Why is she so cute? Dauntless thread
Dauntless thread
No one plays this game
Man, I been waiting for a dauntless thread to pop up for a while... but I think I figured out most of it by now, I'm only at threat level 11 iirc, but groups are getting much better, still a bunch of retards that don't boop shit.
>doing pubs instead of solos
literally no point
Reminder to reload your gun bullets close to Behemoths so you get empowered
Fun fact: game is made by trannies, one lf them worked on Anthem too!
Probably in HR, so technically didn't even make the game.
Game plays like absolute ass. Feels like Dark Souls 2 but worse.
Nope he is literally a gameplay designer lmao
>game has a feminine-masculine slider instead of gender
wow who would've thought
There were some people playing it before
then it switched from a perfectly fine stand alone patcher to ebin
This game is trash. I'm not gonna touch it for a few months when they (hopefully fix it). It runs like ass, gathering doesn't work, turning the motion blur down doesn't turn it off, how the fuck are you supposed to actually find the monsters?
>neutral pronoun
It's literally a toggle between male & female though
There is no male or female option
A friend is trying to get me to try this with him and is telling me it's like a budget monster hunter. I don't like Monster Hunter
Did even play the game? The very first screen let's you choose between Male or female physique, then you customize your character. If that's not male or female option I don't know.
No it literally says masculine or feminine.
Go take a look again
I don't get what you're trying to say. I must be missing a detail
Slider says masculine or feminine. Male and female is never mentioned, it’s just weird. Like your character has no gender at all
Ah. Doesn't that just change the dialog in the game though? I haven't noticed at all and I don't really care desu senpai
It doesn’t change anything which makes it even weirder why this is under gameplay options
Game is literally too hard for me. Feels bad man.
it's always just genderneutral "Slayer"
You’ll get banned for pronouncing other players sexualigenderity wrong
This is one of the few times where calling something a "budget ___" is actually extremely accurate.
Dauntless is basically exactly the same as Monster Hunter except a little bit worse in almost every area, and a lot worse in the remaining areas.
At least it's free.
You’ll hate this then.
Having put 1k hours in World, I would honestly say Dauntless' music and roster are actually better.
what's so overpowered about risftstalker axe? the passive doesn't seem that great.
Did they change the netcode so that you don't lag if you're not sitting right on top of their servers? There is zero reason for a PvE monster hunter game to have server sided netcode for fucking anything, even Crapcom understood this.
is it true you can buy the timely arrival pack multiple times?
No it’s still a laggy disconnecting mess