*Saves the Metroid franchise
*Saves the Metroid franchise
Other urls found in this thread:
*kills the castlevania franchise
*critically wounds the metroid franchise
What has My Españita done this time?
For fuck's sake, I hate spaniards so goddamn much
t. Leon S. Kennedy.
*Saves the Resident Evil franchise*
Catlevania LOS fue un error
Detras de ti imbecil
Im still mad they put mexican accents on spaniards
Spain didn't make a good game since Severance. Prove me wrong. Hard mode: indies don't count
Man who cares people here only play FIFA
>Hard mode: indies don't count
Ah, so its one of those "Let me win for once"
Remember when Streeet Fighter II had that flag for Spain?
>España post-post-Commandos II
>saving something
pues anda que el coche de los picoletos pero los picoletos van de nacionales... vaya tela
No, grandpa, people now just play phoneshit
>ruins the Castlevania franchise
Spain is such a turbonormie country,how do we fix it bros
Commandos 2 is the best Spanish game of all time.
Release Date: February 2001
Commandos 2:
Release Date: September 20, 2001
To be honest, Castlevania was already dead.
Lords of Shadow was just a mediocre attempt to revive it that not even Konami had any trust on.
Even the normie friends I have stopped playing because they didn't want to buy a PS4 just to play FIFA.
Now all they play is shitty phone games like Geometry.
Espero que todos hayáis votado a vox.
Pues claro
At least it's not Cruzcampo
LoS is pretty fucking bad, but all the more contentious given how highly praised it was
LoS2 however, is purely unforgivable
the salt on the soil that ensured nothing would ever grow back
Bloodstained is our only hope now
>60 delegates
>saving anything
>Implying Metroid hasn't been dead for more than ten years
I'm sorry man, but you cannot wound something that's already dead.
Spaniards and mexicans are the same.
You dont
Welcome to hell, enjoy watching the price of breathing rising while your salary is frozen the same during your entire work life
ostia me habeis flipao la polla
Don't worry, user, Blasphemous will save gaming.
Solo los sevillanos tienen tan mal gusto como para apreciar la Cruzcampo.
The Metroid franchise isn't truly saved until Zero Suit and all sexualization is removed from the series. It is the one biggest disgusting tumor that has clung to metroid since birth, and for its sake must be cut out.
>MP4 announced literally minutes before SR announced
it came back to life and was then shot in the foot
not really, one of these puts on a funny hat when playing the guitar
epic bait faggot have a (you) and fuck off
Oh come one, we don't try to climb walls, we're too lazy for that.
Same difference.
That accent doesn't feel like anything from anywhere.
¡Olé!¡Olé!¡Olé!¡Olé!¡Olé!¡Olé! bien dicho
Yet he still wanted to avenge Luis death
>and was then shot in the foot
Más claro, agua
>the father one uping the son
American education
>Sakamoto: once Samus encounters Ridley, she will freeze and break down due to PTSD
>Spain: once Samus encounters Ridley, both of them will jump at each other's throats in a fit of autistic rage
Samus Returns haters are contrarian nostalgiafags.
So do I, fucking impossible to make them teamwork and they try so fucking hard to be smartass cunts
t. Spaniard
Rather than Quixote, El lazarillo de Tormes is THE spanish book inspiring everyone
Where's all the gold
Unironically this. You don't really know Spain until you travel to South America.
Tbf, imperial flag is kino
Spain is comfy
Wasted on European wars, Spain could have been the capital of europe
What the fucking fuck? The accent of the ganados is the horrible, gachupo accent, no way to mistake it, believe me.
>t. mexican
imperial flag is still used a lot
same shit
>not yelling HIJOPUTA at each other
One fucking job
mexican,colombian,cuban...all sounds the same to me,the accent of the traitors who betrayed the fatherland and became third world shitholes shortly after
>voting for the hordes of spanish wannabe-trumps
Gross, you gachupos are even more retarded than I thought, good thing those faggots got BTFO.
Go back to being dead and desecrated Franco.
SR was fine. Let's wait until Dread to see if they can actually save the franchise now that they're not tied down to a pre-existing game
They actually won big
Sí y ese mismo día sobreviví que me asaltaran 3 gitanos de alguna forma
Yeah, in their own records, not in a trully, meaninful way.
¿Votar a un partido de palilleros y paletos escopeteros? ¡Nunca! más bien nunca voto porque da pereza y no sirve para nada
Why does every conversation that has something to do with Spain always turns into politics lmao i love this country,never change faggots
>Creates little junior spains
>Fucks over their original populations under a caste system
>Drains then from the resources instead of reinvesting on the well being of the population
>Surprised when your sons leave home you the moment mother France dabs on you
>tfw nini y virgen
Abascal te protege.
