>indie game
>it's actually good
What's her name, Yea Forums?
>indie game
>it's actually good
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Does Outer Wilds count as an Indie game? If so, that shit is Kino.
Pyre > Bastion > Transistor > Hades
got it for free on Epic store, want to play it, but i dont want to install chink shit yet until people confirm its safe to use.
I'm too much of a retard to actually sit down and finish a game completely but the music in Transistor was a solid 10/10 for me. I heard Pyre had the same quality of music too, never played that one though.
Transistor is literally like 3 hours long if you ignore the side content, there is no excuse for not finishing it
It's cool for like the first hour but once you've seen all the planets and realize none of the storylines go anywhere the charm wears off pretty fast
By indie do you mean
1. game developed by a relatively small amount of people
2. game funded and published by the studio that developed it
3. something else
Play Furi.
But user I did play Furi.
This one was a great surprise, so was Bastion, Darkest Dungeon and The Long Dark
hollow knight
Insanely twisted shadow planet
Kentucky Route Zero
The Final Station
I hate sports games, loved Bastion and Transistor, and don't read many visual novels.
So how'd Pyre end up being my favorite?
I can't wait for Silksong.
I wish we could get an update on their next project. It's been nearly four years and all we know is that it's supposedly another horror game.
Apart from a couple of threads that were underwhelming but not uninteresting, the story definitely goes somewhere.
Because your friends got to go home.
Been playing through this and having fun. Really enjoyed Dig as well, I would pay full price for a 30+ hour game with that gameplay loop
In Hades's defense, it's not finished yet.
where the fuck is act 5
sequel when??
Most of them....
>multiple party members who would clearly be fine or even happier staying and completely useless to the rebellion
>no I must sacrifice myself for le greater good
Hollow Knight
Katana ZERO
Lobotomy Corporation
World of Goo
Binding of Isaac
This was unbelievably good. Did not expect that at fucking all.
you and me brother
The whole trilogy even if 3 ran out of steam not even halfway through
The turn-based gameplay's not amazing, and the story is a fairly standard fairy tale, but something about the somber atmosphere and dreamy music of Child of Light really stuck with me.
Super Wagon Adventure
pyre > transistor > hades > bastion
but pyre is indeed best SG's game to date. Art + Music are just otherworldly good
Oh yeah... In the face of the open-world Ubisoft formula I forget they actually made some nice smaller projects.
Hollow Knight
Gungeon kinda
Sonic Mania
The entire Steamworld series
Slay the Spire
I wish ubiart was more used, the 2d games made with it were really nice
Sunless Sea. If you can get past the actual gameplay.
The Carnelian Exile's questline is probably the best I've ever played
Hotline Miami
The Binding of Isaac
Super Meat Boy
Toy Soldiers
Beat Hazard
My game of the generation.
I liked the whole Cladery Heir questline. The ship you get out of it might not be worth all the effort, but I like the whole constantly shifting wild goose chase of chasing down rumors and last known locations from one side of the world to the other.
>tfw a Hat in Time shat on Yooka Laylee and proved that a 3D platformer can still be fun
Can't wait for their next game.
A House Of Many Doors too, even though apparently I'm the only person on earth who's actually played it. It's a strong contender for the best writing I've ever seen in a video game.
>tfw bastion hits the perfect blend of bluegrass, folk, and creative storytelling to create an experience I'll never have again
>It's too popular now for people to actually be brave enough to admit that, because that's what casuals do
I just love the campfire story feel to it. Almost no media does this though. The only other major media that comes close is the audiobooks of The Dark Tower by Frank Muller. Shame he died.
why did it take them so god damn long to make this? I remember all the threads about this like 6 or so years ago but I didnt care anymore when it finally came out
I thought that was a card game..
Maybe I'm thinking of Cultist Simulator...
I was worried that people were ignoring it on release. I'm glad it got recognition in the end.
I wonder if they'd do a direct follow-up.
>Toy Soldiers
my nigga, underrated as hell
what game
I really dislike this game. Felt soulless compared to bastion and I don't know if that was part of the point.
I'm sorry user, I'm just too autistic to sit down for that long.
WWI game done right.
I still like Transistor a lot, but I think they went a tad too far in trying to go out of their way to make the true nature of the story and conflict ambiguous when compared to Bastion.
Hopefully their next game. If you ignore the DSiware no one really heard of it went Dig>Heist>Dig2>Quest. So Heist 2 wouldn't sound too out of place next. Although unlike their first two games Heist was pretty polished and lengthy out of the box, so who knows if they'll return to that style again.
theyve been trying to capture that bastion feel but have never managed to do it again
they got lucky, transistor was ok but pyre and hades are meh
Goddamn it, how do screenshots to this game always look so fucking comfy while the gameplay loop is so stressful.
