It's Pride month. Post your favourite trans characters here
It's Pride month. Post your favourite trans characters here
>gay pride month becomes LGBT pride month becomes trans pride month
what a strange development
>Mothers, Fathers, Teachers, Veterans gets a day
>Transexuals gets a month
stop fucking lumping me in with trannies
all i want to do is cuddle a big strong monster man, trannies are fucking crazy and i want nothing to do with them
You’re all freaks
Mothers, Fathers, Teachers, and Veterans aren't systematically oppressed by society and aren't forced to live in fear every day.
isn't every fucking month "pride month" at this point?
Lol you're not Anne Frank, fuck off
oh fuck off, you're a degenarate as well. eat shit and die.
>not systematically oppressed by society
>not forced to live in fear
What utopia do you live in?
have sex
my favorite trains is the one you suplex in ff
Fuck me yourself, coward
Buy me dinner first, fag.
I love Rukako, she gave me the inspiration I needed to finally accept that I'm trans. I know some people say she isn't but she dresses like a girl, looks like a girl, wants to date Okarin -- she's trans. And I love her.
all the people who gay originally are now transqueer because its new and different, plus being gay is too normal and accepted.
that really is the problem with all of this, people who NEED to be different hijacking sexualities that are more and more abnormal because they love being oppressed.
But he's a guy.
yeah, until you start telling kids that such behaviour is okay. Fuck off, lunatic.
No, you can't have the right to control what people can or cannot speak in an orwellian nightmare, so fuck off.
>xD i'm not like those other degenerates bros haha ACCEPT ME PLEASE
Neck yourself
>Yea Forums becomes based
Seems like we aren't reddit after all
Look dude, I want to fuck a dog, a horse, aliens, a siamese twin child, and have worms crawl inside my penis, but that's just fucking disgusting.
what do you like to eat?
Well no one is saying you aren't, tranny
Seethe in this sea of sperm when we have sex
Pride month isnt even a real thing
>gay sex is the same as putting worms on your dick
You're a retard my man
Luka don't give a shit about being a guy, nigga's just gay as shit
The shitpost you're replying to does bring up a good point.
>Japan makes boy that dresses like girl
>American progressives: Oh, what a progressive and empowering representation of homo/transsexuality! This character is an inspiration to us all, and should be how American stories show a transgirl struggling with representation
>Japanese and American weebs: I want to drill his asshole until he starts mewing like an actual girl, and knowing he's a fuckup only makes me harder
you're literallt shoving your penis inside the anus of another man
the shit and worms are there
I didn't say it was the same, I said it was worse.
Not trans, but I love this gay ass lizard.
Her personality, her playstyle, her animations, everything.
trans in a nutshell
If you have tapeworms in your anus that's a medical issue that needs a visit to the doctor
also nobody wants to put their dick in a shitty ass that hasn't been clean like you wouldn't get your dick sucked from a mouth full of food
> Month
What? You're telling me I'm forced to share by birthday with this degeneracy?
>all those businesses bandwagoning onto pride month and "showing support" even though there's been no issues with gays in this country for fucking ever and it's largely accepted and everyone still eats it up
retards but you deserve it
Sez u
I just love trowing acid at people
lmao when did this place turn into asspained boomer central have sex losers
>People equating cutting your dick off or wanting to have worms crawl up your dick with falling in love with someone who happens to be the same sex
Have a loving relationship.
>lmao when did this place turn into asspained boomer central
Don't you have a dick to be cutting off?
my favorite trans are the ones that swing from trees
You will never be a real girl, TUTURU!
>japan draws girl
>calls it a boy
>mentally ill losers say "wow this is literally me"
>cut their dicks off and kill themselves
Based June bday user
lol what a fag
>Forcing a gender on someone
Stop being such a shitlord. Or are you so insensitive that you don't think someone can identify as a boy but be gay and look feminine?
Based Japan doing us all a favor
There's one with age 300 showing the remains of a man's skeleton
periods and yeast infections reside in vagoo
Mouth has puke and rotting teeth
They dont' call her a boy though. Have you watched the show?
>he wouldn't fuck aliens
You're a pleb and a philistine.
How are you oppressed? You're coddled if anything. There's not a single right you lack that anyone other common man has. Living in fear of someone calling you a man doesn't count.
>I'm systematically opressed
The system hands you so much fucking free shit it makes a welfare nigga jealous.
Lesbians are fine as long as they don't shove politics on it.
purest form of love
Weird how pretty much every person I know or heard of that became trans has a weird weebshit obession.
I understand why claiming a slippery slope is a fallacy but that's just how this shit operates.
You wouldn’t be in fear if you’d stop telling everyone you meet about your sexuality.
im still in shock
It's almost like people get slowly integrated into the society how the fuck is this happening
never heard of pride of month what kind of retarded american shit is this now again what's next manlet month
Is it fucking opposite day why is everyone reading my post wrong
I don't know why the T was ever tacked on to begin with, since it ultimately has fuckall to do with the other letters of the acronym.
