Our brethren's town is under attack

>Our brethren's town is under attack

Attached: kelthuzad.jpg (210x240, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Undead suck BADLY in wc3

as a former tactical master of the human build a tower in their base as soon as the game starts strategy I can confirm that undead were the easiest to overpower with this

UD aren't very easy to TR if they have the reflexes desu, you have to bunker up your peasants between towers and trees for it to work.

>not going Gargs n Ghouls
>not creeping fast as fuck with sleep, leaving no creeps to the enemies

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Their unit who has access to dispel will only be available on a level 3 necropolis. Anything less and they're incredibly vulnerable to human's slow/NE fairy fire/etc etc.

The few thing they've going are somewhat strong heroes compared to the others and that skeleton item in their shop, allowing for mass units as long as the other side has no dispell yet.

The problem of using Sleep to creep is that then you're stuck with a fucking Dreadlord with a fucking Sleep build later on.

>strong heroes compared to the others
paladins says hello

Maybe on online play, but skeleton spam is extremely powerful during the campaign.
Night Elves, however, fucking suck at the campaing and i only ever beaten archimonde on hard because Malfurion and Tyrande held the line by themselves

I get a hardon every time I BTFO acolytes with level 3 Pally hitting them once + holy light.

paladin can't do the coilnova combo. He can pop bubble and hope it's over quickly.

>My might cannot be matched
>I will consume the living and the dead

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Bolt+light though.

My life for Aiur! Er... I mean... Ner'Zhul!


What are so good hero focused custom campaigns? Already played through Legacy of Lordaeron and Chosen Ones.

>human specific
>only thing going is holy light.
>Deathknight dabs on paladin by outrunning him while Shield is on before circling around and jamming frostmourne up his ass. Also eats skelies/ghouls when life is low.
>Dreadlord puts him to sleep and can passively regen with aura.

Granted that I also like using paladin as my 2nd hero, but undead really has good heroes, specially the death knight - and I think its a deliberate way of balancing undead with their shitty units early game and how most of their late game units can also be outpowered by the other races.

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It is destined.

>maybe online play

So basically all the matters? Who cares what builds work against AI vs actual players?

DK is a great hero but after being forced to pick him as your starting hero for the 1000th time it gets old. Also sleep is shit since you can easily wake up a slept unit with a single attack, DL is a pretty crappy hero overall (aside from his ultimate).

Have fun.

Here comes the humans to slow the fuck out of you with no way to stop them because you didn't rush t3. GG ez faggot

>latest balance patch made undead even more reliant on t3
t-thanks blizzard

He can pala rifle you to death with the blood mage following him around for infinite mana.

>using blood mage

The problem with most DL players I've seen is that they sleep heroes instead of units. Against very attentive players, sleep is useless but the spell becomes quite effective if used on spellcasters and cheap range units like archers since many players either dont have the micro or dont bother waking them up - which of course does only lean on your favor specially in the heat of battle.

My God, Slow is really the spell that fucks up undead big time along with fairy fire. Sorceress'es are the first units I throw a deathcoil more than a hero gets one. Priest also gets a coil too knowing that some humans like to get dispell early if they're betting that you'll go for necro skelly strat.

Bloodmage is such a cool hero for cheesy strats. Using staff into a mechanical critter or an invis potion and then BTFOing miners is always glorious.

>succs your mana and gives it to paladin
Nice death coil.. if you could cast one.


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>kites blood mage with dk, coiling the other units the entire time
>by the time his slow ass catches up the fight's over already

How are the voice lines in this game (or whole series even) so memeable?


Please don't tell me you actually tried DL strats online

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You don't really send the BM in like that though, plus DK is a melee hero and is good at tanking so he's bound to show up in the front lines to become target for teh succ.


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I know I'm getting old now that I can't hear the voices in my head to these quotes anymore.


If you're kiting with your dk, then he isn't hitting my dorfs which are shooting your dudes, which is a win for me. the occasional coil will be countered by holy light and can still antisucc pala back to full mana

God tier Chad race: Human
Overpowered faggots race: Night Elf
Likeable underdog race: Undead

Only low IQ black people play these: Orc


Someone can't handle orc matchups

You need 300IQ to do well with Orc in RoC though.

human is both chad and overpowered, also move night elf with the orcs



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WC3 has the best voice acting.

What the fuck did they do to Anub'arak in WoW/HotS?


Humans being overpowered is justified by them being the hardest to play, they're terrans of Warcraft.

>tfw the promise of having infernal keeps you using DL as 2nd hero even if the current play calls for solo DK strat or Nerub/lich.
You can never fathom the amount of neurons activating within my brain once I am able to cast Infernal - but that usually only happens late game.

>Onions mage is so slow carrying those pauldrons that he cant even catch up with DK who keeps on dabbing at him from a distance while goyles/ghouls keeps on munching at his feet.
>Throws coil at the edge of battle while slow mage waste more mana by taking sippies and waste more micro time on his hero instead of atending to his units.

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>orc matchups
oh boi here comes that orc army oh he didnt bring a kodo rider guess thats gg for me
>proceeds to outrange your shitty spear throwers

>our sacred grove is being desecrated!

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>Humans being overpowered is justified by them being the hardest to play
HU is the only faction I don't suck terribly with personally. I think they just fit my style better as I'm more of a strategy/cheese player and don't have the intense micro required to play Orc/NE.

Obligatory "I want to desecrate her sacred grove."

You can always play solo DL in RoC where you can creep to level 6.

>the damned return
>I shall be your eyes
>what needs revealing
>I'll go and see
>all shall be revealed

Attached: shade.gif (161x196, 20K)

>intense micro required to play NE
I shiggy diggy




>Survivnig with DL up to late game
Who you are trying to fool here?

I'll attract the enemy with my human call

silent, gaseous, and deadly


Garithos did nothing wrong.

NE does need good micro though, it's full of weak units with high damage/active abilities. Just because something is overpowered doesn't mean it's easy to pull off.

That's a nice creep you got over there with a really valuable item inside. Would really suck if something happened to it.

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>all shall be revealed
>gets revealed and 1 shot

>you know what really burns my ass? A flame about *this* high
every time


>I'm blind not dead

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>I hear that banshee's a real screamer
How did they get away with it?

crypt lord



why is his voice so soothing?

>Darkness called... but I wasn't home. I tried to *69 Darkness, but I he didn't pick up. I guess Darkness is screening his calls

Early game NE is microhell, especially if you try to powercreep with ancients and the nigger opponent comes to your base.
Here's the absolute legend of a game on the subject:

>azsh you wish

>humans and orcs hard to play.
>when both plays almost similarly and with hardier units compared to Undead/NE.
The biggest weakness of humans are the amount of upgrades and the need for many units. The opposite is with Orcs where each unit hurts when it dies.

