Post video games with Kaiju
Post video games with Kaiju
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Make way for the best Kaiju game there's ever been.
How's the movie?
good kaiju action
Human plot was dumb, but the kaiju scenes we're great. Rodan's fight against the fighter jets was especially cool.
the angry videogame cuck doesn't like it because it's rainy and there are no men inside suits in this movie.
Better than the 2014 reboot?
Pretty good
the kaifu fight are kino, the human scene are kinda shit, but you don't see a kaiju movie for the humans
still not Shin Godzilla tier but this movie is the kinoest of the kaiju movie.
There's a lot more monsters in it if that's better for you.
Why does Mothra always have to die
that scene wasn't even explained.
absolutely, much more screentime
Not that user, but that makes it much MUCH better in my opinion. Can't wait to see it
Unironically metal gear survive
The monster is even call at one time "the king of monsters" and is named "kaiju" in the files.
Since Godzilla got defeated by humans, he just evolved into them
and what's more "godly" than creating mens?
Saw it in a Dolby theater with the gf, it's the kind of movie where if you don't see it in theaters it's not even worth it. Probably like 40 minutes of fighting in the 2 hour movie, the human drama is fucking horrid, and the jokes feel ridiculously forced. The final fight is pretty alright, but the constant cuts to the humans in the middle of the fight ruin all hopes of it being a 10/10 kaiju fight.
I've seen it twice now and I actually enjoyed it more the 2nd viewing. Once on Friday and once yesterday. The action is top notch.
When I saw it the first time I felt like the human parts were really dragging. The 2nd time I saw it they flew by. They actually manage to have some great scenes too. Serizawa has a really great one.
A lot of people seem to complain: "Why the fuck are they focused on humans during action! Just cut to the monsters" but it absolutely enhances it in some cases. The scene where Rodan appears you see some of the action from the view from the humans as they're flying through the air to lure Rodan away and it's undoubtedly way better than just having the camera pan on Rodan the whole time.
I prefer the layout of the movie far more than the Heisei movies, for example, where you get an hour and a half of human buildup then a giant war between Godzilla and another kaiju (with, maybe, a short scene in the beginning or the middle of the movie)
Also it sets up really nicely for Kong vs. Godzilla.
Far better. Although I think I prefer how the 2014 movie does scale. Humans are more tolerable and the action is better.
I normally respect James' views on movies but wow, he went absolute full retard with his KOTM one.
the entire news article section right when the credits role sets up so many cool things that it almost kinda sucks the monsterverse ends at gvk
>the human drama is fucking horrid
It was fucking horrid in the last movie, too. The less of it, the better
it's lucky Kong is already filmed, unfortunately KOM has under performed if not outright flopped
It isn't a complete flop from what i saw, i didn't do very good but not very shit either.
Competing against marvel, John wick, and Disney is kinda hard.
Fuck isn't the movie us shit?
>there was a How to Train Your Dragon 3
>it even did better than Detective Pikachu
What the fuck. I was probably sleeping under a rock because I never even heard about it.
Is it any good? I loved the first two.
From what i've heard it's a good conclusion.
I remember reading the book when i was younger.
just watched a video and wow the producer of this movie must be a huge Monster Hunter fan.
It opened 40m less than Godzilla 2014.
But Kong Skull Island took a fat shit on both movies so KvG will most likely be a better debut.
Worldwide I know it's made over 200 mil, but does domestic matter more?
Sad my niggress Biollante isn’t in it
I'm honestly surprised Kong did so well, do millennials and zoomers even give a shit about King Kong these days? Is it just misplaced nostalgia for the 2005 Kong? If a milestone character like Kong can still attract audiences all these decades later, that's great, but more than Godzilla disturbs me.
What, Godzilla? Not really. Foreign box office is actually more important than America these days.
I really don't like the first one, but I did enjoy the second one, although I felt it was still plagued with shit that took up a big part of the movie. Everything with the mommy was terrible.
>two Legendary movies, both backed by Toho
>both flopped
Better get used Disney Everything, boyos.
King Kong is American, Godzilla is Japanese. Simple as that.
