Which one is better Bomberman 64 or Bomberman Hero?
Both are regarded as the high point of the Bomberman series, but which one is truly the best?
Which one is better Bomberman 64 or Bomberman Hero?
Both are regarded as the high point of the Bomberman series, but which one is truly the best?
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I like Hero better but that's mostly because I played these two on my own.
Bomberman 64 is better in my opinion. Hero is kind of just a weird, often times awkward platformer.
I like the second attack.
64 is better overall, Hero has better highs but dreadful lows.
Hero also has a better soundtrack.
I have more fond memories of Bomberman 64 because of the simple and cathartic multiplayer mode. Also I actually beat it as a kid.
Bomberman Hero is big and varied and colorful, but I remember some mechanics being clunkier than others, and the final planet was mercilessly difficult in the end. I went back to it recently with a sense of warm nostalgia, and ended up rage quitting trying to beat the same damn underwater lion boss that stumped me back in the day.
I only played multiplayer on my 64 every other month or so when I went to my aunt's house because I only had one controller at home so Hero was 1000x better as a game to me. It had better game play and the soundtrack blew my mind when I was young. Hero is in the top 5 best N64 games to me.
Too expensive, don't own it
did you know theres 2 more bomberman 64 games?
None of them came out in Europe, so they are irrelevant
Will we ever get a Bomberman Collection like Contra or Castlevania did?
Haven't played either, but played tons of Bomberman games. From what I've seen, in my opinion, Hero has better music (64 still has a good soundtrack tough) but 64's gameplay looked better.
More like
>1-2 nes
>1-5 snes
>Mega Bomberman
>Fuck you buy collection #2 for the stuff you actually want
Bomberman 64 doesn't have Redial or Zip.
64, no contest.
Bomberman Generations on Gamecube is the peak if you have a high IQ.
As a kid I was trying to find a copy of Second Attack on N64. By the time I finally found one I passed on it because I heard that a new one was coming out on gamecube. So I paid 40 bucks for fucking Generation instead of 10 for second attack. One of my bigger game related regrets. To make things worse Generation was the only Bomberman game I actually bought, I had just rented Hero/64
he boss fights were pretty dope, but I feel like the level design was lacking. Still better than Jetters.
64 is better. It's a unique adventure/puzzle game that challenges you to use the game's bomb mechanics to their absolute zenith in order to find everything. There's really no other game like it besides the sequel.
Meanwhile Hero is just another dime a dozen generic platformer. There's really no contest.
Unironically enough the secret final planet, Gossick, is actually one of the easiest. I'm guessing they just wanted to treat it like a bonus world rather than something legitimately difficult. But fuck, Rainbow Palace dwarfed anything else in 64 in terms of difficulty.
Why are those games laying on hundreds of maggots?
Bomberman hero wasn't even supposed to be a Bomberman game.
Actually, I should have said ironically enough.
Bonk is never coming back user
Step aside bitches
PC wins again
both are bad
Damn right. Nobody likes fucking Bomberman Hero
I've played this game as a kid
It's very confusing.
The objective is not clear.
I remember the voice acting being terrible but the game was really cool.
they are two completely different games. you can jump in one, and not in the other.
Hero, but only because of the baller soundtrack.
the sequel was shit.
Generations voice acting was amazing because its obvious the actors just gave zero fucks and were taking the piss. Yet they were also pretty talented.
Bomberman Tournament is really good
fun protip for anyone who doesn't know about this.
>if you mash start really fast at the start of bomberman hero you get a handful of secret levels
You can go die
I too saw NitroRad's video
Nah. I like the voice acting, pretty cheesy, but still decent regardless. The Bomberman games with voice acting, were all pretty well done. Generation's voice acting is definitely not on the same level of bad as something like Mega Man 8 or something.
Yes! I love that game. One of my favorite Bomberman games as well as one of my favorite GBA games.
Damn, didn't know about that
what, how have i never heard of this
The soundtrack alone makes Hero better than 64. This is not up for debate.
Not released in Europe
i only learned about that from a video a few years ago involving some controller hudson made for the n64. it unlocked secret stuff in their games but it turns out it just inputs a bunch of start inputs really fast in order to signify it's a hudson controller.
Hero slaps the shit out of 64s soundtrack but that's it
good luck hitting me with them cross bombs in a 3d environment NIGGER
>but use any other b-bomb
No. the cross don't belong there to begin with
Reminder that R was a success and we will likely see more Bomberman games in the future. Bombergirl is doing great too.
Why did they never release this on Virtual Console?
Well yeah, I literally can use any other fucking bomb, in addition to pumping up fire bombs really quickly. The solution is pretty simple. I would be inclined to agree with you if plus explosions were the only ones available. Thank God they aren't.
I mean, Redial and a few other tracks are good, but so is Blue Resort, 64's boss themes, Rainbow Palace, the Mountain world (whatever the fuck its name was) and Black Fortress.
>people understating Bomberman 64's music
Am I the only one who thought Blue Resort was top tier music material?
I’m emulating 64. My fuck Rainbow palace is super fucking hard. I can’t even beat the level 2 mini boss
I think you'll find that this is the best Bomberman game
bomberman generation > everything else
For the hell of it I out on an invisibility cheat and still couldn’t touch him
It still hurts bros
>just got good ending in 64
>mfw rainbow palace 1 gold cards
You can do this in 64 to get some extra multiplayer stages
Bomber man Live Arcade
>You can do this in 64 to get some extra multiplayer stages
Or you could get all the gold cards and never have to mash start again.
bomb his shadow with pumped bombs
also have fun getting all his gold cards
it's a step back design wise and you know it.
