The only acceptable map.
The only acceptable map
>that glitch that allowed you to get out of bounds
Nah senpai
Kino will always be number one
K A B O O M - A H
I liked the original lore a lot more than the expanded shit. Der Reise has a lot of WW2 conspiracy theory stuff like Die Glocke being a teleporter.
It's a shame they never brought back modding in later games. All those modded maps were great in their own way.
There are mod tools for Black Ops 3, the fuck are you talking about?
I didn't even know there was a third. I stopped following the franchose after the first black ops.
I agree, it felt much more grounded and straightforward. Now there's alternate dimensions and aliens and shit.
You can get the origins edition for less than $10 at this point, and it comes with 6 zombie maps. Plus Blops 3 has a pretty impressive mod community.
i like verruckt for some reason.
did not like shuma numa
der reise was okay
blops maps had annoying shit like monkeys or these crawling thigs or that cosmonaut
skipped other games
Real best map coming through. Fuck those monkeys though.
When you fucking die
This, other maps can't compete
The Japan maps were dogshit, literally the worst maps in the series. Verrukt wasn't even a bad design, people were just butthurt about the zombies being retardedly fast. Der Eisendrache and Shadows of Evil are my favorites, though
>GOD Tier
Der Riese, Kino der Toten
>Good Tier
Nacht der Untoten, Call of the Dead, Shi no Numa, Moon
>Alright Tier
Verruckt, Five, Shangri La
Tranzit, Whatever crap they released for BO3, BO4 and BO2's DLC.
Remember to buy the Kar98k on the wall, not the M1A1. You get more points.
To this very day, the Wunderwaffe is still the best wunder weapon.
Shadows of Evil and Der Eisendrache were great, you stupid faggot.
Oh man, the music for Nazi Zombies, I know it's edgy Avenged Sevenfold teen tunes but I love it.
What's with the zombies communities obsession with Easter Egg/Quests and Treyarch circle jerking even when WW2 and IW zombies are way better than the clusterfuck that was BO2 and BO4 zombies?
Verruckt, Call of the Dead, Origins, Der Eisendrache, and Blood of the Dead are based.
When verrukt came out, there was a lot of fan theory videos on youtube that became very popular. Since then COD youtubers live off that shit.
>IW zombies
Spaceland was fantastic. The other ones are terrible. Kevin Smith in zombies lmao
objectively correct and anyone saying otherwise is underage.
Black Ops 2 DLCs were the only ones in the series with no gimmicky game breaking bullshit in every map.
Don't @ me.
Spaceland is objectively in the top 3 Zombies maps on any COD ever. The other maps were also pretty damn great and on par or even better than Treyarch's maps.
This is a great list.
Zombies started sucking after it turned into an Easter egg hunt.
>Very fun tier
Verruckt, Der Riese, Kino der Toten, Ascension
>Fun tier
Nacht der Untoten, Five (Barely), Call of the Dead
>Not fun tier
The rest
>The titanic is a zombies map in BO4
Who greenlit this shit, thank christ we’re going back to simplicity with Modern Warfare. Hopefully zombies mode follows.
Oh fuck i forgot about Ascension, i guess i'll put it in "Alright".
Sadly, it seems MW won't have a Zombies mode.
My man
Holy shit eisendrache was so fun. It was cramped, but they gave you a variety of tools to deal with it
Verruckt was amazing, I wish they had more maps like that where people are initially split up.
I thought Kino was the best of the non-gimmicky maps that I've played and Ascension was fun because of the variety of areas. The new Perk-a-Colas were cool too.
patrician taste