Cosmic Star Heroine. My only problem with it was that I didn't like the character portrait art. It's an unapologetic Chrono copy, but the battle system is enjoyable. I like the music quite a bit too. I'd say to play on the second hardest difficulty. The hardest is just tedious and doesn't add anything to combat other than time.
Wait, is it out already, or you're still talking about that old as shit demo (that's been taken down since)?
It's only stressful if you make it that way, it's not like anything is forcing you to play at maximum efficiency
Risk of rain and Mordhau.
It's out and Tim already paid for your copy!
Have this in my steam library but haven't gotten around to it yet. Heard it's quite good.
Oh fuck me, I thought that shit was stuck in developement hell forever
Time to get my free* copy
I picked up HoMD when I saw it was similar to Sunless Sea, but it didn't hook me as well. I think the combat being a bit wonky early on and being a bit more empty space compared to Sea is what did it. Writing felt better handled and less janky and definitely had the same vibe, but the basic gameplay lacked the right feeling to me. Probably should give it another chance though. Sunless Sea, while easier to get into, still had that awkward learning curve so I guess I shouldn't fault HoMD too much for the change in battle style.
Yeah, Cultist Simulator is card game stuff. It's also directly related to Sunless Sea, where HoMD was an original idea in its own thing that the Sunless Sea devs helped get off the ground with funding and whatnot. Kind of surprised me to see them supporting what is ultimately competition, but I guess the style is so niche people are going to pick them all up if they want more.
Thanks, I'll give it a shot sometime.
>loved the atmosphere, characters and setpieces in 1
>hated the gameplay
>gameplay stays the same
>everything else becomes much worse
2 and 3 were such disappointments to me.
I could not enjoy pyre. Towards mid game it just felt like a really long drawn out chore. I stopped caring about the lore entirely and sped past dialogue just to finish it.
Yeah the combat is strange and terrible and the gameplay isn't great until you upgrade your centipede but once you start doing quests and exploring the writing becomes next-level and there's a ridiculous amount of it too.
Firewatch + A lot of other "walking sims".
back when supergiant wasnt shit
boi is shit rn
It's decent if not a bit repetitive. Has a bit of a ghost trick feel to it.
you should warn people about how much of a garbage fire the combat system is in banner saga so they don't get their hopes up too much.
good. shit.
The swapper
I really like Bastion and Pyre, but something about Transistor really rubbed me the wrong way. The story, constant humming and muh disjointed narration every five seconds was just really irritating.
*stomp* *stomp* *STOMP* *STOMP*
How is hades now? I haven't played since January.
>tfw 2 hours in and don't understand Pyre
I can't sit down and just play it like I could with Transistor and Bastion.
is this good? I have 400 hours in gungeon and kinda want to take a break, waiting for the last BOI dlc too
>Has a bit of a ghost trick feel to it.
Different user, but are you talking gameplay, atmosphere, writing, something else? Ghost Trick was something magical to me but mostly due to the perfect combination of parts. If there's something that captured that magic again that might be worth checking out.
My nigga
people die and you have to reverse time and set events into motion to prevent their deaths
It's good. Support your fellow anons from /agdg/
What does freedom mean to you guys ?
Sit for 10 minutes each day, you will make it.
Pathologic 2 was surprisingly polished and well made for an indiegame everyone assumed was going to be vaporware.
amazing story. gameplay kinda sucks.
>It's too popular now for people to actually be brave enough to admit that
It's not contrarianism. The actual gameplay is far and away the weakest and the twists and turns only carry the story once.
It's a fine game, but Supergiant only got better with Transistor and Pyre.
yeah the whole sportsball thing seemed kinda weird and a lot of people say you end up trudging through the gameplay just to get to the story.
supergiant should just make VNs instead of these half-assed top-down games.
Slay the Spire
Hello brainlets
>indie game
>head dev is immune to greed
>To answer your other question about us become a bloated mega-corp - probably not anytime soon haha. The other benefit of being a single-owner company is that I'm pretty happy with how things are and I don't feel like I need anymore money, beyond us just continuing to make profits like we are.
>So there isn't much attraction to "blowing up big" for me. I feel like the detraction of having to manage a larger company would greatly outweigh any benefit of moar money at this point.
>We've gotten inquiries by potential investors looking to dump some money on us for some bigger project but that just seems like a headache to me, dealing with investors and suddenly having to schedule milestones and report what we're doing, convince outside people to let us do this or that... no thanks!