>voting for a bunch of faggots who want to have another Franco bullshit
I saw Pan's Labyrinth, I know how you fascists work you fucking gachupo faggot, go eat shit.
>t. mexicunt
Why is Spain's economy so bad?
Except the leaders of the revolutions were rich spaniards that had nothing to do with the rest of the population
Sort of the same as listening murricans, brits and strayas as a nonburg, they all sound the fucking same unless you're in the affected group
But I fucking hate argentinian with a passion, I've long switched to english subs to dodge these subhumans incapability of learning the basic rules of a language even centuries after their induction to it
Chile gets also a mention since I havent met a single one in any spanish speaking group, ever, that wasnt a fucking dramatic attention whore, furry, legit retard, or ruined the whole community on its own by virtue of being incapable of proving themselves not subhumans
Like Vox wouldn't put you all anime posters in the same group of degenerates from the "ley de vagos y maleantes".
>Even Viggo Mortensen told vox faggots to fuck off
Feels good tío.
>Tfw virgin too but bello and with dinero
Like VOX wouldnt gas you catalan subhuman
Did you know that the high class in those countries are pureblood descendants of spaniards, the ones that started the independence?
Why do I keep coming to this board
I liked Rime
Also, the devs behind Time are called Tequila Works
Are Spaniards this Tsundere for Mexicans?
No, i actually care for my country
I think thats the tower of joy in GOT
Mexican here: Half of you faggots are alright.
And by half I mean the ones who aren't crying like fucking babies because of the independentistas or the izquierda, fucking vox shitstains
Its a spanish castle
You can do it anons, theres still room for improvement
Caballero supremo
>Are Spaniards this Tsundere for Mexicans?
Yes, gachupos love us with all their dirty, charcoled hearts, they just don't want to admit it.
It's weird reading "original" Spanish aka Castilian. I can see the flow, but to say it slows me down.
Shut the fuck up leftist retard
They will have to cross the border first :^)
Underrated troll
>Spain so bad at managing its own overseas holdings that it's other Spaniards the ones wanting out.
What did I just say about the butthurt?
We already crossed it
>be retarded piece of shit leftist that cant see that it has ruined the entirety of south america and its trying to export it to other places like its mega aids
>get called out
>lmao ur just butthurt
>tfw 23, con un buen trabajo y no virgen
We dont even flinch anymore when the biweekly fund diversion scandal pops up, and even then the exposed party doesnt even get fired out of its position of power after being caught abusing it
There's also the issue of foreigners having more rights than natives, the mandatory 5 years of prior experience hitting really hard countrywide and the only alternative for young people fresh out of school being the meat grinders at the big cities and only if you have the appropiate degree for it, and again, the cost of life raising, while salaries stand still and retirement funds getting lower and lower
And then they wonder why young people are so reluctant to have babies, they cant even secure a future for themselves how the fuck can they secure one for a child
Reminder B*sque and other fags whining for independent are historically Moors supporters.
Nah, no one cares about Mexicans in Spain
This is now a comfy /esp/ thread
Dayoscript es literalmente projared pero virgen
Oh, és un d'aquests fils. Basats i vermellpindolejats
Wher can I learn Spanish (Castle), amigos?
>critically wounds the metroid franchise
>Best Metroid game in over 10 years
Dayo perdió la grasa y junto con ella, la gracia.
>e-celeb shit
If we can't even save our own country do you think we could save a dead franchise?
>és un d'aquests fils. Basats i vermellpindolejats
This language looks ugly. Like French mixed with Portuguese.
>youtubers de habla hispana
>>be retarded piece of shit leftist that cant see that it has ruined the entirety of south america and its trying to export it to other places like its mega aids
Thanks for showing you don't give a shit about south america by not knowing that the right destroyed latin america for the past 50 years.
Also, I'm not south american you ignorant oaf.
Dayo es un mierdas y no se puede decir nada más de el
>e celebs españoles
Ok fags stop arguing already. Post ur favorite spanish meal. I'll start
I love Maldita Castilla!
So? Half of you mutts are moors anyway, a millenia of caliphate can rot your brain it seems.
I'm having that for dinner. Sin cebolla
Vale chavales ¿que juego me compro con 70 pavos?
>tfw ya me han despedido en tres cárnicas por negarme a hacer horas extras que no se pagan
Kyseate a ti mismo, retardado.
Are we white bros?
Fallout 76
>Southern Scum
Less than 3% Moor even then Moors weren't Arab nor Black.
>memeverso fan localizado
seguro que te tocas con fotos de felipez360 gordo hijo de puta
>Sin cebolla
Pero si ahora hay registro horario. Si haces horas extra te las tienen que pagar fijo. Que les caiga un puro por judíos
El único youtuber español que merece la pena es Caith Sith, pruébame erróneo
>Drains then from the resources instead of reinvesting on the well being of the population
What are all the cathedrals, universities, hospitals and FUCKING CITIES founded through centuries
>tfw no novio
Depends on the day,one day you may wake up black,moorish or white. Its the curse of the spaniard,learn to live with it
¿Eres yo?
