How come literally every other monster collecting franchise failed to reach even 10% of Pokemon's success?
How come literally every other monster collecting franchise failed to reach even 10% of Pokemon's success?
Pokemon isnt just video games. It's a whole brand on its own really.
Because they're 2nd or 2rd carbon copies of Pokemon. Pokemon was inspired by Megami Tensei, and its obvious how different they are from each other.
>relatively lengthy single-player campaign
>simple battle system that's easy to understand yet gives you a fair amount of customisability
>competitive multiplayer in the form of link cable battles
>co-operative multiplayer in the form of link cable trading
>a bunch of related products in other media, including an anime series and a trading card game
>solid monster designs that include a range of cute and cool looking designs to appeal to all ages and genders
Because the Digimon World games are fucking hard and simply not for kids.
Your Digimon wants to poop and eat, that's boring. You have to train them outside of fights forever and your buddies even die permanently and you have to start over. Who'd want that? Who that saw and loved the first three shows would want to play something like that?
Pokemon on the other hand is exactly like the show and has no unnecessary features. People got exactly what they wanted.
Because the Digimonstory games started wayyy too late, Digimon already died in the west by the time those games came out. It still wouldn't have been on the level of Pokémon but it would've been doing a lot better than it currently is. As for Yo-Kai Watch the designs were largely unappealing to westerners, despite the gameplay of the second and third games being better than Sun & Moon the series failed to catch on because it was so heavily inspired by Japanese folklore.
Pretty simple reason actually.
Pokemon designs are actually good unlike the vast majority of every other monster collecting franchise's rosters.
Not only are Pokemon designs just appealing, they are also often just genius creatively with a lot of them (at least the newer ones) being meshes of themes eloquently put together such as ninja/frog, shogun/isopod, mage/fennec fox. Their designs are 100% their secret sauce for success.
gee I wonder why
what a lad
If seems like the monsters get more porn than the humans
Digimon is a monster raising game, Pokemon is a JRPG where mons are glorified weapon slots.
Digimon World 1 is fantastic, no Pokemans can compare.
pokemon had the nintendo marketing machine in full effect, and all the stars aligned to make it the biggest media franchise ever. not only that, but they have a fanbase full of paypigs who legitimately do not care how bad the product becomes as long as it keeps reminding them of their childhood. it's impossible for anyone else to compete with this.
megaten, digimon and yo-kai watch have managed to carve out niches for themselves, but these franchises also differ significantly from pokemon in terms of their mechanics, tone, and/or target audience. plus, megaten created the genre in the first place while digimon came to the west almost a full year before pokemon did.
every other franchise in the genre either never came to the west, fizzled out due to lack of marketing/interest, wasn't any good to begin with, or some combination of the three.
Digimon is pretty successful though.
It doesn't have the ubiquity Pokemon has, but it's definitely doing well.
Monster Rancher, on the other hand, is in bad shape.
I feel like the gameplay of those other games never remained consistent enough. Digimon World 1, 2, 3 are VASTLY different games from each other on every front. The only one that comes close to me is the Dragon Warrior Monsters games, and it's a fucking shame that series is pretty much dead.
i wanna fuck these quties
They don't
poor collecting and pvp style interacting mechanics
Usually terrible designs, terrible names for creatures/moves, occasionally awful translations and pretty often terrible combat mechanics
and that's a good thing!
pokemons head-start was too big. also, digimon, while obviously the better anime, was butchered by a trash us adaptation, so, thanks for that, burgers
what is this from though
"Mischief! Gaiden"
Pokemon died down after gen 2. Only resurged into the social zetigeidt recently because of Go.
I was into Pokemon, then Digimon, then Yu-Gi-Oh, then Beyblade IIRC
t.92 fag
>Pokemon released on the most widely accessible console of its generation
>Has a massive variety of monsters even from the first gen
>Allows you to transfer your own personal pokemon up from gen 3 onward which at this point means you could have about 17 years of being able to use your "bros" if you wanted
>Has a stupidly autistic amount of depth when it comes to stats, abilities and movesets
Its pretty obvious why dude.
