RIP Trover Saves the Universe
RIP Trover Saves the Universe
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why do soibois love words like shitbag and shitlord
stop making twitter threads
noody cares about those religious zealots and their muh racism is bad ideology
wtf i love justin roiland now?
they should have gotten projared
Does this mean Arin's friendship with Justin is ended?
roiland himself is resetera, so him breaking dogma with this makes him a modern martin luther
The people who get angry about JonTron being in it are the same ones who defended Dan Harmon's """"skit"""" about breaking into a house and raping an infant in gratuitous and unfunny detail.
They'll get self-triggered if they use the stronger cuss words.
did arin or dan ever comment on that jontron rant?
You forgot piss baby. I've heard that one quite a bit lately.
Is the game actually good?
they never had a friendship, like all of the famous people around him they are "acquaintance's"
yes, on a panel on comic-con or some shit
shithead too
Jontron and e-celebs like him are for people who don't know any better. He's for people without taste and haven't grown up and realized what trash this shit is.
>Resetera is still angry over out of context things Jon has said
Holy fuck, when the fuck are they gonna let it go? Jon isn't even Yea Forums levels of hateful.
Jontron should do another video with Oney and Zach.
fags do tend to be obsessed with assholes
You have to remember that most insults are based on stereotypes of worthless minorities or women. Since the more worthless you are the more privilege points you have in the Oppression Olympics they play those can't be used. So they invented/appropriated really bizarre and few in number insults. This resulted in its very own stereotype where if all the person ever says every single time is pissbaby or shitlord you're dealing with a soilib.
yeah you're right. everything sucks and we should all just lay down.
And Matt and Ryan. Just have a big ol smorgasbord of anti cuck comedy.
Dan Harmon, co-creator of Rick & Morty, used to make frequent and detailed jokes about wanting to molest children, which culminated in a pilot skit where he pretends to break into a house and rape an infant twice. The infant is represented by a doll but he's the only person in the skit.
ResetEra 40%ers tried to say it didn't matter and it was in the past and to stop drudging up past dirt on someone who's changed. Funny they won't do the same with JonTron.
Matt & Ryan is not that, if that is the goal you want to achieve
They’re trying to get the games taken down now
They are never going to let it go because Jontron is a rich, white iranian male and he committed the ultimate sin of speaking bad about brownies.
They are also jealous how popular he is among the kids, the same reason they hate pewdiepie
t. grumpfag
They don't have to tow Arin's line anymore.
Why are resetards assblasted that Jon is still thriving? I don't care if he said this or that. If I like his content I'll watch it. If I don't I'll skip it. Simple as that. Reminds me of that whole Go Woke Go Broke cringe
If you've actually toured the asylum that is Resetera and this is your only question about them I don't know what else to tell you.
a Hat in time is going to be sold in Turkey, middle-east, Russia, those regions should be let known about Transrights flag, because i am pro transrights and want to stick it to those places,
so, really get the word out to those specific places.
wow, the world we live in is just so weird.
what the hell is going on in Yea Forums these days
One of the funniest parts is they were discussing “shitlord” on the SA forums or some shit and were worried it might be offensive to coprophiliacs
So how exactly do we take down Jontron?
this is the funniest thing I've ever seen posted on Yea Forums
>literally a Yea Forums comic
I don’t care how many levels of “irony” you’re on please find the nearest bridge and eject yourself off it.
This pisses me off so much. Fucking idiots, let's just try to destroy the lives of anyone who is even associated with someone we disagree with. Hashtag it. Get them fired.
It's a half-assed Quintin rip, it's fucking shit.
I don’t even remember what jontron did to piss then off
>what the hell is going on in Yea Forums these days
People are bored and have nothing to play or a will to play games so insted majority of people are shitposting to kill time
Why do we say soibois and not manchildren or neckbeards like we used to?
It's because you filth invade and take over shit for yourself inventing words that become popular that will eventually happen to you in turn soon enough.
He told the truth.
He called out BLM and how delusional the black community is.
He cited crime statistics
roiland never gave a shit about that stuff, the only reason he participates in it is because he is codependent on harmond
And they say anti-SJW are just as bad as actual SJW
because they aren't actually neckbeards and are way worse than just manchildren.
i've probably been here longer than you
he pointed out that it was funny how blacks are a minority of the population yet commit the majority of crimes
This is dumb, why would anybody be upset about this
>+500 comments on the thread
Well nevermind
He said, less harshly than MLK jr himself, that blacks need to stop being so delusional about where their community problems are coming from and actually change who their communities deify and glorify if they ever expect anything to change rather than blame whitey and demand mo money fo dem programs.
He got cornered in a racially charged interview and word spaghetti'd
And thus they hated him for that
You literally posted a tweet with 0 likes and a tweet with 52 likes in reply to a tweet with almost 5000
stop cherrypicking twitter to make shitty Yea Forums threads
The games industry does since they keep kowtowing to them
they're joined at the hip, i don't consider them different individuals
The Quintin comics were never funny. This one actually is. His comics were always some nonsense about how you're dumb for smoking weed or playing video games or whatever.
This one at least makes fun of the the angry /pol/tard manchildren using the twitter screencap posts as an entry point.
>Quentin ripoff
Yeah, that's a yikes from me, dawg.
Or you could go play video games rather than watching youtube and shitposting all day
i dont care about the psycho culture war arguments. is the game any good?
Imagine being so devoid of purpose that you act like destroying a man's work is your mission in life because he said something your group didn't like.
The game industry IS them. They're all over it now. You either have the tru-believers in the indie scene or you have big corps like EA purposely hiring them for the publicity factor and shitstirring they do.