Pierde la virginidad
Just make an edit and put a Alhambra or a 1906
Can't wait for it to be released and see christian memes on Yea Forums
>Implicando que España tenga algún partido no paleto.
Corruption. Also left can't into economics.
Post boipuccy
¿eres chica(chica)?
>Gordo de mierda con depresión por que nunca ha follado y nunca tendrá una novia por más de dos semanas
>Se convierte en un aliado feminista y empieza a meter mierda sjw en sus vídeos
>Termina cuckeado por gran parte de sus seguidores y por la única novia que ha tenido
Que se joda él y todo youtube España que todos son una mierda
are spanards mexicanns
El único youtuber bueno es el youtuber muerto
spoken like a true drug driven country citizen
Quien sabe?
Por favor borra ese tweet, no quiero ver una cosa tan horripilante
por que los españoles tienen las pollas mas grandes?
El MCRC era el único partido que no era paleto, pero murio Trevijano y se fue a la mierda
Alright let me rephrase that.
>Drains half the resources of the country while the other half is spent on benefits for the local clergy and nobility
you can't neglect you made a mess of every single one of your spawns by forcing one sided politics on them.
Yo no.
Mercury Steam, isn't that the rumored dev where the boss took the money and ran away to a south american country?
boy arent you grateful they gave you a work in THEIR place with chinese work conditions to get an opportunity to get over the grind of years of experience at a thankless role where you're only noticed when you underperform?
Fuck sake I work in construction collecting bruises daily and getting yelled and insulted daily by the boss which is my father, the only man willing to ever give me a job, I want to get out of fucking here but the only place giving me a job as a programmer or anything computer related is in fucking madrid and the working and living conditions conditions there are inhuman
quien va a ver el E3 en españa que no sea el stream de alexelgordo o el stream de fukuy
espero que tengan todos minimo el C1 de ingles
Cuando ocupo una falda si :3
I loved the city of Barcelona but the people sucked. Is Madrid any better?
typical gachupo faggot, being the butt of the jokes in europe but he's still thinks he's better because MUH WHITENESS
En realidad la mayoría no la tiene tan grande
Follar extranjeras es de las pocas cosas que se nos da bien(excepto para los vírgenes de cuatrochan aqui presentes)
At least we have money, you fucking euro dead weight.
B2 solamente
>kills the castlevania franchise
You thank Hideo and Kojima for that.
>Not loving Madrid
Begone pelotudo
>bla bla bla
No, it isn't
kek easy mode
Madrid is way better than B*rcelona,at least they speak spanish
>El gremlin del sur
>tfw paso tanto tiempo en 4chins que hablo mejor ingles que español
>puedo hablar el ingles fluido pero el español tartamudeo y me cuesta buscar palabras
Me hice esto yo solo.
>Can't create a coherent argument
sasuga gachupo
No tengo ningún certificado y me los veo todos los días entendiendo lo que dicen, me niego a verlo con una sudaca traduciéndolo
>Pero si ahora hay registro horario
Yeah, respected by none, I'm still working 8 to 6 nonstop and getting calls on my phone if I'm not at my workplace at 7:45, with no card/ticket/whatever is used machine nowhere near sight, with the boss openly complaining about "they are fucking clueless about the shit they're trying to push, give it two or three years before this one is forgotten too" guess that worked too when you got to pay thousands in sanctions for not putting the speed limiter to your truck, cunt
Did you go to the turbonormie Erasmus group? All they think is Razz, Apolo & such
Whatever the fuck they talk about in Spain that's not goddamn spanish. Same thing with the fucking bongs, learn to speak you fucking yuropoors.
Fucking this
Fuck you and free Catalonia
*Makes no videogames
Llamada anónima a inspección de trabajo y se les acaba la tontería
Ya somos 2 user.
argument about what
Lamento que te convirtieras en un basado brainleteado amigo
Somos mejores porque no somos un narco-estado. Joder 500 años han pasado y seguís con la misma historia, dariaís pena sino fueseis una verguenza para nuestro legado, deberíamos haber aplicado el metodo de colonización inglés, pero claro hacemos las cosas a medias y esto es lo que pasa
I like Spain, but all of their colonies were a mistake.
Oficialmente tengo el B1
Hablar en ingles es lo que me cuesta, si no ya tendría el C1 e incluso C2.
>tfw im trying to teach myself spanish in order to have some sort of skill
>can read it ok, but can barely form a sentence even after two years
>too afraid to practice with native speakers, likely will never be able to
Me da doler, hermanos
>Whatever the fuck they talk at Spain
>Not spanish
Bro, estas bien?
