>There will never be a better display technology in your lifetime
How does it make you feel?
There will never be a better display technology in your lifetime
Other urls found in this thread:
based boomer clinging to obsolete overpriced tech
That's not an LED panel
Why do CRTs upset zoomers so much?
>there still hasn't been a Kickstarter or something from some gaming company to make a new crt just for Vidya
zoomer here.
What's this?
I mean I have a PVM, so i don't really care.
MicroLED is shaping up to be pretty sweet.
Anything they don't understand or haven't experienced makes them upset.
Everyone who knows anything practicable about the design, engineering, and manufacturing about CRTs is dead or senile.
There is almost no facilities left on earth with the ability to manufacture consumer grade CRTs at a reasonable size for viewing. Even rarer are individuals with comprehensive enough knowledge of manufacturing each component of a CRT to the point of being able to create a facility for such purposes.
You ever wonder how ancient technologies like Greek Fire, (until recently) Damascus Steel, and countless others could wind up lost to the ages? Take a look at the modern equivalent.
Hold up, Damascus steel? as in the actual Damascus steel, and not just the fucking artsy shit people do? Can you give me a source on that, I would love to read that.
idk I got a ps2 from my brother for my birthday a few years ago and hooked it up to my 4k tv and it looks fine
Do you really think anyone is upset that you're desperately clinging to the past because you can't take the effort to understand new things?
Manufacturers want you to get bigger and bigger screens but their paid for tech sites don't tell anyone that if you want something larger than 50" you should just get a much more affordable and higher quality projector.
Reminder that LCD replaced CRT not because of better refresh rate, color depth, or image quality, but because it was infinitely cheaper to manufacture in china. CRT was being manufactured all over America, Japan, and Europe before that.
Whoops, appears I was mistaken on that one. I thought I read last year that they'd replicated it finally but all they did was uncover that somewhere in the process, plant fibers were likely used somehow to create the nanotubes.
Disappointing because I've always found lost technologies fascinating.
this is actually really fucked up now that I think about it
who knows what humanity's lost over the millennia now that even stuff like CRTs are lost technology nowadays so recently after they were created, christ
Lol this looks old and unclear. I'll stick with my 4k HDR tv and 1440p 144hz IPS monitor.
Very interesting, also too bad to hear that they haven't managed to replicate it yet.
Did they fix the backlight bleeding and blacks yet?
No idea
CRT TVs are fucking everywhere in Georgia
Yeah just let me know when they have a non prototype purchasable
Cute girls love CRT.
Why is your daughter an elf?
What's a good $500 projector? It's hard to sift through the brands to know whats decent
You must be blind.
>playing with dolls
Homo. At least give them guns or something.
I keep one around just for VHS tapes.Holy hell do VHS tapes look like shit on an HDTV.
So where did you get your CRT?
>people watch X-Files, the Wire, Star Trek TNG, or any old anime on anything other than a CRT
>complain that it looks like shit
Even from a decent brand, most projectors are designed for passive movie watching.
You need to dig deeper and find specific models with acceptable input lag, which you can really only gather from independent testing and reviews.
some dude sold me a pvm for 80 bucks
it's glorious
>two garage sales in town recently
>missed both because I had work
They probably didn't have any CRTs anyway, r-right?
pvm's are a meme and don't represent the common appearance of vidya in the 90s
This. Most people weren't even using a composite signal for the first half of the decade, let alone on a decent quality tv.
No one cares, get your RF shit outta here
1. The best ones are taken
2. The best ones are now sold for $100
3. I want a small one
4. It costs $100
Did I mention good CRTs cost alot compared to the monitors that I have?
yeah, that's bullshit.
PVMs are based and redpilled. However they've become a massive meme over the past few years, and they're simply not worth the asking price. How much does a 20" go for these days? Last I checked for a decent one they're over 500 dollarydoos, and that was a year ago, probably worse now. When I bought mine years back, I got it for 60 including shipping.
Anyone going down the rabbit hole of old consoles and CRTs should honestly just pick up a decent sony trinitron with component inputs and then buy one of those RGB-component transcoders. Yes, the PVMs and BVMs looks crisper, but it still looks really fucking good, you can get trinitrons for free, and you can get ones in decent sizes rather than dinky 13-14" bitchbois that are only good for putting on a desk.
>being a murrika
Yurops had standard RGB everywhere.
This. These pics of more modern/autist setups are far clearer than the RCA input blurry mess I'm familiar with - and that's not just regarding my childhood TV that seemed big because I was small, it also applies to the 36" CRT I have now that seems big because I am still small
I wish CRT weren't so fucking heavy that it probably contributed to my hernia
>1: I'm poor
>2: I'm Poor
>3: I'm poor
>4: I make excuses because I'm poor
Get a job son.
Good thing none of them besides the SNES actually output that signal.
>found perfect pvm for $100 on craigslist
>guy never emails me back and removes the listing a week later
My American SEGA genesis outputs rgb with no mods. What are you on about?
When did anyone ever claim they did? No shit a professional monitor through RGB doesn't look the same as when you played the games as a kid on through RF tuned to channel 3.
It looks better.
>have job
>already have monitors
>need to get the retro consoles to play on crt
>crt pvm still costs too much
$15 for 20 year old technology or GTFO
>pvm's are a meme and don't represent the common appearance of vidya in the 90s
No, but they represent the appearance of vidya as it was shilled to you on TV and magazines, especially if you were a Sega fan.
PVMs from the XBR Pro line in particular like the 2030s in the above commercial had a long and storied life for marketing and trade shows. They also had prosumer models built around their chassis for the Japanese market.
So it’s not as much of meme as you make it out to be, or at least not if you seek out the period-appropriate models and not some random endoscopy PVM.
I had this big ass CRT for the longest time, thing weighed nearly 300 fucking pounds
keep looking
like the other guy said they're getting pricey
my $100 20 in was something I bought in 2015 so there are definitely a few out there still who undervalue what they have
I just use a CRT PC monitor and emulate on it.
>love retroarch
>the CRT filters are a big hassle
I was wondering if I can hook up my PC to a little 10 inch crt and play retroarch on it?
Is that possible?
kids in the 90s didn't go to trade shows
they went to a friend's house and sat in front of their parent's giant wood-encased clunker
the only time you saw a "good" screen was on an arcade cabinet and even then it wasn't something you considered achievable at home
incorrect. I have a SNES, Genesis, PS1, and Saturn that all output native RGB. I also have a N64 that does RGB, although that requires a very basic DIY mod to enable.
The problem is there's a limited number of them that continues going down and down. And this is compounded by the fact that PVMemes are en vogue and you get scalper kikes who buy them up en masse, hording them in their homes and refusing to sell for anything less than astronomical prices.
A few years back it would be the case that you can get a deal online by checking alternate sites to ebay, or finding listings that don't use tags like "pvm" or "retro" that all the scalpers and memelords see, or checking local studios/hospitals/liquidators. But by now everything is just drying up.
