Other urls found in this thread:
Got the full one?
I heard that sharks needs to keep swimming to stay alive, now I know why.
>That dead look in it's eyes
How horrifying
DEX master race
whats happening here seems like octochad is just picking up scraps
fuck bicyclists
Did these guys eve get caught?
>Octopus trying to eat a sharks head at Pipeline, Nelson Bay. Probably tossed overboard by a fisherman.
I wouldn't have expected its beak to do such damage anyhow. Although octopuses apparently have learned to suffocate sharks by blocking their gills so killing one might not have been out of question.
Equips > Dex
I'd have an octopus as a pet if I didn't think it would learn to resent me and crawl out of its tank at night to strangle me in my own bed.
I hope so, since it's direct murder attempts, they're done for life.
Sounds hot
Well it's dead. What else did you expect?
>octopuses apparently have learned to suffocate sharks by blocking their gills
>minding my own business im just a fucking shark
>i get low to the seafloor cause im a boss and can do what i want
>some fucking thing with tentacles grabs a hold of me and i cant shake it off
>he fucking goes for my gills and i cant breath anymore
>fucking die
Holy shit how terrifying
Imagine crippling someone for life just because you didn't like that you had to overtake them.
squids are fucking horrifying
It's a squiddy squid world...
>That octopus in an aquarium in Germany that worked out it could short circuit the aquarium by spitting water at light fittings outside it's tank
They're wondrous creatures but they do seem like colossal assholes at the same time.
How fast are these fuckers?
My major problem with cyclists and a few bikers is that they can't go in a straight line even if their life depended on it.
reminds me of the slither
There's always a bigger squid
>wooden bat
not metal enough
>Attempt murder just because you can't outspeed a fucking bicyclist
>Post the video on the interwebs so its there forever
Fucking idiots.
>The giant squid remains largely a mystery to scientists despite being the biggest invertebrate on Earth. The largest of these elusive giants ever found measured 59 feet in length and weighed nearly a ton.
>An average 64-passenger school bus is 35 feet long
>getting crippled from falling into a shrub
bro I've been expelled from car windows and banged my head directly against the wheel.
He'll be fine
seething bikecucks
that's a big squid
he's fast
what the fuck
is this real?
why is he shocked
>don't mind me, just pirating this carcass
>No, dude! That's a bait!
>You're 2km down at an oil exploration sight
>This thing suddenly appears
Nightmare fuel. This fucker was about 30ft long but no on really knows how big they can get
based, fuck pitb*lls
people die from falling over standing on the spot
you really can't compare these things
And I thought they only attacked human babies
Fuck pitbulls holy shit based tiger
sharks are the niggers of the sea
Yeah, a bunch of scientists in japan spent years looking for it and they eventually found one. They're hard to find because they live in very deep
Yeah fuck those guys and their clean, healthy transportation right?
There's burger fat dripping from your posts.
imagine them all wrapping around ur dick
Why do pitbulls attack everything on sight?
That tiger better have gotten a treat after that.
jesus christ, i thought these fuckers were bear-sized at best
>retarded overly aggressive dog gets neck snapped in a second by tiger cub
Well deserved.
What's some examples of Faith > X ?
have sex etc etc
I'd probably be scared of it in real life, but on video it just looks like a floppy lanklet
A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous! Got me?
>nature is so beautiful
>Let's go camping and be one with nature
Fuck nature and fuck the treehuggers who protect them. The only reason nature is allowed to live is because we need it to survive. It shouldn't be encouraged any further than that.
Look at the way its head moves. Legit a fucking alien.
The type of thing that shouldn't exist.
>Scientists don't know enough about these beasts to say for sure what their range is, but giant squid carcasses have been found in all of the world's oceans.
I am never swimming in the sea again.
Beluga jumpscare, eh? That's a new one.
>I want no traberru
holy shit they swim to both sides
what game has a FASHION stat?
She forgot her t-shirt and someone told her that she is showing her tits
You can literally slip on some random shit and break something depending where you land, you can't compare shit.
>wear ridiculously exposing cleavage.
>get scared people might(duh) notice it.
Thought it was making love to a dakimakura in a dress for a while
St. Louis?
