Other urls found in this thread:
I worship shotas
I'll post this in every thread until you like it.
E3 is upon us bros... We're going home
Was there ever a character more wasted/underutilised than roll.exe?
Fucking Glade.exe didn't even have a role to fill in the games. He was just there.
I mean hey she was just as useless as the other roll incarnations
THIS, glide did nothing
here he comes!
lunafags btfo
You nerds told me to, so now I'm recording videos for my Battle Network LPs. Gonna double back to OSS for videos of the fights from there eventually. BN2's will probably be from Hard Mode.
Omega-Xis is for
fucking delete this
Is it furry if he has no fur?
Posting for posterity!
>Battle Network and Starforce
>.cia file versions
>Star Force .nds
>Rockman.EXE 15th Anniversary Sound Arrange Best Tracks
>The original Boktai trilogy patched and shit
>The manga version of the Crossover Battle. Django vs Rockman!
>Megaman Art Books
>Gregar patched
>Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star (English Patched) DS ROM
>Shanghai.EXE V.0502e13 /jp/ Translation
>Shanghai.EXE GoogleDoc (Maps, item locations, etc)
based and boobpilled
I'm almost on BN4. I'm scared, bros. I've been having fun talking to NPCs and discovering foreshadowing in 2 and 3. I don't want to deal with Regal's bullshit.
hows Shanghai going?
its dead jim
it died end of last year, around dec 2018
the dev used japanese patreon to raise funds just to get through the final spurt since the game was almost done and capcom shut it down
>Dark Chips have a neat morality system
>but you permanently lose HP and can't use them against the final boss
>there's also a PA gated behind the
Could've fixed this whole problem by making it so that beating DarkMega in Black Earth gives your HP back.
how much was finished? I just want more BN man ;_;
Thank god. Now post /ss/.
Play Starforce then
delet this
it was mostly finished, just fucking play it
gameplay is fucking god tier and I'm not even a touhoufag but I liked the subtle lore bits
>there's also a PA gated behind the
If you're talking about Dark Messiah NEO then you can still get library completion credit for it without being in dark mode, you just can't use it.
It's like 97% finished.
Only thing that's not properly implemented is Druidman and the final boss.
Also fucking play it. It's better than ha;f the BN games, namely 1, 4, and possibly 5.
post some classic download links, senpai.
do you have anything that can rival based
We had a ZX thread yesterday.
About as well as it could go for a dead game. /jp/ got hold of the last available Ci-en build, an user decompiled and translated it, which spurred a few anons on to try and finish the game themselves by scrounging whatever they can find from Koki's streams where he programmed and tested the game on-stream, among other sources.
Currently they're just waiting on an user to finish building a map editor and are mostly just tossing ideas around on how bosses should work that we know are part of the game but don't have any information about. It's not an organized effort, but it's better than nothing.
There's a link to the latest version in Posterity Anons pile of links: It goes up until right before the pen-ultimate boss Druidman.EXE.
Here's a link to the current /jp/ thread: Pic related, the game's Humor AddOn. There are 41 individual fucking conversations jesus christ.
He didn't even get a fucking chip. What a waste of space.
>no X
Data, you're a bigot.
Glide a shit.
Go make them, then. Don't wait for someone else to make them.
>mostly finished
>97% finished
cheers guys
X gets more love than it honestly deserves.
>10 replies then archived
Subscribe to Zero Muertes Locas
Thems the breaks. Unfortunately.
>never even had a battle sprite
I was always hoping that Glide would be this gimmick boss that didn't move at all because Yai sucked at actually being an operator but would just spam high powered chips every time you closed the custom window.
Play it and have fun, family. It's the closest we'll ever get to another BN game. Not even ChronoX feels or sounds this good.
Also Shanghai is best girl.
Loving of course
Is it viable to do a full run of BN4 spamming dark chips as much as possible? I've never used them because of the HP penalty, but I'm considering doing a full edgelord run next time I get around to it. I just don't want to end up having to fight Duo with 1 HP or something like that. I also don't plan to do any NG+, just the first run.
If you'ree smart about which chips you spam, you should still have some HP by the time you face Duo.
Plus, there are NaviCust parts. I'm pretty sure Dark Chips don't/can't touch the HP you gain from them.
>using SF to shitpost
kill yourself you're not wanted here.
based and redsunned
Don't use SF for shitposting
>GutsMan gradually improving over the original three games, getting advice from Mr. Famous, using the Navi Customizer, and even using a Program Advance
>Roll becomes an A-Licensed battler and does moderately well in the N1 Qualifiers
>Glyde never gets to do much onscreen, but at least makes it as far as Dex did in the N1 before losing because Sunayama cheated and is also mentioned to have powerful chips like the anime
>they all become shitty jobbers in the remaining three games
>Roll becoming a fighter in 4 goes nowhere
>they all get written out of 5
>none of them are Crosses in 6
>also everything about GutsMan's fighting style in BN4
No. NO!
She got pretty far in the N1, though.
love is love you bigot
Because she spammed expensive chips.
You're welcome to try, if you think you can take her.
>Lan gets extremely upset at Dex for keeping it a secret that he was moving away
>Less than a year later Lan does the exact same thing for the exact same reasons as Dex
Did Dex actually move? also didn't he move to the shitty country from 2?
isn't Slasher shit
I've been dragged back into replaying the BN series and their incomplete but rock solid fangames.
We need more Megaman RPGs. Somehow the genre shift worked. We won't get them though.
But there's multiple parts of the N1 where they had to progress using NPC folders.
I mean ChronoX exists but.. no one ever fucking talks about it. Not sure why. Seems to be popular and well known amongst the BN fanbases but for some reason Shanghai is more discusses - which is fine but I'd like to understand why ChronoX is never discussed other than "spyware".
