Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, unironically.
Oh boy another sequel to a mediocre Wizardry clone
>no dragon quest sleep
>no dragon quest blink
>no dragon quest fetch water pails
Why is dragon quest so outdated?
i don't want to walk
wait is it like an AR blobber or something?
I am fucking sold
What's next?
Persona Go
Dark souls Go
CoD Go
It’s like Pokemon Go but with actual turn based combat, including spells, skills and items.
Basically Pokemon Go done right, with the plus of Toriyama’s monster designs instead of some keychain and a literal pile of garbage overdesigned Pokemon.
>Dragon Quest 12
Oh boy another copy paste basic bitch jrpg formula clone, like the 11 previous games. So hype!
Fuck off.
>Dragon Quest
>Riding the coattails of Pokemon Go while implementing the missing things and making easy quick buck on the DQ shills
Genius, but pathetic. Put that next to the possibility of Erdrick in Smash and that one movie that might get brought overseas and you've got a greedy company that only just now is trying to bring a franchise overseas in an attempt to easily gain terrain with easy ploys.
What better way than Smash to make it big anywhere else but Japan?
Bet you didn't even play Wizardry
I played 4-8
Rent free in your bone dome.
>Will have to stay in /dqg/ if i want to discuss DQ from now on because stinky smelly smashtards ruin everything.
The worst part is that DQ is obviously getting a rep in Smash so the butthurt shitposting by Sora/Banjo and other rejects will continue.
Bait, but incredibly retarded.
Now this is cringe
You can still discuss DQ if you want, keeping tidy threads and just discussing characters and games overall, but it's a double-edged sword DQ getting a rep due to the fact that Yea Forums gets intolerable with anything Smash and takes advantage of it to shitpost about it (due to Smash being big and it being exposition for the character(s)). For Square Enix, this is just extra propaganda and quite frankly, it bothers me that they would keep him as DLC in case that were to happen. Neither a Erd., Banjo or Sora or Steve or any of that fan, but it feels wrong and it definitely does look like they have a lot of cards in their hands, including the ploy of making a similar app game as Pokemon Go, which they know have a lot to expand upon.
Dragon Quest is like the last good series Square Enix has.
FF has been in decline and XV was a completel clusterfuck.
KH3 was rushed
What’s exactly wrong with SE wanting to grow DQ in the west?
God I hope Smashfags ruin the DQ fanbase, you egotistical faggots have been insufferable thinking your paint-by-numbers Ultima rip-off is something other than just average.
So marketing in general is pathetic? I don't really get what you're saying here.
There's a reason SE hasn't attempted to do so in the past 30 years
Take a shower.
Marketing is always pathetic because you're pretty much admitting that you can't sell your product on its merits.
Technically, it shouldn't be wrong, but there's a bit of fear of Square Enix taking advantage of its fans while making the franchise more generalized and rushed in terms of quality for the sake of globalization. It's definitely not on terms like Pokemon for instance worldwide even though it has extreme Japan support, but I can definitely see Square Enix pulling similar strategies as to somewhat "catch up", which already seems like they're doing. I don't think they're just stopping here either.
Marketing in general shouldn't be a bad thing, but when it starts to overcompensate the lack of quality or content? That's when we should worry. Even Pokemon is suffering this and that's what I don't want to happen to the DQ series as well, even though one might think it deserves the exposition.
That only makes sense in some weird, idealised perfect world where most of the population isn't retarded and almost every industry isn't utterly inundated with products.
Shouldn’t you be commenting on a youtube video lad? Your IQ is too low, even for Yea Forums shitposting.
I accept your concession
XI sucked so why would this not suck
just to add that I don't think DQ has lack of content, but rather, am afraid it might start to have that due to fame getting over Square Enix's head
Please take the shower, Smashtards like you stink way too much.
I don't think the main games will suffer much from this. Worst case we'll get a mediocre spinoff here and there, which already happens but most never got localized.
Was really hoping they'd take a moment to remake IX for modern platforms with online play before going right into XII.
Also Walk looks like fun, shame that it will likely stay in Japan.
The only eqotistical faggot here is you op.
God, IX on the Switch with online co-op would be glorious.
This completely killed your bait, do it right next time and don't show your retardation. But 1/10 since you made me give you a (You)
The jury is still out on KH3, wait till it's equivalent of Final Mix comes out
Here user, this should keep the smashies away
Not him but I didn't and never will. Games cease to be fun when they become a slot machine where you reload saves hoping for the jackpot just to move forward.
KH is fucked because of Disney, imagine how cool it would be if they could crossover with other SE games, imagine an Alefgard world in KH
What is there to be excited about? Dragon Quest has always been ranging from mediocre to terrible, it's generic and not in the good sense. No, it being the original doesn't excuse it form being bland, only maybe the first game, not the 11th, or 12th.
