Where did the hype go Yea Forums? I thought people were really excited for this one...
Where did the hype go Yea Forums? I thought people were really excited for this one
It doesn't count because it's a spinoff, I'm waiting for the real Zelda to come
No one is hyped for this quick buck making garbage art style shit, why even post this thread
It's a remake and not a new game so ofcourse hype won't be that high, and we haven't heard anything about it since the reveal so why would people talk about it now?
Looks like plastic poop
I am still hyped for it, I loved that game. I don't care about what other people on Yea Forums think.
i'm looking forward to it, never played the original.
Even if you aren't shitposting, a constant forced blur will fuck up your eyes.
Go play the original you twat
as much as I hate the word it comes off as a soulless knock off. Seriously it looks like those shitty "I MADE THIS GAME IN UNREAL ENGINE" videos. Why the fuck would I play it when I have the original?
I was excited until I realized the original was on the 3ds eShop. Then I bough it, beat it, and realized I didn't need a remake of it.
You're so retarded. The art style doesn't look anything like those dumb Unreal engine videos. Those videos are designed to make cartoon art styles super realistic, this art style is designed to make everything look like toys.
>Because excited for a video game where the main character is a man who wears a skirt
I hate trannies.
I would be excited for it if it was $30.
$60 for this piece of shit looking thing, when the original was only $40. I could forgive the price and the art style if the game just didn't look so fucking SLOW. Just look at the few bits of gameplay they have and it looks like you are controlling a fucking muppet with how slow it looks. LA was one of the faster Zelda games and not just because of the small size of rooms to fit the GB screen. The pace of fights was fast, with enemies zipping around. How they could fuck it up so badly, I have no idea. Link looks like he's walking through molasses.
It's a plastic reskin of a Gameboy game that's incredibly easy to emulate. Whatever QoL features they add won't be worth the price.
Wake me when they put out an actually new 2D Zelda.
soul less
One the best designed games ever made and one of my all time personal favourites.
Getting a gorgeous deluxe remake on Switch? Damn fucking straight I'm excited about it.
You know this game will get released to rave reviews and you'll still all be pissing and moaning about it, achieving nothing.
Same but I likely will before the remake is out so I can be familiar with it
No one is going to pay $40 for a soulless funko pop version of a game boy game when you can just emulate the supoerior version
>1 pic somehow refutes the other 2 examples
Nintendies really are fucking retarded.
never mind it's actually $60 holy fucking shit, imagine actually buying that shit
I can't get over how bad the grass looks.
>hey the original's grass was just a repeating sprite so that means we can just copypaste the same plastic model everywhere too :^)
>looks like its toy themed like crafted world
oh ok coo...
>its not supposed to be
oh no
crafted world is so fucking good, literally crafted some of the stuff myself, so much imaginative stuff
>It's ok when the old game does it
>Yea Forums: graphics don't matter and the only thing that matters is gameplay and content
It is. LA obviously had to deal with the Gameboy's limitations. The remake is the opposite, it's mindlessly replicating those limitations while turning everything into ugly plastic crap. I'm not saying they should have made it HIRE THIS MAN full 3D but at the very least they could have taken advantage of the far better hardware to make the assets/environments more cohesive.
Seems like the only ones who had to put in any work are the poor codemonkeys who had to painstakingly recreate the original from scratch down to the last tile, everyone else got to be lazy.
You'd have an argument if it wasn't a reskin of a 1993 Gameboy game.
I wouldn't have as much issue with the aesthetic if it was deliberately crafted for a brand new game, rather than slapped onto an old one.
quite possibly the ugliest remake ever
>One the best designed games ever
Fuck off, its not even the best gameboy zelda
Only literal retards and people baiting care about the graphics (that don't even look bad).
Graphics don't matter, the graphics in this game are decent enough for the hardware. The problem is the art style, not the graphics. It actually looks like a shitty asset flip zelda clone you'd find on steam.
>capable of things like BotW
this image is retarded
They're talking about the hardware, brainlet.
>I thought people were really excited for this one...
what's to talk about
it's a day 1 buy for me
gamefreak themselves are too incompetent to develop anything good, and that has little to do with the switch or nintendo as a whole
>being "excited" for a handheld game from 25 years ago
I'm looking forward to it, but it's a remake, and there's only been one trailer. There's nothing to talk about.
Looks like a Unity fan project made by some Soi consuming failed liberal arts students who spent the money he made at his starbucks job on the asset store.
it kind of pales in comparison to other remakes like Crash trilogy, FF7 and RE2, especially with the $60 price tag. Knowing Nintendo's other remakes it'll likely remove or alter certain imagery like pic related and homogenize certain designs, which can be seen already with the Hylian shield instead of the Fighter's shield and the Octorok design being from ALTTP and not the original look
I understand it's on a new line so it might be hard for you to comprehend, try reading it like this:
>SWITCH (capable of things like Botw)
Not arguing your point about gamefreak.