Digimon games are often very different from each other unless they're direct sequels. There's also no "mainline" game (yet), although the creators are now realizing they probably should do that after Cyber Sleuth was moderately successful and how people said they want a Digimon World 3 or Digimon World DS type of game, just better and in 3D.
Yo-Kai Watch was only popular in Japan because the Yo-Kais actually caught on there. There's too much cultural difference for Yo-Kai Watch to catch on elsewhere, despite the huge effort in localization, trying to make the game "relatable" to Western audiences. That and the battle system was disliked by many, not being able to directly control not even at least one party member was a huge turn off. It also didn't help that Yo-Kai Watch 1 was not really a long or in-depth game... While Yo-Kai Watch 2 improved on many things, most already lost interest. Yo-Kai Watch 4 looks promising, as people are all hyping it up to be a "Pokémon killer"... Although, let's be real... It won't.
Shin Megami Tensei is more or less the "father" of monster collector RPGs, but it's a very difficult series to get into. It wasn't until "Now featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series (TM)" in Nocturne/Lucifer's Call that it got noticed a bit and then later more thanks to Persona 4 and 5. SMT4 also was not appealing to the masses because it was a step down from 3 in terms of graphics as the battles were in 1st person and the story was all presented like a VN.
Hopefully SMTV will be full 3D again, but we'll see.
Also, and this is the most important thing; Pokémon is not just a game... It's a lifestyle. Movies, anime, games, merch, etc.. Look at what TPC just announced: Pokémon Sleep this and Pokémon GO ensure that Pokémon is even a thing for people that don't even play the main games. There's literally no one in the world that hasn't at least heard of Pokémon.
Whatever happened to that stupid-looking franchise that Yea Forums was saying a few years ago was going to kill Pokémon? I feel like it fell off the face of the Earth these last two or so years.
the pokemon anime was always super mediocre. every single episode had the same layout. for me, its digimon s1, s2 and s3 aswell as all of yugioh up until before gx. beyblade was fun to actually play irl but the anime wasn't very interesting to me
Pokemon beat out Shin Megami Tensei by appealing to children, having the Nintendo push, having one of the few worthwhile Gameboy games, and being palatable for the western market
>died down
It stopped being fucking massive and taking over everything, only the pokemania died, but Pokemon as a franchise has always remained popular.
i think people forget just how bad anime dubbing was in the '90s. pokemon's anime (which was trash to begin with) was butchered even worse thanks to 4kids' autistic censorship of anything remotely japanese.
digimon's dub was actually one of the better ones at the time, as sad as that is, because at least it didn't try to westernize every single aspect of the series.
You're forgetting Pokemon's absolutely terrifying dominance of the Furry community, no fucking joke. I'm pretty sure there's a good third of furfags who have anthro pokemon bullshit instead of just... Regular anthro bullshit.
>Yo-Kai Watch 4 looks promising, as people are all hyping it up to be a "Pokémon killer"
If they genuinely are, they're retarded. Its pre-order numbers in Japan are abysmal, and it's being released in less than three weeks. It's not even going to have anywhere near half of Let's Go's first week numbers in that country. Sword and Shield are going to murder it in the sales department for the year 2019, both in Japan and of course globally.
No way fag, on model or bust.
>every single episode had the same layout
That's because the pokemon anime is meant to be for little kids and those kind of shows all follow an episodic format. Yugioh and Digimon anime are aimed to an older demographic than that.
Just stating what I've observed, user. You do you, but other people do what other people do.
I thought Pokemon was more akin to Dragon Quest 5. At least that is what I have heard. I have DQV, but I have not put any significant time in to it.
Cause fap b8. Every anime arc has fap b8 in it. If your woman then its muh pikachu.
Pokemon fans really blow their monster designs out of proportion.
Yes, they look like slightly different animals, and Disney 's movies are based on Fairy tales that everyone knows. There's more to a design than just repeating "they're appealing and simple" infinitely.
Pokemon designs have a unique identity, just as Digimon designs and Monster Rancher and Yo-Kai Watch have unique identity. Why can't we discuss what makes each neat without Pokefans fapping over Pikachu?