He decided to move to Netopia to be with his little brother, but it wasn't long before he moved back and brought Chisao with him.
It worked, and then they fucked it up with Star Force. I mean I realize they were going for a more action-y version of Battle Network's combat, but I don't think they nailed it.
Chrono X is still in the works? Last I saw it... ah, was testing out the multiplayer battle system?
My problem with Starforce was how they handled the next generation expies but I heard the plot got way more interesting as the series went on.
I guess? I mean if you look up a Trailer for ChronoX is has like Half a million views so I dunno where it's at or what it do.
BN4 - 6 kind of quietly assume you don't remember much about Lan's friends or give a shit about them, desu.
they didnt fuck up anything u just have shit taste
>We need more Megaman RPGs.
Would you settle for hybrids
Chrono X waits until they fall off the radar and everyone thinks it's dead, and then they update.
Except the last "update" didn't even add anything to the game except multiplayer, the story was at the exact same place it was in the previous update. Also they added malware to it.
At first I thought you were showing a shitty action game for some reason. The combat system actually looks pretty fun.
Sounds good to me, thanks.
You sure are having fun with this. Keep up the nice work.
Also, someone was really in love with Mayl being in danger or making Lan do chores for her.
How much do Copybots weigh? If someone was to put Roll.EXE into a Copybot and have her sit on their face, would it be soft and pillowly or would she absolutely crush their head? Asking for a friend.
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
They're heavy enough that they can't float when submerged in water, you disgusting pervert.
speaking of boktai, did anyone else play Lunar Knights. it was pretty fun
I love it. I love all Mega Man threads. They're all I have left besides Dragon's Dogma threads.
Isn't that an issue of density more than weight? I mean, I've seen fat people that can float in the pool but if you drop a phone in that shit sinks right to the bottom.
I have not. Everyone I talked to trashed it.
But then again, everyone I talked to trashed Star Force and I am currently having fun with it so I may have to reconsider.
Another excellent post.
Any Mega Man thread is a home for all Mega Mans.
I don't even know how i stumbled upon these but here you go i guess
So a Zelda 2/Super Ninja Boy kind of game? I can dig it.
Hard to argue against this one.
>he hasn't hacked his PET
I want a full 3d remakes of Battle Network 1 though 3. I just really like the BN universe
Gee user why does your mom let you have TWO Rolls?
Mega Man command mission exists but it's based in the Mega Man x time period/universe.
It was an awesome rpg but didn't sell well so we didn't get any sequels.
She doesn't know~
I did play Zelda 2, but it was more Gargoyle's Quest 2 for me. Love that shit.
It sold more than X8 in Japan.
The staff wanted to move forward with Command Mission 2 and X9, but by that point Inafune took the reins of the X series back and decided on MHX instead.
sorry user, as Lan does not look happy in that image I cannot accept this
Star force games’ gameplay is objectively worse than Battle network’s. You enjoy only having 3 spots to move between and ugly fucking 3d enemy sprites?
Why did X get a redesign but Zero and Axl stayed the same?
And why didn't X update his helmet to match his new look? That blue rim looks weird and unnatural and it would probably match better if he repainted it to be white.
He's just wearing armor.
According to Higurashi who did the art, the producers wanted X to look less simple compared to all the other designs in CM.
*didn't want to, fuck
Related: I'm still angry about Red Ash. MN9 was an actual pile of shit and was still unfinished when they started a Kickstarter for a better idea. Which naturally failed because they fucked up the timing to get more money for MN9. It looked like a wonderful blend of Zero and Legends. I wanted it so badly.
At least Azure Striker Gunvolt was a decent Zero-like game even if it was a bit clunky at times.
Now that looks far better.
Let's Go
I blame Network Transmission. How they fucked up a platformer I'll never know.
> we didnt get any battle network music in smash
it hurts
well they made the bank level a shitty quickman stage for starters
Blame Inafune
Pretty cool, thanks for sharing. That .exe remix went up his own ass a few times, but still cool.
The anime was dogshit but the openings have a special place in my heart.
>How they fucked up a platformer I'll never know.
Wasn't Network Transmission made by an obscure Capcom team and not by the same team behind the classic Mega Man and Mega Man X games?
>jp anons revived the game
holy shit who knew we would be the ones to finish the game, yeah pretty sure one of the translators who translated the game earlier was also an user
Arika is helmed by the guy who made SF2 what it is and they also developed the EX series
Bummer to see that's them
If there ever was a new Megaman BN/SF game it would have heavy meme references.
patrician post
Today, I will remind them.
>lan spends his tournament winnings on lootboxes
You can't go back
>tfw no millionaire user to fund a new battle network game
>inti creates still exists
>making great looking 2D games
>even got the megaman zero/zx artist back
>all their new games have bad level design and doesn't remotely compare back to their gba/ds games
If we had a millionaire user, we could fund a huge game, the one that the market has been craving over a decade now
From the looks of what games they released it was their first platformer game so it begs the question why give it to them in the first place?
Maybe Inafune wanted to pal up to a veteran that had recently-ish left Capcom
Dumb move on his part because MMBN was their cash cow and a good spinoff would help the series.
Hey now, their quality flip flops back and forth.
Bloodstained and Blaster Master were fucking awesome, for example.
Gunvolt and Mighty No. 9? Dogshit.
Just give me a fucking MMO already
Gunvolt was still better than MN9.
wait did you mean Azure Striker Gunvolt or the retro crossover game Mighty Gunvolt?
Because both are still better than MN9. Azure Striker Gunvolt has its flaws but I blame the glorified taser gun.
They've tried... once or twice.
It never pans out and never left Korea.
