Why didn't this cause a studio breaking controversy like Fallout 76 did?

Why didn't this cause a studio breaking controversy like Fallout 76 did?

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Because it's a good game. F76 was barely a game at all.

because blizzdrones will eat up whatever blizzard shits on their plate

because it actually was pretty good, people just complain about it because they're bitter incels who wish they were 14 without a job again instead of 35 and without a job

>Because it's a good game
Fuck off, Ion

The core game is good but the features are bad. Also the art and sound team are carrying modern WoW.

So what are the legitimate complaints about Bfa that aren't problems from previous expansions.

Graphics and sound clearly don't matter since classic is going to take away what standing power retail still has.

People complain about it because it's absolute garbage, especially following Legion which was an actual good expansion at the point where people thought Blizzard were actually incapable of making WoW good ever again.

WoW has been shit for years. After enough time people just don't really care. Though unlike Fallout 76 Blizzards latest piece of shit at least technically worked.

Blizzard has been bleeding talent for over a decade now.

And they've been replacing them with interns.

The reason why the studio isn't breaking is because its not a studio, its just an asset factory trying to keep their IP's together with duct tape and glue.

Because it's still a working game. The biggest problems of BFA started during previous expansion, but some people are content with it.

i mean people clearly enjoy it so your opinion doesnt matter, incel. fuck a pussy.

>Legion which was an actual good expansion
"At least it wasn't WoD" doesn't make it a good expansion.

wow is basically Diablo 3 now

BFA is pretty much on point for what people should expect from a WOW expansion in 2018.

The thing is, blizzard has been fucking over their playerbase since the very fucking beginning, capping group sizes made social play less important, reducing group sizes, introducing heroic modes, ect, killed guilds, and even entire servers

And after 3.2 the threw the only thing keeping people addicted to their game out the window, why the fuck would anyone spend months wiping on, and farming the same bosses for loot, when that loot becomes invalid in mere months by welfare loot

But Legion actually was good. M+ is the single best addition to WoW since it started.

>people complain about it
because they're retarded incels who need to have sex, yes we know

>if x also matters then that proves that y and z never mattered
>people cant simply want different things from different experiences

Fuck you fucking piece of shit, this is literally all the arguments on this degenerate website no one can ever say something sensible and nuanced because all they want is to feel like they won a debate fucking narcissistic pieces of shit.

Because Blizzard stopped releasing subscriber numbers years ago. But models have shown that they are almost certainly under 3 million now, and it was leaked (but not confirmed) that they had just under 2 million subs in October of last year.

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M+ is a consolidation of everything wrong with modern WOW.
>But it keeps content fresh!
No, it invalidates your content in mere months.

You can't farm BiS with M+, you can't aim for items you want in M+, you can't do shit with M+, but your 4 IQ brains tell you 'but mythic+ is good because it gives me higher ilvl!' so you'll praise it while everyone around you quits because they're jaded and bored of fucking running freehold +10 for the 9000th time and getting jack shit from their weekly chest

I can agree different the classic, But come on its not that bad. It is boring at end game but fuck its better the Wod and legion.

M+ is fine but titanforging is the biggest reason why people do it in the first place, and that's a fucking awful system. I wouldn't mind M+ sticking around, making it like challenge modes in MoP and WoD

Seething retail baby.

is everyone with a different perspective or different tastes on something an incel?

>Oh boy I can't wait to grind 15+ dungeons I beat on all my alts in the first week of legion
>open weekly chest
>awesome! sephuz and versatility plate

Does XIV release sub numbers? I want to laugh at WoW.

haha calm down with your incel rage

XIV last reported like 10m accounts created, its not a big game.

I dont play WoW and don't plan to but I can tell modern WoW is supported by its art and sound team which makes it decently appealing to people WHILE they also want a nostalgia-fueled version that doesn't have those qualities. See, 2 things at the same time which nullifilies your sub-50 IQ logic by which people cannot want different things.

It's not as high as WoW. MMOs are nowhere near as popular as they once were

Because not only was it wholly playable on launch, it was a ton of fun.
Anyone who disagrees is a contrarian.

So why is the metacritic score so low?

incels flooding reviews

I only ever played vanilla back in the day, I quit just before TBC came out. A couple of months back I tried of BfA because I had nothing beter to do with my life at that point.

