Epic Game Shills are dare I say it...based and redpilled?
Epic Game Shills are dare I say it...based and redpilled?
Literally WHO
look at me guys I made a twitter thread
this site needs to fucking die
>I'm part inuit
Then why are you offended by "Becky" you're not white
2 literal whos arguing.
who gives a fuck, OP please kys
Yea Forums and /pol/ are the only boards which actively post and discuss twitter and reddit screencaps
It's fucking embarrassing
STFU Becky
me too
Okay this is quite enough. How much more CANCER do we have to endure before our shitty mods and useless fucking jannies FINALLY start deleting retarded twitter screencap threads on sight?
Why the fuck do we have such a retarded incompetent moderation?
Seriously what the fuck needs to happen for them to finally acknowledge that these cancer therads need to be banned?
Please, can anyone just obliterate Twitter?
This shit is getting out of hand - everyone is triggered over every little thing, and these Feminists are just doing everything they can to destroy gaming.
She wouldn't have complained if he called her Stacey. But she knows Becky is a name for white girls who are also mediocre looking.
wait you mean this site or twitter?
fuck a vagina
Based and redpilled.
I think the other issue is it shows Vito is a passive aggressive cunt.
>implying you wouldn't a Becky
bust a nut to your waifi or whatever the fuck, itll calm you down
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Remember the fields.
and yet this thread is still here
Literally WHO CARES what some nigger has to say?
you forgot Yea Forums which is /pol/ite
and it is always the sand handful of faggots making these threads
It's spread to /biz/ too, but then again, that board is literally THE dumbest board on the site, and that's counting the board who thinks lizards mind control people from the moon and the board that struggles with games for 6 year olds
Oh shut the fuck up retard. Every board has eceleb threads for their various industries and hobbies. Yea Forums and /pol/ are not special in that respect.
Based becky
Threads with good discussion get locked while ecolab Twitter screenshots flourish, janitors need to do their fucking job
This post is extremely low quality.
>white women: white men are so fragile
>also white women: reeeee don't call me becky
t. only posts on Yea Forums and /pol/
>that projection
Dude even /out/ has regular eceleb threads about that primitive living dude. Shut the fuck up you obvious newfag.
>waiting for things to happen
It's up to YOU to make things change. Stop waiting for others.
Hide Twitter threads and other trash threads
Don't reply to bait threads or bait posts, not even with bait.jpg
Use sage properly
You have filter options for words and even md5, use them
Tell more people to Lurk more and call out newfaggotry where you see it
Only post in good or decent threads
Stop ironically shitposting for pete's sake
>Yea Forums, /pol/, and Yea Forums should be eliminated from this site, Pepe and Wojak should be put in the vault with rageface, and mods should instant month ban all Yea Forums and /pol/ humor for two weeks straight
Except those threads are full of discussion about the survival shit said dude talks about. Yea Forums has writers and studio discussion, /biz/ talks about business men and speculating what they're hinting at etc.
Meanwhile, what the fuck is this faggot thread for?
>Obvious newfag
>For not visiting /out/
Fucking what?
Kill yourself twitterfag
>I'm 0.00000016% navajo my dude, you just committed a hate crime
>That fat failure that had like one youtube video blow up thinking hes now relevant
him neckbeard done ate him brain.
>It's a Twitter screencap thread
Check this 2
OP is, dare I say it... Cringe and Bluepilled.
>he doesn't go on everyboard
back to 9gag with you, homo
yes they work at the World Health Organization.
>the discussion is shit on Yea Forums
Literally nigger tier thinking.
If you havent checked out every board on here at least once you are a redditor and you need to fuck off now.
No, it's you low IQ chimps who browse Twitter faggots all day long and drag their often off topic shit to Yea Forums that's behind this cancer. Funny how the other boards aren't this terrible. Must be the hobby or something.
mad dude
Jesus christ you're fucking retarded. Literally every board has dumb drama threads but it seems like your subhuman nigger brain chimps out when you see a Twitter screenshot. Stay mad fag.
>/pol/ should be eliminated from this site and Wojak should be put in the vault with rageface, and mods should instant month ban all /pol/ humor for two weeks straight
you first
>defending eceleb twitter thread because your non-existing personality need them to feel like you have opinions on your own
No matter what you say, nobody will agree with you besides other worshipping zoomer cucks.