We are already talking about Spain fren
Yo voy a verlo con alexelgordo, disparadme si quereis
Aunque este año va a ser un poco mierda porque no estan ni EA ni Sony pero eh
>Comment registered, an extra ration will be added to your meal at your current cell hotel. This is valid only as today
oh entonces solo los homosexuales la tienen asi de grande
Mexican here: Can't we all on the iberoamericasphere get along? I think you gachupos have some cool stuff on you, same with the argentinian, the chilean and everyone, I love all of my spanish-speaking bros.
>Arguing against a sudamericano
>Posting a Mexican pic
Anónimo please...
>Fucking this
Llego al punto en el que me vienen a la mente palabras en ingles pero no se traducirlas a la hora de decirlass
Moriras solo españo-virgen
Yo me he dado cuenta de que se mas palabras en ingles que en español.
Utilizo tan poco el español que se me esta olvidando el vocabulario.
+1. Me vi Narcos y me pasé toda la puta serie preguntándome por qué el pueblo colombiano es tan surnormal de permitir algo así
*Me va a doler (it's gonna hurt me)
*Me da dolor (it gives me pain)
Real,original spanish faggot,and not that jungle indio shit they speak in the americas
You were a mistake negro de mierda
You should be proud. Finding a Spaniard that's fluent in English is like finding a needle in a haystack.
jesus putisimo cristo, salga de su casa, hablen con sus padres, hablo ambos idiomas de manera fluida y no tartamudeo nunca, git gud en idiomas negros
thanks fren
i always forget the words i mean to use. i know them, but i forget them when it comes time to use them.
Being poor and a drag on the european union is better then?
>dariaís pena sino fueseis una verguenza para nuestro legado
Take a look in the mirror you fucking inbred 'white' faggot.
Yeah, but who the ever loving fuck is going to give me anything close a shitty job with under three hours of daily, unpaid commuting then
t. chicano
¿ha vuelto?
>Posts a meme meal
Based. I think Locomalito will release a new game this year.
En la carencia de cebolla es donde está el carácter de la tortilla. Lo escuché en Todopoderosos.
La media española es 13cm. Todo lo demás es boquilla.
Cáncer. Al menos no es Anait, supongo.
I liked Madrid. It's not a city for living but it's fine for tourism.
Larga vida al rey
Aunque de vivo no tenga nada
The same goes for an english person speaking spanish, bro (hermano)
Basado y Picaroempastillado.
20 E U R O S
Cringe, pero tiene puntos válidos
>not that jungle indio
You mean a purer, neutral spanish instead of the old-ass drible you moor fucks spew?
>literalmente todo lo que no sea souls o toby fox es mierda
Muzska nunca debio salir de battlefield
Post good spanish music
Voxfags are sad because they wont be able to implement the forced military service to defend Israel
>t. chicano
I've only set foot in burgerland as a tourist.
Quién echa de menos el antiguo El Pixel Ilustre? Era el mejor blog español hasta que se Andresito y los demás se rindieron a las SJW. TETAS
spain trying to be relevant
Mis padres no hablan español weon, encima estoy con clases de aleman, aprender idiomas fue un error
Han terminado los narcos de follarse a tu hermana o planean degollarla después?
Can't talk for other countries user, but from all my travels I can say this thread is nothing more than friendly banter and most Spanish speaking countries are like an extended family you know you never had, at least that's my experience as a Mexican, they all are lovely.
Dont bet on it, he's likely argentinian
Onions el unico que no ve ningun yutuber en absoluto o que?
Que basura es esta.
hola Ana
whiter than you ahmed
No si te llevo conmigo primero
Joder, imaginate a un negro de los EEUU en medio de una procesión
Have you faggots stopped being poor and dirtier than Italy and Greese combined?
Si españa salio de su hoyo de mierda economico (creo?), aun hay esperanza para mi hoyo de mierda que llamo pais natal?
Estoy muy preocupado por el futuro, chicos
crawl back to your hellhole
Have you seen Blackkklansman?
Ah pasado, los pobres no tienen idea de lo que sucede y de que no tiene nada que ver con la mierda estadounidense
Bro, you voted Vox, seriously? It's alright man come on don't cry 24 delegates are more than enough, it's almost as much as the independentist parties!
>The moment latinos arrive they ruin the thread
Espero que ese subnormal no vuelva nunca, literalmente Dunkey pero de alguna forma más ignorante
Cómo es que todavía tienes internet amigo venezolano, no se los restrinje el régimen? Apoyamos a Venezuela
>Si españa salio de su hoyo de mierda economico
Ahahaha aaaaahahaha... ha... ha...