You know a megaman mmo is just prime monkey paw material, because it sure went well the last time it happened
I can see a battle network mobage happening far sooner than an MMO but even then said clone would have to be good enough to spawn spinoffs
>because it sure went well the last time it happened
It was only cancelled because the korean company developing it folded, though
>Battle Network Mobage
Fuck no.
Man, your sprite-work is gorgeous.
You should use your talents in an original game so that your efforts are truly rewarded rather than on fangames that will be mostly ignored.
If you make a not-BN you'll have all of Yea Forums groveling at your feet.
To be honest, there's a battle network clone releasing on steam and it's fucking west cuck shit that'll only be good for the gameplay alone, I don't see Yea Forums worshipping that garbage
I get the feeling you responded to the wrong user.
Whenever there's a battle network thread, I get the urge to look up shota just from seeing simple official artwork like in the OP, it's a curse.
I really have no idea how people like this clusterfuck of a design.
The laser scarf? Cool. Everything else? God no. Way too garish.
Because it's not like BN at all when you get to it.
For starters, it's just battles, in a boss rush style. Everything about it it's wrong. Half of the appeal of BN was the world and traveling through it be it IRL or the Net and exploring everyplace to find hidden places to jack in or hidden items all over along with how nearly every object in the overworld has a description when you "talk" with them.
Also, the gameplay while it's "grid based" and has "cards" it's way too fast for comfort, way too hyperactive. It's only like BN in the surface, it didn't manage to get anything else about BN.
I have the opinion that IntiCreates can't do shit if they're not being supervised by another company. Megaman Zero and ZX are amazing but god if Azure Striker Gunvolt was an absolute pile of shit with the most mindnumbing gameplay I have ever played in an action platformer.
Who the fuck are you responding to because it is definitely not me.
We all hate the idea of franchises turning into gacha, but ironically Battle Network would work wonders as a smartphone game as long as they don't go full jew and P2W with microtransactions. Personalize your own Navi, get chips based on your performance deleting viruses, share stuff online with lots of people, rankings, etc. PETs are pretty much smartphones in BattleNetwork so it isn't farfetched at all. The only issue would be the gameplay but I can imagine making your Navi move to different tiles by just touching them.
or you know just have the d pad/A+B over at the side like a mobile emulator
It's because Lan and exe are such great boys
Don't be ashamed it's natural
Assuming you were replying to me I've already done a creator-owned game before. It didn't get half the attention the fangame is getting so far.
Holy fuck, based /jp/.
And here I was giving up all hope.
I like the direction, cool stuff
You know they would go full mobage with all the cashshop, limited time CHANCES at 'rare' characters, and energy system that costs real money to play more within x space of time.
>Make Megaman fangame
>Megamanfags will like you now
>Make new game
>Megamanfags will shill for you because you made a fangame for them once
I know man, but let me have a little bit of hope at least. I just want to have a customized cute Sword-based girl Navi in my phone.
I think the ideal setup while staying minimal jewyness would be
GBF style, 10 rolls, you get a bunch of chips, and maybe a character
Three tiers for each, R,SR, SSR Chips/Characters
Energy would be used to do missions/stages
Stages have cutscenes with story mode having an actual plot
Pvp mode has a different energy system
Players can use currency/alternative items to refill the two different energy bars
Is how i'd do it
You just have to learn how to advertise your games, man.
>BN mobage comes out
>Lootbox bill passes
>Game gets shutdown
Isn't it sad BNfags?
I hope if it is like that there will be PVP tournaments. I would love to have a Yea Forums tournament for a BN game
That looks good. It's nice sprite-work.
But no offense, it also looks generic as hell. It's no surprise it didn't get much attention.
Sure, the multiple colors are a bit much, but I like the boots and no metal underwear.
Swords are reserved for edgy androgynous anti-heroes exclusively.
So you're saying user would have a cute edgy reverse trap navi?
I can dig it.
Here's your redesign bro
Hope is a lie and will always stab you in the back.
>Energy would be used to do missions/stages
No. At worst change that to bonus/optional stages/missions not the default storyline stuff.
>PVP Mode has different energy system
... marginally better.
Dragon Poker X RockMan X? What's Dragon Poker?
You took my idea and improved it tenfold, and for that I'm grateful.
Reverse traps are shit and you're shit.
inb4 seething gays in denial
Delete this
thanks everyone who complimented the opening, I need to run off for a bit and couldn't quote everyone
None taken, if it had become a thing I'd have known first things first. I tried to make a Strider-like just with a knight instead of a ninja. And 32 endings or something. Close to that or that number.
Also the knight is a woman.
This desu. If you can get together a link list i'll start adding it to my link dumps in these threads
I don't understand why people like this. It is way too overdesign.
season 5 soon user
It's cool as a figure.
For an actual game? Fuck no.
Pretty certain those are a part of the "Artbooks" section in
don't play with my heart
I've seen the exact last ten posts before and I've made this exact comment. Fuck I hate deja vu.
you have pretty much all the games there too though
why isn't there a battle network gacha game out yet?
I don't see it. It looks quite simple, actually.
Guys i've been doing nothing but replaying Megaman, reading Megaman, watching Megaman, discussing Megaman, requesting Megaman, downloading Megaman, fapping to Megaman, listening to Megaman and thinking about Megaman for the past 2 years (getting worse every day). How do i escape from this madness?
take out a comically large loan and make it user
It feels like a special armor that only appears in the final episode of an anime and it never used after that.
Not the classic megamans + X + Zero
It's time for you to become the Mega Man.
Post cute classic Mega Men.
Megaman wouldn't want you to waste your life. Go outside and do something amazing, and tell him all about it in ten years.
Absolutely based
Why is Chrono X so shitty?
The story is fan fiction tier and the MUSIC THE GODDAMN MUSIC IS FUCKING AWFUL
Not enough cute girls, just a bunch of dudes in spandex.
