Yakuza bros. You getting Judgement?
Yakuza bros. You getting Judgement?
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when it gets to PC, sure. PS4 are still too expensive here, mostly because of the dollar ratio.
not for a while
yeah bro I'm getting it day on-
>no pc release
nevermind see you in a year or two
What’s new about it? Don’t tell me it takes place in the same area like all the Yakuza games
>Comes out June 25th
What? This is probably the only time I've seen this game mentioned and it comes out this month. Is nobody interested?
Come on now, for what reason? Aren’t we playing as completely new cop character?
Yeah, new characters, a little more polished dragon engine, and new minigames drone races actually look pretty hype. But SAME PLACE. I don't even know why Kamurocho is being used, they already confirmed there will be NO Yakuza cameos.
30fps coz new dragon engine?
No thanks then, Ill be waiting for PC release.
They added detective elements and some new combat stuff. But really, it's just cop yakuza. Watch here if you want a more in depth answer youtube.com
Fist of the North star was on dragon engine, came out November, and is 60fps on PS4. I'm sure it will be fine.
north star was on the old engine
Waiting for the PC version.
Fist of North Star just has similar things Dragon engine has. Like health bar above enemies. It's all still Y0 engine.
Only 6, Kiwami 2 and Judgment are on Dragon Engine you brainlet.
yeah, styles in the dragon engine look cool, and they have a more defined use here.
also looking forward to playing as someone who isn't kiryu for an entire game as well as itchybums game later this year.
brainlet recognizes brainlet
i dont think its Kamurocho
its in shibyua or some shit
wtf are you talking about Yea Forums wouldnt stfu about it last year. The game was delayed because some VA took drugs and japanese media is harsh about these things so SEGA was being pressured into giving up on th game. The game was going to be indefinatly withdrawn from all markets and platforms
0, Kiwami, Kiwami 2 also use dragon engine
they don't.
only 6, kiwami 2, and judgment use it.
0, and kiwami use the engine they introduced with 5.
>i dont think its Kamurocho
>its in shibyua or some shit
stop your lies
>i dont think its Kamurocho
>not knowing about June 25th
Alright. You have no clue about this game at all. Just leave. blog.us.playstation.com
user, take your pills
where are you even getting this bad information?
I don't know yet.
Also, any games like this description?
When it comes to PC yes
Waiting for the post where you claim you were just baiting and not actually this retarded.
no, I'm maybe mistaking with another game, or maybe I read a rumour about it last year and assumed it was true
fuck kamurocho btw, its getting really boring
Since theres no Yakuza thread, Should I wait for the ps4 release of Yakuza 3 or play the ps3 version?
No, Thank You!
since Nagoshi is attending E3, I'd say wait until we hear something about the remasters (if we do) before you make your decision.
>Kamiroucho again
I wanted to buy it, but thwn I saw they just reused Kamurocho
Yeah, nah, cheap losers. Will be getting it on sale
he's only going there to reveal super monkey ball chronicles.
we're not going to hear anything about the ports until after judgments release.
They'll release all three in a bundle for the Western release no doubt. Yakuza 5 ps4 comes out this month. Just wait.
unfortunately it's probably just going to be something for judgement, and the yakuza mobile game.
Yes. Been looking forward to it since the announcement trailer.
>drone races actually look pretty hype
This is actually godlike. What the fuck youtube.com
>flying around kamurocho
I'm one of those fresh PC fags that only had 3 games so far and I can tell from the fucking trailers it's Kamurocho 100%, get the fuck outta here.
Is Kamurocho really the only city? Didn't 5 have like five cities? What the fuck
1 and 2 use the PS2 engine.
Kenzan, 3, 4, and Dead Souls use the Kenzan engine but I can't remember if Dead Souls started doing some changes with the filestructure or if that was 5.
5, Ishin, 0, Kiwami, and Fist of the New Star use the new engine.
6, Kiwami 2, Judgment, and most likely Shin use the Dragon Engine.