Thanks for ruining my hobby, I hope you and everyone like you jumps off a bridge. Just thought I'd let you know.
Except on his route.
You are just jelly because they let you die there, you little slut.
I'm so sorry user.
2008 californians voted to ban gay marriage and have it added to the state constitution and the vote passed (later rejected by the state courts). that was about 10 years ago. our last president didnt endorse gay marriage until it was politically gainful for him, same with clinton, and mike pence (former US congressman now vice president) personally doesnt believe in gay marriage and has a record of voting against transgender rights bills. i dont care about trans issues but hes obviously anti lgbt as a whole. from our government to just our voting population america has been iffy on lgbt for a long time and to discount it as "for fucking ever" and "largely accepted" is stupid.
I just want a qt trans gf
>Mothers, Fathers, Teachers, and Veterans aren't systematically oppressed by society
Because they actually contribute to it, which is worth gloryfying. Whereas "being opressed" isn't.
Reminder that Yea Forums is obsessed with trannies, especially the Discord ones.
yeah shyvana is pretty perfect
trans people want to destroy gays and lesbians
It's nice to be in the industry and rubbing my trans hands on everything you love! The funny thing is there's no taking it back now. It's done and it's just going to get more queer in gaming :)
>gg ez
If I'm a fag for liking this cute dumb lizard then so be it.
Shyv is good too, but I don't think she's actually gay. At least not yet. Maybe if she got the rework, but that ain't happening.
Dumb burgers
I'd like to, but I can't because my doctor says I need to wait for my neo vagina to heal. I was too aggressive with my dilation and something popped down there and I needed to go to the hospital. And they weren't helpful at the ER because apparently it's staffed with bigots who never seen a neo vagina before.
I'd rather not. All that stuff just makes me feel jealous, because I'll never look like a girl. ;_;
Same sex relationships are disgusting. What's next,incest rights?
These little boys are the best.
>being proud of being a failure of a human being
Like it's fine to not feel self-loathing but "pride"? lmao
Regardless, what I said is correct. It gets more complicated with their faction using her as a character to push their goals. Here is a better system
>japan makes character
>mentally ill losers who don't have sex say "she is literally me, I want to be a cute anime girl"
>cute their dicks off and kill themselves
At your local Dilation Station© do they allow video games? Mine does. Also has free wifi.
hey, please see
and all the others, I'm too lazy to quote them. Anyway, you see what it gets you? Trying to throw the rest of the community under the bus isn't going to get you anywhere. People aren't going to accept you because you're willing to scrabble over other people for respect. It just makes you look desperate, cruel, and pathetic. Please reconsider.
>he doesn't want worms in his dick
Look at this faggot
I wish god would let me die already instead of subjecting me to the loss of everything I love within a decade. I miss when idpol faggots weren't a part of gaming.
Yea Forums is an anime website. You can cordially fuck off, you dumb 2016 tourist.
>ben franklin.jpg
>tfw not a fag
Because we're not failures. Pride isn't just about who you are individually, its about your community and history. We're proud of our strength and diversity.
ive been here well before tranny don't you worry
>Trying to throw the rest of the community under the bus
>rest of the community
Fuck you. Nobody wants to associate with trannies. They forced their way into the LGB movement and latched on like a bunch of dickless parasites.
>turn into asspained boomer
>have sex
They started off the movement for our rights, friend. We pushed them aside after stonewall. To ignore that is unfair and selfish. Again: Talking shit about transgender people is not going to make these people respect you. It never has, and it never will. All you will do is isolate yourself or at the very least only make friends with other cruel desperate people.
>Get to mountain region
>Worms inside hellhound's dick
>Can react if you're disgusted or not which decides if they will spawn in future
>All those fanart Japanese made calling him a him and just mocking trannies
Can Japan get anymore based?
>forced a child into child labor
>kept him isolated from the others while giving him special treatment so the others would hate him
> said and did nothing as kid started to become unhinged due to loneliness
>said nothing when kid started dressing up as different people and encouraged the behavior
>said nothing as kid started (unknowingly) dating his relatives
>waits until after Kinzo dies to lay the mother of all truth bombs
>continues to say nothing as kid spirals into depression and madness
>gives him information about the bombs and guns
Everyone calls Yasu out for being a murderer, but there is no bigger piece of shit in that entire game than pic related.
Go to a mental home then,you'll find many people that are just as retarded and degenerated as you,faggot. A true feeling of community
No, we deserve to live with everyone else in harmony. We're proud to be who we are and part of that pride is to be who we are openly, not hidden away. We're part of our communities and we're not going away.