Quentin was right
Don't take shitlord away from me you fuck.
Do you like Reddit and Memey comedy? If so then it's good.
They are just as bad.
Someone like Jon just shouldn't have a platform. I'm sorry, I know this is Yea Forums and we're supposed to dog whistle to the alt-right, but I ain't doin' it. Jon said some REALLY stupid and REALLY offensive shit. If his career continues then it'll set an example for the other alt-righters who actually think their opinions have a place in this world.
They don't. They don't have a place in this world. We don't have room for anymore hatred in this world. We need to stamp down on racism before it reaches a boiling point, and that first step is to deplatform people like Jontron and Pewdiepie.
i.e he "debated" against someone that knew how to "win" a debate
Stronger curse words are problematic, and shit and piss are enjoyable to the average leftards because they are infantile
dude fascism is good when I do it lmao
>Someone like Jon just shouldn't have a platform
Started off way too strong. Waste of effort to type the rest.
Boogeyman, boogeyman
He said something in the lines of "Black people commit more crimes in the US than any other race in the US." and as a black guy he's kinda right.
>Im going to end hate by hating people, Im going to end violence by being violent
Would bite the bait again and reply
not really but i remember liking the first ~1.5 seasons of rick and morty (i never bothered to watch past those)
i'm mostly curious if the video game part is good
Frig off, Tyrone
Why do you shits always do this? You can play singleplayer games while watching you tube.
>still mad about Quentin
I thought weed was supposed to mellow you out, dude. Put down the bong and pick up a book.
-this post brought to you by Quentin’s Diamond Dogs
I guess Resetera couldn't handle the gravity of the situation
>but they complained about something once! That makes them exactly the same as dangerous retards with influence who destroy people's careers!
Shitlord was always a sóy word. They literally invented it to have an insult that wasn’t offensive to any minorities
Just watch a trailer.
H's also statistically right, at least as far as violent crimes are concerned.
What are you crying about? You love nintendo.
based satire shitpost user
So you chuds are actually supporting a racist?
Hey, that might be the subhuman snoyim from that other thread, he got REALLY triggered because he got dabbed on.
He didn't get "trapped" you fucking idiots. Destiny gave the most charitable debate to Jon, and every single one of his fans kept stamping their feet and insisting that Destiny slighted him in some way.
Jon's just a bigoted idiot.
Look up what fascism actually means, retard.
>Im going to end hate by hating people, Im going to end violence by being violent
user, you do realize that the foundation of politics is violence, right? The only way to create any social change is through enforcing violence with our military and police department. This is how laws are made.
Also, there's no excuse to tolerate the intolerable. This isn't a dichotomy, and this isn't a debate. It is my job, as an American, to drive out and assault every single person who supports dehumanizing minorities and stripping their rights away. Bigots shouldn't have the right to be bigots.
All that anger because Jontron tried to quote some crime statistics in a half ass way
no i don't
i don't have a ps3 or a ps4 either
Is citing FBI statistics racist?
you need to go back
oh no this fat guy said Mexicans are shit so I must completely alter my lifestyle to despise people like him
nice post re tard
People always forget that Dan Harmon actually filmed a real live baby to touching his crotch
why are destiny posters like this?
How come nobody rakes Destiny across the coals for the dumb shit HE said in the debate? People are memeing the "rich blacks poor whites" thing, but are we just going to ignore the fact that Destiny tried to pretend that there are no riots in Europe?
Like, no exaggeration, he literally said that. He said there are no riots happening in Europe.
Go home Chapocel
>Holy fuck, when the fuck are they gonna let it go?
Never? These people are posting all day, every day about how mad they are about something, so kinda like Yea Forums but without a comment track record
Woah,Justin Roiland is being controversial?
I just...can't even....
>We don't have room for anymore hatred in this world.
>We need to stamp down
fake and gay
>16k in 2 years
holy shit
I think the best thing the current SJW period is that they will get absolutely blindsided when it's over. I've never seen a group of ''normal'' people putting on such blinders to the world outside their little bubble
...I'm sorry, what's the problem with my statement?
There’s a tranny on there who I think has double that post count. Excelsiorif or some shit.
You are advocating for removal of hatred and in the very next sentence suggesting to use hatred. If you arte allowed to, then the others should be allowed too, you are not any better.
it's mostly GOT threads as well
god damn, fucking nuclear
I like how Jon casually dropped a "retard" in his new video despite those times he got flak for it years ago. What a guy.
It's not going to end. I don't think you guys realize how ingrained these people are. They hold political power, they own every single major business, and they have the power to decide who eats and who starves.
This isn't going to end unless more people take up arms and drive them out of the country. This is just a fact. No amount of protest is going to get them out of our media.
They're sexualizing kids, man. That's the part that made me hate them. The whole incident surrounding Desmond is Amazing made me realize that these people need to learn through violence.
Of course that's never going to happen. Everyone is way to complacent.
What do they gain from this? How could this make anyone happy?
Quentin was superior and cold and openly showed his disdain. The protag in that comic is compassionate and caring.
Because the only people who watch that cringey shit are /pol/fags who want to see if he gets *dab*ed on like the Ryan Dawson debate - nobody's gonna listen to what they say about Destiny even if it is true and Destiny's sycophant twitch chat circlejerkers who won't say a mean sounding syllable about their manchild king. Most people don't have hours of their time to listen to spergs talk fast and have strokes on camera. Also isn't he a pedophile and is for domestic assault.
I'm sorry, are you a fucking pacifist? There's literally nothing wrong with using violence to defend yourself. That's not hatred, that's called self defense, you fucking moron.