Like I said before, PVMs really are good, but going RGB-to-component and then using a consumer CRT with component input is the next best thing and it has its own advantages, like being practically free and being able to get decent sized screens for a couch setup. I firmly believe PVMemes are no longer worth it with the current state of things.
CRT has more style and SOUL than a 4 12K displays could ever had
so fucking lucky we got to experience it in it's prime bros
>the only time you saw a "good" screen was on an arcade cabinet and even then it wasn't something you considered achievable at home
Eh, I don’t see it being much different than getting into LDs nowadays. It might not have been attainable for the common consumer back in the day, but it’s attainable now and period appropriate if you wanted to indulge yourself.
Yes but it's much simpler to just get a CRT VGA monitor instead of hooking it up to an SD set
aren't those worse than PVMs
You'll have to find an old graphics card with analogue output, figure out your DVI->RCA cables, and use custom drivers to force it to output in SD.
There are cards with native S-Video output but they're ancient.
I have a 36 inch Sony Trinitron that weighs around 220, even with two people and a dolly it's a brutal struggle to move, especially up stairs.
But it's worth it for muh retro games.
>Have desk
>Have thin screen on it
>Can move hands and keep useful shit around, or just arm space
inferior tecknologee hurbrbrbrrrrrfff
>brutal struggle to move the weight of an adult man with a beer belly even with two people and a dolly
Sounds like it's time for you to walk the path of iron, friend
Born too early to explore space
Born too late to explore the Earth
Born just in time to play video games on glorious CRTs
An adult man isn't as awkward to carry as a fuckhuge CRT with a steel frame and no place to grip
Sounds like quitter talk to me lad
Everything is, but a VGA monitor is fine for PC usage obviously.
>aren't those worse than PVMs
The vast majority of VGA CRTs have not been memed as badly as PVMs and have more utility outside of gayman. You can still hook up a VGA CRT to your PC relatively easily, you can’t do that with a PVM.
You're tied to using a PC however, which means if you want to play good games you need to settle with inferior emulation.
Been using a 72” 8K TV for months
Nothing compare to that pleb
It is literally just nostalgia. This reeks of "soul" arguments, and even then people have actually backed some "soul" arguments up. Why else would the CRT community reject any filters that try to copy their outdated technology? CRT's are pure nostalgia, and any game that looks good with a CRT should hold up fine with a digital output. I play lots of older games on digital now and I think they look better than they did before. Especially 3D games. My PC playing Simpsons Hit and Run looks a billion times better than the combination of what my old shitty CRT and my PS2 could do. Yet CRT fags still scramble to find excuses to justify their nostalgia. The only actual benefit of a CRT is less input lag on older games, but unless you're a fighting/rhythm game enthusiast (and you haven't modded your console to output digital) then this literally should not matter to you.
PVMs are way too expensive for pretty much anyone. You are better off getting a 4K display and an upscaler these days. If you really want a CRT go to a thrift store and find a consumer Trinitron TV for $10.
Hell yeah. I found a listing on craigslist describing a pvm. I called the guy up and it turned out to be a prop rental house. I ended up getting 2 pvms and an trinitron pc monitor for $100. He still has stacks of smaller monitors.
Even a 20" crt from the 90s will be a better choice than a $250 OSSC and a $600 4K LCD TV. It'll look better too.
Production facilities are lacking now obviously, but sounds weird that reconstructing the capabilities would be so difficult considering that their working principle is extremely well known and the components aren't exactly exotic.
Thanks for reminding me I need to download this on Switch
>Everything is
VGA monitors have much finer dot pitches than PVMs. The only legitimate complaint against them is lack of support for SD resolutions, but you don’t need a PVM to handle that.
You can also get a scaler, you know. Even if you went full retard with an OSSC and something like a Mitsubishi 2070sb, you’d still spend less at the end than buying something like a 20L5 that would handle SD and progressive scan resolutions natively.
Mind you, 20L5s and similar top of the line broadcast monitors are still awesome, but they’re not the end-all-be-all for CRTs.
> lack of support for SD resolution
yeah not being able to natively support the primary resolution for every classic system is a big failure point
>but they’re not the end-all-be-all for CRTs.
no that's presentation class and master monitors like the Sony BVM-D32, NEC xm37 plus, mitsubishi megaview or Diamond Pro 37.
>Why else would the CRT community reject any filters that try to copy their outdated technology?
Because the filters are absurd and don't work. To properly emulate a CRT you need 8k resolution and some very fancy simulations going on to properly simulate light bleed.
These are also the screens the games were designed on, and for. Know why AA didn't exist until LCD? It's because CRTs have built in image smoothing.
if you get a PC CRT monitor and use a line doubler you can get BVM-tier quality. for much cheaper.
Why do the CRT elitists always assume that every LCD panel is a shitty Dell $150 TN and every CRT is a $3000 PVM? It's always those cherrypicked backlight lottery pictures too.
>no that's presentation class and master monitors like the Sony BVM-D32, NEC xm37 plus, mitsubishi megaview or Diamond Pro 37.
I mean if you want to be anal, all of those are memed to hell and still have edge cases they don’t meet. The D32 for instance can’t handle RGBHV signals, for instance.
Otherwise that’s a fair cop, I myself have been keeping an eye out for an XM29 that doesn’t cost 4 figures since it’s the last CRT I haven’t found that brings something new to the table for me and isn’t overly inconvenient to manage.
Since there's obviously demand for these displays why don't companies make newer modern ones for the gamer nerds?
While I doubt earlier claims that CRTs are becoming truly 'lost technology' (with them being well-documented and understood, often taken as examples in courses on electromagnetic field theory etc), I even more doubt the hardcore retro vidya nerd market is big enough to motivate keeping facilities maintained to produce them.
They weren't alive back when CRT was standard and we had a surplus of shitty chinese mass-produced boxes with ghosting, burnt images, that fucking static noise that invaded the house whenever one was on
RGBHV isn't a very useful signal for video games. It's only useful for PC games which are not worth jumping through hoops for.
>that fucking static noise that invaded the house whenever one was on
Flywheel whine doesn't sound anything like static what are you even on about, LARPer?
Feels good to live in a time line with oleds and qleds and feels good not to live in the past like faggot OP
They don't. Zoomers love them because they're "epic old school retro displays with perfect blacks!!!". Boomers actually used them and so are aware of how shit they are, while zoomers buy into the hype before ever using one and drop $800 + another couple of hundred for shipping on a PVM off ebay. Of course they aren't going to want to admit it sucks after getting memed that hard.
If it's the same guy I tried, that dude blocked Gmail addresses and some redditor got it using his school email.
Because there is no need
You braindead loser who wants them are using the junk of the past anyway
The noise a crappy CRT makes when displaying all yellow is literally painful to hear
He said, fuming over yet another lost victory royale
Try mit sitting in a pitch dark room, basement dweller
Literal schizophrenia.
economies of scale. CRTs are a niche of a niche of a market. In order to produce new ones, we're talking about starting up entire new factories to start producing parts that haven't been produced in like 15 years. It's not worth it and will never be.
