Since 4k monitors don't have 144 hz yet. I'm wondering if I should get a 1080p or 1440p 144hz monitor. are 1440p monitors worth the price for video games?
Since 4k monitors don't have 144 hz yet. I'm wondering if I should get a 1080p or 1440p 144hz monitor...
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yeah i suppose
Depends on the size of the screen and how far away you sit from it.
1440p 144hz is the sweet spot these days, definitely worth it
1440p 120hz is fine. The smoothness and clarity is better than 4k 60hz.
It's kinda why I don't get the fascination with the rumor of PS5 wanting to go to 8K.
This. Definitely worth it. I love it
You can already play in 2K. There's enough pixel density on a 1080p monitor.
Please help me to understand, how is anyone able to get 144fps in a modern game on above low settings?
I have a overclocked 1070 that barely runs newer games on 1080p on high/very high settings at 60 fps with anti aliasing on.
Do I misunderstand the core concept of what 144hz implies? Cause you would need at least 2 1000$ cards to make that happen.
Or are 144hz fags memers that only play 10 year old games?
This. I bought the Samsung C32HG70 recently, and I love it.
Also, an RTX 2060 is more than fast enough to run games at 1440p maxed out with high framerates.
got a dead bug under my 1440 screen in the centre. how do get it out brehs?
You definitely need high end stuff. For example. I have a 1080 to, and get around 100fps in the wticher 3, 90 fps in NieR, and 144fps in Sekiro. This is at 1440p.
I mix settings to my liking, usually turning off AA, and mixing settings to average around "high" in newer titles
Sorry, 1080 Ti.
But really it's all about settings. But high graphical fidelity and high frame rates requires high end stuff.
I used a 1440p 144hz monitor for a while until my RX580 died, then I had to use my secondary 1080p 144hz monitor with a temporary GTX1050, now that I've got a GTX1070 Ti I'm back to using my 1440p mintor. Just using a comparison picture doesn't do the quality different justice in my opinion, but going from 1440p to 1080p then back showed me I don't ever want to go back to 1080p
Those two images look exactly the same.
this has to be bait
to be fair it's hard to see on a 1080p monitor.
i got 3 dead mosquitoes on my gaggenhau coffee machine faceplate, i just treat it like a museum of natural life while i sip cofee
put in another bug to eat the dead one
>wticher 3
one of the best optimized games
didn't play it, but didn't look graphically intensive
practically the same as Dark Souls 3, isn't ver demanding
>1080 Ti
>turning off AA, and mixing settings
The 1080 TI is still on par with current high end cards and you admit that its impossible to play any game that is known for being relatively demanding (AC Odyssey, Metro 2033) on anything higher than low to medium settings, without touching anti aliasing.
So unless you do have 2 1000$ cards. 144hz is a meme.
I dropped 400 bucks and upgraded from a 1080p/60hz a 1440p/144hz monitor 2 months ago and i could never imagine going back. But you need a cpu/gpu combo to match or it's a waste.
>are 1440p monitors worth the price for video games?
No, resolutions above 1080p are only worth it for large TVs.
On PC it's better to just get a 1080p monitor and then use Dynamic Super Resolution or something like it to downsample from whatever higher resolution your GPU can handle.
>wticher 3
>one of the best optimized games
Its an open world game with pretty good visuals. Even the most demanding zone (Novigrad) run pretty well on current cards when the game came out.
Now go and ask how many people managed to stay above 30 fps in Alexandria in AC origins.
nigga that shit runs on a potato.
>he doesn't know
>4ms response time
Since OP pic is Witcher I will ask this here. This is my game on what I think are fullest settings. Why does the foliage look so...liney? Is that how its supposed to look? I heard it might be the sharpening, so I turn it down, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference
Do you have some sort of Reshade installed?
Cause it's a shit game with shit graphics
Grass doesnt really look that good but yours does seem a bit off. theres probably mods for it now but I havent played it since it came out in 2015.
You should completely disable sharpening, makes the game look like crap.
1440p is worth it solely for better desktop experience, user. Once you use 1440p monitor and get used to how well it handles 2 pages side-by-side, you will be absolutely shocked to see how terribly claustrophobic 1080p feels doing the same.
I got 165fps steady on DmC and REmake 2 on a single 2080ti with max settings. I only struggle with ubisoft games and Metro exodus.
>AAA game
>1300$ card
fuck off.
or spent 3k on a gaming pc at which point i think they are either billionaires either they are simply stupid
or some streamers/youtubers or whatever
I bought a 1440p 144hz monitor recently.
Bigger monitor and more resolution is nice and all, but it didn't set my world on fire. I didn't miss it before. Maybe I'd miss it a bit going back, I don't know.
144hz depends entirely on the game for me. For over-the-shoulder console movie game RPGs, I found it to be pretty pointless. The only thing that really moves much is the camera and while I guess there's some bonus there, it's not something I couldn't live without.
Where 144 hz is a fucking revelation is in twitchy shooters like Titanfall 2 or Quake. Completely night and day. Playing that on this monitor felt like opening my eyes for the first time again.
For racing games 144hz it's also neat, of course.
Ultimately if the monitor hadn't basically been a gift, I might actually be a little disappointed with it. But as it stands, it's still pretty cool.
ASUS PG279Q. You won't regret it. Just don't be surprised with IPS glow, it's normal.
Framerate>resolution always when it comes to games.
Don't let any retarded brainlet tell you anything different, OP.
always go for the HZ 4k resolution is a meme
Turn off sharpening completely, ingame sharpening sucks. If you really want sharpening use reshade's filmicsharpen, it won't fuck up the grass like that with depth masking + the sharpening is way nicer if you set it right.