>Yea Forums spends weeks gloating about pirating A Hat in Time because of a tranny flag
>then posts shit like this
>inb4 "Yea Forums is not one person"
Yes you are, you fucking faggot.
>anti-sjws didn't try to ruin James Gunn's career
Then you attacking Jon for his self defense which he should be allowed.
>I don't support pedophilia
Yea Forums is not one person.
Stop giving these people attention
Yeah but Gunn is a faggot
>Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy
>Ultranationalism is an "extreme nationalism that promotes the interest of one state or people above all others"
How isn't it the exact thing SJWs are striving to?
Are they really beyond triggered or was there 1 thread of several people complaining about it?
the average resetera user is 35, unemployed, and a tranny.
the problem is these people are online ALL FUCKIN DAY so companies get spooked when they see 100 unemployed trannies screeching at them. they're thinking it's 1000000 normal functioning people
companies just need to fucking stick up for themselves. if they wait a few days the trannies will find someone else to screech at.
Most people in that thread have +10k comments in 2 years or less, so yeah they are wasting every day posting on a forum just to feel upset/opressed etc
He's literally advocating for the removal of minorities within the US who live here legally. They have the moral obligation to attack and kill Jon, in my opinion.
absolutely delusional, holy shit
what a goober description where did you get it from?
Jontron hasn't mentioned anything political since he was on Destiny's podcast and has even apologized for his statements. And yet these self righteous twitter faggots still give him shit for it. Apparently once you say the wrong thing your life is as good as over.
Dude, have you seen how our media is reacting to Desmond is Amazing? This is much bigger than resetera. These people are actually trying to normalize the rape and molestation of white children. They're trying to normalize black-on-white and muslim-on-white violence. They're literally trying to drive you out of your home.
Look up Desmond is Amazing and weep for the future, you liberal faggot.
pirating a game is not quite as severe as harassing and trying to deplatform an individual
Would you like to give me a link to a video where he says those things?
>just does what he wants and lives as he pleases
>low IQ SJW bottomfeeders meltdown constantly
>I know this is Yea Forums and we're supposed to dog whistle to the alt-right
Listen to the debate with Destiny. He's arguing for America being majority-white.
advocating or abiding, diminishing or destroying the posterity of a country would also call for self-defense, innit?
I think you are way exagerating the power of SJW. if they really were that powerfull then no fucking way Trump would have been elected. They are just way overexposed on the internet
He never once even implied such a thing. Back to resetera, tranny.
Does he mention forced removal?
how horrible, i am arguing that it shouldn't and anyone that disagrees should be attacked
The goal isn't to make people understand what they're doing is wrong, but to deprive them of a platform altogether. Notice how when a lot of these people get into arguments and hear a certain "forbidden" opinion, instead of sitting down and discussing it, they will make these disgusted sighs or write things like "yikes" to signal to everyone else that the forbidden thing was breached. Immediately when this happens, you become 'the other', and there's no point in trying to debate because they've already written off everything you could possibly say.
It feels good to kick the people who think forbidden things out of your community, but what these people need to learn is that they don't just go away. There's only so much rationalizing you can do before it becomes clear that, maybe, the whole thing you're doing is just a charade. But I guess we haven't hit that point yet.
Closet scatophiles
>roiland himself is resetera
Have you ever seen the stuff he made before Rick and Morty, or did you just assume everything he makes is bad and onions because the fans of the show are giant faggots?
Roiland himself is honestly pretty chill and seems like a nice guy, Harmon is an alcoholic fuck up though. Listening to his marriage slowly deteriorate to the point where he was airing his dirty laundry with his unfunny wife in front of a live audience and pissing off everyone around him by being a giant unfunny loser was one of the worst things I've ever done, I don't even know why I listened, they're fucking horrible at playing D&D.
Seriously though, Rick and Morty is fucking based on a dumb joke cartoon where Marty licks Doc's balls over and over again because he was pissed off that his House of Cosbys thing got a takedown notice from Bill Cosby's Lawyer so he decided to make something that would get another takedown notice for sure, he's just a goofy fuck that likes making stupid cartoons and he happened to get partnered up with a big faggot. There is even this one interview where the journalist brings up a project that he was keeping secret from Harmon, which immediately results in Dan getting visibly butthurt that he wasn't included and he stammers about how he wants to help and be a part of the project for two solid minutes and the internal seething coming from Justin is palpable. He wants to get away from Dan but he's fucking stuck because Rick and Morty is making him so much money.
>i am so sheltered that I can't imagine a world beyond what I see on the internet and tv
This is the problem, you see some stupid shit on tv/the internet and for you that's the entire world. You can't even comprehend that things exist beyond twitter screencaps and clickbait articles.
>panel 6
That's actually completely wrong. The whole purpose of the verified symbol is to prevent people from pretending to be you. "Literal whos" can get it by saying they're being impersonated and sending documents verifying they're the real person
I actually found that pretty funny, it's obviously just meant to be a half-assed parody of Dexter.
if anything, it should be offensive to people with ostomy bags or people with crohn's disease
There's 13+ pages full of this.
You have a link to that interview? That sounds great.
I've come around on the term basedboy. It describes a particular phenomenon, which makes it useful. It does get overused and spammed, though.
I'd argue it's an opposite to shitlord/pissbaby/shithead, as those are vague terms that describe basically nothing.
I remember that interview where Harmon was all "Dude why didn't you come to me I could help you with it" and Roiland said "Ah man you go so much going on as is I didn't wanna add onto your already full dance card" in the kindest way he could.
>It is my job, as an American, to drive out and assault every single person who supports dehumanizing minorities and stripping their rights away. Bigots shouldn't have the right to be bigots.