This is the first Monsterverse flop
is DESTROYAH in the movie?
And Toho went out of their way to cite the MCU as their future business plan of Godzilla with movies every 1 or 2 years.
Nope. The Oxygen Destroyer is, though. So the set up is there.
And Disney just does whatever the shit they feel like. I legitimately think Frozen 2 will be their best movie this year, it's the only one that looks normal for sure.
X-COM: Apocalypse
He's talking about Detective Pikachu which didn't flop. It's the cancerous Yea Forums mentality.
How is Us doing so well? Is it actually that good?
I feel like I barely heard anything about it and only saw like two posters on the bus once or twice
kind of boggles my mind how it made less than 2014 godzilla when this is the one with the big name monsters and more action
Which is a pretty big deal considering they pulled back on the idea of KongVGodzilla being the last movie and are going full MCU.
Aside from Kong being American, it had a much more renowned cast: John Goodman, Sam L Jackson, Tom Hiddleston, John C Riley.
The biggest entertainment media in the world and your big Hollywood movie can open 50mil?
post yfw Fire godzilla
One of the Ghidorah heads survived though.
>pulled back
But they didn't? Unless I missed something. Kong vs Godzilla is still the last Monsterverse movie releasing as it stands now.
There's an easy fix to get people to interested in Godzilla though and making it a profitable franchise here on the west: big name actors. The only thing normies bring up from 2014 is Bryan Cranston. He was drawing people to that movie.
>final blast
>can hear Mothra's cry
>150mil budget
>makes 400mil
Please stop listening to Yea Forums.
Well, if we are lucky maybe we will have a shin godzilla 2 after that.
Toho is doing a whole new universe. And no sequel to Shin. But thats separate from what Legendary is doing.
Shin Godzilla 2 was shot down by Toho themselves a long time ago, they want to get on the cinematic universe train (again, technically they took the ball and ran with it decades ago) and make their own movies again, to do that they have to axe Monsterverse or heavily renegotiate with Legendary.
EDF5 on PC when
Too much focus on MUH FAMILY like the first film
Kaiju fights are okay but Rodan jobbed and there wasn't nearly enough Mothra-wank
Is the kid a big part of the movie?
Unless Warner Bros and Toho is insanely fragile (which I hope they're not) and takes this as a sign to not release any Godzilla film again then it's fine. I'm not trying to damage control with the lackluster box office for KOTM but I definitely think releasing a trailer and preparing for the final hype when everyone has their eyes set on the biggest capeshit movie wasn't helping them here. 2014 and Skull Island released in a very "clean" time, if I remember correctly.
Disney is literally plaguing this industry.
Fantastic. The human element once again is lacking but at least this time it vaguely resembles an action movie. The monster scenes are great. I'd say it only got better and better as the movie went on for once.
>game didn't entirely freeze for a few seconds on impact
well now it's not even EDF
150 + marketing budget, which is probably the same or even more.
I wanted this movie to do good so badly. Why does everything I love and care about turn to complete dog shit?
I really hope there's a director's cut of this movie that exclusively includes more action. I'd love it.
>150mil marketing budget
Not likely at all. Marketing budgets normally cap at 100mil at MOST and I'm confident they didn't reach that 100mil cap.
>just a big dumb action movie
I don't get it.
another victim of the mouse. nothing personal
It's kinda cool they are using the original theme, the movie really respect the old movies.
Kaiji films only need to be literal big dumb action movies with due nukes are bad undertones
I can't stop thinking about that. I shouldn't be hyped from such a small relation but good damn I just can't stop myself from getting hyped at the thought
tfw Kong and Godzilla team up at the end of the next movie to fight Destroyah
what is going on
The whole thing with Serizawa is kino.
instead of being responsible for Godzilla's death like in the very first movie, he fully supports Godzilla and sacrifices himself to instead help Godzilla. He also gives his notes for further research instead of making sure nobody can see them, like in first movie.
So what's the title of the Kong movie? I didn't even know there was a connection to this new Godzilla movie. Was that any good.