Nigga, DQ 1-2-3 came out one year after the other, DQ3-4 was just a two year gap. DQ was in its peak while it was rushed while 9, 11, took years to make but hold no candle to peak DQ like 3 and 5
from my understanding, and beat it myself, it's okay. Not great but better than FFXV
It's that most of the Disney worlds felt like filler and the combat is worse than KH2's
sóytendies seething because they can't handle the truth
The Remake team has been quiet since VIII for the 3DS, either they are doing IX or III, really.
Honestly they're missing a chance to get more people to play it.
they need to be innovate with this franchise.
Dragon Quest 7 is without doubt the shittiest, most boring JRPG in existence.
Bet you think Madoka was good
You do know that games can't be done in months anymore at S-E's scale right?
Yeah and where is Wizardry now?
Fuck no. Look what being innovating did to FF. DQXI is as much tampering with the formula that needs to be done.
>Havent even started development
Yeah see you in 5 years
Please no.
>Its not edgy, its no science-fantasy, it doesn't have le crazy plot twist that doesn't even make sense, you don't kill god, so its bland.
There is literally nothing like DQ on the market, how can it be bland? Wouldn't it need to be commonplace? But the commonplace for JRPG is sci-fantasy waifu fests that take themselves too seriously.
Dragon Quest Sex when?
What would you consider an innovation?
>Yea Forums fad of the minute is to say that DQ is bad
>they haven't played III, V or XI
Unless 3D, I don't think it'll be done. Arte Piazza is doing RS3 on the moment.
Reminder that literally the first post on Resetera about this is them wishing Sugiyama's death. What the hell did he even do? Are they really that ass mad about the lack of orchestral music?
This, i remember greatly enjoying Persona 5 until the last 6 hours were nothing makes sense anymore and the story goes from changing a few hearts to saving Japan to suddenly fighting god and saving the universe.
Why? Why not keep it small/medium scale?
>Has to literally come in to a thread just to shit up what he doesn't like
Fuck off and fuck someone, virgin
he also said some anti LGBT stuff so Resetera wants his head on a spike
Yes. Resetera is terrible
It's not even about the music. The reason they want to kill him is because he said shitty things some years ago.
You do know they remade entire areas of III while making XI as a test, right?
I would love a Loto trilogy where they make it one long and emotional game.
You might not kill God but you do basically kill Satan in like half of em
And 11's true final boss is some cosmic horror shit
He participated in a talk show in which there was some talk of gay people being burdens to the State or something like that. Alledgely very racist, too.
I basically felt the same way about vanilla 2 when came out, but with the recent release of 2FM on PS4 I'd say it's become my favorite game in the series so we'll have to wait and see.
This is the only "walk" gimmick I've ever enjoyed. Getting a surfing pikachu from this was tops.
Dropped DQ11 40 hours in. You gotta be easily entertained to really enjoy this shit.
That show was almost 10 years ago. Who the fuck dug it it? Like I'm being serious here. I only knew about the video because I lived in Japan at the time but who the fuck dug it up there? It's not like it could've been found by searching "Sugiyama is racist" or anything.
>It's that most of the Disney worlds felt like filler
If it's for cutscenes, yeah, like a half of them didn't have much to do with anything, but design-wise they haven't been better since 1.
>caring after DQXI was exposed as the worst game in the series
hell yeah generic jrpg #4161486941
can't wait
He just said gays can’t naturally reproduce, is against far left stuff like LGBT teachings in schools and is a war crime denier.
That somehow turned him into Hitler or something.
They also hate him because he defends his copyright music, so it’s not just trannies but commies who hate him too.
The show that sparked controversy was in 2015.
>and is a war crime denier
I think he's /ourguy/
Who cares? You have already played the game anyway if you have played any other DQ game.
My bet is on that Polygon raging faggot who loves DQ and lived in Japan, the guy who did Polygon’s DQXI review.
>Sugiyama laughed on Japanese national television about the concept of tranny suicide rates
>Denies WWII war crimes
He would have a blast on /pol/
>war crime denier
Isn't he like over 80? Which is the age group who'd grow up thinking that shit thanks to propaganda and shit?
Lmao literally everyone is dabbing on Cuckgon quest
Fuck off w your shill thread op
ITT: Edgy kids that don't like wholesome turn based games so they call it shit as an attempt to fit in.
How can it be the only good series left when it was never good to begin with?
>DQ is obviously getting a rep in Smash
I don't see many old germans saying extermination camps were hotel suites due to propaganda. He has a motive to saying that beyond age.
Wizardry is dead, my dude.
Just because somecompetition goes off the chart for being cringe with tropes doesn't excuse this from being the most dry and bland thing in existence.