As I said, 'once' I am able. I also said that DK+nerub/lich or solo DK is more reasonable than picking DL.

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>Warriors of the night, assemble!


Blademaster have no business being in multi-player

Don't do it, Jamal.

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HU doesn't really play like Orc though, with Orc it feels like you're wasting time whenever you're not being an annoying nigger following the enemy around with BM, with HU I can just chill and do my own thing, expand everywhere and hide behind over 9000 towers.


what is the tier list of WC3 races? I think Orcs are probably #1

I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky!


>"I said a bow-string, not a G… *sigh* Nevermind."

>tfw no banshee wife

Why was the icon for this a fan? What did Blizzard mean by this?


switch orcs and nelfs depending on the matchups

I unironically fapped to archer and sorceress.



IIRC recorded winrate in tournaments was actually UD > Orc > HU > NE to everyone's surprise.

>not buying the dust from the market to cockblock the opponent
Come on boy do you even current meta

my favourite quote


What? If we go by WCG medals, UD is FAR behind every other race, and HU in strong lead.

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H-haha how do you think her dirty G-string smells?

Undead has reveal dust at their own shop.

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Any WC3 character with a deep voice is gauranteed to have 10/10 voice acting. The effects they applied are great.


>that lesbian valleygirl tone
they should have went with an obidient kawaii onii-chan tone

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blind not deaf

you fuckin mong


tastuh muh brade


>Ihr habt geläutet?

>try to play chasing the dawn
>the camera spazzes out during their first person sections
completely unplayable
such a shame
haven't even seen anyone with this issue either

Here is your warcraft 3 reforged

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That joke stretches even beyond WC3.

How DIVERSIFIED will Resoulless be? Original Wc3 is basically white race utopia

Those guys had the best animation, it's mesmerizing really.

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>my-uh blade-uh seeksu vengeansu
His thick accent is the best
>Taste-uh ma blade!

i'm a hero and obey

>My-uh blade can cut-uh through armour and stil cut uh tomato.

so the deathknight is darkness?

Most human units are confirmed being randomized person of colour


my favourite of the whole game. Naga in warcdraft are the best.

we are getting every hero a male/female counterpart, so they have even more options to blackpaint it or whatever

>get undead in 4v4RT
>any time you dont go fiends/wyrms you lose

Hello, newfriend. What's your favorite subreddit?

>undead last tier units are the strongest
who woulda thonk

>not going fiends/wyrms
I trust you already know the reason why fiends are the most reliable/powerful units undead has to offer. Wyrms is still debatable if they're totally useful/useless tho.

if they are going on the hots way of thicc women then I don't mind the female counterparts

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Wyrm massing nooblords are the worst team mates desu. Flying tomes of experience.

just generally speaking its safer to have the fire power of wyrms so you can decimate even grounded AA as long as you out-micro the enemy which isnt usually hard in that format.
I just wish things other than DK weren't shit first

she needs a paper bag for that tranny face but kinda hot

WC3 didn't deserve this shit. Is nothing holy anymore?

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Wyverns are the flying XP tomes desu, orc players who don't go shamans are brainlets.
>get a night elf in 4v4 that makes hunts
might as well quit there
i'd go dessie but..

Old warcraft just oozes sexuality

Wyverns don't take as much time to start massing though, and their poison stacks too. But 4v4rt is usually just a heavy air massing shitfest.

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Money is holy

Imagine being actually upset by this.

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>female druids
>male priest of the moon

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>last patch human buffs
Lmao I hope you don't rely on healing faggot

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I can finally have fembloodmage? God I hope they find a sufficiently edgy sounding voice actress if so.

>haha imagine caring about things :XDDDDXD
Begone, zoomer

So, will Reforge players be able to play custom maps with normal players?

>WC2 Dragon building had Alex tied down and bred when you train a new unit

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embarrassing dude, simply embarrassing.

Warcraft 3 has the best and most soulful russian dub to ever exist, by the way

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don't think so since they are probably gonna rebalance a bunch of shit in reforged

apparently so given its the same just a different client or w/e. one will have soul and original voices, the other will have shit nu-voices and night elves in burkas

I fully believe they'll bug the fuck out of the original client and the map support will only end up working for Reforged. Same shit happened with the new character models in WoW, gave you an option to toggle then got rid of it a year later

You guys recommend any custom campaigns?

I think it will, because Starcraft original and remastered have cross-play.

Also, they are using the same engine so all the previous custom maps are compatibles

These patches are to rebalance the game. They aren't changing the engine itself, and you will be able to play normal games with them. I don't see why customs would be out.

Reminder that WC3 literally buried the fantasy RTS genre and its never coming back

because wc3 was perfect and can't be topped

I've always used only spiders

imagine being this much of a blizzdrone

The Frozen Throne new unit models and tilesets were leagues ahead of anything from Reign of Chaos.

It's a shame the new tilesets were so underused among melee Blizzard-made maps, half of which were bland Lordearon Summer rehashes. Truly the dullest tileset.

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>summons infernal at your base
Nigga. I hate undeads exacly because they are overpowered.

hes right, warcraft 3 is about as the best you can get from the RTS genre hence why its dead, grand strategy tho, now thats a genre that can keep going for a good while

So how hard are they gonna fuck up Reforged?

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The Last Guardian (adaptation of the old ass novel).

>read the warcraft 3 lore and see that night elves only have female warriors and male druids
>play "remaster" and get rainbow colored multisex warrior-druids just cuz.

Shit sucks, watering down a unique and interesting society because it could offend people IRL.

Palladins are now Islamic Holy Warriors.

>tfw I can never figure out if I hate female druids because on one hand it's a stupid breach of the lore, but on the other hand Thisalee Crow is best girl

> WC3 reforged
> WoW Classic
> Best HS expansion so far
> This year we will have an amazing expansion for WoW seeing we have the "good - bad - good - bad - good - bad" schemme for xpac
> Starcraft is fine so it doesn't need any shit else
> Diablo will have a phone game for chinks and this year will be announced a new Diablo IV for people with soul
> Overwatch daed gaem meme but everyone talks about it anyways. Also custom games

imagine not being a blizzdrone in 2k19

>tfw played some long ass custom campaign where you played as a vampire(?) with a Blood Mage model and by the end you betray the humans and start wrecking shit with your succubus gf

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>Implying he can survive long enough to get infernal

The one true difference that makes a person a normalfag is if they have to make their fantasy experiences an extension of reality. They should be something separate and wonderful. Not the fucking same thing but one has magic and the other does not.
This is why the internet has to be a bully free safe place for these salty faggots.

