Hypothetically speaking, how could he redeem himself?
Hypothetically speaking, how could he redeem himself?
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Doesn't need to. Just keep making games, Todd.
Stop making shit games would probably help
fallout 76 will go f2p
just look at him
I forgave him already
By killing himself
Work on a Sony exclusive project.
elevator shoes
He's already set for lifetimes. Nothing can stop him.
By making a good game... he didn't rape anyone kek, he just delivered a shit product. Deliver a good product and people will forgive.
76 free to play. Huge new expansion that will fix everything guys we promise please give it another shot
And a lot and I mean a LOT of paid shills saying it's fixed on YouTube and the like
bring back morrowind-tier story telling and RPG mechanics into a streamlined action-RPG with good combat mechanics, spellmaking, incredible character customization, a huge sprawling landscape encompassing all of nirn, interaction with all divines, meaningful faction/alliances and co-op enabled gameplay
>By making a good game
You're asking too much of the Toddster.
Shaking the kikes off his back and making another elder scrolls that unites both morrowindfags and skyrimchads
B team made fo76
Do literally anything. People have the memory span of goldfish, and will immediately forget the monumental disaster that was everything surrounding Fallout 76.
Pretty much this.
I made Fallout 76 shit... as a prank.
How do I fix this? I just need to be able to work. If I could work I could do my portfolio and write my referrals and read my papers. Then I would have done what I needed to do, in time. I would stand a better chance of passing this year. That's what matters here. I would be respected and trusted more by my colleagues. I would be more relaxed at home. I just need to be able to bulldoze through shitty work and do it satisfactorily. Grind through. I am either in grind mode or relax mode, I have no middle ground.
They actually have a TES MMO that has MMO tier storytelling.
So you have your wish.
76 free to play new areas, remove the current pvp system and replace it with one where your opponent does not get a free critical on you
Guys how will I know when Fallout 76 is finally in a playable state so I can get it and play it?
I'm not talking about soon, I'm prepared to wait an entire year, I know exactly how shitty it is, I'm just assuming that eventually they will actually finish the game and it will be worth playing someday, No Man's Sky style. The problem is, I don't actually know how I'm supposed to know when that time comes.
Stop being a coward and get a Twitter so people can call him out directly.
I genuinely forget fo76 existed until I see someone mention it again
It's not going to lad, just give up.
To who? Everyone will forget what little annoyance 76 caused as ecelebs move onto shill ES6 and FO5 for easy clicks.
make another bland mass appeal game where you can do anything and give good mod support
The concept is so solid though, completely fucking up the execution and not even bothering to finish the game doesn't mean the idea of an online Fallout is bad.
Be over 5 feet tall.
He can't.
>state mandated Skyrim purchases on every media device
sounds terrible
Fallout 77
Todd at least like video games, Pete is jock who hate video games.
I didnt say MMO or MMO-tier story telling shitter. ESO is fucking garbage
put TES6 on idtech and let id help them make it good and bug free
Nice try we know it’s you todd
Kill self
but really name one well known bug in doom 2016
What do you mean by redeem myself, user?
Oh fuck it’s todd
he means stop releasing buggy fucking games
I mean if you will make yet another shit game I swear I will pirate it Todd. And wont buy anymore Skyrim editions. Just make ONE GOOD GAME
hang this dude
That gun is from the original Fallout and has a bug you guys never fixed, Todd.
Let them build a new engine for TES6
Start making good games so I don't feel the need to pirate them all.
There it is. I Said it. I haven't actually paid for a Bethesda game since Morrowind
fuck you i just want TES 6 to be good is that a crime?
You realize the game can't be fixed? It's running on a 2001 single player rpg engine with an pplied multiplayer hack by some incompetent diversity hire.
>How could he redeem himself?
Will the millions of neckbeards preordering the next Elder Scrolls be enough? He's gonna make a shitty product and you're still going to buy it. .
Are you implying that Bethesda's veteran programmers aren't incompetent?
why build a new one when they have access to idtech?
make an actual, objectively good game, that is not filled with bugs to the brim and is properly structured. None of that "radiant AI" bullshit
He can't, but that doesn't matter.
Everyone will forgive him again, as they always have, and as they always will.
Actually finish games before sending them out to the public.
Rapes kojima at e3
I dont know that engine but i assume modability is low compared to creation
>call his friends over at Zenimax and have them send over a decent engine from Id or one of their other subsidiaries that can actually program
>hire some proper writers
>combine the aforementioned to make a decent game
Not that hard
its the one they built doom 2016 and the one they are building doom eternal on and any engine can be made moddable
Todd just calm down we don’t want to do anything drastic right
well sure but the amount of effort required to do so is another story
I would just like for them to build something designed for Elder Scrolls. Lord knows they have the money
No problem Todd, let me check out
The AK has a bug where it's missing the inner iron sights. Jesus have you even looked down the iron sights, Todd? LOOK AT IT TODD, ITS MISSING
>17 MB
enjoy your virus
Todd is a small size guy and a white boi, I think he could turn himself into a trap and being our waifu.
The Elder Scrolls Seventy VI.
>the power of idtech with the modability of Creation Engine
Oh baby.
Todd, Fallout 76 was shit. How could you defend it? It was filled with bugs, did you guys even care?