How do you do that for so long?
Are you doing it alone or with other people?
Why haven't you put your autism to good use and made a fangame, or tons of fanart, or something productive? Even a fanfic is okay.
Tell us your biggest autistic theories and headcanons you've come up during that time.
Made by baka indie gaijins rather than superior doujin nipposense.
Manga post
As soon as some company cottons on and makes customisable 3d avatars you can attach to your Google assistant/alexa/siri etc. Then the battle network games will become the most accurate prediction of the near future in any piece of media
You need to dress like Mega Man.
Be the Mega Man.
Only then can you walk away.
You have to go cold turkey with stuff like this. You either find something else to fill up the time or you come back to this hell.
so make them gacha exclusive. sell the cuter girls for more money too.
Kamen rider X is the most sick design i seen of Megaman besides the april fool's joke capcom did
You mean just how like Inafune was revealed to be a hack because he was only good at marketing?
explain. No really, explain
>luna and all luna variants are ultra hyper rare 100* SSSSR
>underrated girls like ribitta and tamako are commons and basically freebies
Looks pretty artifacted. Got a bigger version?
if my memory is correct, the game scanned your google search cuz in their words
>they didnt want you looking for cheats during multiplayer
>Event bikini ribitta SR
remember that one user that started off with shangai instead of literally any proper BN game? jesus christ
On the one hand, my wife being considered common would be insulting, but being able to get her easily would also be a good thing.
is this a cropped image
if so post full
I made a nostalgia thread yesterday and there were a bunch of little shits openly admitting they were born after 2000, it's not surprising but it sure is absolutely fucking disgusting
They coulda have done that better. In like a lot of ways. Or assumed since it’s peer to peer that the poeple fighting are friends or part of a community that would deal with that.
There is already development of stuff like that, it's called Gatebox.
and is there a Mega Man Battle Network incident
>all the classic games + romhacks
>all the SNes games including RM&F
Only videogame franchise that gained my interest from beginning to end (tried Castlevania and Touhou to no avail)
No one i know irl went past Classic so alone
All i could really do is write a fanfic since i can't draw or program for shit
I believe in Zero cataclysm just because Inafune writes characters poorly
>ruins your postgame
>(tried Castlevania to no avail)
fuck you user, rondo and the metroidvanias are good
Holy shit
>Didn't learn to draw or program to satisfy his autism
Your autism was not real.
The Megaman Zero Manga was the biggest mistake ever. That last bit with the zombies was the proof that itcould have been more edgy instead of the garbage we got.
Whenever I hear anyone past 2000s enjoying this series I know they were too young to actually be able to enjoy the series when it was fresh. I remember back in elementary school there used to be a full sized poster in the cafeteria featuring NT warrior and the style changes.
Never ever.
It isn't cropped but have a cute meggers in its place
I was thinking about continuing that resub stuff that user started
Should I post when I've made progress on Yea Forums, Yea Forums or /m/?
What do you guys think MegaMan and the other Net Navis did when their Net Operators died?
is there a mod out there that removes this track from the post game or not
They're trapped in their PETs in complete and total isolation in the junkyard full of Pets we saw in SF1
Yeah that works well enough. Thanks user
>battle network dead
>ape escape dead
we need a real true revival of cunny games
because the shotas of today are the lolicon of tomorrow
yeah pretty sure a patch exists
Time for church lads, see you at 7
oh god someone save me from this blurry hell
missing the elf/10
i managed to get network transmission to work on my wiiu
the intro was pretty cool
>basically Legend of Zelda 2
I can get behind this
are you talking shit about best girl
battle network arcade game
I don't get why people hate Network Transmission so badly when it's only hard during the first quarter of the game. By the time you hit Life Virus R he's straight away laughable.
You're supposed to comfort me
>We need more Megaman RPGs
I'm still waiting for an english translation of Rockman Strategy desu
post Starforce
Praise and adore her infidel
post more Serenade
I've been living this delusion since finishing 6, but after Star Force, I don't know If I can believe it.
Classic-era bots were all shut-down and rusted in the Robot Museum until they got thrown away as trash.
Proto died alone and scared in the middle of a no-mans-land when his nuclear reactor exploded so as to not hurt anyone.
Wily and Light both died alone in their labs and their bodies weren't found until weeks later when they were fully rot and full of maggots. Also, they were completely forgotten by history.
I never found it to be too difficult. Just set cannons as your primary chips and only use cannons during the levels, saving all your good chips for bosses. Fireman dies in like 5 sword slashes, you can pretty much just DPS race him yet all the game journalists at the time cried about him being too hard and slammed the game.
>Also, they were completely forgotten by history.
It is possible that Megaman.EXE is kept alive as long as possible... but odds are better on some random fuckwad's shitty Virus collection outlasting NetNavis.
For me it was solely my issue with adapting to the control scheme, it was too whack at first.
Regarding that multiple viruses are still around by the time of SF, it seems like it.
What element your navi would be and why?
What happened to the development of this game?
I'm leaving the thread for an hour, it better be still alive when I get back
Tron died during another heist in an attempt to get more zenny for rocket building. Roll died on the Flutter, alone. Volnutt die on the moon. Everything you love is dead.
Water because I loathe heat and enjoy swimming.
left and right are best girls
Did Tron die in a sexy way at least, like being turned to gold or something?
Looks fine on my machine. Set it to a lower resolution maybe?
Hmm, hard choice. Fire is my default for most elemental choices but I refuse to be weak to water attacks.
I hate Water.
I hate status effects so no Electricity.
Wood would be tempting for rapid damage and passive tile heal but there's an excess of Fire Navis...
Recovery would be tempting for "free" heals but I only remember two Navis having that 'type'.
Plus/Minus is too random going by NumberMan and the RNG is a fickle son of a bitch.
