
>Dude, my sister is having a party tomorrow and I really need to find a way to make the opposite sex completely avoid my bedroom, what should I do?
>I have an idea

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That is actually kino.

Show us your room OP! :)

I counted at least 70 amiibo... nice collection. Kudos to the guy that done this, double kudos if it was for his children.

I just lay crusty cum socks on everything.

looks like fun

>All that Nintendo theming
>Sudden Superman
Killing my OCD

tv's not straight. ruined.

Imagine an adult living like this. Holy shit what a cringeworthy loser lmfao, I’m a girl btw.

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all i want is a 700 euro samsung tv..

>office tile ceiling
Clearly just someone's hangout basement.

>Everything is recent
Fucking newfag fake fans

This is a hospital room you fags


From my experience people will want to fuck around in your room more now because of all the neat shit they don't got at their place.

If I saw your room I'd say fuck that party, let me play games instead.
Than again.... I don't go to parties.
.... People don't even know I exist ._.

But it isn't

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Brotip: they don't invite you to parties because they think they'll bother you and you'll get bored, most people prefer more people on their parties and seeing you enjoy yourself will bring them joy, talk to them. I'm an engineer and me and my normalfag friends always invited nerds to our parties, they almost never attended.

It's bad but aside from the controllers on the wall, at least it's neutral coloring.

If he put those games in a shelf or some shit it just looks like a normal room

You have Smash and Mario Kart on full display
And everything is clean and neat
Literally the opposite of what you should do

>at least 11 DS4s
For what purpose?

why do you assume that's a room for adults

Your proofs?

Jokes on you, basedbitch art hoes love Nintendo

>he doesn't have 10 friends

Also if he grew another foot he would be like a normal human

At least is clean.

if I took my games off the shelf and stacked them ontop of each other it would definitely reach that height

have sex, incel

Try harder OP

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This honestly looks like a good time.

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I can't imagine loving a console this much. Props to him though.

Not even a good version of superman

> I have a superman doll from superman returns

They need to make superman figures from the animated series

Yes, and?
Is something wrong with having "only boys" room?

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>leave it to your sister

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Add a bass and a pile of clothes and you pretty much got my first flat after college

Why does he have a dildo in a box on the left?

Remember when someone calculated their height?

Superman 64

It's some guy's basement

Some women actually like that shit
Not many, but hey

would never do this myself but to each his own

>one piece

women actually expect men’s places to look like this, or at least unfurnished with no decorations

Hope that's a kid's room. It's probably not.

There are only 62 amibo in that image

>my room is never going to be this clean

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>snoygoys confirmed midgets
No wonder they're always mad.

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Wish I had a theme or a coherent design, mine's just wooden desks/shelves and a bunch of gifts my family gave me

>From my experience people will want to fuck around in your room more now because of all the neat shit they don't got at their place.

Under 12s aren't people.

Heheheheh I got it!
It means having a switch is for manchildren, unlike having a ps4 for mature gamers such as myself!
Truly hilarious

Not a bad idea, women are awful.

The guy apparently originally wanted it to be a Gameboy.

How can an anime look so fucking ugly. I'm so glad 4Kids turned me off from this show and I'm not one of these retards in their 20s watching 900 episodes of the same show

female (male)

>I’m a girl btw.
Nah, you're a whore at best dude

And I thought it was bad already.

I wont lie this makes me feel uncomfortable

Now you're getting it, sweetie. :^)

You guys joke.. but I've seen this photo pop up on normiebook and fucking everyone seems to think it's the coolest shit ever. I'm not even talking about popping up in some reddit group, its appeared on the normiest of Normie-core feeds.

user I don't think there is a single game on the PS4 that uses more then 4 fucking controllers.

Holy shit, why the fuck consolefags are so obsessed with Superman?

>one of these retards in their 20s watching 900 episodes of the same show

Ahem, that's me..

Attached: peek.png (420x207, 56K)

Have sex.

>but I've seen this photo pop up on normiebook and fucking everyone seems to think it's the coolest shit ever.
Well yeah, why wouldn't it?

You don't get normalfags, it's "cool" as in "cool that someone else did it but I'd never have that in my own house" even if they say so.

I thought the same but then I watched the first 10+ episodes, it kind of grows on you. One Piece's real problem lies in the fucking episode count though. It scares me that at least 2-3 generations grew up with One Piece


what's in the cage in the back?

All One Piss users
are gigantic autists
prove me wrong

>but I'd never have that in my own house"
You don't know casuals very well do you.

I'm up there in being autist but this is too much.

How can you manage that?

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I'm surrounded by them my man. YOU don't get them, has any of them built something similar in their house? Of course not.

Mario and Nintendo are extremely main stream even among older people. Most people would see this and think it's cool.

119 games*1.4cm=1.666 metres (amazon uk listing of spider-man case dimensions)=5'5" american

Tits or GTFO

fuck you for making me check it

168 cm -> 5'5"

I started watching in high school and I still keep up with the show. Once you're caught up, it's like watching any ongoing series having to wait for the next episode.

Snoys being manlets is hardly surprising

>YOU don't get them, has any of them built something similar in their house?
Dude, you do realise that a lot of them that have the space have a room dedicated to their hobbies right? More often than not it's a time and effort issue rather than a I like it but don't want it deal.
Also I doubt you're surrounded by them, you sound like a very sheltered human being.