Monster Rancher died the day mp3 players became mainstream. As much as I liked those games, it was the ubiquity of physical media, and scrounging my parents' CD collections that made them special. They wouldn't be half as fun if you could just go online and scan QR codes for the exact monster you wanted.
I won't lie, I'm personally biased towards Digimon's weird, honest use of edgy bullshit and not being afraid to have its' monsters look... Well, completely like monsters at times. Even if that look has fallen out of favor for robo-knight bullshit these days.
Because Digimon games are garbage
lots of series have cute girls user. there's more to it than that
>fucking Beyblade
The mainstream faps to Pikachu, actual pokefags may actually have a favorite that isn't the ones that always appear on screen.
I agree that comparing the monster of different franchise when all of them have a different design philosophy is stupid though.
genwunner here. My favourites are Brelook, Porygon line, and Jolteon.
>likes a Pokemon from Gen 3
I'm confused but I'm glad for you. Breloom's pretty goddamn great mushroom-turkey-kangaroo-raptor-thing
gen 3 is my cutoff point, they still look and feel classic.
Some of the new ones are great too, but they're few and far between.
Alolan Exeggutor is how it should have always been desu.
>Pokemon designs are actually good unlike the vast majority of every other monster collecting franchise's rosters.
and yet most of the vocal fans hate anything past kanto.
>Not only are Pokemon designs just appealing, they are also often just genius creatively with a lot of them (at least the newer ones) being meshes of themes eloquently put together
which fans complain about. they'd rather have generic animals that "just get bigger" when they evolve.
digimon s2 was garbage after the first arc ended
And then s3 happened and everything was back on track until Frontier. Big oof.
Digimon and Pokemon came out at around the same time
I think Digimon is slightly older
There’s an alternate dimension where Digimon is the biggest media franchise in the world and Pokémon is a cult classic
>Comparing the amount of out of-the-box thinking and ingenuity that it takes to make some of the best Pokemon design decisions like Greninja's tongue scarf, Golispod's samurai-like armor, and meloetta being entirely made up of notes to a fucking dinosaur with a gun for an arm.
This is why retards will never understand why your favorite garbage monster capturing franchises failed and will never ever surpass Pokemon or even come close to a fraction of its success. Enjoy your dead series I guess.
I liked Frontier
I think Frontier was alright as well but I'm pretty sure the general consensus wasn't too kind, and that painted the general opinion of Digimon for quite a while.
im stll surprised how the manga of robopon got away with the size of that woman´s boobs and nipples
Pokemon was way too huge from the start. Nothing could compete against it. Yokai Watch came out at a time where Pokemania wasn't a thing. So it was able to have good success.
Unfortunately, Digimon came out at a time during Pokemania.
Timing matters a lot. It's the reason why Yu Yu Hakusho wasn't as huge as it should be in the US. And Japan since it had to compete against. DBZ.
Pokemon Red and Green came out more than a year before the Digimon virtual pets.
Even those who liked Frontier have to acknowledge how atrocious it got towards the end.
The difference is that Digimon started as just a tamagotchi while Pokemon started as a revolutionary video game. The thing to turn Digimon into a franchise was the anime made to advertise the tamagotchi, that was well-liked enough the creators were given a budget to turn it from a 12 episode anime into a full season. Digimon and Pokemon would never just swap roles like that.
KANTOOOOOOOO retards aren't fans you dolt, they're just nostalgia idiots that just assume anything past what they experienced is garbage or they're contrarians who think they are being clever by not liking something popular/good, both of which are a result of low IQ levels. You know this is true because plenty of new Pokemon are still made that are literally just animals and they still dislike them.
What's this about boobs?
The Wonderswan not getting a proper US release didn't help Digimon's case. Though to be fair, Nintendo's unmatched in American the handheld space.
digimon boned itself by changing the characters every season
A big part of pokemons success was getting attached to ash misty brock
Look out for the designs of the Robopon girls, then come back.
the artist is Tamori Wataru
and his style has remain consistent for years
>tfw you're a genwunner but your favorites are mostly from Gens 5 and 7
I'm thinking about starting to collect handhelds.
Already ordered a gba and an ags 101 screen.
Mimikyu and Wishiwashi are great.
absolute aesthetic GOATs are scizor and heracross though.