Black Panther 1 and 2 use the PSP engine.
Yes, Judgment is only Kamurocho but they added tons of new buildings you can enter and explore.
How's the story? Not looking for spoilers particularly, but is it good or bad levels of j-drama? It shouldn't have high tier retardation twists since it's a fresh start.
Sotenbori is also around in 0, 2, and 5. But, Judgement is just bigger Kamurocho
not going to lie, i kind of like it better.
i've heard people say they enjoyed it, but nothing else really. only 3 people on this board have played it so there's not much to go on.
I'm expecting many rubber bullets
>Judgment is only Kamurocho but they added tons of new buildings you can enter and explore.
Imagine entering the pachinko parlor and every metal ball in there is subject to Dragon Engine physics...
No the main guy used cocaine
I'd love to see a Heat Action where you slam a guy's head into a machine and then all the little balls just fall out on the ground.
it feels kinda slow tho, maybe it's because how are they playing
reminder that sotenbori kiwami 2 fight music is the best youtube.com
Eventually but I still haven't even played Yakuza 5
Imagine getting dragged into a fight inside one of these and the first whatever slightest touch lets one of the machines explode with physics, chain reacting and instagibbing the whole place.
Not sure if the PS4 could handle that though.
Wasn't the main guy but some villian in some white suite, pic related, it was the one on the right from Denki Groove (They did the OP & ED of "Kuchu Buranko" and the ED song was kino)
can you taunt in Ishin? building up heat feels so slow and baiting out the attacks for counters is annoying.
Nobody played the samurai ones
Went to bed before I could answer you last time you asked. No. Heat gain is hilariously easy, you can hoard up to 9 bars of it, and there's Symbols that buff the gain to ridiculous amounts. War even lets you regain it automatically and it's not an endgame thing, if I remember right you just have to do a substory for the item with it. If you're in really early game just go to the turtle store in Rakugai, befriend the guy, and you can get full health and Heat gain for 2000文.
Are the Black Panther nishiki games worth playing? Don't have PSP, but i'll just put it on PS Vita and get by with the translation guide.
I'm really enjoying the dragon engine in Kiwami 2, it's mind boggling stupid at times but the flow of the battle is really fun and lategame tops 0s and Kiwamis heat action pallette easily.
I'm fearing if I have spoiled myself for 3-5 and even 6 with that game.
Anybody knows if they toned down enemies ragdolling all over the place? Didn't enjoy that shit in Kiwami 2, felt like chasing bouncing balls.
Yes, they're fun but filled with grind if you want alternate styles. Tatsuya's also a neat guy and the second game is a marked improvement in terms of mechanics.
Speak for yourself.
It's the exact same engine, it's not toned down from 6 or K2. Keep in mind K2 PC has weirder ragdolls because everyone was complaining about guys flying into the air and flying miles away when on PS4 they only fly like four or five feet away with a kick at most.
Alright. I'll get them, thanks.
Absolutely not. That character and his hair really bothers me.
did somebody say karaoke?
Just teleport behind them.
I'm sure I will, but I don't know if I'll get it on launch.
I bought Yakuza 0 kiwami and kiwami 2 on the ps4 they all got ported to steam
i checked and you have to perform every single heat action in the game before you can craft the war god talisman, but I didn't know about the turtle guy so thanks.
Oh, my bad on the requirement then, but Heat Actions are pretty easy because it's just the trainers + your skills so if you just arrange your level ups properly you should be able to get it easily enough without too many orbs spent. Yeah, turtle guy lets you buy the best health items in the entire game for next to nothing. Early on you'll feel dreadfully weak and the Heat gain seems somewhat low, but trust me, once you get some upgrades for that from the various skills and one of the Symbols that boost the gain of it from attacks it gets silly. I think one slash was like 50% or 60% of a bar without any Symbols later on and with War you'll never drop below a 7 on the Heat bar.