Everytime I see these threads I'm reminded of SED and how that never had a chance.
>Zoomers love them because they're "epic old school retro displays with perfect blacks!!!".
People only stopped using CRTs around the mid/late-2000's, didn't they? The oldest zoomers should have at least some memories of using them to play PS2/GameCube games
>like 15 years
3 years
Besides the black and situationally build quality it’s pretty much all downside
Name them
Are CRTs really that expensive and rare in USA?
I can find tons of them at very good prices in every flea market near me.
>Besides the black
This is a meme. They have shit blacks unless used in the dark.
>Sony used to make quality products
What the fuck went wrong?
>Are CRTs really that expensive and rare in USA?
No. Ones with RGB input are since it was never a consumer standard like in Europe. That’s why the PVMeme caught on here, since it’s the most reliable way to source a RGB-compatible set.
LCDs have shit blacks if used in daylight too, what's your point? Used in daylight CRTs at least won't have light bleed.
good quality consumer sets are available everywhere for free from people wanting to get rid of them and upgrade. The super expensive ones are the PVMs/BMVs, which were used in places like TV stations and hospitals. Word got out that they're the best quality for old school console games, and prices have exploded ever since.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
According to kids these days if it isn't immediately available on amazon/ebay for less than they want to pay then it might as well not exist
When I wanted a CRT just a few years ago people gave them away for free to anyone who would bother picking them up. Not the top notch shit a true autist would want I suppose though.
mLED soon :^)
can someone explain to me why CRT are still considered good and why we stopped using the?
doesn't excuse the retards who bought into this OLED nigger shit.
Traded in my Galaxy S8 for a Pocophone simply because the latter has an IPS panel.
mled is already being phased out after deemed impactical for professional or even consumer use. You're stick with LCD.
Consumer grade crt tvs are cheap and plentiful, usually free. Professional broadcast grade monitors have gotten pretty expensive in the last couple of years, but only compared to the rock bottom prices they hit in the mid 2000s when all studios and rental houses were switching over to new monitors. They aren't even hard to find, but they mostly lie in the hands of scalpers these days.
A top of the line recently serviced broadcast monitor goes for about $1000, which is still roughly 10% of what they went for in their day.
Also, depending on where you live, they're still available for cheap with a bit of leg work.
Low quality Zenith sets are a diamond dozen, but if you want anything with Component input or better then you'll be fighting with retro collectors who snapped them all up ten years ago.
>true blacks
>no hard resolution limits
>expensive to manufacture
No, LCDs have better blacks than CRTs when used in a room with even a small amount of ambient lighting, and even more so in a brightly lit room.
Microled will finally be able to compare and beat it.
are you keeping your phone powered on with the same image being displayed for hours at a time? why would you give away a godly panel for burn-in that will never actually happen?
OLEDs are fine on phones though.
sure, no motion blur, better contrast, richer color reproduction, deeper black levels, multi-sync functionality, adjustable balance between resolution and refresh rate, allowing things like 220hz@1024x768 or 150hz@1600x1200 or 280hz@640x480. No back light bleed, cats are your friends.
I have tinnitus and often fall asleep with youtube in the background.
not with the burn-in from static UI elements.
>blaming the product for your own failings
sasuga Yea Forums
Why isn't your CRT turned on?
Why does 4K HDR 144hz upset you so much?
Because I had 205hz 16 years ago
I'm upset dipshits like you go for meme CRTs instead of good ones.
pocophobe is doing great. Galaxy, not so much
>just buy a screen that shits itself from overuse on your daily browsing device
Because HDR400 is fake and deceptive.
Can I get a 1080p or equivalent high res 4:3 CRT though?
>not having the best of the best
only if you're John Carmack
>for retro gamers
Why give it away if they know that there's a hot market for them? You can easy sell a CRT for $50 as long as it isn't tiny. It boggles the mind.
>tfw trinitron headphone jack not working
i'm autistic and don't like playing horror games without headphones so I haven't used my crt in a while
because they're shit tier consuner models
my dad found a bunch of CRT's where he used to work at. I eventually had to get rid of a them, now all I have left is single one that supports s-video at best, image is tilted and stretches from side to side, and the speakers don't sound quite right
The fuck is a PVM?
1600x1200 crts are everywhere, 2560x1600 is the next level.
>1440p fags took 10 years to graduate from 1080p and are still inferior to CRT
just solder in a new one or get an electrici
How the fuck do you think CRTs work, you dumb zoomer? Do you think the screen can get darker when you turn it on? The colour of the screen while off is the darkest black it can produce.
Professional Video Monitor
zoomer here
that looks like shit
Use the line-out in the back or break your audio out from the source.
Black bleed is a bitch though.
i'm scared to open a crt tv
Don't get so upset, I'm just wondering why there's not a real comparison being made.
Noted, thanks a lot.
LEDs suck!
get an electrician to do it for a few dozen bucks.
Better than having a 3-4 figure screen laying around due to an easy fix
>mage is tilted and stretches from side to side
Access the calibration menu and fix it.
Double Dash was fucking trash
That is a real comparison. It's showing the darkest black both screens can produce.
It's not, here's a better one
I was at a party in college some 3 years ago and we were all playing Melee on a plasma screen tv. For some reason, they invited the literal tranny from down the hall too and all it did was complain INCESSANTLY about how we're not playing on a CRT. It then proceeded to go back to its room and bring back a tiny ass CRT on a fucking cart.
That is pure autism and if you don't agree then you have it.
The blacks on that left screen are shit, and the right one looks like an LCD from 1995.
Plasma has enormous input lag.
But it’s not either of those.
The fuck does that mean and why is it memed so hard?
That doesn't fucking matter. It's a college party not a melee tournament. Who the fuck cares.
The tranny was right, but was it really so weak it couldn't carry a small CRT?
Aw shit, I never actually played Ogre Battle 64. Is it as good as March of the Black Queen?
CRT's are heavy bro
It doesn't meet REC.2020 standards and doesn't have the high dynamic range that HDR is named for.
Why are the CRTs all turned off? It's weird, your comparisons aren't very good. They all seem like they're all taken on really old digital cameras from 2002 as well.
Yeah but not small ones. We're not talking about a 300 pound Trinitron.
I bet you think cinematic 15fps is acceptable too, faggot.
Jesus christ that keyboard on the right is godly, literally one of the only rubber domes that feel great. It just sucks that I can only find one at my local library.
Bought it new in the mid-2000s on discount from Sears.
Used to have a beautiful 32" Sony but it was too big and heavy to take anywhere, had to get rid of it in a move. Not looking forward to my current one biting the big one, will be a pain to find another component model that is 27" or smaller (32" and up are great until they have to be moved somewhere).
I'm using the same one. It's okay.