Japan didn't lose to the Chinese in WWII so they don't have to admit shit
CS go
Also true.
There are arguments that China over exaggerates and faked some of what happened. Near impossible to find a rational conversation about that anywhere though.
And redpilled
>dragon quest 12
garbage franchise kept alive solely by japanese nostalgia. no one other than insane weebs gives a fuck about this.
>Persona Go
SMT Go exists.
Fucking this lmao. DQtrannies are seething hard today
Lmao this
Absolutely this.
How long will it be before DQ fags make a new thread to play the victim in? They always blame someone else for their games and series being shit.
Fuckin based truth. DQ is Reddit the JRPG. Not welcome here.
I know user, I know.
Oh yes, forgot to add that.
Probs soon lmao. Don't matter anyway its just another thread for us to shit in. DQ=reddit
But hey at least you got yhe shitty generic Reddit Quest lololololl
Your welcome
Sure (I haven't read much on the issue though), but there's a difference between having a normal and natural skepticism and denying it exists to maintain a "Nippon Banzai" attitude. Which is the case with Sugiyama, and cannot be only excused with old age.
This is extremely pathetic what you're doing, and I don't even like Dragon Quest. Please take a deep breath and reflect on if this is the type of person you wish to be.
Bump for more based Tranny Quest hate
Cope cope copeity cope lololololol
Seethe harder. We're making Tranny Quest cocksuckers mad and theres nothing you can do about it lmfaoooooooooo
This post wasn't meant to criticize DQ.
You have to be 18 to post on this site kid.
Regardless until that video resurfaced because some fag somehow found it nobody ever talked about it here. Now you can't have a single DQ thread without someone bringing this shit up. That goes for here, Reddit, Resetera and even Woodus (until a mod full on banned the topic).
Jesus Christ, the samefag is real.
The Tranny Quest seething is real
You have to not be an insane weeb to post here kid.
>someone criticizes his shit rehash series
Cope mlre
Question. Why tranny quest? Trannies hate DQ.
How sad is it that the only reason people even want to talk about your series is because your shit music director is crazy and old.
I 100% believe the only reason people are upset at Dragon Quest now is because Erdrick's addition to smash is inevitable.
Cry harder banjofags
>120 posts
>47 IPs
That's almost a 1/3 ratio it really is happening
>Persona Go
SMT Dx2 is a thing why would they make a Persona one?
"Don't you guuuuis have fownnnss?"
Sure enough, but that's what happens with most stuff from Japan, it gets stuck in the language pool until someone picks it up and then it's the biggest thing (wow, a japanese is a reactionary? In this country?), bilingual people are lesser and so on.
Absolutely not because Dragon Quest is just shit, naaaaaaah that can't be.
Delusional, people have been shitting on your series for ages now. There is more of it sure, but it was always shit on. Cry and lame others for your series failing.
I'm in no rush, but would have preferred a remake of IX be the next announcement. I know XII is years away still, so maybe likely to happen between then.
>implying that isn’t a tranny samefag
So true lmao.
Keep coping incel quest drones
I sport team Banjo and Erdrick, most shitters are the Stevefags.
>inceltranny quest niggers are this desperate
This. DQ was always seen as a reddit cringe series by Yea Forums.
>Erdrick's addition to smash is inevitable
>thinking a literal who the west doesn't give a shit about will be the main fighter reveal
Good to know your head is hollow
>unironically being a pokemon design elitist
Literally every gen has objectmons, but if you played past Gen 1 you would know how genuinely retarded you sound
Why would a tranny attribute a game they hate to trannies?
very low effort bait
>mobile game is just Pokemon Go but the heroes instead of the monsters
And this is why I play DQM Super Light
Why are Smashfans so mad? I just want a character to be represented.
>implying Pokemon designs don't look completely different now
He didn't even mention objectmons
DQM = DQH Rocket Slime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DQ
You guys think they will try to pull off a final fantasy on dragon quest this time? It been long enough i'm surprised they didn't
Cope Reddit Quest tranny
Smashgoyim need to take a shower. They shit up every discussion that is even remotely related to their kids party game. Fuck the nincel mods for allowing this shit.
its a mix of smashcunts and barry upset that no one liked FFXV
A crummy pail?
Why weren't they fetching metallic slime creatures?
How many trannies do you know that all share that opinion?
err most?
they hate sugiyama
All of Resetera.
>a few Gohan edits and Yea Forums loses its mind over an entire old series it barely noticed before
Yea Forums would laugh at you
>DQ Walk
>Walk and fight monsters
Already sounds a lot better, to be honest. But I doubt it'll take off in the west.
umm yea I'm thinking this is a bait thread
Because smash faggots and dilation era trannies seethe over based sugiyama dabbing on mentally ill queers
Why are people excited for those kind of announcement? It's like announcing FIFA 2021, FF XVI or I don't know, any series that you 100.00% KNOW will get a new installment anyway.