At the end of the day, at least his room doesn't look like like a daycare center. Even if it might be really embarrassing.

It takes like 90 minutes at most to clean the messiest of rooms. Just put on disposable gloves, get a waste basket, and get a laundry basket. Go through every item on the ground and throw the garbage is the waste basket, and the cloths in the laundry basket.
>what about the things that aren't garbage or laundry?
If they're on the floor they're one of the two. In the off chance it's something important, make a pile on your desk chair of "important, to sort later" things. This will prevent you from sitting down after cleaning the floor until you've sorted those items. Once your room is in order, don't let it get messy again; spend the 15s it takes every day to clean up at the end of the day so you never need to spend a couple hours in a block again.

>oh wow user you have mario kart I used to play against my dad/siblings on ds let's all play a couple of rounds!

>less than 100 words
>you've made a full psychological profile of me


Both are based
Yea Forumsirgins will never know how it feels to actually enjoy something, let alone fucking videogames, this board seems to be outright allergic to these

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Dude my main issue is mainly putting away crap

That's the room of a kid.

Reminds me of this.

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yeah im a lesbian so my opinion doesn't really count on this but i know a TON of girls who would go for this shit. really if you're clean, generally nice, and don't take yourself too seriously, you can be a huge weirdo with your hobbies and girls will still fuck you

neither is the owner

wew lads we got a tranny here

fukken saved

>I'm a dyke
Stop being a waste of a perfectly good woman, now tits or gtfo

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Yeah, the moment you said "they don't want this" and justified it with a very flimsy justification you came across as someone with very little experience interacting with people.

It takes a few seconds to put one thing away. If you let them pile up, that's when it gets overwhelming. Don't let them pile up. Always put away your things when you're done with them.

did you chop your dick of?

>tfw family home used to be clean until my sister moved back in
>she moved back out recently and didn't even want to help clean a mess she caused

>One Piece
All mashed into one big mess like it's the product of an advertising company making something to post on social media.

americans keep dogs in cages lol

Just lock your door, and turn up your music. If someone knocks turn it up louder.

>he really believes that

You're getting mad about it so I'm clearly hitting the nail on the head.

I don't think you know how real life girls work.
I grew up in a house with 3 sisters and 2 of them love games.

Have you noticed that your "arguments" are attacking an imaginary version of "me"? And you dare calling me mad? LOL lurk more .

You're angry enough to keep replying while falling back on a coping mechanism so, yeah, I do dare.
I mean, why are you even replying? It's not making you look any better.


>You're angry enough to keep replying while falling back on a coping mechanism so, yeah, I do dare.
>I mean, why are you even replying? It's not making you look any better.

You will never be a girl you fucking eunuch

See what I mean.
You're still going.
Did you really get this offended by a statement that was supposedly wrong?

Look at this fucking manlet

>See what I mean.
>You're still going.
>Did you really get this offended by a statement that was supposedly wrong?

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I can't even pirate that many games


Do nothing. You're giving yourself too much credit thinking people will invite themselves into your room and stay there if it's a girl's party hosted by your sister.

Remember when men used to fill their rooms with books, trophies and awards or just pictures of family and friends?

Nowadays it's cheap plastic crap and video games. Fucking meaningless garbage that just reflects what an empty human being the individual is. Yes this does piss me off.

>tfw giant lego collection
>room is filled with legos
>age: 20

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I watched the anime until Skypeia when I realised it was getting real fucking slow. It's neat to start with the anime because the voice actors are perfect but you need to switch to the manga after Alabasta. One Piece needs a "Kai" version already. Kai improved DBZ so much its unreal, it's got an amazing pace compared to the original

Tits or gtfo

I've seen plenty of legofags get married or have gf's. It's not a complete dealbreaker to most unless you're unclean, completely unsociable etc

At least you aren't a gunpla or trainfag

Well where else are we supposed to put niggers? Plus the prison system makes pretty good bank.

Lego is the most normie autist shit ever though, you’re fine.

What do books signify that makes them better than video games?

our dads still do that

Tell the cunts to get the Hell out of your house. Offer to pay for them a hotel room if you have to. A man's home is his castle.

...wait, this is your house, isn't it?

Yea yea you took that from that reddit site that you visit always, but at least try to do a joke.
Why would buy shit load of nintendo stuff so no one enters your bedroom? You could just lock it if there's party. It's that easy.

Oh fuck, it's my sisters apartment now. Except no cat and dog fur everywhere.

>none of these replies realize this is satire
Fucking newfags.


>he doesn't fill his room with trophies, models, awards, family and friends pictures, video games, books, and anime figurines
Git gud casual

Attached: Parry this you fucking casual.jpg (687x686, 88K)


This won't work, user. Not all girls hate games and a big screen TV like that with multiplayer games? There will probably be some girl who walks in, sees the setup, and goes "hey can I play".
My advice? Just lock your door and only come out for food throughout the party.
You missed the Luffy poster, the Superman logo, and what looks like a Darth Vader mask plugged into the outlet.

this is new

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This isn't reddit

>mass reply
>with a youtube reaction video
yup, it's reddit time

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Man I would have killed for that room as a kid.

as an adult, fuck no