>Reminder that Yea Forums is obsessed with MTF trannies, especially the Discord ones.
These cock obsessed homosexuals don't seem to care about FTMs.
Your pride is a part of your delusion.
>Mother's going through the pain of having and raising a child
>Fathers are underappreciated as parental figures and are typically on the losing side of most divorce settlements
>Teachers are regularly treated like shit by students and parents alike and usually lack a decent paycheck
>Veterans literally have to live with the guilt of killing and watching their friends die as well as the general distain of the rest of society
>Faggots are coddled and can get a man fired for hurting their feelings. Might also be called by the wrong name
If you're proud you would at least openly denounce what literal degenerates have done to your parades. At least add a clause that says you can't expose your penis and balls in public.
Transexual history is a history of denial, self-hatred and slavery to arbitrary subjective ideals, instead of accepting yourself as a true individual and owning your problems the same way anyone else does their own.
That is why you are a failure. You can't escape the limitations of your body and you fight that truth in the most pathetic, cowardly way instead of confronting it head on and owning it.
maybe veterans shouldn't have fought for israel
Happy Pride Month from Blizzard
> vets
> guilt of killing
Nope. Nothing delusional about being proud of who I am naturally, and being proud of my history and the strength of others like me!
No, they started Pride. I don't think public exposure is okay, but that's on the individual, not all transgender people. Pride is a time to be unabashedly gay, so if you're talking about being flamboyant, you'll have to pick a fight elsewhere. It's a celebration, don't be so uptight!
Imagine being straight or a tranny.
As a passable trap that doesn't want to cut my dick off, i love ruka
ever notice how bisexuals usually never do this faggoty pride shit
imagine having aids and dying at the age of 25
>passable trap
post pics tranny
>No, they started Pride
They really didn't. There's documentation and videos where it was all walking demonstrations. Floats came later, and then the dickheads came in to turn it into their bedroom life.
>your favourite trans characters here
the only good trans character are the deceased ones
n-no bully
>No, we deserve to live with everyone else in harmony
We're not all in harmony cupcake
It is self acceptance user. Why accept a problem if you can fix it? Why accept your misery if you can be happy? I am not going to lie down and accept anything. I deserve my best life and my best self.
It's not self hatred to fight for yourself and to make yourself happy. I am not conforming to any ideals - anyone who wants me to dress or look like other people is going to be really disappointed.
petition to remove the b
I don't want to be considered a part of this absolute depravity just for occasionally jerking off to dickgirls and 2d traps
pls be my gf (male)
she's NOT trans, stay away from her you trannies
gib LONDON, I'll fugg you
Please research Stonewall and Marsha P. Johnson. The Stonewall riots were where fighting for LGBT rights started, but the T were cast aside even then.
I'd give my left nut if that was you.
How big is your cock?
that's just a black dude with tits and horse mouth
stop being gay then
You mean the T
You will never pass
Only saw the 1st episode... Any reason to continue? That electric torture already turned me off.
i only look like that when im caking on makeup user....
>Being trans is 100% normal and not a mental illness
Also trannies:
>Give me government aid for my castration surgery!
I'm not gay I'm just bisexual, and a really watered-down one at that
95% of my faps are girls with vaginas
no because I'm not a tranny
I'm a guy, with a penis, and that penis is made out of penis flesh and not a colon graft
How does making games with trans characters make them unappealing mechanically? You don't just buy games FOR the straight characters do you user?
Actually I've seen a lot of trannies who are upset that it's no longer considered a mental illness because it means that they can no longer receive therapy and such as easily
Although what exactly they mean by "therapy" is suspect
>Implying killing isn't mentally taxing
>Implying a thin skinned faggot like you who cries behind a screen all day could do it
then get rid of the other 5% retard
imagine wanting to cut off the best part of yourself. i unironically love being a dickgirl(male)
Nothing to dilate here. Now slurp the nut out of my girlcock faggot
>aids meme
Come on user, you can do better.
perhaps they should not have signed up to kill civilians for israel then
You aren't "fixing" anything user. Penis pumps, leg-lengthening and anti-aging cream doesn't fix anything they claim to either.
If science makes a big button that lets you change sex perfectly on a whim then cool, i'd even give it a try myself, but until then every cell in your body is hardcoded to a strict binary system cultivated over millenia to be the way it is. Even as someone who's all for transhumanism and escaping the shackles of nature, I understand that there are limits we are currently stuck with me.
Drag of all types is fine with me, and I look forward to a day where appearance has no gendered nature. I think that any man or women can wear whatever they want and should not be judged provided it is appropriate to the environment. The price of a free society is that people will behave in ways that not everyone likes, that's just how it works. However - the act of saying you're something you objectively and provable aren't, is wrong. It is a lie, and I don't respect liars.
AIDS hasn't been a life-threatening disease for the last 10 years
Why should I? Why would I want access to less porn?