All I can say is that playing as a healer was a lot more fun in Retail than it ever was in Vanilla. But that might be due to the fact they're OP as fuck. It's far from perfect but I had fun playing it.

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They are in china

But no one gives a fuck, its china, MMOs there are 99% f2p plebs and 1% kids who is a government official who can buy $12000 in game swords that let them teleport around the world and oneshot everyone.

M+ isn't my cup of tea. I already get bored from doing the same raids repeatedly in multiple difficulties and it doesn't take me long to get burnt out. Telling me the same concept but for dungeons is the best feature, then that's not a good point. I preferred the previous iteration of Challenge Mode dungeons for cosmetics. Sadly I couldn't do MoP's, but I did manage to do WoD's.

M+ aside, Bad Class design (Not BFA levels bad, but still bad) Legiondaries, ilvl scaling, early level scaling late in the expansion, 7.2 in general, is just on the tip of the shit that annoyed me to no end.

Bfa is just ok.

Blizz got too transparent with their carrot stick, and put way too many resources into a terrible idea in the form of warfronts.

The other issue is the story. There's too much of it at the expense of the player.

8.2 better be good...

because wow being shitty is nothing new
it's been shitty before and will be shitty again
the only real unknown is whether it will be good agian, and i have my doubts

because wow has never actually been 'good' it's far more accurate to say that every other mmo was so shockingly bad that an mmo like wow being less bad was revolutionary to the point of becoming a global phenomenon despite still being bad itself.
wow is still the same mmo at the end of the day, bad but still better than every other piece of trash mmo on the market, however the novelty has worn off and people have moved on so it's less prevalent, that's all.
Eventually blizzard will make a wow 2 and we'll be back in the same place again

>legion good
>bfa bad
Shut up retard they're both the exact same trash.

I kind of want to try Heroic Warfronts but I'd have to actually find a group of people who care.
I'm playing WoW because at this point it's the only MMO with interesting healing anymore. Fucking healslut meme has turned every game's variant of healer into something you can do completely afk watching Netflix.

legion and bfa are both shit that ruined every single class even worse than wod

While I'm not the biggest WoW fan, there's no way you're going to say that it is on par with Fallout 76 in terms of overall quality.

>the only real unknown is whether it will be good agian
Depends on how many game mechanics they want to borrow from classic. Classic will have at least 2 million players logging in in august.

I really wish BFA was at least mediocre so people wouldn't bother discussing it and would just fucking post WoW porn.

BFA has good content, just the features built around said content are bad

If you transferred Classic or TBC gameplay into BFA content, i would be playing it right now instead of shitposting on Yea Forums, but titanforging & grinding for artifact power isn't fun

Why do people miss Vanilla/TBC classes? I'm honestly curious because from what I recall playing Vanilla Warlock it was not only boring but also terrible.
If people said MoP I'd be more understanding but I just can't fathom who wants to go back to how poorly balanced and clunky the Vanilla/TBC era was.

The classes are not fun at all in BFA, so god damn dumbed down

as for locks, i found them pretty fun in vanilla, i mean dropping an infernal into goldshire, that's just priceless

there's nothing wrong with abc casters

Don't get me wrong, BFA definitely went too far the other direction, but I feel like there can be a better balance to each class having a core rotation + utility + cooldowns.

because wow doesn't have an army of insane autists constantly berating them online for no reason.

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>because wow doesn't have an army of insane autists constantly berating them online for no reason.

warfronts are great idea just implemented badly
-get excuse to put resources in redesigning old zones
-put interesting gameplay into it
-make it fucking PVE instead of PVP+pve(like dota)

idk why they keep fucking insisting on it being only PVE

>because wow doesn't have an army of insane autists constantly berating them online for no reason.