They've already removed all the lion imagery from paladins and uther.



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>> Best HS expansion so far
the League of Shadows one? I got bored and quit during Boomsday


Yes. Just keep in mind the first few missions of each race will be a bit easy then they ramp up the difficulty. There's lots of side objectives, hidden items, and even easter eggs hidden in so many maps. I think the campaign can offer you entertainment and challenge alike

They just want to make it an actual power fantasy. Just another example of how normalfags project.

based sloot

its what most people remember about the game alongside the online custom games for fucking around.

Blizzard died when Activision bought them out.
It's fucking sad that the only thing to get excited for is re releases of games made by the real Blizzard.

Attached: blizzdronemanual101.png (1600x1000, 474K)

Also you can play Warcraft 1 & 2 as custom campaign for WC3


>when Night Elves were as big as the alliance,the horde,and the entire undead forces and weren't just Blizzard' punching bag
>units were allowed to be sexual
Good times

Uther has had eagle imagery for a long time now.

my favorite part of the games

What are you looking for?
Legends of Arkain is what I'd recommend if you want 2 hour+ per mission macro fest. There's 5 different campaigns split into "books", humans and orcs have two books each and undead only has the one so far. There's a lot of choices that affect the story and they carry over into the next book of that race as well.
OutsiderXE has a few campaigns based on books if you're a lore nut and one of them is just a point and click adventure with fixed camera angles made in the WC3 engine. They're overall very easy but very well made.
Scourge of Lordaeron Enhanced is a remake of the original human campaign with tons of gameplay tweaks. Footmen can mount horses or use different weapons, Arthas and Jaina can mount up and get spellbooks with extra spells, the captain that follows Arthas around is fleshed out into a pseudo hero.
Curse of the Forsaken and Rise of the Blood Elves have a ton of work put into them but they go into WoW lore territory, which might not be your thing.
Chasing the Dawn is a Scarlet Crusade campaign. It actually has voice acting and some weird interludes in first person where you spend your hero's points and pick what units you want to train. Very ambitious and fragile as a result.
The Chosen Ones is an incredibly autistic RPG with crafting and alchemy systems and so on where you pick what skills your three characters have from a list. It has "boss" fights and other such stuff and even new game+. Bugs everywhere since it's overambitious, keep separate saves handy.
Campaigns by Turnro (The Adventures of Rowan the Wise, Jeopardy for the Horde, Resurrection of the Scourge, Malfurions Quest) are all good. Malfurion's Quest is unfinished but it has two paths and one of them is complete, so you can play half of it to completion already.

>for WoW seeing we have the "good - bad - good - bad - good - bad" schemme for xpac
you mean good - good - bad - good - bad - bad - bad

I think they've kept the Lion association tied strictly to Stormwind these days.

Activision didn't buy them out, Vivendi did, Vivendi bought BOTH of them and forcibly merged them.

Really? I dropped it eons ago, so i don't know.

>no one played Custom Races/Faction scenario
>not playing with the BloodElvens, Goblins or Forsakens(Undeads but better)

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Quality post, thank you

I tried the Forsaken campaign. Was a bit difficult, only beaten like 3-4 missions. I also played skirmish matches with Worgen and Fel Orcs.


I've been looking for one campaign that presented itself as taking place after 3, and something about some faction launching an attack on Northrend, would you happen to know what it was called?

Don't tell me you think the lorer-ape that was TBC is good. Fucking ruined Illidan, Kael'thas and Vashj.

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the main thing they ruined was the Draenei retcon. I had no problems with characters you listed except for starting the "It was just a setback" meme.

Might be Curse of the Forsaken, its endgame is in Northrend and it's after Arthas becomes Lich King.

island troll tribes

I remember everybody joking on wow those few days when it was announced. We were saying it was only a matter of time until Blizzard was reduced to making console shooters.
Oh how right we were.

looks like 3 gusts of wind.

Custom game, not a campaign. But impeccable taste, user.
>tfw I used to RP my troll shaman as someone who escaped from that island

>Legion = BAD
Just wtf

Fortunately, the Illidan's novel covered some plotholes, we can understand a bit more why did we killed him in the first place

>You worry about the towers, I'll worry about the minimap.
How could one company have been so based and fall so quickly.

>playing multiplayer in RTS

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>Those unholy frenzy changes next patch
Not ready for this.

oh no no no no

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This kills the necromancer.

I hope it just means bonus missions. It would be cool to see what Jaina did in the gap between meeting The Prophet in Stratholme, and again in Stonetalon.

I'm an Orc Chad who uses Shadow Hunter.
Free heals bro!

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all that sound good for me, except for no new campaigns.

here's your golden-approved cleaned up dialogue, bro

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>Christie Golden

>absolute nightmare in WC3
>widely considered a low tier hero in HotS
What went wrong?

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I don't really care about Golden because it'll most likely be inconsequential bullshit, but in what universe is Sylvanas a secondary character? She was over half of the undead compaign in Frozen Throne.

They added stuns. Illidan was a shitstomper in the early days where Muradin was the only one who could stun and it was a blast. Same thing happened with Chen.

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More heroes came in that do his role better and safer, there is little reason to take Illidan whose basic kit is nothing but minor amounts of mobility while being really fucking squishy when you can take literally any other Assassin and get better results.

Corpse fuckers want their waifu to be 90% of it.

He is a shit hero in hots with all the changes to the game. He was good in the first year. Anyway, generally you wanna go Keeper over DH in most matches.

Illidan has been nerfed dozens of times and there are dozens of characters designed to do what he does, except better. Also what said

playing Orc instantly makes you a beta incel, though

What does Thrall mean to you, user?

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>Sylvanas steals half of the penultimate campaign over BOTH games just to set-up her shitty forsaken for the Horde in WoW
>Jaina becomes the de-facto ruler of human survivors after Arthas turns
>Both somehow secondary characters

Jesus Christ


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>You have been a loyal...Friend, Kel'thuzad
>You have been a loyal servant, Kel'thuzad.
You know it'll happen

>lok'tar ogar!
>for non-toxic masculinity!

>character existed before you even were brought on board
>take it as your own and give them so much exposure the playerbase that cultivated their initial demand loathes them
this shit is really something.

Like I said last time, she'll make it gay user. The "subtle" gayness that Wrathion was showing towards Anduin is proof enough.

Anyone who's not Arthas, Thrall, Malfurion, Tyrande, Maeiv, Illidan and Kael'thas is a secondary character. The story of WC3 is primarily about these characters. Everyone else is there to flesh out that story.

Maiev and Kael'thas are very much literally whos that only exist to flesh out Illidan.

