This is a little embarassing isnt it?
This is a little embarassing isnt it?
The performance was utterly laughable. Nintendo cuts corners on their shitty hardware for maximum profit.
>This is a little embarassing isnt it?
just like u to ur mom lmao
Works on my machine, cope.
For those of you who don't know, this is a super old ass image, from like literally after the Switch's launch.
Wasn't this patched?
I honestly miss loading cells. I really don’t give a shit if the world can render itself at once. It’s not worth the performance hit
>Nintendo had to use higher GPU clocks in portable mode to handle the game
Fucking sad and disappointing for hackbros. If they release a Switch Pro, they'd better use Tegra X2
>10min battery life
>Posts the 1.00 version
>Doesnt show the newest version
So Nintendo winning the last 5 months in sales is enough for people to resort into posting some debunked picture from 2017
>portable play
Like week 1 post launch
The update patch was literally 50 MBs
No it only got worse with every patch.
Wii U version performs better and has higher resolution (Wii U: 1080p, Switch: 720p).
Literally lying and disinformation
Why do you feel the need to lie to me?
It has been over 2 (TWO) years since BoTW's release
To be specific, it has been
>27 months
>117 weeks
>822 days
>19,728 hours
>1,184,000 minutes
>71,020,000 seconds
>71,020,000,000 milliseconds
>71,020,000,000,000 microseconds
>71,020,000,000,000,000 nanoseconds
since the game came out, and Snoybois are still just as SEETHING and OBSESSED with this game as they were not just at release but the entire lead up to its release.
This single game has utterly BROKEN the Snoyboi, mind, body and soul. They will NEVER recover and will forever be in an eternal state of COPE over one game.
You're the ones spreading misinformation.
Are you perhaps nintendo marketers trying to get people to buy their latest scam called the switch?
>Playing docked on the Switch
>Go to Korok forest
>Game drops to 15-20 fps every single time
Will nintendo ever drop their stupid stance on peripherals and just make good vidya again?
Because telling the truth would make Sony look bad.
They literally are you blind faggot.
rent free.
of course they won't, gotta churn out more fire emblem for the boot lickers
Got fixed.
Good, continue to reach for truth.
Dishonest snake.
Yeah they can't help it : there's a D A I L Y thread about BOTW. Meanwhile truly bad games like Superman 64, ET & knack only come up when 1) discussing notoriously bad games 2) ironic posting.
>confirms it
LOL, snoyfags really are dumb
>720p 20 fps
Nothing was fixed, the game still tanks to this day to the low 20’s everytime there’s too much grass and trees on the screen.
Why the fuck you lying?
>snoyfags can't even see tits
LOL, every one of them is either a virgin, a kid or a tranny.
>low 20's
I wish the game ran that well. Feels like it's somewhere between 5 to 15 fps.
I'm not lying. I'm trying to warn people about how shit the Shitch is.
CEMU chad here. Don't mind me.
Runs at 60 on my rig.
Is this (you)?
>I'm not lying.
Keep coping. Shitch = TORtanic 2.0. Buy a PS4 for actual games
>fully upgraded health
lol no
the game was literally updated 1 week after release with a 50gb patch, what do you get out of lying on the internet?
Whats your rig and where can i find more about cemu.
>new gen is slower than last gen
so next zelda will look even worse?
>Snoyfags believe this
LOL, snoy can't even get an E3 presentation up and running.
What games?
>buy a ps4 for actual games
>all the "games" just play themselves
woooooooooow I was blocking
2 of these will come to PC.
Switch version runs way better than Wii U, and it's 900p instead of 720p.
Hyrule Castle, villages and many grassy areas are slideshows in Wii U, they stay 30 FPS in the Switch version. Only place that's a slideshow on Switch is near the Master Sword and Deku Tree, still much worse on Wii U.
I have over 100 hours in both versions and I'm not going to bother arguing against a bunch of retarded people who are parroting from disinfo they read on Yea Forums and probably never even played either version when I've actually played both.
isn't that screen in handheld mode?
the gamecube was a modified iMac g3
the wii was a overclocked gamecube
the wii u was a multi-core wii
the switch is as powerful as wii u, which uses hardware from the fucking 90s
Cemu version is best
why not make the switch a little thibiochemistry bro here. Allicin, the beneficial ingredient forms from interacting with the trace methane found in atmospheric gas. Usually in normal garlic mincing, perhaps 2% of the total potential allicin is formed; theres simply not enough methane to catalyze the reaction. If you want to unlock the garlics full potential, place it in a methane high environment. Unless you live on an animal farm, the best way to do this is to place peeled cloves into your rectum, and keep them there for about an hour. Make sure to get the cloves into the colon, and not stuck in the anal sphincter. I assclove 3 times a week and keep them in during bicycle cardio; the therapeutic benefits have turned my life around.?
i mean it's not useful to have it so small, and it would be a greater console if it had double the battery life...
You forgot the jungle area with mangoes and the electric dragon, that’s also a slideshow on the Switch.
show me a single game that does everything zelda BOTW lets you do and i will agree with your post
i said everything
It's a modified shield, no older than 5 years.