>That said, I wouldn't mind growing a bit more, as I do have an interest in working on different games and it's fun to see things progressing and taking shape - ideally at a somewhat faster rate than often is the case with us haha.
>Currently we have just enough people to work on our "new game" plus a GD expansion. I think we'll be stretched thin if we start another totally new project. We're actually in a weird spot currently where it would be great to hire another artist to wrap up FG but after that is finished, there would then be a lull before we get the next thing rolling, where we might not have enough work to go around... so it's better to just try to grind through with the team we have for now, then hire later, once future things are in production.
Great space horror game, released a bit over a week ago. Go in blind.
death desu
>implying i know whats going on in that webm
i'm guessing they're worried about losing player base by going VN only. And desu I probably wouldn't have picked up the game if it was a VN.
That being said it's still a worthwhile game to pick up for the story alone.
I was so happy when Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet finally got a PC release, but no one else was. I don't know if them making it a 360 exclusive first ruined their chances for success but it sure didn't help.
Bought it and finished in one sitting. It's okay for the price I guess, it does nothing interesting or original, it is just a non-linear platformer (it's not metroidvania, most of such games aren't it) with a cat in mech. The definition of 6/10.
Pyre had:
>text text text for hours with nothing interesting being said
>fucking boring matches
>tacked on rpg elements that don't matter
Apart from that you're right, every Supergiant game has been worse than the last.
you could just do it like vall-hall-a and add a small minigame to keep it from being entirely hands off
gee that's exactly what I did, just get Tizo the ball and have him sprint over to the goal over and over again. Really fun and intellectually stimulating gameplay
Transistor > Pyre > Bastion
When Hades is complete and off the Epic store it will be my favorite.
Bastion has a weak middle.
hmmmm, yes, one day we'll all be free. until then ... video games !
>nothing interesting being said
I mean if that's what you're into I can recommand a few VN. What about Princess Evangile or Muv Luv?
yes. I can kind of appreciate that the game part of it should have been hard though. that forces you to sometimes progress the story even though you lost a match, creating some interesting changes in the plot.
What does everyone think of It Lurks Below, the Terraria like game from the Diablo dev?
5 billion hours in paint.
>dunk with tizo
>can't use him next round
>forced to come up with a new strat
rain world
>do the exact same thing with the super fast jumping worm guy
so much strategy
I tried, I really did but I just can't get into this game
and I love metroidvanias
It looks bad.
Pirate it if you want to try it.
Literally anything less than a BBB jap weebshit title is indie nowadays
>worm get gets fucked be a big nigga
>can't use him for 14 seconds
your turn kiddo
have my big nigga block the goal and spam projectiles with literally anybody else while he respawns
Are there any God of War/Dante's Inferno-like indie games?
Likewise. It just did not feel stimulating to play at all. I can't even explain why, I just got bored almost immediately and even three hours later, I didn't feel like I'd had any amount of fun at all.
Will Supergiant ever make a game that has gameplay to match the story, music and such
They did twice though
>flying roastie dashes right through him while dabing
>flies over the rest of your team and dunk
heh, nothin personnel
not memeing or trying to start a flamewar, but i think supergiant is overrated and that they've made far more bad games than good games and they just simply got lucky with good artists that people like
well luckily I'm guaranteed a point every few seconds so I don't even have to worry about it
>they've made far more bad games than good games
Nigger what they've made 3.5 games and none of them are bad
>good artists that people like
Pretty much, most people practically play games with their brains turned off, so when you make a waifu-bait game like Transistor, or have good music then people moronically equate that as a good game and it drives me up the fucking wall.
More than that, fans can't even adequately defend why they like the game when pressed to elaborate, the gameplay in all their titles except for Bastion has always been a slog and their reasons essentially boil down to, "I like the art" or "I like the music."
My GOTY 2018
I'm playing Dig 2 right now. It's really great as a comfy Metroidvania.
just play on a harder difficulty if that's really your gripe with the game, nigger
>backed by big money
Garshasp, but it isn't very good, ghetto as fuck and actually made in Iran.
>"I like the art" or "I like the music."
Yes, and? I'll add that I like the story and characters, too.
Are those not legitimate reasons to enjoy a game? Sure, I'd like some more engaging gameplay too, but I'm fine with 3/4 being good. It's rare for a game to be visually appealing, have a compelling story, and also have good enough music that I'll listen to it long after beating the game.
Indie means that the game is published by the developers, the budget doesn't matter.