Oh, and if you're still early on the Golden Gun can be gained almost immediately after the Another Life tutorial and I recommend you get it immediately via chicken racing because not only is it one of the best guns but the symbol will drop the grind time if you plan on getting any good swords or going for 100%.
No, you have to buy it on PS4 for us to announce the PC port. That's how it works.
Oh right, that was a thing. Shit, if they ever do the NEVER EVER thing and give us Isshin, I personally hope for a move away from that shit.
Tempted too but these games are all so similar to each other, I think I may just wait for Ichiban's game to come out instead
Are there any tips for chicken racing or is it just random?
It's not like FotNS. You gain general orbs from level ups which can be put into any style and you get style-specific orbs which are gained from using that style for fighting and dealing damage. The style-specific orbs can overwrite the general orbs but not vice-versa, and the game has both a prestige system and a style level uncap system. Prestige lets you get more general orbs, style uncap lets you uncap the style from 25 to 50 giving you another 25 orbs and the skill tree changes to adding triangle prompts to all Heat Actions to increase their damage (Unlocked seperately), damage increases for the style, Heat increases, HP increases, and other things like grab hold time, swaying distance, etc.
Ishin's also one S by the way, 維新 is いしん.
You can find some guides for Ishin that explain it way better than I can here since it's an involved process. The outcome is random so you savescum it, but it's the best way to earn money in the game period.
No, I know it's not like North Star, I was thinking more like 4 and 5. Using the uncap system and prestige thing, can you get all skills?
You can reach max skills at level like 90 and 25 in all styles if I remember right? For maxing out all styles at level 50 you need to be somewhere in prestige 80 and 50 in all stats. Keep in mind getting to 50 in Hand-to-Hand and Wild Dance isn't going to happen through regular gameplay, the highest I got either of them through normal gameplay was 23 for Hand-to-Hand and 31 for Wild Dance, I had to grind out Dharma points and just buy a shit ton of manju from the priest and just level them up through those which took several hours. 1kat and Pistol are hilariously easy to level though, I had Pistol to 50 before anything else even reached 25.
Well damn, nice. Makes me even sadder I don't speak or read moon.
You haven't even played these games if you think that 0 and Kiwami look remotely similar to Kiwami 2.
Anyone know how hard the mini game requirements will be in Judgment? I'm seeing that Puyo Puyo is back, and that there seems to be some version of mahjong with what seems like different rules. Something tells me I probably won't be hundred percenting this one.
Mahjong games should mark your good tiles with some glowing aura or something like that, I have seen shitty games doing that yet Yakuza doesn't.
Hell YES I am, OP.
I didn't think I would get to post this more than once.
Don't be such a pussy, getting good in all the obscure shit my first reaction to was "nope", was half the fun so far for me.
Aside from Koi Koi, fuck that game, still always did it though.
Bet you'd be shilling for Nintendo/Xbox in a heartbeat, faggot.
Reviewing this game. Have an early copy. AMA
Don't let that stop you man, I don't know Japanese either outside of some very basic things to let me Google stuff and I was able to beat all the Japanese games just fine. Kenzan and Ishin have excellent guides, Ishin especially, Kenzan requires a lot of Japanese guide usage for 100% to double-check stuff because ThePatrick's guide is a mess for items and the geishas, but otherwise you're good. The Black Panther games can even be done with the Japanese guides Google translated.
Puyo Puyo is back and has the same requirement as 6's 100% (Not platinum) which is 30 wins in a row to beat the one fan girl because certain NPCs are at set levels and you can only encounter them there. One guy who did them here said drone racing was brutal and that even with the best gear you're basically going at max speed reacting to turns rather than playing it normally because everything is basically a blur and the requirements for the top place are ridiculously tight. Mahjong is the same as in 6 and K2, it's just three parlors now instead of two as far as I could tell (The new one is right by your office) and you have to reach #1 at all of them with the tournament. I haven't heard anything about Kamuro of the Dead being difficult, or any of the arcade games either, darts is always easy, the gacha machines are just throwing your money into it and not that much (I spent like 30k in the demo and got every single piece, picture related on the dresser), and no one's said a peep about VR Salon so I have no clue about that. Shogi is also the same as ever, here's the video for challenge 1 when it comes out:
Not everyone here is a shill. I just don't have the money to imported consoles plus console stores don't do regional pricing.
