So what's the consensus?

So what's the consensus?

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Really fun, the humor is kinda hit or miss, the game is forgotten because it released on the bone and they took years to port it

This thread again?

>it's on steam
fucking when, i really wanted to try this

Game's generally fairly good but the writing is awful.

No one cared because it released exclusively on a dead console where the fanbase of the developer wasn't, and they then took too long to port it, by which time everyone had forgotten about it.


Very corny and dumb, VERY fun to play.

Kind of want to redownload it now

Pretty good

Fun but simplistic, definitely not a console seller even though it was the closest to one the Bone had for a while.

It's good. Too bad it didn't sell much because Microshit can't market it.

For all the emphasis it has on acrobatics, it's pretty slow.

it's a great looking game, but it constantly reminds you that there will never be a JSRF HD remake, and therefore falls pretty flat

>Insomniac are insistent on keeping the SSO IP because they don't want a repeat of what happened to Ratchet and Spyro
>talks fall through with first-choice Sony and then several other big publishers (Square Enix were supposedly one) because of this
>MS greenlight it in exchange for the publishing rights
>game is released on the dead console and subsequenly underperforms
>they have the IP but can't find a publisher willing to commit to a sequel
>have to go back to making sequels to Sony-exclusive franchises


that doesnt mean its a masterpiece, ,solid 8 tho,wont play it again in atleast a few years(or never who knows its just good not masterpiece tier)

had a lot of fun but humor was pretty flat. might play it again on pc, still would recommend for 3rd person shooter fans.

Wannabe Saints Row bs

Was the DLC any good? I uninstalled after the main campaign but now I'm kind of itching for more.

What the fuck does it have in common with Saint's Row?

Mid tier

Attached: XboxOneConsoleExclusiveTier.png (2500x1248, 1.58M)

It's been on Steam for a while. As a matter of fact pretty much all good XBONE exclusives are on Steam now.

For 20 bucks it was pretty fun. I'd like to see a sequel with more shit to do.

>inb4 Ninty steps in again like with Bayo and everyone cries about them 'stealing' a franchise
Imagine a Splatoon crossover. Sunsquid Overdrive.

They're just more of the same really, and pretty short. Took me like 4 hours total to complete both.

>nostalgia shit in higher tiers

Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Gears and Super Lucky's Tale all deserve to be in mid, they're fun solid games. Of the other low tier games that I've played, State of Decay 2 and Ashen deserve to be there.