Sexy Brutale was a big disappointment for me. The puzzles are way too simple and despite the open mansion the game very rarely actually lends itself for bigger puzzles aside from an optional collectible hunt. Many unlockable powers are boring contextual button prompts, it's like they ran out of ideas instantly after the hearing power and opted to just add several variations of "walk up to X and press action button to automatically use Y power". The setting and overall presentation were genuinely great, but the main story squanders it by taking a big nosedive towards the ends with a shitty main twist.
I really liked Pyre's gameplay. The text adventure parts complement the sports events by influencing stat gains, and the story also makes you ponder who to anoint since you're making a choice between "who deserves to leave - who would be beneficial for the rebellion - who is team carry" and such. The lack of gameovers also actually makes every match sweat-inducing since you have to suck up your losses and continue regardless of outcome and winning liberation rites means you're forced to change up your team composition every now and then, meaning all of that shit actually carries weight. It just wouldn't be the same without the sports matches.
The main char is a cum dumpster deserved to be used by multiple men
I keep hearing people say this game is great but never why. What's good about it?
You're calling Transistor a waifu-bait game, you've actually outed yourself as a retard. I strongly suggest that next time you pretend to complain about the game, you just leave that part out because the rest of your almost-argument was convincing.
Very based post
Combat, story, bosses.
>I just got bored almost immediately and even three hours later, I didn't feel like I'd had any amount of fun at all.
As much as I liked it I can see why that would happen. HK's one of those "it gets good X hours in" games. The slow walking speed, samey environments (at first) and basic combat don't help much.
It's got the total package: Great graphics, memorable soundtrack, AWESOME story (seriously, the story is awesome and quite original). The game is very long, about 50 hours depending on how you play. My favorite part though are the characters and the gameplay itself. It controls like butter and is a joy to play.
It's on sale right on GOG for $15, I highly recommend checking it out. There's also a free web demo.
>you should warn people about how much of a garbage fire the combat system is in banner saga
Nigga, the multiplayer version called Factions was fucking tactics kino. Too bad those stupid faggots never added the units from the single player over to it so there is not too too many team compositions. The combat system is brilliant, better than chess, but no one bothers to actually peel back the layers.
I liked Inside more overall, but nothing beat that early forest section of Limbo for me.
I'll choose to believe it's either about a witch or a cleaning retail service just trying to fix up a haunted house.
Shovel Knight and it’s campaigns are still some of the most enjoyable things I’ve played
I hope it's some Witch horror kino.
>1 result for BABA IS YOU
Shit taste lads
bastion was just too good man, transistor holds up but it pales in comparison
generic programming puzzle game
I felt the same way, even though I LOVE the universe both take place in and wanted to love Transistor more.
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
It's short, but it's good.
>Yea Forums shits on indie games at first sight
>even though more memorable games of the past decade were indie than AAAshit
I haven't seen anons here shitting on indies.
Transistor>Bastion>dropped Pyre, the gameplay was weak as fuck>not buying from the epic store, call me when it’s out of early access and I can buy it anywhere else.
were you not around for the nindies direct in march?
Anons like to troll. It's part of the console wars.
i understand that but there were a few anons actually dismissing of the entire direct alongside the shitposting and they were pretty vocal
It's their shame.
Muh literal nigguh
Assault Spy
Super Meat Boy
Hollow Knight
Shovel Knight
There are a lot of good indie games
I think it’s because the game’s had so many reworked elements and shit that was just scrapped entirely because it didn’t work. The devs obviously didn’t know a ton going in and it shows, the first level is really weak and unfocused. It’s odd looking back at the beta versions of the game because the story seems to be entirely different, it’s the reason there’s a character on the logo that only shows up in one level in the entire game.
Developing 3D games as an indie studio is fucking hard, user.
No it isn't. 3D hasn't been anything special for ages. This user is correct
based migrantposter
Yuppie Psycho
Transistor was the closest to that, it was pretty damn fun to mix and match all the abilities and find the most busted ones.
Is it? Can you recommend some others? I've played through most of Zachtronics' stuff.
Shame it's on epic because its basically perfected version of bastion and transistor
There are like five good indie games for every good AAA
Robot Odyssey
>The lack of gameovers also actually makes every match sweat-inducing since you have to suck up your losses and continue regardless of outcome
What difference does it make if you win or lose a normal game? Less xp for your team members?
I hate Epic but I hope supergiant at least got a fat stack of fortnite dollars out of the deal. I'm just waiting for them to finish the game before I buy it anywhere.