>Dalaran will look more like in WoW
Makes no sense. It's not even the same fucking city. WC3 Dalaran was a huge city not a couple of buildings on a floating rock

Attached: dalaran.jpg (375x377, 30K)

the Orcs and Humans custom campaign Orc mission 3 pushes my shit it. Fucking faggot priests

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>Maiev and Kael'thas
>more important that Sylvanas and Jaina
lol wut

It's too late. The game has already been infected.

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You know how diversity is just a code word "everyone is black and brown americans"? Same logic.

>will look more like they do in WoW
This is so stupid it hurts.
An MMO is way more limited in how the areas they can look, so they've been warped to fit into the mmo world, into a less ideal version of the locations.
RTS maps can work under different levels of zoom, so you have much more freedom with how they look.
Books you have no limits, since you're only describing stuff and you don't have to actually make it.

It's so fucking backwards.

This entire game must be purged.

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Golden basically did that in her god-awful Arthas book from nearly a decade ago. Turned Arthas from a smug cunt into a mediocre Elric clone.


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> Arthas is Anduins' father
> Jaina is Anduins' mother
> Arthas being a paladin, he can't have a son andd must hide him
> Varian is gay, but he must have an heir
> Anduin is under the custody of Varian

Thye mean the maps. They're not spend resources to alter how it looks in the cutscene. And the actual maps taking place in Dalaran failed to look anything like the city did in Archimonde's cutscene. The maps looked like any other human city but with random spires. The Dalaran maps were kinda shit in terms of appearance. Like, look at "Under the Burning Sky". The map practically looks unfinished if you look at the non-player controlled areas. Usually such 'defend for x time' maps would still have secrets and cool locations in places most players would never even bother to go so that map really stands out because of how bland it is. If they spice up the visuals to make it look like the cutscene where Archimonde destroys it, that's great. The Culling mission that they showed did the same. It only really made the city look more visually distinct.

UD are literally the most bullshit race after NE online what are you guys smoking
>race care speed units
>coil nova out the ass
>0hp to max hp in 1 coil at level 3
>statues heal literally everything
>cant lose units
>can only kill units
>lvl1 dk last hitting all your neutrals with coil piggy backs on your hard work

fuck this race.

The tabletop lore in the 2003-2006 had Stormwind have a population of 200,000, though that might've been a typo.

I guess now it'll be lucky to reach a couple thousand. And Goldshire is literally just a tent, an inn, and a smithy.


5 of those issues are Death Knight which needs a massive nerf agreed.

Please tell me they won’t change the voice acting in the remake.


the tabletop rulebook is notoriously inaccurate when it comes to numbers for anything

blizzard is so doomed this can actually be true
California fuck yeah

You can choose which to use.

it's planned, same voice actors than WoW and I'm not even joking

>blizzard is so doomed this can actually be true
it's literally some retarded meme an autist forces in every thread about Warcraft. There's no evidence for it at all other than "DUDE *hits blunt* JUST LIKE, THINK ABOUT IT MAN"

It doesn't say it will look more like the Archimonde cinematic though, it says it will look more like WoW

To The Bitter End, great campaign where you control (up to) five heroes, each with unique skills and set of items, and fight through hordes of enemies. Can be pretty fucking hard at times and most missions end with a bossfight that can take several tries to beat and in some cases require you to read about bosses abilities on campaign's site to figure out what the fuck is going on.
And Return of the Dragon is a neat campaign about a spider/dragon hero with two forms. Pretty long, a lot of custom stuff like spells and quests, has a custom nerubian race even though it's pretty small, and a lot of bugs too. Needs a fix to play in latest versions and saving and loading tends to fuck things up.

I wish they'd test some DK nerfs on PTR instead of fucking about with useless heal items that don't even rival the human scroll. They're trying to add all these fancy new things so the game feels different when reforged comes out but meanwhile UD are forced to take DK in 100% of games due to the aura.

Yeah the setting can impossibly make any kind of sense within its own logic if what you see in world of warcraft is 1:1 to reality, which early on in WoW was assumed to not be the case because of other material having other values, distances and such.
But over time they've just taken to assume that what you see in WoW is 1:1, to the point where one of goldens more recent books had a map in the book of theramore, which was just what you saw in WoW., that's way too small for anything that happens in the stories and campaigns. Writers are generally bad at math, logic, consistency etc so no surprise I suppose.

Yeah I think the population was realistically 20,000. But my point is that if they model their fantasy world based on their mmo restrictions, it just limits the world, and makes it feel incredibly tiny.

Like, in lore, a gryphon ride from Karazhan to Stormwind takes all day.

How will that work with the new added lines though?

In only some scenarios
Unless those new developments are silent movie-tier, they won't apply since they're not bringing back any of the old VAs that they don't already have on hand

Hopefully it wont happen, right?

Attached: thumbs up loli.jpg (397x515, 76K)

Does this sound like Justin Gross?

dont forget
>assaulting an undead base

give me back militia uptime and ill be happy

i know night elves are broken as shit currently in wc3, but i thought undead were better options than human and orc otherwise rn

The new voice sounds like a fucking Final Fantasy character

Fuck this faggot. This exact kind of mentality in raising a son is the reason I'm a fucking loser.

It will never not bother me that they didn't use Arthas' old voice actor because they were too greedy to to agree to his request for more pay when their most profitable game was at the peak of it's popularity and revenue.

Medivh (used to be Michael Bell) is now voiced by... Cam Clarke. Not bad actually. I like both

>manage to get DL to level 6 against NE
>drop infernal on a bunch of dryads before ultimates affected magic resistant units
anons.. that was the day I stopped first picking dreadlord

Echoing Paladins: Have you lost your mind Arthas?

Attached: allpaladins.jpg (1920x1080, 881K)

But isn't Captain America supposed to an idealized 1940s style man?

Character design is pure shit
Looks like a shitty F2P korean MMO
Is this aimed for anime/china market?

I hate everything you just wrote

>just get 9999 apm bruh

>You can never fathom the amount of neurons activating within my brain once I am able to cast Infernal

Hearty kek but why though? Doesn’t it get shut down by Archers and Riflemen massed?

>poor little deathknight boy

can you believe they're getting new voices in the remaster?

Why couldn’t they just upgrade the graphics and leave it at that? Make a new fucking camping if you want to throw shit up the fan so much.

They're aiming for a different style altogether, rather than "updating" the old ones

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Maybe. I really hope we don't get male priest of the moon, though.

Attached: Warcraft_III_Reforged_-_Female_demon_hunter_concept_art.jpg (4000x975, 1.06M)

WC3 lore was the reason why whenever I made a night elf, I'd make the gender based off the lore. Basically a warrior/rogue/hunter/priest would be a female, and a druid would be a male.