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azerite armor is pure cancer for one. you didnt replace your artifact every fucking raid in legion
WQs seem more half-assed than in legion. especially the tortoise ones compared to the kirin tor. maybe its cause the zones suck? and theres also no reason to do them if you're anything other than the most casual of players when they always offered some useful currency in legion
how far are we in right now and still can;t fly?
warfronts and invasions are a disaster. it has never felt like LESS was happening in the world except maybe in draenor
they went out of their mind with the time gating. all my friends burned out in the first patch after we all got heroic raid gear and literally couldn't do anything meaningful outside of raid
pvp is in one of the worst states its ever been in due to azerite traits, lack of rewards, and obviously lack of participation
warmode is dumb

i leveled every single class through legion and never got bored. it wasn't perfect but i always felt like there was content. there were grinds to do in the world for meaningful or at least cosmetically cool rewards and say what you will about the legendary system, i hated it too. but that currency to buy them that came from WQs and the fact they had an added chance to drop from emissary cache made doing them feel worth it to me and not like a waste of time. and the zones were so good it didnt usually feel like a chore. hell i used to do daily random heroic for that added drop chance. dont think i did a heroic dungeon once in bfa

thats just a small personal comparison of legion and bfa and believe it or not i actually did play in vanilla all the way to now. started on dire maul patch and never quit. my favorite patch in the game was probably siege of ogrimmar. it lasted for so long and the pvp was so fun. so im not saying i absolutely loved legion or anything but my god was it leagues better than bfa. bfa is the absolute worst. worse than draenor in ever aspect except the main city hubs

Because honestly most MMO players nowadays are just deathly allergic to anything PvP related. They despise the very idea of someone else being able to attack them.
It's not just WoW it's basically every major themepark MMO today has a PvE lean because their fanbase is adamant about never wanting to engage in PvP.

idk what dogshit you are playing but all my stuff is pretty fun
>mm hunt, ww monk, rdruid
also you base vanilla warlock on extremely rare occasion and long cooldown spell instead of retarded shadowbolt spam? how is bfa dumbed down compared to literal 1 button mashing
eat shit you delusional faggot

Blizzard has enough successful IPs that one of them failing won't break the studio. And Actiblizz stock tanked after Blizzcon last year, so I wouldn't say there was no fallout

its fine not to want autistic spergs griefing you when you're leveling or farming, but organized pvp that you willingly decide to play is vastly different

As far as WoW goes, it's pretty similar.
>Every single multiplayer aspect was bugged on release.
>Spasming shards that would rip players out of their raids and parties and onto another server.
>Almost every single world quest was rehashed and/or bugged and/or dumbed down
>Itemization is the absolute worst its ever been
>Class design and balance was so bad that they actually had to remake some talents
>Azerite as a system is so fucked that it's getting remade from the ground up
>The lore is so fucked that no one can figure out what the fuck is happening
>It bled subs so bad that Blizzard killed off 300+ jobs and more people are leaving

yeah farming for those azerite traits

yeah farming for those resist greens

it is

Literally every MMORPG is like 90% farming for gear.
How can this be used as an actual complaint.

what a retard.

When WoW first came out it was the first game to do it, under a established franchise. It was game changing. I personally hate WoW and MMO games but there is no denying that WoW is the alpha and omega of mmorpg games.

The announcement of WoW classic is something the fans wanted for a long time now. You simply can not compare WoW classic to F76. And im not sure if you're even doing that or comparing the original WoW from 2004 to F76 but I dont really care since you're retarded and incoherent.

Just remember, you are retarded

Coz drones were so used to eating shit they would pay xtra just to eat 15yo shit again.

cope, enjoy mindless 1 button spam "gameplay"
its the same shit, you farm crap to enhance your character and their gear

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When I think back to Vanilla Shaman and just walking up to something and waiting for Windfury to proc.
Man how was that allowed.

i'm not a wow player but i always hear this thing that wow players were kids during vanilla but the only time i actually heard about real numbers the average age was quite old like mid 20s

so what's the truth?

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Common denominator here is that it was two age groups with much more free time. Where you were 14 or 20 if you are just going to school that leaves a lot of time to spend in WoW and get fully immersed into it.

Personal experience and word of mouth tells me Classic - WOTLK was a combination parents played and children who couldnt afford accounts piggy backed of those accounts before either getting their own or quitting

Nowadays seems most people are in their mid 20's

i was 14 when i played vanilla but a lot of my guildmates were in college or graduates
if i'm a grown ass man now that means they're GROWN ass men but who knows. maybe theyre excited for classic at like age 40

WoW was already a GaaS with ups and downs in its past