> sign to kill people
> cry because they kill people
soldiers are as retarded as transpeople
You pass perfectly! How long hrt?
Is that really true self-acceptance though? If anything it's the opposite, you are denying your own birth gender for gods sake. You are convincing yourself that you would be happier as something else. That isn't self-acceptance at all.
itll be 8 years next monday. i started when i was 13 and got ffs and BA 3 years ago
>tranny acting like a it's tought
It's all fun and games until your hormones start acting up again
Straight white male here. Acknowledging that trannies have a mental illness would absolutely make me respect a gay person more. Gay people are fine as long as they don't buy into cringy pride bullshit. Trannies are fucked in the head. Stop acting like they're at all the same.
Strawman, dumb tranny
because it's sick
Maybe you shouldn't judge how well it passes off of one image that is more photoshop than reality.
Does your dick still work after all that surgery?
you cribbed that image from the internet liar
>takes hrt
>started at 13
repression fuel desu
>I am not conforming to any ideals
>I must adhere to all the tertiary sexual characteristics of women like makeup and high heels in order to convince myself that I am a woman
How is it any worse than jerking off to other fetishes?
Why does what I masturbate to bother you? It's all drawings.
I think it's a shame because I think in some ways we're pretty close in opinion. I don't think clothes should be gendered, I agree we have limitations.
If surgery helps some people - if it makes them feel complete or 'right,' then I think people have the right to make that choice. Same for hormone therapy. Nothing else - NOTHING - has been proven to satisfy dysphoria rather than, for the people it's appropriate, getting surgery / hormones / living as themselves socially. If that is the road to happiness, then that's the path needs to be taken.
I don't think it's a lie to say you are who you are. I think what man and woman means isn't cell for cell literal, there's mental and social context too. No trans person is saying they are cell for cell the same as a non trans woman or a non trans man, obviously they're aware they're different.
hrt makes you unable to have an erection
are you hyped for your suicide before you turn 27?
I don't understand why is Yea Forums absolutely obsessed with trannys
heres one with less makeup and no filters
mostly. it takes a while for me to get hard and my cum is clear like water amd thin
not impossible just more difficut
because it's sickening
because it's repression central
If trannies gonna identify themselves as the opposed gender then i gonna identify myself as a warship
You're a parasite that can't even legitimize your own movement without a host. How far do you think transfags would have gotten without latching onto gays and lesbos? You're the epitome of failure.
there's a tranny discord that tries to organize "raids" on Yea Forums, and frankly these threads are more entertaining than the constant OHNONONONONONO shit
Pic related are all the trannies and homos I'm ok with letting live
Because I am happier as who I am now. I've not even changed much, just the language surrounding me even though I've considered surgery (I probably won't ever have it, but I do think about it).
I have really thought about this. This isn't something I decided, or something I just accepted right away. I tried for a long time to live as how I was born, because it was a lot easier. I tried to say "no matter what, I am who I am" and "I can be exactly the person I want to be, personality wise, ambition, clothing, hobbies that I want to be as the gender I was born with" and...that's true. But something feels wrong still. It's like a missing piece and it's directly related to gender. So instead of living as myself, but just with a missing piece, I'm the same exact person but much happier because I am not denying myself the truth.
Then why aren't you posting in every single fetish-related thread on the site? Why aren't you crusading on /d/? They actually post the stuff that you find sickening, unlike me.
Marry me please. How is your voice?
I want you to fuck me with your seven inch cock.
>nah, you just want to fuck spiders
most of Yea Forums is alienated from society and they're frustrated about it and don't know where to direct their anger, so they pick literally any minority and punch down to make themselves feel in power.
So are you a tranny with different pronouns and shit?
people say that hrt doesn't allow you to have erections then how the fuck do shemales get erections what?????
Trannies think raiding Yea Forums with these type of threads will defeat /pol/ and help them win the culture war for trannies so they can groom depressed teenage boys for nudes unopposed
I don't do any of that. I wear the same clothes as I always did and I don't wear make up. That's what I meant by not conforming to any ideals.
Trans women I know, they're not exactly crazy about dresses or make up, but a lot of the time you have to play the part to get medical help and therapy. That's a part of gatekeeping especially in the UK.
Did you read the VN? If you didn't you haven't even started. Just remember, without love it can't be seen.
>"This is just who I'm supposed to be."
>makes tranny bait threads on Yea Forums every day
unironically more pathetic than cutting your dick off
this but unironically
I masturbate to arachne monster girls
they use some kind of weird-ass saline pump rigged to their flesh tube
it's vile
99% of them just use male and female pronouns. the lol 500 genders lol attack helicopter is just a meme for ez rage clicks
imagine actually believing this
sounds like bollocks show proof desu
Yeah it has nothing to do with them encroaching on our hobby at all and pushing their garbage standards everywhere.