>Arthas being a paladin, he can't have a son

Is this a real tradition

Isn’t that supposed to be a female sect only?

Because they want to control people's perceptions of their "first Warcraft 3 campaign." Imagine a world where zoomers, and those millennials who didn't play Warcraft 3 in the 2000s, and this is their first experience with it.

>Is this aimed for anime/china market?
>Ever not pandering to asian markets

It was until WoW.

>blizzard had to come back and ruin wc3 even more

the arthas book made him nigger-tier though
part of the reason he dumps jaina is because he doesn't want to get her pregnant

I can buy female demon hunters, because they are supposed to be outcasts. But I will go full Kaczynski if they make female druids or male priests.

Maiev is my waifu, I want to plow her butt and I want her to hate it but then love it.

no. He was the fucking Crown Prince of Lordaeron, there's no way he'd be allowed to become a paladin if he couldn't have kids

Didn't orcs and dwarves bar women from fighting?

Yeah it was him basically going "shiiiit I'm too young to be a daddy" and dumping Jaina.

Does the remastered version come with a copy of the original?

what a gay

They 100% will make it canon, %1000000000 chance loot boxes to buy skins for heros and units and male moon priestess is one of them

Also Tyrion Fordring had a wife and kid when he was introduced in the lore before Warcraft 3 came out. So yeah wow pallies were never celibate.

> Every fucking editors
> Let's make an HD remake without putting a single effort
> Blizzard
> Let's make an HD remake and SJWed it to the ground

The Dwarf Campaign is pretty fun, and allows you several different options on how to approach a level, including recruiting different heroes or killing them instead, all the while throwing in optional bosses and some other good stuff such as puzzles that reward you with OP items. Pretty fun, the only problem is that it was never fully finished, and only has three levels, but all of them are pretty long as is.

Haha silly goy

>I can buy female demon hunters, because they are supposed to be outcasts. But I will go full Kaczynski if they make female druids or male priests.
Yeah I agree.
Demon Hunters aren't really tied to the gender divided structure of nelf society.
How I reasoned with my nelf characters in WoW too, druid = male only, priest = female only.
Then after that it depends. If the warrior, rogue, hunter was supposed to be a sentinel, then sure female only, but those classes can fit as various outcasts too so they could be male.

Just like Starcraft and its remaster, W3 Classic will be definitively gone.
Christie Golden watches.

My money/hopes are on Grey DeLisle. They got her for Sorceress in D3, so hopefully they can get her again.


I really don't know. They seem pretty egalitarian when it comes to fighting.

Attached: Warcraft_III_Reforged_-_Maiev_concept_art.jpg (4000x974, 1.13M)

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It always annoyed me in RP knowing that a really cool fantasy society was watered down and lost it's unique flavor because the idea of a gender role heavy protagonist race is too offensive for people.

>Then after that it depends. If the warrior, rogue, hunter was supposed to be a sentinel, then sure female only, but those classes can fit as various outcasts too so they could be male.
Does Wc3 lore ever actually say that all men are druids and none of them are fighters for Night Elves? The priest / druid divide seems fair but the other roles seem more so just the fact its an RTS where units have to be distinct.

Literally nothing is going to stop you from installing the original game and playing the campaign, plus said original game will still fucking exist after Reforged AND be forwards compatible with it online.

I would think in the old LORE a NE male fighter wouldn't be the same as a human footmen archtype fighter. Just because you are a druid doesn't mean you cant fuck someone up with a club. In gameplay mechanics its obviously the same though.

I recall reading it somewhere.
It was part of why they called Garrosh "forward thinking" when he let them fight in conflicts too

Apparently they made some voice acted thing recently, I didn't even know about that.

>holding the shield like a fucking retard
Fuck this, I’m out

oh god, oh lord, oh god

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I doubt the Sentinels specially forbade men from joining their ranks, being a warrior was just seen as 'women work' in NE society so a majority of Sentinels were women, and vice versa for the druids. Only the priesthood I saw as being completely matriarchal.

It was on the old WoW website's encyclopedia. Lemme try to find an archive.

My period cries out for the vengeance of my people's period, which can only be repaid with at least twice as many periods! Or maybe three times as many periods! Like if you went to hell, and it was full of period, and that period was on fire, and it was raining period, then maybe that would be enough period! Eh… but probably not.

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>Traditionally night elf women served their people as warriors, hunters, and protectors. Many spellcasting vocations, on the other hand, were generally considered the realm of night elf men. Only since the devastating casualties of the Third War have these conventional gender roles been set aside. Because druids only recently opened their ranks to women, golden eyes remain somewhat more prevalent among night elf men than their female counterparts.

>Does Wc3 lore ever actually say that all men are druids and none of them are fighters for Night Elves?
I think it said that the Sentinels were just women, and the orcs fighting them noted that they were savage elf women warriors.

But the Sentinels is like a military branch that seems to contain various warriors, archers and priests.

There could still be other male night elves that fit into some kind of "Warrior", just not within the Sentinel ranks.

Elun was clearly some crazy lesbo cunt who only blessed females.

The gender locks were concrete in wc3. They were loosened to what you said when WoW came out so that player choice wouldn't rape the lore.


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At the time I don't think it was because it was offensive, it was just to please people who wanted to play a certain thing, and to make things balanced, because balance in design was valued.
Almost surprising that they had faction classes with shamans+paladins in vanilla, of course got rid of that in the first expansion to make things even.

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Orcs design is fucking shit since mists of pandaria

Why would they go out of their way to justify those breaking gender roles if the tradition cultural gender roles didn't exist in the first place?

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Clearly, but sadly the lore did not remain unmolested.

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It sucks to see the night elves lose their cultural identity more and more as WoW went on.

Huh, I only just now noticed all male night elves have golden eyes in WoW.

>Check out the last patches they did for WCIII
>Moved Cripple to Novice while Raise Skeleton was moved to Adept
WHAT THE HELL? So instead of raising skeletons from the get-go I nedd to research the Necromancer's first mastery level to get to raise skeletons? THE MOST BASIC UNDEAD TACTIC!? BLASPHEMY. Now what should I do with all those corpses? My Ghouls won't manage to eat them all.

> cultural identity
But that's racist. All species should be the same. Social balance is important.

Dude, you can literally get the original Starcraft for free. What the fuck are you talking about?

>soul vs soulless

In the lore, only special snowflakes (or powerful druids) were supposed to have them, but I think in WoW it was just supposed to be another form of sexual dimorphism.