Anything from this millennium?
imagine cadence of hyrule getting announced for steam at E3~~~
a girl can dream
Void Bastards is killing me right now, I can't stop playing and I think hard is too hard but again I just can't stop.
>The turn-based gameplay's not amazing
I really enjoyed the interrupt system. Child of Light is my favorite jrpg style game
damn stick to cod and capeshit mate
desu my biggest gripe about Pyre was the fact that it purported a 'branching narrative' and 'divergent storytelling', while actually your actions have very little impact on the overall plot.
Like the main conversations are all pretty much the same, the vast majority of the exposition is given either by treebeard or before anyone is able to leave. The main thing that changes is how far along every character's story you get, and that feels about it other than a single line description at the end of everyone's fate
>Sells so poorly the dev swears off of making more arcade titles forever
It's not fucking fair, this game is wonderful
is this shit indie
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe
Gunman Clive 1&2/HD Collection
Aces Wild
Castle Crashers
Assault Spy
One Finger Death Punch
Some decent fighting games like Punch Planet, Yatagarasu, Vanguard Princess, and probably some others I forget.
Mechstermination Force
My Friend Pedro looks incredible too.
Assault Spy is an indie 3D hack-and-slash, but it's more inspired by DMC and has a knockoff-Danganronpa artstyle.
eat shit retard, pyre is garbage
Mah nigga.
>Aces Wild
>Assault Spy
>One Finger Death Punch
You have impeccable taste, let me suck your dick
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death is like a 1:1 straight ripoff of GoW, mechanically.
I have Nex Machina, the problem with it is that it came out just as Hyper Light Drifter, Furi, and Ruiner absolutely burned me out on frantic top-down action games
With a classy Saturday morning cartoon theme.
bro you can wake up every day and go right back to sleep and suffer no consequences
How do I get good at this? I want to like it, but I suck.
slay the spire
unfortunately Yea Forums doesn't like it since they don't understand what a deck builder card game is. they think if a game has cards its a hearthstone clone
Just play it like NBA Jam
I played this game like crazy the first couple days then dropped it. I really need to pick it up again.
Explain the gameplay. Please dont be a walkathon
I was way more into this game than I expected. Even had the drive to play through it twice to see both play styles.
Resist is better. Fuck mobility when you are an unkillable death machine
Are the OG newground boys making shit anymore? Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers are amazing, Dan Paladin is goat.
I liked it a lot. I DO wish kegs and barrels were a bit more efficient, and that the combat was a bit more fleshed out. In all honesty it felt a lot like I was playing a discount rune factory that I had to play because Rune Factory was dead.
Now its not and I actually have to buy a switch.
I wish I could get into this. It feels like something I should really like but I couldn't really stay invested.
I never fucking post on this dumb nigger website and your post makes me want to answer;
Crosscode is a really soulful little gem that actually delivers on what it sets out to be. If you liked the old SNES/Gameboy Zelda games and enjoy puzzle-lite and pixel-y arcade action, just buy it. It's dirt cheap and would be worth double the asking price if the developers weren't so afraid of hiking the price.
It's a stellar game in nearly every way, the only drawback is it's got mildly weak writing (good story, but the actual dialogue is weak in a lot of places; they aren't authors or good at wordsmithing). Everything about crosscode oozes quality and heart. Buy it.
Highly recommend any anons into niche small slices of horror to try puppet combo shit. Wont find it piratable, but for $10 on there paetron you get like 15+ games and all newly released shit.
Most games run from 1 hour to around 3. Glass Staircase and Stay out of the house(guys biggest game and is on steam but not done) are legit pretty damn good. All his shit is based off of PS1 horror, guy even puts in pseudo z-buffering shit. Just dont expect anything amazing.
Own it but havent been able to play it much. Looks like my jam though.
Doing what you want is the obvious literal answer, but that sounds kind of bland. So I guess I'd go with being able to live your life without fear.
kys tranny
This is the problem with you retards, why, for the love of god, did you need to let everyone know you are a girl? Guys dont do this you dumbfuck.
Receiver gets my vote
I know, my boy heart would absolutely melt if they showed a game like that. I mean my manly face would just shed tears all down my face. I might get shit for crying over a game, especially as a guy, but it would be worth it for a gem like that
Untitled Story is old a sin but great. It's a Meroidvania with heavy exploration. By one of the guys who made Celeste.
Made me gay for a tall black goo wolf with a thicc tail
Posting the king of them all
>>indie game
>>it's actually good
>What's her name, Yea Forums?
It was not that bad, but was not good either.
I've read all the books they've used as references, like Starfish by Peter Watts (oceanic depths, a base, etc). I wish it could be executed better, the gameplay is trash. They didn't explore the depths story-wise either.