Not him but there's no need to be a faggot about it. If you can't play around input lag during casual play then you should take a break from gaming and reassess what you find fun about playing vidya.
>Why are the CRTs all turned off?
How are you this dense? A CRT screen while turned off is the darkest it can get. They don't magically get darker when turned on.
>mage is tilted
The Dell ones are better IMO but all cheap rubber domes aren't that great.
it has proper analog input instead of shitty jumbled consumer tier connectors, meaning less pixel bleed.
Not as good as a broadcast or a medical monitor, but still decent.
Just tilt the TV dude
Yeah I did, that fucking 70s behemoth, we had to buy an rf adapter for the n64 to even be able to use it.
>That is pure autism and if you don't agree then you have it.
The tranny wasn’t wrong at the time, even if it was a dick about it. Especially especially that GCHDs have only been around for like 18 months.
I mean, I’m not going to begrudge someone for playing old games on a flatscreen if circumstances make having a CRT impractical or impossible, but I’d absolutely rag on an “ebin retrogaymer” with 20 consoles all hooked up to a flatscreen without even a scaler to assist.
Not really. They distort the intended image:
how does dithering work on pvm?
how retarded all of you ARE?
nothing lost to ages, everything is well documented
its unreasonable (economicaly) to reproduce this kind of TVs.
Fucking morons.
games were built on professional and broadcast monitors. Composite and S-Video looks like it does because most people had poorfag TV sets back in the day. It only helps Genesis' dithering.
I'm really not looking forward to when tubes basically cease to exist, for the problem that we won't be able to demonstrate what classic games were supposed to look like. I just hope that we find a way to make them look better on new TV. We are approaching the beginning of common adoption for 4K in the U.S. and 8K is being filmed and may soon be hitting the market in Japan. Surely we can get some great color reproduction and then just find something that makes the games look like they do on a real tube. Maybe a filter which emulates the aperture grille?
So? There are other forms a of HDR.
>They don't magically get darker when turned on.
The fucking zoomers in this thread.
it doesn't. You see the checkerboard pattern instead of transparency.
The effect was built in mind for consumer tier sets
Dense? What do you mean? The black levels are relative, it's a perception thing. I'm just asking for you to post a real comparison, you do own a CRT to do this, right? You're not just pulling images from google? It shouldn't be hard to display the same thing on two different displays.
Same way as on a normal TV assuming you’re using Composite. If you used a signal with separated Chroma, then it won’t work. When using PVMs, it’s also important to keep in mind TVL count (usually past around 600), since too high of a count and sprite blending starts to get affected, which not everyone is okay with.
CRTRoyale filters approximate actual CRTs almost perfectly at 8k resolutions, ecen 4k looks decent, once we get something better than LCD we'll be able to get the response times and latency as well
>CRT fags inbound
What's the TV though? I think I had one as a kid. Also, the "switchboard" up top looks cool.
crt do the same stuff with blacks u mongoloid. i guess u never owned it or u have Alzheimer's
>games were built on professional and broadcast monitors
Obviously they needed pixel perfection for sprite editing, but the end result was meant to be displayed on a consumer TV as that image clearly indicated.
Same reason any audio engineer worth his shit will work in mono, he knows you're going to be listening to that pop garbage mostly over the radio in your car.
Thats a great leap of logic. Do you really think devs were designing graphics for home units with the expectation that consumers would be playing them on top of the line tubes? Of course not. They may have done graphics work on pro models, but they checked the quality on crap tubes to make sure it was still presentable. Same as musicians who recorded and played their stuff on high-end units, but also listened to it on machines designed to emulate crap car stereos. You don't just pretend that your major market doesn't exist.
>elf ears
>playing video games
You are a pedofile. I have printed this whole thread and now am sending it to the pedo police.
theres obviously good bit of documentation on crt manufacturing but production lines have pretty much all been dismantled. everything from here on out will be second hand or in rare cases handmade. I think no manufacturer has tapped into modern crt market because crts are bad for consumerist economy. you just buy one and that'll last for your lifetime. cant do planned obsolescence like they do with iphones.
>The black levels are relative, it's a perception thing
You're thinking of contrast ratio. A switched off CRT next to a powered on LCD displaying black lets you directly compare the black levels of each screen to each other. The CRT only needs to be turned on if you want to compare their peak luminance.
it simply looks better on a pro monitor. Who cares about what devs thought poorfag 80's kids will prefer?
I'd say yes, but it has one very annoying feature in that your units have a fatigue meter that gets eaten into by moving or acting. The higher the fatigue, the more useless they are in battle, which forces you to rest units frequently in the middle of going somewhere and slowly inch up to combat to maintain initiative(of course, unit terrain penalties are still in and bad matchups cause fatigue faster). Given the speed of movement and distances you have to travel around a battlefield, you end up crawling even more than the first game. On top of this, units that run out of steam will be forced to rest and can be ganked while sleeping. I won't deny it adds a large additional layer of strategy, but for a series that tends to already play slowly it kinda sucks rotten dick.
why do you save pictures of shirtless men on your computer? Are you gay, son?
Furthermore no one wants to bother, the things are heavy as shit and expensive to make and ship anywhere. Plus they are competing with old tubes being literally free right now. Unless someone can magically replicate Sony's top of the line, million yen a pop TVs and do it for 100 bucks, you are looking at crappy novelties from here on out.
That's cool. I'm guessing you can't use them with original hardware though?
Why would you take a photo with the flash on? Is this supposed to be a real comparison?
mled isnt even out yet and it's already being phased out? Are you retarded?
It does not look better, all the implied detail created by dithering is lost.
>I'm guessing you can't use them with original hardware though?
no, they're filters for emulators themselves
so? It's a shit effect I'd gladly sacrifice for a sharper image.
This, if you think "more clarity" equals better here, then you are no better than the lcdfags
literally boomers you fucking retard
literally any generation of old people
and from that page
>CRT Royale works best at 2,880 × 2,160 (4K) resolution. That resolution is exactly 9 times 320x240, which was a common resolution for these consoles.
so 8k would be doubly better than 4k
The flash exaggerates it, but LCDs far outperform CRTs in terms of black levels when any amount of light is introduced.
just wasn't delivering the results they expected in testing. Back to the drawing board, OLED won't do the trick either.
Man, it's amazing how it looks nothing like a CRT.
They don't. Are you trying to say that they do?
sounds like sour grapes to me.
Composite chads rise up.
>rainbow banding
lol composite cucks, upgrade to RGB already
High end tv's destroy projectors on picture quality.
How's your black levels ? How's that HDR looking on your projector? A projector that even comes fucking close to a flagship tv will send you back 10k easy.
LCD's have come a long way and Oled destroy's everything
Oleds mainly destroy themselves.
Why would you work in an unfit environment where color matters? You're even admitting outright your comparisons are bogus. What's your goal here?
Sharper isn't always better.
Saying the example sprites are better because they're sharper is the same mentality that leads to those hideous 60fps anime edits.