"It's my job to take the rights away from people I think want to take other people's rights away"
This is actually a fucking brilliant leap of logic and you're capturing why the liberal mind is so twisted and horrific, because they actually cannot see how this makes no sense.
"Murder all those who want to murder people!" is really a big brain stance to take.
First of all, Trump isn't going to win in 2020. This is just a fact. Him being elected in the first place really stirred the hornet's nest, and now everyone is going to be voting against him.
Second, I'm not exaggerating. There are already examples of banks and credit card companies refusing to work with "alt-righters." You realize that this is only going to get worse, right? Soon grocery stores and other services that provide basic human needs will refuse to work with "alt-righters" and a vast majority of Americans are going to be forced to farm and find water for themselves.
I like how obvious your astroturfing is, Resetera. This is your default tactic. You always downplay the legitimate gripes people have with you guys as "an exaggeration" but it isn't. Your side is responsible for the radicalization of Islam in the west. Your side is responsible for the radicalization of BLM, and the normalization of black-on-white violence. You need to be killed before you cause any more harm to my country.
Its mostly +13 pages of single replies like
How do people still unironically use resetera/neofag? Even left wing people get banned if they say the slightest wrong thing
People are still hunting JonTron down for whatever the fuck he said? I'm getting it wrong, sorry. "Things" are still hunting him down. Trump winning the election and injecting steroids into political correctness was a mistake.
They don't have any other words that are allowable
They've literally censored themselves out of using any other fuckwords
brilliant marketing move, probably got him a few thousand sales
jontron still pulls millions of views in spite of that thing with the manlet dude
SJWs really are like communists with their unpersoning, they must really want JonTron to be isolated yet hated, for him to starve to death in the streets.
>First of all, Trump isn't going to win in 2020.
1 sentence in and already wrong, jeez
I love this shit, always hilarious to see their logic and reasoning
>First of all, Trump isn't going to win in 2020. This is just a fact.
I'd actually put money on him winning.
They're inoffensive. You can't call someone a cunt or a bitch cause they're gendered for example.
not like they can reply any other way without getting instab&
>Someone hired someone I called a Nazi so that makes them a Nazi!
The scale of this intellect crushes me.
stupid dilator faggots
>im not a schizoid though
Gonna be a yikes for me dog
get back
That really is what I hate about the internet- when you're in person, you discuss the behavior and address it in an open discussion to find out why someone believes something, and why that could be good/bad (if you'r not around idiots). The internet doesn't allow that.
While hilarious sometimes, most of the time you get shit like ResetEra where cancel culture is rampant. People can say shit from an uninformed place, and grow over time with new information and life experiences- which is why I think cancel culture is shitty as hell. /blogpost
>Act utilitarian "ends justify the means" bullshit
Get the fuck out of here and read even the most basic moral philosophy just once in your life. It's so embarrassing seeing people like you advocating for nonsensical faux-moralizing positions like "We can't tolerate hate!" It's like the shitty slogan of a used car salesman. There's the obvious tacit omission of who exactly defines hate or intolerable violence, which is of course the people sloganizing, just like the used car salesman hides how many miles really are under the hood of the lemons he's selling. It's sleazy but more to the point retarded. Allow me to demonstrate why with another theoretically virtuous end obtained by a disgusting mean.
Here's my slogan, "Kill a healthy young organ donor on your way to work tomorrow!" It should be obvious why you should pull out a gun and cleanly execute the plucky young 18 year old who informed you that he was in fact an organ donor. After all, the healthy organs, marrow, and other various tissue can be used to directly save the lives of around 5 people who are currently dying on the organ transplant waiting list. Moreover, his blood can be put towards transfusions, and the rest of his body can be used as a medical cadaver, which are in precious short supply. In this capacity, his corpse will be an invaluable component in the education of thousands if not tens of thousands of up and coming doctors, who will go on to save countless lives. All because you strangled some innocent kid in the parking lot of the DMV after he showed you his shiny new license with the organ donor mark on it. Really, you did him a favor. Young people are too cowardly to kill themselves and distribute their corpses, so a more virtuous cold blooded killer has to do it for them. Kids these days, they just don't know how to be good people. Thank God for the Act Utilitarians who can teach them.
Hey, I'm willing to eat my words if you guys are right. I'm just not very optimistic in this fucking clown world.
I think the irony is that Resetera is entirely populated by people who actually DO think that way, no one there is just pretending so they don't get banned, because those people have already been banned.
>Destiny gave the most charitable debate to Jon
That's being incredibly generous. Destiny is a shit debater and it's really saying something when Jontron came in guns blazing and still lost. Jon's not bigoted. He's retarded like all e-celebs who suddenly one day decide it's safe to be themselves and realize they have about as much as much insight into every thing as an eight grade who knows fuck all does. Props to him though he decided to never make that mistake again and just focus on his work like a good little worker ant where he's better seen and not heard.
if only for the economy being decent atm, what reason would a normie have to disrupt that, especially if the democrats put up Bernie Sanders as vice president which seems likely
that would scare me away from voting anything other than Trump, why risk the economy with a commie
holy shit
They do though. I LITERALLY just provided an example, actually. Maybe you could try, I don't know, reading my post?
I bought the game for my girlfriend who likes rick and morty. I watched her play the first two hours, it's pretty fucking funny. The tutorial is hilarious. It's good
will resetera ever realise that what they're doing is the equivelent of the nazi era kulturkammer?
Good lord just dilate.
tell me about all of the white genocide that pepsi-co and tyson foods commit
explain to me how sjws control the american government when the republicans are in power
Imagine being so booty blasted about something someone said on the internet that you spend the time and effort to make a comic about it. A shitpost about as long as this post would be the most I would do.