Sword would require close range...
I'd probably just go with Null. Not particularly strong one way or another but not weak to certain things either.
Fire because Heat Guts is my favorite style
The breaking one. I'm gonna break all your fucking panels so you can't move. Also fuck airshoes.
megaman x5 was fun
If you could make your own navi customizer program, what would it do?
I'm going to hurt you
Le controversial opinion
I thought X6 was fun and better than X5.
Odds are that they would attack the netnavis thinking they are viruses if they managed to get on the net. Considering that SF series is in the year 22XX that put it at a minimum of 100 years in the future the only people that may recognise them would be seniors.
reduce intelligence
increase ass and titty size
makes hair blonde if not already
>makes hair blonde if not already
Is that you Inafune?
So you turn your navi into Roll?
Why do all the spiritual successors of Battle Network ignore half of its appeal?
This is why we need Yea Forums Battle Network...
>wake up
>still no navi to wake me up on my phone
>will never jack into things
one of these days
Have two setups: badass tomboy who's good at busting viruses among other things, and thicc idiot who can be easily bullied by viruses
You already have Cheunghai.exe
By the way, Mega Man died as the first maverick, taking Bass with him. The "Mega Maverick" incident made people be wary of advanced artificial intelligence, and cut fundings from all related research. That's why Dr. Light's lab was in such poor shape in the MMX OVA.
>source: dude trust me
I guess it was because of the over-reliance of chips early game which made it feel way harder than it was. I love Network Transmission, is one of my favorites games overall but I didn't really know people actually hated it, only thought that the difficulty curve was all kinds of weird.
Is that supposed to be Yea Forums-tan as a navi? Not bad. Could be better, though.
is there anyway to develop a 3d clone, without Capcom getting on your ass? I definitely can do it in Unity. Maybe even a custom engine since it's not that tasking. Is there any interest?
The game showers you with cannons early game so you can very easily farm to 30 and use those until you get the Charge upgrades
So, is supposed to be a navified pic related?
Doesn't look like the original at all.
There's already stuff being sold on Steam that is clearly a BN clone. Capcom of Japan probably got uppity with the Shanghai dude because he used actual likenesses of the BN characters from what I hear.
there was an attempt
This looks like Dora the explorer as a Navi.
The manga had no right to be as good as it was.
Don't show it off before it's done. At least finish it then upload the game somewhere while downloading it yourself from multiple locations. Then you can post stuff while pretending it's in development for some marketing/shilling. Then if/when Capcom ever busts your ass, you whip out the link to the game that was already uploaded and pretend it was just some beta version you uploaded before they C/D your ass and hey, you can't help it if you were already spreading an "unfinished" version around.
There, I just circumvented any and all future C/D attempts. You're welcome.
Reminder to thank MBN4 for killing the franchise.
BN4 didn't kill the franchise, according to an interview with the developers it was only intended to run as long as the GBA itself.
This is really cool looking
Depends on how far you can stretch the program.
Assuming it is just default programs I'd max out speed, hp, and buster stats. No humor program fuck that shit it is never funny. Under Shirt program is a must.
If it is an actual navi customizer program that lets me turn a storebought Generic Navi into something original (which I think is how almost all Navis developed)... I'm not sure but it'd probably wind up looking something like the image. I know the image is inspired by MN9 but that actually looks good.
Hi, I'm you from the future who decided to do this. I hope there's interest because otherwise I'm in trouble.
Quite sure this was due to ripped assets, which are copyright by default. Design however must be patented. Navi customizer is a rare example, so you couldn't 100% copy it, but everything else is fine.
Why not a Battle Network MMO with an in depth customization system? It would fit too perfectly unlike how jank the story for Rockman Online was attempting to fit into the original timeline.
>a mm thread
huh how about that
might as well ask what did you guys think of this?
Would you trust them with an MMO? Assuming it isn't a mobage, just... mmos in general? Especially an MMO based off of an existing series? Those tend to be a mixed bag and even if they start out great they quickly become shit.
I'd rather not enable trapfags even further
Roll and Gutsman deserved better, desu.
Fuck Glyde, though.
You ridiculous sluts. Don't you remember Lan's monologue at the end of 6? Colonel and Iris got rid of viruses and Net Crime forever.
Navis were probably mostly allowed to live on the Net in peace until they stopped working.
The last thing I want is an MMO, that genre is dead nowadays anyway.
How was BN such a lewd kids anime?
The first online porn game I ever saw was a flash dress-up game of Ciel.
There was talk about Colonel, Iris and Wily dying for good in the Japanese version while they were okay in the English. That was bullshit, right? The Japanese ending also has a happy ending for them, right?
NetNavis got those copy reploid bodies and all live on the moon now
It can be well done, certainly better than the platforming approach Rockman Online wanted. I wouldn't want the default BN 3x6 grid combat, but more third person action RPG with chips you could either earn in game or use random battlechips via USB Battlechip gate.
BN by default logically handles HP and the resource pool as memory and naturally coast MMO elements, hence why I say it could be a more immersive experience.
Sigma.EXE brought long-deserved freedom to the Net Navi race.
Did it use this as base?
Still doesn't explain what happened to pic related after his game.
Fucking Xehanort. Always ruining everything.
I-I think it actually might have
I don't remember that one. I do remember (aside from the obvious of Chrono X and Shanghai) the Day in the Limelight series, Unlimited, 8-Bit Deathmatch and 3D, the Street Fighter crossover, Megaman RPG, and more recently Mega Man Maker.
There also was an old Byond mmo fighting/platformer game and at least one game made through the ZeldaClassic program.
Oh! And Rokko-Chan and the NES crossover platformer game!
He hid himself
From what I hear on SomethingAwful, that's an unsubstantiated rumor and the ending of the game is the same in Japanese as it is in English.