>Try mit sitting in a pitch dark room, basement dweller
Yeah it's not the monitors fault! ITS YOU
Sounds more like post-purchase rationalization to me.
32X has a better composite signal than base Genesis units. RGB is gay.
>hey you know this device that's supposed to illuminate and create images? It needs external lighting to even get close to succeeding in its function
The zoomer engineering ladies and gentlemen
How are they bogus? Read my original post here: I claimed CRTs have shit blacks unless used in the dark and have been posting pictures demonstrating that. If you want to use a CRT then you have to treat it like you would a projector, otherwise an LCD will have much better black performance.
RGB is the best!
I have a CRT sitting in the next room and a PS2 hooked up to a LED TV in this one, i just got done play a game on the LED because it's too much of a fucking hassle to move either. Don't even remember if the thing supports component, probably not.
Having 2 TVs in the same room when you barely use one of them is too cumbersome, especially a CRT.
>How are they bogus?
You said it yourself, the flash exaggerates it. Not using an identical image on the displays also invalidates it. It shouldn't be so hard for you to make a legitimate comparison. You do actually own a CRT, right?
this is beyond pathetic. Seek help.
Here is a photo of a CRT displaying RGB in a brightly lit room in the middle of the day, it is the best!
cope harder. muh dithering is not an argument for composite in 2019.
The images on the display don't need to be identical to compare black levels. All you need is for both to be displaying black. And yes, I own two CRTs and they're sitting in front of me right now, however they aren't currently hooked up and haven't been for months because I rarely use them on account of LCDs being much better.
Why can't CRTs be flat?
because they're electron guns encased in vacuum filled glass tubes.
>dithering isn't an argument because I said so
they use the curvature to accurately deflect the electron beam. Even flat CRTs are actually curved.
I dunno I keep comparing them and LCDs keep looking really poorly balanced with bleed out the ass.
There are "flat" CRTs but they use a really cheap trick that ends up distorting the image. You can easily tell when you're playing a 2D sidescroller and columns and shit suddenly become wider and thinner when the camera moves.
yes, because only a handful of games make actual use of it.
I don't care for Sonic's waterfalls, shrubbery, or Earthworm Jim's dogshit palette. Unlike consumer sets, PVMs let you switch signals according to taste anyways.
Is there a point for crts if living in the Pal reigon all stuck at 50hz games run slower anyway so is there any problem plugging an old pal console into an HD TV ?
I know very little about this stuff so any advice?
just get an NTSC console.
>I dunno I keep comparing them
All of your photos are taken with the lights turned off, and this one even appears to have an extremely long exposure time on top of that. All you're accomplishing with this is to help prove my point that CRTs have shit blacks unless used in the dark.
A lot of games support 60hz
All you're accomplishing by taking photos in full light of one monitor on and one monitor off is that contrast is a concept that exists.
I dunno, I get glare on my LCDs too, in daylight they become hard to see. My phone I need to turn the brightness up when I use it outside mid-day. What are you trying to get at? Your delivery is all over the place and lacks and coherency. Either say what you mean or fuck off. Make a real statement and provide real proof.
LCD is a very mature and diverse tech.
Tons of Genesis games use dithering extensively.
a few do, not a worthwhile sacrifice for a bit of blurred dithering.
it's not really a mature technology, it's still got a lot of problems across the board still uncorrected to this day.
>not a worthwhile sacrifice
ya, still not worthwhile
>contrast is a concept that exists
It does but I'm not sure you have a clear understanding of how contrasts works. Try opening up one of the images in photoshop and colour pick the black from each display. This will completely eliminate any illusion caused contrast in the images displayed on the screens and you can directly compare the blacks of each display.
Glare is really talking about specular reflections which, while still caused by light, is a different issue than the blacks being washed out. Direct sunlight may render both displays unusable due to both glare and washing out the blacks, but a small amount of light will leave the LCD unaffected while it will wash out the blacks of the CRT to a noticeable degree.
Joke’s on you, I have an X’Eye so I can jump between Composite and RGB as needed for my games.
For what it’s worth, I personally don’t find the waterfalls in Sonic to be worth making the rest of the game a smeary mess, but probably would play something like Earthworm Jim in Composite for the full color palette.
both are shit compared to the goat
That looks fuckin cool, can you explain the setup? I have no idea what I'm looking at other than a CRT?
>is a different issue than the blacks being washed out
It has the same results. How come LCDs are such shit if they also get impacted by glare? You mean to tell me CRTs aren't the only display that need to meet certain circumstances in order to look nice? That's not fair. I want to use my prototype SED underwater and upside down, it should look perfect just like how the marketing brochure described it.
now do a motion blur test
no, hyper-specific lighting circumstances only. Have some more photos with camera flash on.
The amount of glare is determined by whether the screen has a matte or glossy finish. This is a separate issue to black levels. But my point is that in normal lighting conditions, an LCD will have much better blacks than a CRT.
Because nobody told them that CRTs actually have less input lag than modern displays.
Redpill me on memerts.
Benefits are
>Native aspect ratio
>Native resolution for those juicy 1:1 chunky ass pixels
>Low latency
>Some models give a scanline like look that's subjectivity appealing
>Rich as fuck blacks?
What other benefits, lads.
How many camera flashes define a normal lighting condition? What if I'm not using a camera to view my CRT?
It's an Ikegami TM14-20R with the pullout tray ejected, an external hdd hooked up to a teac DVR showing a picture.
This is half related but has anybody tried the OSSC's reverse LPF on a Wii? I know people use it on 2chip SNES's to clean up the video output but the Wii is also known for having pretty shoddy analog video.
Zoomer here
I still have my old CRT that my dad gave me in 2004. I didn't even notice the PS3 had an hdmi port until a few years ago because I only ever used the composite cables
looks cool as fuck.
You don't have to get a pvm immediately, a decent consumer set will do, and set you back pennies.
Ehh, I've not seen a model I thought was all that visually appealing really. They all look outdated. Definitely a product of their time.
They look to me like that brown, yellow and orange cliche 70's furniture.
This image is a good example of what I mean by normal lighting conditions. Just a ceiling light or indirect sunlight. Look at the laptop. The background of the dark theme isn't even pure black, and it's still much darker than the CRTs screen.
>What if I'm not using a camera to view my CRT?
This won't change the relative difference between the darkness of the screens.
nigger, you're supposed to look at whats on the screen not stare at the tv itself
The CRT is actually darker there.
yes, so do vacuum tube amps and mechanical clocks, but the point being that they're bulletproof and just werk, better than modern counterparts.
Looks can be important.
but not everyone can afford a chad shrek tv, so just get a black box bro
Imagine the look on everyone's faces when you show up at a Melee tournament with this bad boy.
