Why does the English MHW Iceborne trailer need some gay narration explaining actions that can clearly be seen by the viewer?
English Trailer:
Japanese Trailer:
Monster Hunter thread I guess
Why does the English MHW Iceborne trailer need some gay narration explaining actions that can clearly be seen by the...
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Because westerners have a collectively lower IQ and need to be spoonfed.
>HBG got nothing
Because MH is a Japanese franchise and is only intuitive to Japan not to West
Shot in the dark, the whole narration was done in Europe. Isn't that why it shows PEGI rating instead of ESRB rating?
Why does Europe has this retarded pegi thing everytime in the beginning?
Because that their rating board. USA uses ESRB while Japan uses CERO.
You get loads of cool new mods.
Hammer got actually fuckin nothing.
>Europe ruins things
>consistently broken weapon for years doesn't get any more broken
And that's a good thing!
What mods other than slinger shit were added? Only mods I know about are that the LBG gets dodge reload.
The scope? Did you even watch the trailer?
I've only ever played bowgun in FU to try it out, so I thought the scope was a mod that all bowguns got
Is HBG that broken now? I haven't use bowgun since the MBG in Tri and it was impossible for me to play gunner when I got 4U so i kept using blademaster since then.
So which weapon is looking best for Iceborne right now?
No. That user is retarded. Only cluster bombín is OP. and you can’t really use it online. Pierce shot sucks and so does spread. It’s not as optimal in world.
Cluster spam just stunlocks monsters to death.
>spread sucks
Are we playing the same game?
>4p clusters extremoth
>clears in 2nd area
Nothin personnel bladelet
it's the number 1 retard crutch weapon in the game
None of the changes look all that impressive to me. I guess the changes to the SA are neat and letting the IG kinsects hold two extracts at once is convenient, but other than that most of the changes are "Here's the weapon, it has a few new moves, also DID WE MENTION THE CLUTCH CLAW AND SLINGER?!"
I like the voice over desu, saves me the burden of having to watch the video and analysis it myself, like I wouldn't have known they changed TCS so it gets bonus damage if you land the first hit, don't let you inferiority complex compared to nips get in the way of some thing more functional
Them trying to push slinger into weapon movesets because it was so underbaked in the base game is really dumb. I hope they at least rebalance MVs so this game isn't about spamming the only good attack.
Go to bed john
it's a High Rank game, as tradition, Clust and fixed damage shots destroy everything
>PC is the second largest player base
>PC version has caught up to console in terms of updates as well
>Expansion still delayed on PC because MH teams retarded ass can't into optimizing anything stronger than a 3DS
>When literally every other Capcom games get's a PC release at the same time
>Capcom's latest two big hitters came out as PC/Console simultaneous release and are some of the most well optimized games of the year already
>While MHW has been out for months on PC and still runs like shit after a metric fuck ton of updates
MonHun team fucking sucks, and I hate how lenient Capcom is with their incompetent ass for being thier gold egg goose.
Says the country trying to censor everything.
shut up canta
This is the typical american audience.
What a fucking joke of a country.
>tfw SnS main
Should I just drop world at this point and go back to my oilicous Gen U?
Why are you so mad at America? This could extend to the entire western audience, so why go all reverse /pol/ about it? You have some real issues, man.
Last I checked, Censony's HQ is in America.
Why is valor sns so based? Dancing around the monster with better escape options than db of all weapons.
Sony isn't the "American audience", though. They are a company.
Imagine getting bothered by the fact that there's more English speaking newbies now and what's being shown has to be explained rather than "check this new shit, you'll know it when you see it."
>HH gets one new attack that doesn't fix anything
>SnS gets like 5 new attacks, three of them being stationary charged hits
Guess I'm making the switch when Iceborne hits
For me, It's Striker SnS.
The hook claw is a mistake, why are they making the combat so easy like this? it's all flashy shit, this isn't even monster hunting anymore, but monster bullying.
What'd you think of CB? Will that phial combo finally make phial attacks useful?
that whole move is a waste of time and DPS to be honest
If you've played since the tri days, its been monster bullying.
That was my jam back in gen. Never used the back jump they added in 4 so it was business as usual for me.
>Clutch claw lets you hookshot onto monsters
I hope that it also lets you grapple onto terrain so I can more easily climb up cliffs that don't have those grappling hook bugs. Probably won't
Maybe, at least it shows a possible guard point.
I’m kind losing interest in playing MH world and I’m 18 hours in at the rotten place. Is it more fun online and what weapons are the most fun?
They're not for you, fag.
then what is for me?
Is there any hope for "classic Monster Hunter" to continue? I don't hate World, but it doesn't scratch the same itch previous MH games did, and neither does GU.
Can't watch at work, is SA axe mode still useless?
yes and it will always be until they make axe mode not slower than fucking balls
I'm interested in that HH bubblespin, the trailer makes it look like it's a fast multihit? This might make status\elemental horns work depending on how it works and God knows i'm all for ways to unfuck this element\status retardation the team keeps ignoring since fucking forever
>let's design, draw and model a hundred of weapons absolutely NO ONE will ever use!
It's like they hate themselves
Anyway, IG downslam looks great, if I hate one thing is that there's no convenient way to get down in a fast and meaningful way after humping and it looks both. HBG nuke is gonna be orgasmic probably, look at dem assplosions. LBG dodge reload sounds good. Hammer idk, depends on stun damage value that facehug move has, hopefully might help getting closer to some later exorbitant treshholds while monstro is tired
Lance and Gunlance looks like they were ignored, which is sad. Lance got basically nothing and the sticky mine made me yawn
Don't really care for other weapons
Guess I'm sticking to CB, the last time I could bear to play SA was in MHX but you could literally be in sword mode permanently in that. World just reminded me of how awful the usual feast-or-famine SA gameplay loop feels.
Classic MonHun will probably continue because there's still a sizeable market for it and it's much cheaper and easier to make than World MonHun. Don't expect anything until at least next year though.
I'm not Canta but god I wish i was, imagine being as good as him at monster hunter and having a harem of weebs throw money at
Pegi sounds pretty dope
>Why does the English MHW Iceborne trailer need some gay narration explaining actions that can clearly be seen by the viewer?
MH is for normalfags now
Looking pretty good now with those Kulve Kjarrs. Literally no other weapons though so, rip variety.
Forever fucked because of absolutely retardedly inflated values for multiplayer. Today I did 4 SAEDs on a tempered online, no stun. Solo is still kinda ok.
Some of the Charge Blade clarifications were helpful, i.e. it wasn't clear if the vertical axe swings with Phial were a buff, a new combo or just a change to make the function like the horizontal swings in Axe Mode. Knowing it's a buff still leaves some questions though -- does this also make horizontal swings and/or SAED stronger or just buff the hits that normally don't do your Phial Damage?
Also, it wasn't super clear if you can always fire from behind your shield or only as a counter to a monster attack. The trailer says the former but in the actual video, he counters a monster with a slinger shot while moments before, he props his sword under his shield arm and is clearly not guarding before firing his claw grip.
>Gunlance looks like they were ignored
They tried making the Wyvernstake not suck complete ass by buffing it with Special Slinger Ammo. Problem is that it's still going to suck complete ass, because nobody is going to put that shit into their combos unless the damage is stupid.
What's the point of playing SWITCH axe if you just want to be in sword mode 24/7?
That's like playing CB and complaining you have to use sword because phials don't stay loaded 24/7
Based in what they showed, it sucks around for awhile so it's basically a persistent damage buff until it runs out.
if axe mode did any damage or had anything at all over sword mode i'd agree, but axe mode is just a worse sword mode so idk why you'd ever want to be in it
Where are my SnSbros at? How fucked are we?
