I already pre-ordered it
How about you?
I already pre-ordered it
I don't pre-order.
good goyim
Damn the gold PS4 preorder armor looks like THAT?
any bets OP's gonna reply with "nintendie" ?
Preordering is for chums
>pre ordered
Waiting for the announcement of the PC version
Hi nintendies
I haven't. I need to see an actual gameplay footage demo where some dude plays through 15-20 minutes of the game and shows off different mechanics, guns, combat, interactions and exploration before making the decision on whether to pre-order or not.
give me ONE(1) reason why i should buy ps4 and Death Stranding when ps5 is behind the corner
i ask seriously
I never pre order, I only buy on discount.
PS4 is coming in november at the earliest, that's more than one year away.
Depends how E3 will go. If something doesn't interest me coming out this year, I'll probably pre order DS.
>when ps5 is behind the corner
dumb third-worlder
I don't really care for movies that much.
then why are you here on Yea Forums?
I would preorder but Kojima is the guy that can make REALLY good trailers. I will hold till reviews.
I did, got the Digital Deluxe edition since the Collector's one is just out of question.
Might get a physical copy once I finish the game though.
Pre-ordered already? Wow! Do you mind telling us what the game is about? You wouldn’t preorder without knowing what you paid for, right?
I'm a filthy neet with no money so I'm trying to get my brother interested so he can buy it for us. Currently, the plan is failing as I underestimated how shit his taste is.
Sounds like he's a really good brother. You should appreciate him looking out for you.
show him the trailer, if he doesn't budge, no hope then. wait til christmas i guess.
I'm holding out for a PC release, but if there isn't any news by release I'll order it off the PS store.
I don't pre-order anymore.
Wanted to preorder the collectors edition, but I'm moving to Japan and need all the money I can get.
Only faggots feel the need to preorder in 2019