>not a Yaoi paddle
Bruh squids don't live in the forest.
Stop feeding bread to birds.
They can't digest it.
Poor chained up Tiger in shitty conditions. Fuck pitbulls though.
same reason black people do
they are retarded
>deep sea is the same as a forest
Remove yourself from the genepool, please. Forest are /comfy/core.
that looks so weird
Now post some dolphin rape caves
aliens that want to harvest my brain
what happened
that tiger did good.
shitbulls are the niggers of the dog world.
Int is a stat that grows very slowly and leaves you vulnerable.
But once mastered, you can literally remove all your enemies in a single boom.
Why is only one eye protruding like that?
Maximum Charisma.
i cant believe the based abyss stalker brought back the phone
Please, explain
Don't mind me, I'm just wondering what was the quint.
grow a spine
Lmao get wreckt nerd
Pretty sure the abyssal levels of the ocean are chock full of monstrosities like that one
Belugas are fucking based. There was one somewhere in captivity that started mimicking words it's keepers were saying of it's own accord just to shit with them
this is someone's fetish isn't it
I hate pale eyes like that. Creeps me the fuck out.
Why do porpoises treat people so nicely when humans treat them like shit in return?
she's talking about his dick isn't she
The usually swim with one eye downwards and one eye upward. I think the big eye is down and it needs to be bigger in order to see down there. That way it is harder to surprise them.
>dog gets juked so hard at 0:15
Fuck pitbulls and fuck pitbull owners
+5 Charisma
+20% revenue when selling gear
Easier to persuade female nps
Based jojoman
Maybe it's his mother protecting him from the bait
>In 2017, researchers at Duke University established that Histioteuthis uses its larger eye to see ambient sunlight, and its smaller eye to detect bioluminescence from prey animals.
Jeez user you think they just carry abyssal treats with them
can any resident /an/igger post that cute little octopus with bunny ears, or the lewd pink feminine one?
>take your shitty casual game device and fuck off, human
beluga is like
>stop polluting our oceans.
How? Shark is strong.
kek, what a bitch
>Tripfag enters the thread
Is it because they pierce through to your degenerate subhuman soul?
evolution is so fucking cool
the "kind" on Humankind, its not about behavior.
he want fanta
Tell that to the ducks at my local park. Apparently they've evolved to eat bread.
That's pretty awesome. Looks like some Metroid shit
Women aren't very smart.
Looks like that car has some serious horsepower.
Squids, no, but maybe octopuses.
Well of course they can eat it, they just don't get any nutrients from it
STL? what the fuck stat is that you fucking pleb.
their ancestors look at them with pride
can you say the same?
That should be called strawberry squid
NO user
Based tiger keeping fucking submutt in his place.
And only good place for shitbulls is fucking underground.
Fuck those dogs.
>The only reason nature is allowed to live is because we need it to survive. It shouldn't be encouraged any further than that.
we're not as far above the natural world as you think
That's exactly why.
Cute, but also funny.
pit bulls were specifically bred for fighting, especially bear baiting. back in the day they used to knock a bear's teeth out and then sick a bunch of dogs on it, apparently this passed for entertainment when you were a retarded peasant. and now retards carry on the tradition of being retarded by having murderous rage dogs as pets.
That is a cute squid.
Reminder that all pitbull owners are either small-dicked attention seeking scumbags or outright satanists.
Metroids huh.
Why does it look so weird? Is it dying?
that was in the filename already retard
vultures are based
what breed of doggo is that?
pls respond
If I remember correctly, yes.
Generally people who film their own crimes aren't the brightest.
what kills me about this is how fucking deliberate it looks
cute little blobst
I hope you don't actually believe that.
Eating something doesn't mean your body will digest it, moron. You can eat wax all day but you gain nothing beneficial from it.
So this is why Part 6 ended the way it did.
But there could be bears in them, which are even more terrifying than squids.
>niggerdoglovers removed this post
Caucasian Ovcharka
if I was good with video editing I would rip out just the video of the cyclist as he falls and remove all else (foliage ect)
then we have great material to play with
ugly fucking bike.