>CoD Go
Why would they make a game like that when America already lives in CoD Go?
FIFA is one thing because it's yearly, but with DQ and FF you never know when another one is coming.
>a few Gohan edits that were spammed endlessly over and over again and continued despite the one big leak that had him getting ousted as a fake
Don't pretend there isn't more to the story
It's nice to know that it's actively being worked on if you're excited about the series
Also DQ's dev cycle is nowhere near as retarded as FF.
Uh, isn't DQXII already out? I don't get this series.
because persona is far more popular than smt
But... Etrian Odyssey exists?
11 came out 2 years ago in Japan and last year everywhere else
Why is there so much seething at this series here now? Is it really because of smash autism?
Smashfags are cancer
don't talk shit about Dairy Queen faggot
DQ is always every 3~4 years. XI was announced in like 2016, it makes sense for XII to be announced now. FF is more erratic at this point especially with XIV / ARR fucking up the schedule, but still you'd expect something at least every new generation of console. So you always kind of know when a new one will come, sure not precisely but you know it's coming eventually.
I love the series but I need more to be excited than just a simple announcement. I'll get hyped when I get to see some gameplay, not until then.
Will DQ discussions ever go back to normal? Nowadays it's always
>Sugiyama hate
>Console wars
>no dragon quest: have sex
>that image
>Another faggot pretending that he enjoys Wizardry and Ultima
Silly westerncucks, DQ and FF will always be superior
>wizardry clone
fuck off. JRPGS in general are basically halfway between Wizardry and early Ultima. Wizardry clone would be more like EO.
Why do people love this series so much? So much of it is just copypasted from game to game. At least Final Fantasy was always different after 5.
But Dragon Quest mainline games have sold reasonably here since VIII
Didn't XI sell pretty well? Of course the spinoffs will never do well, and the DS remakes of IV-VI were barely marketed
If it ain't broke don't fix it. It changes things up enough so that it doesn't feel stale.
>Why do people love a series that consistently gives them what they love
Gee, I wonder user
I LOVE that the series doesn't really change more than just visually. There always needs to be a niche for old gameplay styles.
>the DS remakes of IV-VI were barely marketed
Shame, they're the best games in the series.
Playing a game with similar gameplay and setting every five years or so is fine, I wish other series I liked still got games that were similar to their original proposal instead of following trends and just becoming this bland mixture of whatever is popular in the industry right now.
XI is absolute kino
>finally playing pic related
Why the fuck wasn't this one localized? It seems like the best of the Theatrhythm games in terms of modes and RPG elements. Fucking 3DS was the dark age for DQ fans outside Japan.
Pretty sure Horii's already said we're not getting another remake until after XII is finished
Though personally I'd like a remake of either VI or IX
VI is the only game with a remake that isn't objectively better than the original game, and you can't really do much on IX without a save editor these days
>Dragon Quest XII
Let me guess: It will be another game set in medieval times about some normal kid who rises up to being a hero, followed by a cast of colorful and totally quirky sidekicks? With slimes, golems and all the typical monsters?
With at least a few mechanics to set it apart from the previous games, but other than that, yeah. It's pretty much the vidya equivalent of comfort food.
>game series that doesn't feel the need to reinvent the wheel and continues to do and build upon what it does well
Why is this such a strange concept to Yea Forums?
I personally think XI and VIII are the best in the series, (XI because it was 10/10 perfection and VIII because of nostalgia)
But I will admit, in terms of being just pure, raw, story-drive, dungeon crawling, sprite based JRPGs, I agree that those are truly stellar games. They're so pure.
>Every game in a series has to be completely different from the last
I hate this mentality, what's wrong with just liking something, and *gasp* the dev gives you more of what you like
Everything that doesn't change massively with every installment is a rehash
See Mario threads on Yea Forums circa 2007 to now
not him but Toriyamas designs were always better than pokemon. I still really enjoy pokemon though, even modern designs.
Fuck off. They haven't been good in more than a decade.
>turn based
>have to select moves from a list
frick off
yeah its called rehashing and plenty of series do it yet someone its ok in this one instance because muh comfy dragon quest?
This, they should make this a DQM game rather than an AR 'mainline' game.
it would have been the perfect rival of Pokemon Go, specially if they keep at least the capturing/training/breeding/battling mechanics from DQMSL.
also, DQMSL is still alive? i though it had died in favor of DQstars or Rivals.
>New space game is set in space
>New western game is set in the old west
>New medieval game is set in medieval times
Whoa user, amazing perception.