Fake news. I've played the game on all three platforms (pic related). Most performance issues were patched after launched, although the wii u version still struggles in some regions most towns cause performance drops, and some thunderstorms can cause drops as well - since the game uses a triple-buffered setup this is very noticeable as it's essentially any drop will force it down to 20fps briefly, switch however has no major performance issues, with only korok forest causing drops occasionally afaik. In Cemu/PC, it's possible to run at 60 with a special speedhack patch, although your mileage may vary on how stable that is and personally I prefer to stick to 30 with 60 in shrines/dungeons.
This is absolute bullshit of the highest degree. It's 720p on wii u and 900p on switch, and wii u has far more performance issues than switch. The only advantage I'm aware of that the wii u version has over the switch version is faster loading times, but given the recent VR patch improved loading times for switch I'm not sure which version loads quicker now.
Also it's hilarious to me that this game still causes so much butthurt and shitposting over 2 years later. Will it ever end?
I see threads every single day.
I understand this is old, but the frame rate still sucks on console. It’s amazing playing on cemu and getting steady 60fps even in villages. Not to mention it just looks a lot cleaner. Their games really are held back by the weak tech. I own a Switch, but also got the game on cemu our of curiosity and am just amazed at how much better it makes it.
ironic coming from someone that has to fabricate the truth in order to cope
Why are you lying? We all know Wii U is 8k and Switch dynamic 240p
You're the one refusing to accept the truth.
It's time to let go. You're nearing 30 and you're still championing a soulless company on a chinese basket weaving forum.
The Wii U is the most powerful piece of hardware ever made, 16k@240fps easily.
PS5 already got cucked before it even came out.
guess my wii u is broken then as it's 720p whenever I played it, but according to you it's 1080p
It's the nintendo brainwashing doing that to you.
guess my screen capture on my wii u is also broken as I just took this and it's 720p as well wtf???
Zelda was the complete opposite of TORtanic
It literally made other games even newer games seem like outdated pieces of shit in no time
Literally took less than 5 minutes to download the update
Can't believe this can run on WiiU, let alone a fucking tablet, same as Odyssey, what kind of black magic is nintendo using.
>Zelda was the complete opposite of TORtanic
Which is why it completely broke sonygaf, they will never recover.
Now you've stooped down to lying again.
Shame on you.
Maybe go to rehab?
I legitimately believe that all games should be 60 FPS at a baseline, even if it means sacrificing "ambition".
ye, textures are shit and you can tell it's pushing the hardware real hard but it's still impressive. Realtime dynamic lighting and reflections on a fucking wii u is insane.
I would’ve killed to see the original coping off OOT being called an absolute master piece and the textbook of game design
>Zero fps on ps4
LOOOOOL, snoyfags lose again!
>some guy really loves the wii u
did your mom not let you get a switch or something you pathetic fuck
There's the argument to be made that a lot of the things that BotW lets you do are pretty terrible like being able to climb everything.
It's also a kind of systemic sandbox that put most of its effort into its systems so you're probably not going to find something with the same feature set since any other game is likely to put more effort into other areas or simply will have different systems.
Maybe something like Arx Fatalis though I don't know enough about Arx to really make a strong claim about that.
The CEMU FPS unlock made all the floating Ganon bosses zip away at high speeds. I don't think it has many problems beyond that.
I had some physics glitches with the FPS patch as well, but tbqh the main reason I don't use 60fps is because it's too taxing on my CPU. You need beefy performance to handle it without any drops.
Basically don't fuck with framerate as it's gonna break shit.
Hello, 72 percent fag.
Did that hit too close to home?
>72% are gays
I have 4 friends with PS4s, I knew most of them were closet gays.
yes now bake my gay cake
>make mediocre goods compared to your competition, still make money hand over fist
Why would they deviate from the Game Freak model when it obviously works.
Well it didn't seem to break anything else and the Ganon fights are .5% of the game's content.
I don't know if it made anything else behave oddly though I'm more willing to attribute my inability to tame wild horses at max stamina to framerate than my own incompetence and inability to grasp whether I'm supposed to mash or hold the calm button.
Minimum viable products are industry standard now for big studios anyway.
Confirmed for being a fag that hates gameplay
>whether I'm supposed to mash or hold the calm button.
you're supposed to mash it
That's weird, the only place I had framerate issues was the korok forest, and even there they only lasted 5 secs or so.
No wonder snoyfags are so angry, Zelda isn't lgbt friendly enough
Just play the definitive edition with the last patch/update faggot
Gane runs fine on 4K and 120fps on my budget PC for FREE
because OP's pic is from a DF analysis of pre-launch version 1.0.0, almost all performance issues have been patched out since then aside from korok forest dropping frames.
Lol just emulate it at a higher frame rate and 4k textures
PC is the only way to experience this game. Even then it's still shit.
>critic score
it works the same on all machines because they're consoles you stupid fucking idiot, god, fucking kill yourself for being so god damn retarded
But BotW is on PC.
Critics are retarded but so is DSP, you can't be objectively correct about the evaluation of a game's quality unless it's so far gone that you can't call it anything but unplayable.
You get a subjective measurement from critics you find reliable and that is why Metacritic is useless, the fact that anyone places value on it is an anomaly.