Also any of you filthy fucks remember that King Kong video game where you broke the jaws of t-rexs?
Modern estrogen-boys can’t handle chad monsters
It probably will if you use that missile to pulverize hundreds of giant insects.
I guess that explains why Toothless looks so much like a Nargacuga
Kong: Skull Island
And yes, the 2005 King Kong game is one of the best licensed games of all time. I'm fucking aching for kaiju games at this point.
Do critics really think normalfags give a shit about how deep and profound the story is in a Godzilla movie?
Why is his roar so spooky?
I guess it's doing well but still under performing initial expectations
To be honest I was really upset about those changes at first. I get it was to preserve this new character as a good man and to show off how military intervention is bad mmkay. The sacrifice was in fact so we'll done I completely let these strange changes to pass. I had a blue tongue skink named after the good doc so I took it quite personal. Anyways just some no Vidya opinions from a gay jabroni.
Go make a pretentious list of your favourite directors on Yea Forums gay boy
Understandable. I just interpret it as them making it an opposite to the original movie which I found to be a neat take. His final line was really cool as well.
Tfw Godzilla is making no money
If by Kaiju you just mean big monster, here's one I like.
The movie already looks like a videogame...
I can certainly agree with you on that one.
Based and Gog-pilled.
what can godzilla v kong do to end the monsterverse with a bang and one up king of the monsters?
Any of you chucklefucks immediately went home after the movie to torrent the whole god damn series of films? I used to own every single one physically but house got robbed and lost the box they were in.
Mechagodzilla when?
Wish this movie was good. Even the last American one was better than this, had human characters which were boring and forgettable but the action was very well framed and the monsters held a lot of weight and impact, gif related. The direction was excellent in how lowkey and played straight the scenario was, it feels like an actually perilous situation when the soldiers are halo jumping down into the destroyed city.
In KotM every character quips and jokes every other second, the action is framed terribly and holds little to no weight, my second favorite kaiju Mothra is stripped of the qualities that made her such a unique contrast to Godzilla, and given extremely little to do in the entire movie.
It was all extremely obnoxious, loud characters are not inherently better than boring ones.
Games where humans lose to Kaiju?
Well. Simply end it like the old one did. Godzilla tanks a loss. Should be enough to kill future hype.
Inter-species symbiosis
They also had a cue from Requiem from vs Destoroyah when Godzilla went back underwater after he did the signal flare.
They also took the whole "Godzilla is exploding" from Destroyah too.
Metal gear survive alternate ending
The jokes really weren't over done man. They broke tension because they were the right amount of lame to it. You're just a moth waifufag. I see right through your shit nigga
the only actual bad joke that everyone universally agrees on is the gonorrhea joke
every part of the movie that's not monsters fighting is cringey hollywood generic garbage
>You're just a moth waifufag
who isn't? Mothra is CUTE
that's literally all a kaiju film needs to be you dumb faggot
Yeah, but it felt even more forced than the oxygen destroyer coming out of nowhere.
Probably with mecha king ghidorah. It's awesome the end credit scene alluded to that. Hopefully we will get some gigan action. Oh Lord please I want that silly jobber in one. I mean good luck designing the poor thing to make it fit but god damn I NEED it.
Toho and Legendary have said that if KOTM and GVK do decently enough that Toho will be open to a contract renegotiation that allows both studios to hold the rights and make movies concurrently, allowing both movie universes to exist.
There's still a lot of it in KOTM though, that's the problem
More kaiju battles and scenes of destruction than KotM, which is actually not difficult to do considering that there are so few in it. Three rounds of Godzilla vs Ghidorah, a brief scrap between Ghidorah and Rodan, and Mothra vs Rodan being almost entirely off-screen for no reason. All secondary kaiju get only a few seconds of screentime each, and most of that is through computer screens.
The lack of weight and poor camera angles/cuts was really fucking bad. '14, Skull Island, and Pacific Rim all had a really nice sense of scale and weight but for some reason this movie only had a couple scenes which are like that. It wasn't a bad movie but it leaves a lot to be desired.
well KOTM flopped, so...