Never really had a problem with that boss, I usually just use similar strategies as I did on Cerberus.
64 looks and plays better. Ost is subjective, but both are incredible.
This guy was harder than the final boss. Seriously, if it wasn't for my friend showing me how to do shit, I would have had a much harder time than I already did.
64. Definitely.
you got the custom gold set in that third file user. Right?
good luck gettint all gold cards as fast as possible
You bet your ass I did. These photos are at least 10/15 years old by now
I've only rented Second Attack, but all I remember was it was hard as fucking balls. As for OP, BM64 > Hero, but I played the fuck out of its multiplayer, and I enjoyed the bomb-jump puzzles in the single-player to collect the secret shit.
Hero and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
I scoff at any infantile attempt to sway me.
Bomberman World
64 has kick-ass characters. Nitros a god damn bitch.
I like hero because not being able to jump in a 3d environment is stupid.
>great debate
What debate? Hero is fun but will never be better than the mainline games.
I honestly think it's worse. I used to think that it was better, but the last time I played SA I quit pretty fast. Like the other user said, the 2D in 3D is a huge turnoff.
Oh shit, I gotta try that out someday.
My dad is Nintendo, he said that Bomberman is CONFIRMED for Smash 6.
yup same here. I remember getting them around 2012 myself as an oldfag. young me was to casual to get the gold set.
also I tried to get them a couple days ago. and oh boy, its just so difficult. I reached the fifht stage at 2 hours something only to realize I wont make it under 3 hours. lul
>high point
SNES Bomberman games are vastly superior
The best one came back in the sequel
Too bad about the brand management.
They haven't really done anything, right?
Just the yugioh dub.
Gotta be ready so slam that reset button if you screw up. That and Full Power is required for most stages, especially Rainbow Palace.
Whats bizarre about R is that it was obviously supposed to have microtransactions that were cut at the last minute, so obtaining all the cosmetic items requires an unfathomable amount of playtime.
I've had the game since Christmas 2017, and played it for 275+ hours, but still don't have all of the cosmetics.
If 2012 me can get the gold armor without full power, so can 2019 me.
I already reseted and "only" need the 4 gold cards in the 1/3 stages of all maps. Currently at 37 minutes
but the gold cards in rainbow palace will be a nightmare without full power
Bomberman 64 is more of a true Bomberman game, but Hero is more fun, imo.
Anyone ever played this? Easily one of the best Bomberman games
This sums it up. Hero has a damn groovy soundtrack though.
Yeah, I have it. I had to import it from Germany since the game never came out in the states. Best of the DS games easily. Also one of the best traditional-style Bomberman games.
Never got around to it because it never got a US release. Good single player or something?
It was really good but I preferred Jetters.
Everyone loves Hero's OST but can we talk about how good the music in most bomerman games were
I certainly didn't expect that to be a platformer.
Jun Chikuma is the best.
This one was my favorite Bomberman.
I never really did figure out how to get these costumes on as a kid. I got the materials necessary, but couldn't equip the little bastards. Remind me how it's done.
Why would it not attach the image...
What the fuck I didn't know about this.That's kinda depressing.
Yeah. It honestly reminds me of Bomberman 64, only top-down. It has the same sort of style, and the mechanics/level design are so free-form. Literally why didn't it come to America? I had to import the bastard just to play it. Thank God DS isn't region locked.
Definitely, it's the tradtional-style gameplay but with a more cyber-like setting like Mega Man Battle Network and features a ton of upgrades, levels and equipments
Give it a go if you're a Bomberman fan
You need to set up your costume in the custom menu then save it to a controller pak.
I think there was something fucky going on with my controller pack. I could never successfully save it.
Why are Bomberman fans so chill? These are honestly the best threads nowadays.
>more bomberman games
>2,5 years without new bomberman
yeah right fuck konami
probably a dead CMOS battery. I have 2 dead controller paks and have just been too lazy to change the batteries.
Very niche. Bomberman may be one of the most popular vidya characters but the actual franchise doesn't have many dedicated fans as you'd think.
Oh I know that. Even when I was kid I was hard pressed to find any other Bomberman fans. Fortunately my friends were good sports and enjoyed playing BM64 with me. The only other dedicated fan I know is my childhood friend. I got him into it and he's a fucking fanatic like me.
where is switch port?
This trash doesn't count. Give me a proper Bomberman game, now kawaii uguu shit.
They are really chill. The great thing is that Bomberman threads actually talk about the games and music. Too bad they're not that often or last too long, but they're always fun.
That's what stinks. I've been a huge fan for a few years since I watched the Jetters anime (which is really good btw) and then I got some games and I became hooked. Fanbase isn't as big as other games I like (Kirby or Mega Man (orginal series)) for example.
Because they've gone through some shit, but unlike fans of other franchises they don't shit or look down on other fans. At least not to the same extent.
That's probably why they're still good. If they were more frequent there would probably be circlejerking, drama, and other bullshit that popular threads entail. It always seems to happen.
Instructions unclear, something went wrong with my Bomberman.
Yeah. I guess that's a good thing. Kirby threads used to be really chill for example until a year or two ago. I love both series, but Bomberman has the better fanbase.
I was just thinking of Kirby threads, probably thanks to this post They used to be the best ones here. But so many of them get made now that they bring in all sorts of riffraff. That's the double edged sort of Bomberman at the moment. The franchise is, by and large, on life support. But the community remains pretty pure.
Here is your Bomberman 64 bro