>all the fags online pronouncing it as if it was a french word
Sasel es el basedboy español
If my 14 year old sister burrowing herself in Snapshit and Youtube shit can speak English with no problem, I'm pretty sure a good portion of Spanish-speaking people can as well.
Posteen BUENOS youtubers de videojuegos
Pepe es wholesome. Podra ser realmente sencillo, pero su contenido es realmente entretenido y buen narrado.
>inb4 las miniaturas
¿Pero Dayo es virgen o la perdio?
>Years ago, have a little LoL group with pals and a romanian someone invited for some reason
>speak english with him
>over time, he learnt to speak spanish on his own
>the first thing he ever learnt was hijo de puta ,cabron, malfollado and similar
>He ended up spelling those like a fucking champ and better than any of us in voice chat
>Out of the hole
user I...
Aprende a hablar inglés que seguramente te sirva para cuando saltes el muro
seria la polla
The only option for you my friend is to wait until they kill your gringo-puppet and then the gringos kill Maduro, then you will have food and medicine again.
You will bend-over the gringos more than any other country in south america, but at least you'll have food in your table
Also, mexican here, please stop sending your silicone-filled, plastic-surgery-addict prostitutes and drug-dealing hitmen over here, we have enough of those over here already.
I'm talking about the drug dealers, we don't have a lot of those silicone whores, but we don't want them either, k tnx bye.
We are the most first world mediterranean country
Y el Rime también. Qué puto asco de mierdas pretenciosas hechas para pseudoblogs. El periodismo de juegos está en la mierda. Me pregunto qué pensaran de todo esto los boomers de la Hobby (Quesada, Juan Carlos García y los demás)
Gracias bro, el internet no es restringido, pero lo es al mismo tiempo, porque las tarifas de los servicios sobrepasan los 90.000 bss.
El unico servicio barato lo desmantelaron tras un robo masivo de cables telefonicos en muchos conjuntos residenciales del pais
Suponia que estaban mejor coomparados con 2012-2013. He visto varios venezolanos que van a españa y les ha ido bastante bien.
>gets actually raped and conquered by islam niggers and sand niggers
>whiter than you ahmed
Por cierto ¿Que venía a significar exactamente "basedboy"?
Menuda ostia se ha pegado el PP estas elecciones, menudo chiste
I had a typo and you fucking mutt can't even be bothered to even type in english, fuck off.
Also, thanks for not being able to reply to the fact that you shitstains are nothing but dead weight to europe now.
Virgen como el aceite de oliva
>gets actually raped and conquered by islam niggers and sand niggers
not even tru,either way whiter than you Ahmed Lopez Ibrahim
>Doctor Pavel, onions de la ZIA
Como que no
That's like saying Mexico is the 'most first' (your shitty english, not mine) caribbean country.
Mexicans created the best indie game from Ibero-America last year
What did they mean by this?
este señor
Where all my /fib/ boys @??
Computació rules
i guess u dont have history class in that 3rd world shithole
Mexico is not even in the caribbean
Sorry for that. I want the emigration to stop because Venezuelans in his 80% of the population is just horribly awful despicable people that just want to commit crime flawessly in another country, or being the same toxic waste of person in another place of the world.
I remember when in some group, a Venezuelan in peru asked if he can fix his car without paying any taxes or something like that.
In my 19 years, i just meet good people that i can count with just 2 hands.
fucking normies, that's what's happening
They get a thread to gather among akin degenerates, and all they want to talk about is their surrogate friends
Mind You
Better than yours burgerman
>Si españa salio de su hoyo de mierda economico
>Homicide rates across Latin America
>United States
looks like fucking dogshit, you couldn't pay me money to play that
Lee un poquito anda
After reading both Quixote books I thought "no wonder this is the greatest novel ever" and also "this is like the Naked Gun but with knights".
Since then I love making parodies and satire.
This was supposed to be out already, even the additional time they gave themselves is up
Prolly will see it in Winter
Any place is better than Venisuela at it's current state, also I'm sure a lot of those people had some nice money to start a small business in Spain.
I pray the gods the left here don't get full infected by SJW, if we can have that I will be happy enough with this hellhole... also Europe not going full retard, yeah I'm a dreamer
Por mi de puta madre. Nadie se queja de nada y cuando alguien lo hace todo el mundo se rebota. Véase metro, taxis o los catalanes. Yo sigo teniendo aumentos de sueldo mientras vosotros trabajáis vuestras horas extras sin pagar
>salio de su hoyo de mierda economico
>Sorry for that. I want the emigration to stop because Venezuelans in his 80% of the population is just horribly awful despicable people that just want to commit crime flawessly in another country
No sweat, it's not like we don't have a shitload of human garbage up in here anyway, but when people talk shit about venezuelans I always say that the worst kind of people in that country that emmigrate to mexico are the worst scum possible, and the scum with money, that's why they deal with drugs and people.