Why are you scared of trans people
being just normal "gay" is too much like being a white person, they had to go into trans genderkin shit just to keep the oppression olympics going
all trannies need a bullet to the head, its crazy how they made me hate gays less
Same reason why we were so obsessed with bronies and furries, they're a bunch of attention hungry faggots who keep trying to normalize their behavior here
because I want to post on Yea Forums lmao
I find it sad you think so much of the community is actually divided instead of supportive. And of course the LGBT is together, our history is intertwined and it all relates to gender.
You never know when they snap.
>yeah little boy join my discord, after you buy these programmer socks
Imagine actually doing this
Yea Forums doesn't even play games it literally it talks about shit
You lost the culture war sweaty, go have sex
It's tough to be scared of people who do such horrible damage to their body they barely function, but what is scary is the roving gangs of discord predators who convince young teenagers to start transitioning because "wow you're stressed out? U MUST BE TRANS"
Do you honestly not believe thay other sites each have a handful of retards that shitpost here? All it takes is a handful of supreme autists like barneyfag to spam something endlessly
Fuck trannies
Post lesbians
if you want pride in getting AIDS can I feel pride in getting a cold?
imagine believing some blatant trolls on discord lol
>The only reason we don't live in a John Lennon utopia is because people are alienated and bully minorities
No, people bully minorities because they deserve to be bullied.
because you faggots have invaded every fucking board, you need to keep your mentally ill dick slicing faggotry the fuck to yourself.
>using the term "trap"
Its a fetishist, not an activist.
I didn't make this thread. Why would I make a thread where I know people are going to be posting and being horrible? How is that productive? I genuinely want harmony.
>being this gullible
good lord I want you
I just want them/you to fuck off back where they came from.
Well I guess you got unplugged
Again, then why don't you post in those fuckawful fetish threads? People make fatfag threads, furry threads, trap threads, etc. You really should report them.
Imagine thinking /pol/ has any real-world political power
>Talking shit about transgender people is not going to make these people respect you
>Implying I want their respect
Lmao trannies are so egocentric
gays just want to fuck each other, you fags are literally insane and think that even though your bodies are perfectly healthy you still need to lop of your dicks. The logic that legitimized gays doesn't apply to your group, you conflate the two groups disingenuously in order to garner support. That is why you are a parasite.
if you weren't so eternally butthurt at the slightest hint of 'em you wouldn't consider it as some kind of ebil invasion.
who are you quoting?
everyone wishes to be a girly boy faggot
Soviet Strike
>Those replies
We really so have a lot of desperate queers on this board. Fucks sake
>sign up to do specific job
>expected to do specific job
>do specific job
you dont pass faggot
you will kill yourself soon, and not single person in your life will give a fuck. in fact they will be grateful
>trolls looking to bait people is less likely than a transsexual conspiracy
fuck off newfag. Lurk for 5 more years before posting.
the only good one
>Who are you quoting
No, just pathetic wastes of flesh like you
If your respect for gay people is conditional on them denouncing another group it is not respect at all. You wouldn't say "would make me respect a straight person more" because not respecting a straight person for being straight and attaching conditions for them to earn it is nonsensical. I am sure as soon as transgender people were out of the way, you'd say some horrible things about gay people too. Forgive me if I don't believe otherwise especially on Yea Forums.
astolfo is a guy who identifies as a guy
you're not girly, you're ugly, have a 5 o'clock shadow, and that hideous tranny vocal fry that instantly outs you as a male to anyone who hears your voice.
*ting* *ting*
Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
Most of all fuck faggots
>I was only pretending
what game/anime?
fuck off cuck suck my dick you fucking boomer
Honestly cant name a single trans character that I like, or even not hate for that matter. Not even because they're trans, they always have a shitty personality.
>merely pretending
Calling crazy people sane because muh feelings is wrong. Morally it's wrong, factually it's wrong, and it needs to stop.
yall just jealous
ok cool but what about the tiananman sq
shopped to hell and back lmao
This is my favourite trans character
Honestly cant name a single trans character
I've opened other day and this was on their best sellers, never heard before
>what was the draft
Dumb zoomers.
there's no difference anymore, not really
slippery slope was never inherently a fallacy, it's only a fallacy if you can demonstrate that there's a reason one thing won't lead to another
in reality one thing frequently does lead to another
>No! I totally pass! I'm really girly!!
hello Yea Forums so how did you start your transition I watched to much anime and wanted to be a girl
>Multi-Glownigger system
Reminder that if the technology existed for a full body alteration, complete with bone restructure and functioning reproduction organs, many of those in the "trans culture" would not go through with it because then their identity wouldn't be special anymore, they would simply be a man or woman instead of "trans"
If your sole exposure to a group of people comes from Yea Forums and offshoots then it's no wonder why you want them all to die.
all trannies are faggots and you all look like shit
Gays don't just want to fuck each other. They want families, medical rights, and social rights (a lot of which has been won over the years). Pride celebrates that history and the success.