It has been a while since I last played BN. I don't remember shit from 6.
All the Network Transmission navi designs looked like dogshit except Star Man.
>playing Shanghai
>Doing sidequests asap
>decide to do one about a stalker, maybe like 4th one
>get into battle
>immediately blown away by a PA
Well okay then
Looks more like Xaldin than Xehanort.
I'd probably divide it between classes, element and attack styles for starters.
>Class: Buster, Sword, Fist, Defender, Bombardier, Trapper. Each one would give boosts and debuffs to chips depending on the fight style
>Element: Neutral, Fire, Water, Electric, Wood. Keep it classic but maybe not make the type effectiveness and weakness too strong and also allow each type to be able to cover its weaknesses with combined element chips
>Style: Rapid, Charge. You can't have both at the same time. Simply said, Rapid would allow for very fast but weaker attacks and Charge would give very strong attacks but with long charging and usage times
>giver says that Yosh was an NPC from the BBS
>can't find any indication that this character ever posted on the BBS
What's going on, bros? Was I rused?
Carrie gets another one.
i followed it when the guy was developing it
megaman 9 and 10 created a small wave of purist fanboys that thought only the original artstyles were ever worth a damn, thats a huge reason why corrupted got so big
so this guy made his stuff and was thinking he'd be inheriting the earth or something but as you might see in the video it's the usual romhack-tier difficulty level and most people said while the engine was on point the game wasn't fun
and thus the game was dropped
>that time Yai was defeated by a Nazi salute
Shooting Star!
>A:Egaite yukitai bokura no ashita wo
>B:Kurayami terashi kaketeku
Pick one
>going back to play SF series again
>Notice how the plot becomes completely boring the minute Sonia is introduced
Geo basically lost all of his personality by forming that Brotherband. He character developed from a NEET misanthrope into a non-character. Very disappointing. Oh well, I never made it to SF3 on my first pass through these games. Maybe there's something waiting for me there.
my wife on the right
Breaking the games ASAP was a lot of fun.
>Fire Man 3 was easy as piss and his chip dealt a respectable 150 damage in a row. Easy to farm before Number Man.
>With some patience, you can get 5 AirManV3 chips before QuickMan, which can deal a potential 200 damage and will carry you until you get Gater, which obliterates the game.
>In MMBN6, using the Full Synchro+Sea Seed+Tornado combo could allow you to delete BlastMan in under 10 seconds, granting you his full-powered chip before even fighting DiveMan. S-Ranking during virus battles was a joke with it until the final scenarios.
Don't remember 4 and 5 and I'm pretty sure the Flash Man chips don't become an insta-win button until late game.
sf3 you can trans anywhere you want and joker is cool
Are you referencing the lyrics?
Sonia a fucking cute
Probably why he was playable in 4.5
Stop dissing swordman you nigger
SF3 is the best in the series. Lots of cool shit you can do with the battle system.
Online was fun, shame you missed it. I remember hours playing against other Gemini/Wolf players in thrilling matches that were reduced to "whoever gets hit first gets stun-locked to death".
>Maybe there's something waiting for me there.
There is
I never finished it but if someone that can actually draw wants to fix it I had a half-baked /vr/.exe
wii u had the port of bn2, when is switch getting these games
Zero was fucking awesome, fuck you. Also just now I realized he yells his Megaman X attacks and that's really cool.
I hope cards don't have as obnoxiously low drop rates as they do in 1 here
Haha, he literally skipped leg day.
>Time to not be a useless shit for once and do something productive with my life
>Megaman Battle Network thread
>not saving buds precious shirt
Starforce 3 is great and Black Ace is fucking rad
Black Ace>Joker
fuck jokerfags
Not bad. It makes me somewhat reminiscent of MS2 but retains core BN gameplay.
>"Say what you want! Keep sucking gas and die like a Jew!"
While I appreciate the darker approach of Mega Man Battle Network 2, I think this particular scene crossed a moral threshold that is best left unexplored.
how did they get sam raimi to write the script?
It's a good idea but too costly/risky for Capcom given Megaman's current track record.
The image has some good ideas, but BN is almost entirely 1vCPU or 1v1. For it to be a decent MMO it should really have more interaction with players somehow.
It was a different time.
Does Yea Forums still do threads on the anime?
Hence why I advocated against the traditional gameplay for greater player interaction. If anything it should take some pages from BN5 and allow for parties and guilds to form to do something similar to liberation missions.
>yfw the dub voice of Dex was Eddy in Ed Ed n Eddy
extremely rare, maybe 1-4 times a year
>that dude who had a girl NetNavi and multiple CopyBots in his room
Based as fuck
>>"Say what you want! Keep sucking gas and die like a Jew!"
There is no way that was an actual line.
it holds a special place in my heart because it was the only anime I was allowed to watch until middle school
I think you mean pathetic.
How did this get left in after he rushes Lan at the basketball court?
Not when he let you borrow some of these CopyBots with his NetNavi preloaded into them.
wouldn't that make him a cuck
On the other hand, the background of the dungeon with Luna as the boss literally has sperm shaped snakes swimming into pitcher plants
I can't help but wonder what capcom was trying to imply there
>sloppy seconds
>he doesn't clean the copybot's onahole properly
Something tells me that this is akin to a "Piracy vs. Theft" argument
Imagine all of the PET and NetNavi linked sex toys that had to exist
People keep saying they don't want a sequel because they don't want to see them ruin the characters.
Well what if they had completely new characters?
I'm just surprised there's no RPGs like MMBN. You'd think there would be a few indie games that would copy it's gameplay.
These are some really bare bones core concepts, obviously not the only things that would be in the game.