I want more info on the sequel so fucking bad.
Though this thread reminds me that half the indie games I will look forward to in the future will have a big fat "EPIC EXCLUSIVE" slapped onto them.
>auntiecovering someone at death's door
auntie could have taken a hit you fag
it's one of those games you set aside time for.
Probably not, it seems like the games exclusive to the epic store have been completely fucked. They use twisted wordplay to make it sound like they were super successful, the Metro guys said more or less it was fucking awful in a very PC company talk way, and that game had fucking marketing.
>when your game is so good everyone thinks you're AAA but you're just a bunch of Swedes with spaghetti code
they're also incompetent fucking jews who are owned by the china bug
Speaking of deck builders
The Metro guy was also a huge fuckface that had the game be preorderable on Steam for like a year before making it epic exclusive. What the fuck did they expect?
And yeah, you will know when the epic store actually has a good amount of sales for a game because they will actually announce it with actual numbers. You know for a face the whole thing is a shitshow by their unwillingness to post any hard numbers.
Isnt this AA like something like Divinity and shit? Like the b-movies of video games.(which funnily enough, just like gaming, better than most hollywood trash)
>It was not good
You know how I know your gay
IIRC it wasnt the devs, it was the publisher, and the same thing happened with BL3, it was the higher ups and the devs didnt like it, except Randy of course who probably set it all up like the scummy fuck he is.
Good game even if' I'm too shit to ever beat the heart even once.
>You know how I know your gay
Not everyone is inexperienced virgin who's easily getting inspired by such common stories.
It's ok if you didn't get it, bro
yup, its exactly like how Blizzard was like "Uhhh we dont think releasing subscriber numbers arent important anymore" as soon as fucking WoD dropped. I heard rumors its actually floating around 1 mil in the west, thats both EU and NA.
I am still mad about Satisfactory. That shit is like crack to me but I'll have to wait for the very slowly updating factorio and maybe oxygen not included to get my autism fix.
don't care, they can all die
Come back after reading Permutation city and Diaspora, my sweet Summer child.
Love it to death
Sounds like a gay manual for why you are so gay that can't enjoy videogames
>Winds of Magic not until August
It's a really good game with some glaring warts. Though the loot drops and dlc would likely be ten times as jewish if they were AAA.
Shovel Knight
Into The Breach
Binding of Isaac(including Rebirth and later expansions)
Retro City Rampage(including DX)
Shakedown Hawaii
Hotline Miami 1 and 2
Stardew Valley
The Messenger
Hollow Knight
Enter The Gungeon
Nuclear Throne
Darkest Dungeon
Dead Cells
Super Meat Boy
Castle Crashers
Risk of Rain 1 and 2
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Void Bastards
Papers Please
Super Hot
Cave Story
Organ Trail(including Director's Cut)
They made Battleblock Theater as well.
Sounds like such a cliche like "running from an unkillable boogieman" is not a good recipe to make a a video game, kid.
Sunless Sea sucked me in so hard I put up with whatever bullshit it threw at me.
I'm still mad about all the cut content and the second character.
Still too much fun not to recommend though.
not the user you replied to but how is transistor not waifu-bait? the combat was straight trash, the music and art style was good but that doesn't make it a good game, just makes it a good 3-hour long interactive movie
Plenty of style, wish it had some substance. Makes me want to reread Nausicaa
>nuclear throne
hell yes
You didn't REALLY understood the game, son. Actual L O L.
Grab your gay manuals and shove them up your ass. Game's great and you suck donkey dicks through the internet.
>Shakedown Hawaii
really want to play this but
>ebin store exclusive
He's upset because you're right, also you can tell because he doesn't refute it at all and just insults you and runs off
lmao i'm not even trying to argue
i see people praising transistor gameplay left and right and i don't see it at all, the music and artstyle is great but all that is, is just a terrible game with a great soundtrack and style
Bastion is good, all other Supergiant games are mediocre at BEST. Don't bother replying, everyone knows I'm right.
>just started Transistor
Anything I need to know, Yea Forums? Or I should look out for? Based off the theme and elements so far, and that I already know of, I can tell directions this story will undoubtedly go so I can only hope it goes well. Luckily, I don't remember spoilers I've read.
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Western indie with JRPG fighting based on a 90s comic.