>The only reason nature is allowed to live is because we need it to survive.
holy fuck rofl
these are the people i waste my days arguing with
Imagine being on the most flexible, small methods of transportation yet still managing to inconvenience vast swathes of people at the busiest times of the day.
If you take the collective amount of time that cyclists add to the journeys of commuters they basically become a net economic and morale drain on society.
I've got nothing against cycle lanes.
flarnem flaunhoffer
Look at this cute thing
I think I'd rather face a black bear than a giant squid underwater.
>Game lets you parry enemy attacks.
The pitbull was the treat.
fuck spiders
god i w wish thhat were mme
>wrong neighborhood motherfucker.
If I touched that, would I die?
This thing screams
>cursed image
The oceans make me doubt the existence of a god, well, at least one that loves us.
Her concern here is her tit fell out, not that people can see her cleavage, I'm guessing she felt some of the sticky tape holding her breast to the jacket come off
pretty horse!
>city rat thinking they know nature because of facebook mailing lists
every time
Is this the deep sea thread? About time.
I can smell the nig.
black bears will generally fuck off unless she has cubs
XD funny
Why? The cyclist wasn't even in the middle of the road.
They can swim sustained at 15-20mph depending on the size and strength of the individual, with burst speeds of 25-30mph.
Literally why isn't this animal called a "Metroid Jellyfish" or something?
It would be extremely painful.
It would be extremely painful.
Look at this cute sea slug
Unless facebook is where birds get their biology from, you're a retard.
>candy factory
While enjoying a break from shooting one of my films, I was vacationing on the west coast, visiting a friend. Inbetween our extensive debates on international politics and the environment, we happen to stroll the grounds of his estate. His home is set adjacent to the beautifully scenic Olympic National Park. The air was tinged with smoke from the nearby Constantine fire, which was happening at the time. It wasn't long before I noticed something strange at my feet, an entire pod of 30 to 40 Pacific Northwest tree octopi were littering his lawn. The poor creatures had obviously been driven from the moisture of their forest homes and were desperately migrating toward the safety of the nearby Hood Canal. Tearfully, we collected several of the dehydrated animals and tried to nurture them back to health, but to no avail.
This webm will never fail to make me angry.
that's what happen to woomies that stay in rank B for too long.
Yeah, pull up your skirt you little slut
The fact that a dolphin rape cave has a 5-star rating kills me every time.
You could literally stomp your foot in the direction of a lone black bear and it would piss itself running
It would be extremely deathful.
We don't need to go to space to find aliens.
They're right here in our own backyard.
british/slavic bants
Why is it doing that?
white girls fuck dogs
Octobros have better things to do than to risk tentacles in attempts to kill something so big they cant even eat it. Same reason why you never heard about news of octopuss trying to kill humans. At best they try to steal their cameras.
All articles about why is it wrong to feed ducks with bread boils down to
>they are at risk of getting obese
And some minor troubles with not enough vitamines resulting in weaker bones and such. Tldr stop making the ducks OBESE.
the play of the century
i can hear the move bitch nigga
Because reality doesn't revolve around video games, you faggot.
jotaro was a self insert all along
You're the one getting rapped by niggers in prison for life there.
>Candy factory.
In awe at the size of this lad.
>The majority of attacks tend to occur when black bears are encountered suddenly, and in close quarters. Because of this, black bears are generally considered more dangerous than sympatric brown bears, which live in more open spaces and are thus less likely to be surprised by approaching humans.
I was always taught black bears are scarier than brown bears
why am i laughing so hard
>instantly die
not cute
Why is he breathing so fast? Is it because he's a big fuzzy dog that shouldnt be inside a presumably heated room? Or what? I dont get it? What is he so exhausted for?
you will be blessed with good food and physique but only if you reply "fat cunt"
Kookaburras are bros
and have a cool squawk that I always enjoy hearing when I'm outside
Nudibranches are some alien shit
t. shitskin soulless black eyes turd
Correct. You can even see it start to move.
itoddler seething lmfao!!
Probably an infection or parasite. It happens to aquatic animals like fish pretty often.
must suck being a bicycler, sorry you failed your driving test
>What is he so exhausted for?