You got me there. I love Larva mothra .
It's #1 in the box office, but considering the fact that Aladdin, Rocketman, and John Wick also came out recently, there's still a lot of competition. The one saying it's a disappointment is probably just comparing the numbers to the previous Monsterverse films, which didn't have much competition at release
>In KotM every character quips and jokes every other second
This isn't even true at all.
>180 million
Amongst the best Godzilla movies ever. Arguably the best.
Ew namefag
Man I legit got scared from this scene.
Madlad Anno
Did they introduce a few completely new monsters like that one with mammoth tusks? I don't remember that guy at all
Are there any other classic monsters in the movie other than the big 4?
no, just bland OC ones like Mammoth Gorilla and Squid Spider
The design just is fucking good
I didn't recognize the spider or the mammoth. I was seriously expecting like, Gamora or even that loser Gigan.
Nothing beats final wars in my book. Besides Destoroyah.
The movie still has overseas it has yet to release in, especially China. Those gooks love big dumb action films.
Good, solid top 5 for me. In no particular order:
Vs Destroyah
Jet Jaguar
Final wars
No, Toho only licensed out those four apparently.
Behemoth is a good boi who makes the trees grow.
>it's supposed to be shit
cringe, no better than capeshit
why havent there been any kaiju games in like the past decade
i know theres that shitty godzilla game but no one liked it and theres also that japanese-only game where you run through a kaiju infested city but there hasnt been any REAL, good kaiju shit, it sucks
were war of the monsters and godzilla unleashed the last kaiju vidya kino we'll ever get?
Time to oil up...
one of the negative reviews on rotten tomatoes got me thinking what if they made a Godzilla movie without any human drama? All of the characters would be kaiju and they'd tell the story non verbally, kind of like Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, but without the sign language. All humans would be minor background characters and not have any importance.
I figured the spider was some attempt kumonga. And Gamora? Do you mean Gamera? Completely different franchise my man. A great one but completely separate.
GO watch Rocketman, fag
The new movie is fantastic with all its call backs to the original work.
>maser cannons
>Steven Martin
>infant island
>The twins
>infant island picture being on the year Mothra released
>Dr. Serizawa and the last scene he is in
>oxygen destroyer
>destroy all monsters sign
>Rodan comes out of a volcano
>burning Godzilla
>Monster Zero name
>Godzilla and Mothra theme present
such a cutie
Godzilla is capeshit that doesn't pretend that it's smarter than it is.
Critics would just bitch.
godzilla save the earth was better in literally every single way
unleashed was a bit iffy but it's better as well
Shut up cunt. Fuck off and post about only god forgives
Are the goofy mothra fairies in this movie?
>duhhhhh it's shit because me no like it
They're action movies and they excel at being action movies. Sorry you're a dumb faggot I guess.
critics are shit anyway
As much as I hate you faggot you are right about one thing. The twins scene got an audible chuckle out of me. I was thinking all movie about how and if they were even going to introduce the pipsqueaks in some form. I am glad they did.
I find it strange how people can sit and watch people in colorful underwear fight a California raisin with a pimp glove and call it the best thing ever. But giant monsters are too much on the unrealistic and dumb scale.
After this movie I'm thinking critics would just hate anything. The human interaction is out together with the monster scenes so the series finally abandons the issue of having human scenes and monster scenes.
None of the issues they have with the movie warrant the response they give it. It's just not reasonable at all.
it's funny because there was one review for the movie on rotten tomatoes that was found out to be almost exactly the same as the guy's other review for avengers endgame, same positives and negatives all around
but of course, godzilla got rotten and endgame was fresh. really makes you think
Because normies think that if something doesn't primarily involve Humans or something nearly Human it's shit.
Please tripfag share Godzilla memes.
Sort of.
Rotten Tomatoes is for massive cunts
Because people fighting takes precedence over nature, apparently.
I don't have much but will share what I have.
All kaiju scenes are solid especially whenever a monster awakens. Sadly the human half isn’t any better than the last one. Still looking forward to GvKK though.
I heard the music cue as well!!