No it isn't. Open it in photoshop and check for yourself.
if you're gonna play vidya with acceptable input lag, you're not gonna be even remotely close in price to what you can get a valuable 50-60" TV for
i got a 55" LG 4k upscaled smart tv with great colors (for the price obviously, but i was impressed and very minimal grey muddiness in dark scenes, though no problem in vidya) and 11.5 ms input lag for $529
I love not being able to read text on games that weren't made with CRTs in mind
I'll take "most people playing Dead Rising when it released" for $500 please.
oh christ that was awful
what's the best tv to play ps2 on?
low inputlag OLED with framemeister
or SONY BWM that can do 480p/480i/240p component or rgb
my CRT supports s-video at most
which the Genesis cannot output, unless i get something like a Micomsoft XMD 2 which is crazy expensive now
>that will be 400 dollars please :D
They can fuck off with this garbage. Marked up bullshit because ...philes will eat it up.
Why are CRTfags so insufferable? They always feel the need to let everyone know that they're using a CRT.
Lol whatever floats your boat. I agree with projector user.
well as far as I know thats the best or close to it. I use an LG 27" Crt with component input
>low volume, specialty electronics are spensive
Build an OSSC from scratch if you're going to be a fag
get that Analogue SG FPGA thing.
Terrible mechanic. No wonder no one talks about that game. Thanks for the info, user.
>muh rare electronics that harness the power of vibranium and the aurora borealis to process the image
It has nothing to do with volume or specialty. It's marked that way because the philefag market is retarded whale territory. Things that used to come with your TVs or your speakers now cost hundreds of dollars "because".
It's the best but it is more harmful than lcd
>curved screens
never ever
The individual gubbins aren't rare or expensive, but paying someone to make one for you is.
They aren't mass produced, so there's no economy of scale.
+best motion clarity.
Shit tier motion clarity is the biggest drawback of sample & hold displays like LCD & OLED.
God I hope I never get this old and curmudgeon.
Because normalfags are completely immune to frame drops and input lag doesn't mean they are acceptable and even normalfags can tell the CRT is the better experience.
I really wish I had one of these small, compact trinitrons or something.
t. stretchfag with 150ms input lag
Most ps2 games are 480i, so most crts will be fine for it. Something with component is better. A few games are in 240p and look great.
crt royale is fucking shit
crt.geom looks like my CRT and has proper AT THE DEFAULT SETTINGS.
I know that it looks properly because the fog from Silent Hill 1 looks blue-ish gray as it should be.
Without the shader it looks gray with a little bit of red, which looks way worse.
gotta justify their purchases somehow, it's a superiority complex thing.
composite is based and red-pilled
fuck yeah lad
What's the problem?
>Man, it's amazing how it looks nothing like a CRT.
at least open the image full size
awful burn in, dies in less than 4 years, costs a fuck ton, has been on the market since 2008 and has had no serious adoption and will have even less market longevity than rear projection.
>CRT shader
>looks like an extremely low DPI LCD from 2003
Zoomers: when will they learn?
Composite video for pc when?
>tumblr image
their only comprehension of display technology is LCDs, which is why their shaders just look like big LCD pixels with a bit of bloom added instead of proper phosphor on a grill. They don't seem to realize the pixels would never line up with the shadow mask.
Is this the flat earth theory of video games? I have seen CRT vs LCD, the latter obviously looks better.
Sounds just like PC gamers. Haha
Even in the best of circumstances for LCD, CRTs are better
CRT is objectively better at displaying SD content.
Plugging your old console into an LCD looks like ass every time.
i like phosphorlut preset in retroarch, doesnt really look like a crt but just looks nice
a crt monitor
>still no crt buying guide image
>muh casual gaymer party at collegue
>i hate CRTs because a tranny
have sex
>ps2 on 4k tv
calm down retard it's just a doll
component or composite? if component try some 240p games :))
Is that a widescreen CRT?
i want that small one
Why does that surprise you?
It's not, I have that exact model. It's just the 16:9 plastic frame on it.
>this setup
this is a blue board user
did you not read the wiki entry? the shader emulates all parts of a crt aside from the physical which would be impossible, there are different types of CRTs
because those people rather pay $100 for someone to take them away.
>there are different types of CRTs
and it fails at emulating any of them
right looks nicer though imo
>CRT-Royale is a highly advanced multi-pass CRT shader that simulates almost every aspect of the CRT screen. There are tons of parameters to configure, such as phosphor type (aperture grille, slot mask, and EDP shadow mask) and size (i.e. dot pitch), convergence offsets, scanline blooming and many others. Higher resolution is better for this shader, especially with EDP shadow mask phosphor layout and with smaller phosphor dot pitch values.
>Scanline filter
And it still looks wrong
Cool sales pitch and all but your example demonstrates precisely none of this.
you're literally arguing "soul vs soulless"
What I'd like to see is a Laser or LED beam solution that serves to replicate the functionality of a CRT without the need for a vacuum and could be built for relatively cheap.
You're literally pissing in my face and telling me it's raining.
tell me technically in detail how the filter fails to approximate an actual CRT based on those parameters
you seem pretty seething right now.
it's just making the image darker how is this better than having a real crt
I have a CRT to the left of me, I've used several dozens of them. None of them look like that. It's not abiding by the nature of CRT. It's treating each phosphor dot as a pixel.
Show me an example of your shit filter correctly rendering a CRT.
my boss at my old job brought it in because he used to store shit in our office before he threw it away. I gave him 20 bucks for a late model sony trinitron, the pictures a little warped in one of the corners but the colours and scan lines are v. nice.
nice non-arguments, thanks for playing
New Cap D video relating to CRTs
if you had an actual crt you'd know that it's not just about the scanlines
Any time, I'll be sure to remind you that each phosphor dot in a CRT uses an rgb representation for white, not well, white dots. I know it's a technology you never grew up with, but you gotta accept it's beyond your understanding.
Onus is on you to prove your garbage. You've got nothing but copy-pasta you don't even understand.
Was there ever proof CRTs fucking up your eyesight? Remember there were myths about it.
its not just CRTs but if you stare at any screen emitting light too closely it can fuck up your rods and cones.
Welp. That's what I get for being a shut-in kid.
Habit at the time was to sit real close like: and spending any amount of time staring at something so bright and so close is bad for your eyes.
Renaissance folk regularly went blind reading by single candle-light into the wee hours of the night.
there's nothing really. blue light based displays like LCDs and LEDs are proven to do more damage on a chemical level, CRTs don't operate this same way and are actually less harmful than flat panels.
We still know how to build crt's you dumshits, the problem is that without a mass market appeal for them the cost of design and production would be astronomical. We're talking 1-2k for those shitty box tv's people throw in the trash
I asked my eye doctor if blue light is harmful and he says there's nothing that indicates it. All I got for advice was wear sunglasses and take breaks every 15 minutes.
every 1 hour for 15 minutes*
It causes a chemical imbalance in your brain and body. Basically it's emitting light which behaves like sunlight, exposing yourself to it at late hours will seriously throw your bodily chemistry off if you're up late staring at a flat panel screen.
what's the solution then? f.lux?