Why are pseudo-video game threads so much better then actual video game threads on Yea Forums?
afaik it's dying. They drew the short end of the evolutionary stick when it comes to longevity.
I used to cycle before I got my drivers license and it wasn't hard for me to pull to the sidewalk occasionally to let traffic past, I hated the thought of holding traffic up so I would always pull over to let people overtake.
Now that I'm driving I almost never see other cyclists do this, they just stubbornly take up the whole road and happily block queues of cars for miles.
look where her hands are
> tfw not enough arcane to use this
I guess. I met ons IRL and just screamed at it while holding a branch above my head. It scurried away and I shat bricks for hours.
Who says so?
Scientific name is Octopus Adorabilis
>Protection of the Lord followed by Condemnation
Fuck me
>"The Glaucus atlanticus is able to swallow the venomous nematocysts from siphonophores such as the Portuguese man o' war, and store them in the extremities of its finger-like cerata"
It should be something more more like SNK for sneakbut user is an idiot
shitposters tend to stay away
He's a big fuzzy dog that no matter what temperature he's in it's gonna be hot so it's body is in a constant state of cooldown
Worse than that: slavic.
why is the ocean so based
hey those turtles are taking his cauliflower
>janny removed the based tiger webm
How can wh*tey compete with us Kangz
What's going on here?
they just eat jellyfish and other poison shit so sometimes they can sting the fuck out of you from storing jelly's stingers, won't even come close to killing you and half the time it won't even happen because they haven't eaten any lately
Dragon Quest. If it's high enough, enemies will be enamored by your beauty and lose a turn.
I'm slavic and I have blue eyes. Most people do
dat nigga dead
Agreed, its like when people try to change animal behavior, then freak out when animal does something natural like prey on its predators
>aw cat so cute
>cat disembowels mouse
Cats are fucking cute, but nature doesn't give a fuck about our feelings.
Personally I drive a scooter and hate how anyone can just take a bike on the road without any PPE
They don't have to go through any mandatory course or anything, just buy a bike from Argos and put it on the road.
They need to be told how to act on the road, Bikers do things call safety checks and lifesavers for a reason. I never seen bike riders signal or check over their shoulders because
>I'm the vulnerable one everyone should be looking out for me
>small loan of 1 piece of broad
oh jesus christ no, user put it down
Generally speaking, the ones in Captivity are actually living a very comfortable life, assuming the staff give them a large enough tank and some toys and other animals for companionship.
They get a ton of mental stimulation interacting with humans, and never need to fear being attacked or going hungry.
did she died?
Faith > STR
This thing looks awesome! What is it called?
Deep sea life is interesting as hell. The way life adapts to the sort of extremes you find down there is pretty amazing at times.
Look at this fucking dude for example. Gulper Eel they're called. He's literally just a mouth, a stomach, and the bare minimum of what he needs to swim and reproduce. They literally don't need much more than that, so they just didn't bother with anything else.
Me on the right.
Is that why it is suddenly an issue after she looks dead into the camera, then tries to glance to the side?
>you feel a little woozy
>max 3 years lifetime
heh sucks to be them
Its not but it does redirect to the one you posted.
What did they did?
I think it might be the opposite, they use that eye to look up and spot stuff above them by the shadows they cast, but the sun is so dim down there they need a big eye.
They still have sex more than you will user
press F to pay respects to user.
There is a correlation between how intelligent an animal is and how much of an ass it is.
One of the genes that makes dogs friendly and affectionate also dumbs them down
>somebody will make a dating sim out of this
It was one way or another. It might not be that squid but there is some deep sea creature that has the eye setup like that.
based as fuck
he even has a sweater with his taunt move
Yo hold up, bro! Let me just kill this guy real quick, it'll be awesome!
they're naive and don't have some kind of hivemind understanding that we capture and display others of their kind for our own benefit or they'd probably not be so friendly. Man Blackfish fucked me up.
now imagine what could be if they would actually teach knowledge to their children instead of always starting from zero with each new generation
Now post shoebill.
Why is something that tiny so deadly?
Well I have brown eyes, goofball. There's absolutely nothing wrong with blue eyes, but the shades of blue that are so pale they're almost silver just weird me out. They look like corpse eyes to me.