WoW writers are arrogant AF and hate Wc3 story/lore.
Also they want to turn Warcraft into a big franchise like Marvel and therefore they want to legitimise WoW lore at all cost.
Which is dumb because :
1/WoW lore is trash
2/WoW lore constantly retcons itself

>that didnt exist in the first place
decided the world of Warcraft writer 10 years after wc3

Left: based, redpilled, gets laid all the time, big dick energy, never skipped leg day
Right: cringe, bluepilled, on roids, tiny dick

Even Warcraft 3 lore isn't super exceptional worldbuilding or setting, but at least it wasn't trying to be something bigger than it is. It was honest at the very least.

They went from scary to fatfaced fucks

>The vast ranks of the Alliance armies have diminished over the years due to the incessant infighting amongst the former Alliance nations. However, many of the strong-hearted citizens of Azeroth have volunteered to defend their lands as Footmen. Though these fierce warriors lack the shining plate mail and specialized training of their noble predecessors, they still fight with bravery and honor on the field of battle.
what did they mean by this? Were WC3 footmen originally supposed to be more like the militia?

rod of necromancy on 3 heros, realtalk: no one used necromancers ever.

That encyclopedia was published on the old WoW website in 2006 though. It doesn't exist any more, hence why I had to use an internet archive.

Most likely was a model limitation for the time so they just stuck golden eyes on the men to reference the fact it was more common in men (and that men are more commonly druids) and moved on.


>I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!...Call me.
Never getting tired of this.

Zoomers ladies and gentlemen

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I just hated how world mmo shit killed the best RTS from his epoch.

I feel this guys. I wish/wonder if there more campaigns maps that happens after Artas kill Illidan and sit on Frozen Thronne.

Fuck Blizzard and your moneymilking/MMO shit idea.

Attached: illidanandarthas.jpg (352x173, 12K)


Sounds like a sexist joke to me

And you sound like cosmic faggot with a thin skin.


Unacceptable in 2019.

Attached: bnshee.jpg (638x500, 286K)

Who /orcmains/ here?
>tfw using the same strategy, same build order, same army and hero comp for 15 years
Feels good

Who wrote the article and what was the source?

based black mommy wanting the BWC

Is that actually gone?

Yeah it was taken as a sign of a great destiny, and more specifically greater druidic potential.

Illidan was born with golden eyes.
Furion wasn't, but as his powers as a druid grew his eyes turned gold.

The good king of thinking.

WoW was already tainting wc3 back in the days :
>Sylv campaign having no ties with the main story and felt forced because it had to introduce the forsaken for WoW.
>Illidan somehow still moving and surviving because they needed a loot pinata for WoW.

Nameless. Source is in the link. And again. Why would they feel the need to justify the breaking of gender roles if the gender roles never existed in the lore?

they did though, if you read the dev diary and the little book that came with the game

WoW and Wc3 development were simulatenous though. Which is why their lore meshes before WoW expansions started retconning more and more to justify gameplay. Hell, they had Northrend fleshed out long before Wrath was announced.

>The fearless, highly trained warrior women who pledged themselves to Kalimdor’s defense became known as the Sentinels.

Attached: warcraft3manual.jpg (1920x1080, 771K)


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>These brave warrior women are expert marksmen and use the concealing forests of Kalimdor to their advantage.

Attached: warcraft3manual2.jpg (1920x1080, 681K)

Don't look at that. You will only hurt yourself. This was completely retconned by WoW.



>Drawing their strength from the moon goddess, Elune, these warrior women ride the feral Nightsaber panthers into battle.

Attached: warcraft3manual3.jpg (1920x1080, 680K)

Attached: wc3paladin.png (1200x800, 581K)

Well, Yea Forums? Which custom game was your favorite?

Attached: WC3 custom games.png (1064x803, 120K)


The entire conception of WoW "Horde" is stupid.

Sylvanas, being a new/other undead queen. Have NOTHING to do with Orcs&Taurens, and also both NOTHING to do with Naga+Kael'thas duo.

Attached: Sylvas death.jpg (640x360, 41K)

for me it's Parasite 2 and Wintermaul

I think I like the idea of Solar Conquest, more than the map though.
With enough games and getting to know the map more the magic would probably go away quickly.

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Stop being such a fucking racist shitlord

It is even worst if you consider that forsaken fought the Horde during their entire life.
Night Elves in Alliance isn't better.

Yeah. But tell that to nuBlizz. In a normal continuity, The Forsaken would've never joined the Horde nor the latter would've allowed the former to join it. Same with the Blood Elves joining the Horde. Not to mention the Night Elves joining the Alliance and toning down their savagery. The same savagery that captivated FUCKING GROM HELLSCREAM.

WoW in terms of lore and story raped all that was good, replaced it with shit and then added even more shit.


It's so weird.
They were making WoW and even Wc3:RoC at the same time, planning it all, and still the WoW setup felt rushed and a bit forced in TFT.

Metzen must've gotten really into nightmare before christmas or something at the time so he really wanted to make undead playable.

the Forsaken and night elves would both make more sense joining the opposite faction, but then Kalimdor and the EK couldn't be split between the factions outside of Theramore and Grom'gol/Stonard

stopped watching when he started doing anime shit and WoW cooldowns for every fightscene while cutting the meat of the missions out

>the Forsaken and night elves would both make more sense joining the opposite faction
how would forsaken joining alliance make sense?
they killed the northern alliance leader and his army

DBZ Tribute was my jam.
All Sagas was better but no one played it

Castle Fight, TDs (Element ftw), Angel Arena, a bit of Spellcraft, Footmen Frenzy, Hero Line Wars

No they would make sense remaining neutral. Like in wc3. That's all.
The forsaken had to be the bad guys btw. Because if we buy that the forsaken are just undead with freewill, there's no logical reason why they would kill human people, aka their own family on sight, and torture them.

Dixel TD
LoaP porn edition

There is absolutely no way this line is making It back in in reforged.

It's in WoW.

>Я пoклялcя cлyжить Hepзyлy-y
Also russian Morrowind dub is fucking god tier too.

Attached: 1Im4FDjSMAs.jpg (750x500, 61K)

is it a recent addition?

and there's worse in HotS

Attached: Lunara.png (951x595, 262K)

>the Forsaken and night elves would both make more sense joining the opposite faction
I feel exaclty this.
Sylvanas fought Orcs her entire life. And was Allied with humans her entire life.

>The Forsaken would've never joined the Horde
>Blood Elves would've never joining the Horde

Last time i remember a Dryad added to the game was Cata but she said it if you clicked her enough.

Forsaken and Night Elves should have been neutral factions

>KT just sneaking up on a paladin and sorcerer with two ghouls
he had a small contingent with aboms in RoC
this makes him look like a retard

>And was Allied with humans her entire life.
Technically they weren't allied in wc3, but your point still stands.
It's not like they were hostile, they still had okay relations.