Isn't it funny how Resetera needs strawmen comics to prove a point? Meanwhile the autistic crazy shit they believe SOUNDS like a strawman, but they're being 100% serious.
It's fucking weird.
what thing with a manlet?
have sex
This some 10/10 bait right there
Jontron being involved doesn't change anything, the game will be dead soon.
He got banned for this? They don't see the irony in this? And they think they're the good guys?
>I'm willing to eat my words if you guys are right. I'm just not very optimistic in this fucking clown world.
The major thing right now is A.) The economy is fucking good, B.) The migrant/border crisis is only getting worse, C.) Liberal-run cities and states are crashing and burning, and D.) The clown-car of 100 Democratic candidates literally all hate eachother and have 0 policy platform other than "Social Justice good! Impeach orange man!", and it's becoming clear to anyone who looks that if a Dem gets elected, their entire party platform is "Nothing is wrong, everything is fine. There is no crisis, there is no problem, we just need to ignore all this stuff and it'll go away." and that's not going to sell.
Plus, major media outlets like CNN & MSNBC are all way, way, way down in viewers, all the millenial blog-news sites are dead or dying, and Fox News is the biggest in the country.
I'm thinking it looks alright for 2020.
get married
Holy fuck you're dumb.
How much more fucking power do you faggots need before we're allowed to admit that this is a fucking problem?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why they get so triggered by Jontron?
I thought he just said some random /pol/ bullshit in a podcast once. Like, to the point where it sounded like just some shit he saw online that he repeated without context and didn't know any better.
Was there some other more egregious event afterwards or do they just hold a vendetta that long over something like that?
Don't worry bro, I laughed.
They don't care. These people probably pop boners (if they still have dicks) doing this.
>people calling this 10/10 bait
wait, is he talking/ranting in the streets? i thought that weren't allowed, GLR lamented that even he weren't allowed to do that and it was cracked down upon as soon as he tried.
what kind of world is that, or is it supposed to represent the internet?
Retardera takes thoughtcrimes very seriously.
It all can be distilled to this sentence uttered by jontron
>rich black people commit more crimes than poor white people
It's 100% fact, backed by fbi statistics yet cannot be said aloud
>libtards still triggered by jontron
THIS is what happens when you take the bluepill
>He got banned for this?
Bro, you have no fucking idea.
ResetEra bans are some of the funniest fucking content you'll ever spend time looking through.
So how would that make someone sjw? Working with political extremists isn't always a great idea.
user, your bait need to start off subtle to get people reading and hooked, and THEN you yank them in with the hard swerve shitpost. If you yank before they've even bitten, you just waist the bait.
Love always wins boys.
From what I understand is:
>said a bunch of white supremacist shit
>issued an apology which would never satisfy anyone. Pissed off the people who were cheering on his comments and pissed off people who were mad already about them.
>didn't prostrate himself before god and beg forgiveness, simply apologized, admitted what he said was stupid and moved on, which is never enough for some people.
I mean I personally stopped watching his shit at around this time but I also don't really think he's been funny in a long time, I stopped liking him when he started doing the Disney Star Wars thing
they delude themselves into thinking they're some kind of band of internet freedom fighters for doing, well, whatever it is they're doing
>still gets millions of views and sponsors every video upload
Turns out shutting up after a fuck up and continuing on works pretty well.
Justin is great, it’s dan Harmon that’s the faggot
lmao have they gone after jakey yet?
>Someone says something stupid on Resetera
>Everyone has a mental breakdown
>Everyone gets triggered
>You get banned
>Someone says something stupid on Yea Forums
>Everyone just calls you a retard and moves on
This is why I love you guys.
Saying something that falls under wrongthink even once is enough to make you a literal nazi forever these days. I don't even agree with what Jon said but I don't think having stupid opinions makes anyone a Nazi, just very silly. Also anyone that openly talks about their political opinions, especially on an open and public platform like Twitter is a fucking idiot.
Maybe I'm just a boomer, but I was raised not to bring up religion, politics, or finances in casual conversation.
>Working with political extremists isn't always a great idea.
So then why are violent Antifa organizers, criminals, and activists fine to work with?
I don't recall any alt-right organizers or members rioting in the streets and needing to be broken up by SWAT teams.
>painted nails
actually unsubbed
i love jakey
>Trump isn't going to win in 2020
With the way the democratic party is right now, hes practically a shoe-in.
>I thought he just said some random /pol/ bullshit in a podcast once. Like, to the point where it sounded like just some shit he saw online that he repeated without context and didn't know any better.
That was all that happened. They have a vehement hatred for him because there was a massive campaign to ruin his career over it but he's still around and popular. The fact that they couldn't ruin someone they don't like really bothers them.
Look here user, you can either give up the sauce, or you can get the sauce by the few of us who are on edge needing relief while you keep it from us.
How playable is it without vr goggles?
I like shitlord because it reminds me of sperglord which I use a lot
He repeated 100% true statistics about black crime, black fatherlessness, etc. Unfurtunately he isn't really into politics that much and he tried to debate an autistic sperg who does nothing but argue on the internet about this shit all day, so he ended up looking bad as even though he had the statistics his ideas were only part formed.
The most hilarious part is that Jon is by no means white, but none of the people complaining watch him or know anything about him so they think he is white.
>Have sex.
