ITT: Vidya villains who got away with it
ITT: Vidya villains who got away with it
Literally everyone had the life they wanted and he took it away from them, and for what reason?
He just really, really hates cripples. And judges.
Go Fuck Yourself ,Troy Starr.
Jack Did Nothing Wrong
He did nothing wrong in the first game. In the second he goes full retard.
Goddamn this game looks incredible. I don't know what it is, but it just stands out so much compared to other graphics-obsessed AAA games, even though there's nothing specific I can point out that makes it that way.
>goddamn this game looks incredible
do dmcfaggatros unironically think this?
nice ending
He saved everyone, how is he a bad guy?
except she was never a bad guy. It was that corporation (Atlas?) in the first game and Jack in the second game.
I think he's implying that Jack was the good guy
After all, Jack is just trying to prevent space pirates from obtaining access to alien technology
Fuck you???
>TFW you realize the world map was from the perspective of Mr. Dark watching Rayman's progress
Beyond kino
Saved everyone? Everyone was living an amazing life and he took it away because "Mah illusion"
Even in the end everyone was so sad and depressed to give up everything, not a single fucking person besides him was happy to go home.
>I think he's implying that Jack was the good guy
which is a stupid thing to say after his actions
considering his fate, I wouldn't say he got away with it.
He's a complete monster in BL2 sure, but him being that way is 100% the fault of Moxxi and Lilith's actions in the Presequel
He was just kind of a dick with a hero complex until everyone shit all over him for no reason
>kills one of your childhood friends and business partners in cold blood
>murders multiple employees for comic relief
>made a Faustian contract to trade other people's souls/youth to prolong his own
>betrays you the first chance that he gets
>never faces any form of comeuppance
Wendy was the villain though
Mynt was just a victim of circumstance
much like I am a victim of the real villain: society
Reaver is too slick to be punished.
You can't blame the retarded for being retarded
>there was a time where I was a full AC autist
>read the books and find them more entertaining than the games, they add some depth to everything
>think of Conor and his dad as assholes
>read the books, now feel bad for both of them
It's a shame that they need to damage control the plot via the novels. I remembered reading the Brotherhood novel and it has a better plot than the game too.
All of them are way better than they deserve to be.