Also, lets run the "normal kid who rises up being a hero" test
DQ1 - No, you are a soldier
DQ2 - No, you are a prince
DQ3 - No, you are the son/daughter of a famous hero and expected to go fix shit from the start
DQ4 - Yes. Its a plot point that your village kept you in the dark
DQ5 - Yes.
DQ6 - Didn't play.
DQ7 - Yes.
DQ8 - No, you are a soldier who served in the castle guard.
DQ9 - No, you are a not-angel
DQ11 - Yes? I assume you are a secret heir or something living normally, didn't play.
So far its basically a half-half on MC being a normal kid or now.
You already have Final Fantasy if you're looking for a Square Enix RPG series that changes its core mechanics every iteration
No idea, I'm just starting it right now. Going through the 1 gig data download
DQ games are samey as fuck but that's part of what makes them good. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Personally, I'll play one or two entries and get burnt out for a year or two, then somehow get pulled back in and remember why I love them all over again. It's just a good series to come back to every now then that you can know exactly what to expect.
And DQV honestly has one the best stories in any JRPG.
Yet Yea Forums will also cry at games that change too much. Especially if they do a full genre-shift. I mean, this thread is probably full of Banjo Kazooie fans who want nothing but a nice new classic BK title
fuck. you.
>DQ5 - Yes.
Hell, the protagonist isn't even the true hero in 5, his son is
Ok, so they're rehashing, but counterpoint retards
What's wrong with that? It's obviously what the consumer base wants. That's called smart business, nobody wants Dragon Quest XVI, set in future neo pop tokyo, with real time combat
No user, its gonna be an open world game set in the post-apocalypse with guns, lootboxes and ubisoft towers, are you happy now?
Why must ARPG fags not be happy with having 90% of the industry? There are so many games for them to play, but instead, they seem obsessed with just having nobody playing Turn Based.
And the two western series in question have barely even existed in the past decade
Besides, The XIII trilogy was bad admittedly, but XIV: aRR is hugely popular to this day and XV was not even close to as bad as people make it out be. Simple-minded and easy, yes, but not what I would call a bad experience.
>FF for kids and normies
>KH for gays
>DQ for boomers and patricians
I wish FF would go back to the old style, but it's always nice to have a reliable series like DQ. Every other big Square franchise has turned to shit.
Also the seething over Sugiyama and from action babies, delicious.
Exactly. And people thinking "they're all the same" when they're clearly not only goes to show and prove that ignorance isn't a good indicator of opinion.
And like assholes, everyone has them, but some are just dumb and smell like shit.
DQ fags play the victim so much they made an image about it. What losers.
So what's going to happen to the franchise after Horiii, Toriyama and Sugiyama all kick the bucket?
Not playing the victim, I just want to play the game I want to play, since its one of the last games in the market, if you want a racing game go play a racing game not bother people playing strategy games that their game should have more racing, in the same manner, if you want games not set on a medieval fantasy period or games that are not turn-based, go play any of the countless games that offer such things instead of complaining about some game not doing it despite it not being the game's proposal at all.
Here's the trailer.
Square Enix also kicks the bucket
Quite frankly there are way too many dumbfuck comments in this thread that shit on something either based on ignorance is just plain stupid opinions like wanting a game to be an action RPG (which they have made, play Dragon Quest Heroes II you idiots, that's what that subseries was made for) or something not fantasy based but sci-fi or some such shit that thematically
>isn't the fucking point of the series
>this series ACTUALLY has its head screwed on right, unlike others that change for the change of changing
And let's not forget
>adding sci-fi elements, edgy melodrama, an illogical random SWERVE, bro and waifu sim shit just makes it like every other dime a dozen JRPG out there
If you do actually pay attention with your pea brains, you'd already know that it was previously said that Dragon Quest XII's focus will be on next gameplay systems and a story tied together with "Dreams" as its theme, like making your dreams come true.
Which could also be Yuji Horii's way of finally revivisting his dream themed idea that never worked out right on Dragon Quest VI because he was busy with Chrono Trigger at the time, then came back to Dragon Quest VI and the game for the first and only time in the main series felt disjointed.
>All this shitposting
Kek, Erdrick is still in, cope harder smelly smashfags.
>implying most of the people shitting on DQ in this thread have any cursory knowledge of the series or even care about it outside Erdrickposting
If you don't like Dragon Quest, you don't have a soul.
Yeah but do you even capture / use monsters?
So who do you guys want to be in charge of music once Sugiyama sadly dies?
I’m thinking Masashi Hamauzu, his work on FFX and Alliance Alive was amazing.
Noone will ever top Sugi though.
i want a dq8 port on switch
And another fact has been dropped.