I'm not sure how I should feel about this.
I need a black user to let me know if this is racist or not.
do a flip
Daily reminder that /pol/ is the most relevant board on this site and every other board is SEETHING.
You guys are mentally ill
I mean imagine if she said "okay whatever Tyrone"
It would be funny if Vito called a black man a nigger for disagreeing with him.
>just make Yea Forums into resettera
why dont you just go to resettera
*blocks your path*
>he thinks I like e-celebs
Truly the dumbest faggot in this thread. The fun of e-celeb threads is watching retards make an ass of themselves in front of thousands of people.
Yea Forums is just /pol/reddit in the last few years.
I said relevant, not active dumbass. Nobody gives a shit about the 17 tranny threads on Yea Forums.
We need more twitter screencap threads
The world has to know what @IHaveAShittyOpinion said
/biz/ was actually the most active board late 2017. But then the election cucks and slav/indian scammers arrived at the board and everything crashed while the quality stuff went to shit
>Nobody gives a shit about the 17 tranny threads on Yea Forums.
and nobody gives a shit about the 16 tranny threads on /pol/, what's your point?
because all the natives are dumb and there's a high chance her mother drank a lot during pregnancy
>nobody gives a shit
now that the smokes cleared what did he mean by this
Dang son, resetera has porn threads, fetish threads, apolitical social discussion, doesn't whine about anime that isn't mainstream acceptable, and intensely crass humor that doesn't get banned permanently in a hour? Wow wee, they really changed around.
Can't deny that, so hope you stay forever. We need more clowns with retarded opinions.
/biz/ will be reborn from the ashes in a year or two
enjoy your top spot while it lasts, /pol/cucks
The difference is that the tranny threads on /pol/ arent 200 replies asking for feet pics and lewds, faggot.
and that's exactly the reason why Yea Forums is first
keep seething /pol/tard
You'll hang before that
what's more embarrassing is you caring about Yea Forums lmao
At least I'm not some whiny faggot that whines about people posting things i dont like.
muh degeneracy
>he doesn't want to short from 200k
stay poor pleb
>post count is relevancy
You are just a big ole' retard huh.
If shes part savage that cancels out the fact that shes part white?
Is she saying that using racial slurs is acceptable if the victim is white?
since when do people care about white racism?
she's not even white
this is a paradox
everyone is supposed to hate white people and nobody questions it
the jews need to work harder to reverse this
Faggots everywhere
>SEETHES when someone says his twitter screencap threads are trash
Sure thing laddie. Stay devoid of self awareness
user, this is the board that thinks homosexual anal vore is a peak of humor.
You should have stayed at thedonald if you actually cared.
The only short here is you bobofags lives. The bull cannot be defeated
Just checked out Vito's twitter and oh boy. He's getting butt blasted over gay jokes, and oh look he's a Queer Comedian.
Why the fuck are gay people always so assholish and bipolar? And the last part wasn't a joke he has bipolar disorder.
>everyone who doesnt agree with me 100% is the same person
Holy shit you are one retarded gorilla nigger.
>yang gang cringe
kill all trannies
what's more embarrassing is you care about him caring about Yea Forums lmao
Hmm yes, keep repeating your insults, that'll really set you apart from the rest and prove you're not samefagging it up for attention.
Literally not a drop of self awareness.
>Games programmer. Property of @RPGEndBoss, return if lost.
I always find it extremely bizarre when women call themselves the property of some dude, but then end up being triggered by som utterly nonsensical shit.
>Becky is a racial slur
Holy fuck I'm dying
>user, this is the board that thinks homosexual anal vore is a peak of humor.
its hilarious
i dont really care about it either way. im fine with it. i think its sillly just to come here to talk about porn or we though
Everyone in this thread needs to have sex
>user, this is the board that thinks homosexual anal vore is a peak of humor
but it is?
I'd side with women over niggers any day of the week
Holy fucking based
I can't tell you how large my md5 and word filter is. It makes this place an enjoyable experience, just like it always was for me.
Dare I say, based and redpilled?