My best friend had incredibly pale blue eyes and I never let him hear the end of it.
Imagine the knot, it's just like my sfm.
Araki truly have powers, Is there a dolphin in any JoJo?
go back to 9gag fagot
could you really call that living? I wouldn't want to live more than 3 years on that piece of shit environment full of scary creatures either.
White "people"
>It's a mantis + wasp
This is probably the coolest looking animal ever
Does anyone have that image of when Werner Herzog says how awful nature is?
enjoy your vacation
Only way for it to survive
>dumb fucking niggers chimping out for no reason
>BASED random acts of violence, fucking seething bikecucks
It's because they can't force the water to flow through their gills the way other fish can. So they have to keep moving so they won't suffocate.
someone should shop a sony hat on the dog and have the monkey pull out a nintenbro
a post so based and redpilled I instantly became a tradcath like halfway into the first sentence
nice pokemon
Yeah, people seriously take showing courtesy and minimizing space usage for granted. But those guys were just being assholes.
The last thing an aquarium ever wants is a bored octopus. Otto, the octopus who short circuited lights mentioned above, also had a habit of throwing rocks at the walls of his tank, and once started juggling hermit crabs.
Another case is pic related, where an octopus decided he was tired of doing box puzzles all the time, so he opened one up, climbed inside it, and locked it back up. Which made the workers have to go in and solve the box puzzle themselves to get him back out.
Pretty sure pelicans are the official shitposting bird
It would be extremely painful
Look at that weak chin on that punch happy fag holy shit
Imagine the alien underwater life on Europa. They probably look ten times as weird as anything on Earth.
seething bikecuck
someone spoonfeed me, I don't want to get v8
>pit bulls were specifically bred for fighting, especially bear baiting.
no, pit bulls were bred for fighting other dogs and this is why they're always on attack mode. Staffordshire bull terriers, the cousins to pit bulls, were bred for bear baiting and have by comparison a nearly nonexistent attack rate towards humans.
Would you rather evolve to start with the best stats possible or always start needing to learn?
>Boss has an obvious weakspot
>skill tree with disarm move
brave soul F
Being knotted feels incredibly good, user.
based satania poster
fuck off reddit
shut up white girl
Calm down Jamal
What a hero.
F for user.
how can white man even compete
XDD i will post as someone else and praise myself EPIC
shut up fat virgin man
>once started juggling hermit crabs
Alpha as fuck
This is a Kraken. He wants you to slow down. Do not believe his lies.
Dog sex, you've seen worse in the doujins you read.
what was it, I missed it
>game has custom skins
fuck i missed it
Girl getting fucked by a huge dog
what a nice young man
>I know a shortcut
If only you knew how bad things really are.
>shark is just like "welp, fuck that" and leaves
Are Americans drivers so bad they can't fucking pass a bike?
Thats kinda hilarious and utterly tragic at the same time.
how'd he even get up there
get out you fucking spandex torpedo
That splash tho
>What is Yea Forums x
octopuses don't hunt live animals, they're dirty scavengers, and as such don't need high IQ. Their brain mass is incredibly tiny in relation to their body size.
Note how there's no blood in the water, that shark has been dead for days.
Fucking retard
For one he's probably overheated, but he might also be nervous because he doesn't understand filming.
that was a good thread
No wonder sea turtles keep on getting tangled by plastic bags.
Bike riders don't like to use bike lanes and are obnoxious as fuck here. Seriously fuck bikefags, every driver hates them.
go back
That's what most sharks do. They take a bite then fucks off if isn't food.
200 iq play
>Have some faggot friends who go on some hippie nature kick.
>Suggest we go camping one weekend to 'atune with the wild' or some shit.
>Okay fine whatever, its a nice weekend with little better to do.
>Spend the day out by a lake with some woods nearby. Genuinely nice comfy spot.
>Chatting shit round the fire at night. One of the girls goes off on one about how pure nature is and how evil people are and all that jazz.
>Point out to her that it's not all sunshine and even roses have thorns.
>Get into some senseless argument about it for an hour before we all go to bed.