CRTs are great and all but all the good ones are fucking small and take too much space. I really want some new tech to come along and really take it over. Scaling tech for classics consoles is getting really good, only a matter of time for the stars to align.
>tfw European
That’s what I have. What are your preferred settings?
no, it's literally just the display technology. Think like infrared, right? You know it's red but you can't really see it, but it exists. It's how remote controls work, etc. Blue light is an underlying technology of back lighting for LCD panels, it can't be avoided.
every week for 15 seconds*
so are we gonna get fucked by blue light for the rest of our lives
Probably. Sorta like how 5G seems to have a lot of undesired effects like weather sensing equipment thinking it's always raining in areas where 5G is. Hey we are entering the cyberpunk future where corporations and government work together and don't fucking care about the human cost. If you want though you're welcome by the ol' wood cabin for some demon's souls pass-on-deaths.
Imagine that? A terrifying cyberpunk future where the airwaves attack peoples brains and the only escape is back to old analog technology. A thing of beauty.
>flat panel screen
>conveniently forgetting that CRTs have a white point of 9300K
what currently produces the BEST blacks for consumer grade stuff? OLED? Plasmas?
this. every crt I find in yardsales are 50hz shit. its really fucking hard to find pal60 tvs and I aint paying 300 dollar import for some 50 buck ntsc shitbox from overseas.
have you tried just not being a eurocuck?
Plasma is just "large screen" in the CRT era.
my glasses block the blue light though.
my eyes are already fucked, but it can be done.
just the shame about the rest of your skin
>only a matter of time for the stars to align.
Mostly this.
>0.85mm dot pitch
At this point a 43" 3840x2160 monitor could almost display the phosphor layout of this thing on screen at around the same physical image dimensions. You'd have three pixels to work with for every phosphor triad on the large format CRT. If someone designed an image filter/scaler to only light up one subpixel at a time on the final image you'd have a very similar look. Plus you can use black frame insertion or backlight strobing to have less image persistence and motion blur.
It's basically only market demand stopping a modern screen ideal for retro games being made. Only a tiny niche actually cares about this stuff so it's easier and more fun to just use a CRT.
Don't just take a break, make sure to find a window or something and focus on a point far in the distance.
LCDs are worse for your eyes than CRTs lmao
at least he admits that 50Hz is shit
I can think of 5 different ones that could be as good as CRT but:
>One is in patent hell
>2nd is for hospitals only
>3rd is FUBAR in development hell
>4th one will be released by one of the jewish companies on earth
>5th will never be a thing because the prices will be absurd
>comparing reflection with emission
>iraddiates you to death
>good technology
This isn't a cellphone thread
>Hot and fresh out the kitchen
Mama rollin' that body
Got every man in here wishin'
Sippin' on coke and rum
I'm like so what I'm drunk
It's the freakin' weekend baby
I'm about to have me some fun
This. CRTs had no competition when the only alternatives were similarly sized LCDs but now with large-format OLED and soon micro LED displays it's time to throw those meme boxes in the trash.
Enjoy your blue sub-pixels dying in a year.
If you were close without moving yes.
LCDs wont fuck your eyes but will fuck your mind with blue light.
0/10 try harder
not baiting, left's contrast is too dark
Micro LED will save us from this living hell.
>no burnout
>perfect blacks
>super high resolution
The only thing better would beam images directly into the visual cortex of the brain.
cancelled production
That's more or less how the Avegant Glyph works.
It uses the mirror chips from DLP projectors to beam the image into your eyeball instead of a screen
>Inb4 it gets the SED treatment because it would kill all the screens around or just goes turbojew on steroids
>the SED treatment
... being too expensive to roll out commercially and compete with cheap alternatives? They literally print the things out like inkjets.
>zoomers will never experience fast paced instantaneous crt gaming
Flatscreens killed gaming and ushered in this era of slow cinematic bullshit. They'll never make a melee again. They will never make another f zero game. Zoomers will never know truly tight frame windows.
which is why there's so many one-frame links in SF4, right
Theyre too heavy for their soi arms lmoa
Pls don’t bully my battle station.
I just went blind looking at that image.
>How does it make you feel?
good man
real fucking good
>Reminder that LCD replaced CRT not because of better refresh rate, color depth, or image quality, but because it was infinitely cheaper to manufacture in china.
Also the fact that you need to get a second person or risk throwing out your back every time you want to move a CRT larger than 24" to another location. I love my 27" CRT very much, but it's an absolute bitch to move and takes up an absurd amount of space on my desk compared to a typical LCD/LED screen.
Well it depends, really. Technology has changed the way games are displayed. Tried to hook up a PS3 to my PVM, since it's the last console that just supports RGB over scart, and while Vanquish looked interesting, it was quite impossible to make out the text, not because it was too small but because of how the resolution messed it up.
How is it not falling off the wall?
What resolution is your PVM? I guess a PS3 might look excellent via component on a HD monitor.
>gotta justify their purchases somehow
Nigga, you can get CRTs for free. People are basically getting rid of them.
I've experimented with 720p on my pvm and it's cool, but prefer not to lose the vertical space.
36 incher
also pic'd in reflection is 55" 4k
They already did. It was called the plasma screen. It had better blacks, and the effective response time of a CRT (basically the speed of light, sending an electron from the back of the tube to the front). Sadly they went out of production due to being more expensive than LCDs and not having as vibrant colors for normies to watch THE GAME on.
got mine from a hospital for free. some people will spend a bit on PVMs but not much more than a regular monitor, ebay prices are not realistic.
Anyone have experience buying from this guy?
Display technology will never be this aesthetic again.
they don't care about color, if it's big they'll watch it, even a shitty washed out projector screen is fine if it's big enough
plasma had really bad response time.
50hz is absolutely shit for 60hz content but if you plan on playing PAL consoles or watch PAL VHS tapes/DVDs you'll need it anyway. 50hz is definitely inferior though, no just because of the lower refresh rate and 50/25fps, but the squished image in NTSC>PAL conversions. I'm a eurocuck who mostly play NTSC-J but fortunately I have PVMs and they autoswitch between 50/60hz. Works like a charm. The retards that claim PVMs are useless in Europe because RGB exists on consumer TVs forget about the 50/60hz problem in many consumer TVs (though not the best sets you'd want anyway - but they tend to be huge).
Images of these old outdated tvs are always shitty trash like Eva or a game that isn't fun to play without it even being connected to a console.
The wires go in the back ya big dum dum retard
>not knowing Zyzz
this place sure is filled with zoomers
I'm pretty happy with my set-up, personally
>that black space at the bottom
CENTER YOUR IMAGE. This tickles my autism nerve with a 5 foot feather.
too much nintendink trash
but can CRTfags compete with THIS
Eh, it's what my parents bought me when I was a kid, so I have no nostaglia for the ps1 or the sega systems. Sorry you can't enjoy games from one specific company though, i think they're all pretty great
I bet not
I'm still pissed about SED being aborted.