No the next dragon quest game is going to be about making cars, it will be called dragon quest nuts and bolts.
This, i cannot imagine someone unironically hating DQ, it’s literally the perfect JRPG series with the greatest sense of adventure with no bullshit ruining the game.
>"ACTSHUALLY the main character is not always a normal boy in every game"
>the game it still set in medieval times
>the game still has the same shitty Toriyama monsters
>the game it still about defeating some evil wizard using a legendary sword/armor
>the game still features manipulative "sad" stories to try to convince you're playing a deep game
>the game's music is still composed by the same Japanese old fart
Wow, you autists are pathetic...
>DQ fags play the victim so much they made an image about it.
The horror! A whole image!
Square will fall upon it like vultures
like any of the dogshit you watch people play on twitch is any better
Reminder the movie and plot of V is BAD
The same we are seeing now, DQ becoming more 'safe' than it should be, with less risk-taking than we had between 1-7 while at the same time flirting with changes that aren't the kind of change DQ needs.
I have no hope for a post-Horii future of the franchise, but we will see.
They'll probably leave it to whoever is his successor is based off the wishes of Sugi and his estate. Toriyama and Horii both have one too. It will be a new based trio.
Sugiyama has a protege.
It's the guy who did music for Fortune Street iirc (Takafumi Nishimura).
NieR/NieR: Automata/Drakengard 3/Various Tekken games composer Keiichi Okabe has talked about being interested in doing Dragon Quest music someday. But is hesitant to do it.
Music in XI wasn't as good as his earlier works, Suhiyama should just retire already
What makes Dragon Quest different from any other JRPG? Serious question btw.
>Literal Resetranny screencaps to shitpost
Based DQ, it’s virtually unshitpostable without making you look like a moron.
>Alliance Alive
How is this? Its been on my radar for awhile but I'm not convinced entirely either way. Music and battle system seem pretty neat, but I'm interested more in exploration or potentially puzzle-solving. I've heard praise for the world map, is it gud? DQ IX had a god tier world map imo.
hmm nah mates the detractors here have a point, Dragon Quest HAS always been utterly stagnant as a franchise and has in no way evolves beyond NES-era mechanics, no siree bob
>No Yuusa Yoshihiko mention
Yea Forums being shit again
Autism runs in your family too! You better catch it! Oh nevermind. You already did too.
You have my condolences.
Dragon Quest literally invented JRPGs and is the only series that never had a bad game or relies on modern trends to sell.
My dudes I'm a avid game collector and I saw Dragon Warrior VII for 15$, only problem it doesn't come with an manual booklet so I'm kinda conflicted if whether should I get it or not
What you talking about willis? I don't see any reeeee posts.
>the game still features manipulative "sad" stories to try to convince you're playing a deep game
Tbh "We tried to save these petrified people but it was too late to save them" will always hit me harder than "OH LOOK, THIS IS SAD BECAUSE THE VILLAIN IS ACTUALLY THE CLONE OF THE BROTHER OF YOUR TIME TRAVELING REINCARNATION"
DQ has always made me tear up with its short stories while games that spend 50 hours setting up wannabe greek tragedies have not. Simple and with your feet on the ground is the way to go for me, I can resonated with those 'mundane' tragedies, someone losing a family member, some small injustice, time forgetting good deeds, these are things I feel in my everyday life.
>JRPGs had to steal from WRPGs just to be anything remotely good.
>I have not watched it, but what if they don't want to marry him?
Bitch, Bianca has been into it since that one time they hunted ghosts in a tower
Oh ok. It's just weird for me that this series is getting the "GO" treatment when the whole point of Pokemon Go was to catch monsters in the real world. I thought DQ would be similar in that regard.
People want extravagant fluff bullshit and not something they can resonate with.
It's almost like they haven't experienced life or something.
Yeah, small-sized dramas for small-sized brains, user. I get it. Being slow and devoid of complex emotions is nothing to be ashamed of.
>forced to watch as your father gets murdered, followed by ten years of servitude
>then you and your wife get turned into stone and you miss out on your kids' childhoods
>then your mother sacrifices herself to protect you and your family
DQ was the first console JRPG to have the following features:
>Job System
>Monster Capturing
>True Open world
>Innovative story telling told through chapters
I’d argue DQ has always been the most innovative JRPG IP ever, sorry but being a clusterfuck like FF doesn’t mean it’s innovative, even FF job system was ripped off from Dragon Quest.
This fag hasn't even played any dragon quest
>10 years of servited
>"Hey hero, remember when your dad died 10 years ago on this exact same day and he make me stop being a shitty kid? Damn, I remember it like it happened just a few minutes ago!"