>Wake up in the morning to said girl screaming her lungs out. All the guys bust out of their tents and run over thinking some creep is attacking her or whatever.
>Turns out when she got up there was a rabbit sitting in our camp hopping about aimlessly.
>Her in her best nature is all loving went over to pet it, finds it's pretty docile and picks it up to stroke it.
>Soon as she does she realises it has Myxomatosis and is oozing puss from its sores all over her.
>Laugh my ass off for the rest of the camping trip.
some 3rd party shit
Humbolt squids are mean motherfuckers
They'll attack humans too
He's so handsome and strong!
Excited/anxious from all the strangers, probably been fairly hyper for a while.
Even ironically this is reddit stuff
Such a cute dicklet cope. Lmao.
Fucking even birds have to deal with tripfags
I bet he has a big penis
aww look at him he's smiling! :)
>"Never eat anything bigger than your own head, Keeper."
absolutely fucking seething newfag redditor
>blacklisted from the archives
What was it? Some super fucked up shit? Not just some girl and dog fucking? Did someone die?
look guys i can cover it with paint. im good
XDD stop already
Because manlets are always deadly as fuck.
cant view it unless you've viewed it already m8, archive doesnt save stuff like that
>t. dumb pitbull
I'd feel bad for it if walruses weren't known to be assholes
Jesus christ, you burgers can't share the road or your food apparently.
There's no recent video games to screech about in here
Their intelligence really is on par with niggers
I've been here since 2017 :)
well, so do we, but people in civilised modern society suffer from all kinds of shit more rural or even wild humans don't
FUCK i always miss the good shit
Orcas are the niggers of cetaceans
>tfw we still haven't caught a Sperm Whale and Giant Squid fighting
It's like a sort of holy grail for Marine Biologists. We know it happens, we just haven't seen it.
>samefagging this hard
fucking hypocrite
are you retarded?
Ironic hunting is still hunting.
>buncha redditors storm Yea Forums
Where I live we have designated lanes on the sides of roads for bikes to stop this shit from happening.
City natives are just dumb. I grew up in the country and while I have a healthy respect and appreciation for nature it's only good in small doses when you know what you're doing. This thots and hippies going around saying how great nature is don't know shit and couldn't even turn a rabbit into a dinner if you did the hard work of catching it for them.
Still though, I'd rather live in the city where there's actually shit to do other than staring at trees all day.
oh so thats why that pigeon baby died when i was little. Was feeding him bread every day.
Tame stuff can get blacklisted from the archives sometimes. I know it's legal in the entirety of the US except Oregon but it's probably illegal somewhere else so they're just playing it safe.
No they don't, don't know why people post that meme about us but they dont
>Soon as she does she realises it has Myxomatosis
Poor bunny, that really sucks for them
Objective truth
i can tell
>Russians got so fucking scared that even sent airstrikes to kill him.
Even more amusing that when he woke up from getting sniped the war ended.
He's obviously flipping a fish in the air, but what fish was it.
I love them, my GF has eyes like that. Black hair and pale eyes makes my penis hard if you catch my drift :)
its a seal
Are you saying Redditors are the niggers of internet communities?
imagine being so damaged you see an orca and immediately think of niggers
someone link this, i need to see it
holy shit, there's a babby still clinging to it.
I'd imagine it's illegal in China since you're not supposed to play with your food
keep feeding with me (you)s XDDD
It's a dolphin. Of course it's deliberate.
>el goblino
a baby seal
Cyclists don't share the road. They block it while going 10mph.
Oh wait, this ain't real
I've been browsing Yea Forums for 8 years now and EVERYTIME something good is posted I miss it.
How the fuck did he even get there
He's probably fine considering how much blubber he has but christ what a climber
Does anybody have that image of the guy telling his story how he got raped by a bunch of earth fanatic cult members worshipping gaia/geologists
i always found it strange, how watching bestiality is perfectly 100% legal, but 100% illegal to actually make it
How do you entertain an octopus? What videogames would it like?
I'm not a kraken, and we don't even eat sharks.
imagine not making connections to things in the world around you
Do you livr in Australia? Because that's one of the few countries where they intentionally introduced that disease to the rabbit population.
Holy fuck, is that far away because it looks really small.