>every game has to be on the scale of BOTW
You are dumb.
I hope it looks a lot better than that trash on release. It's not unsalvageable, I think it would look much better without the shiny look and a better Link model.
Omg it looks so fucking bad
>Every remake has to keep the exact proportions and layout as the originals despite those being chosen due to hardware limitations.
What's the point of remakes at all then if it's not expanding on the original concept without those same hardware limitations?
It doesn't matter about the hardware being capable of something good if the developers are too fucking smoothbrained to put effort into their games.
>that aggressive depth of field in the upper half
they better take that out
my point though is Gamefreak would never EVER do anything even close to the scope of botw, so it makes no sense to include them in that image as it's down to the developer to make the game itself.
"Funko Pops" and muh childhood
>snoytard can't read
not even surprised.
The original came out in 1993. That's 26 years ago. Assuming you'd need to be at minimum 5 years old to functionally play the game, anyone younger than 31 did not play it on release. And that's a decent chunk of the Yea Forums userbase
The fuck is there to be hype about?
There's nothing wrong with the original, if I wanted to play LA I'd just play that
Just because they're incapable of making a better game because they've been stuck rereleasing the same formula every year doesn't mean you can't criticize them for it.
eh, can't say I'm a big fan of it but I also don't really get the backlash and kind of feel that most people don't understand what they were going for here. Like, the DoF for example is obviously trying to recreate a tilt-shift effect, and it's meant to be clay figured not Funko Pops like people keep meme'ing about. Still wouldn't buy, especially not full $60 which I'm assuming they'll be charging for this shit.
somehow manages to be uglier than wwhd, which is really quite the feat
>Where did the hype go Yea Forums
The contrarian posters probably moved on to defending a newer controversy. All that's left are the people that hate the toyetic look of the game.
I never said you can't criticize them for that? In fact, I've been saying very much the opposite - you SHOULD be shitting on gamefreak as they're an appalling developer, it's just that has no real relevance to the image you posted as you're comparing 2 completely different development studios.
Where did i say that? It's genuinely dumb to think every game will be BOTW-tier. Developers have their choices in gameplay, setting and art style, and if that means it isn't as expansive as BOTW, so be. If every game was that expansive, you faggots would complain that they're just rehashing the same old shit. Besides, if they changed the game too much, you'd get those faggots complaining that things are too different, like all those RE2 threads.
>Nintendo wanted to make the city stormy and dark and foreboding like in a movie that came out years after the game did but they totally couldn't because muh technology!
I also love how the retarded dipshit did use a screenshot from a movie to try to convince people that's what Nintendo wanted a bright cheerful port town to look like in a game. Like using a screenshot of Jurassic World to try to convince people it's what Nintendo wanted Super Mario World to look like but couldn't because the SNES couldn't handle it.
I can only see one other example and I'm not really sure what people would expect. If they redesigned the levels to be bigger and more detailed they'd basically be making a sequel, not a remake.
Not that I don't agree that these remakes aren't retarded when the originals still play well, but people grasping at straws to nitpick "bad adaptations" are wasting their time.
If you want a remake that attempts to modernize the game look at what squeenix is doing with FFVII. I'm sure it's going to be a garbage fire.
Immediately felt my heart sink in disappointment the very split second gameplay was shown. I can't get past it. This screen looked so beautiful. I didn't expect the game to actually look like this, but I expected Link to look similar to this instead of a fucking garden gnome.
No release date, no new info on any additional content and speculation has run dry.
I'm interested in knowing if we'll really be more customizable with equipment, showing Link jumping with both sword and shield equipped in the trailer.
>I hate that they changed things, but I want them changed MORE because I hate that they kept things the same!
Do you faggots even listen to yourselves? Did you throw this much of a shitfit over Ocarina of Time copy-pasting the same grass sprites everywhere?
>its not supposed to be
According to who? Name the person who announced to the world what graphical styles are not allowed for Zelda.
me, you dumbfuck
I wasn't aware Gamefreak wanted to make Vermilion City a hurricane-ravaged disaster area. why didn't they make it that in FireRed and LeafGreen if that's what they so desperately wanted?
>My favorite GameBoy game ever
>My favorite game series
>Almost immediately forgot about it an hour later
>Remember Mario Maker 2 much more
Says a lot.
Nintenyearo1ds were but Yea Forums wasn't. I'm personally sticking with DX.
Of course it does, poopsie, you're just throwing a shitfart because it's not sprites.
And are you the one making the game?
i am zelda
We all had the exact same reaction user.
$60 btw.
tits or GTFO
Played the original and I liked what they showed so far. I don't get why Yea Forums hates it so much, would buy it if I had a switch.
this but with the music, as soon as the flutes started I realized where things were going
Never seen this used more accurately
I want it but there is just so much you can talk about with just 1 trailer. besides I have already played the original so I can patiently wait for it to be released.