>imagine sitting all day putting your health at constant risk so you can buy more figures to hotglue
Based, but to avoid that he should go for a 40min walk every day/every other day. I did and my tummy started shrinking after a month but I speedwalk
Without oils, you're fucked. You just lost half of what made you useful in World.
>Asks if Axe more still sucks
>user says it does
>Say you'll stick to CB since the last time you enjoyed SA was when you could stay in sword mode the whole time
>Someone points out that defeats the purpose of SA
>Respond saying you'd play it if the mode you said was basically unnecessary in your favorite iteration didn't suck
Do you see the disconnect?
I don't want to be in sword more 24/7.
But I don't want to be temporarily forced into a bad mode from the good mode either. I want both modes to be good.
they did the right thing with sa in MH XX but they just fuck it right up now with world
at least in the old games you can pop mega dash juice and just went fucking nut on a monster if you are in a safe spot
Pretty fucked. Switch to CB while you still can.
See for yourself, too lazy to type a lot
Because the japanese version came with articles describing the new actions and the english version didn't
The added commentary was done by capcom europe. They had the same dipshit do commentary and ads for MHW when it was first coming out
yes, its capcom europe shitting things up, as usual
>sns vets asking for oils
>dont worry u wont need dem ;^)
Why does this make me feel so uneasy...
Axe mode is decent i feel like people over sell it being bad, the rising over head swing, the lowering over head chop, the transition from wild swing all do decent damage, it's clear the weapon's made damage mode is the sword hence why it's limited, axe mode serves it purpose as having more range and mobile while sword mode trades those aspects for big dick damage, peak SA play is balancing the switching between two modes, never running out sword energy, and using the axe to get the fuck out of dodge and poke at a monster when sword's range is too short or the user isn't willing to commit to the swords long attack animations
>OP clearly says English
>"But maybe it's made by the English???"
>he doesn't stick it in the monsters right as they're getting up
>HH gets more cute attacks
:) But Anons, with the NEW and POWERFUL Claw you can LATCH onto the MONSTAH.
You're missing the point, SA axe mode is pointless and it feels bad to be in it. The two forms do not support each other, the weapon is clearly meant to revolve around sword mode as a temporary 'strong' mode with axe mode being the 'weak' mode when you run out of juice. This doesn't feel good.
Compare to CB where sword mode builds phials and axe mode spends them, the forms complement each other and also have different utility as sword mode can guard when you need to play defensively, which further lets it chain into axe mode and punish openings in a fluid manner.
SA axe mode doesn't complement anything, it does nothing. You don't even build meter for landing axe hits. It has no purpose.
I liked SA's aesthetic back in tri a lot, and loved the concept of a shapeshifting weapon alternating between different strengths and weaknesses, but it doesn't deliver. CB captures this dynamic a lot better, SA is a failed concept at this point.
>Hammers still condemned to spamming blankaballs
SnS got the most buffs out of all the weapon trailers
>no oils
I just want them to unfuck sns in world. I don't like the new flow moveset and I don't like dunking as a means to carry my weight. You have every fucking right to be uneasy after what they did to sns
There shouldn't be a single way to improve something.
Boost damage, give more combos and done, instead of
>muh oils
>just wanted some shield bash for lance
>claw nonsense
>probably cant even cancel the grab after being launched so you can just use it as a cool retreat option
Oils didn't save SnS. In XX SnS is a mid~low tier weapon in TA
actually they are bottom low tier, the weapons they beat out are IG, GL, HH, and Prowler
God I love MonHun team
It's getting more mods, a new special shot, and the same clutch claw shit as every other weapon. That's sounds like about as much as everything else got so I'm not sure what you're complaining about.
Why do SnS mains want oils back so bad? Having a item to make your weapon useless seems like crutch and a short term solution to SnS weaknesses, why don't they just want an outright buff to the weapon?
Its like having a leak in your roof and putting a bucket to stop water from getting everywhere, sure the water isn't all the floor, but the leak is still there, you haven't truly fixed the problem
PC releases are delayed for double dippers. This has been known for YEARS now. Stop being dumb
t. someone who doesn't understand oils
Hello, when is the homing Dragonpiercer available?
Someone clearly doesn't understand the power of oils.
desu on hammer and clutch claw and slinger memes you can easily keep monster staggered for easy ungas. now boomstick that's a weapon that got actually nothing because how fucking shit of a move wyvernstake is
Are you genuinely retarded?
How active and how cheerful is the PC community?
Do people actually work for their gear and enjoy hunting fashion or do most people just nexus mod the drops in shops and replace your fashion with their own anime waifu mods?
I'm thinking of coming from the PS4 but the console community is usually so much better.
All I wanted was special ammo for the LBG that WASN'T wyvernblast
Add crossplay or not interested.
>get consistent 100 fps in DMC5 and RE2 on high/ultra mix
>barely able to hold 55 in World, a fucking MT Framework game
When we get elemental pierce back? That shit was my jam in Gen.
>look at some of the weapon changes
When are we gonna get another classic MH
Ice/winter/snow worlds are the most boring environments. Everything is white, wow.
classic monhun is dead old man
PC is about as active as ps4 desu
It's about 60/40 as people who work for their vs people who just , I feel like most of the people who've first started with PC actually grind to get weapons and armor legit while double dippers who already grinded on ps4 just cheat their shit in because they've already done it before, a lot of people use transmog mod though, just for the sake of wearing an armor set you think is cool rather the limited options layered armor gives you currently, there a lot of anime mods and recently some dude's been porting uprezed versions of armor from the old games, there's a save data transfer mod for ps4 to pc if you're interested in that
Never going to happen, PC players are an afterthought.
Snoy despises crossplay and PC is treated as second class citizens
It's funny you say all that because I feel the exact opposite. SA's axe mode comes with a full fledged moveset with multiple tools and attacks to use which give it a bit of distinction from sword mode, along with it's heightened mobility that actually plays into it's moveset and it's transform attacks. Swapping between the two is actually encouraged due to regaining sword meter which also facilitates repositioning and you have so many different ways to swap between to take full advantage of each mode's niche. Meanwhile with CB, the axe mode feels like nothing more than an excuse to overdesign the weapon, and they could keep the whole phial mechanic, ditch the axe mode and still keep most of the weapon's identity intact. There's no actual reason to swap to axe mode because the best way to spend phials is available in sword mode and the moveset itself is completely basic, even SA's axe mode has more going on while fulfilling everything it does from a gameplay standpoint. None of the unique, interesting things with CB are intrinsically linked to axe mode, and it gives nothing to the weapon other than a bit more range, when it already does too much.
Element shots pierce by default in W, the fuck are you on about.
It's probably like 80/20 honestly except when it comes to KT and I don't blame people
Why are they so shit compared to in gen?
I would rather something other than oils, specialized tools are basically oils already.
have you touched World Switch Axe? Axe Mode is the best it has ever been and not held fucking hostage unlike every other game. Every single attack you do fills the Sword gauge, you have downright superior spacing and movement, and the morph combos have rhythm with the moveset.