What a madlad.
Nice bait, butthurt nigger
they're driving on the left side, as is the steering wheel placement, idiot.
>driving on the left like a Br*toid
>Candy factory
Look at it's fins, no movement at all. That's an already dead shark floating to the bottom. You realize dead animals in the sea float down to the bottom for several days, right?
Lmao, someone posted proof ITT that white women fuck dogs.
its always the good beast stuff too
the worst part is when the archive blocks it on top of missing it
gas all crossposters, they deserve fucking death for what you did to /pol/ and Yea Forums
Squids are so cute
Jade Cocoon
look guys i can cover it with paint. im good
XDD stop already
look guys i can cover it with paint. im good
XDD stop already
I'm offended by you comparing the orca to niggers not the other way around
Ahah look at him go!
its probably a pup
What stat would this be? Str? Dex?
god damn Mike's calves are fucking SWOLE
fucking based
fuck goobers
Its not there now is it? It doesn't happen enough to be a stereo type for white women, we like dogs but they don't fuck them
>It'll soon be over
>I'm offended
seethe harder, nobody cares
omg you took the time to look for the right picture XDDD
jesus christ it's like a horror movie
But they sure act like niggers, though
Hard to believe that these things can live on the moon.
I want to release this ancient evil
The archive
birds can digest and get nutrients from bread you toddlers. bread is made from wheat. seed eating birds can digest wheat seeds and can digest bread. simpletons.
hummingbirds and eagles arent being fed bread. seed eating birds eat bread.
Not that user but of course we are. Not natural disasters or such global effects but every living thing, plant or animal, is completely subdued by our will. We just haven't been bothered to hunt at the deep depths of the sea at scale yet.
That's not DEX that's pure SPD
ay booboo
It was just banter.
me too, some user pls link it
nigger wtf is STL
white bread gives them diabetes.
i love birds
Is there any way to create an instrument an Elephant could play?
I love kookaburras. There was one at my old place that would come and tap on the window so I would feed it little bits of bacon.
you're like this close to discovering public transit dude. you're so close.
pigs are smarter but they can't ride little motorcycles
You sound so unintelligent.
archive blacklisted it
Cope, shark cuck.
That's your excuse everytime with this bullshit so I'm coming out and saying you're a fag too
Hopefully those other two guys reply so you get btfo good and proper
are you blind?
not so much a question of skill as it is a symptom of entitlement and protestantism
That the Architect?
>when they stick extra prawn crackers in
That's CRIT
Is that a pokedex?
>our will
your will isn't doing shit
other people have allowed you to live the way you do
My IQ was measured to be 146 at age 15.
Drugs whittled a lot away, and I'm a manuel labourer regardless, so I guess you are correct.
poor beached whale
1000 years of pain!
It was deleted from the archive you fucking retard, now archive your suicide.
Fucking khajiit
> He preferred iron sights over telescopic sights, as they enable a sniper to present a smaller target for the enemy (a sniper must raise his head a few centimeters higher when using a telescopic sight), and can be relied on even in extreme cold (unlike telescopic sights, which tend to cloud up in cold weather), and are easier to conceal (sunlight can reflect off a telescopic sight's lenses and reveal the sniper's position). Häyhä also did not have prior training with scoped rifles, and therefore preferred not to switch to the Soviet scoped rifle (m/91-30 PE or PEM). Häyhä would frequently pack dense mounds of snow in front of his position to conceal himself, provide padding for his rifle and reduce the characteristic puff of snow stirred up by the muzzle blast. He was also known to keep snow in his mouth while sniping, to prevent the steam of his breath in the cold air from giving away his position.
Holy shit what a /k/ommando
That's Agility.
Holy shit underrated and awesome. This whole thread has been great.
i trapped you faggots to do the same as me and you fell for
gg 2ez
>*runs you over by accident after you disobey traffic laws because you want to wear spandex*
Heh... Nothin personnel
Funny boy!
Still don't understand waht the fuck that's supposed to be
squids are so tasty they can't help but snack on each other
a blessing and a curse
>i stripped off my shorts
he didn't actually fuck a dolphin, did he?