I made a bunch of pictures like this including new viruses and panel types because it's really fun to make, but I never got too deep into multiplayer interaction because obviously I'm never actually going to make this. Off the top of my head though you could be able to spectate any random battles you come across in the overworld (vs virus or pvp) as well as have automated tournaments and minigames and other such things.
They would probably be interchangeable since wearing them out would require a whole new copy-bot and that would be expensive.
Different textures and actions so it would be your fault for not changing it.
>You'd think there would be a few indie games that would copy it's gameplay.
Yeah, there are a few. There's a reason you haven't heard about them though, they're all trash.
Spoonfeed me user?
I mean, he is giving away copies of his navi gf, so he has the original but its still a version of his gf that he knows is being fucked by other people, it can't just be an open relationship since there are technically multiple girls, so he's either a pimp, a cuck, or a combination
The best you will get is something more akin to dynasty warrior with masses of low level viruses mixed in with higher level ones or even opponent net-navis.
With the battle chips giving you different weapons as needed.
i will forever be disappointed that Cutman.exe was a bad guy
and wasn't part of the good guy group. maybe he and his netop could've been Dex's lackey
MMBN sets up a world where there are billions of other navis. We could easily have a new protag on the other side of the world. Megaman doesn't ever need to be mentioned.
Hell megaman even has a son in 6 if we want to keep it in the family.
Then others would just whine about no Lan/Geo.
>Vagina wall parts that can range from smooth to bumpy to tentacled to frilled
>Attachments that can spray lubricants, stimulants and/or aphrodisiacs during the whole process
no traps. Make Yea Forums a legit girl or a little girl.
Pointless to even think about since capcom only makes classic series Mega Man anymore, and even then, only on anniversaries. You'd have to be out of your mind to think we'd ever get a new IP
2021. Watch this
>has fingers like scissors
what a fucking loser
Could have easily been Chisao's Navi.
Luna became the president of the country, Sonia was the 1# star of the world, Geo became an astronaut and made brother bands with a lot of planets together with
Omega-Xis, Zack became an scientist and Geo's parents saw their grandkids so everyone in the SF cast died after living long and fulfilling lives . Except Bud he died of high cholesterol in his 20s
There were also some on kickstarter that I can't even remember the names of, but they were all cancelled due to not reaching their funding goal.
No one really wants to invest in a BNesque game unless its BN itself, or has a big company backing it.
I've seen a few roguelikes of all things. One Step From Eden while 20XX is a roguelike platformer. There's also blatant ripoffs like Tri Wing and Card Witch, and doujin games like Rosenkreuzstilette.
>Pointless to even think about since capcom only makes classic series Mega Man anymore
Bruh, look at this dude.
completely forgot that Dex had a brother
but yeah, Cutman could've been a great navi for him
That second one looks pretty good. What's wrong with it?
>almost a decade ago
>only non-classic thing to be attempted since was bloody X-Over (and the cameos in Smash if you want to count that)
If we were to be 100% realistic they would be immensely popular.
So popular in fact it would spell doom for the human species similar to that episode of Futurama and would be banned afterwards.
There would be a black-market of them of course so getting them wouldn't be impossible but also not very easy.
apparently its just battles no overworld
Xebec produced it and they produced other lewd anime like To Love-Ru
perhaps that's why netnavis don't exist in the SF timeline: they've all been fucked to death
Sounds like a scenario waiting to happen in an adult version of Battle Network, with Lan all grown-up and such. You think they have red-light districts run by shady pimps in Electopia?
Or make him into a homoerotic bishounen.
Put Rockman.exe in Marvel vs Capcom, damn it.
>Internet died while browsing this thread
>Had been feeling bad through the day so decide to take advantage of that and take a nap
>Dream of a BN and Starforce successor that combined the best of both worlds and used lore from X, Zero, ZX, Legends on top of Classic and Starforce original stuff
>Wake up IRL as my Custom Navi was also waking me up
I didn't want to wake up...
Dex is sexy
I love Luna's undrilled hair
which do you prefer, the overworld sprites from the first 3 games or the chibi sprites they used later
Alright, I'll indulge you.
first three. the later ones look kinda chibi.
>tfw only exposure to BN/SF is that one doujin artist's extreme devotion to Luna
i wish there was more fanart of Dex
Most likely.
There were discussions similar to this in the real world with robotic prostitutes and life like sex dolls and small groups of feminists complaining about how they should be banned because they portray an unrealistic image of women.
Now imagine that but with something far more intelligent and with the ability to react like a human would.
Plus the ability to insert any program into it to fulfill your sexual fantasy from BDSM to massive harems.
Now you get the added benefit of not needing to pay them, they wont get sick or get a STD, they wont get old or develop psychological issues since you can just run a backup over the copy-bot.
Its fantastic and terrifying to the point that its what Lord Wily should have done in the first place.
First three obviously.
They're much more detailed. They actually have volume and weight to them.
It's a toss-up, the later sprites while less detailed still have an ever brighter and poppier world design to match.
That is one creepy looking giant Barbie doll.
Just putting it out there, I would be 200% okay with a BN mobile game. If they can somehow resist making it a pay to win piece of shit and stay true to the theme of the series I think that it would probably be good.
>create your own Navi
>hunt down rogue Navis and viruses for rewards
>online tournaments
>global events where you team up with other Net Operators to stop World Three activities
>resist making it a pay to win piece of shit
>stay true to the theme of the series
Sorry, user, but you only get to pick one.
Make USB battle chip gates at the very least with manufactured battle chips.
>Hell megaman even has a son in 6 if we want to keep it in the family.
Wait, did you mean Lan's son or am I forgetting MegaMan having an actual kid somehow
Both do. Patch was born as Lan and Mayl's son, while Megaman and Roll's data was used to conceive Megaman Jr.