Pokemon is very symmetrical. Turn-based games like symmetry.
This explains why pokemon "works" and is interesting to boys.
Now, pokemon ALSO has cute and fluffy "monsters" fighting big and scary "monsters" using magic and "the power of love and friendship".
This explains why pokemon exploded and became a worldwide phenomena.
If you want your brand to be GOOD, make it appealing to men with straightforward mechanics and clear rules.
If you want your brand to be successful, just mix up magic, cute animals, throw in some children fighting demons, or whatever the fuck, in order to make it appealing to women.
Pokemon just happens to nail both of them.
>out of-the-box thinking and ingenuity
you mean like gabumon's pelt? or dionysus' coloration that's inspired by what alcohol looks like under a microscope?
pokemon doesn't have a monopoly on "out-of-the-box thinking and ingenuity." it's actually quite unoriginal as a franchise and has borrowed plenty of ideas from dragon quest, digimon and even yo-kai watch.
>I agree that comparing the monster of different franchise when all of them have a different design philosophy is stupid though.
What? Are you retarded? The OP asked why monster capturing games failed where Pokemon didn't and I'm simply answering that. There's no way that you genuinely believe that the design philosophy of the monsters in a game about monster capturing is irrelevant to its success right? Nobody could possibly be that stupid.
Or do you think that my 6 year old cousin's nakpkin scratch monster doodles should have the same level of popularity and success as the entire Pokemon team's designs?
>2nd or 2rd
Pokemon has a magical design philosophy that you can't truly explain and that others have completely failed at. The gameplay is also the most superb form of catching and training your own monsters with tons of charm. It's also still the best way to interact with other players via trading and battles.
The only one of those that actually might be impressive is Meloetta, and even that pales in comparison to legit cool Pokes like Shedninja and Mimikyuu. Those aren't even the coolest and best thought out Pokemon, and you're going to use them against the cyborg battle zombie MetalGreymon? Or maybe Devimon? What about Machinedramon? Even Numemon has a bunch of cool stuff going on with its design and Evo-line, especially with Monzaemon being a sort of redemption for it.
Again, you inflate your stuff up stuff so high about minor details and dismiss any other qualities other competition can have. You're essentially just criticizing them on the ground that they're not Pokemon, and there can be no conversation from that.
>Pokemon designs have a unique identity, just as Digimon designs and Monster Rancher and Yo-Kai Watch have unique identity.
I was responding to that, not to the OP's question which answer everyone fucking knows already.
This redefines anime tiddy, what the fuck
It's crazy how much better the Pokemon look. Every monster franchise has their fair share of monsters such as these.
>muh garbage opinions
You're not really proving him wrong.
But it doesn't prove anyone right either, it's arguing for the sake of arguing, Yea Forums's favorite pastime
They're simplified and made cute. This doesn't immediately jump to "better", and especially not when it's Dragon Quest we're talking about. Those things are absurdly charming for what are meant to be fodder.
the difference, of course, is that dragon quest predates pokemon. and game freak was full of dragon quest fanboys back in the day. who knows what they would have designed if they didn't have dragon quest's bestiary to draw inspiration from?
>Those things are absurdly charming for what are meant to be fodder.
Pretty sure there was an interview where Toriyama said his favorite thing about his work on DQ was going crazy with the monsters, or something along those lines.
user what are you talking about? He said that Pokemon were special because of out of the box thinking, I said that his examples were weak and provided some examples of other monsters that were well thought out. What are you doing?
Pokemon is the king of charm. Charizard is certainly better than that dragon abomination. Don't even get me started on that comparison to Scyther.
Pokemon beat to North America and the few stuff that was made before them are mistaken as yet more shitty attempts to jump on the Mon bandwagon.
Nobody put that much resources into it.
I stil can't fathom Blizzard/ Ubisoft/ EA/ Sony/ Microsoft/ whatever hasn't made a true AAA pokemon clone for a more mature audience, it's fucking free money waiting to be made.
It's like Harry Potter, how the hell no AAA company hasn't made a polished magic school game?
Weird timeline.
