So many threads for this re-release of a 15 year old cart game. Why?
It got Soul™
> remaster
> soul
Pick only one
Furries and N. posting
It's a faithful remake with improvements rather than more flaws that will continue to keep crash alive.
>15 year old cart game.
20 year old, actually. Get your dates straight.
It brought back the S O U L n sane trilogy forgot and then tripled it.
It's a remake, fool. It's not that hard.
I like how Crash is the only one who's changed.
>Old games with decades old graphics can never be updated to a modern engine faithfully
>This can never benefit old fans seeing their favorite games with a fresh coat of paint and potentially new content
>This also never introduces new fans to the series and/or helps fund new content for the series
It's beyond ridiculous how they changed only Crash.
Why was the trilogy lacking in soul outside of the poor lighting?
Japs fear the coot
I love the obvious difference in detail between Crash and the other characters
I'm going to play online and purposely stay in last place, so I can spam everyone with clocks and orbs.
SEGA is so embarrassed of TSR's performanc they actually bought publishing rights for CTR in Japan LMFAO
You have to play as Zem if you do that. Or is it Zam? Whichever is the one that burps.
>sega thought the fps was so bad they bought the publishing rights so they could bring it up to standard
CTR Threads are less about CTR, but rather the entire Crash franchise as a whole. Plus they are incredibly comfy.
Zem is the gross guy
Zam is Oxide's puppy
What if they bring back the cut lines from oxide, and have him be petting Zam in a Dr. Claw-like fashion?
Ahah, oh, woah
Seems like the Crash Twitter is focusing on premium content. Have they run out of things to show, or are they just waiting for E3?
one last ride...
Probably E3. I hope anyway.
If there's a bomb to drop, it will be at E3, no doubts.
You do realized that SEGA did also helped published the N Sane Trilogy in Japan right?
Of course another Sonicfag on damage control like usual.
im ready
>with the rest of the cast being full of shit, Crash decides to be helpful and helps them increase their fibre intake.
Because fuck you that’s why
Smashtrannies need to leave
I was berating him for calling Crash a cereal mascot when Mario is an actual cereal mascot
Marketability. Think: American Sonic or Kirby, only in reverse
RoboCrunch is nice and all, but what I really want is Mr. Crunch. Gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed Gladiator Tiny isn't a skin either, you'd think it would be a no brainer.
We still haven't seen Penta, Robot Velo, Hyper Spaceway, Barin Ruins, some karts and more so they're probably just stalling because of E3 and also so people pre-order the game
>American Sonic or Kirby
but these look almost identical, while Crash looks like another character
American Sonic was just as different
It's not so bad, there's a certain charm to it.
How long until E3?
I actually think that design looks better. There's something off about the face of new Crash, the jap version looks closer to the original design
After TSR, this isn't true anymore.
That's to be expected, it's a 1:1 copy of the Jap Crash design from back in the day.
he cute
no tail
but tawna has a tail in the original and the remake
You should add an /sthg/ hat and TSR metascore.
lol drawfag should update it and have sonic join mario back there
>Skylanders Coco
Nani? That design is from Mind over mutant.
>have sonic join mario back there
No. Have Mario join Crash. TSR is a garbage game (and you're better off with SRB2 Kart), and Sonic is currently being a lost cause.
Perhaps she'll grow it when she's older.
I know a friend who drove like 20 miles to get some boxes of those.
Because Japan thought Crash looked too "evil" and "aggressive", so they changed their marketing strategies for Japan back in the 90s.
Look at this shit it's hilarious
Around 2000, Games in America were all about being edgy, cool and mature, while Japan just liked colorful, cartoony and very videogamey stuff.
TSR doesn't even stay at 60fps you fucking tard. At least CTR is stable.
does the cereal taste good tho
>that fucking anime dance he does at the end of the second video
Hahahaha holy shit
Who would be the stand-in for the mom here?
