How do you deal with this shit, Yea Forums?
I just wanted to play vidya gaems
Carpal Tunnel
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Idk how people even develop carpel tunnel and I’ve been playing video games 16 hours a day for the past 17 years
You must have done some serious gaming if you're not a senior citizen
Fap more. That'll help.
Stop playing/using your hand for a bit.
Stop using a shitty posture and learn a proper one instead.
well obviously the fat from your wrists protect you, fatty.
I get the feeling I should have gotten this shit by 27
Guess im not a faggot.
Ergonomic keyboards. They come with support for your wrists, aren't so cluttered like a regular keyboard and that will really cut down on your chances of CTS. I've been using them for over 20 years.
I get this playing the switch. Why there are no joycon covers that have there grip further up the controller is beyond me, that's where the buttons are let me hold it in he middle so my fingers can reach. t. baby hands
Start lifting weights. Seriously.
I have cubital tunnel from years of raid leading, and the only thing that keeps it at bay for any amount of time is regular lifting. Barbell exercises in particular, avoid dumbell stuff at weird angles.
Also obviously try to avoid super long sessions and stretch now and then.
I think its all about the technique
Surgery. Carpal Tunnel can lead to permanite nerve damage.
It can be hereditary on top of the usual causes. Pretty sure thats what happened in my case anyway.
No pressure on your wrist, in other words don't let your wrist touch your mouse pad/desk. Also use your arm for mouse movement more, only use your wrist for small, fine movements. Get a decently big mousepad and decrease sensitivity to facilitate larger mouse movements with your whole arm. Keep your wrist entirely relaxed as much as possible and use your arm.
I often crack my wrists, it relieves the pressure.
just stretch your wrists a lot to avoid getting it
I think it depends on the position of your hand
>"mustard race"
>>>>crack my wrists
don't put your mouse and keyboard at the edge of your desk
rest your whole forearm on the desk and use more elbow
Your mom tricked you user, it's harmless:
Just do stretches and drink alcohol to dull the pain
I can't just drink every single day
Some wrist exercises will help a lot. Do some stretching while putting pressure on your palms too.
By playing with a controller like a normal human. M+KB is not meant for gaming
This will break your wrist, don't do it.
I use my wrist exclusively for mouse movements. Consequently my sensitivity is realively high to compensate for my limited movement. The only time I got remotely close to carpal tunnel was when I binged on osu. Since then I do stretches occasionally.
It is often caused by a multitude of factors. For me, getting a different mouse solved my issues completely.
I just don’t trust a website called for medical facts
I do this too, but it seems to crack increasingly louder over the years and I'm getting worried.
wtf why is there mustard gas coming out of my hand
this is worrying me as well
>Idk how people even develop carpel tunnel
be an american with a shit diet
it's a PC Mongrel Race thing. consoles are much healthier.
I changed my mouse at work to an ergonomic one and now gaming doesn't bother me anymore
im more worried about tennist elbow, my doctor said it will improve if i stop edging 3 hours daily, but im too hooked up to stop.
This, and my eye sight is just fine after being in front of a computer since the mid 2000's
by playing games in moderation...
stop using only your wrist to move your mouse and use 800 or less dpi.
Ordered both of these, gonna see which one feels better to use. The chinkshit on the top looks like it would feel really good with shooters.
Switch to controller
>carpal tunnel
what kind of weakling genetic failure develops this "problem"
been playing vidya for over 2 decades and the most I ever had was the mark
Only poorfags with wrong sized mice for their fat hands and no gel pad support get idiot tunnels.
I notice it's a problem with idle phone browsing. I just cut back and scheduled in a way that I can only waste time (do the damage) on weekends.
>the chinkshit on the top looks like it would feel really good with shooters.
it won't
Why have you used it?
it's designed for old people to browse their e-mail
Gel support is a meme. I've had a gel mousepad, gel shoe inserts, gel butt cushions, gel everything and the shit never works. It's not comfortable, it's more expensive than non-gel padding, and it doesn't last. Fuck gel.
Anime boob mouse pads are actively bad for you, it constricts shit
leave your keyboard feet folded in
I'm a pc user and don't have it.
I do sit on my bed with my keyboard on my lap and my mouse on the bed. I guess carpal tunnel only occurs to gayming fags that force themselves into a gayming chair and an uncomfortable desk.
wrist braces and constant suicidal thoughts
is this like that old press f10 for infinite ammo in old cs?
That's probably the sole reason it was designed but I want to believe it's got more going for it.
Fuck me I shouldve read the replied before trying
then get a logitech master if you still want to aim at something while still having the benefit of pain relief
Not him but I have one of these and couldnt imagine using it for a fps. Its comfy but clicking the buttons is more like squeezing a rock then triggers
I am living proof you are wrong
It's kind of boring to look at tho, what about the MX Ergo?
>never played claw
>if you still want to aim at something
>using the mentally retarded version of the fingertip
fuck up
I used to say the same thing but I got it this year at the age of 41. Ive been gaming for over 35 years now, averaging 7 hours.
So wait a few years, youll get it.
thats just old age grandpa
The only thing worse than side buttons on a mouse is that cancerous growth scrolling ball they forced into the side. Stick with standard mice that fit your hand and you're golden. The more a mice forces you to contort your grip, the worse it is.
I just extended my desk
Pain went away almost overnight
Been using it like this for 2+ years now with 0 issues
I make sure to stretch often.
Thats a fucking trackball? Why the hell you should need a trackball in your mouse?
maintain good posture at all times
the way you hold your upper torso affects the angle your wrists will take
consider a prop under your carpaled hand, a rolled up wash cloth can work well
I have this and it is great yet I still get tendinitis in my thumb several times a year and it is very annoying to deal with
Carpal tunnel is something old ladies get from gardening work if they are pre-disposed to developing it. You don't get that from playing video games because your wrists are not kept at an angle all the time. I don't know why this is such a meme in the Anglosphere.
I used one of these for some time. These days I just do pull ups.
Have better Gene's, this was proven over and over. You are a dying breed of people who cant not live in front of a computer that is the future of the human race
oh okay, i'll just go download some genes