It's funny that autists don't understand people care about the personal stories and drama in capeshit and like the action as icing on the cake, while kaijufags think the icing is the cake.
>the personal stories and drama in capeshit
There isn't any though
It's a sign of empathy thinking something completely foreign has emotions. Like a dog or a cat you know? I'm not sure what you are getting at besides stirring the pot to feel superior.
You think marvel movies are pretending to be smarter than they are? Have you seen any?
>hurr the characters in the movie don't spell it to me so I have no capacity of understanding what that scene could possibly mean durr
Americans should not be allowed opinions.
Imagine humanoid Godzillas running amoke in Tokyo, killing and scaling buildings in masses while the actual run is still walking rampant.
The whole concept of Godzilla evolving and adapting to the threat was such a good idea which got wasted because Toho had to cash in on the MCU dickwagon and cancel Shin Godzilla 2.
Asking for the human characters to be more than cardboard and carry the plot along reasonably between the kaiju fights isn't asking for a lot.
>Tfw Mothra descending from the heavens.
She needed more scenes.
There are people who are literally saying that Thanos is one of the best written villains in all of media.
It wasn't cancelled. They didn't even plan for a sequel.
>le 2deep4u just read the wiki argument
It really isn't but this newest one does it considerably better than past iterations despite its flaws and it getting shafted like it's the worst of the bunch.
The human interaction aboard the Argo made me hyped for G-Force stuff immediately.
Prove them wrong.
Literally just pay attention to the film, it's not even that hard to understand holy shit americans are dumb.
>classic kaiju are faithfully recreated for a modern big-budget Hollywood film, with neat new details giving each more personality, including sound design
>new kaiju designs are well made (though you only get glimpses)
>some of the human characters are actually good, namely Dr. Serizawa, Col. Jonah, and Dr. Chen
>many callbacks to older films
>many shots could be framed as high art
>plenty of action scenes, including kaiju battles
>OST is fucking spectacular
>end credits song is great too
>will make you want more kaiju content
>battles are shot poorly in comparison to the previous films, with lots of bad angles and cuts that make everything lose a sense of scale and weight for most scenes
>battles may be in abundance but there isn't much variety and one fight in particular is mostly off-screen
>all battle locations are lackluster and do not help with sense of scale, only the last part of a single battle has any skyscrapers
>all of the human storyline that isn't a direct plot device is terrible, worse than Godzilla '14
>central characters are a largely irrelevant family again
>main boring dad character, credited with helping design the film's mcguffin, ends up doing a lot of shit outside of his specialty for no reason other than being the designated protagonist despite him not really being special in any way
>a lot of jokes, many of which don't land
>"monster/debris is about to kill characters and we'll give you 10 seconds of suspense footage for it before someone saves the characters at the last possible second" trope happens 5+ times
>"professional military is trying to give a sitrep to the characters and somehow overlooks an obvious thing / doesn't think through the situation enough and is rudely interrupted by a non-military character who corrects them, leading to characters squabbling" trope happens at least 2 or 3 times
>the film stops every time Mothra shows up, accompanied by her theme; this isn't bad by itself but it happens 4+ times
Fug the bug?
>Kaiju combat
>Actually had some creative designs from Yea Forums
>killed by furry mafia
>One of the devs died so the project fizzled out
Don't remind me.
I legit got tears in my eyes when Mothra was on screen.
what game
dude just go rent a hotel room to suck the NGE cock
But Anno was in talks no ? It was if anything almost confirmed for production before Toho announced their own plan of a cinematic universe
But what kind of varied, interesting, entertaining and layered human characters can you really have in a movie about monsters duking it out and Godzilla in general?
I feel like there really isn't anyway they are ever going to be interesting enough in any of these movies, even the older ones there were tons of unmemorable characters, it's never been a series strong suit and I don't think they can actually write interesting enough characters that people will care about because it's just the nature of these types of movies that you're going to be far more entertained by the fights
That's retarded fans, but that doesn't mean the movies (the writers/producers etc) think they are smarter than they are. Most MCU capeshit is well aware it's capeshit.
