Holy shit this game is based

holy shit this game is based

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Redpill on what the halifax I'm looking at.

Shut up you obsessed falseflagging fucking loon holy shit

pregnant polish woman murdering cyber nazis

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what is this shit

>murdering cyber nazis
Fuck liberals and FUCK women


those titties are garbage


hows it feel being on the wrong side of history, never the nazis give into the BBC

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>liberal female who is preggo picking up two male-based weapons to kill the nay-saying nazi whyte bois while drenched in blood signifying her willingness to get down and dirty -- oh and she's shirtless too #freethenipple #yasqueenslay #downwithwhitemen #pregnantANDworking #woman'sworld

Not exaggerating when I say I have never cringed harder at anything in my entire life. It is a long, sustained cringe.

This was something that could ONLY work as a joke and it was completely serious.

a shit game

>oh and then she gets an abortion at 9 months because it's her body, her choice

>unnecessary gore
>face doesn't even look like a female

The west has a knack for making sexuality completely unfappable

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Wouldn't the recoil fuck her up?

>Not exaggerating when I say I have never cringed harder at anything in my entire life
I felt the same way. Then that credits song started playing.

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A woman would not be able to lift and hold one of those guns in each arm.

lol wooooooow. the jewish war continues.

why are /pol/weenies so sensitive
cant handle banter?

fuck off

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I love how awful the ending to this game is. It's just utterly braindead.
>nigger BLACK POWER woman is a bully throughout the entire game
>tyler1 character eventually punches her face in
>they get up and continue with the final infiltration mission
>never brought up again nor no redemption
>black woman only seems more collected and willing to work with B.J. for about a 3 second scene
Like seriously, was that it? The fuck?

Nazi's were authoritarian gai boi douchebags but Wolfenstein is just plain self righteous.



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the mongolians?

They dont want you to fap to it you deranged dumbfuck incel loony. Thirsty virgins are an irrelevant demographic get used to it already

How did we go from THIS

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...to THIS?

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Drumpf btfo!
/vpol/ seething!!

don't worry it is nothing dangerus

we have very small penis, no sleep with my girl

you have very big penis, sleep with my girl

im nothing dangerous

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>even in their fantasies niggers can only score with fat white women

Is this game's gameplay even good? Im okay with sitting through an awful story i just want some good shoot gun battle

not true at all. even normalfags know about the bbc meme and a lot of girls, assuming you're not a complete slob, become curious. trust me.

thats stupidest fucking scene i have ever seen in history of videogames.

Why was this scene controversial to Yea Forumsirgins?

yes, but just play nu-doom because that game is really ________fun________

Yet white women respond the least to black men on matchmaking services, which are frequented mostly by whores who would likely be much more open to taking monkey dick.
People are aware of the bbc meme because it creates an unconscious visceral disgust in most people. Nothing spreads faster than something shocking.

have sex, tranny

Reminder that this harlot was awarded the Iron Cross and moved to Africa to start fucking a nigger after the war.

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sounds like she lived the dream

pretty sure most of those dating sites are for roasties that just want to find some white beta to settle down with.

This delusion. Those sites exits for degenerate one night fucks. But of course a limp-wristed soiboi like you wouldn't know

What a weird timeline where social justice and gender politics drive our games.

if there is a way for libbies to appeal to younger audiences, they will take it

Holy fucking BASTE