>Puyo Puyo is back and has the same requirement as 6's
NO NO NO. Fucking hell, there goes my hundred percent.
How many yakuzas are out on pc now? Last i saw kiwani 2 was out and i didn't even know 1 had been released
It's also required for the platinum this time since you need 100% in KAMGO (The completion list).
0, K1, and K2
PC version when?
Where do people find the time to force themselves to 100% games when they aren't even enjoying the chore? There are already so many good games out there and not enough time to play them. I can't imagine spending hours on something annoying just to get a completely meaningless """trophy"""
All it stands for is a symbol to how much time you have to waste and how badly your life is going
Why not just play the parts you enjoy and be satisfied with that and then move on to the next enjoyable game?
100 percenting the Yakuza series still seems so stressful to me. I still can't be bothered, I always just end up doing the stuff I enjoy. Tried Mahjong though, which I still don't understand.
>Where do people find the time to force themselves to 100% games when they aren't even enjoying the chore?
In my case, literally autism and OCD.
If I already have like 95% the last 10 hours of mundane shit I don't really like aren't going to stop me from finishing it.
It's kinda like worshipping the games for me, since they otherwise gave me hundrets of hours I enjoyed.
>10 hours of mundane shit
but that sounds terrible
Some people genuinely like to 100% games. Yakuza games have lots of good and fun things, so I can see why people would want to see everything the game has to offer. If they're frustrated with 1% of the game, that shouldn't take away from the 99% of the game they enjoy.
>All it stands for is a symbol to how much time you have to waste and how badly your life is going
Yikes. Not everyone is as sad as you, don't push it on others because they like playing a game in their free time.
You just take stuff piecemeal throughout the game and it stops being so stressful and annoying. I mean, some requirements can be irritating like the ones in 3, regular golf (Not the ones in 2 or K2), slots, or Oicho-kabu because it's the shittiest card game ever with cheating NPCs, but overall it's a fun experience and you may even end up finding games you really end up liking out of it. Koi-koi for example is one of my favorite new games on top of mahjong and I love doing the requirements every game. Mahjong in particular because it gives you new animations.
What are you having trouble with with mahjong? It's not as overwhelming as it seems, just make a hand of 14 tiles, 12 of them being either a sequence (Like 1-2-3) of the same type of tile or three of the same type of tile (Like 5-5-5) and then 2 are just two of the same tile. Don't steal tiles until you understand the game because it's a beginner's trap, only start doing that once you get the hang of things (Ron is fine though). The game basically wants you to have winning points and not having a stolen hand immediately gives you winning points making your hand legit. If you have any questions I'm all ears, I know it's a daunting minigame because it took me hours before I got comfortable with it and now it's one of my favorites.
You do them here and there inbetween, watch something else if it's simple enough or just hang out with friends while grinding if online or in person.
The only shit I really hated so far are coinflip gamble games, where you can do literally anything else on the side irl and insanely out of proportion grinding, like 0s equipment gatcha, that you suddenly become aware of while happily cleaning up the completion list.
Otherwise as an ex mmo addict I can take alot of shit in the first place before feeling disgruntled so you are probably not too far off it's not a habit of the healthiest people.
The honest answer is autism. It's thrown around here so much that it's easy to forget that a lot of people on Yea Forums are genuinely on the spectrum. Which only makes sense. Even if a lot of normies come here these days it's still a honey trap for people with social issues. So people like this being here should not surprise you.
More people should really play the FotNS game. Combat feels like Super Yakuza. Even has the fucking Cabaret Club.