Gay people and transgender people are both legitimate because this is an innate and harmless part of them. T didn't attatch itself to anything, it has been interwoven for a long time and it has been part of the shared history for longer than the acronym.
Shut up! Those are all trolls!
wow dude does that mean in the future we will get futas based
I don't like crazy people. Never know what weird shit you might do to me, my family or my friends.
Just stay the fuck away from me and hasten your demise. You're all gonna kill yourselves anyway statistically.
>JUST like those anime girls
Nuclear Strike
transitioning is the best treatment to gender dysphoria the medical community has agreed upon. are you saying it's wrong for someone to get treatment for a problem they have, or do you know something the APA doesn't?
it's like shitting on someone taking anti-depressants, there's no point. just get over the fact they're kinda ugly.
can i join? i wanna have this sex too with a transmonster. we can dominate him and deadname then bully him :)
I’m LMAOing @ your life
okay user i have a literal man voice
no im just a trap i still use my normal name and people call me he
it was just a snapchat filter:(
the best treatment to gender dysphoria is a bullet to the back your skull you degenerate mentally ill freak. do your parents a favor and off yourself already, you're making them hurt inside by staying alive and shaming them with your blatant faggotry
for me it's generic schoolgirl outfit wearing pink
seems the gay has fried your brain
I'm telling gays to leave Yea Forums
I'm really growing tired of all of this. I dislike transsexuals/transgenders/whatever the hell, but I have actual rational reasons, and I always explain them. It bothers me to no end to see people "on my side" make fucktarded posts like this as if it's a valid argument that will convince anybody. It's not. You need to explain why what they are doing is detrimental in an objective emotionless manner. And it's like this on every site, for both sides. Nothing but nonsensical irrational appeals to emotion. Where are the logical objective people online?
Post voice right now.
Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
The twitter brony speaks the truth
>use logic to defeat mental illness
no, I want them to off themselves.
You're straight up wrong, and this is coming from a man who's bi. I fucking hate you people for latching on to this shit, but then pride has always been a den of self deluded faggotry. You're harmless? Children are persuaded to undergo transition instead of being taught to accept what they physically are. You people are irreversibly destroying the lives of kids who haven't even had the chance to fall in love or pick a career yet. Fucking kill yourself you cancerous fuck.
My parents love me and are supported. I'm personally not going anywhere :) especially not leaving games and game development
You always use logic. That is why it is logic Because it is correct and it is the truth.
now that's funny
that kind of exists already
But since gaming is now a disorder can I get a perscription for a better CPU?
there are plenty of logical arguments against trans shit, the problem is the people that are affected by tranny illness are not logical beings, they're too far gone. and the only choice left for them is death
I'm so sorry for your parents
Unironically yes
looks cute!
Those children are happy as who they are. I fail to see that as a bad thing. No child is getting surgery and they do not get hormones, they get hormone blockers which are completely reversible.
psychotic retards like you who want to le ebic kill everyone are more degenerate than any pill munching crossdresser. NAP violating dipshit
nice now read the one about how eating shellfish or wearing certain clothes are detestable acts.
I typically don't see a point in using quality arguments on here since this board moves so fast and my post is going to get lost in 3 days anyway
grow the fuck up and deal with it like an adult. The truth is this, you're not the opposite sex. You will never be the opposite sex. You're duty as a human is to accept reality in it's immutable form and adapt, not retreat into your delusion fueled by phony body parts stitched on by a surgeon.
Okay but I'm not gay. I'm a bisexual with a massive preference for women. I don't ever post gay shit on Yea Forums or anywhere else. And I'm on your side in hating gays and trannies.
>d-dont hurt da trannies
telling mentally ill faggots to kill themselves is not violating the NAP
>heath insurance only allows me to get a amd cpu
Fucking bullshit
You shouldn't be as they're happy and we have a great relationship. It's sad you'll never know love that deep or true, I am honestly sorry.
gamers litterly won
>and the only choice left for them is death
This makes no sense. If you believe that, then why are you not murdering them? Do you understand that typing "die" does not kill a person? You are very irrational.
I guarantee they wish you were never born. You're already delusional enough to be a tranny, I'm sure you don't notice all the dirty and disappointed\ looks they give you.
ryzen is unironically good tho
Dealing with a problem like an adult doesn't mean burying your head in the sand or just looking around and saying "Well, what can I do? Nothing, I guess." it means figuring out solutions, especially applying solutions that have been proven to improve your emotional and mental health.
>You're duty as a human is to accept reality in it's immutable form and adapt
I thought humans using tools and current technology to solve problems WAS adaption? Or do you mean adapt as "lay down and take it" ?