Would've been better when the Forsaken were all hippity-hoppity GET OFF OUR LAWN. NElves should've remained the same murder hippies with large army. Both being Neutral. Eredar/nuDraenei joining the Alliance after the BElves left? OK, that makes sense (even more so that they need someone with a large military power to protect their small numbers), but BELVES AND FORSAKEN IN THE HORDE MAKE NO SENSE. AND NELVES IN THE ALLIANCE TOO.

>all these people saying the Forsaken should've joined the Alliance
If you fucks read the lore from when WoW started, they legit tried to but the Alliance turned them away because they saw them as no less evil than the Scourge. Events over the course of the game's lifespan has done little to disprove that.

i just want to make custom maps with more freedom than currently availbable bros

Attached: ork of kultur.jpg (680x456, 55K)

>Eredar/nuDraenei joining the Alliance
Eredar=Draenei not existing.

>could have had a fun orc/nelf conflict where both tried to outdo eachother in savagery
>instead we get mailbox dancing sluts

>Forsaken, Night Elves AND Nagas should be Neutral Faction

> they still had okay relations
She literally killed Garithos and betrayed the Alliance

the only reason the night elves and Horde ever fought was because the Horde needed wood. Night elves can make unlimited free wood without harming trees and never thought "hey, maybe we should just give them wood in exchange for helping us clear all the demons and shit out of our forests"

A patch with crazy amount of WE upgrades literally just dropped like 2 days ago bro

Those changes have been made.
It was basically just the increased player cap.

Other freedoms have been added, but those you could already get through custom editors.

Go make your map now.

Elves are the most arrogant people and the highest civilization. They already can't stand the humans, i just simply can't imagine them siding with the Horde, submitting to an Orc, even setting a foot in fuckign ORGRIMMAR.
Especially when the Horde almost destroyed them in wc2 and the trolls are their biggest ennemies.

forsaken should have been a faction onto themselves made up out of various types of undead

The demons hadn't reached Kalimdor yet at the time, the NE didn't know they had returned.

based and redpilled
horde/alliance dichotomy is retarded to have after the events of wc3

no I mean in between the end of Reign of Chaos and the start of WoW

Look dude. I'd call Eredar Eredar and Dranei Dranei, but there will be retards who will bicker at it. I too want Wakama and his Dranei bros to be their own thing not linked to blatant waifubait and futa fetish. I simply feel sad that a series I genuinely liked went to irreversible shit. Same with StarCraft, Diablo...only thing they didn't shat on completely were the likes of The Lost Vikings. Only reducing them to cameos and shit...

Do they have mouseaim and no delay yet? Back in the day everything had like a 500 ms ping so games like racers played like total shit.

When she was undead.
I mean that the high elves and the humans still had okay relations after they left the alliance before wc3.
High Elf priest volunteers still came to lordaeron, high elf sorceresses were still in dalaran. Kael was still in Dalaran.
They broke down in tft sure.

It's only retarded because they're too afraid to let one side win. Unlike in WC1/2 where they said "fuck you, the Orcs won 1 and the Alliance won 2"

The NE already had a treaty with the Orcs after RoC thanks to Malfurion and Thrall

The issue would be too few players to do raid content. The game was fucked form inception because of raids.

>The NE already had a treaty with the Orcs after RoC thanks to Malfurion and Thrall
and it got thrown out the window offscreen because "dude wood lmao." That's the point I'm trying to make

Reactor Online
Sensors Online
Weapons Online
All systems nominal

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>they're too afraid to let one side win
why would one side need "to win" after WC3
they're surviving at their own perils, no longer in conflict with one another

new looks grossly overleveled for the basic militia unit and his pauldrons are pure fetal alcohol syndrome, but otherwise it's okay I guess

>The NE already had a treaty with the Orcs after RoC thanks to Malfurion and Thrall
and the night elves were disunited enough that most of them would consider any treaty their "leadership" made more of a guideline than an actual rule

could have even presented it ingame by having the nelves start out neutral with horde and alliance and leave it up to individual players where they wanted to go

I used to think the same way. Then I saw the male NE casting animation....

I usually don't say this sort of stuff but despite left being like 3 squares on top of each other it still looks better than right. They really, really fucked up here.

give them the option to get on neutral basis with either alliance or horde through the reputation system and let them raid with whoever they're not hostile against

>I mean that the high elves and the humans still had okay relations after they left the alliance before wc3
not at all
the alliance asked the elves for help with the plague and got "lol it's a human problem, fuck off" in response
it's part of why many in garithos's army were compliant in the shitting on the elves and kael in tft

the elves you see helping arthas are those that came independently
the faction of elves that did value their alliance membership already split by that point

a step above militia
They had some training and actual gear

that's one of the things the later xpacs did right: as a druid you never had a reason to leave your shapeshifted forms so you never had to look at your male nelf's stupid animations
in their wisdom you could even spend all your time traveling in your significantly superior flight form

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>the alliance asked the elves for help with the plague and got "lol it's a human problem, fuck off" in response
I don't remember that part, but I do remember the second part that we've both mentioned.
>the elves you see helping arthas are those that came independently
That they literally show up in like mission 4.
Doesn't matter that they came independently.

it might be stupid in lore but from the point of a video game it makes sense
you have to be able to play undead, and undead are the most at odds with the humans, and making more than 2 player factions is a waste of resources so into the horde they go

Island Troll Tribes, Vampirism and LoaP were all the purest form of kino
I miss wc3 custom games so fucking much

Lua script was added so no more fucking around with vJazz.

No shit sherlock.
And it worked great, look how much HORDE ALLIANCE is a thing with WoW.

All of these except LoaP are still played daily user.
Now that I think of it, all RP maps are kind of dead, what a shame.

Honest question; are y'all excited for Reforged or not? I played the absolute shit out of it, even just the normal multiplayer matchmaking, and I'm very much looking forward to it. I just hope there's a huge playerbase again.

Not really. I’ve been playing the originals and I see no reason to buy it.

it looks like shit and Christie Golden's writing is an abomination

I'm angry with the wow'ification of the campaigns.
It's a shame they're making them into an abomination, I wish they were just the way they're supposed to so new players who have just played WoW got to see the real thing, but they'll pick the new reforged option now when they go and discover where their mmo came frmo.

I won't buy it.
I'll probably play more wc3 though since there's crossplay, there should be some boost in ums players, no golden age of customs, but maybe a silver age.

Is there enough of a base for the normal matchmaking to make the download worth it? Last times I tried I couldn't find a single match.