>The only one of those that actually might be impressive is Meloetta, and even that pales in comparison to legit cool Pokes like Shedninja and Mimikyuu
>Those aren't even the coolest and best thought out Pokemon
>muh garbage opinions
Are you braindead?
monster rancher was too complex for kids
Tomagochis fucking suck.
Everything else is either talked up as a "pokemon killer" or a "pokemon ripoff" when it comes out, both things that turn people away
>How come literally every other monster collecting franchise failed to reach even 10% of Pokemon's success?
Because every other competitor either is:
>Too Niche
Such as SMT or Yokai Watch outside of Japan
>Wildly Inconsistent Between Releases
Such as Digimon
>Gets Milked to Death
Again, Yokai Watch
>Had Awful Localization
Such as Monster Rancher, and arguably Digimon
Pokémon had the good fortune to be given a set of characters that were broad enough to feel approachable in different cultures, didn’t dick around with a winning formula, managed to somehow survive its localization without becoming a total trainwreck, and didn’t immediately get Mario Party’d in terms of back-to-back sequels. It should be noted though that even Nintendo didn’t expect it to catch on at first, and they only really went all-in on the franchise after seeing it have Splatoon-style legs in Japan.
A lot of pokemon fans absolutely refuse to try out even another monster collector, even though they might play completely differently.
Ah yes, the famous dionysus' coloration that's inspired by what fucking alcohol looks like under a microscope, because even a whooping 1% of the population knows what the fuck that color even looks like right? What the fuck is Gabumon even supposed to be? Its literally just a fucking thing with a pelt on its head. To take random shit you've seen irl and splice it together as a random mess of garbage to create a "creature" doesn't take any effort, even a child could do it when doodling monsters. How the fuck is that even remotely comparable to the amount of thinking and ingenuity it takes to actually TRICK THE MIND into seeing both a frog and a ninja at the same time with greninja's tongue.
>Pokemon doesn't have a monopoly on "out-of-the-box thinking and ingenuity
It doesn't because anyone can make designs like Pokemon (or at least almost as good) if they actually put anywhere near the same level of effort forth to do so, hence fakemon, but these companies refuse to do so for some god forsaken reason.
>It's actually quite unoriginal as a franchise and has borrowed plenty of ideas from dragon quest, digimon and even yo-kai watch.
Even then you could see hints of brilliance in early designs that you didn't see anywhere else. Do you think its coincidence that Pikachu became the poster boy for Pokemon and that the series did so well? Its practically the best gen 1 design out there and is a lot more like modern Pokemon designs than the other gen 1 designs because it does that same wizardry of tricking your mind into seeing what it wants you to see that new Pokemon designs do. Example; Its thunder-like tail, Rosy red electric cheek pouches, electrical wiring burn marks on its back, yellow fur, etc.
>Even then you could see hints of brilliance in early designs
>That entire first paragraph
This is bait.
megaten and digimon have so much better monster designs than pokeshit
dragonquest isn't even a monster collector why would you think that
pack it up, guys, there's no way anyone can compete with this genius level of character design.
Yeah nice argument retard, thanks for explaining exactly why you think any of the things that you do instead of the old retard argument of "it looks cool hurrr"
Until you show me how a fucking ebin dinosaur with stupid broken armor and weaponry with no other purpose than to be edgy is more interesting and well thought out than actually tricking the human mind in seeing both a frog and a ninja at the same time like a wizard, stop wasting everyones time. If they really WERE better than Pokemon, why is Digimon fucking dead genius? They're garbage.
You can capture monsters in Dragon Quest 5 and 8, with 5 being released well before Pokemon. There's an entire spin-off series based on this called Dragon Quest Monsters.
oh my mistake. I guess it could be inspired then but it's all derivative of megaten anyway
No, you get beelko instead
I don't like that design either, you think I'm saying Pokemon is fucking flawless? Cause it isn't. Pokemon designs fail more often than not, but the ones that shine are incredibly good, plentiful, and stand the test of time. I believe gen 1 has the weakest designs of all gens and for the most part, designs just get better and better, but it doesn't take away from the fact that Pikachu was brilliant and very clearly carried the shit out of the series because no other monster design was that good up until that point.
Good argument.