0's equipment gacha is only bad if you're going for the style-specific damage buffers because they're locked to randomly spawning maps and require the treasure chest result. Everything else is really simple and you just have to pay enough to be within 10 seconds of finishing because the menu takes 10 seconds to get out of for the phone call to come. It shouldn't take more than a couple hours at best since money isn't an object and Shakedown should give you all the money you will ever need to piss down the drain. I don't think I even needed to switch to Kiryu even when I was going for the style equips to resupply my money. As long as you have the equips to buff item finding equipped you'll almost always find recipes or even the item from that recipe (Because once you find the recipe the same area has a really high chance of giving you the weapon/equip itself) and the endgame equips you can't find can be made in minutes of searching for items at most.
It's the one complaint about 0 I never understood because it goes by so quickly, it's just boring more than anything.
kenzan english patch never ever
isshin getting a digital release announcement at e3 though don't tell anyone
No. Will be eagerly awaiting another FoTN game though
>Kamurocho again
Don't the japanese players ever get sick of this? Why won't anyone say anything?
Hell yeah, the fighting style looks awesome.
Who /blu/ here?
Yep it's boring and even optimized as fuck took me like 4-5 hours to fill up the 100eish weapons and equipments for 100% and mats for Platinum, since I never really bothered with it before aside from trying to get the Zapgun and the occasional random roll.
I'd say that's a valid complaint.
You'll get the same assets they've been using since 3 and you'll like it.
/thread for every single yakuza thread ever again
I'm so happy modelswapping doesn't take much effort.
It's a valid complaint, sure, but everyone acts like it's this really painful and horrible thing when it's one of the easiest requirements to deal with.
But actually it was just the last thing I did before replaying on legend and doing the climax battles, which was alot of fun.
The real asshole in 0 was winning 10 rock-pap... I mean catfight bets against a biased and lying system.
they added easy cabinets for puyo puyo, they forgot to do that in 6 and set them all to very hard.
This. Being able to play as another person like Rei would be hype.
Okay, I'm glad someone can confirm it because I was finding conflicting reports about if they added them or not. This one Japanese guy's blog I found said even on easy you have to pick the fish, the professor, or kendama kid and you have to know how to stairs at the bare minimum to reach the final areas if you're terrible at Puyo.
Definitely in agreement with you there. Catfight is just plain unfair to the player.
Are you fucking sorry?!
Alright, that's fucking amazing. Saved.
If you were sega and you knew the same idiots will buy the same shit every single time why on earth would you try to improve or change the games as they go on? better to spend literally all the money on celebrity faces
Well yeah, without shriveld old men, how else could I admire Kiryus unrealisticly chisseld perfect face?
I pirated yakuza 0 but the controls on the gamepad are all fucked up. what do?
the ultimate jobber
I'm not really sure. Only real Yakuza use a gamepad, so there's not much you can do if gamepad won't work.
Maybe I'm alone here, probably not seeing as these games are still alive even in the west, but I actually like seeing Kamorucho evolve and slightly change each time.
No excuse to not have atleast another big map each time though.
I missed the demo for Judge Eyes. One of the actors in the game pulled some illegal shit in real life and Japan yanked the game and demo offline. I wasn't about to spend one hundred+ dollars on a copy. So yes, I'm going to get this.
Speaking of Pierre, IGN has a video comparing how he looks to the OG look now.
OG look is still better but the new one isn't as bad as 4 HD's Tanimura, he's just younger now.
Wait, the PS4 version of Kiwami 2 doesn't run at 60fps?
Nope. Not even on the pro.