Every other SA is trash and tries to treat the weapon as two half-baked movesets. World SA treats SA as a single weapon which is how it should have always been. SWITCH Axe not Reload Sword
>t. virgin Rawcuck that only knows how to SAED
>not a chad Elementalboss DPSing with ED loops
>that spoiler
I'm guilty of that, I hunted that fucking oversized lizard about 100 times is refused to give me my para switch axe, I technically cheated but mod just made it craftable rather than out right giving it to me so I still grinded to get it
>wanting to play with pcheats who act elite with their hacked in kulve shit and 99999999999999999999dmg weapons
Rather bong a fart from my gramps tbqhwy
like said
Japan has done market research via their american counterparts, and this is what data analytics tells us. That the wide demographic is actually really dumb and needs their hand held, or some "epic" run of the mill orchestral score and some men yelling at them for what to do all the time.
If you want a difference in perspective, try playing old PS1 or early PS2/gamecube era games where you're expected to read manuals sometimes. You're gonna see a lot less dumb reminders on how to do shit, and no nagging voice every 30 seconds when you aren't taking the expected action.
>Every single attack you do fills the Sword gauge
Please don't out yourself as talking about weapons you haven't used.
Go into the game right this second, deplete your sword gauge, then mash axe attacks at a monster/training dummy and look at your meter. After that, deplete your meter again and just take your hands off the controller, and look at your meter.
Come back with your results. I'll wait.
>it's another muh oils grug post
I glad they took away your crutch lmao
GS got fucking nothing but LS thats already overpowered gets a even more overpowered move what the fuck?
Didn't watch any Iceborne and haven't played in a while. Is GL still "spam slams and avoid the gun part of the weapon"? Is CB still unga bunga SAED? Is hammer still *blanka noises*? Is the game still Monster Hunter Ranged? Did they give Lance anything even remotely new to change its infinite poke playstyle? Please, I'd be happy with just 1 of these changing.
God I want to fcuk Tomoko so badly
>Witcher update on PC was Thursday May 9th
>PC is now on par with consoles and content parity has been achieved
>Spring Update Stream was on Friday May 10th
>Announces not only that Iceborne is delayed on PC
>But also that AT Nergigante is DELAYED on PC for a full month despite him already being accessible in the games files
Literally, they had the PC version on par with the console version for A FUCKING DAY. ONE FUCKING DAY.
Where does all this "Capgod as returned" talk come from again?
>Monetize the FUCK out of Street Fighter V
>Literally put ads in the fucking game
>Don't announce anything for SIX FUCKING MONTHS
>Ono comes out with a vague announcement that if they announce anything it's going to be at E3
>Iceborne delayed for PC
>Additions to Iceborne look like shit/useless
>Showed 4 months
>Three are reused skeletons and very bad ones at that
>is gl still *how it's always been*
>is lance still *how it's always been*
>is the game still *how it's always been*
I miss when MHW was brand new and there were hundreds of thousands PS4bros bro-oping 24/7.
Now it's a dead game with a mostly cheating fanbase on PC.
>Make video about why sliding is fucking ass and ruins the game with visual examples
>100% dislikes
MHW fans are fucking retards.
I literally have no idea what are you babbling about so you tell me instead
Because unless gen revamped every monster to have abnormally high element hitzones everywhere on their body elepierce should be shit there too, because monhun always had pretty strict elemental hitzones, especially on EDs
since Kulve weapons it has been avoiding the Lance part of the weapon unless if balance has returned
fuck pc lmao
>multiple mods that were a text dump because it's hard to show them with UI off for the video
extra mod slots alone is a decent buff for both bowguns
>dead game with a mostly cheating fanbase on PC.
I can buy the "dead game" part because I seem to play with the same 20 or so people every time I play online, but the only time I ever see cheaters are when they're Chinese
>>If you want a difference in perspective, try playing old PS1 or early PS2/gamecube era games where you're expected to read manuals sometimes. You're gonna see a lot less dumb reminders on how to do shit, and no nagging voice every 30 seconds when you aren't taking the expected action.
Yes, but the actual gameplay and level design was much, much simpler.
I agree with your post, just had to point that out.
I'd be fine with slopes if it was an input to go into sliding instead of everytime I charge. It is so fucking stupid that you can not do charge attacks on a slope unlike in 4U
Yeah, slopes can be annoying. Whenever I play DB, it's kind of annoying when my character just starts sliding when all I want to do is hit the fucking monster.
>to slide down a slope while unsheathed you need to be going downhill and hold the evasion button
there, I fixed Hammer on slopes.
ive put 270 hours and am around HR 105 and ive never seen a single cheater.
Can you not shill your dumbass videos here? Thanks.
Also, the Hammer spin is one of the highest DPS moves it has.
Yeah cool but i'd like to use my fucking uppercut for consistent and safe KO damage THANKS
>w-why is my shitty video 100% dislikes, it's not f-fair...
>"I'm constantly complaining"
it's almost like nobody likes whiny faggots
>Video literally has examples of exactly what I am talking about
You're a retard, man.
>the Hammer spin is one of the highest DPS moves it has.
This MIGHT be the case, but does it do enough damage to off set all of the time you're spending running around in circles like an asshole waiting for it to get near a slope? That's the point I was trying to make.
This. I can't play Duel Blades because of this.
I mention this in the video. At least for SnS or Charge Blade, they could make it so you only slide if you input on the left stick while doing rising slash. With Hammer they could make it so you only slide if you're holding R2 and B or make it so you don't slide as long as you're holding B or even just make it a fucking preference.
Hame pierce siege exists in 4U and Gen. And Hame Brave pierce siege exists in GU. HBG (as well as Bushido LBG in GU) has always been brainlet cheese weapon since forever.
Nigga don't come at me with those bold assumptions. I'm an SnS main first and foremost, elements is all I do. All that does is give you a single combo that still ends in the same move, when you'll still be spending all your time in sword mode to get charged sword phial damage and when SAED is still a huge damage move and both it and AED are frankly better when done from sword mode. That still doesn't come close to justifying axe mode's presence.
>but does it do enough damage to off set all of the time you're spending running around in circles like an asshole waiting for it to get near a slope?
Do you think you're just supposed to spam it something? As much as you whine in your video, MHW actually doesn't have that many slopes, in fact, it has less then 4U.
Most of the time you're on relatively even ground, but when you're not and you see the opportunity, you can go for the spin. No retard actually sits there waiting for a monster to get near a slope
As a hammer and DB user I find slopes more annoying when using a hammer, mostly because most of the time my headsniping gets ruined by sliding. DBs aren't that annoying in comparison as I need to do the demon rush move to initiate sliding in the first place, giving some control over it.
>This. I can't play Duel Blades because of this.
How about not fighting monsters on slopes? There's like 3 notable slope spots in the whole game. Do you actually have double digit IQ?
why is our guy not in yet?
Not him but every attack builds meter at different rates, it also passively builds meter so I'm not sure what the point your trying to make is
>What do you mean I have an uppercut and a new combo move, I want my basic weapon buffs!
Seriously? And anyway, there's one more thing SnS has that they said they weren't showing, yet, so your dumb buffs might still be coming back
Capgod has returned!*
>so long as you aren't a fan of monster hunter that plays on PC
>Or a fan of any of their current fighting games
i really hope that db can go into attack on titan move after new clutch combo, otherwise its useless
so what should I do to get good as a returning player that has no AT or KT stuff?
What HR are you? If you're anything under 50, work on getting to 50. If you're above 50, doing tempered monsters is a good start.
You grind deco's and wait for the next festival
Grind KT if you consider minor differences or slightly better alternatives worthwhile, fight behemoth his armor is the best in show for an all out dps set, AT armor is decent but really only useful for specialized sets
>Bowniggers are still busted as fuck
If I have to hear one more retarded cunt talk about his DPS with his pissbaby weapon I'm going to find a way to brick their fucking rig.