FPS doesn't mean shit if your game is dead. Pic related is what both matchmaking lobbies look like on PC right now.
The only thing that comes to mind is N.Gin, but idk how he would react
Brio, obviously
Never asked her, I thought it wo uld just taste like standard cereal.
Why do people draw her head so small?
Is it just to make her look more appealing?
I love BBW Ami
Mind over Mutant Coco doesn’t look like Skylanders Coco.
> Around 2000, Games in America were all about being edgy, cool and mature, while Japan just liked colorful, cartoony and very videogamey stuff.
This, it's the reason why the Jak and Daxter series failed in Japan after the first game
the first video looks SO SCARY wtf
or is it just me?
well, tbf a lot of old videos look creepy, but why did they think it wasn't creepy back then?
also textures in-game look different too, did they change those as well?
>Because Japan thought Crash looked too "evil" and "aggressive"
He kind of does though
>Implying she wasnt grown in a vat
These tasted like shit.
Can't blame them for that I never liked the direction it went either. It's a bit silly with Crash though.
Wait Crash looked too edgy and evil to the Japanese? Does that mean they dislike Looney toons because Crash is basically that but with Aussie/Oceania paint
>She will never get to fulfil her dreams as a kart driver
HRT makes you grow additional ears?
This is the Zemposting thread?
>yfw when Brio has Aku Aku for his mask
>Tawna has Aku Aku
>[Spoiler]Rilla Roo transcends both and has his own unique mask.[/spoiler]
Im getting impatient
Cursed image
Is there a translation?
>In-game stats screen claims Balance types are faster than Acceleration types
>In actuality they're not
I wonder if they're going to rebalance them in the remake or keep it the same.
Uka Uka has fired cortex and needs new villains!
You must tell Uka Uka about your brand new villain idea to take down Crash!
What villain do you show him?
Willy the wombat
Can't wait to pre-order it on Steam©.
But unironically.
It's been confirmed the classes have been rebalanced.
Dr. N. Liven
A doctor older than anyone can fathom. Obsessed with preserving himself through the ages. Any means necessary. He has the technology to sap the life from anything living to sustain himself. He could technically be a neutral force, but Crash gets in his way when the orange marsupial's quest power gems gets interferes with his own.
N. Tendo.
N. Brace
Mentally deficient hill billy type who damages you with his retard strength
It's how Crash looked on the original Japanese PS1 game covers
>"Anooon! You'll be maining me, right???"
He looks really Don Bluth-y
I like that NF made him even more smug.
I want the trophy girls to do sexual acts to Coco
theres one where she gets smothered by all the bandicute tits available
I dont have it though sadly
Coco is for cute not for lewd
Willy the Wombat (Hartman version)
He's from N. Trance's universe.
>unironically liking the toxic waste designs of Nitro Kart
Coming to fuck y'all up
i've probably put over 300 hours into ctr but i don't give a shit until it comes to pc. imagine spending money on console framerate/reso..
That's really neat.
If someone else can find it please post it
Aku Aku handsome
Whos going to be on the day one Yea Forums race room? Where my Ninagros at?
>Yea Forums race room
>lobby flooded with zems, fake crashs and the rare "serious" player
>Well ExcuuuuuuuuuUUUuuusse me coco
>rare "serious" player
which is just Coco
Yea Forumson Clutch's Motorworld
I'm fucking ready. Ninagros shall make the purists seethe.
>fake crashs
can confirm
The game is censored, why would I buy it?
crash was never good. crash kart games were always good
That's the kino uncensored Japan version you huwaito piggu
>Crash wearing pants
N. Seed
>Only one belt and no bandages
Something went wrong
fuck off with your basedboy video
Saving Spyro for E3.
>You're not allowed to talk about a game that people like or you're a shill
>why are people happy that one of the major mascots of gaming is finally back alive
I'm quite confounded myself, user.
Isn't it just Lucky Charms?