To be fair, everyone jobs to Kiryu
The man is just on another plane altogether
The only native 60 FPS Yakuza game that isn't a port or remaster is FotNS. Ishin, 0, and Kiwami run at 60 because they're PS3 games ported to PS4, I can't remember if 1&2 HD was 60 or if it was 30, Black Panther jumps up to 60 in battles but it's 30 outside of it (Or, it felt like that on the PSP at 333 mHz), and the rest of the games are 30. 30 is always the target for Yakuza games unless they're being remastered or ported.
ragon Engine games are 1080p 30 FPS solid on Pro though 6 had some problems in Tonight is a Diamond and some people complained of small drops in story stuff but I never noticed it. On base PS4s it's 900p 30 FPS with drops with 6 being the worst having screen tearing and drops every once in a while but K2 fixed that up. Not sure how Judgment performs on base PS4s but I never saw a drop in the demo on my Pro, only textures around Little Asia not loading like the caution walls that you have to leap over which take a second to catch up, but that's only around that area and only if you're turning the camera around a lot and running at the same time.
>Why won't anyone say anything?
Each Yakuza game sells less than the previous one over there. China and you cucks giving the series a new lease of life has persuaded the devs not to risk innovating and to continue rehashing the same shit over and over again for a little while longer.
Is it bad that I kind of miss Kiryu
6 was kind of lame
Imagine their delight
>wow these guys eat shit like we've never seen, just start churning them out boys
1&2HD is 30
Don't worry he'll be back
I miss him too, but it's about time he got some rest.
If you really think sega won't be pulling him out every time they need a sales boost you're kidding yourself.
Because retards just can't help themselves.
Not sure, I just finished 6 (yes, I know it's late, I was waiting for next remasters on ps4, but gave up), so I'm full at the moment.
Hopefully they will release demo in English
Can I run a hostess club?
This is important.
No. There's also no karaoke.
never played these games but am interested in mahjong, which one do i play?
>No karaoke
Fucks sake, why can't get a singer that sounds kind of like the MC and just have him do the songs
The newer ones have better animations for Riichi, Ron, and Tsumo on top of English translations for the numbered kanji tiles so you might as well just wait for Judgment since it has three separate mahjong buildings and despite taking place after 6 has no ties to the main story of the Yakuza series.
Karaoke sucks, I can only endure a certain amount of bakamitais before getting tired
>Best minigame in the series.
How can you even begin to think this? It's the first thing I rush to in every single game because the songs are almost always fantastic.
>Best minigame in the series
To be fair Judgement probably has the highest amount of brand new minigames compared to all of them besides maybe 5.
You heard me.
>Multiple amazing songs.
>Have excellent singers like Kiryu and Akiyama to back that up.
>Can bring hostesses and various other characters to change the songs.
>Songs also have special animations.
>Kiryu, Saejima, Shinada, and Majima make the songs sound even funnier due to mistakes or just ridiculousness like Saejima's Rouge of Rove or Shinada's operatic take on Rouge of Love.
>Ishin has enka songs for everyone to sing.
>No karaoke
now that kills some of my hype no matter how good the combat looks.
I miss Akiyama's voice, he does the best version of Kamurocho Junrenka
kamurocho is more important to the like a dragon series than kiryu hinself
Rumor has it that because MC is also a famous pop singer his VA fees would get prohibitly high if karaoke was included.
That and also Bakamitai, he really is great at singing.
I just want my 24 Hour Cinderella. Is that too much to ask?
is it out yet?
Not yet. 22 more days.
new tanimura looks more half chinese now. it fits the character more
akiyama is simply the best character after kiryu
he is some one who suffered a lot and kept going whitout getting corrupted
The shitty goatee alone ruins the new face.
18 days for digitcalchads
anybody know the size of the game? I might just free up space and go digital.
As someone who only played yakuza 1 ps2, 0 and Kiwami 1 im almost worried about jumping to judgement and ruining the yakuza games over how suped up this will be in comparison.
Easy. Play Kiwami 2.
Roughly 30 GB according to the box, it's so hard to find filesize since it's not listed on PSN, just the DLC for the game.