>liking shitty writing
>WRPGs like Skyrim can't even be arsed to change the dialogue once you beat the game and its characters still react to you like you're a fucking nobody who did nothing because they still use their dialogue from early game
>The first Dragon Quest game was made in 1986 and every character acknowledges what you've done after you've slain The Dragonlord and every Dragon Quest game goes out of its way to give NPCs personalities and new lines of dialogue as the world around them changes
It's almost like JRPGs put in more effort for world building or something.
Take a shower smashtard.
>I admit that I haven't played any game in this franchise, but I'm gonna complain about it anyway
That's like if I shat on Final Fantasy as a series even though the only FF game I've played to completion is X
Don't worry bro, they already deconfirmed any DQ character. You can discuss DQ in peace in less than a week
It’s why beating DQXI took me 180 hours instead of just 100, there’s so much to read and so many NPCs to talk.
Horii really knows how to write.
It is more feet on the ground, overall. In general, it avoids gimmicks and everything introduced on its lands. It focuses its history on small contained sections based on locations, (there is a term for this type of chapter-based storytelling but I can't recall).
Overall, there is a lot of care put into Dragon Quest, like, DQ1 on the NES made sure to reward you for completing the game by having every NPC cheer you on if you talked to them after ending the game, something a lot of modern games forget to do, Skyrim, for example, has people basically ignore you saved the world.
Furthermore, the down to earth storytelling can be very refreshing, for as generic as it was, I do not remember Dragon Quest ever going on and on about the power of friendship and the like, its a show don't tell game. It keeps its plot simple which avoids loose ends, there is rarely anything close to a big plot hole, a cringy moment where the story doesn't make sense or villains going on and on about their philosophy and why they are doing so much bullshit.
I mean, what else are they gonna talk about for ten years?
That they both saw the hero's dad die in front of them is literally the only thing they had in common until they got captured
How does it feel knowing your season pass got you Erdrick? As a tranny i hope you don’t mind paying Sugiyama.
Welcome to the internet where bad opinions are plenty and the emptiest trashcans make the loudest noise. Especially when given near endless platforms to do so with.
Who wants to bet they'll have a celebration thread once he dies?
Season passes don't come with mii costumes
>be the slayer of the dragon threatening to destroy the world
>personally end the civil war
>be the grandmaster of every single guild imaginable
>random shit-tier assfuck NPC you can literally kill in one hit with your bare hands: suck my dick milk drinker
Absolutely irrelevant, won’t change the fact the most known and celebrated vidya composers are all huge Sugiyama fans, trannies can seethe all the want, it’s irrelevant.
Most of them will off themselves in a few years anyway.
I will never be big-brained enough to feel this, sorry. youtube.com
Imagine living in fear and dread of some weak old fuck completely incapable of harming anyone even if he wanted to and probably living on the other side of the planet, meaning that he couldn't even touch you even if he went out with the express purpose of murdering you.
A big thing that I don't think gets mentioned enough is that DQ rarely pulls the perspective away from your party so you only learn as much about the world as you're willing to explore, really feels like more of an adventure
How does it feel to live alone, bitter and unloved oh so wise one?
Smashfags ruin everything.
So basically a modern DQ3, I would be onto it, really.
that Bowser theme is great
At least you're not calling it a D&D clone today.
where do i get started with dragon quest it looks fun
Watch Yuusa Yoshihiko
the term is "vignettes"
Depends on how Retro you are willing to go, VIII and V are good picks.
Any of the DS titles (V has best story, IX is more accessible, and IV is good as well) or VIII for PS2 or 3DS.
Yes. Also the DQ3 world was just an inverted world map lol. It would be great if there's a multiplayer feature on these games. A group of friends could wander around in real life and battle together against monsters gathering around a portal, which rewards you to minigems which you can buy on the online store for $5 if you are lazy.
whats the best place to play V? PS2, DS, or SNES?
>Shitposting a NES IP like Dragon Quest, which was the first successful JRPG, and is one of the most important franchises in vidya history.
Truly, these people are worse than Hitler.
Next we’ll have Doom shitposting, fucking Smashfags.
I wonder what sort of approach DQ12 will have. Im still waiting for DQ11S
caveat - DQ9 on DS is a half complete game nowadays without the streetpass functions. Play it on an emulator with a modified save that has all the maps.
You will never play the complete game otherwise.
This thread is the worst thread I read in a long time, what the fuck is wrong with you Yea Forums? Like holy fuck.
PS2 fucked up the dungeon layouts imo, DS remake is better and has an extra waifu choice to cater to all you masochists out there.
it will just be DQ11 but bigger. DQ11 will be the DQ6 of its era with DQ12 being the DQ7.
This. There's a save editor online as well, so if you have an R4 you're golden
It's not even smashfags it's just Yea Forums falseflagging and being contrarian because it's wrong to like anything.