>God advertises Razer.webm
>My IQ was measured to be 146 at age 15
I'm glad I'm not alone.
how does the raptor not break its talons at that speed? must be a fuckton of force
I guess the elephant isn't the biggest fan of Maple Leaf Rag. Also, all animals like music
All these deep sea webms
Should I but Subnautica?
Aw man, that sucks. It's a good thing that filth is gone, never to be reposted or seen again. Thank you mods, truly.
t. white woman
my Thalassophobia
It's a variety of Bigfin squid which we know almost nothing about because they live several miles deep
not really. I'm still retarded in comparison to educated and actually smart people.
They don't use the talons in the attack, this is the best part: They ball their claws near impact.
That's right user, they fucking PUNCH it
imagine if it wwent in her butt haha
I can guarantee you it's up somewhere on /zoo/ right now
please stop posting spook
>missing paw probably from a bear trap
>gnawed its own leg off
that's fucked up
>Boss Music starts playing
Is the deep sea the the final (interesting because space is boring) frontier?
kek, a literal falcon punch
He just wants her attention.
As soon as you ride a bike on a road for cars, you forfeit your life.
At least that should be the legislation.
Ride your bike in a city, ride it on the fucking bicycle path if you wanna ride through the country side.
As soon as you ride on a road where the speed limit is higher than like 30, you should be prepared to die.
I will sooner ride over a cyclist without so much as blinking, than put myself or my fellow motorists in danger for even a second,
just because some cunt thinks they can ride their toy on public roads.
You should be required by law to run over cyclists, if you would cause an accident otherwise.
Birds can get diabetes?
why are we exploring space when we dont even know whats down there user
>148 IQ
>manuel labourer
It's Manuel, you doofus
there's no asteroids worth trillions in the ocean
God is a RGB fag
Post some deep sea creatures
I think there are creatures living in the deep so outlandish that even our own imaginations couldn't think them up
I hate being in the water but Im very interested in the creatures. Fuck seafood tho
all creatures can get diabetes user
Nice job but we're not done yet. Get ready for the next wave.
sometimes i think humans were purposefully created by worldmind to cause extinction because nature was just done after this guy had to go evolve into a thirty foot chandelier at the bottom of the damn ocean where nobody has any business being
No, it's shit to be honest
Who wouldn't, user?
You must be southern """"""slav""""""
The esophagus of those turtles is pretty weird
It's flawed but hoo boy is it a ride the first time round.
I'm gonna head over there and find it, so that I can report it. What absolute filth. Disgusting.
sounds like chink fud to me user.
where else would rare earths be other than deep in the sea
It's actually easier to explore space, to a degree, than to explore the bottom of the ocean. Being closer doesn't mean its easier.
Brainlet logic.
I like how it looks like it has a mustache.
No user, We must explore the deep sea of other planets
The OTHER archive
This comic is shit and irrelevant when "I was only pretending to be retarded" is still 100X better
Is that the legendary deep water jew?
Orca's may be assholes, but they're actually smart unlike nogs.
Subnautica is a nice visual and audio experience and really worth pirating for that.
As a game its dog shit tho. It peaks at your first reaper and after that its just boring slog garbage generic survival game.
I would not be surprised if those dolphins raped him afterward.
But what about other planets in our deep sea!?
What exactly is the issue or issues, the pressure? I am a massive brainlet and have never looked into this.
kek, space obviously has infinitely more financial potential than the sea
It's pretty warm outside. Let's go for a dip.
Thanks. Disappointing it's just a .jpg but holy shit that cock is massive.
The absolute state of cuckchan an it's cuckshed archive.
Brazil should really spend more on sanitation
I wrote "our" instead of "my" but it wasn't good enough for you? What a lazy and off point nitpick.
did a chicken fucked a vulture ?
It's really dark and after a certain depth almost anything you send down there is crushed by the pressure.
When does it stop being a Crayfish and start being a Lobster.
They look so comfortable.
go dilate and cope
>implying some moon rocks can compare to the value of atlantis
tard brain is wild.
Committed suicide because he couldn't find a mate. Not uncommon.
It's cute but you know he probably abuses the animal to make it act that way.
Is this how the dragons were conceived?