Redpill me Yea Forums, what's the consensus on Ico?
Redpill me Yea Forums, what's the consensus on Ico?
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is gud
(Beautiful fun world. Good puzzles. Combat is a little time consuming/frustrating but in my opinion helps you feel stronger as the game progresses so it contributes to the overall mood.)
No lie. Liked it more than Shadow. It was more minimalist
Fantastic game that's completely unique like Ueada's other two games.
I actually didn't mind the combat in Ico as much as I thought I would because of the weighty animations that are behind each hit. It actually felt pretty satisfying.
Amazing game. One of my favourites ever.
Wonderful if you know what you're getting yourself in for. Unique gameplay, gorgeous world, powerful story. It's like his other two games, they're great if they click with you and you play them on their terms, if not you can just ignore them.
It's close to being the best game ever made, but they made the last stretch of the game really long and with no save points! Fail.
If you like the game go play Another World and games like it. It and Flashback served as Ueda's primary inspirations
Not to be the contrarian in the room but it isn't the masterpiece people say it is.
It's very short, combat and puzzles are very barebones and the gimmick is the entire game is an escort mission.
I'll give it credit for having a final boss though as these arty games usually tend to be too pretentious for that.
>but they made the last stretch of the game really long and with no save points
That was intentional to make you miss Yorda even more
Sure, but if I had to leave an hour in, I'd be pretty bummed. Video games should really have estimated playtimes stated somewhere, like movies. I also think linear games should give you a chapter select right out of the box as well though, so maybe I'm just a radical.
Escort Quest: The Game
That last stretch isn't as long as you think it is. It's more like 30 minutes
Pretentious boring mediocrity
T. ADHD pleb
Is the ps3 port (and shadow) worth it? I've heard nothing but bad things.
Seethe more
How is it pretentious?
PS3 port for Ico is fine but with Shadow the increased frame rate made the Colossi shaking disrupt movement, so Shadow's more frustrating than other versions.
PS3 Ico has missing effects. Dunno if emulation is fine, but probably avoid the PS3 versions unless it's your only option. But don't play the NTSC version of Ico as it's worse than the PAL version. Stuff like noticeably worse assets in some areas and no secrets.
It could do without the boring combat sections. Other than that, it is an ok cinematic platformer with good atmosphere. Definitely overrated.
>Stuff like noticeably worse assets in some areas and no secrets.
Is that true?
yeah they got rushed. it's much worse than SotC's regional differences