I really hope the new Rathalos armor is cool.
it's just going to be regular Rath X unless they fuck it up somehow, they already showed that Rathian X is in
>sub HR50 shitter who still managed to leech some decent stuff from ATKT like the CB
What's some good armor sets for CB if I haven't done Behemoth yet? I think I'm finally getting used to guard-pointing with the sword-to-axe transition.
Bowfags are extremely obnoxious
she probably doesn't shower much honestly, girl needs a bath. I'd be her friend and just play vidya
>level design was simple
I guess so, but there was still a lot of man hours put into planning out a lot of those classic levels. I enjoy the subtlety where games teach you how to do shit through the environment without making it too obvious. Shit like a ledge being visible from the screen you're on, or objects that stand out more than others just from design.
Hold on. I just watched the trailer and... besides the mounting claw (which everyone gets) and the slinger (which everyone gets), did greatsword seriously not get a single new move???
you get a weapon other than wyvern ignition, isn't that enough for you?
GS got a really weird buff to TCS. Basically, if you hit the first "fake" swing, the second one is stronger.
The only weapon that actually got nothing was hammer
Haven't been keeping up with Iceborne. Has Gunlance seen any changes? I still play GU only because valor gunlance feels great.
You can load slinger ammo into the wyvern stake, turning it into a sticky bomb that does bonus damage when hit while on the monster.
I use Vaal's anyway for style points.
I... guess that's pretty good when you combine it with the Slinger making it easier to hit your charges. Hopefully it's actually a buff though and they didn't just nerf the last hit so it balances out instead when you hit the wind up.
>The only weapon that actually got nothing was hammer
does anyone else really fucking hate world's greatsword compared to 4th gen and back
>regular rath x
So sort of like this one, unless they change shit?
>all bone and iron weapon models
Super armor shoulder tackle makes it better than any old version of GS besides GU's various styled ones.
If you want to play like old GS just spam level 1 charge lmao
More importantly, why did the Japanese twitter get posts describing the functionality of each new move while the west got jack shit?
It's a one trick pony that's just not fun to play but I did anyways for convenience and it's damage. Probably going to just main LS in iceborne, I can't stand just gunning for TCS over and over anymore.
either that or this
Lance got a counter that involves using the clutch claw
>hyperarmor REACTIVE move makes a PROACTIVE POSITIONING weapon better
fuck off retard
>LS is already the best blademaster weapon
>is the only weapon to get a useful new move
World GS is it's best version. In the other games GS literally only had one move worth using.
>tribabby armor
more like crutch claw
not unless the monster literally stands still for 20 seconds waiting for you to unload all over it. in typical MH, burst always beats DPS.
>They used the normal rook piece Teostra armor instead of his badass Kaiser version
Just like all the weapon previews in MHW before launch
more rike crutch craw
>they did the right thing with sa in MH XX
but XX SA is still just sword mode. at least if you play it remotely efficiently.
yeah and then world released with mountains of bone and iron reskins that why im worrying nigga
Suck my tri watery dick, freedomfaggot
>Lance got a counter
Yes, i already pointed out that it got nothing, why repeat me?
you fucking secondaries better calm down before i use my right stick to swing my great dick about and chop you both down
What the fuck were you guys doing before that made GS some kind of super deep weapon? It was the same shit as it is now but with less damage and less moves
GSfags have always been delusional dont let it get to you
in the older games at least if you started a charge in a bad spot you did no damage and got hit, now you just tackle and lmao superarmor
same with longsword actually
>Spread Sucks
Not only you wrong but dumb as hell to think most of the HBG isn’t broken as fuck
But muh one move crit draw
They all look cool now.
Armor isn't free you have to time the tackle to get through the monster's attack and balancing that with the damage you'll still be taking that's LEAGUES more proactive than the older games """""""positioning""""""""" aka standing around charging, waiting for the monster to run into your attack or roll canceling if it you're going to miss but sure whatever you say retard
>spread sucks
Hunter, are you even trying?
The Glutton would like to have a word with you.
Clusters are the speed runner set up but they're so un-optimal on so many monsters.
GS embodied MH. You basically played a turn based game with the monster, and you only really have one attack. It's all about learning the monster's patterns and manipulating and punishing them.
A badly timed tackle had more recovery frames then a badly timed draw attack
The older ones Wxist for a Reason and GU
why you mad
I already played all of those
you'll miss tackle 10 times out of 10 since you're retarded so why do you even care about it lol
Looks like I'll just keep wearing the vanilla Rathalos armor since I don't like the look of either of those. Can they just add dreadking Rathalos so I can get this?
>the weapon is bad because its not dogshit and boring anymore
>and you only really have one attack
Exactly. That's fucking boring.
If you don't enjoy GS you don't enjoy MH.
I bet you're a CBab who thinks epic counters are the pinnacle of MH gameplay.
>turn based
>one attack
>embodiment of MH
>make post about how i hate 5th gen greatsword
>come back to the thread in a massive argument about greatsword
feels good man
I recently switched and cheated to get shit because I already put 330+ hours on PS4 and was still missing shit I needed. Wish I had known before I could transfer my PS4 save though, fuck. Time to look at that
GSfags are grug brained retards, more news at 11
Yes? Classic MH gameplay is slow paced.
Man, the World defense force has gotten quite pathetic as of late. They got to the point where they're praising Capcom for the iron and bone weapon models
If you don't enjoy clawing your dpad the you don't enjoy MH
Classic MH gameplay is also shit, MH didn't get good until 4U.
Is that going to offset it enough to account for the fact it got nothing else though?
>Why does the English MHW Iceborne trailer need some gay narration explaining actions that can clearly be seen by the viewer?
Almost like westerners are retarded and that is the precise reason we got trash like World in the first place huh?
>Man, the World defense force has gotten quite pathetic as of late. They got to the point where they're praising Capcom for the iron and bone weapon models
GS main since FU actually and if you think old greatsword wasn't the same shit as now but worse you're delusional.
Everyone thought greatsword was boring as fuck until GU and played it for the big damage, don't even try and argue because you're just gonna expose yourself as never having even entered an MH thread before World, because GS constantly got laughed at for being a boring onetrick unga weapon.
>no new moves
>will still be garbage at getting KOs in multiplayer compared to the bow
I am sorry for your lots, hammerbros.
The old MH generals on Yea Forums sucked GS's dick hard, what are you talking about
No you dumb fucking weeb, the japnesse version had detail articles explaining what happening on the screen, but you're too much of a stupid weeb to know that right?
I really wish I could play Longsword. It looks so stylish and fun but I cant get over the fact that its the most used weapon in the game. It feels really lame to use it because of that even though its so fun...
Yeah Fujioka should be fired. What good has he even done for the series anyway?
Only for a small number of the original weapons.
>Blatant misinformation for the sake of defending World
Pathetic. There are more unique designs here than in all of World
because capcom believes world players, particularly western ones, are drooling retards. and they're correct
Name one weapon in MHFU that isn't slow paced. Even dual blades are based around hit & run and punishing long animations, rather than the wild spinning bullshit they turned into after 4U.
Imagine being so contrarian that you're unable to enjoy things if you think other people enjoy them. Just learn to use it better than the average scrub.
>That Gore Magala hammer that reacts on full charge
>That Seltas hammer that spins the drill
Why does World have to be so shit with Hammer designs?
It's like they went out of their way to make to make weapons uninteresting, but Hammer and HH really fucking suffered considering past designs.