Unless it somehow turns out to be much more fun to play, not really.

if it opens up way more mapmaking potential I am, otherwise it's just kinda meh

>Grunt looks like a faithful visual update
>look at footman

Definitely impatient to get a breath of fresh air with the new graphics for the campaigns. If the Nelf forests are as comfy as in the original, I'll be pleased.

I was hoping they'd breathe life into MP, but they apparently started getting rid of some of the raunchier custom map games

'fraid I won't care after Classic comes.


It feels way off due to how they changed the shoulder padding (even if it's more logically positioned) and why did the orc stop shaving?

not at all faithful
chinese moba art company is working these visuals

Looking back on it, it's kind of nuts how a kingdom can outfit their lowest ranks in full plate
Kingdom must be fucking loaded

i wont play the campaign because i know their going to butcher it, so only thing that interests me is the ranked multiplayer, but not enough to justify spending fully price on it

why would i be? the old game is still excellent and they're not improving it.

WC2 Elves:
>"We are one with humans"
>we hate orcs, goblins, demons and trolls
WC3 Elves:
>"We fight alongside humans
>we hate orcs, goblins, demons and trolls
WC3FT Elves:
>"Aside from lord garintus racist shit, we still good"
>we hate orcs, goblins, demons and trolls
WC3 Sylvanas after death:
>Its Demons and Undead fault
>we hate orcs, goblins, demons and trolls

Blizzard MMO boogaloo the lore
>Sylvanas: -"Lol, i Love orcs green dicks, Lets horde and trollls!1!"

Its forced.

Attached: 1.png (298x340, 103K)

It was like that about 2 years ago. Reforged announcement and frequent patches revived the game.

weren't the dreadlords making garithos an asshole the whole time? at least, that's what I got from TFT.

based rabbi

Hope this means we get a Jaina x Arthas sex scene

Attached: seen.png (1280x859, 951K)

Its supposed to be like this since before, what the matter? Just being contrarians?

Attached: Warcraft-3-Reign-of-Chaos.jpg (1280x1024, 613K)

No the Dreadlords only controlled Garithos for one mission which was way after he was being an asshole to Kael'Thas

It's possible but WoW stated that he hated elves because they didn't save his family.

Those shoulder pads are still like half the size of the ones in reforged. This dude can actually turn his head around without having his entire view blocked

That could be true, but also odd that he's suddenly controlled. To me, breaking up the alliance would help the dreadlords so I guess I thought the implication was that he was controlled earlier

I see. more wow ruining warcraft.

sexiest you mean hnng

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Progressive Garrosh

Garithos acts like an asshole to the other races after being broken free from controlled though. Like those dwarves

No, he was only mindcontrolled after Kael leaving and Arthas coming back to wreck everyone's shit in the Scourge opening mission. This is not WoW changing anything. This has always been the case. You can clearly see that mind controlled characters act like typical hyponitized idiots in WC3 with their slow speech and constant confusion. Garithos didn't act like this when Kael was still present but when Sylvanas first encounters him, he's a drooling idiot due to mind control.

Why are you replying to me? The shield handling in the original model is far better.

The orc looks left-handed, so I think that the old placement makes more sense.

Maiev has a body and a personality which scream that she needs to be bred.

It wasn't elves not saving his family, it was his family being killed because alliance troops that would have saved them were diverted to save elves instead.
After the war, those same elves shat on the alliance and became isolationist, rather that honoring the sacrifice.

You know it.
Timestamp 4:02

>been playing wc3 yearly since release
>can't enjoy these threads anymore because nublizz literally cannot stop reaching back in time to ruin everything
>all the customs I play either crash on start now or have players desync
>balance is fucked and maps keep getting their tricks patched out
>hundreds of customs and campaigns still in construction broken and abandoned because of what they keep doing to the editor
>concurrent playercount for when I play has dwindled from 12,000 to 1,700 since 1.29

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It’s too late now. Jump ship and never look back.

>added duration to sentinel owls

This makes me smile.
Hots looked like a shitty designed AoS gameplay wise, but fanservice like this, just Maiev fawning over Tyrael does appeal to me.

Do you think they will allow original WC3 to play against Reforged WC3 players? I like how they did that with Starcraft Remastered

Yes, no doubt about it

>watching grubby shill reforged
fairly sure he'll be the only pro using the new coke variant of the game, all the while his paypigs brigade ToD's chat whenever he's mentioned for being "toxic"

what does Tod the Rod think of reforged?

what was the name of that custom map that had you build a castle/civilization?

it was a snowy map and you'd get income or taxed by the king (i forget which), you could build walls and gates and shit and had to find a place on the map away from others, but you could also ally with them.

Old models are recognizable no matter the distance
New models all blend together

he is not going to be playing with the hd skin, I guarantee it.


both are trash, just one is less trash

Indifferent last time I checked, its objectively a good thing for a pro/ex-pro who only cares about competition.He probably will voice concern with models and shit though when it gets closer to release, they'll have him do casting anyway

the real reason is wow allowed it and they might as well retcon it with a remaster

>Classic Europe Themed Humans
>blacks being shoehorned in
Everytime Even when not a single black in human history gave a shit about Warcraft

>Plate gear have to bend because modelers have no clue on how plate armor works
every time

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Don't mind me, just the best SFX in the entire franchise.


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I am also thinking of these lines constantly and I love you user

WC3's plot goes to shit after the Undead campaign.

calling it now they're gonna "improve" the blademaster's voice lines so he no longer has an "insensitive" japanese accent


You right
it gets semi okay back at the night elf part
Frozen throne campaigns are garbage all the way up to the undead and some very small parts of the blood elves being alright at best
the worse by far is the fucking fucking frozen throne night elf campaign tho
its so fucking boring and it just feels like it goes on far hours and i could give a shit less about the naga
frozen throne should of devolved them and made them a 5ht faction if it was going to devout so much time to them in its overall story

I want the orcs to take more Japanese culture not less
Im sick of their fucking "muh honor" when they have nothing else from japan
could you imagine if orcs would get samurai armor and fixed their fucking back problems in WoW ?
that's one way to get blood elves off the number 1 popular horde race spot

Orcs got a new model with a fixed back.
Elves will always be #1 played since everyone is an elf faggot.

>they continued the darkness phone meme in hots

>magic missile into the darkness

WC3:TFT plot goes to shit after the Undead campaign.
Fixed for you.

Everything after Arthas siting on throne its NOT cannon.

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>everything goes to shit after the very end of the game.
True. Wow ruined it all

I didn't play wow since pandas so I didn't know that
but you right their was a lot of elf faggots then and prob now


>$15 for a piss ass pin and there's a limit
who runs this shit show?


this is pretty cool