>Giant Healing robot
>Red Sonya lady who spreads status effects like a plague in a game where status effects can crit (pic related)
>Tank is girl with big Hellboy hand
>Vampire Red Mage/Dark Knight with attacks that sync with status effects
>Fantastic art design but dungeons often feel samey
>Loot can be incredibly unbalanced (one of the mid-game weapons for the big healing robot is better than his ultimate weapon)
>Story is meh
i'll reply to tell you you're right but hades is better than mediocre and it's not even done
have low expectations for the combat, but listen to the music
Imagine starting the first Legend of Zelda, you see the sword you're 'supposed' to take. You could take it, but then you could also decide to leave it and continue your adventure defeating enemies with your boomerang top hat.
about time someone mentioned this.
I've had fun with it, but only through one difficulty. I just can't see myself doing it all again on the same characters. I did enjoy seeing how the different classes worked and played multiple classes through to the last boss though to get a good feel.
Gotta use Cheat Engine to move around at a reasonable pace, otherwise combat and exploration is like a visual novel. Add that to Cons. Cool game otherwise but I never got terribly far.
Devil Engine is another good game from there. I wouldn't blame you for waiting on a sale though.
It sure as hell isnt transistor. What a garbage game
f-f-FUCK YOU her game is PERFECT, PERFECT!!
KYS furfag
Pyre's hard difficulty should've been the normal mode. You don't get to see the full potential of the gameplay until you meet a certain someone with a low hope stat. It can get pretty intense once the AI starts putting up a fight.
Only if you don’t understand the game
judging from this thread it's either the best game ever made and completely perfect, or it's a pile of steaming shit that not even its music or art can save
and going by steamcharts, no one bought it or wanted to play it so i'm thinking it's the latter
Dumb non-degenerate
>Using that as a base when it's available one more popular places than just steam
>41 people playing
And they're all in this thread LMAO
For a game that take 4 hours to beat and is several years old those numbers are pretty respectable
Why are steamcharts posters so retarded? This isn't an MMO or an arena FPS. The number of people playing a 5 year old short single player game at any given time is irrelevant.
it's a game so perfect, that even though it's 4 hours long it's worthy of playing through a Hundred times
I know you're flaseflagging but holy fuck are Trannysisters fags all clocking this many hours in a 3-hour long game? What is there to fucking do?
probably idle while their waifu hums to them
not a waifu-bait game btw
Campaign+ is awesome, but it seems like there's hardly anyone left playing to see it. Finishing a level at all puts you in the top 100 on the leaderboard for it.
Well, tastes here are kind of bad, but at least there are no mentions of Ori shit.
shhhhhh. dont use context to make a point. only use numbers so that you appear smart, not for actual data.
no it's just shit
>be me
>buy this cool game
>get like 3 hours in it
>love it
>literally never touch it again because i'm constantly on discord talking to people who aren't ingame meaning communicating with people ingame would be really hard
>want to keep playing it but also wanna talk to my mates
Help me bros
ur shit
paddling through ton of useless junk items to get a good devil room item or maybe break the game in the shop is shit
if 6k people bought it on steam how come no one talks about it? the only thing i remember from early threads were the memes about it being 4 hours long and the suicidal lonely fags lamenting about not having a Red in their life
Weevil is best suit.
I played one mission and put it down forever because it was slow, the weapons felt unsatisfying and I found all the dorfs to have shit VAs. Convince me to try it again
t.poopy diaper
ThErE'S pLeNtY tO TaLk aBoUt, TrAnSiStOr iS tHe GrEaTeSt SuPeRgiAnT gAmE EvEr
no u
There's a bunch of new weapons, enemies, enviroments, and other stuff. The game probably has at least 25% new stuff if you got it like 3 months ago.
Liking art and music is basic appeal, user. As long as they're not crying to the heavens about the great gameplay it has there's nothing wrong with defending a game like that
more than 6k people bought it, 6k is just the peak for concurrent players who played it while they were online. theres not much to talk about since its just a simple tale with some good combat mechanics to back it up
>how come no one talks about it?
People sometimes talk about it here and there, but in all honesty it's a game with flaws. The foundation for a good game in my opinion is good gameplay, crazy right? But that's something apparently a lot of people don't understand and probably never will and wonder why no one wants to talk about their mediocre waifu-bait game. Music's good though.
I got it when it was still in EA I think when someone was shilling it in /vtg/ way back. Maybe I'll give it another go before winds of magic drops.
I know I'm going to get my free* copy soon. Then I'll buy it on steam to support the dev or just send them money because I really liked the demo and want more comfy games like it.
Why the FUCK do you write like this?
What is that trying to accomplish?
Divinity is still indie as well though.
What the FUCK did you just say to me?