>Even dual blades are based around hit & run and punishing long animation
Damn. That sounds absolutely awful
>Blatant misinformation for the sake of attacking World
Pathetic. There are more unique design here than all of your favorite monster hunter
I didn't play the weapon before World but I got the impression that so long as you got a full charge on the monster's head it would stop the fucker in its tracks cold because the damage was so high that it would easily achieve a flinch. That means if it was charging you and you held your ground and timed it perfectly you would fucking stop that bitch with a single well-timed hit.
I don't know if that's the actual reality. But if that was the reality it meant you really had to know the fight. Like I said I've never used the weapon until World. That makes me something of a bitch but I was young.
Because now, I don't need to know shit. I can tackle through literally anything and get the meatiest hits in with basically no risk because of Health Augments. Put a Rocksteady on and the only thing that will cart you is a Luna or AT Elder. It feels satisfying but doesn't compare to this:
People liked the GS purely for it's big dick damage for a long time. Boring moveset though. Haven't played much of GU myself but the arts probably made it better.
It IS fun, just use it.
Right, so you hate MH and just want it to b another generic action game.
As someone who's playing since FU and really loving World, I don't get why some people would defend Worlds weapon design weapon.
I mean everyone is free to disagree with criticism and defend whatever thing they presonally find positive, but lack of variety?
If anything should be encouraged it's autistically screeching about bone\iron weapons to high heavens until windows start trembling at Capcom HQ
If MH was as awful as you describe then yeah, I'd rather have it imitate other games instead.
they sucked its dick because it hit hard and felt good on impact not because it was fun. now GS has beefy damage AND is fun.
It's just the style and looks that they're going for the game man.
>zero electric guitars
>no endgame bagpipes
>literally the same bell twice
Shit's enough to make me consider weeping.
>those are good designs according to MH fags
jesus christ
get some taste underage retards
I can keep going fag
If every weapon, even the fast ones, have a hit and run playstyle then yeah, I would prefer it not be like that
For all the awful designs that World has, especially with its hunting horns... Deep Vero is fucking sick as hell.
>existing designs ported from previous titles and a few new ones
>out numbering and more variety than any of the numerous designs that didn’t make it back
My autism is stronger than yours fag
Hit and run and punishing isn't purely slow paced and isn't the only thing most weapons do, most weapons had methods of or were based around staying close and constantly doing damage or required active movement to avoid attacks and make those punishes. In fact, before MHF, GS was in the first category since it didn't even have the charge attack.
>>no endgame bagpipes
Isn't one of the KT horns supposedly good?
Granted those are just gold recolors of iron weapons
In old MH weapons basically largely played the same with some minor differences. Because that was the MH gameplay formula. In trying to cater to as many playstyles as possible the newer games have lost focus of what they actually want to be and turned into complete messes of game design where half the weapons don't even end up being fun to play because the weapons and monsters are basically designed for entirely different games.
these people are so deep in the gen wars and console wars that they actively deny the game's faults or it's actual underage normalfags who's first game was World and don't know any better, either way, this is the direction MH is headed in whether we want it to or not
not everyone is fat
More variety is always better, who cares about anything else?
>In old MH weapons basically largely played the same with some minor differences
Do you not realize how bad this sounds.
>7 (Seven) unique CB designs in the entirety of this AAA $60 game
>He still proudly posts it
Fucking kek
You can't design a game around 5-6 different gameplay styles and not have it be a total clusterfuck. I'd rather have the game focus on doing one thing really well.
>In old MH weapons basically largely played the same with some minor differences
But that's fucking awful
Go fight EX Boltreaver in GU and then go tell me what all that "variety" has brought us.
>Post imagines from art books instead of posting actual in game art work that look like pixelated trash
>Game he's posting art from is also a AAA $60 game
Can't make this stuff up lmao
I don't understand how this claw works. Can it be used only when the monster is tired? Only once by one member alone?
What do they look like in game tho
The entire point of variety is that weapons suck against some monsters and do well against others.
>wanting a game of pick the hard counter and win, rather than get good and win
KT Sleep is fine. It's close enough to Jho.
I mean it doesn't fucking matter, the damage output of all weapons at the higher end will easily allow you to slay any monster in five minutes or less. The problem is that this wide band of peak-power weapons universally look like dogshit or are just gold Iron weapons, which look fine but I don't think anybody here thinks gold Iron is comparable to how aesthetics used to be.
>G rank monster is hard and annoying to fight solo
>this is somehow unique to GU
here's how I can tell your first MH was GU itself
Are you stupid? It got more SLOTS, that's a net buff. Arguably a big one.
HBG is already an imbalanced overpowered shit weapon for retards, it didn't need another buff.
Bow, HBG, CB got buffs despite already being overpowered
Come on bro the artbook is real cute but what do they look like in game?
This was never about how the fucking designs looked in game, it's how many truly unique models there are for each weapon as opposed to Bone/Iron + Feathers
Critique list
MHW sucks
>literally the exact same design for all of the Rath weapons
Could you please cherrypick harder? It's getting kind of sad.
No, it's nearly unplayable with half the weapons and a complete joke with any ranged or counter based weapon. It's not an issue of difficulty, it's an issue of encounter design that basically tells you to fuck off if you bring anything other than weapons that basically cheat the foundations of Monster Hunter gameplay. To the point where prowlers do better than most weapons on that fight simply by virtue of being ranged.
All that those varied playstyles resulted in was garbage like this.
If you think thats bad you should compare japanese monster hunter trails with their western counterparts.
Bow got a one time move, HBG's mods don't do much for clusters or glutton, and CB's buff actively conflicts with SAED spam because the new whirligig mode gets cancelled if you hit 0 phials
don't forget this shit which they tweeted as text but didn't show in the videos
HBG only mods
Wyvernheart Change Mod
Hitting Wyvernheart shots consecutively will increase your damage output.
(Cannot equip multiple.)
Wyvernsnipe Change Mod
Changes the function of your Wyvernsnipe shot. No longer pierces, but instead does massive damage to weak spots.
(Cannot equip multiple.)
Mods for LBG and HBG:
Weight Booster
Your shots pierce monsters more easily, increases KO and Exhaust damage. Cannot be used in conjunction with Speed Booster.
Speed Booster
Increases bullet velocity, extending range and critical distance. Cannot be used in conjunction with Weight Booster.
Last time I checked, MHGU is in full HD. And so is MH3U for that matter. Those designs are from the 4U book, but most of them are in GU as well.
Here's a hunter using one of the many designs in the art book, taken using the switch in portable mode.
>everyone attacks the bad art direction in world
>points out that their hero fujioka is the art director for world
>zero replies
Every time. Why Yea Forums? Why do you keep complaining if you don't want to fault the man?
>>will easily allow you to slay any monster in five minutes or less
>timed out against AT xeno
Im just gonna go cry about the HBG getting even better for damage while I got bubbles
Doesn't work if the monster is enraged, which is pretty much all the time. You're only going to get it to work after you've fucked its stamina or in the opening moments of a fight.
My issue with that is that if it's ACTUALLY useful it means it will be the indisputable opening move, which means every hunt starts the same way. Now, hunts already basically all start the same way but this restricts it to a single move to be optimal. It doesn't appear to be like the wake-up that takes some effort to pull off and is restricted to some weapons. It's a relatively minor gripe but the way they've restricted it to non-rage means there will be another excuse for dipshits to get angry that you didn't let them open with a claw shot just like those faggots who insist on sleep bombing when we have single-button attacks that simply do way more and would do more if we didn't get thrown back by a bomb blast.