You already did a major leap going from PS2 1 to 0 so it's more or less like that again.
yeah but the american version comes in english AND japanese
You could always tack on an extra 10 GB or so for that estimate to be generous since uncompressed sound files are usually what, 7 GB in a game? I would guess something in the range of 42 GB or so would be a fair enough assessment.
Why does everyone shit on Y6? Never played it but the kind of stuff people say about it is hilarious and makes me want to just rush to it to try it out myself.
The only arguments I hear are the undercooked engine (that's a valid one, it's exactly how I felt about K2) and that their perfect anime girl Haruka didn't get the perfect anime fate (the worthless one)
3, 4, 5 Dragon Engine remakes megavaluepack when bros?
15 years
story is fucking shit and singlehanded killed the other games stories. its a letdown of content after zero both in sidequests and minigames
the only thing that is better is the karaoke
Do people not like the Dragon Engine? I think it looks gorgeous, except for character models. The physics are fucking hilarious too.
It's legit awesome. That's the main thing going for it and what made it big in Japan initially. General reception at least.
One proper support for story that I can find is Danganronpa's Kodaka being very impressed by it, while having played the Yakuza series too. The producer then responded that it's partially because it has scenario writers who did 428.
One thing I remember is cost wise there are quotes from professionals in the same line that Kimtaku probably costs at least 30 million yen. Likely also some kind of licensing deal that gets him more if it's a big hit.
Engine is fine, but in 6 it runs like shit, especially on base ps4. Also because they put so much work into it, they cut many things from previous game (minigames, some heat actions) and some people can't get over it.
>The producer then responded that it's partially because it has scenario writers who did 428.
>The Secret of Onomichi is pretty dumb until you put the pieces together as to why it's so important and a lot of people didn't like the reveal in general.
>Kiryu's friends that aren't Akiyama or Date are sidelined despite this being his final game.
Guys like Saejima and Majima are indisposed for the entire game, Mack never appears, Minamida doesn't appear, Nakahara and Mikio never appear despite Nakahara being Kiryu's sworn brother, Tanimura isn't around but that's inevitable, Shinada doesn't make an appearance at all, Kaoru doesn't get mentioned at all, and you get the picture here. The orphans are basically it besides Sodachi (Who Kiryu never even met before) and Saigo (Who was Akiyama's trainer, not Kiryu's).
>People don't like the Dragon Engine in general because of the ragdolls, the physics applied to people, the enemies blocking causing you to recoil, and other small things.
I personally enjoy the new engine but in 6 specifically it was heavily undercooked.
>Loss of equippable weapons and there's only like six or seven "weapons" in the entire game.
>Heat Actions are all mainly tied to the obscenely overpowered Extreme Heat mode and there's barely anything to work with outside of it.
>Grabs are stronger than anything in the game short of dropkicking someone.
>Performance on JP was abysmal for base PS4 users, we're talking 900p screen tearing with drops and it took months for them to fix it.
Western versions come with the patch so it's not as bad for them.
>Final boss is legitimately one of the worst in the series next to Kenzan's "true" final boss and his motivation is an absolutely retarded dad doesn't want me to be in organized crime so I\ll go into organized crime.
>Ending is very divisive and a lot of people don't like where it leaves Kiryu as a character.
>Just barely has more minigames than OG 1.
>Champion District and Park Boulevard are locked off.
I enjoyed 6 but it does have a lot of legitimate faults.
It's does look pretty good and the seamless transitions are awesome too, but pretty much everything else about it is a step down.
The amount of cut heat actions alone is an absolute travesty, just try playing Kiwami 2 straight after zero
Not having a generic downed enemy heat move in 6 was pretty stupid though. Almost half of them ended up being the hyper specific location ones which is pretty lame.
Remember when Yea Forums used to like yakuza games?
I legitimately never saw chopsticks or the one where the guy bumps into a woman on the street until K2. Where in the world could you even perform them because women never walked into the fight like I saw them doing in K2.
Does it take place in the yakuzaverse?