Cringe. Trannies commit suicide at extremely inflated rates, that only gets worse the older and uglier they get, they start going bald, they get wrinkles, their facial hair gets even more pronounced etc.
there just isn't a long life span for trannies, its inevitable that they will either off themselves or get beaten to death with a bat by someone who isn't me.
pic of op
Your voice is adorable post more.
holing up and denying the advice of medical professionals is the opposite of what a measured adult would do though. that's the mindset a scared child would do. god forbid you never get something embarrassing like an STD, then you'd probably cry and never get it treated.
Children are still in development, it's highly immoral to assuming that they'll stay the same growing up. You freaks encourage them to undergo early transition, which do happen. Don't fucking play dumb, I've seen your documentaries.
what is this expression trying to convey?
>tee hee im a girl
They don't. You can stamp your feet and go "your parents hate you!" all day but it doesn't make it true. They've always been progressive and accepting because they're good people.
>I don't think she's actually gay.
She's canonically got a ladyboner for Jarvan
This post has absolutely nothing to do with my points and I question your reading comprehension skills. I am aware of that and that is one of my arguments against them. But I am currently confronting you for initially using irrational arguments that do not help this side of the issue.
I... never saw a trans character in fiction that wasn't a horrifically bad "parody" or "gag" or some sort of shitty "reveal".
So while I'm ambivalent towards transexuals in person, in fiction I'm uncomfortable because of how it is done or forced.
If your idea of revolt is to lie to yourself and everyone around you, then yes, lay down and take it you worthless trash. You deserve to suffer if that's the way you think.
Hey janny, you've got a lot of work to do.
>she dresses like a girl, looks like a girl, wants to date Okarin -- she's trans
trans women dont look like women
Keep telling yourself that, you don't even have the wherewithal to know what sex you're supposed to be, how the fuck would you know?
Ok, we'll compromise, you can have your "solution" if it's illegal for you to ever speak to or be visible to a child. If you intentionally violate that then you'll be instantly put to death.
>Japan is making dejenerates kill themselves
And I didn't think that the Nips could be any more BASED
Trannies are notorious for samefagging and thread raiding. Since this is a thread geared around faggots it most likely was created by one of these groups or quickly flooded by them.
Took the rise up shitposting too literally
stop coddling and whiteknighting for mentally ill faggots bro, no one cares. you're not winning any awards for having a bleeding heart for these dickslicing retards.
Who is assuming that? I think gender experimentation is healthy, it lets them explore things with no irreversible consequences. I do not encourage early transition, just necessary transition. By early transition, do you mean physical surgery? I've never heard of that and don't support it.
>the medical community has agreed upon
Ya because the tranny mafia (mannish inquisition I like to call it) ensures that all who question the good word get culled.
Read the synopsis of this book. Mess with the men in black drag and they'll show no mercy, going so far to accuse you of diddling kids. And this was written by a goddamn leftist.
You're literally part of an organised religion that manages to eschew laws that prohibit competition in areas such as goverment by not referring to itself as a religion. Think about it logically, how did you come to see the act of creating an open wound for the purpose of inserting 8 inch objects up into as something normal? 8 inch objects into the body. Imagine they did that anywhere else on the body, because it would be the exact same concept. Imagine they made this wound just a bit higher and to the left and then someone came along and just started pushing a long rod into it.
now thats BASED
i feel you man
i don't want to be associated with trannies
Mah nigress dickgirl
>"lmao why do you even pull ticks off of you? Are you obsessed with ticks?"
playing follow the leader with "medical professionals" doesn't make you right. You could persuade the whole world but reality would still demonstrate that you're wrong.
>stop coddling and whiteknighting for mentally ill faggots bro
Okay, this confirms my suspicions. From the very start of my posts I made it clear that I am against the concept of feeding into their delusions. I am saying that you must have solid factual arguments if you wish to actually win against them, and that you must not resort to emotional response. Do you understand?
It's not revolting, it's solving a problem. Between solving an issue and living a great life and death, I will choose life.
>Still almost as bad as the gay stats
stop being gay then
>passable tranny posts
>Yea Forums immediately starts jumping on his girlcock
Really gets those almonds activated.
>I am saying that you must have solid factual arguments if you wish to actually win against them
No, you really don't. There are a million factual arguments against transgenderism, I'm here to bully them into suicide. What about that is hard for you to get?
Your pride community is, and yes, I mean mid teenage transition. Teens are volatile and often subject to change in personality as their brain has not finished development, yet for some reason teens and under can undergo transition.
umineko when they cry
A lot of posters on this board are incredibly thirsy. That and underaged.
What the fuck are Fags and Trannies even proud of?
I don't understand American culture at all
>Pride this
>Pride that
Like you haven't done anything to hold any actual pride in
Do I just not understand the English language?