Forgot pic
None of these work with the current HBG meta.
why are you cherry picking the few example of bone/iron +feathers and ignoring all the unique models I've been posting? why are you pretending like older games aren't also guilty of bone/iron + feathers? do you have some sort of agenda?
Don't even know who that is
oh fuck off mate, nearly every variety of kushala requires you to bring some retarded build along to not get your ass blown away, and also it's fucking G rank, it's meant to be largely done with a group, you sperg.
he's the art director, not the weapon designer.
Do you guys want me to keep going or should I stop?
>Pierce still sucks
>Glutton will not be upgradable to Master Rank
>HBG users to drop off the face of the fucking planet
>Bow gets off scot-free and is the true king of ranged weapons
YAWN. BACK TO Gunlancing and being shit solo. What a waste of Kulve Taroth fucking hours wasted..
>nearly every variety of kushala requires you to bring some retarded build along to not get your ass blown away
Yeah, specific sets, not specific weapon types, faggot.
>and also it's fucking G rank, it's meant to be largely done with a group, you sperg
Group play has always favored gunners even more though. Also all quests in portable MH titles are designed for solo play. Otherwise there would be no point in it being portable.
Cause I have more if you want more
>Spread sucks
Yes it do-
Fucking retard. Destruction's Fusillade if you're lazy, and Glutton if you're not. Spread still sucks if you don't have an autism perfect build however. Big example is how you'll never kill a Rathalos since the flying it does kills your critical distance, and makes you hit for 1's.
>Clusters can't be used online
Literally how I farmed AT Kirin since I couldn't be fucked to play that particular fight fair.
>Sleep it
>Bombs all set boys?
is 8 models per weapon supposed to be impressive, or are you actually trying to show how garbage world is?
Then get the fucking memo and use a gunner weapon if your current weapon sucks so fucking much. Quit whining and start doing something about your problems. All games are imbalanced, not every choice is going to be viable, that's not a reason not to have variety, even if not all of it is going to be useful.
Think about it! If America didn't exist, then World wouldn't be a shit game since western casualization obviously meant the burgers, and not Europe/Asia/etc.
Are you stupid? He's responsible for all the art direction in the game.
Yea Forums's hero, the face of MH during its time on 3DS.
>pretending like older games aren't also guilty of bone/iron
Because it applies to a very small group of weapons in Gen 1 and 2 games that represents a small percentage of the weapon designs in the whole game, they aren't even good, retarded worldlet. This hasn't been the case since Tri.
>do you have some sort of agenda?
Feel free to bust out the nintenbro boogeyman so we can all have a hearty laugh at your delusions, if that's what you're implying here
go ahead and post your plentiful unique models
I'll wait
>western casualization obviously meant the burgers, and not Europe/Asia/etc
Considering the audience they used for focus testing with World was largely American, yeah, you're right. They got a bunch of murrican console players to play 4U and then wrote down everything they hated about it.
PC releases later because Sony is scared of PC eating into PS4 sales.
what's up with that shit at the end of the karma's barrel? it doesn't have that in world
But that's on Deviants being a shitty concept, not weapon variety being a problem.
sorry, i'm not an autist who has pictures of weapon models sitting around in my files
>SnS was elemental gimmick or oiled shield spam
>MHW - where elemental damage sucks dongs
>No oil
>All weapons can use slinger while equipped.
SnS is D E A D!
holy shit
>the face of MH during its time on 3DS
he's literally the creator of the series you fucking mongoloid, he directed the very first MH back on the PS2
And he's not responsible for the weapon designs in MHW, check the MHW dev diaries on youtube, they interview the guy in charge of weapon designs at one point.
actually garbage, busy unfocused designs except for kirin and rathalos
How about ranged weapons being basically a cheese option for 10 years now because they can't design the monsters around both melee and ranged?
IIRC you're missing a hammer from there's the event bristly crake or something like that.
>few example of bone/iron +feathers
those are genuinely the majroity
>Because it applies to a very small group of weapons in Gen 1 and 2 games
That' superfluous, they exist and their they're apart of the problem yet you can ignore them for it, yet criticize for world for ignoring the fact it's a first generation game of its kind and ignore it's unique models, please don't suggest they up scale the old models because that looks like garbage
>Feel free to bust out the nintenbro boogeyman so we can all have a hearty laugh at your delusions, if that's what you're implying here
Nobody's talking about nintendo except for you friend, you charge miyamoto a monthly bill instead of letting him stay in your head rent free
Not if that new foresight actually replaces the old, looks like a nerf then.
Most prominent during the 3DS era when he starts alpearing here and there in the west. Also, there's a lot of other "creators" of the series that you don't know of
Well now I feel like I wasted time making a new save on PC. How do I transfer?
icebrone looks terrible desu senpai, them focussing on the grapple claw and slingshots just make it look closer and closer to frontiers
Pretty sure there are more unique models here than in World. Cost and time aside, it would have been nice to have this much variety as we certainly had enough monsters to cover this amount of models.
And this is on top of the fact that the armor is so plain now. The dumb goofy bullshit was also toned way back.
>inb4 the model autist claims that those are artworks and not models
> The dumb goofy bullshit was also toned way back
There's not even a "So tasty!" after I roast my meat! World is the worst.
Me, I do.
Can't refute my point huh?
Dunno about 1 and vanilla 2, but HBG was top3 even in FU.
Also what's the wrong with certain weapons being better than others? As long as you can clear content with any of them (and in World you can) I don't see the problem. It's a cooperative PvE game, not PvP / competitive.
HBG has and always will be the most busted and casual weapon. 2nd is lance. 3rd is LS. Look into your hearts anons you know it to be true.
Bunch of producers and planners, but that doesn't change that MH is Fujioka's baby. Ryozo made it successful after Tanaka resigned (Dos's failure nearly killed the series), though, since Ryozo was the one who steered the series away from the brutal and punishing wilderness survival and hunting life experience it was originally, to the more gameplay focused hunting action series it is now after he took over as producer. Tanaka even became a bit of a meme in Japan for a bit after an infamous interview where he defended Dos's absurdly inconvenient and tedious design decisions summing it up as "Well, the wilderness is harsh, isn't it?"
these designs are also better in quality imo. Sleeker and more simple compared to stuff just mashed together. Most of the good designs in world are from earlier games anyway.
I'm not doing this entire song and dance again, go fuck yourself
all youve done is cherrypick my friend, this shit still doesnt measure up to other monhuns
They said the GS will passively make your slinger shots stronger.
It seems you can also perform an improved TCS straight out of a slinger shot (without the first two slashes). The improvement is that it'll deal more damage if that first weak hit from the TCS connects with a monster's weak spot.
The gunner doing all the work by himself while the blademasters basically watch and pretend to be useful isn't cooperation
Eh whatever. I haven't followed the conversation, I just joined at the azure bolt comment.
That's not the point. He's virtually unknown until MH4U because he started appearing in western media to promote the game alongside Ryozo. Before that, the only faces known are Ryozo, Ichinose and probably Kojima because of FU.
>It's ok for a $60 AAA game to have a majority of its weapon designs we uninspired garbage while being part of a franchise knows for its crazy weapon designs, because in this other game a overwhelming minority of the weapons also follow the same philosophy
Do you realize how insane you sound? Let me remind you that World is Capcom's best selling game ever, there in no excuse for Iceborne
>ignore it's unique models
Most of them look like shit, but they do exist, yes. I never ignored them and I'm not sure where you got that idea.