Because you and I both know very well that
A) "Alt-righter" is a buzzword for people that say politically incorrect things. It doesn't matter if you don't align with the movement, as long as you have that label on you then you're fucked.
and B) Alt-righters don't have any power in this world. This is so unwarranted and so uncalled for. It's completely fucking unnecessary. This isn't an attempt at stopping extremism, it's an attempt at stamping down on someone you dislike.
Also like said, they're more than willing to work with Antifa and BLM members.
No racial or sexual connotations
Gotta make sure our swear words are family friendly
>Jon is by no means white
what is he then? he is pale as fuck
Because the only relationship between those words is that soibois can be described as a special type of manchild/neckbeard, and sometimes not even that because white knight is more similar.
Imagine the 500+ post thread you'd see here if Anita was announced to have a role in some new game. You'd think no one would care about someone so irrelevant, but people always care about bullshit.
That site has no self awareness whatsoever.
>people who shoot up mosques and synagogues vs people who knock down trash cans and break windows
I think I know who would be easier to work with.
they tried
It was a goth rave
>moves on
user people bitch about things here for years and years.
And Trump is incumbent. While the 100 crab pot of democrats flinging shit at each other he's sitting confortably in the white house doing his thing. And anything he dones get discussed in the dem primaries, who again bring him more headspace.
they literally act the very same strawman that they mocked
He's hungarian and persian. His last name is fucking Jafar for god's sake.
Would you like to name one person who
1. Has been affected by this
2. Is completely innocent and not an extremist
Jon realized 99% of his audience doesn't care and does who do never liked him to begin with.
Rightists always claim the left is violent, which is an excuse for them to be even more so in "Self-defense". Funny how the self-styled party of law and order favors vigilante justice and street-fighting over the rule of law.
>asking Yea Forums to tell you what happened
and this is how Yea Forums children go down the pol rabbit hole.
this happens every day, and this is why we have more mentally ill culture warriors here than ever before.
Please, the worst thing alt righters did was March with tiki torches
Extremely. The player character in the game is even holding a video game controller. It's made for both, it's fun
>>people who shoot up mosques and synagogues vs people who knock down trash cans and break windows
One person shot up a mosque.
Hundreds of people are required to riot and destroy multiple down streets and businesses.
Slight difference there. Also there's Eric Clanton, there's the guy who shot up Republican Senators at a baseball game, there's the BAMN people who attacked old people in the street.
But yeah, one single dude with a gun is the real threat.
Whenever someone says dogwhistle I know I can safely ignore them.
If we assume this screenshot was taken today, that's over 28 posts per day.
What the fuck.
Just your average replies of people pretending they totally knew about Jakey beforehand.
Problem is those faggots are leaking over onto Yea Forums just like Plebbit. Everytime one of those faggots on RetardEra get banned they migrate here. Yea Forums isn't the sea of antisocial sociopaths like it used to be. The amount of unironic tranny support posting here is a cause for concern.
You know, I don't even remember why JonTron gets shit on. Didn't he like... say "nigger" or something?
His dad was a Persian immigrant.
That's because retards post the same shit for years and years
Islam is a religion of peace
mass shooters in america are overwhelmingly democrats, hitting one blob of a human whale at a protest isn't terror.
The only rightwing attacks were at the synagogues
retards. there was the 2017 congressional baseball shooting, someone tried to mail poisonous ricin to trump and a pentagon official, and some antifa jew tried to make a 200 pound bomb in his basement
>unironic tranny support
more like baiting for (yous) and you faggots keep giving them instead of report and move on.
Nigga, what? Literally all people on the right ever do is assemble in public, or have speeches or events at colleges, or host discussions.
It's literally the leftist SJW Socialist Antifa kids who say "Speech is violence, so we're justified in attacking you with weapons, rioting in the streets, and becoming a violent mob of masked criminals, because by speaking in public you are literally assaulting me and so I'm just defending myself by hitting you with a club."
This is literally how Antifa works.
Anita did a lot more for a much longer period though. She straight up wants the attention where it seems Jon here just said some shit on a podcast, realized it upset people, went "whoops" and moved on with his life.
Well, actually, I'm half Persian too and I still identify as Caucasian. It's just simpler in that regard. Also, I mean, it's kinda truer than most white people being called Caucasian. Iran is right below the Caucasus Mountains.
You've convinced me user. We need to do something about this extremeists. Let'a create a global anti-extremist task force that will go around finding right wingers to "check their thinking"
We'll call it UNATCO
No shit, i haveve been here for what now? 10 fucking years? I dont even know...
I barely reconize this place anymore.
Not really, He didn't even remotely say anything harmful. just casual politics and statistics.
Retard Era as usual.
The fucking madman
>said a bunch of white supremacist shit
Actually he just said the truth. Sadly he didn't have the FBI stats with him that backed his, again, true statement.
>reddit spacing
this picture looks familiar but I can't remember who made it and its driving me crazy
Dan harmon is more resetera than Justin, the later is just batshit insane and by the looks of it, in a good way.
Overwhelmingly so if we're going by % of population responsible for violence VS % not
>mass shooters in america are overwhelmingly democrats
Technically the burden of proof is on you, but I couldn't find any evidence to even remotely support the claim that EITHER political party bears more of a burden for mass shootings than the other. Mass shootings are often not politically motivated. It's rare that they are, if ever. So both you and the user you were talking to are tossing around tragedies to score political points.
It's irrelevant to the point I'm making. It has nothing to dk with racism, it has to do with opinions. That's how these people can call people who are not white like Jon Tron or Sargon Of Akkad white supremacists while also saying that non-whites can't be racist to excuse their own racism. The whole ploy of anti-racism is just a fucking screen. It's just about destroying people they don't like.
