Whats your class Yea Forums

whats your class Yea Forums

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Combat Chef with double wok shield. Taste my meal.

anything that doesn't involve pussyboi magic is fine by me really

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They all look stupid.

Normally I do a custom class and pick things that I think would mesh well, then end up fucking myself over because I find myself using a totally different set of skills

Being a brainlet is hard

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Nightblade. Or a custom class that combines stealth with magic.

Spellsword master race reporting in.

Thief/rogue of course.

MONK. Always MONK, when it's fun, anyways.


>Not being a Crusader

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stealth builds but no magic.

stealth archer
stealthy dagger user
stealth alchemist who poisons sleeping people

Or berseker. Running around with a massive two handed axe in next to no armour is fun

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you mean mentally ill gay robot

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Whatever lets me dual wield gun shields.

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Knights are fun.

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get out weeb


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>Not being a muscle wizard
Take TES universe for example, alteration can turn your kitchen utensils into a workout equipment in a matter of seconds. Also
>not paralyzing your foes and dragging your balls across their face.

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Paladin (ranged)

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What even are all these classes?

the preset classes artwork in the Oblivion character creation

actually really nice style imo

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Glad you asked!
>Bard, Battlemage, Knight, Barbarian, Spellsword, Scout
>Crusader, Healer, Acrobat, Mage, Thief
>Agent, Archer, Assassin, Sorcerer, Warrior
>Witchhunter, Monk, Nightblade, Pilgrim, Rogue

Best custom class I've been able to make is what I called "sentinel". Heavy Armor, Blade, Marksman, Restoration, and Armorer as main (minor) skills, go-to home is Battlehorn Castle.

Musketeer, one that is both a ranged fighter and a fencer.

>Light armor
>Two handed sword or spear if the game has them
>Magic i have learned empowers my weapon and protects me

Is there anything better than this?

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I like spellsword, but you're robbing yourself if you don't create a custom class.

You gave me exactly the answer I was looking for. Thank you.

It always pissed me off that most of those clothes were never available ingame, or even had equivalents

when games had soul

>heavy armor
>two handed sword or spear if the game has them
>magic i have learned is used solely to intimidate, doesnt help deal damage or protect me in direct ways otherwise

is there anything better than this?

Paladin/mad warrior cleric

Melee imbued and protected with the blessing of the almighty lord to smite the filthy non believers. Any other magic types can fell my mace of justice.

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Maybe, but it's kinda fun seeing how things go when you have an unoptimized skill list.