>central characters are a largely irrelevant family again
>main boring dad character, credited with helping design the film's mcguffin, ends up doing a lot of shit outside of his specialty for no reason other than being the designated protagonist despite him not really being special in any way
>"professional military is trying to give a sitrep to the characters and somehow overlooks an obvious thing / doesn't think through the situation enough and is rudely interrupted by a non-military character who corrects them, leading to characters squabbling" trope happens at least 2 or 3 times
Probably the only cons I agree with
I'm actually reinstalling the PS4 game now, this is what KOTM is doing to me. I'm tempted to go see it again.
The PS4 game has Showa Mechagodzilla in all his missile spewing glory so it does have that going for it.
Failed kickstarter
This is probably the only game to come out of that protracted fiasco
BvS is prime example of capeshit doing this
But bro all you'll do is destroy the generators
tfw my viewing of KOTM was botched because the theater I went to see it in had terrible noise isolation and we could hear the other movie that was also playing in the theater. By the weekend the only theaters that will be playing are AMCs half an hour away. Why must I suffer like this?
Go full on grand strategy military movie, like Eye in the Sky. Stop trying to make people care about your cookie cutter characters like literally who in the reboot and literally who in this sequel.
>battles are shot poorly in comparison to the previous films, with lots of bad angles and cuts that make everything lose a sense of scale and weight for most scenes
>battles may be in abundance but there isn't much variety and one fight in particular is mostly off-screen
>all battle locations are lackluster and do not help with sense of scale, only the last part of a single battle has any skyscrapers
What the fuck I was told the fights were the best part
>furry mafia
I know. Fuck, I bought the game before I even got the PS4. It made me so sad how meh it is. But I'm going to play it again anyway.
Goodluck user
It's not mind blowing but the scores way too low on RT. Yes the human characters suck, yes they are boring, it still fixed problems 2014 had though.
>wtf eva is so hard to understand I thought it was all robitz and pantyshots
>why is he in a subway all of a sudden?
>wtf shinji you fagit get in the damn robot lol
>I know I would
>wow misato is so hot I wish that were me
>oh hype music is playing that means something good is gonna happen!!!
What Dougherty says he wants to do in the future with the franchise
>Biollante and Gigan as the Godzilla 3 villains
>standalone Rodan movie
>Planet Earth-style documentary about kaiju
>prehistoric movie about when Kaine previously ruled
You could pay money to get a monster into the game, and furries overloaded it with shitty OCs and then tried to hold the game hostage.
>dude biblical imagery so deep lmao
>Planet Earth-style documentary about kaiju
That could be pretty kino, but what about GvsK
What is some other recent Kaiju shit I can watch, anything? Is Pacific Rim 2 as god awful as everyone says? Should I just rewatch 1?
1 is pretty gud, thanks del toro for that.
2 is horrible, without del toro and literally only made for the chinese market.
Its made by people who dont understand the first. Like 0 of the og crew who made the first were brought back for the 2nd.
said no one ever
The issue is that Evangelion attempts to look like it's doing deep imagery at times but is absolutely not. Besides EoE it's just neat imagery you can turn your brain off to.
It was beyond god awful, do not watch it.
I still love 1 tho.
2 is a bad movie, but it still has dumb kaiju fun if that's what you want.
Remove them. Problem full solved. Yes it will get shit score but fans will love it and it will go down in history as Kaiju kino
Any movie that has this:
>Aaron Paul
Oh hey he got to do stuff after breaking bad?!
>attempts to look like it's doing deep imagery
That's what you and Yea Forums assume tho, just watch it for what it is you dumb fuck
>b-b-but bro the angel is called adam, that means it has bible references bro I hate this for trying to be deep bro
God, I hate evafags so much.
I like Dougherty, I always have since Krampus but the writing in KOTM really worried me. I had a lot of faith in him as a director to even make the human drama interesting and the inevitable comedy pretty funny but he kinda failed in that department. Him directly saying that he made the HEE HEE SO FUNNY scientist guy modelled after Rick from Rick and Morty actually enrages me. I still loved the movie though, I just hope if he even gets the chance to direct another one he learns from the fan criticism.
