What would make you go back to playing Overwatch?
What would make you go back to playing Overwatch?
Blizzard sells it to a not retarded company.
when their stupid esports die
if I got unbanned from comp
If they gave me my money back
turning all the waifushit and niggers into cool robots
A forced limit on team comps. It's the only way to properly balance the game. Forcing teams to play with 2 heals/2 tanks/2 DPS would make it so much better, and listening to faggots complain how they hate healing/tanking would be just as rewarding.
probably nothing
10/10 d.va cosplayer sent by blizzard to constantly suck me off while i play
re-retcon all the gays back to normal
Deleting Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ashe, Sombra and Brigitte from the game.
Snipers do not belong in OW , the game is just not designed for them , and Sombra/Brig encourage absolutely brain-dead play with no room for counterplay
Niggers gonna start getting triggered over this
Is they gave hanzo ricochet arrows back
Why are there so many bleached images of her?
If they stopped trying to pander to both braindead shitters and compfags and instead just made the game fun
Remove the esports focus.
Remove the "fighting toxicity" focus, banter is an integral part of what made online gaming great.
Remove the diversity focus, turn everyone into cute/lewd girls instead.
But honestly, the game is so far gone, it would be easier to make a brand new game instead.
Mark my words: Overwatch will only be remembered for its porn.
Gooks love the white D.
Turn it into a porn game
>t. whiteincel
Never played or bought it. Never will. Blizzard is chink owned garbage and everyone knows it
If they let me mating press Tasha while she's cosplaying Tracer.
remove tanks
remove supports
remove heals
give everyone some sort of a gun
bam fixed your shit game for free
more niggers are incel than whites
I seriously forgot Baptiste was the latest new character. They really need to up the development cycle on new heroes. Also community events where top voted outfits get made in game. You could even charge esport shekels for them.
a big bulge in widowmaker's crotch area
Make that teleported chick turn straight after getting fucked by reinhard.
Turning lesbians straight through the power of dick is my fetish.
story retcon/reboot to make it actually make sense
can only mix overwatch and talon heroes in arcade mode
Reward single players being skillful and make teamwork less necesary
If I can pull off across the screen headshots with McCree than I deserve the kills and you shouldn't nerf him
Honestly, it would be interesting if his storm arrows could ricochet, losing damage with each bounce. It would be a nice compromise between scatter and storm, allowing for cheeky round the corner shots.
release Overwatch 2 as a porn game. I'd play the fuck out of D.va Trainer
Take the entire development behind the building and putting a bullet in the back of their head
cancel all esports
get competent people in there
spend the esports budget on a 3d porn team
rework the maps to have less terrible chokepoints that can only be busted by mass ultimates
Have a single player campaign
introduce another Genji like high skill cap character
bring old torb back
if they rebuild it as a openworld shooter looter with open world pvp where you choose a faction (overwatch or talon)
Delete Sombra
I never played that garbage in the first place.
Only if they added a system in which you dominate and fuck your opponents
Never played it you zoomer cunt lol
Bikini skin for all females minus Ana. New characters that aren't just literally alternate versions of characters that already exist and most importantly the removal of duplicates in loot boxes as there is literally thousands of items.
Hard disagree -- they should unlimit team comps by enabling hero duplicates again, and then actually balance so it's rarely useful (too easily countered).
Adding hard-coded limits to team comp is the opposite of balancing, it's just hiding your problems by shifting the work onto your players.
Transfer of the game to a new company, and then a full-game balance patch would probably do it.
Either that or adding nude skins and jiggle physics to all heroes. Finish a season in top 500 to unlock futa models -- now that'd be a gameplay incentive.
Single player missions/campaigns similar to the limited timed events
Way too much needs to change to make it not trash.
I would play Overwatch again if Blizzard made my waifu Tracer straight.
Something fat fetish or inflation related, desu.
Rule 63 skins for every character
Even the bots
The community learns to lighten up. What kept me playing TF2 is cool groups of people playing on a couple Yea Forums private servers with 24/32 man servers and have been some of the most fun in vidya I had.
>Not wanting a Young Ana bikini
Maybe a single player campaign. A good, well written one.
if the game was fun
the only thing I enjoyed doing was playing roadhog and they nerfed the fuck out of him
Id take both
Bring back every single one shot ability in the game.
Gas the gays
Lets be real they wouldn't do young Ana.
if they remove D.Va
A complete overhaul of maps, gameplay mechanics, roster, and financial focus.