I guess Trump was right in that some of our worst people are the ones who emmigrate to burgerland, but at least in Mexico's case, the gringos algo get a shitload of hardworking people willing to clean their bathrooms filled with blood-smeared shit because whitey can't handle spicy food.
We latins need to have each other's backs. Fuck Spain though.
>flag thread
>/int/ and /pol/ derail
ojalá no conociera ese sentimiento, anónimo
>Onions el unico
Someone else hyped for Pendulo's new game? I didn't even know it was theirs 'til I found out outta nowhere. Loved Runaway, Hollywood Monsters and Yesterday
Por lo menos los subnormales de Muzska y Bortz se fueron a tiempo antes de convertirse en SJW de mierda como Dayo
Surprisingly, this isn't such a /pol/ thread, I'm mexican and I've only been called a racial slur twice, that's a winning to me, but it's funnier because both times I've been called that by some sort of inbed moor subhuman.
>Fuck Spain though.
Pero por que
Claramente no seguias a Bortz en twitter antes de que desapareciera
>Puto esto
Llegue al punto en donde se que significa la palabra "Stubborn" en español, pero no su traduccion directa. Tambien el hecho de que desde que complete AA Investigations 2 he jugado todos los juegos que descargo en ingles.
Es un arma de doble filo, esto
Cough on them, it may work again.
Pues yo no tengo ni puta idea de youtubers españoles, no sé de qué coño estáis hablando ahora mismo.
hace 80 años españa era un país tercermundista. Preguntad a vuestros abuelos, seguro sois muy jóvenes para que se hayan muerto todavía
>hace 80 años españa era un país tercermundista
Y volverá a serlo en un par de décadas
>another veiled /pol/ thread
Fuck off
Pero si le caía mierda cada dos por tres por travelos sacando mierda de contexto
>hace 80 años españa era un país tercermundista
no,solo estaba menos industrializado
Ni 80, hace 50 años el pueblo donde creció mi madre no tenían carreteras ni agua corriente en las casas
THIS... sadly
post espanish games
We also used to do this shit, but we dropped it very recently. I blame all the Yankee cock we took post Pinochet
You don't get it 'tío', we're unfortunately on a very different frequence, we latinbros and you spaniards, the sins of colonization is something that is still there, no matter how much time will go, the rape and pillage still means something, ask the bongs how they're doing trying to undo half a millenia of imperialism.
Muszka pertenece al viejo Youtube. Al que no es un hoyo de mierda lleno de amarillistas y SJW
Almenos aun quedan usuarios como Pepe, Lanecron, Club Nientiendo (Mas o menos...), y Arkanfunkel que no han sucumbido a ser unos retardos por /pol/ en internet
>hace 80 años españa era un país tercermundista
Yeah, but at least our grandfathers had lands to till, now we're barely entitled to the shits we take
8 seconds
A mí me cuesta hablar en español, así que en inglés ni lo intento.
Just use some app to talk to foreigners.
Yo diría que solo los travelos. No he visto uno que tenga la polla corta.
EPI no puede ser lo mejor cuando existió Gamerah.
Tenía esperanzas de que el puto Dayo se convirtiese en un Muzska 2.0 pero ha resultado ser uno de los más basedboys al lado de Wasmachu
Esta cabrón olvidar palabras.
No sé cuando fue la ultima vez que descargue un juego, libro o cualquier otra pendejada en español.
It's not like you didn't take yankee cock WHEN Pinochet arrived.
>Not choosing Software
Pleb detected
Basedboy es una mierda que pusieron en Yea Forums porque la gente no paraba de spammear basedboy y ahora te lo cambia automaticamente a basedboy para que te jodas y dejes de usarlo.
Basedboy viene de que algún iluminado dijo que la soja contenía unas particulas que te jodian la testosterona y te afeminaban, entonces los que bebian leche de soja eran unos afeminados (esto fue desmentido por un estudio, que concluyo que esas particulas que la soja tiene no te afeminan)
That's what I meant, after he took over the dicking began.
*kills the biggest spanish vidya company, seemingly with no effort*
Why is Spain so comfy?
La santísima trinidad bloguera de los late 2000
Bien, onions retrasado
I think I would have the exact same problem if it weren't because I have a degree on both iberoamerican literature AND english literature.
Having two native-level languages can be a pain in the butt.
postea tu cara cuando viste esto
>Primero el foro de la FIB
>Ahora aquí
No empecemos otra vez con el tema de los helados por favor
awful bait
>Good climate
>chill people
>cities always full of life
The only problem I have with spain is the fucking politics
But that happened so long ago, it's like still being angry at the germans because of WW2
The only good videogames spanish did are the glorious saga "Commandos" (except for the last one)
>Tfw Mexican gamergirls are becomming more common in Mexico
Pues a mi me gustaba el viejo AuronPlay que no se cortaba en soltar de todo a los subnormales a los que les dedicaba los vídeos.
