Do you hopeless faggots actually get excited for this shit?

Do you hopeless faggots actually get excited for this shit?

Attached: 86A921D3-91F9-467D-92F8-D025A6CC361D.jpg (800x450, 89K)

yes and you should too

you mean copeless lol

I don't get excited, I get mildly interested since there might be one or two neat titles announced over the whole thing.

yes it's either embarrassing for the companies or good for me
I lose out on nothing

it's all that i have left looking forward to
i'm gonna get high, eat some fast food and drink a sip and enjoy it and you won't stop me you NIGGER OP

yes it's one of the few times it's fun to be on Yea Forums these days

Attached: Sony 2018 E3 show.png (388x354, 212K)

Excited? Hell yeah, motherfucker!
Have you seen those booth babes?!

Attached: e3-booth-babes-2012-012.jpg (900x1200, 179K)

Let's be honest, it's only good for shitposting and you're a fucking retard if you expect any good out of it.

>a board which discusses video games gets excited for the biggest dump of video game news all year
That's crazy

just the wojaks and pepes

I don't get excited but I'm not gonna lie and pretend I have anything better to do than watch it anyway.

No, I'm far too cool to enjoy things


makes sense why you dont, youre too poor to afford any console

Except Cyberpunk and Doom, no.
I will just check on the Bethesda conference to see if people will lynch Todd when he will annonce that The Elder Scroll 6 and Starfield will be game as service filled with lootboxes and micortransaction.

God forbid someone get excited about a thing you're not excited about

Yes, because it's one of the few times me and my friends get together irl. Drinking and shitting on E3 with pals i've known since childhood is one of the highlights of my year.

Yes user because people use their consoles to browse Yea Forums

i literally dont have anything to look forward to except e3. theres nothing going on in my life.

oh yeah this is the first e3 I will have alcohol in so hype

It's cool to see new footage of games I am waiting for, but besides that I don't give a crap at all

Kinda want to see what the new Harvest Moon is like but I won't buy it anyways I think

No. I'll usually do a quick skim from one of the bigger gaming news site to see what got announced, maybe watch a trailer or two if a game interest me.

It's not worth spending an entire fucking day glued to the computer for like 5 minutes worth of interesting content or "cringe moments":