Now if you could address this post you conveniently ignored, that would be nice
>You basically played a turn based game with the monster, and you only really have one attack
wow sounds fucking exhilarating truly classic mh is the pinnacle of fun action combat
Kill yourself retard
You’re an embarrassment to humanity
The game isn't competitive. If you feel like gunners are stealing your thunder don't play with them.
>click video
>some nasally whiny twat bitching non-stop about shit he doesn't know about.
yeah nah fuck that also
lmao go figure
My brother, I've matched cherrypicking for cherrypicking, world also has less monsters and therefore can't have as many designs
why do you continue ignore the older games are also AAA and cost $60? I don't understand your point and I don't think you do either
Best believe Sony funded this cinematic piece of shit.
Your retarded argument comes up every single time this kind of topic is brought up. A game isn't exempt from basic principles of game design that make gameplay rewarding. Especially in a cooperative game with lots of grind involved, having only on dominant option is very shitty.
I couldn't beat AT Xeno solo with HH either without timing out, I'm glad I'm not alone. It's already good at supporting other players, why doesn't Capcom give it a buff for if you play solo?
holy fuck you are genuinely mentally challenged huh
>How dare capcom tell me whats going instead of letting me pause and unpause a low rez twitter
Did you also ignore how the japanese version got written articles telling them what's happening?
Retard cuck
Go back to r/MonsterHunter
when’s the E3 trailer coming?
having to kick people for potentially ruining your fun by essentially not even letting you play isn't cooperation either, why the fuck should I have to do that?
You guys like bugs?
Has a playable version been confirmed for e3? Hoping for some knowledgeable people to document all the weapon changes
What MH games have you played?
>only 3~4 totally new design by weapon types
>the rest are either old designs(which isn't really a problem) or generic bone/iron weapon with monster shit glued on
How is even it possible to defend this?
Capcom clearly fucked up here and shouldn't have spent so much time to work on Zorah and the Ancient forest.
I frankly don’t blame them
Yes, content creators are going to be playing the game and doing videos, but only the certified mouthpieces and shills so you'll have to piece together stuff from their footage
Again, presumably outside of a few deviants (which in itself is a terrible concept all around) there's no content In the series that cannot be beat with all weapons. Having all of them "balanced" would mean neutering/limiting the stronger weapons' moveset.
It's also worth mentioning that gen2 had unplayable shit like original HH/GL.
Zorah and Ancient Forest are highly marketable to newcomers of the series, a bunch of weapon designs aren't.
Game design decisions are financially driven, not creatively.
freedom unite, tri, portable 3rd, 4U and world
why do you ask friend?
It's not as bad as you put it unless the gunner is actively trying to distrupt you by firing clust or shooting close to you or whatever.
I seriously want my flex back
Nothing else matters but my flex
I look forward to see the other in hd
I didn't have a problem with no So Tasty - that was a Nintendo innovation. The problem there is that they didn't bother to bring back the jingle properly.
My biggest petty problem was that they chose to use Proof of a Hero when we were staring at Zorah Magdaro's ass after we speared it. What a shitty fucking time to play it. Oh look, we stabbed a mountain's thigh - great. Dumb fuckers.
Kill yourself Fair weather fan
Game would've been better without zorah but I doubt we'd have gotten any more weapons. It's a design choice and it'll most likely take a lot of games to change.
>there's no content In the series that cannot be beat with all weapons
event gog in 4U?
also "you can complete all the content" is a really shitty and meaningless metric, I want to actually have fun and not feel like I'm fucking gimping myself when the bownigger solo stunlocks the monster and still gets over 50% total damage. fucking do neuter the overpowered shit, there's no reason for it to exist in the game as is, same as there being no reason to have weapons be just strictly worse in all aspects.
there is literally no reason why the game wouldn't be improved due to this
Balance is always boring. If there's nothing better than the rest, then there's no reason to explore and experiment. Shit weapons meanwhile have meme/handicap value.
That's the point. This is their attempt to change the meta.
Again, it's not a competitive game. Nothing fucking matters. Just have fun and stop being an autist.
Get out and stay put you fucking faggot
This is why appealing to causals is always a mistake
Because the things you are claiming are so blatantly wrong for anyone that has played the games you're criticizing that there is no argument to be made, you're simply wrong. Like claiming posting the artbook weapons is cherrypicking when all those designs are clearly in the game, obvious for all to see, or claiming that older games have the same frequency of reused bone and iron weapons, which is also very much wrong. You could literally open your hypothetical 3DS right now and see for yourself
well it won't
Depends if they nerf clust and spread. Remember what happened to slicing?
I'm not saying I'm a fan of it. But every game is now is just a series of pretty, marketable segments stuck together into a working product.
Marketing first, game second.
you first you tasteless faggot
how much time do you think was wasted on xeno and its arena compared to other monsters?
>just turn off your brain bro
Not to sound like a console warriors but god damn it but Sony’s PS1 plan of making games more cinematic and story focused IE fucking movies had finally struck the DNA of game design.
This is horseshit.
Gaming becoming mainstream was a mistake
>You could literally open your hypothetical 3DS right now and see for yourself
How funny it is that you mention that, I've started an XX playthrough I've noticed there are lot of weapons that either share close designs or also do the iron/bone with feathers memes
A lot of weapons don't get unique designs till they're R4 or R5 well into high rank and even then a good amount of them look like shit
shoutouts to /vg/ jp user that translated the jp tweets for new moves
>Defending world
Here’s a good tip to become better at MHW mix ammonia and bleach together in a small room
It makes a healing gel for your hands improving your reflexes
It's not even about making games cinematic. It's just about marketing and building hype. Much of the effort goes into extremely polished, high quality vertical slices that get shown off at places like E3, and the rest of the content gets way less work, and in some cases may be straight up just filler. That's how games are made now.
How should I build if I want to be the ultimate SOS carry bro?
>Defending world
where you dumb fucking nigger did you even quote the right person
>Looked at how popular bow is
>Can't bring myself to play it anymore
Why do I always force myself to play unpopular weapons/characters just to be a special snowflake
Gunlance is fun though
now that we're getting reload-dodge for LBG does that mean we can finally drop reload mods and stack recoil mods for faster shooting again
I'm not exactly sure why I bothered, not like most people would notice in the midst of the shitposting and console warring
Because you're a fucking hipster and need feel "special" If you like the fucking weapon, just use it you twat.
sorry buddy I already play gunlance, looks like youre gonna have to find a new weapon
>Why do I always force myself to play unpopular weapons/characters just to be a special snowflake
>Gunlance is fun though
kek are you me it really is
Then you should know that none of these games had this much of generic bone/iron weapon with monster skin/scale/whatever wrapped around.
dodge reload is a mod so you're just replacing it with it instead
just play melee bowgun if you want to be special
I somehow did and it was the first time going back there in months
>there are lot of weapons that either share close designs or also do the iron/bone with feathers memes
>A lot of weapons don't get unique designs till they're R4 or R5 well into high rank and even then a good amount of them look like shit
Again, that's quite literally (literally) wrong. I just went trough the first page in the smith of all weapons and all of them had different designs
Is this the part when I call you on your bullshit then you post a bunch of cherry picked examples from artbooks?
You have to do two dodges because it activates on the slide dodges and it's 1 bullet per reload mod. Not looking good.
Kill yourself
Most of the new moves look totally worthless, just like GU. Makes sense, same director and all.
bros why are we beta testing iceborne for pcchads again
its not fair!
>no more replies
I guess I won lol
Even Tri managed to to have unique designs for each monsters but please go on.