Yeah its only the most popular Pokemon in the entirety of the Japanese region, for the most successful franchise in the entire world, no big deal right? Dumbass.
Ken Sugimori knows what he's doing.
>actually tricking the human mind in seeing both a frog and a ninja at the same time like a wizard
it has "ninja" in its name, throws shurikens and the tongue scarf is just a really ugly homage to strider hiryu's scarf. rest assured, they weren't "tricking" anybody.
>why is Digimon fucking dead genius?
it isn't.
check out them guns
>it has "ninja" in its name, throws shurikens and the tongue scarf is just a really ugly homage to strider hiryu's scarf. rest assured, they weren't "tricking" anybody.
Ok so you don't even want to actually have a discussion about this, you're just dishonestly deflecting arguments and not actually providing substantial ones like I asked you to and you again failed to do so.
None of what you said matters because you don't need to know any of that context to tell what it is, upon merely just looking at it you can tell what its supposed to be, and this is what makes its design so great, that's why the tongue scarf is so crucial and so good. Calling the scarf ugly is not only not an argument at all whatsoever, but everyone disagrees with you as proven by the fact that it was popular enough to wind up in smash and that Japanese voted for it as its absolute favorite in the polls. Ninja scarves have been seen EVERYWHERE and is now a complete and total standard for Ninjas to have, its not just DURR HURR STRIDER like a retard like you would believe, it is a TROPE.
I like Bearmon!
>Ok so you don't even want to actually have a discussion about this, you're just dishonestly deflecting arguments
*literally one sentence later*
>None of what you said matters
Based. Learns stun spore, spore, and can be taught false swipe. Great for catching pokemon.
>It wasn't until "Now featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series (TM)" in Nocturne/Lucifer's Call that it got noticed a bit
Yeh maybe because that the first one that actually released overseas
>SMT4 also was not appealing to the masse
It's the best selling SMT
I explained why those things didn't matter very clearly with an actual argument instead of "MUH FEELINGS MUH OPINIONS" like you did by calling the scarf ugly even though what you think about of the scarf's aesthetic is irrelevant. Hence why I say you were deflecting, which you were.
Being one of the flagship franchises of one of the biggest and most popular videogame publishers sure helps.
Also, familiarity and sex appeal of the "characters".
>sex appeal
its an afterthought, not in the foundation. I mean the generally action based content should be enough to keep that preteen audience, but why not have a skimpy redhead tag along too.
>I explained why those things didn't matter very clearly with an actual argument
no you didn't, you handwaved them away with some word salad and a desperate appeal to popularity. you haven't provided anything to substantiate your claim that they were trying to "trick" people into seeing a ninja. the theme is blatant. it's in greninja's name, his attacks, the way he's posed in artwork, and you even admitted that the scarf is a common ninja trope.
conceptually, the only thing that differentiates greninja from something like falcomon is the franchise it comes from and the animal they chose to use as the base for it.
I choose bust
If you catch my meaning
Pikachu isn't a "brilliant design" he just has black eyes, instead of the typical multi-layered retarded eye they usually have.
This is what religious following of a commercial brand looks like
>more popular=objectively superior=hard to make
Why don't we talk about dragon ball as well?
Just because women like pikachu it doesn't mean it's a brilliant design, it just means women like it.
Anything women like in an activity or passtime that is aimed at men will raise significant attention over it. You could say pokemon accidentally hit females as well, while trying to attract teenager boys to their franchise.
>word salad
Did you not understand anything I said? Are you genuinely just too dumb to understand what I was trying to say?
>you haven't provided anything to substantiate your claim that they were trying to "trick" people into seeing a ninja
Are you retarded what the fuck? You LITERALLY said " the tongue scarf is just a really ugly homage to strider hiryu's scarf" YOU YOURSELF admitted to this. Why are you so dishonest? How about its FAT frog like thighs that also dual as resemblence to Ninja pants? Or The ninja like pose its always in that duals a similar pose to frogs are always in? Or the blue skin from Splendid leaf frogs that duals as coloration for ninja garbs? Or the bubbles in its body that some frogs produce that dual as resembling protective Ninja gear? Or the markings on the back of thighs resembling frogs random spots/markings and dualing as maybe shurikens/scars from battle because they're ninjas. How the fuck is your dumbass gonna compare a shitty bird who was lazily given clothes instead of at the bare mining at least TRYING to make it look like a natural animal whose feathers resemble ninja garbs? Its lazy and garbage and is the reason why nobody gives a flying shit about it. Its a fucking absolutely preposterous comparison with an immensely gap in the level of effort put forth into its design compared to greninjas.