>words words words
>i am silly
>dude it's just one mass shooting
and then the poway shooting
>dude it's just two mass shootings no big deal
I think multiple mass shootings are much worse than property damage and attempted political assassinations.
yeah that changed pretty quickly for him. The electron fried his brain.
Go to Google and type in "Major banks shut down Alt-right account"
>Is completely innocent and not an extremist
So you agree that people should be forced to starve and not have access to basic resources if they aren't "innocent"? Who made you the arbiter of worth? Who made you the judge, jury, and executioner? I know you're a dumb shitposting faggot, but you need to get your priorities straight.
Nobody should be obstructed from accessing basic resources.
>but maybe this is overblown
You realize that your side is responsible for the radicalization of BLM and Islam, right?
Also are you just going to ignore the BLM kidnappings? I'm pretty sure kidnapping a mentally retarded white dude is just as bad as shooting a mosque.
>or neckbeards like we used to?
they're not
He a whitey so he deserved it
children, go play video games.
nothing good happens when little brainlets try to talk about politics.
>I barely reconize this place anymore.
Remember when the hobby boards were actually on-topic and even the shitposting had to do with the board topic?
I miss when people on Yea Forums would make fun of you by calling your favourite games shit and telling you that you have entry level faggot taste instead of shouting "HAHA YOU'RE A LIBERAL! TAKE THAT I CALLED YOU A LIBERAL! CLEARLY POLITICS ARE IMPORTANT BECAUSE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES HAHA, I'M GONNA CALL YOU A LIBERAL AGAIN! TRUMP WON GET OVER IT HAHA"
When the fuck did we stop making fun of retards that took politics in videogames seriously and started taking politics in videogames seriously ourselves like a bunch of fucking retards?
I just want to talk about my manchild hobbies with other manchildren that I won't have to patronize, why can't these faggots just go literally anywhere else to shitpost about politics that they don't actually understand or care that much about. Thats basically what shit like facebook and twitter are for, why not just do this dumb shit on those websites instead?
Why should independent businesses be forced to do business with extremists? There are plenty of other banks that are willing to take their money. It's the free market.
Still haven't gotten an answer on how pespi-co and tyson are sjw. Remember, you said every single major business.
This is true in many ways, politics is a very touchy subject nowadays, people at work probably busted a vein when I said I voted for AFS/NMR.
>I think multiple mass shootings are much worse than property damage and attempted political assassinations.
You're missing my point and also fucking stupid.
You're literally painting an entire nebulous, undefined group of people that you have labeled based on the actions of individuals who have not claimed affiliation or endorsement by any groups, organizers, or political figures, while at the same time you're ignoring a LITERAL GROUP OF PEOPLE who commit specific, targeted, and violent actions as part of their basic behavioral doctrine, and writing them off as "it might have maybe happened but it's just property so it's whatever."
The right wing is not defined by someone who goes on a shooting spree. The left wing is literally made of people who choose to get together in large groups and commit assault and destroy property because they don't like opposing viewpoints.
I wish someone would fucking end Twitter.
Twitter has done NOTHING good for this pathetic world.
Please, for the love of God, user brothers, kill Twitter forever!
>your side
Oh, so you're one of those people. Not gonna bother then.
Have sex user
just fuck already
>Why should independent businesses be forced to do business with extremists?
Because it's immoral to obstruct people from accessing basic resources. Do you just not have any moral standards?
>no this example doesn't count
>no this one also doesn't count
>nope this one neither
jesus fucking christ, hang yourself you insufferable twat
Can you make some alternative then? I use my scrap twitter acc for dumping screenshots and videos.
Oh please faggot. 99% of off topic political shitflinging on this board is resetera faggots. These people need to be fucking banned. Their presence is what is pulling the /pol/tards to this board.
Twitter is just the youtube comments section for real life
Feels good being in the center. I get to laugh at two idiots.
>Still haven't gotten an answer on how pespi-co and tyson are sjw.
There's nothing pulling poltards here, Just people who enjoy videogames and hate niggers. Resetera babies get triggered when we pipe up, but we always are here anyway
>hundreds of tweets about haha lolipussy guys
but he made movies you like and was a leftist faggot so all that metoo nonsense didn't matter right
Oh my fucking god do you not see the hypocrisy in your post? This is just MY TEAM GOOD OTHER TEAM BAD UNGA BUNGA.
people on the left and right have 1 enemy, centrists have two
Thanks for the (you)
I have no enemies. Just 2 clowns entertaining me.
>wtf stop questioning me when I say things
What happened to "every major business is controlled by sjws"?
>I wish someone would fucking end Twitter.
It's going down pretty fast. Normal people hate it for censorship and kicking literally everyone who isn't an SJW off the platform, and SJWs hate it because they seem to think 90% of the people on Twitter are Nazis.
Its been losing users for years and alternatives are spreading, especially since the government is talking about breaking up tech oligopolies.
>jontron says some racist /pol/ bait he probably saw in passing once
>was actually baited into it by the person interviewing him
>person who hosted it, blew it out of proportion and context
>Jon apologized immediately
>4 years later and Twitter still seeths whenever jontron is mentioned
Yeah why do we let people push back against the obvious political agenda being pushed by corporations. Yikes. You should just not take it seriously and just consume product. Don't ask question just consume product then get excited for next gay product. Real cringe when you don't let them shove their shit down your throat.
>99% of off topic political shitflinging on this board is resetera faggots.
Go fuck yourself retard, 99% of the shitposting in general is from cocksmoking retards that come here to shitpost about politics instead of talking about fucking videogames.
People like you that schizo post about imaginary tranny boogymen that watch you through your windows at night just like the government agents are the reason why every single off-topic political thread stays bumped and hits 500 posts if it doesn't get pruned.