I liked the first Lords of Shadow on a pure action game basis, with every possible asterisk and exclamation point in the world attached to it to show that it's NOT what a Castlevania game should ever be like.
Then the second one came and added stealth sequences and had the wimpiest incarnation of Dracula that there's ever been.
>UML monkeys
enjoy losing the EDA game
As mexican, I was willing to let most of Spain's general bullshit (not only towards my country) be water under the bridge, but then the vox meme magic bullshit happened and then I realized you fuckers simply don't have the brain capacity to understand from your own past, I was under the impression that the retarded fucks who wanted to have another Franco were just a very loud minority but now it seems that you fuckers simply don't learn.
Eat shit gachupines.
I dropped the whole thing right after Bocadillo aired, what did it all end up being?
Yea Forums te cambia so.yboy por basedboy y so.y por onions
that pic is not Spain bro
At least I will finish in 4 years, see you in 2024 I guess
A Muzska le pueden dar por el culo, Bortz por lo menos cerró el Patreon antes de pirarse y fue el primero con cojones de hablar mierda de Kingdom Hearts antes de que estuviese bien visto. Youtube España ha sido siempre sida.
Opinion discarded, you're a brainlet that doesn't even know what that word actually means.
Directamente no he visto nada de este tío desde principios de 2016
You misspelled Patreon thots Pedro
Yeah sometimes it is a pain. I guess reading books from time to time in Spanish should lessen the issue a bit.
Yo siempre he rondado en el internet americano desde que descubrí YTMND en 2002
Literally who?
Of course they are. There's a market filled to the brim with delusional fucks like yourself.
puto basedmaricón de mierda que asco tronco,encima cuando estos putos normies hablan de memes y se creen memelords,que puto cringe
Como se dice "cringe" en español?
So you're saying the Franquismo was a bunch of retards as well? Because that's what they liked to be called too.
pfffffffff, por encima los memes en español son una puta mierda el 90% de las veces
la traducción más correcta sería pudor
A Muzska lo han asesinado y esa vez que habló en Twitter fue uno de sus amigos que estaban hasta los huevos de que le preguntasen donde coño estaba
spanish people are jealous haters
Solo di ñañaras y ya, si vas a decirlo en español no uses anglicismos por favor.
>implicando que onions subnormal
Pues para mi siempre será Vincent Finch
>implyeando que son memes
además suelen latinos quienes hacen los """memes""" esos de mierda :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v :v
I know an artist that worked on Lords of Shadow 2.
The Mercury's studio director had the fault. He is/was like Randy Pitchford.
You're saying it like regular memes aren't total shit too.
el crinch o el crinje
vergüenza ajena
Jena en plan corto
Os odio a todos tios. Ojalá me pudiera ir a otro pais menos casposo.
>"Stubborn" en español, pero no su traduccion directa.
"Cabezota", at least in Spain.
Locomalito y el tío de Unepic son basados, user.
Ojalá ilegalizasen a PP y PSOE. Estoy dispuesto a no incluir a Podemos por el poco tiempo que llevan, siempre que hagan limpieza en el partido.
I alway thought Quixote was dark and grim. It's satire but it's fucking . Also the protags are made of steel: the average man would die in the first 100 pages.
Isn't that Chile?
Siempre he pensado que era vergüenza ajena.
Quien de vosotros tendría que, en teoría, estar estudiando un final de la universidad
I finished a few years ago but I want to go back and do research or something
I hate work here, it's all slavework at consulting shitholes, more slavework pseudo-related to video games at King/Sharepoint, or tryhard startups doomed to fail after slaving away too.
I miss uni days.
Locomalito is pretty good, I loved Viriax
Spain is only good for the porn
Obstinado creo que sería una mejor traducción
>Mexican girls
>Becoming more common in Mexico
Kek. Where are they going to be more common?
Feixistes. Visca Catalunya
What country did this abomination to nuke in squeaky clean?
nama me revuelve mas las entrañas que leer espanglish
jajajaja no
Dar grima.
Cómprate Sekiro, jodido plebeyo
Post top-tier spanish food.
Plebs, the best spanish game is La Abadía del Crimen. Get an educated opinion or leave the thread
>Suponiendo que eres subnormal.
Lo eres, no sabes hablar ni en inglés ni en castellano.
Mañana tengo Bases de Datos pero no puedo concentrarme. Estoy todo el rato pensando en mi profe. Ya me la he cascado dos veces mientras lurkeo este post.
Para eso voto a mi perro que seguro que sabe más de la vida que abascal. Ese tio es inutil
Yo hablo como me sale de los huevos en esta web de imbeciles, payaso.