This has been addressed in a post you already replied to
You are a pathetic piece of dog shit
No, you didn't. it's a matter if not being able to play chess with a pigeon because no matter what, after stomping all over the board and shitting everywhere, they'll just insist they've won.
Can we acknowledge the fact that the English voice actor does ruin the videos, but the fact that the western twitters don't get extra details in further tweets going into more detail is bullshit?
Nice link with no images
And I've already refuted that in a previous post
>I am too smart to argue my position!
I humbly accept your concession friend!
I suggest taking a debate class in the future
>And I've already refuted that in a previous post
No you didn't, here's your reply
Congratulations, you've proven my point.
Do I have to spoon feed you?
I told you, I was looking at bone and iron till I made it into high rank
I sounds more like you conceded and now your trying to claim you won, like a boxer who's been knocked out claiming they won the fight
Yes, you have to bring evidence to support your argument, why do I have to tell a presumably grown man something as basic as this?
The blatant ranged and LS favouritism in the MHW team is sickening.
Honestly I think he’s being saved for E3 or some later trailer. Out of all the previous flagships I feel like him and Zinogre are the safest bets for returning.
>I told you, I was looking at bone and iron till I made it into high rank
This has already been addressed as well
zinogre would be great too, or even better lagia
Well the evidence is right under your nose, clic on a weapon type > detailed view, I don't know what's hard that you can't do yourself, but eh monsterhunter.fandom.com
And if you played those games it wouldn't even be required but whatever, go on.
>Not thinking there wont be an Iceborne version of a Kulve Raid
literally proved my point for me, thanks user!
And again I've already addressed I'm running citra right now I'm at the smith and all I see is bone and iron for the first couple pages
I honestly don't want any older monsters to comeback unless Capcom promises not to change their moves. It's amazing how fangless the Rath and Diablos lines are now. I'm not talking about difficulty either, just their general fights and their attacks. I almost never see Rathian do her wide ranged fire attack while she's enraged in my time playing World and for a while I actually forgot she even had it. Then there's the fact both her and Rathalos lost their ability to pin the hunter with the latter getting some stupid grapple and toss.
I wouldn't be against it but only if it's just steady grind for materials for craftable stuff instead of gypsy weapons lottery god damnit
I haven't played online before and I'm too shy to work with others
Not that guy, but Master rank Kulve will definitely happen and it'll be random shit again. The only real question is if it'll have a bunch of the highest tier weapons again.
That's it, I'm genuinely impressed at this autistic display. Not wasting any of my time with this, seek medical attention and good night.
How so? That's still an unique design, that wasn't resewed for several monster, you might have a point if this weapon had the same model with a different monster skin wrapped around like in World.
>it's financially sound to spend the manpower and resources on a worse Lao Shan Lung fight
Someone over needs to rethink their priorities.
>Master rank Kulve
it better at least use the models from the top tier crafted stuff instead of the iron reskins if it has the best weapons again
online isnt bad just have a general idea on how the monster youre hunting works and you will be fine
This, the west is Africa tier I.Q at this point. Especially America.
>no new weapon type
What kind of lazy fucking shit is that? where the fuck is the new weapon type?
>gen 2 added LS, GL, HH and Bow
>gen 3 added SA and the now lost MBG
>gen 4 added IG, CB and the fucking stupid cats which I believe won't return
>gen 5 has no new weapons
Where the fuck is the new weapon crapcom?
>Where the fuck is the new weapon crapcom?
either tomorrow now that they finished covering the new moves or at e3
Someone at Capcom really, REALLY loves his Cealao Shen Dhalamadurdeuses and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it
>no anchor hammer
>no cactus hammer
>worse offender being no gunhammer
World's weapon selection is trash.
No need to be shy, there is a fuck load of people that straight up suck at the game and still fuck around online, is a co-op game without a competitive aspect, no one expects you to do all on your own and carry the entire team, all they want from you is to not double cart and hit the monster.
gunhammer should be a new weapon type
You know what fuck it, we're 428 post in you guys are still autistic enough to argue my blatant shitposting, yes world's design weak but there are unique designs people just seem to ignore for the sake of making their arguments stronger ignoring that older games did the same thing too, that type of "this is ok when x does it" style of arguing really pisses me off so I baited so hard to piss out people who make these type of arguments
I mean can't believe you've let me string you along for this long you people are truly autistic to the fullest definition of the word, and that's a complement
they're good, it's just that bows shit out retarded amounts of element rendering element ammo terribad
I'm shy too but I had to buckle up and just get into it for KT stuff and it quickly cured me of my fears, no one really cares
Especially after KT just won't give you that weapon you want for several days and all you're thinking about is gulping down another Ketanov
But seriously, I hope shelling in general receives a buff and this new shit does amazing damage, enough to justify using more frequently
World's weapon designs suck donkey dick and is even outright missing weapons from monsters that have been around since day one. Anybody who has the gall to try and defend that game's weapon designs is beyond delusional.
>Rathian somehow missing her HBG despite looking like the base iron model but colored green/pink in every game
>Kushala HBG missing
>spending resources to make sure every Rathalos weapon looks good while all the new monsters not elder dragons get jack shit
>the absolute state of Kirin's SnS
To this day it baffles me that one of the most iconic elder dragons in the series couldn't get all its weapons in.
Axe mode isn't bad. Both morph attacks and the running chop are used constantly. Go watch a Behemoth solo.
>Kushala HBG missing
My only theory is that this was due to the fact that they changed barrel\silencer\scope mods for new mods and the dolphin part of Delphinadae was a Power Barrel addon, and they didn't bothered to design a new one with a Shield mod changing the look in mind
Still, that sucks, I was literally rushing to the smithy after Kush to find it and got nothing
>Merely pretending
A rare sight these days
You're the one who was autistic enough to keep pushing this asinine bait and actually believing that people despise or don't care about World unique designs because they just just point out the obvious bad points instead of vigorously praising the good ones.
But you cracked first, thanks for the entertainment.
I ran out of 3D images and genuinely started feeling bad for you poor sods who keep giving me (you)s like I wasn't just going to ignore your points and reiterate shit I had already said, please I implore you to seek mental help
The moment I realized my favorite revolver was missing was the moment I started playing World less and less. Lack of armor split was bad enough, along with every new monster being a one trick pony that needs the Hyper treatment in order to be remotely interesting to fight.
>we want the American audience: the game
>said audience is stupid
>Spends 3 hours shitposting solely to have multiple people tell you to kill yourself with many different words
>Calls anyone else autistic and in need of help
welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy you're stay
Didn’t use to be this bad
So fuck all the oldfags crying about World and tell me, did the GL win that contest they had for Iceborne?
don't kid yourself
Stay angry
>he actually thinks I was arguing with him for 2 hours and didn't just jump in near the end
You first, my poor animefriend.
Bow is the most homosexual weapon type there is in MH, not even SnS and HH are that gay.
absolutely based
Here you are angry about a weapon you don't play and know nothing about.
I don't like longsword but i don't come here to bitch about it when they trip me when i'm play GL
Be less of a bitch
Fuck you, all the bowfags I meet online are faggots and cart all the time.
I play bow, it feels like easy mode if you bring the monsters cosponsoring weakness, bow users are extremely obnoxious though
>sns is getting nothing
SnS got the most stuff, how about you pay attention retards.
What type would you add?
any of the two test ones
>comic sans
>likes SnS
>dislike guns
Yikes, have sex.
I want the buff fenrir + saber weapon, looks extremely fun.
>t.suicidal skirt wearing manchildren
-Quest failed Time to dilate-
thats literally identical to charge blade. Are all weapons capable of using grapple to attack?