How do you respond without sounding mad?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Other urls found in this thread:
"have sex"
I don't because I don't play multiplayer trash
If you get mad you already lost. It won't matter if you reply or not.
Stop being bitter about games and enjoy them instead.
by not being mad retard
I don't because I never lose.
it doesn't matter whether are you are not, the other will think that you are mad
you don't want people to think that do you? Wouldn't want to spend sleepless nights wondering "did he think I was mad?"
"gg wp"
Then go to the next game and simply don't be mad
You don't, just git gud
Y-you too!
fuck you.
Not everything requires a response you fucking child.
if you spend sleepless nights thinking about it then u mad lmao
you don't, you move on and hope you get matched with them again after you git gud
>GG, I'll do better next time :)
Quite the spergout there!
God damn that's a cuck response
Just say gg
>"You only won because you're better, faggot."
filter when
probably cause you're fucking trash at every game you've ever played
I've met faggots like you, bing bing wahoo addicted manchild. too beta and insecure to lose against real people
>he says, responding
Imagine being the user who makes this shitpost everyday
wat a harrowing battew
with some duke nukem soundclip
"Bend over."
Losing is an opportunity to improve coping skills.
may or may not actually report them depending on how im feeling but saying it is always a must
Why should I give a shit what some faggot thinks I'll never see again anyway?
"I just did, with your anus"
And another thing:
Fuck off with this thread already. Fucking attention-whore, fuck off.
it's really that simple
>"'EZ' eh...? I bet you won't think it's 'EZ' after I shit in your pubes, kid."
"Oh sorry. I couldn't feel it"
I put this song on the mic
If you got shit in his pubes then he was probably fucking you in the ass
>"Look, man. I tried very hard, and failed. That could've been you if the circumstances were different. I think you should apologise - don't you?"
"well that totally shattered the small ounce of my self esteem i had left. im going to kill myself now"
say nothing and report them
>they get muted for harassment
>they get pissed and rage online about their mute
You sound mad.
Nice memes lol
Some gays use diarrhoea as lube.
Grow up
I wasn’t even trying
I sincerely doubt that.
This were done i report at least 10 people a day and it feels so fucking good.
>"yeah you fucked me nice and tight. i even have some precum in my boxers"
"not as ez as ur mother was"
You too!
Your one of those types no one can be around because your broken toxic and your own parents hate you.
based ghandiposter
This also works but you gotta be quick
not losing duuuhh
>"Hey, Joshua, we're all out of lube, honey."
>"Don't worry, hun, I have a trick up my ass."
>*blasts warm liquefied shit all over partner's inserted penis*
>"Well... I guess that's what you call: 'Taco Bell-end!'
>"Real funny, jackass..."
Play loud music
>"your language is problematic, sweaty"
Let's fuck cupcake
UmAd :^)
you don't.
Say nothing and report.
The idea of some kid getting his account banned and all of his fake stuff stolen because he couldn't avoid fellating his worthless ego is hilarious to me.
What if I ban you for being a faggot?
****** ****** ****** ******
Try it.
"Have Children tranny"
Uncut shred egg Chui flu r added wssxxd tv assess ssd fh hi knit cycle Hugh gtx see foggy cu hi j boo utter ty hi h hi boo Ni vh gift sex dc t ttc hub ijf ff dsdgg cycle
I'm busy drinking my lukewarm Pepsi, kid.
Maybe next time.
John MADden
That's going to make you fat.
I am fat, dumbass!
you have really weird taste in fanfiction
Speaking from experience?
t. faggot that sucks at multiplayer games
Go back to playing Purse Owner and other weebshit
Prove it by posting your belly
>seething over a post from an hour ago
i bet you smash your keyboard whenever you lose
We weren't even trying lol
Thank you, engii
I'm shy, idiot!
>you have really weird taste in fanfiction
I was just painting a scenario for which might happen.
>Speaking from experience?
Yeah, right, like I'll have sex.
Getting mad and throwing an autistic sperg is one of life's greatest pleasures...
Why would I deny myself such a moment?
Double down - absorb the autistic rage and strike your opponent down in a relentless verbal assault.
kek look at all these manchildren you triggered
You just don't
they do it to get a response
not acknowledging it is the best thing you can do
I play multiplayer on console and I don't think I've ever seen that on there. Of course it helps that I don't play competitive multiplayer games much, and the ones I do don't have text chat. I guess the closest thing is in For Honor when the Orochi light spams me to death then spams "Wow!" while doing the emote that looks like he's spuffing on my headless corpse. In which I don't respond since it's not worth trying to communicate with roaches.
like real oofa doofa
yikes and cringe
have sex you incel and go seethe and cope in your tranny discord
bluepilled faggot
I make sure to "teabag" every motherfucker I kill while spamming "Wow!"
Otherwise: what's the fucking point?
I don't normally do that, with the exception of Conquerer. Then endless Rah spam is basically required.
Thx boo
I also "dab" (the closest thing to a dab) with the Centurion and send death threats and remarks of homophobia - if I have my hands on a RedBull™.
I don't reply, I either quit with tears in my eyes and adrenaline in my veins or if I'm early in my gaming session I bite my shoulder to calm down
Don't you think you're being a bit melodramatic, you fuckin' little faggot?
the secret is to be even more retarded
Look at all these mad casuals
This. I don't reply. I either stop playing for 10 minutes and take a walk or hit the bag a bit.
I talk like a girl and start kissing them I don’t like doing it but it works
just don't lose lol
just sounds like your a projecting little bitch
try again
>Losing is an opportunity to improve coping skills
>Look at all these mad casuals
That was solid advice.
People are way too hedonistic these days that it's destructive.
Just say it immediately when you lose retard.
Whatever cope fag meanwhile you are coping, im trying to get better and improve using losing as a motivation.
>trying to get better and improve using losing as a motivation
That's literally what coping is, retard.
>"In psychology, coping means to invest own conscious effort, to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to try to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict."
Kind of like how you're coping with reality by shitposting huh?
You're obviously retarded.
This conversation is over.
Start thinking a little, huh?
Nice reddit spacing.
Lol? He was agreeing with your post. I guess English is that hard.
Thanks, you too.
>he doesn't just jump into conversations
never gonna make it unvirgin
Well I personally have never lost an online video game so I've never seen someone say this. If I did I would just move on to the next game like I would anyways. check em
how fucking new are you
How am I new?
You're hurting my feelings - STOP!
i wish i could stomp your fucking redditor head in
Don't Google this
I won though
I dont because I'm clearly dealing with a brainlet.
'gg' is a courtesy response, it's like a verbal handshake, to couple it with overt insult is fucking retarded.
nowadays people even see "gg" on its own as being some kind of sarcastic insult anyway
everything is hostile
"ask your girl how my dick taste" in a flat tone
A response is what they're looking for to circlejerk to their faggot friends about or have an in to start further shit. The only winning move is not to play. When you engage you've already lost, because you wasting your time and emotional energy on them is exactly what they wanted.
best answer
Winning the next round and saying it back
Report them for toxic behaviour. Now they can't play videogames or access their social media or take out loans.