I am not gonna say that CRTs are the ultimate tv experience for gaming, but certanly have its charm. Also, old games look better and the input lag is basically zero. Emulators are an acceptable preference, but personaly dont like them. I basically just use my hd led tv for movies and ps4 games.
You didn't get it. It is ok you posted a shit game either way.
That looks terrible. You could mount a bigger tv on top of the crt. Also that is low af. Hail satn
>$999 display stand
ell em ayy oh
It's literally eye level in front of the couch?
how low is your couch
LG made a monitor w/ a black instead of grey mask. I forget the sku but I can find it.
>it needs a lot of power and resolution to accurately model how bad and inaccurate the image is
>this is an argument for why CRT is the superior format
static has more than one meaning
It's just a regular couch dude. The picture I took was angled downward so you can see all the consoles.
OLEDs are already superior though
Can I come over
dies in 4 years, awful burn in
I've had an LG OLED for about 5 years and there's no burn in.
>burn in
lol OLED is a meme
If you live in Oklahoma and don't expect gay shit, sure
CRTs get weaker and dimmer after about 10 years. So all of them that exist now. And they're already incredibly dark to start with. And they burn in as well.
There's no ghosting and no burn in. They aren't plasma TVs. You'd have to leave it on the same static image for an entire day straight.
let me see more of your right thigh
Except is a screen saver feature that will turn on automatically if the TV detects that a static image is displayed on screen after about two minutes.
Remember, you needed screen savers for CRT MONITORS TOO.
OOPSIE. What now?
>caring about display
>after about 10 years
that's 10 years of CRT on time which is very different from 4 years of OLED existing time.
>And they're already incredibly dark to start with
brighter than any flat panel in existence
>they burn in as well.
with an image persisting for weeks at a time yes, my moms oled phone has her keyboard burnt into it.
Nah man
>4 years of OLED existing
Dude, no. You're retarded as fuck. OLEDs suffer with 4 years of operating time. No one has had their OLED on for fucking 4 years of total time yet.
/vr/ Almost destroyed my life:
I fell for the CRT meme in threads with beautiful pics and people praising it. Bought an used Sony 34 inch massive CRT. I had to ask 3 guys to help me set up it in my apartment (TV total weight: 107kg). I fucked up my back and the image quality wasn't good
I bought a cheap LCD Samsung display and a chinese upscaler and the picture quality was almost identical except for some blur
In the end I had to sell that fucking CRT but no one would want to pay 2 extra guys to deliver the item so I almost killed myself by trying to deliver it with the help of only one friend
This friend called me stupid many times for buying that pile of trash and I got upset while driving and I almost had an accident
So it killed by back and I almost ended up dead
CRTs are trash and so are people who spread the CRT meme
Just avoid IPS trash like this: BY THE WAY the AUO VA technology has evolved and new VA displays are very very good and cheap. Very high contrast ratio and fast response time. Just avoid Samsung, LG and Phillips
Best monitors: Viewsonic, iiyama and ASUS
Best TVs: TCL (very good AUO panels) Panasonic, Vizio and Sony X900F
Brands to avoid: Samsung, LG, Phillips, Sony (other than X900F), Toshiba, Hyundai (sold in UK and europe), Skyworth and Sharp.
> No one has had their OLED on for fucking 4 years of total time yet.
OLED has been around since 2008.
>Avoiding Samsung
Uh what
S-video > Composite > Component > (((RGB)))
new OLEDs, not old shitty ones from 2008
you want to talk about early LCD tech too from 1999?
They don't have a single good TV or monitor model other than RU8000 but it's overpriced
the foundational technology of OLED hasn't changed. You okay buddy? You done shilling for multi-billion dollar tech companies newest products?
Except like all their TVs are pretty fucking great and most have low latency
None of which apply here.
You just sound like a fucking moron to say OLED is the same today as it was in 2008. It's not at all.
>It's not at all.
It is. The foundational technology is an organic substrate for each of the 3 LEDs, the blue one of which is the weakest link and expires after 4 years. This is a problem that has not been solved which is why there's still no OLED PC monitors.
low input lag is found in all major brands except LG
Samsung removed direct-led backlight from almost all their models after 2017. Vizio and TCL are better than Samsung
Color depth, CRI, and luminosity ceiling are still lagging behind plasmas and crts.
I don't even know what that game is but it literally looks like the definition of SOUL.
only exception is the Dolby PRM-4220. The price is terrifying on that one.
LG panels use 4 sub pixels. RGB plus white to try and mitigate burn in. They sacrifice color accuracy compared to current samsung phone panels that use traditional RGB sub pixels though.
you cant compare damascus steel to crt tech, because skill =/= knowledge
we can start building crts anytime we want again, the information on how to build them is not lost, but for forging steel information is not enough, you actually need a teacher to train you to get reasonable results in your lifetime
Can someone tell me where I can get a 480p crt tv? I want something at least bigger than 23 inches
>RGB plus white
The blue sub-pixels are still going to fade away and die in a short time.
This isn't burn-in, the organic blue element simply degrades.
A lot of trade secrets probably died w/ aging engineers though.
they mostly don't exist outside of the professional scene. If you can manage some conversion from ypbpr, a pc monitor is an option. If you have the money for it, look into professional monitors. Only thing is those ones that are above 23 inches are tremendously expensive. That would be starting with the BVM-D24. Keep in mind however that 4:3 displays diagonally are a lot bigger feeling than 16:9 displays.
>This is a problem that has not been solved which is why there's still no OLED PC monitors.
This problem will never ever be fixed. LG made a huge mistake by investing in this expensive technology
Sony and Panasonic are entering late in the OLED party just because LG will stop selling OLEDs until it damage their brand even more
Gooks from TCL, Skyworth and Hisense are developing OLED hybrid to increase the lifespan by about 3~4 years
Panasonic killed their TV division with Plasma trash and LG is about to do the same with OLED.
So would using a CRT computer monitor be as simple as getting say, a component to VGA converter and just plugging it in, or is there more to it than that?
>needed 4 people to carry 200lbs
I moved a 34XBR970 with my boomer dad. Are you a girl?
You need to do some adjustments usually on the converter box but that's basically it for 480p ypbpr on a rgbhv device.
he's european, do you even need to ask?
my 34 inch sony was over 200lbs because it was a special model with heavier speakers
34XBR970 is widescreen and lighter than the model I had
It’s not they get darker but when off you are literally seeing the reflection of the room rather than a black wavelength of light being intentionally projected in a scan of colors.
Not him, but I think your posts are bait
Post pics with the TVs on otherwise your argument is invalid.
Kek tfw in the UK and got a free hueg CRT and it's a nightmare to move around. I'm trying to get a Trinitron, but shipping costs from the US are a pain.
Don't bother with CRT tvs bigger than 21 inch
Genesis, SNES, PS1, PS2, N64, basically all game consoles look trash on CRTs bigger than 14 inch. 21 inch is the maximum size
The bigger the screen the more space between lines and more artifacts you'll see
It's sad but true