Played DeS and DS1 as a knight character (fat roll, long sword, winged spear, amour), was no problem and felt an intended way to play. Is this viable in DS3 or are the enemies more like BloodBorne where fat rolls are not allowed?
Played DeS and DS1 as a knight character (fat roll, long sword, winged spear, amour)...
Yeah. Stack defense, forget poise, be nimble and agile. Heavy weapons are still effective thanks to staggering big enemies more easily, but for PvP you want speed and range.
the real souls experience doesn't begin until you become a nudist and use big weapons
sooner or later everyone must admit to themselves the satisfaction of being a dude in a loincloth with a giant club wrecking gods
It's kinda hard to fatroll in this game unless you just really pile on the armor and don't raise your vit.
Also with how poise works and armor being much less affective than Dark 1 it's not gonna work the same way.
It's viable sure but pretty much all builds are. But don't expect to tank and poke like you could in 1.
You can even beat the bosses just jogging, no running or dodging
It also depends on how good are you, but everything in the game is more or less viable, do not worry about fatroll
I'm just talking PvE, I don't want to be fast and nimble - I wasn't in the other games - I want to play as a knight in heavy armour. But this game feels different, I think it really doesn't want me fat rolling but rolling fast in heavy armour seems silly
You're not going to fatroll in DS3, even the default Knight starts in full plate armor, a full physical shield and a longsword and he doesn't fat roll.
Smough’s armor, moaning shield, black knight great sword. irithyll sword is pretty good too. That’s if you wanna play on easy mode though.
>I think it really doesn't want me fat rolling but rolling fast in heavy armour seems silly
No, the game wants you to be rolling fast no matter your loadout. Yeah, it's a bit silly.
Yeah this was what bothered me, in DeS and DS1 when I played the knight and had that set I fat rolled, which made sense. In this one I started off and could roll like the armour was paper, so I equipped more stuff till it felt right.
I was just wary that it was almost like the game was telling me not to play this way and so far some of the enemies and bosses seem more 'flaily-dodgy-rolly-Bloodborne' than Souls
Bud, you must be some autistic shit, because DaS has always been about rolling around like a madman. 3 just wmphasizes it, and trust me when I say, you do NOT want to fatroll in this game. Most bosses need frame-perfect rolls and fast recoveries to beat.
No, this is roll souls, and unlike other souls games where enemies behaved like following your own character's rules, bosses in this one have infinite stamina combos, so if you ever go with a shield up, you're gonna get your stability broken every 20 seconds.
>DaS has always been about rolling around like a madman
DaS1 poise calls your bullshit into question, there's literally no need to roll at all save for maybe BoC and a few situational areas.
das3 is bloodborne leftovers so the general playstyle will always be quick. mid rolling and fat rolling aren't too different from fast rolling but there IS a noticeable difference when you compare them. das3 also is the only souls game that does armor defenses right though so kudos to it for that.
Knight was my first character in dark souls. I wonder how many others did the same
Bitch most people did
>DaS has always been about rolling around like a madman
Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls felt fine playing it fat rolling and shield. It felt like a game designed with the (not the sole) intention of literally playing a knight. With heavy armour (Knight's set), shield and fat roll. DS3 from the get go with fat roll Knight's set seems to disincentives that play style and I just want to know whether that's the case throughout.
Can someone on PC around SL54 drop a Vordt soul for me?
The starting knight set is one of the best in the game and you can fastroll in it with barely any stat investment. The game is balanced around you rolling 12 times in a row. Blocking is only really worthwhile on a 50 Str greatshield build.
Roll is significantly stronger in three than in any other dark souls game. You'll want to keep your equip load below the fatroll point.
Armor stats are completely irrelevant. Just fast roll and get a long sword type weapon. Best build in the game.
What I'm getting from most of you guys is a resounding: No. It seems like fat rolling is more of a punishment for greedy equip loads than a downside to a viable playstyle, it's a shame, I don't like great shields or rolling around in Dark Souls, I like playing as a knight and feeling the weight of that.
You can use heavy armour and heavy weapons to some degree, but you won't feel as heavy as in the previous games.
>armor stats are completely irrelevant. Just fast roll
But fast roll is just as irrelevant compared to mid roll in DaS3. Just don't go over 70% equip load.
If you are going for heavy armour i would suggest some form of greatsword, if you wanna be extra spicy use iron flesh as well
this, armor blows balls in DaS3
I built a character specially around heavy armor and got to the point where I could fast roll in Smough's armor
I could barely tell the difference between fully armored and naked when taking damage
armor is nothing but fashion in 3