>What country did this abomination to nuke in squeaky clean?
Algun pais latinoamericano de mierda
Esto es 4chanclas
Based boomer poster.
Wait, what? No, fuck you, it was Chile.
Based and boomerpilled
And food. And beachs.
>That controls
lol, no.
Yes, Franco was not a fascist at all. Go read a fucking book or something.
>I write like a retarded because I choose to.
Ok mate, you do you.
Sasel is cancer.
but the didn't user, they didn't...
What exactly is so horrible and evil about Samus Returns?
Franco es fascista, fin.
Now say it without crying.
It was Chile, don't fuckin' blame us for that shit.
Cerrad la puta boca sobre la política y el separatismo y del banquete de semen que os estáis tragando y hablad de videojuegos coño
los demás: mariconas
I like Spain.
t. sudaca.
Give then 2 clubs and they will beat each other to death for the pettiest of things
es un hilo español,es inevitable
Pictured: (You)
Cago en la ostia ya, dejaros de mamaros las pollas, Torrente presidente, ¡y arriba España!
Are you one of those mouthbreathers that also say that Hitler wasn't really a national socialist and that in the holocaust they only killed 10,000 jews?
Ponte en la cola, la Yamabuki es mía
>sus idiomas no se pronuncian tal y como se escriben
Debe joder mucho tener un idioma ilógico de subhumanos. El español es el lengaje del hombre que piensa.
Dare I say, truly BASED
I see nothing wrong with that.
Twitter tiene cogido por los huevos a los youtubers españoles, eso es lo que pasa. Dentro de 5 años los que han pirado tendrán carreras profesionales, y los travelos que les tiraban mierda seguirán ahí metiéndose el Wiimote en el tajo de hacha para que no cicatrice.
What can you program?
t Working in town at a decent company
ya hemos pasado
Spain? Or you could go to London and talk to any random waiter.
Dayoscript es un gilipollas que habla sin tener ni idea en todos sus putos videos, de verdad ni un minuto sin que diga o la obviedad más grande o la stupidez mas absoluta
Heus aquí /elnostrenoi/
Willyrex fue inteligente al marcharse a Estados Unidos y forrarse ahí.
Ni con tu polla voto a esos rancios.
verguenza ajena
Solo si votas a VOX
Even the people from Morocco are white.
Porque no nos pudieron haber colonizado los ingleses?
En ese caso seríamos desarrollados en lugar de una versión de España sorprendentemente aun más basura
Save it from what? Oj I remember now we "buyed" cuba from you for 2 fucking cents. It was soo easy I feel pety for you spaniards
por supuesto
Commandos 2 is better than that Umberto Eco knockoff
Mi yutuber favorito eres un crack sige asi :v
That's the problem friend : )
I always had a suspicion that all american "conservatives" are closet communists.
unironically this
Oh excuse my retardation.
Necesitamos más temas hispanos, los gringos no tienen estos puntazos.
If believing that makes you sleep better at nigth feel free to do it brainletfriend
vete a otro país, pero no votes aquí joputa
No, I'm just a guy that has studied history outside of any of the many commie ridden colleges we have here.
Los panchitos de mierda no saben currarse los false flags, a diferencia de los americanos. Las faltas de ortografía siempre les delatan.
I didn't knew he run to South America, but I knew he was doing shitty things like Randy Pitchford.
A la cama Colau que mañana madrug... Oh, wait.
Como diría Pérez-Reverte, "somos lo mejor de los moros". Que no te sepa tan mal, user.
Porque entonces sí que habría un exterminio de verdad.
Digamos que hay un discord secreto lleno de autistas...
Franco murió hace más de 40 años, dejad el puto temita en paz ya pelmazos.
>literally stealing my hero academia's motto
spics are subhuman
>>I write like a retarded
This! But it's artistic so the the journalists give it a 10/10
Being "poor" in spain is like being "poor" in the united states. It's poor compared to to the overall population, but put them in south america and they are now middle-high class.
>Abascal se pasa la vida de chiringuito en chiringuito, cobrando sin dar un palo al agua
>Cuando se le acaba el chollo en el Centro Nacional de Hacer que Haces lo enchufan en el Comité de Rascarse la Polla
>Cuando le cierran el último chiringo funda Vox para seguir viviendo del dinero de cuatro subnormales
>Aún así hay gente que lo defiende y piensa que va a salvar al país y a darnos a todos trabajo de toreros y curas
Nos merecemos lo que nos pase desu.
¿Tienes algo de Betis-chan?
Eso díselo al PSOE
It's fine, it's only among faggots.
Algún gallego por aquí?
A qué coño saben los calsotes esos?
Tranqui yo no me molesto con esas mierdas.
>Dando a entender que Galicia se independizaría
Como gallego puedo asegurar que antes se independiza Madrid que Galicia