Why don't people care about Borderlands 3 anymore?
People were so hyped with the first trailer but now jack all. Why?
Why don't people care about Borderlands 3 anymore?
Epic store exclusive
I replayed BL1 and BL2 and I realized the games are boring as fuck. Killed my interest in BL3 completely. That, plus Randy's a fag.
But normies don't give a shit, you are just a part of a vocal minority. Quit claiming otherwise idiot.
Fuck gearbox and fuck epic
There isn't much to discuss. Its another borderlands game with some actual improvements. Its gonna be neat but thats kinda it.
Yea Forums is full of steamcucks and Nincels so hype died down. Normies don't really give a shit.
Borderlands was never really good, it was only popular it was because PS3/360 were overcrowded with shitty shooters.
That being said Borderlands was probably one of the better shoots, it was still trash though.
Shitty mindless shooters aren't quite as attractive to people as they were before, mainly because current gen started in such a stale manner and slowly got better. Next gen may bring trash as a trend again. I sure hope it doesn't.
With time comes self awareness and with self awareness less people like shooters that don't actually do anything.
Damn straight fellow Corporate bootlicker!
I liked the worldbuilding in BL1 but BL2 was so bad it ruined it for me.
Specifically, I stopped with BL2, and I'm not being funny.
I just don't like it. BL2 tried way to hard in some respects.
BL1 is definitely fun (as a first time). I found the calmer tone and approach of Pre sequel to be more appealing.
Borderlands is for retards with a minute long attention span; so, a Borderlands trailer (or game) will be forgotten after a minute.
I'm still hyped, I dont give a damn about EGS, nor randy drama
Normies will play on consoles.
Borderlands was always shit.
Fuck off. Plenty people are hyped. We're getting Moze gameplay at E3 along with rumors of a brand new DLC for BL2. There's a bunch to look forward to. It's just that we're waiting for new content to discuss.
Unless you want to talk about Amara's abs while we wait for Moze gameplay?
Who the fuck would be "hyped" for this shit? It looks like a reskin of the first game. If I wanted to play a fuck looter shooter of all things, i'd probably just play destiny since it has better gameplay and doesn't have the shitty humor that Borderlands has. .
why would anyone be excited for a pedophile's game? it looks like a game from 2013 too.
i'll buy it 2 years after it releases for a fraction of the price with all dlc
this is how i've always played borderlands
>people are hyped
lol why? Ignoring what a massive untrustworthy shithead crazy randy is, the game doesn't look worthy of being a numbered sequel. It looks the same ffs.
Epic sellout and Pitchford more or less confirming for the world he's a huge prick might have something to do with it.
Also they hard confirmed a month ago they might not even do extra characters this time around for the game.
>It looks the same
This has to be the shittiest complaint I've ever heard. Not to mention that it's objectively wrong.
This is the next Kingdom Hearts 3 in the making.
Hotly anticipated for nearly a decade and then they botch it all by making it a half completed rushed mess even with all that time.
>Hotly anticipated
Going to have to stop you there, the only people who care about this game are reddit tourists who played the taletell game.
For people who don't care about a game, you guys sure seem like ya care.
OwOwatch started the trend of "you don't need to play a game to enjoy the porn" and in the end this also applied to EVERY SINGLE OTHER GAME
now the appeal that a female character could have possibly helped sell the game is inherently worthless
tits in videogames don't sell anymore. Videogames sell videogames.
Pitchford couldn't stop saying dumb shits
And we've seen enough of the game, all we have to do is wait
I'm excited, but it's kindof a "know your audience" thing. If I'm going to talk about it I will with my friends in Discord, not here. This place is full of people that don't understand that Steams competition with Epic is ultimately a good thing and will make both platforms much better over time, therefore anything Epic related is "bad," or something more colorful.
There are people here that just didn't like 1 or 2 which is fine, but the ones that did and aren't buying it because of Epic are basically dickless Valve fanboys. They can spew shit about how the Epic Games Store is unsafe or whatever all day but it's been proven time and time again that literally no platform is 100% safe, it's just an out.
I like both 1 & 2 and considered the Steam/Epic fiasco is irrelevant to my interest of the game, because I'm planning pirate it anyway on day one
Destiny has better gunplay but that's literally it. Everything bl does better
t. Tim Sweeney.
Maybe you need eyes, because everything he said is true.
Did you just forget all the constant musclefag threads we had here?
I'd rather have no humor than shit humor.
>gameplay isn't the most important aspect of a game
Lmao, fucking idiots ITT.
>better gameplay then BL
Borderlands Unironically has at least 10x the weapon and class variety and even enemy variety then Destiny
I want to play this game, but I'm not hyped at all, I can wait for the steam release.
I feel the same
As much as i'd want to play it, I'm willing to wait just to BTFO tim sweeney and the rest of his chinky gooks. fuck china and fuck epic store
It DOES look the same, the only improvement in my opinion is the gun design and no mixing manufacturer parts.
>more weapon reskins means better gameplay
I was right, you are retarded.