If you had some fucking self control and could resist replying to every single post that tries to bait autists from /pol/ into seething because they saw [THING I'M SUPPOSED TO HATE BECAUSE LIBS LIKE IT AND I HATE LIBS SO EVERYTHING THEY LIKE IS BAD]
Eh, I don't know if I'd go that far. I think for the most part it is genuine, but it's genuine paranoia.
It's them believing these people are truly "evil racists" out to spread their racist ways when really they're just people with varying opinions.
I say that cause I've seen both sides of this shit. Years ago I worked for a non-profit in Philadelphia which taught inner-city kids acting and Christianity. It was part of a mandatory co-op thing with my college and the people there were genuinely nice. My boss was a real devote Christian that read the Bible every day and really believed in his program's ability to bring together families. He was a good guy.
He also would talk with me about the gay agenda and how they're trying to run the government or do all sorts of weird conspiracy shit to bring down Christian values. Again, same kind of genuine paranoia.
Good people can be so into their view of a right world that they perceive anything against it as a massive enemy. Doesn't automatically mean they're bad people (though certainly there are those that are both like this and just assholes in general).
Thing is JonTron has a speaking part in HiT that these people seem to have forgotten about. Almost like they never play the games in the first place.
I hate niggers too, I don't care if they're black, they just have to act like you do.
i-is this based or bluepilled I CANT DECIDE
nah mate, jontron is woke on the jq and about blacks and he's a better man for it.
I'm not on a team, but yes I am catagorically stating that painting an entire group of people with one person's actions is ridiculous and dishonest, especially if you do it while also handwaving the actions of literally everyone on the opposing ideological side.
I don't like Alt-Right identitarians, or ethnostate people, or even the Proud Boys really. But they're a million times more respectable than the fight Antifa mobs, who literally gather in huge masked groups and give themselves permission to attack anyone they decide to randomly label a Nazi, regardless of who or what or why that person is even in the vicinity.
I want to punch you in the face
>reddit spacing
>tranny opinions
go back you mong
Yeah, this.
I used to love and purchase all EA games because I am a refined gamer, but now that all of these AAA studios are making games that I totally loved before and were quality games except now they have a political agenda that I don't like I need to endlessly shitpost about it on Yea Forums.
On the other hand, you'd celebrate if corporations pushed the agenda you support.
But hey, at least you can parrot youtube ecelebs, how very counter-culture and anti-establishment of you.
stay mad retard
This so fucking much
Hardmode: Without any alternatives because having to limit your posts to 400 characters is such a shitty idea and one of the reasons we have clickbait culture now
>There are plenty of other banks that are willing to take their money.
If I pirate a game, the only thing the dev has lost is a single sale. If I run a whole harassment campaign, tarnishing their name and getting their games taken down from every store, the dev loses ALL sales, and potentially their entire livelihood. They're not even CLOSE to comparable.
All of his fans are racists and nazis! That would explain everything
this character is sexist and promotes a lolicon agenda, please delet
I'd celebrate ANY corporation that manages to have a mature and nuanced take on any single political issues, even the ones I disagree with.
Most game devs don't have nuanced takes on political issues though. It's almost always WHITE MEN BAD and ORANGE MAN BAD.
>Ghost Dad shoots himself in shame
I thought that was funny
>>Jon apologized immediately
He didn't. His reply was more like a "I'm sorry you're offended"
Why is this black painted nails thing a trend. I never see it on outright tranny faggots. Whenever I see it, it's always on the least suspecting person. I would even wager half the people I have seen it on are fucking straight.
just like with OP, amirite?
notice how alt right retards constantly campaign on these boards, but on the other hand these so called "resetera trannies" only ever come out to tell them to fuck off?
Yea Forums is filled to the brim with children nowadays. and that's just because the generations are changing. and the only people trying to brainwash these kids are the right.
it's called demagoguery. just create this giant enemy called the """"""""""SJW"""""""""s and use them to recruit people.
but go on, call me a nigger tranny resetera basedboy. and more importantly, BELIEVE it too. this is how brainwashed you retards are already.
you go on to fight in your pathetic "culture war". but do it outside of 4channel
Fund him money to make more videos that will show him!
>greater good
Maybe they think that fucking over everyone working on the projects by getting it cancelled they'll make an example of them. Showing everyone that you can only make a game if it's absolutely politically correct!
No I wouldn't you dumb nigger. Believe it or not there was a time when you could play a video game and not have someone push their opinion on modern day political issues on you. I'm sure you don't even remember it since all of you faggots are just cunts who play video games ironically because it became a trendy thing to do, just like capeshit in movies.
Not him, but I literally LITERALLY just provided an example of a major business that is VERY IMPORTANT TO LIVING A DECENT LIFE IN MODERN SOCIETY refusing to provide a service to alt-righters. I'm telling you this over and over, and you're just not fucking listening. Are you def? Are you stupid?
Mostly its on black metal demographic or goths.
... that's actually very true. Holy shit.
I guess YT is kinda worse, b/c Google automates everything, so rarely anything gets done.
Can't happen soon enough, friend!
It really needs to accelerate, actually.
Yes yes, I am sure you would applaud it. But could you tell me this through the words of someone that makes his money selling ads through youtube (ultimately for the gain of google) and jingling funny pictures in front of your face about star wars?
Oh harsh language big guy. Did I trigger you by pointing out your obvious and barefaced hypocrisy?
ss2sonic, started as a decent artist, but nowadays every character he draws needs to have an ass twice the size of their torso.
Also he draws porn of real weird shit like Plankton from Spongebob.