>Nintendo doesn't pay its shills enough to afford a Switch
what do you think it should look like, as a straight gb remake?
Yea Forums constantly tells us why it hates everything.
>you no hivemind with me, you is shill, unga bunga beep boop
>Yea Forums hates everything
epic reddit meme
>what do you think it should look like
Link Between Worlds had a better looking style. They're trying way too hard and failing with this toy look.
anyone else reminded of back when wind waker was revealed?
>it's a spinoff
LA it's a main game. I think the word you want to use is remake.
You don’t play older games? You’re missing out. I didn’t start playing SNES games until middle school and many were great. Gameboy color has a few worthwhile titles.
-22 user
The chibi style from the DX photographs albeit with more detail, preferably with the Oracle games remade and bundled in to justify it being $60
>Replaced the original shield with le ebin hylian shield
I will never not be mad. Why is Nintendo so afraid of letting their games be unique instead of copy/pasting every single fucking thing
This is even worse to me. I hated WW's look because I was 11 years old and just wanted to see game graphics get more realistic, like Zelda was doing with every iteration. Now I've grown to like cartoony styles. I like how WW looks and I liked how BOTW looked right from the start. For this to look like shit to me now means much more.
Truths aren't memes.
>For this to look like shit to me now means much more.
and in a few years you'll change your mind and think it looks great just like you did with WW.
Man I still got my GameBoy Printer. Remember printing some of these things out as well as some Pokemon and GameBoy Camera pics. What a piece of overpriced shit.
It's a singleplayer game (hopefully). Why do you care about other people's hype? Make a thread like this for online multiplayer games
Skyward Sword still looks like shit to me. If it doesn't look good to me now, it never will.
The original LA still plays fine and if they must remake it than they should have done something original and maybe rein-visioned a 3D zelda version of the game or something. This LA remake seems like something that should have been on the 3DS instead.
the visuals are the only good part of SS
Some aspects look good, I hated the watercolor look for things in the distance.
Step 1: buy a computer
Step 2: download an emulator
Step 3: download the rom for this game
Step 4: have sex
the dungeons and soundtrack are good
I do play some older games, but it's unrealistic to think that everyone, or even the majority of people will have played a game that released before they were old enough to game.
>GC had F-Zero GX, arguably stunning visuals. Also Twilight Princess.
>Wii U had XCX
It's not even the hardware. It's having shitty direction. You could load a top-down scene with badass textures and postprocessing, AA, etc, since you don't need to render anything but the scene.
Stop this shitty fucking meme. Wind Waker was a new game that got poorly received at first in 2001 because it was a bait and switch, since the first showing of Zelda for the GCN in 2000 suggested something along the lines of OoT and MM.
Link's Awakening is an already released game, making it a known quantity. The bait and switch for LAR happened within the same trailer in seconds rather than a year difference like with WW.
Now THIS would be acceptable. It's expressive and still evocative of the non-chibi official art. I doubt Oracles would happen since Nintendo doesn't seem keen to acknowledge the Capcom codeveloped games, so this should absolutely not be $60 by itself.
This. Although everyone just said it looked like a LttP remake and slated it, which is probably why they tried something else; so fuck everyone who hated on ALBW and praised shit looking games like Octopath (and I guess 3D Dot Game Heroes).
The kind of people who are looking forward to it would never come to Yea Forums.
3D Dot Game Heroes looked better to me because they were going all out with the toy look and didn't have any expectations.
This looks like a cheap ripoff of that, which was a ripoff of Zelda originally.
In a perfect world I wish we had just gotten a full on sequel to ALBW based on LA or the Oracle games
that's the point though, it's meant to look like a painting
fair enough
The original was cartoony but somewhat realistic.
This is like looking at a toy town or figurines. Dun geddit, doesn't feel real or have the same mood.
They probably just grabbed the model from ALBW because they were lazy
>WW was a bait and switch
>LAR is a bait and switch but that doesn't count because ???
>doesn't feel real
it's almost like the events in the game aren't real or something
You missed the point dumbass.
The art style is cute, dunno why the hate bros.
>a constant forced blur will fuck up your eyes.
Reminds me of the original AssCreed, they blurred everything outside of the enemy you focused on so after a while, I started seeing everything with a blur. Shit was fucked.
ITT: same people who reeeee'd over WW artstyle find a new hill to die on. Looking forward to you all loving this art style in 10 years
>if I take away the other things the guy said when I pretend quote him, he looks fucking dumb all of a sudden!!!
I probably won't ever play it because owning a Switch is abhorrent to me, but I think it looks great. Everything is cool except his dumb face, which I can get over if the game is good.
Windwaker is one of the worst 3D Zelda games tho and it’s art style isn’t one of the reasons it’s bad
>owning a Switch is abhorrent to me