I'm talking about the pokemon; most either look like a stuffed animal (almost every starter), a regular (or fantasy) animal with add-ons (every normal type, most legendaries), some common household item (most steel, electric, ghost), or a typical sexual fantasy (gardevoir, tsareena, machoke, etc). And obviously this leads to the people who also have any deviant sexual attraction to either stuffed animals, household items, etc. to be attracted to pokemon: that's why they have the supreme presence in furry porn.
>religious following of a commercial brand looks like
>IN THAT SAME EXACT POST point out how they FAIL more often than not, how I think gen 1 is weaker than the others and how I dislike electrode.
Sure thing fucking ape.
What the fuck does that even have to do with anything? Its black eyes are just a single component of its design and a lack of understanding why its brilliant.
Not the argument I was making, try again.
Except Pokemon is and always will be more popular with boys despite Pikachu being the poster boy.
all that ranting, and it still doesn't change the fact that greninja and falcomon are both equally unsubtle attempts to make animals that resemble ninjas. every reference you're pointing out in greninja's design is already obvious to anyone with a working brain. it's really not as deep as you're making it out to be, they wanted to make a ninja frog and did just that.
also, why is it "genius" to make a tongue that resembles a ninja scarf, but "lazy" to make feathers that resemble ninja garb? both design choices do the exact same thing by using natural traits of the base animals to display the theme of a ninja. at the end of the day, your "arguments" simply boil down to POKEMON GOOD, EVERYTHING ELSE BAD. you're not reasoning yourself into your arguments, you're working backwards from your blind devotion to one brand.
Being popular amongst boys isn't the reason why it became a worldwide phenomena.
The only reason it became so big as it is was because women were also drawn towards it, even though it's mainly aimed at boys. That's it.
The fact of the matter here is that women liking pokemons made pokemon as big as it is, not anything else. It was not pikachu, it was not charizard, it was not scyther, it was not moltres, it was not rhydon, it was women liking cuddly tiny animals. Period.
Funny how a man can speak so much and say absolutely nothing. You literally only need to answer these questions:
1. what makes greninja look like a frog?
2. what makes greninja look like a ninja?
3. are these characteristics hard to consciously observe? If not: are they easily interpreted on a subconscious level then?
4. Is it really hard to make a design that uses all these elements in a nice-looking way?
The first two you directly answered, the third one is easily extrapolated from your post, yet, the last one you fail to actually give any substantial argument in favor of the answer you have decided to defaulted to follow. Instead, showing pathetic attempts at post-hoc rationalizing your baseless bias.
Why do you do this? Why do you waste mine and everyone else's time? If you can't see how a bird LITERALLY JUST FUCKING ACTUALLY wearing Ninja garb is infinitely less subtle than a frog that merely looks like a ninja naked, then I have nothing to say to you. I'm not even saying its that fucking deep, I've already said anybody can do this if they just chose to do so, hence fakemon, but they just don't want to for some god forsaken reason.
>also, why is it "genius" to make a tongue that resembles a ninja scarf, but "lazy" to make feathers that resemble ninja garb?
Thats not what I said I might have mispelled the word "minimum" into "mining" somehow but it should have been pretty obvious what I meant. I was saying that if they had AT THE VERY LEAST tried to make feathers that would resemble ninja garb, then it WOULDN'T have been lazy and would be on the same level as greninja, but they couldn't even be bothered to do that. Read it again dolt.
Ah yes, a religious person has never ever criticized a single aspect of their religion while still staunchly defending it against detractors and following it's main doctrine.
My bad.
>Not the argument I was making
It's exactly the argument you made in that post, I don't have enough crayons to explain it properly to you, my darling little galaxy brain.