YOUR bullets, too. Keep that in mind.
>If you leave an item, gun, or ammocrate out, a rat man will come and steal it. If you really need to go to the next room over, be prepared to lose it.
>The room with the Planar lead in it isn’t actually a pit; it has an invisible path in it. If you have a weapon that leaves stuff on the ground, you can figure out where it is.
>The gun muncher makes guns based off the level of the guns you feed it. Don’t expect a great gun if you don’t put in good guns.
>The last bullet component is actually on Floor 5. All I’m saying, it’s a lot better to figure out where it is by yourself
>Talk to the people in the Breach! They may have stuff for you.
>The carnival game guy’s game can be cheesed if you have remote bullets or an object that lets you fly. You can literally just walk up to the targets if you fly, and you can guide your bullets into them with the remote bullets. He doesn’t think either are cheating.

I think that’s all I got.

>Either gives you the most broken synergy
>or gives you literally nothing

50/50 for breaking the run is pretty good.

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Oh, and make sure to use blanks sparingly. If you need to, buy another one.

And there’s one room type on Floor 5 where there’s no enemies and a mallet trying to smash you. Just make a beeline for the exit and you’ll be fine

if anything you should ignore blue chests. brown chests sometimes give you two items and one of them can keys

>how do I get good
By playing

>Turn on Speed mode
>tfw can't play the game without it

The game is literally unplayable for me without it, Speed Mode actually fixed this game.