>2001 single player rpg engine
Its literally an engine used to make MMOs you fucking mouth breathing retard, quit pretending to know what the fuck your talking about, nigger.
don't release any other games until fallout 76 is good. that means human NPC's and a massive DLC that adds a new story and double the map size
RIP TODD HOWARD you will not be missed
lETS see you make a better game, you fucking PLEB.
Trap Howard?
All future Beth games will be live services...
So Todd is kind of dead to me He is still qt tho
Dick pics.
I'll show you drastic, user. Buy my game NOW.
I made this mod just to spite you Todd. You should enjoy the ride.
redeem? He knows bethesda fans will open their mouth to eat his feces
Todd.. Slow down alright. NO one needs to get hurt, put the youtuber down. And the government will personally buy 5 copies of Skyrim.
Make one good game after 2003
Make one good comment after 2003.
Todd is based as fuck
Anyone member that thread? I member
Lose the stick up his ass about Obsidian
making a good game
meh go ahead shoot her why do you think i give a fuck?
He can’t in my eyes.
>morrowind-tier story telling
uesp.net is that a way
Just make a good game.
Does anyone even remember when Capcom was in their slump?
Or id after Rage?
Or the billion other developers that put out a shit game but brought everyone back withe the next one?
How many times are you going to ask this question?
Todd makes no decisions whatsoever. In every interview he's like an errand boy who can't give straight answers.
Fallout 76 is BGS' first failure since Morrowind and that's like, 17 years ago. One blunder in seventeen years. You people can hate it as much as you want but it won't change the fact that we have a good sales record
came here to say this
So those comments in Death Stranding about climbing the mountain were Todd memes? The more you know
not sure if newfaggot or pretending
I'm mostly a /g/ent and a /pol/itic
"see that mountain? you can climb it" has been a todd reference/meme for nearly a decade
define playable state
it's basically playable now
I think Todd is cute. Is that normal
I'm recently coming here because of the upcoming gen. I do not follow Yea Forumsirgins memes
Releasing the souce code of Fallout 76.
Selling the DRM-free versions of FO1/2/3/NV everywhere where possible.
Releasing a DRM-free build of Fallout 4.
Admitting they really messed up and took advantage of fans with Fallout 76. I think doing that on-stage will mean more than in a 1-on-1 interview.
Finally use a new engine, even if it's Unreal or something.
76 goes f2p
Show that Starfield and ES6 are going to be vastly different from each other in ways other than their setting.
it's been a meme for longer than a whole console gen
>that one retard who ACTUALLY purchase Fallout 76
>"We learn from Fallout 76. Now, enjoy our newest-but-same-as-always turd!"
>*Furious claping and positive youtube videos arrives*
>how could he redeem himself?
its so god damn simple
>Fallout: Dog Town
>set in Denver after events of NV
>remnants of legion coming up from the south use the Airforce academy as a base
>NCR coming from the west using boulder as their base
>football stadium on west side of river is main human settlment
>baseball stadium and most of downtown across the river is known as Dog Town
>Enclave have secret base under Denver international airport filled with descendants of former congressmen
>main storyline is to stop massive mutated animals from coming out of Rocky Mountain Arsenal (which is known as a super toxic dump site from ammunition building for WW2)
>find out its the enclave performing experiments with FEV
>have to kill them or get elected president to stop it from happening
and if they wanted to get really wild
>you find another "Master" making super mutants in dog town
>he explains that the original master told smarter super mutants how to make more and sent them across the wastes
and there are so many places that would make excellent exploration/mission areas
Redfall and Starfield on a new engine. No loading screens except initial and when fast traveling.
for reference. the academy is a bit farther south
also meant golden not boulder
Like I said, I do not follow Yea Forumsirgin memes
allow another company to develop an isometric pen-and-paper style Fallout game
or you're just new
Wrong. Bring back the simulationist goals of Daggerfall rather than making worse Morrowinds. Beth will never make a better Morrowind they've been trying for 15 years in two franchises. They could absolutely make a better Daggerfall if they stay true to what their retired employees were going for
New to Yea Forums, yes.
Only including a proper /hmofa interactions on the next Elder Scrolls his name can be redeemed
Make the melee system in Elder Scrolls more engaging than mindlessly clicking m1. At least in Fallout I have to aim slightly.
>remnants of legion
After Lanius and Caesar's deaths, there was a lot of infighting over their purpose and who would command their armies. Eventually everyone went their own separate paths and were divided into four groups:
1) Deserters: Abandon Caesar's laws and learn about the real world and live in peace with other wastelanders. Also composed of former slaves.
2) Tribals: Some go back to recreate their lost tribes with what little memories or stories they kept in their hearts. Some banded together to create new tribes.
3) Children of Rome: Caesar's moral code is law. Much of it is now altered to sustain and protect citizens. Hierarchy based system where everyone can advance or decline ranks. Even slaves can move up and high-rankling officials can be demoted. Everyone gets a fair chance.
4) Sons of Lanius: Only the strong survive. Raid everything and take what you want.
The deserters hide out in small towns or tend to their own property. They do not talk about their past or they simply make up for it by helping out townfolk.
Holly shit it's Helen Hunt.
making a good engine
Perfect, the Children of Rome could control the area to the south so choosing between the NCR and them would be morally grey, if you chose to help at all. and have a Sons of Lanius base somewhere downtown too.
>strawpoll me 18106327
the man just exudes so much charisma that I just can't bring myself to hate him
by stepping down