>Blacked triggered /pol/ so hard that an entire sub-genre of hentai was made/popularized in response
I will never not laugh at this
remove brigg and completely change the maps. They're god awful, TF2s maps shit on them.
I feel the same. At first I thought it was pathetic but now I just think it's funny how sad it is and joke about it
>bans, 3 heroes per team at the start of each match to fix what the balance team can't
>less emphasis on shilling it as an esport and more emphasis on making it FUN to PLAY
>stop being SJW-only and cater to the rest of your audience too. I would unironically play the game and farm up loot boxes if one could contain a skin that showed some. They have all these beautiful character models that are packed in SFM content ad nauseum and the best we get in game is them wearing some goofy costume that doesn't show anything. Look the character is dressed like a bee keeper haha so fanny and randumb joke xD!! fuck off and have characters show skin. The SJWs can simply not buy them and tweet about how offended they are while I play the game.
Remove all post launch heroes except Ana
To sum it up what's wrong with this game:
>Remove all of the 'casual play' elements of the genre, i.e. no fucking around 2fort TDM for an hour
>Everything is always focused on WIN WIN WIN, exacerbated by the focus on e-sports and competition
>At the same time, reduce the scaling of skill translating into in-game results - because of the way health, healing and matchmaking works, it's almost impossible for one really good player to just own house
>A great player can only do so much, and will always be kneecapped by bad teammates, leading to resentment
>Games are too small and tightly focused to allow people to try weird shit or a low tier character, because the loss of one player in a 6 man team in such a numbers-focused game is a huge disadvantage
>Remove all character banter, remove all 'griefing' (teabagging, sprays, emote spam) to prevent hurt feelings, and sanitize the game to look like a corporate Disney dystopia , so players only outlet for frustration is 'toxicity'
>Surprised when your player base is 'toxic'
>Release a press statement every month or two stating they're cracking down on toxicity, claim not being able to implement new maps/models characters
>Because apparently, the design and animation team got reassigned to nanny duty
It does still have skins that show off a lot of skin. I just want more shirtless men
Meta shift from sustain to burst and bigger focus on mechanical skill.
Bring back Hanzo's scatter arrow. Only shitters cried about it.
Nothing, the core gameplay is flawed blizzard somehow managed to mix both the worst things about mobas, shooters and team based games in a single game, the map design is terrible and it promotes repetitve gameplay, blizzard stance on nerfing everything makes the available pool of heroes tiny and gameplay revolves around poking from a safe distance until both teams have ultimates at which point whoever is not positioned properly loses not to mention the horrible lore and forced faggotry
It doesn't. The last time I played there were still at least 4 female characters that did not have a single skin that shows notable skin.
Based and bleach pilled dabbing on the nig nogs.
If you're legitimately looking for an overall fix for the game OP because you're some desperate retard blizzdev
>increase team cap in standard gameplay by 2
>increase the lethality of every single hero by a solid 20%, thumb it if you have to
>remove every single chokepoint in the game, as in put something there to block it and force players to go through branching routes to get to a spot
>every single hero should have one ability that, with skill and good timing, can escape any situation anywhere on the map without risk of just dying because they had to turn and make a tactical retreat to pull it off
>either add moba elements to the gameplay or remove what little moba elements they are
>add ammo as a resource for the map
>dull ults down and reshape them to focus on individual ability rather than having any mind for the rest of the team, most players are greedy retard thirdworlders so simply boosting their own capabilities with ults would make them more likely to use them and win
I never started it so there's no "back", but hypothetically speaking I might give it a try if all of the following happened:
>Overwatch Gold Edition released
>Is now FULLY playable offline
>Allows private LAN matches
>Includes a 10-12 hour long single player story campaign with high production values, cutscenes etc.
>All currently existing cosmetic items are included free in the game so you don't have to put up with lootbox bullshit
If all of that happened, I might give it a spin.
>Overwatch will only be remembered for its porn.
There's not much debate over this. People will certainly still fap to Pharah in the next decade. I know I will
Too bad nu Blizzard will certainly not be able to produce top tier waifus again.
Scatter arow or not, his arrows always seem too find my head
Fuck that smug bastard
When everyone is broken again instead of constantly nerfed
A dating sim game mode
I really enjoy this artstyle. It's like an in-between of watercolor and hand-drown. Is there a word for this style?
Also Overwatch sucks so I'll never play it again.
I want to give Ana grandchildren
give the girls fat sweaty futa cocks.
alternative thick pubic bushes, armpit hair, and some belly fat like some of the porn that's been made.