Megaman Jr. is such a fucking stupid name
I'm still surprised that Megaman.EXE and Roll.EXE didn't name their derivative Navi something like Pop.EXE or Glam.EXE.
>Megaman Jr
Going by program names I would had laughed if their child was Megaman(1).EXE.
But no. It was Jr.
Blame the writers, I didn't name Patch's navi.
>Starforce 2 writers came up with that
Blame them indeed
*blubs your path*
I know. It is just completely stupid. At least Patch was a halfway decent punny name. Still dumb but his dad was Lan/Net and his uncle was Hub/Site.
Although I think in Japan Patch's name translates to a later point in time... He is literally Next. ugh.
absolute shitter
>hides in back row behind rock
>use bolt
I unironically enjoyed this track as a kid.
Aquaman was better.
The closest they could have done was take a page from the anime and name him after Trill since they all shifted around content across three different continuities for the series(anime,manga, and game)
You mean Spoutman?
You mean Spoutman?
Was only named that in BN6 and the english dub, otherwise in BN4 they straight up called him Aquaman. The name change was for copyright reasons.
That's the joke.
Why does this hurt so much?
If my eyes had to suffer that episode, then everyone is suffering with me.
Can this game be completed soon? I have this thing where I can't download a game until it's finished.
that's like fucking episode 4, too
Maybe. Maybe not. Just download it. IT's nearly finished anyways and when it is done you can just use your save file on the new version.
I love Shanghai so much
I wouldn't say soon. It may be at roughly the 98% point, but there's still a lot to do. The current version goes up to just before the ultimate boss, so if you don't mind that, then give it a shot.
Thanks. My younger brother was a huge fan of the BN series. And now I think is a great time for me to get into it
Just hold on....we're going home
Dumb meme
>V3 only appears when you're at critical HP
Even in the afterlife he's a cuck.
>All other MM2 Robot Masters got a NetNavi counterpart within the first three games.
>6 games + some spinoffs and nowhere to be found.
the absolute fucking state of crash man
THE worst part is? With BN2s translation; it could have been.
Higsby got called a queer at one point, and when a guy got caught trying to 9/11 a plane his response was “DAMN IT TO HELL!”
That's one of the reasons why we need a BN7.
Based and redpilled
honestly thought she was going to steal all of the riches and not just some food
Don't forget the black man in not-America who prays every morning to his god, fried chicken.
Did he mean queer as in he was strange. Kid didn't call him gay.
I would assume he meant strange
By queer he meant strange*
Yes tht's what I meant. sorry.
>make battle network thread last month
>same fucking hour a battle network shota doujin get translated and uploaded onto sadpanda
>make battle network thread again today
>medarot translated doujin
kill yourself.
After the art jam and the missing content, this certainly isn't funny.
oh shit isoc is back
also new chinawaifu
what the fuck is this, it looks like chinkshit
One of these years I'll learn what the fuck I'm looking at.
>he doesn't like shota
what are you, a faggot?
Is.. that X with Zero's arm and helmet?
I'm feeling nicer than usual today.
Look up "Super Deep Throat"
Oh it's just that? I had a feeling from the pose, but I was honestly expecting more.
why did you only start at kingman
I only fap to shotas only if they're traps
otherwise it's gay
Yeah, same artist too. He made a one shot manga involving an alternate X5 ending where Zero repairs X using parts from both his body and X's. His consciousness eventually dies out and X inhabits what you see in the picture.
SDT has great customization abilities, but they're still limited in certain ways. Eventually you could import external images such as that for even greater customization.
Oh shit, that's actually really cool.
>everyone is okay with Ms. Millions seducing an underage schoolboy into doing sexual favors for her so she can get off in public
BN2 was far too based, need to play it sometime and load it up on a flash cart.
>every time he's saying blub, he's actually just censoring the word fuck
card set sequel for the original mega mission cards
isoc, the not-wily from x6, is back in it
What's with people playing fan translated BN6? Is there a specific reason?
it readds the cut post game content
Best BN girl coming through.
I can't be the only one who thinks this guy artstyle has always been utter shit and completely unfitting for this series.
I see Doppler!
anybody know where i can download the anime?
both subbed and dubbed
yep, he basically started the whole thing
How dare you talk shit about my boy Iwamoto?
JK, there is quite a large number of fans that don't like his style and I can see why.
>realizes the Hub plot twist early
>spends all of her time talking about souls
>never shows up again in 4 or 5
Saturday Morning Cartoon - Character of the Week format of the games really sucked in this regard. So many charming and unique designs, both humans and navis, never appearing beyond one single time.
Seeing Shuko come back in BN6 was a very pleasant surprise for me in that regard.
Before the thread ends, I'm kind of not enjoying BN2 so far. Just beat QuickMan and now am doing the quests for the ALicense but there's just something that's not clicking so far. Maybe the progress feels too slow, I don't know.
I think battle network 2 is overrated and near the end of the game is fucking bad, and I mean dropworthy shit, you haven't seen anything yet user
The fucking freezeman scenario soured the entire game for me, fuck that, skip to and play battle network 3, fuck BN2 apologists
BN2 is great, desu. The ALicense is the last mandatory license in the game, at least, so it's all uphill from there.
Until FreezeMan. Fuck FreezeMan.
>before the thread ends
you need to see this
you're welcome
I'll fuck you, you BN3 slut.
I thought it was weird that no one have commented this about it so far, it looks horrible.
i enjoyed it but that might be because i hadn't played boktai before it. still haven't
the opening is my fucking jam.
>A dishwasher that you can turn on through the internet!
but you still need to load it
sex with serenade
Another good thread
Welcome to The Internet of Things!
One time, I was talking to a guy I know about BN. I said "So... Mayl. Is she an 8 out of 10 or a 10 out of 10?" Then he said "Dude, she IS 10!" and we both started laughing.