I know he had to re-write the script too, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here.
Still, I bet you they'll change directors after this movie. He's clearly a fan of Godzilla so it's kinda unfortunate.
2 is Transformers levels bad
Do it lad, I'm currently trying to 100% it. I just need to evolve all of the Kaiju to max but fuck it takes ages.
No fucking way.
>dude just turn your brain off and then it stops being pretentious and 2deep4you bro
They are, and they're really good, but they're not up to par with Godzilla '14 and Kong. I know there are plenty of people who are perfectly satisfied with the fights, but I'm really detail-oriented and I found them lacking.
>prehistoric movie about when Kaine previously ruled
Godzilla vs. The Lord of Murder when?
>the show blatantly has Jewish Gnosticism references and the creator admits this explicitly
>guys just because it makes blatant parallels and mentions Gnostic ideas doesn't mean that's what they were actually doing
And m8 I said they aren't trying to be deep. No need to mischaracterize what I said.
>Planet Earth-style documentary about kaiju
how you do a full cgi movie without running out of money?
becaue I totally watch a movie about godzilla shitting in the bottom of the ocean for 2 hours rather tha have more humans
>b-b-but bro the angel is called adam, that means it has bible references bro I hate this for trying to be deep bro
I love Evangelion but you're absolutely underselling it and you know it. There's biblical references everywhere and it's a embedded deep into the show and the movie. Yea Forums isn't the only one who tries pushing the whole "BRO IT'S SO DEEP"
wrong, even bayformers is better than pacific rim 2
I'm shocked that I instantly got into an online Vs match. Either this game is more popular than I thought or a lot of people are like me and getting back in because of the film. Either way I got fucking trounced.
I hope not.
The biggest narrative isn't the fan criticism but the massive disconnect between fans who love it and critics who seem to treat it like it's amongst the worst Godzilla movies. I hope he stays.
Didn't Toy Story do this back in the 90s?
And didn't Zemeckis do this in the early 2000s?
I doubt it's even possible. It'd have to be the biggest budget a movie ever had.
Although, you could use practical effects to make it much more affordable. The average movie-goer isn't going to like that, though.
Slip of fingers. "Kaiju", I mean.
If you can weather some really stupid dialogue and bad humans, you'll get utter prime Kaijukino. Rodan's sequence was worth the price of admission alone. Jesus Christ.
do you have the full set?
dont think its been uploaded to infinity chan yet
The thing is people should watch it with a clean state of mind, if you go into it having read every retard misinterpreting and calling Anno a hack you are not going to enjoy it for what it is, instead you'll think about all the dank memes and cool opinions your bros over on the chon said.
Out-fuckingrageous. I never seen the sequel because it looked like Transformers rather than the weighty robots of the first movie. Had no idea it was this fucking bad.
>tfw I don't even remember the fights in '14 except the final one
Err, there were other ones...right?
If you're going to watch it for the first time in 2019 I think it's really difficult to have that clean slate at this point. Honestly, I wish people would just not over analyze it as a whole and just say "Hey, the biblical imagery is pretty neat and makes for appealing visuals and an appealing atmosphere" and nothing more.
Not really no, he would show up, and then it would cut away, I think they did it like 3 times in hawaii.
not just sound
I only remember Godzilla blowing out the MUTOs neck with the atomic breath and that's basically it, which is really cool but that's all. I think people are now starting to exaggerate 2014's action scenes compared to KOTM because of how little there are.
I just want a DAMM again.
Holy shit that's an amazing detail.
Right, the show isn't about a cool deep lore with ancient aliens or anything, people really should focus more on the characters and how they interact with each other.
Dougherty is box office poison and will be blamed for this movie being a critical dud and a massive flop.
Godzilla v Kong V Destoroyah
Yeah, so much. I didn't have a GameCube or a PS2 when I was a kid but I still saw the awesome Godzilla games that came out for them and I wanted them so much. Fuck.
God I forgot how fucking weird the controls are in this. Tank controls? L1 and R1 to steer? It's fucking bizarre.