Contrarians have gone too far.
These fuckers probably wouldn't recognize Quality and Consistence nowadays.
Newfags, the lot of em.
I just hope they take notes from 9 and 5
>dq thread with more than 300 replies
Wtf happened
There is nothing we can do about this either since there is 0 quality assurance by the posters who use this board who aren't shitposters.
Most of it is shitposters.
Can't wait for DQ XIII. I'm so excited. I hope it's good. Fuck XII
user, DQXII doesn’t exist.
So what are your opinions on the translations that the games have been getting in the West since VIII?
People shit on it because there is no need for more games to come out for the series. It is basically the same rehash every single time. The fanbase plays the victim that it is always someone else's fault that it doesn't do well, the marketings fault, people are shitting on it, the music drama. The sad thing is you are defending a shit game that brings nothing interesting to the table, even what you say it is good at it is still not very good at. People would maybe shit on the game less if it was actually good.
What is wrong with XII?
No thanks, I prefer unmodded walk desu.
It'll get better or at least less obnoxious when either a character is confirmed for smash. Or after all of smashes DLC is confirmed. Give it a month after that and smashies and trannies will stop caring
But then where will I get my fix of non cringy fantasy JRPGs?
Does this confirm Dragon Quest is the Rick & Morty of JRPGs?
And DQ ripped off of DnD. Everyone has ripped off of everything else. What matters is what you do with the ripping off, and DQ fails to do anything interesting at all.
Friendly reminder: if your post is ignored it's because no one has a decent argument
The whole castaway section dragged out
Why would I argue against shitposters? I ignore them because all they want is bait and (you)
Only the DS games are terrible. They toned them down enough afterward that they are okay. They took actual constructive criticism.
11 had some stupid shit though. Lonalulu being a Honalulu proxy was dumb as fuck when it was clear they were based on a japanese island village.
I always hate character name changes though. I will never move an inch from that shit.
Take a shower already.
In a below average world the average becomes above average.
How many japs will die by getting hit by a car while following a metal slime?
I will forever defend Dragon Quest 9 as the best one
Fuck you it was great
>What the hell did he even do?
Held right wing opinions.
>it is always someone else's fault that it doesn't do well
In a way, it kinda is. Let's look at the Dragon Quest games that we've gotten over here:
>1: took too long to release, looked outdated compared to other games like Zelda and Final Fantasy
>2-4: little to no advertising, released when the 16-bit consoles were all the rage
>5 and 6: weren't even released
>7: took too long to release, minimal marketing, looked outdated compared to the PSX Final Fantasy games
>8: finally, a DQ game that had decent marketing and good presentation, and guess what? It actually sold well. Did I mention it was the first DQ game released in Europe?
>9: another DQ game that had a boatload of marketing, and guess what? It also sold well, better than VIII even
>10: will probably never see the light of day in the West
if you leave out
>the game still has the same shitty Toriyama monsters
you could be talking about zelda, xeno-series, final fantasy. fuck even SMT has the same fucking story for every game.
I'm glad you enjoyed it user but I just didn't like it. I was mostly turned off by the shitty color palette from the outset though.
Looking back on it, it felt like a phone game, if that makes sense.
>Shitty Toriyama
Yikes, Toriyama is a literal god.
DQ monsters have more character than most actual characters in their own respective videogames.
in VERY simple terms Dragon Quest is the Mario of JRPGs. You know 100% what you are going to get if you buy a Mario/DQ game which a lot of people like.
>Left pic is the world map
>Right pic is the combat
You could've at least show both combat systems side-by-side, now you're the one shitposting.
I was quoting a dipshit, I love Toriyama.
Wow, a cute design for once.
>t. Lizard-brained Mexican
I know. I was posting to reinforce your opinion. The shiposters are WRONG. and they are an extreme minority anyway.
He's skilled at making cool guys and cute girls, but he also has a sameface problem.
If you like Pokemon you should like Dragon Quest imo. If you don't like Dragon Quest then you don't actually like or have liked Pokemon
More than there should
>tfw never liked either one
I can see why you feel it felt like a phone game, but I think that was their aim almost
>near endless grindy content and classes etc
>create your whole party
>special DLC events and wifi focus
Personally, I think it took all the best aspects of your typical "phone game" with none of the bad, and the Dragon quest plotline and filter
I like DQ a lot, but don't care much for pokemon, what does that make me?
I really like the female DQ trainers though
You never even liked Gen 1 or Gen 2 pokemon?
I mean Pokemon is a pretty hard dragonquest clone gameplay wise
I can see that. I honestly didn't give it a fair shot. The color palette for everything was sickening.
I know its a very petty reason to dislike a game but I literally couldn't look at the screen for more than a few minutes.