What does pride mean?
Because I know who I am and I'm honest with myself. I also know my parents really well, obviously a lot better than you. You can't just seriously think "if I was your parent I'd hate you" and apply that to total strangers, you're obviously different.
I am not violating anyone by being visible or speaking to anyone. If you mean sexually, of course, I would never want to. If you mean SFW discussion about myself or even transgender things specifically then I think that's not only fine but healthy.
Reiko literally just wanted a harem of trannies to go after his cock. He's a god-tier troll.
It's not death to accept what you physically are. Only a child would think of not being exactly what they want to be that way, grow the fuck up.
It was originally just pride parade. The parade turned into a pride day. Pride week spawned from pride day, and now all of june is faggot month because june housed pride pride week. It's worse than christmas in October.
>Because I know who I am and I'm honest with myself
is that why you pretend to be a sex that you biologically aren't?
you're a delusional person, full stop.
>I'm here to bully them into suicide.
You do not make a difference. A suicidal individual will self-terminate regardless of outside stimuli if they truly desire death.
doesnt change the fact that 99% of weeb trannies idolize astolfo
yes beta thirst is real where you think all those waifufags come from
it's just a disguise for them to do degen shit in public lift fisting assholes and pissing on each other
I think development should finish before irreversible changes are made.
Nice headcanon. Tell that to the parents of the latest girl tumblr bullied into suicide for some Stephen Universe crap or whatever.
Not high enough desu
Kill all trannies tbqhwy
It's pride for LGBT history, current culture, past and current success over winning rights, and current and past strength of our members.
im not a tranny tho im a gay guy that likes to crossdress and im not mutilating my dick bc of mental illness. i dont pretend to be a girl or call myself one
upvoted trannybro
I agree with you, but your "pride" legitimized that shit. Take some responsibility.
pride means dragon dildos
Isn't that character only a girl to get a guy to like him?
shouting "delusional!" over and over is not going to stop me from being who I am user
But Yea Forums is still gay. Is my point.
>crap or whatever
I do not feel that this is a valid citation.
faith in Yea Forums restored
For the same reason that I'm scared of skeletons
Anything so closely linked to death reminds me of my own impending death, and that's scary
Yeah, that is an intra-community issue. The solution is frank and peaceful discussion, not disbanding pride or putting down trans people in general.
you are a guy. And yes, shouting it won't change that.
>white "men"
Absolutely based. How are traps so much better than trannys?
Nope, you'll never be allowed. Things are close to turning back in a big way, you've made the worst decisions possible and will suffer the consequences.
>stop being cautious
>on hrt since fucking 13
>not a tranny
i'm lost
>LGBT history
>Current culture
What do faggots contribute to current culture?
>past and current success over winning rights
You didn't win anything though, those were given to you by the united states government and it's allies
>current and past strength of our members.
So you're taking pride in the fact you have a lot of members who support your cause?
That's fucking stupid
Give me a fucking Nazi month then, we got a lot of members too
yeah prety much.
As opposed to your comprehensive argument of "People don't commit suicide because of external stimulus"?
who I am is the truth. All that's left is majority of societal acceptance but honestly I'm fine with just living my life as who I am, even if things stay the same they are now.
Trannies are fucking disgusting, and should be put down.
You're a cancer on society that does more harm than good. You're objectively wrong about your own identities. You all belong in straight jackets and padded cells. There is nothing legitimate about straight up calling yourself the thing that you aren't. It's like if I believed I was a t-rex, and demanded that people refer to me as anonsaurus.
The overwhelming majority of trannies are doing it out of a fashion trend. You don't even have gender dismorphia or hormone balance problems. You're all just perverts.
Why are you gay?
Why should anybody be gay?
Who is gay?
Where is da H ?
Alan Turing contributed to the effort to beat your aryan master race Nazis
>even after receiving their magical girl transformation, they still kill themselves more than normal people
Based user
>Things are close to turning back in a big way
oh you
>having a breakdown over a post
So now you are willing to argue for real? Now, simply direct it at the transwhatevers instead of someone on "your side".
Because these faggots wont fuck off and makes it about themselves when the majority of cunts on here just want to argue semantically about video games.
>Yea Forums is one person
There is a meme that was posted here that summed this up perfectly but I can't find it now. It categorized the two different types of trannies, those who can't get girls and those doing it for a fetish.
I really wanna know how people argue in favor of the absolute validity of medical professions when we were still lobotomizing people 40 years ago. That's not even the biggest atrocity committed within these 40 years.
>People get shit on for liking thing
>People feel ashamed about liking thing now
>People who like thing get together to enjoy thing in secret, gain confidence through mutual interaction
>People who like thing eventually decide the secrecy is dumb and they should just like thing openly
Really not hard to understand, and not really restricted to sexual groups either.