I take from these threads that people still play these games happily but nitpick them to death in the threads since there is not much else to talk about, even the local tripfag does it.
Yes. Kiryu is the last boss. Whole game is about trying to crack down on the Yakuza and he is the big one.
It takes place after 6, Little Asia is still under construction due to Yuta burning the main building down and Ono Michio is involved in a detective mission.
more like 40
I wonder if they're adding that dumb ass april 1st jrpg thingie to Shin Yakuza as a mini-game
One can only hope, it has too much effort put into it to just be a joke. There's the entire UI, everyone has multiple moves, everyone reacts to stuff uniquely, etc. I just don't see how the gameplay would work entirely though since a lot of the attacks seem random if you dodge them or not.
That looks amazing. I want to play this now.
> I just don't see how the gameplay would work entirely though since a lot of the attacks seem random if you dodge them or not.
Well it's not like we're strangers to all flash no substance mini-games
Huh? I thought that's the gatcha mobile game
Been playing a Yakuza game for the first time and I gotta say I'm really enjoying myself. Actually invested in the story. I love how I can actually go into shops and the minigames are great. Already know mahjong, considering learning shogi now.
I admit, I would wanna see what the RGG team can do with JoJo. Heat actions can just be Stand abilities, although they'd have to nerf just about any Stand.
Nah, it was an April Fool's joke. The gacha stuff is 2D artwork attacking 2D artwork.
I'd rather Kamen Rider since we're already there. Transforming could literally be how they do Extreme Heat except it doesn't turn off and human mode could be your harder difficulty with challenges based around being in it.
Atleast we got happy ladybugs zooming joyfully arround voctorious copypasted girls in stupid insect outfits from it.
Sounds mundane but that plus a bug saying was my personal highlight of the card game knockoff/evolution of this fucking atrocity.
I mean, I'd play it, for sure. RGG Studio should do more licensed games, honestly
Might as well post this since it's Judgment related.
You can learn it in chapter 1 but you need 3000 SP for it which takes a bit to get and is better used for attack speed upgrades or Red super armor. I'm unsure if there's a timing upgrade for it or not since I didn't see one when I unlocked it.
Is it Kiwami 1 or Kiwami 2 tier good though?
Timing-wise it's the same as K2 without the upgrade or 6.
I've done everything on Majima Construction but the last side mission and holy shit it's making me want to blow my brains out. Anyone got any tips for this?
PC or PS4?
If you have the DLC characters then Akiyama, Ryuji, The Florist, Ono Michio, Majima, Kiryu, Kawara, Amon (R), Chono, and Daigo. Akiyama, Chono, The Florist, and Ono Michio should be your skills. Use Chono and Akiyama at the same time whenever bosses are around. Ono Michio should only start being used when level up costs exceed healing costs.
If you don't have DLC characters then Komaki (SR), Okada (SR), Majima (SR), Il Yu-Jin (R). Kawara (Or Yuya I guess, they're both powerful), Chono (SR), you need someone with a repair skill, and then I don't know who else you would use. You need at least two rocket launcher uses bare minimum but I don't know non-DLC ones. You want your powers to be Chono, Il Yu-Jin, Komaki, and someone who can repair fortifications.
The way you do this is set up one rocket launcher user right next to the defense point OR stick both in the center next to them. They are your main mook thinner. Position the rest of your defenders basically as a wall.right next to the point as well, you do NOT want them hovering away from it because they act like Clan Creator in 6 where one guy running away will cause multiple guys to chase them for a majority of the map ignoring everyone else with manual direction sometimes not even breaking the aggro. Use level ups as a way to heal, not something you do immediately, like I said in the DLC side you want Chono buffing along with your speedster (Akiyama or Komaki) so make short work of any boss-tier enemies, Essence of True Repair or whatever it's called is strictly when your defense is on its last legs, and Essence of True Heal is only when it costs more to level up than heal.
Also remember that losing one fortification is fine, just don't lose both.