He's been shitposting the entire time, user. Don't encourage it.
alright we get it, transistor is shit now stop bringing normie memes into this
its a twitter meme used to mock people. the Yea Forums equivalent is greentexting what the person with the drooling retard wojak next to it
I know, but I always think of those higher quality ones as AA, like B-movies. Still indie, but way higher budgets.
You should see the faglord in the Baldur's Gate threads. He TALKS like THIS about his WAIFU!
There's always gotta be one faggot who shits up the entire thread because someone didn't like his video game apparently.
Pathfinder for sure, it's been buggy as fuck but after patches and content updates the game is the Baldur's Gate of our time. It even lets you make broken ass builds that can solo the final boss, which is rare as fuck compared to other shitty crpgs
the problem with being an older gamer is that indie games just rehash formulas i've seen a thousand times already. one thing they do really well is artistry and ambiance. but that isn't enough. i can never find myself motivated to actually play an indie game.
>164 hours
What why
her name is red
bit odd of a name but cute imo
yep, hard to find a general gameplay loop that you dont eventually get tired of
yeah but is it 4 hours long with really good music and a waifu-bait mc
Maybe she's Irish
This one
It'll last you a fair bit longer than 4 hours, the music is pretty meh, but there's like 5 or 6 waifu-bait companions, most of which you can fuck. Not including one of the main villains which you can also defeat with your dick.
>Baldur's Gate of our time
It's ugly and has a tedious city management feature as one of the main aspects of it's story.
Is Divinity original sin indie? If so that.
Anyone in good conscience would tell you to turn city management off desu
Yes, it is.
It sure as hell isn't Transistor. Gameplay was decent but I could not get past that cringey writing/voice acting.
What a comfy game that was. Wish more people had played it
recommend me some good indies to get from the gog sale right now
All this shitposting about Transistor is actually pretty nostalgic from when it first came out
>Can't have child
>Buy a child off the black market
>She's also an immortal fox
>nevermind, can have a child now
That game was so weird.
tranbitchers still mad that bastion is superior half a decade later
Wow so good you have you turn off on of the main features in the story. They picked a shit module and made an ugly game with it. The backgrounds are hideous compared to Athkatla and Baldur's Gate and the character models and spell effects manage to somehow be worse than 20 year old sprites.
There's a good game in there somewhere and I wanted to like it when I sat at the character creation screen for half an hour but it's covered by a mess of shit.
I was the same way. It wasn't until my third attempt to play through it that I got absolutely hooked and took it to like 95% completion.
Can't even really say what it was that did it. Both times I quit before it was the monotony and sleepy dark atmosphere that just made me bored. Then third playthrough I think it was the sleepiness feeling comfy but then being punctuated by actually tough boss fights and interesting platforming. Quit at the first nail upgrade the first and second time, but remember on the third having a huge burst of inspiration getting into the soul sanctum soon after. Soul Master is probably the first actually interesting and challenging boss fight, as well as the run up to him.
where my fellow autismos at?
>Shadowrun: Hong Kong
>World of Goo
>Nex Machina
>Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (not really sure if this counts but fuck it it's amazing and is listed as indie)
>Hollow Knight
>Into the Breach
by far one of the best soundtracks in a videogame for establishing atmosphere and scale.
that pickup at :50
seriously so many great tracks.
Please recommend me a nice and comfy turn based game.
Tales of Maj'Eyal
Grim Dawn
>indie dev
>makes a great first game
>second game is lame
>game still gets ton of praise as if it's the first game
>OP and pic related
Learn 2 Dodge
yeah Into The Breach was completely missing all of the gravity and grit from the text that made FTL such a work of genius. it's like they stripped out all the heart and just left the turn based combat.
plus you don't get to experience the absolute kino that is coming out of a jump on the first couple of playthroughs kind of hoping there isn't a ship there but then the music seemlessly picks up and your heart rate accelerates. "here we go boys"
Fuck Into the Breach, that was such a disappointment.
>stop playing for a few months
>start playing again sometime later
>entire factory is now completely nonsensical
Based, ITB sucked. It felt like something that belonged on mobile, not the game that comes after goddamn FTL.
Hotline Miami 1 & 2
Gang Beasts
Hollow Knight
Titan Souls
Dead Cells
Death Road to Canada
Duck Game
Nuclear Throne
Risk of Rain
>What is there to fucking do?
Ng+, trying different combinations of skills and abilities (there is a ton). I've only played through it once but I see how some people can get invested in it.
Hearing the devs talk about. And all the time and effort put into it. How they were allowed to refine and fuck around so much.
If this had been their first game, they woulda been fucked. Shows how lucky indie game dev shit is.